valstranquility · 2 months
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pairing: rutger mcgroarty x cami flores
notes: WELCOME TO MY NEW AU! pls do not think about the timeline of things described in this!! I am aware it might not make sense!! like always, please excuse any errors or inaccuracies.
cami & rut
Cami was in Los Angeles for the week which meant meeting up and working with all of her internet friends. She was most excited to meet with her friend Angie, who had her podcast, Amigas y Chisme, and wanted to record an episode with her. Cami loved talking to all who would listen to her, so agreeing to go on the podcast was an easy yes. 
“Hi, guys! Welcome or welcome back to Amigas y Chisme! I’m Angie and today I’m joined by a special guest, the amazing, talented Camila Sofia Flores,” Angie says with excitement. 
“Oh, full name. Wow,” Cami says laughing. “Hi, guys! This has been a long time coming.”
“I know! You’ve gotta come out to L.A. more often.”
“Girl, I’ve got school. I think you forgot we didn’t all drop everything to move to the City of Angels,” she says, slightly mocking Angie. 
“Bitch,” Angie responds, not taking offense at all. “But speaking of school, how is that? I barely graduated high school so I have no idea what college life is like.”
“Well, for those who don’t know, I’m a film major at the University of Michigan. But yeah, so far it’s been really good. I feel like I’m thriving over there.”
“Yeah, I wanted to bring that up. Why Michigan? I know you’re from Texas, so why not stay close to home? Cause I know Santi, your older brother, stayed in Texas.”
“Michigan wasn’t even on my radar if I’m being honest. But then I saw a clip of their gymnastics team and was like ‘Oh. I didn’t know they had all this.’ So I checked them out and eventually fell in love.
“And I knew that moving so far away would give me an independence that I never would have gotten if I stayed in Texas. It would've been like a fresh start. But I wasn’t completely alone. Lina, my bestest friend ever, is also at Michigan, we’re doing gymnastics together. I wouldn’t have been so confident in moving to Michigan if it weren’t for her.”
“Oh my god. I was also gonna bring up your whole gymnastics thing. How did that become your sport? I feel like I’m asking you all the things I should have asked you when we first became friends,” Angie says laughing. 
“My mom put me in gymnastics when I was like 3 or 4. I was just a kid who was always tumbling and doing little flips on the couch so she looked up a gym near us. But I also started soccer when I was like 7, so I was just doing both and I loved it. But my gymnastics coach said I could have a lot of potential if I really put all my time and energy into it, so my mom made the choice to take me off my little youth soccer team and took me to a bigger, more serious gymnastics training center.”
“Oh, wow. I had no idea you started that young,” Angie says.
“Yeah, that coach told my mom that because I had an early start I could grow up to be good.”
“And it sure did. I have this list of your accomplishments that I will now be reading,” she says, clearing her throat. Cami starts laughing and covering her face, growing slightly red. “You were a three-time regional beam champion and a two-time regional floor champion. You were the regional champion on the vault and in the all-around. You won the state championship on the vault, beam, and floor twice.
“Now I don’t know what any of that means but I said the word champion a couple of times, so I know you’re good. Girl, you should be in the Olympics.”
“Oh, I don’t know if I’m that good. Even if I was, I don’t think I’d be able to handle that pressure.”
“Hmm, I think your mom would disagree,” Angie says laughing. 
“Stop. Have you been talking to my mom? Dude I swear she thinks I’m the best gymnast in the world,” Cami replies. “I don’t know how she had time to come to many of my meets. All her other kids are in sports too.”
“That’s where I think your mom went right. Like I wish my mom put me in a sport when I was little. Maybe then I’d actually be doing something with my life,” Angie jokes.
“No, stop. Don’t even say that. I’m technically doing the same thing as you.” “And how did your mom react to that? Did you like ask her before you started posting or let her find out after?”
“Um, I definitely let her find out after I already posted a couple of videos,” Cami says laughing. “But it was very early on like I only had a couple thousand subscribers at the time and I was still in high school. She was very against it at the start. She was worried about my safety and was bringing up like every worst-case scenario. But I eventually got her to chill out and now she loves it. She loves being in the videos and even has her own TikTok now.”
“I see her videos all the time and I eat them up every single time. How did the rest of your family react?”
“My dad never really cared. Well, it wasn’t like he didn’t care, he just wasn’t as against it as my mom was. My dad’s always been that way, ‘As long as you’re safe and happy, I’m happy.’ Um, Santi didn’t care at the start but now he’s always like ‘I’m never in the videos anymore, my fans miss me.’ I always assure him that absolutely no one is missing him. And then the rest of my siblings were like ‘Okay?’ They didn’t care and weren’t interested in being in the videos at first. Except Cely. She’s always wanted to be in the videos, so I’m always taking her places with me.”
After reading the sponsors, Angie wants to find out more about Cami’s life in Michigan.
“So, as you know, I am all about the Chisme. I mean I created a whole podcast just so I can have an outlet for it. I am now going to ask you some questions and the goal of these questions is to try and get all the chisme out of you. Some are easy to answer and some might be more personal. Are you ready?”
“Damn, ok. Yeah, I’m ready.”
“Okay, first question. Are you in a relationship?” she asks with a smirk, already knowing the answer. 
“Yes, I am,” Cami responds, already growing red.
“Please, tell us more. What’s his name? How did you meet? How did you get together? What’s he like? Please tell us all the details,” Angie says enthusiastically. 
“You’re so annoying,” she replies laughing. “But, since you wanted to know so bad. His name is Rutger. [i made this next part up, don’t read too much into it :)] Um, we met on a random college tour. We were in different groups and passed by each other several times. We just walked past, gave each other a little smile but that was it. But then we ran into each other again in a dining hall. I got a closer look at him and thought he was cute but I was like whatever. I was with my mom and my sister and they went to get food so I was alone at a table. I was on my phone texting Lina cause she was going on the same tour later in the month. 
“I remember I had just sent her a text when someone approached me and said hi. Surprise, surprise; it was Rut. I could tell he was nervous cause he kept messing with his hair and kept looking back at his table of friends. I was like ‘Hi?’ and he jumped straight into the small talk and asked me what I thought of the school. I remember we talked for a little bit and then suddenly he was like ‘I’m Rutger by the way.’ I introduced myself and he asked for my Insta. Now, I was a little hesitant to give it to him, cause I only had one account and it was the one connected to my YouTube. So he was gonna be able to see that I was verified and had all these followers and for some reason that was so embarrassing to me. But I sucked it up and gave it to him. We followed each other and then he said he had to go. And that was it.”
“Aww, that’s kinda cute,” Angie comments. “What did he think of your Instagram and YouTube?”
“He told me that he liked that I had it because it allowed him to learn more about me and my personality.”
“So how did you two get together?” “Well, he DM’d me the next day. And then from there, we talked like every day. We didn’t meet up again until a couple of months later during my spring break. He flew to Texas and asked me to be his girlfriend. He met my entire family, but he wasn’t nervous at all.” “Wait he flew to Texas, solely to ask you to be his girlfriend? Cami that is so fucking cute.”
“Well, yeah,” Cami says laughing. “He kept saying he wanted to see me again, so I told him to come. But when he got to Texas my parents were like ‘If you go out, take one of the kids with you.’” “So they wanted you guys to have a chaperone?”
“Yeah, kind of. We always took Emily cause she was too young to care.”
“Aww, love her. She’s the cutest thing ever. Okay, next question. What does a typical day in your life look like?”
“Ooh. Um, it’s different every day. I’m a morning person so I gladly wake up at 6:30. I wake up and then I usually go to the gym. It’s either the gym or Pilates. I’ve been going to Pilates for a long time now. Um, then I go back home and get some work done before practice. Practice is usually in the morning. My classes are usually in the afternoon or the evening. So I have the rest of the time to relax and hang out with friends and Rutger,” she adds with a cheeky smile. 
“Okay, all I got from that is that I could never be an athlete. I hate working out.”
“Oh, not me. It just makes me feel really good. And it gives me something to do,” Cami adds with a laugh. 
“Okay, this last question is unrelated to your life in Michigan, but more for my own curiosity. Who is your favorite sibling?”
“Now why would you ask me that?” she asks after a moment of silence.
“Hey, now. Don’t go questioning my interview skills. Answer the question,” she says with a smirk.
“Ugh, whatever. I don’t have one favorite, I have two: Gabi and Cely. But it’s okay cause Chente is Santi’s favorite and Emily is the youngest so she’s my parents’ favorite.” “Okay, I expected Cely cause obviously, but Gabi too? Really? Wow.” “Yeah. You would expect him to be like ‘I’m too cool for you now’ but he was never like that. He still likes going out with me on random errands. And Cely’s always been like that. They’re both my little buddies.”
“Oh wow. And that concludes this portion of our video. Everyone give it up for Cami. Whoo!” she says, clapping. “Before we go, we have to do something very important. As you know, you guys can call in and leave messages for us to listen to and we asked you guys to ask Cami for any advice you think she could give you. Let’s play the first message!”
A recording starts playing: “Hi Angie! Hi Cami! My name is Brisa and I’m a huge fan of you guys, I’ve been watching you for years. The thing I need advice from Cami on is how to convince my Mexican parents to let me go to college out of state. I live in Idaho but my dream school is Stanford. I know you moved from home to go to college and I was wondering how you went about it. At this point, anything helps. Thanks, love you guys!”
“Hi Brisa! What I did was I convinced one parent at a time. I knew my dad would be more open to the idea, so I tried convincing him first because then I already had someone on my side when I talked to my mom. I say pick your battles. Do your research. Have a plan for every little thing because most of the time they will question everything. But I also think I wasn’t like most cases. I went up to my mom and said ‘Look, you’re the one that signed me up for gymnastics and you’re the one that wanted me to be the best. Michigan is going to help me succeed.’ Also, tell your parents that Stanford is a stone's throw away from Idaho. Tell them it could be worse, California is closer than, like, New York or something.” “Okay, so what I got from that is guilt trip your parents,” Angie jokes.
“I mean if that’s what it takes,” Cami says, shrugging.
“Thank you, Brisa for submitting a message! Let’s play the second one.” The second recording starts playing: “Oh my god! Hi, amigas! I’m such a big fan of both of you. I’m Jackie and I am looking for relationship advice. My boyfriend and I are going through a rough patch right now and I guess I just wanted to ask how you and your boyfriend find time for each other and keep the relationship steady. We’re both really busy with school and he’s an athlete so we were considering if taking a break was the best thing right now. Any advice helps! Thanks, amigas, love you. Bye!”
“Hi, Jackie! I’m sorry you guys are going through that right now. First of all, I know everyone says this but it’s true, communicate. You guys need to be able to communicate how you’re feeling to each other without any judgment. I know how busy both your schedules can get but try your best to carve out that time to spend with each other. Show your support to each other. He needs to make sure that he’s showing you he cares about you and what you’re going through and you have to do the same to him. But I think taking a break can be healthy if it's done right. As long as you communicate and set your boundaries, you don’t have to be scared of taking a break. It shows your maturity as a couple that you recognized that maybe a little separation can do you some good. I hope you both figure this out and come out of this stronger than ever,” Cami finishes, throwing out a little heart to the camera. 
“Thank you so much Brisa and Jackie for sending your messages. I hope Cami was able to help you guys out. But that is all we have for you today. Cami, thank you so much for joining me today. It was so much fun and I can’t wait for you to be back again.” “Thank you for having me! Next time you have to come to Michigan.” “Yeah, we’ll see about that,” she jokes. “Ok guys, I’ll see you next week. Go subscribe and follow all of Cami’s socials. I love you guys, bye!”
“Bye guys,” Cami says, giving the camera a wave. 
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valstranquility · 2 months
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she said i didn't have to tag her but i'm going to anyway! @toasttt11 thank you so much for inspiring this!! i’m such a huge fan of all your aus and the hardwork you dedicate to them <3
also a huge thanks to @marjorie189 for literally keeping me sane through all of this and celebrating every little milestone with me, love you girl <33
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16 notes · View notes
valstranquility · 2 months
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ BASICS
NAME Camila [cah-mee-lah] Sofia Flores
D.O.B. May 12, 2004
BIRTHPLACE San Antonio, Texas
CURRENT SCHOOL University of Michigan
MAJOR Film, Television, and Media
MINOR Global Media Studies
SPORT Gymnastics
LOVE INTEREST Rutger McGroarty
FACE CLAIM Loreto Peralta
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Cami is the definition of an extrovert. She loves meeting new people and can easily converse with anyone.
She is always happy and radiates joy.
She is very headstrong, she works hard for what she wants.
Cami is confident in herself and her skills but she isn’t cocky. She knows she can always work to be better.
She is the mom friend of the group. She’s used to caring for people, it’s one of the many ways she shows her love.
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Cami is a Pilates girl through and through, she goes at least twice a week.
She has 5 siblings: Santiago, Gabriel, Aracely, Vicente, & Emily. She was born after Santiago, everyone else was born in the order their names were stated.
She worked in a coffee shop all throughout high school.
She has been best friends with the same girl, Lina, since 5th grade. They’re now at Michigan together.
She’s only ever driven manual cars; her first car was a manual. Her dad would only agree to split the expenses of a car if it was a manual.
Cami started posting on YouTube when she was 16 years old.
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valstranquility · 2 months
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about cami | photos
RUT'S BIRTHDAY (coming soon)
coming soon
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valstranquility · 7 months
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pairing: lando norris x reader
summary: yn can't take the distance from lando anymore.
notes: sorry i haven't posted in literally 3 months. please excuse any errors or inaccuracies.
Y/N doesn't recognize herself anymore.
Her old self was confident and never took shit from anybody. But now she was a shell of the person she used to be.
When she first started a relationship with Lando, they were bright and so in love. He would surprise her with flowers often and have dinner with her every night.
Now, it felt like she was living with a stranger. He was no longer the man who she felt would give her the world. She was no longer one of his priorities, she fell second or third.
The decision to end things was not an easy one. Y/N was naive in thinking she would spend the rest of her life with Lando, how could she go and end the relationship she'd been in for the entirety of her adult life?
Her decision was finalized the night he was once again late and didn't bother to let her know. He had failed to show up for dinner numerous times in recent weeks, each missed meal a painful reminder of their growing disconnect.
Y/N was sitting at the dinner table. Two plates. Both untouched.
She knew tonight was her last.
She immediately got up and started packing her things. She didn't let any of her tears fall, knowing this has been a long time coming.
She packed all of her things, not wanting to leave anything behind. She sat at the dinner table and waited.
He finally arrived an hour later.
That hour gave Y/N the chance to think things through and plan what she was going to say to him.
"Oh, hey," he said as he walked through the door. He noticed the bags by the door and grew confused. "What's going on?"
"Lando, we need to talk," she said.
"Talk about what, Y/N? Is everything alright?"
"No, Lando, everything is not alright," Y/N said, her voice gaining strength. "I can't go on like this. I can't keep feeling like a stranger in my own relationship."
"What are you talking about? 'Feeling like a stranger?' Are you leaving me?" he asked.
"Yes, Lando. I'm leaving. I don't deserve to be treated like this."
"Wait, so you were just going to leave without even trying to talk this out?" he asked, his voice filled with slight anger.
"Don't you even start, Lando. I've been trying to get through to you for so long. You never listen, you never talk to me. I can't keep doing this."
Lando shook his head, frustration mounting. "This is ridiculous, Y/N! You can't just give up without trying to work things out!"
"Lando, I tried so hard to try and make this work with you, but being here, with you, is hurting me. You hurt me," she said, voice trembling.
"You know what, leave. Leave me and don't bother coming back," Lando said. His anger was at an all-time high and he couldn't believe the things she was saying.
Y/N shook her head in disbelief. She knew this wouldn't end well but she didn't think it would end like this. She wanted to look at him for a second, just to take him in, knowing this would be the last time she would see him, but she held back knowing she didn't want this to be her last memory of him.
Y/N grabbed her bags and left, softly shutting the door behind her. She didn't give herself any time to think as she got in her car and drove to her friend's house.
As Y/N's footsteps faded away, the weight of her absence settled heavily on Lando's shoulders. His heart ached with the intensity of his emotions.
Tears streamed down his face, and he clutched his fists in frustration. Regret for his previous words and anger at himself for letting things deteriorate into this mess churned within him. He wished he had handled the situation differently, wished he had been more attentive to Y/N's needs, and now it was too late.
That night Lando did a lot of thinking.
He realized that he had taken Y/N for granted, not appreciating the depth of her love until she was gone. Her absence left an indelible void in his life, and the reality of her departure was a bitter pill to swallow. The silence of the house, once filled with their shared laughter and conversations, now echoed with the haunting sound of what could have been.
Regret gnawed at him as he reflected on the last few months. He realized that he had been distant, preoccupied, and emotionally absent. He had foolishly ignored her attempts to communicate and reconnect.
One thing Y/N said kept coming back to him.
"You hurt me."
The realization that he had hurt the person he loved most left a bitter taste in his mouth. Lando's heart ached not just from the loss of Y/N but from the knowledge that he had been the cause of her pain. He wished he could turn back time, to be the partner she deserved, to listen to her concerns, and to love her like he once did.
He decided that he needed to fight for her.
With a heart heavy with determination and hope, Lando found himself standing outside Y/N's friend's house, where she had sought refuge after their painful breakup.
It had been three weeks since Y/N left him and he thought they'd both had a lot of time to think.
The journey to this doorstep had been filled with self-reflection and a deep longing to make amends for his past mistakes. He couldn't imagine life without Y/N, and he was willing to do whatever it took to win her back.
As he knocked on the door, his knuckles rapped nervously against the wood. Moments later, the door creaked open, revealing Y/N standing on the other side. Her eyes met his, but they held a certain resolve, a guarded determination that he hadn't seen in her before.
"Lando," she said softly, her voice tinged with sadness.
Lando's heart skipped a beat. "Y/N, please, I... I've realized my mistakes, and I want to make things right. I love you, and I can't bear the thought of not being with you."
Y/N looked into his eyes, her expression pained but resolute. "Lando, it's not that simple. I appreciate your feelings, but the hurt we've been through runs deep, and it's time for us to move on."
Lando's eyes welled up with tears, and he reached out, wanting to touch her, to pull her close. But she gently stepped back, closing the door a fraction. "I've thought about this a lot, and I need to find my own happiness, even if it's without you," Y/N said, her voice firm but filled with sadness.
Lando's heart sank, the weight of her words crashing down on him. He knew he had pushed her to this point, and he couldn't fault her for wanting to protect herself. He nodded, tears streaming down his face, and stepped back from the door.
"Y/N, I understand," he whispered, his voice trembling. "I'll always love you, and I hope you find the happiness you deserve. And if you ever want somebody to share that happiness with I'll always be here."
With that, Y/N softly closed the door, leaving Lando standing outside, alone and heartbroken. The door symbolized not just the physical separation between them but also the emotional divide that had grown between their hearts. Lando knew that winning her back might be impossible, but he also understood that it was the consequence of his actions.
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valstranquility · 11 months
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pairing: yuki tsunoda x reader
summary: it’s yuki’s birthday and his girlfriend would do anything to make him happy.
face claim: sabrina carpenter
notes: firstly i just want to apologize for leaving this account for so long 😭 and secondly this was supposed to be posted like right after yuki’s birthday so i’m sooo sorry this is so late. this one is short and also not that good but once again please excuse any inconsistencies/errors. also i don’t know why the quality of the photos is so bad so please excuse that too. okay bye now 🫶🏼
May 11, 2023
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liked by pierregasly, lilymhe, and 6,937,293 others
yourusername happy birthday to my favorite human ever!!! you are the sweetest person i have ever met and the only man i would ever want to write love songs for. you are my soulmate, my happiness, my muse and i can’t wait to celebrate you today and everyday. I LOVE YOU
view all 9,524 comments
user1 Happy Birthday Yuki!
user2 “my soulmate, my happiness, my muse” oh my god i love them 😭
alphataurif1 Happy Birthday Yuki! We love you guys ❤️
alex_albon @lilymhe
lilymhe ???
alex_albon Please write me a nice paragraph next year. 👍
user3 LMAO i love these two
user4 the first picture 🥹
lilymhe added to their story!
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YOUTUBE ➝ PODCAST Pierre Gasly & Yuki Tsunoda
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YOUTUBE ➝ Y/N L/N Talks New Music, Touring, & Her Relationship
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353 notes · View notes
valstranquility · 1 year
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pairing: charles leclerc x reader
summary: for their favorite couple’s 5 year anniversary, fans share their favorite moments of them.
face claim: dina denoire
notes: pls excuse the translated french or any inconsistencies/errors
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JANUARY 23, 2018
Charles and Y/N were headed to their friend's birthday party when they took the picture.
They had been dating for 7 months at that point and were definitely in the honeymoon stage, never being able to keep their hands to themselves.
While waiting for the elevator to get to their friend's floor, Y/N thought it would be a great time to take a picture for her iconic fit checks.
Charles knew what she was doing but decided to interrupt her anyway.
He wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her cheek while she was taking her pictures making her let out a laugh. Charles smiled into her cheek hearing her laugh.
"Baby, you've gotta let me do this quick, we're almost there," Y/N said through her laughs.
"Let me be in one," he whined.
Charles had already amassed a small but dedicated fan base, causing him to keep many things to himself, his relationship included.
Y/N was a smaller influencer, but she also had a very dedicated fan base as well. They both decided they wanted to keep having their fun in private without any strangers looking into their relatively young relationship.
"Fine, but stand over there," Y/N sighed out with a smile.
She posted that picture on her story 15 minutes after her fit check causing many people to slide up and ask her who the mystery man was.
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The video was short, only 17 seconds long.
You could hear people talking in the background, utensils clinking against plates, but the main focus of the video was Charles' words toward Y/N.
"Look who it is, it's the birthday girl!" he said excitedly.
"Look how beautiful she is, the prettiest girl in the world," Charles' voice turned soft.
Y/N's face turned warm. She let a giant smile take over her face and let out a small giggle. She would never be used to the amount of compliments he gave her.
"I love you," Y/N said to him.
"Je t'aime, ma bonheur," he replied softly.
The camera was then angled towards the table like it was about to be turned off but it wasn't quite yet. Before the video ended you could hear the couple share a quick kiss before Y/n laughed, saying, "You're not posting that."
"Watch me."
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The trip to Italy was not planned.
Charles and Y/N were going to spend their break in their Monaco apartment but Charles decided to be spontaneous and surprised Y/N with a trip to Italy.
"Come on, it'll be fun. And we haven't been to Italy in a really long time," Charles said, trying his best to be convincing, but he knew the moment he brought it up she was on board.
"Fine," Y/N said, pretending like the decision bothered her.
"We're going to have so much fun," he said rushing to her, picking her up, and spinning her around causing her to let out a loud laugh.
Their trip was amazing.
They had incredible food and went to some of the best clubs. There wasn't a night where the couple stayed in, wanting to be out and about exploring every day
Halfway through their trip Pierre and Kika joined them. Y/N and Kika got close because their boyfriends were practically together all the time.
The first photo is from when the group went to a little party they were invited to by some people they met. Y/N and Charles were posing for a picture taken by Kika. They thought she was done taking it and leaned in closer to each other. They leaned in for a kiss but a flash going off stopped them.
"Sorry! You guys just looked so cute. Don't stop on my account," Kika said.
Charles and Y/N laughed before they shared a kiss. They took the phone back and looked through their pictures.
The second photo was again taken by Kika. The group of four were walking to a restaurant for dinner when the picture was taken.
Charles, ever so protective, wrapped his arm around Y/N's waist, guiding her the right way. Y/N, wanting to hold his hand, wrapped her arm around her back and grabbed his hand, interlacing their fingers.
Learning her lesson from last time, Kika turned the flash off and took the picture, not sending it to them until each couple said their goodnights and headed to bed.
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MAY 12, 2022
Charles and Y/N were in New York after the Miami GP. They were celebrating Charles' P2.
Y/N had been to New York more times than Charles, so she thought she would take him to some of her favorite places in the city.
The whole night Charles had a hand on her at all times. Whether it was a hand around her waist or simply holding her hands. He was in a touchy mood and she noticed.
He kept asking her for kisses throughout the entire night, and she would be crazy to deny him. At one point he begged her to sneak into the bathroom with him so he could give her a proper kiss and not the small pecks she was giving him.
They were both aware that there were cameras on them all throughout the night but they couldn't find it in themselves to care. If anything it made Charles want to show even more affection. He wanted the world to know that the beautiful woman beside him was his.
JUNE 22, 2023
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liked by pierregasly, scuderiaferrari, and 17,294,402 others
charles_leclerc I can't wait to make you my wife ❤️ Happy 5 years
view all 409,259 comments
user2 OMG
scuderiaferrari Congratulations to the future Mr. & Mrs. Leclerc!
user3 this is the cutest thing ever
pierregasly Finally mate! So happy for you guys 👏
user4 HOLY SHIT 😭
user5 this anniversary post tops all the rest of them
francisca.cgomes so so happy for you guys
user6 they way she’s looking at him 😭😭❤️❤️
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valstranquility · 1 year
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pairing: daniel ricciardo x mexican!singer!reader
summary: in which a fan thinks daniel ricciardo and yn ln are dating. crazy right?
face claim: becky g
notes: i love these!!! pls ignore that it’s not a grammy and PLS ignore ll*tg*t
APRIL 3, 2022
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liked by karolg, landonorris, and 8,974,362 others
yourusername you guys are never going to hear the end of me 🧡
view all 11,283 comments
user4 she really went home with the best 3 awards
recordlabel We are so proud of you!! 👏
user5 I am so proud of you! user6 te lo mereces ❤️❤️
landonorris so happy for you
user7 what is lando doing here ??
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APRIL 6, 2022
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APRIL 8, 2022
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liked by danielricciardo, landonorris, and 13,387,398 others
yourusername danny these past two years have been so amazing. you are the best person i have ever met and i am so glad i get to be called yours. i am so ready to finally show you off to the world. i know you are going to kick ass this weekend, just know i will always be in your corner 🧡
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danielricciardo i love you so fucking much, thank you for being here.
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valstranquility · 1 year
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about me!
delaney , she/her , your friendly neighborhood ginger , pisces , bi , band geek , artist , writer , harry styles stan , hockey fanatic , multifandom loser
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nhl masterlist , nhl tag list
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apple music playlists!
trevor zegras , sidney crosby , jack hughes , quinn hughes , auston matthews , mitch marner
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spotify playlists!
trevor zegras , sidney crosby , quinn hughes , jack hughes , auston matthews , mitch marner , mat barzal , jamie drysdale , andrei svechnikov
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birthday celly
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nhl favorites!
penguins , hurricanes , stars , ducks , leafs , devils , canucks , avalanche
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valstranquility · 1 year
royal news | charles leclerc
princess of monaco series
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Liked by royalleclerc, f1ellllyy and 1,397 others
y/nroyalnews Y/N arriving back to Monaco this week for a charity event. It hasn’t been confirmed if her boyfriend, Charles Leclerc, will attend as well.
gaslypierreeee i want to be her when i grow up
sainzznias the most unproblematic person
f1updatesnow i think the only ‘problematic’ thing she ever did was publicly break up with her bf at the time because he cheated on her with her cousin 😭 and then she did her own version of a revenge dress like diana it was iconic
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Liked by charles_leclerc, sainzlover and 10,537 others
y/nscloset throwback to this iconic moment with princess y/n after she broke up with her boyfriend of three years. she wore this to a royal event in 2017.
f1lilylec I’ve never been interested in monarchy until i saw that Charles started dating a princess
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Charles looked at the tweet on Lando’s phone. Y/n hadn’t told him anything about her father stepping down from his royal duties. He wasn’t mad, he was nervous, scared, confused. Was he going to have to break up with her? A formula 1 driver couldn’t be part of the royal family. Or could he?
“Hey, prince charles!” Daniel greeted his monegasque friend.
Charles handed Lando his phone back. “Everyone knew about this, but me?”
Daniel took a seat next to Charles. “Don’t worry, my parents don’t know. So, when’s your coronation?”
Charles chuckled. “Probably never. I haven’t spoken to Y/n. Her family might want us to break up because someone like me isn’t fit for someone like her.”
“There’s always a first for everything. You can be the first formula 1 driver turned prince. Just don’t send scary men after me if I accidentally push you off the track. I’m too young and pretty to die.” Lando joked.
“Mate, none of that will happen because I’m not going to marry y/n.”
Daniel choked on his own spit while Lando gasped.
“Are you crazy?”
“What did you say?”
Charles sighed. “I can’t marry her. She needs someone that isn’t traveling like crazy, someone that can be there for her when she needs it the most. We barely see each other anyways. I love her, but we aren’t meant to be together I suppose.”
“You two will find a way to work out.”
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valstranquility · 1 year
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monse | she!they ༄ f1 + football
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about me! my name is monse but you can call me mo! i am eighteen and currently live in the usa! i was born and raised in Mexico. i write whenever i feel like it, because i lose motivation very very quickly. i also update incredibly slow. And I have no idea how to really use this app since i was mostly on wattpad (tumblr lowkey intimidates me) please bare with me though!! :)
what im willing to write! social media au’s, fluff, angst, literally anything tbh expect smut because i am not comfortable w/ writing that! nothing weird either 🤨
things I love! i love many things like: formula one, football (not american), ted lasso, cats, otters, lady and the tramp, taylor swift, gracie abrams, sofia vergara, susie wolff, jenna ortega, lando norris, carlos sainz, mason mount, christian pulisic, esteban ocon, pierre gasly, daniel ricciardo, lance stroll, alex albon, + many other things !
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who i will write for! I’ll write for any footballer or formula one or two driver!! just ask me and i’ll write for them <3!
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valstranquility · 1 year
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↳ JACK HUGHES TACKLES AHO | NJD v. CAR (R2, G3) | 5.7.23
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valstranquility · 1 year
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🤭🤭 you know I had to
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valstranquility · 1 year
DELICATE series.
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© SCOOTERARI, 2023. all rights reserved. do not steal, repost, translate and/or claim these work as your own.
“This is for the best, my reputation’s never been worse.”
When your entire world falls apart in a night, you find solace in a place you never knew you were missing.
warnings specific to the chapters will be mentioned at the start!
status… ongoing.
( everything will be tagged under ‘rep era!reader.’ )
notes… i am so fucking excited for this, like i’ve been doing all this instead of focusing on my exams (ik it’s bad, don’t say anything. i still somehow managed to know what i’m doing in my papers). the chapters indicate how the preferred reading order is, but you could read the articles before or after as well. and thanks to my friend who helped me bounce ideas off of them (uk who you are, ily sfm), this is delicate.
Keep reading
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valstranquility · 1 year
paper-thin walls | m.s.
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PAIR. neighbour!mick schumacher x single mother!reader
SUMM. noisy neighbours was the last thing mick was expecting after the long f1 season. he's tired, he's stressed, and believe it or not, he's ready to give his neighbour a piece of his damn mind.
WC. 5.6k
NOTES. first fic of 2023, everyone cheer!! i'm trying out new styles of writing, so please lmk how you found this fic.
WARNINGS include excessive use of the word 'fuck' (i'm sorry), and...shirtless mick? as always, don't be a ghost reader!
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rest and relaxation, mick. that’s what toto had told him before he waved him off at the airport. we need you in prime shape for the next season.
mick tossed in his bed, migraine prickling the back of his head as another screech came from the wall beside him. 
look like you haven’t slept in months, mate. george had thrown an arm over his shoulder, cheeky smile playing on his lips as he brought a finger up to poke the obvious bags under mick’s eye. look alive, mick. it’s only gonna get worse from here.
it wasn’t official yet, but soon, news would drop about lewis’ retirement and mick’s subsequent promotion to the empty mercedes seat. he supposed that george was right. the season had only just ended and yet already, his shared calendar was filling up faster and faster with events, testing sessions, and appearances for the new season.
i’ll tell you this now. get all the sleep you can get this break. lewis rolled his shoulders back, stretching his neck side-to-side. the now eighth-time champion yawned loudly, muttering about how he was glad to be escaping the early mornings of simulator practice that happened closer to the start and end of the off season. 
mick couldn’t help the sigh that escaped his lips. it was strange, really, how quickly the idea of sleep had turned from attainable to something as out-of-reach as his seat on the grid had been the year prior. except, only his fight for his seat came with much less crying and screaming from his next door neighbour.
now listen, mick didn’t hate kids, alright. in fact, his older sister had brought a wonderful little boy into the world some years ago, and mick didn’t like to brag, but he was certain he was his nephew’s favourite uncle;
( “you’re also his only uncle, mick.” gina rolled her eyes as she watched mick toss her son up in the air. 
mick waved her off, laughing along with his nephew. “i’m still his favourite, aren’t i, jonah?” 
he had directed the second half of his sentence to the boy in his arms who, when addressed, nodded rapidly and smiled at his mom with his crooked teeth. 
“yeah, mama! uncle mickie is the best uncle in the whoooooole world!” )
so, yeah, it was fair to say mick liked kids. but when that kid is crying her little lungs out at 2:53 in the morning for the third night in a row? yeah, that’s when he draws a line. 
a beat passed before another set of pitiful whines reverberated from the wall. mick pulled the pillow out from under him, and stuffed it over his head instead, hoping to drown out the sounds. 
his first order of business as a mercedes amg driver? move the fuck out. 
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your eyes were red, beady with unshed tears as the figurative hammers slammed against your head. 
amelia was sick— had been for the past three days now. you had been trying to soothe her cries for the past hour, but to no avail. your heart broke to see your little angel’s face contort in pain as her whole body ached. 
it’s a simple cold. your pediatrician had told you such with a small smile. she was holding on to a red lollipop that she reached over and handed to amelia. the two-year-old had reluctantly reached out and grabbed it before rushing back against your side. her forehead was burning up as you pushed her bangs away from her face, face visibly worried. it’s viral, hon. the seasons are changing. nothing to worry about.
you had a sneaking suspicion that the lady from the fourth floor with the hacking cough had been the one to infect your little girl. if only the elevator doors had closed on her that day.
( you pressed the ‘door close’ button repeatedly, willing it to close before anne from the fourth floor would reach the elevator. 
amelia giggled with each press of the button. “i wanna try! i wanna try! mommy, please can i try?” she had stood on her tippy-toes, teetering over and grabbing onto your dress as support. 
you smiled, hand leaving the button to instead ruffle her hair. “it’s all yours, little lady. have at it.”
amelia reached over and pushed her finger against the ‘door open’ button. you held in a groan as the door jerked in the opposite direction. you tutted lightly, pushing amelia’s finger to the next button over. “wrong button, baby.”
amelia ‘ohh’ed,  finger pushing against the button one again, but it was too late.
you watched as anne rushed to the elevator door with a rejuvenated fervor, wanting so badly for the doors to close right before she got on. you prayed to schindler elevators that the doors would close on her.
schindler elevators inc. was unfortunately not a god, and thus, anne got on.
“good afternoon, dear.” anne sniffled out, turning to look at the little girl in front of you. “thank you for waiting, dearie.”
amelia smiled, “you’re welcome! what floor?” 
anne coughed loudly. you tried to hide your grimace. “fourth, please.”
the doors finally closed and amelia tugged on your dress once again. you smiled at her hopeless face, reaching up to press the fourth floor button. 
anne had coughed and sneezed a few more times before she nasally said goodbye and got off on her floor. )
anne was a sweet lady, you wouldn’t deny it. but at this moment in time, you couldn’t help but curse her with all the malicious intent you could muster. you were tired. amelia was tired. and yet, nothing you were doing seemed to lull the girl into a state of slumber.
faintly, you could feel the guilt creeping up on you. the walls of your apartment complex were thin— you’d learned that the hard way. you were aware of how amelia’s cries were probably making their way into your neighbour’ houses and into the hallway, but quite frankly, you couldn’t even pretend to give a shit while you pulled amelia into your arms and took her on a little walk around your apartment. 
her loud cries slowly turned into sniffles and low whines as you rocked her around your house, showing her all the framed pictures hung around your house. one of her hands found its way to your hair, twirling some strands while the other stayed nestled between your bodies. your shirts had come off long ago— skin-to-skin was always a great comfort for amelia, and you could tell that the material of her sleeves and your t-shirt was overstimulating her greatly. 
even dressed in just a diaper, amelia’s arm, and subsequently, the rest of her body, was burning up from the fever she was running. you had a feeling that the medicine you had given her before her scheduled bedtime was wearing off, but amelia had refused to drink her milk and you were reluctant to give her another dose on an empty stomach. 
you hated to rouse her once she had finally quieted down but after being a mother for two years, you quickly learned that too much empathy could lead to your downfall. amelia needed to take her medicine now so that she wouldn’t have another meltdown in an hour’s time, and if that came at the expense of her crying just a bit more, it’d have to do.
you hesitantly pulled amelia away from your skin, hushing her lightly as she started to resist and whine. “i know, i know. i’m sorry, baby. i know it hurts.” 
you made your way to the kitchen. you talked amelia through every step, hoping to keep her distracted long enough to pull out an applesauce cup from the pantry. “we’re gonna eat some food and then give you your medicine so your body stops hurting. okay, baby?” 
amelia shivered lightly as your hand grazed over her stomach. she watched with wet eyes as you grabbed a spoon and attempted to open the cup— it was quite hard, doing everything with one hand.
“can mommy put you down?” you stopped and looked down at amelia, who frowned before slowly shaking her head and leaning into your chest again. “you wanna sit in my lap?” amelia nodded, a shuddered breath escaping her as she let herself calm down.
you worked quickly, sitting down with a tired baby in your lap and peeling open the cup. you fed amelia with slow bites, hoping she kept her food down this time. after she finished about half the cup, she started to fuss, pushing her face into your arm to avoid eating anymore. you were too tired to care about the fact that she had rubbed applesauce all over your bare arm. 
you decided against giving her the next dose of medicine until she stopped being fussy— if there was anything amelia had seemed to hate more than being sick, it was taking her medicine. the one she had been prescribed was grape flavoured, and it was by far the worst flavour of medicine you had the disgrace of stumbling across. you pitied your daughter. truly, you did, but you wanted her to get better, and if this grape-flavoured syrup was the only way to nurse her back to health, you’d do whatever it takes to get her to drink it. 
amelia was now sitting on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket as her clammy skin made her feel cold. she watched you with narrowed eyes as you manoeuvred around the kitchen to find her medicine and her sippy cup filled with water. although you had tried your hardest to hide the bottle from her, amelia recognized the purple bottle instantly, shaking her head furiously and whining out a no, mommy.
you sighed, not wanting to experience the third meltdown of the night. half heartedly, you wished for her to just stop crying and go to sleep, entirely too exhausted by caring for a sick child while running on a combined two hours of sleep. 
you couldn’t help but mentally scold yourself; god, you were such a bad mother. here your daughter was— sick and in need of your comfort— and instead of comforting her, you’re frustrated with her tears and couldn’t stand to hear another cry. you were just so tired. yet, you had no right to complain— you knew being a single mother would have been hard, but you still went through with it. 
you took a deep breath in, trying to stop yourself from spiralling. 
you carried amelia in your womb for nine months alone. you had gave birth alone. you had spent the last three years raising amelia on your own, and god damn it, a sickness would not make you question your worth as a mother. not over your dead body.
“alright, mimi.” you crouched in front of where amelia had been sitting, a weak smile on your face to try and coax her into drinking her medicine. “you’ve gotta drink your medicine if you want to feel better, okay?— no, don’t give me that look. mommy doesn’t want to give you this either, but you have to drink it or else you’ll continue hurting all night.”
the young girl sniffled, eyes already watering again. “but it’s yucky!”
you placed the sippy cup on the ground beside you, reaching up to caress her cheek lightly. “it is, but it helps you feel less icky and achy, okay?”
amelia stared at the bottle in your hand, a frown clear on her face. you wished she hadn’t taken up your stubbornness. 
“we can do this the easy way, or the hard way, amelia.” you gave her a slightly stern look.
amelia shook her head before pushing it back and into the cushion of the couch. 
hard way, it is.
you leave me no choice, amelia. you placed the plastic feeding syringe filled with 5 mL of the purple medicine, and reached out to hold onto amelia. you sat down in her spot, holding the girl down by her arms as she started to yell and flail her limbs. after she realized her arms were being held, she began to kick her feet, trying to roll out of your arms. 
your grip didn’t loosen, leaning forward to grab the syringe once again. you held the syringe near her mouth, and amelia immediately started to scream louder, yells turning into sobs. again, very faintly, you worried about the noise and your neighbours, but you pushed forward. 
you placed the syringe against the inside of her cheek, releasing some of the medicine. amelia stopped crying for a slight second to swallow before going back to her loud cries. the migraine from earlier returned as you repeated your actions twice more before tossing the empty syringe to the table and pulling the girl up in your lap.
amelia gagged loudly, and you couldn’t stop the loud no, no, no! no throwing up from escaping your lips. you grabbed her sippy cup before helping her wash down the medicine. god, children were so dramatic.
amelia, whose hands were now free, pushed the sippy cup away after a few sips. her lips were downturned into a big pout, and her eyes were glassy. her breath shuddered, still recovering from her outburst from seconds ago. you cooed gently, pushing her hair away from her forehead and eyes. 
“see, that wasn’t so bad now, was it?” you imagined that if she knew how, amelia would respond to you with a death glare. 
you pulled the girl closer to you, hand on her hair, smoothing it down as she placed her wet cheek against your sternum. you whispered quiet compliments to your baby as she started to calm down, hand coming back up to grab your hair and tangle her fingers into it.
it was quiet— no sounds aside from your whispers of i love you’s and amelia’s heavy breathing (her nose had stuffed up not too long ago). it had stayed quiet for maybe twenty seconds, until the silence was broken by a rather aggressive knock on your door. amelia startled, and your heart dropped.  fuck.
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mick wasn’t sure when he finally dozed off. the little girl from the other side of his wall had finally quieted down, and he could faintly hear another woman’s voice coaxing her to calm down. 
when he came to again, it had of course been due to another meltdown from the girl. he’d startled awake, pillow falling from his face and onto the floor beside him. his heart rate was erratic, and it took him a few seconds to get a bearing of his surroundings. when the next cry resonated through his room, he couldn’t help the loud groan from escaping past his lips.
mick sat up in his bed, suddenly feeling a strong wave of rage crash over him. it was late, and he was tired. it was past 3 am now, and mick schumacher had had enough.
the last few days had been stressful, to say the least. mick was going to be an official driver on the grid next season, for mercedes, and as excited as he was, he was also nervous— extremely nervous. yes, it was off season, but everyone knew that off season meant preparing for the next season. there really weren’t any “days off” in formula one, not really— if it wasn’t driving, it was sim work, and if it wasn’t the sim, it was working out to keep those muscles in shape.
frankly, mick had mentally exhausted himself by worrying for his next season in formula one, and with the lack of sleep, the man was nearing insanity.
he could feel the frustration, the exhaustion, and all his anxieties start to build up; start to consume him. he let them consume him. 
as if on autopilot, mick got out of his bed, walking out of his bedroom and directly towards his front door. another loud cry came from across the wall, this one louder from all the rest. 
if mick had been in his right mind, he wouldn’t have opened the door and rapped his knuckles against his neighbour’s door rather aggressively. but alas, mick had finally exploded, and who better to release his frustrations on than his next-door neighbours who couldn’t shut the fuck up at 3 am on a wednesday night. 
the second he registered his hand on the painted black door, he paled. fuck. mick felt like he was slapped in the face— what the fuck was he thinking? what the fuck could he possibly do? yell at whoever opened the door? tell them to shut their baby up? fuck. fuck.
mick held his breath, pulling his hand back. should i run for it? his eyes flitted from the door in front of him to his own. a beat passed, the door didn’t open, but he could still hear whining and muffled murmurs. it was louder now that he was out in the hallway— his walls had been thin, but perhaps the ones that lined the sides of the hallway were thinner. maybe they didn’t hear me.
before he could decide between standing his (now, remorseful) ground, or turn tail and hurry back home and sleep with his shitty “noise-cancelling” headphones on, the door opened. his head jerked up at the sound, eyes raking over your figure as he worked up the nerve to look you in the eyes.
you were a sight to behold, dressed in a plain black sports bra and loose, plaid pajama pants that coincidentally mirrored the colours of mercedes. the quick ponytail you had thrown your hair into some hours prior was now a ghost of what it should have been— most of your hair slipping out and splaying over your shoulders. the tangled ends could only have been caused by the young girl held in your arms. she was covered up more than you were, but from where the blanket fell off her shoulder and exposed her arm, mick could tell she was just as bare, if not more. (skin-to-skin, he’d realize some hours later as he laid on the couch and stared at the ceiling, this time wide awake on his own accord.)
your eyes, mick quickly learned, told stories clearer than even the most renowned storytellers. they were droopy and bloodshot with the lack of sleep. mick could read the exhaustion through them from miles away. aside from that, they were also bleary— as if you were seconds away from bursting into tears yourself. the girl in your arms sniffled, dragging his attention away once more as he scanned his eyes over her rosy red cheeks and irritated nose. oh.
a rogue wave of guilt crashed over mick, almost drowning him in the process. in his blind rage, mick hadn’t even considered what could have possibly led the girl in your arms to cry. it seems that the lack of sleep had killed his brain cells— rid him of all common sense and critical thinking. she was sick. 
the air was rather quiet around you three— aside from the little girl’s sniffling and heavy breaths, silence filled the air. mick mulled over what he should say. 
the girl in your arms shivered and you shifted her closer. another second of silence passed and you decided to take the reins of the conversation. “hi, are you here about the noise?”
mick could do nothing but nod, still feeling regretful for having knocked in the first place. his lips turned upwards into a sheepish smile, hand ruffling his already messy hair.
“listen, i’m really sorry. my daughter hasn’t been feeling the best for the past few nights, and i went around to let the rest of the hall know…” you trailed off, cocking your eyebrow as you asked him a question. “i don’t think i saw you around?”
mick stuttered. “uh, yup. yeah. sorry, i was out of town for the past few weeks and only just got back,” he gestured to the door to the right of your own. “ i live next door.”
you winced. “ah, that means you’re on the opposite side of my bedroom. i’m sorry, really. amelia rarely gets sick but when she does, she’s quite the force to be reckoned with…the noise should go down now, hopefully. her medicine wore off, and she’s just gotten a new dose. let’s both hope she sleeps like a baby, yeah?”
the light chuckle that escaped your lips made mick’s heart warm. the sheepish smile turned into a shy one. “yeah, of course. i’ll let you guys go to bed, then,” he gestured his head to amelia, who had somewhat fallen asleep against your shoulder, a line of drool dripping from her open mouth. “sorry for bothering you guys this late at night.”
you lightly shook your head. “i should be saying that to you. i’ll try my very hardest to make sure you’re able to catch up on sleep now!”
mick smiled and wished you a good night, turning back towards his door. you slowly let the door shut, the whirring and clicking noise signifying that it had automatically locked.
mick yawned as he reached his door. his hand fumbled to find the doorknob, eyes bleary with sleep. he pushed the doorknob down. it didn’t move. huh?
he tried again, and again, and one more time. each time the doorknob didn’t budge. mick became frantic, and for the second time in the past five minutes, he found himself thinking— fuck.
mick had boasted about the new upgrades for his apartment building for months to anyone who listened. how could he have possibly forgotten that his front door automatically locked? that he could only get in if he had his keys or if someone was inside? (“well, what if you get locked out? what then?” “don’t be stupid, gina. i’m not an idiot, i’d never do such a thing.”)
who’s the idiot now? mick groaned, hands pulling at his hair as he crouched down. he felt like crying. he was so fucking tired. now that it was finally quiet, now that amelia had finally stopped crying, mick was locked out of his house with no way back in. what a fucking night. 
mick stared at the tiled floor under him, gnawing on his lip as he thought of his options. it was 4 in the morning, not a single person would be awake and working at the front desk. he couldn’t call anybody— his phone was inside, plugged into the wall to charge after two days of use. even if he had it on him, the only people who had copies of the key were his mom, his sister, and hank, the man who worked the front desk— no one that would be awake, nor close enough to come up and unlock his door for him. 
his eyes flickered back to your front door, shaking his head before the thought could even fully form. he was not going to bother you again, especially not now. mick leaned his head back against his locked door, accepting his fate and slouching onto the tile. the metal of the door was cool against his bare skin causing a shiver to run down his spine. 
time was going by extremely slow, or at least it felt like it was for mick. his knees were now up to his chest, trying to find some reprieve from the cold air that breezed through the hallway’s air conditioning. he wasn’t sure how long he had been sitting like that, or when his eyes had finally shut until he was roused by the sound of your door opening. he raised his head, making eye contact with you for the second time that night. you looked mostly the same as before— tired eyes and unruly hair— the only difference now was that you had traded your sports bra in for a white shirt and a cardigan.
you cocked your head lightly. “mick? what are you doing out here?”
your voice was quiet, soft. mick felt his cheeks heat up, the embarrassment returning. 
his smile was sheepish. “i forgot my keys.”
your expression shifted, a round ‘oh’ shape forming on your lips as you nodded. before you could respond however,  your eyes widened and you immediately stepped back into your apartment, leaving mick all alone in the hallway. again. mick blinked, unable to comprehend what just happened.
you returned back outside with a soundtrack of quiet jingling. you brandished the keys in your hand to the boy sitting in front of his door. “almost just made the same mistake.”
mick nodded, an airy laugh escaping his lips. “i don’t suppose amelia knows how to open doors yet?”
you shook your head, “with those new child-safe knob covers? god, i hope not.”
the air became quiet, neither of you speaking many words. mick found himself wishing the silence would swallow him whole. he caved.
“so what—”
“would yo—”
mick flinched, instantly backtracking. “sorry, you go first.”
“no, no. it’s okay, you can go first.”
“no, really. it’s okay, it wasn’t very important, anyway.” mick pushed himself off of the ground, now coming up to stand against his door instead. “please, say whatever you wanted to.”
you pursed your lips, staring at his figure before sighing. “alright,” you nodded, “i was just going to offer if you’d like to crash on my sofa? it’s awfully cold out here, and you’re…”
mick glanced down at his bare chest at your gesture, cheeks flaming hot enough to drown out the cold breeze of the air conditioner. he crossed his arms, trying to cover up his chest, though you had already seen everything he had on show. 
he shook his head, adamant on not inconveniencing you further. “no, that’s alright. i’m here because of my forgetfulness, i can deal with it.”
you couldn’t help but copy his movement. “your forgetfulness came from the fact that amelia, and by extension, myself, kept you up most of the night because of how loud we were. if it’s anyone’s fault, it’s mine.”
mick went to argue but you cut him off. “really, it all comes back to me, so let me help you.”
the german boy was silent, mulling over his options in his head. 
“it’s a pull-out.” 
his eyes met yours again. “you’re sure?”
“yes, of course.” you nodded excessively. “i was just about to go down to the laundry room–” mick’s brows furrowed, and it was your turn to smile sheepishly now. “— i forgot to grab the last load of laundry earlier because of how cranky ‘melia was being. if you don’t mind waiting for another 5 minutes, i can quickly go grab the load and let you settle in for the night?”
mick nodded, hand coming up to scratch at the base of his neck. “no, of course. take your time. i’ll be here…s’not like i’d be able to go anywhere, anyway.”
you smiled at his words, eyes brighter than they had been the first time you two spoke. “great!”
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you pulled the cardigan closer to your chest, walking down the hallway as fast as you could without bursting into a full sprint. had you really just done that? had you really just invited a stranger you had briefly acquainted with not mere minutes ago to spend the night in your apartment? yes. 
you pushed the down button on the elevator. and then again, willing it to get to your floor faster. fuck, your mind was going crazy with the what ifs. 
what if he was a creep? you haven’t seen him around since before tonight. ‘out of town’ he says. for what? what if he was a serial killer? that would make sense. he’d fled the town to not look suspicious, and now he’s back for his next victims. yes, that was it. (in the future, mick would listen to your retellings of this story with a look of disbelief. “you thought i was going to kill you!?” “of course, i did! i didn’t know you!” “you offered that i stay the night!” “well, i don’t always make good decisions now, do i?”)
the elevator ride was rather short, and uneventful— no anne from the fourth floor to pull you from your thoughts with a hacking cough. you chewed on your lips as you mulled over the man you had left upstairs. 
the laundry room was quiet and dark. of course, it was expected for four in the morning— not everyone was as disorganized as you were. you rushed your way around the familiar room, grabbing the basket you had left behind and unloading your dryer. you had to work quickly to get back before amelia realized the warmth next to her was simply your heated blanket and not you. you also had to get back to him.
by the final fitted sheet pulled from the dryer, you had made up your mind. there was just no way that your next-door neighbour. he seemed nice— too nice, a voice rang in your head. you shook your head, ridding yourself of the negative thoughts. everything will be just fine. 
he was right where you left him— albeit, now returned to his slumped over position against his door. your footsteps were quiet, yet still managed to rouse him back to reality. 
you sent him a sheepish smile. “i didn’t take too long, did i?”
“not at all.” he shook his head. “you’re fine.”
a hum escaped your mouth followed by the nod of your head. you reached into your cardigan’s pocket to pull out the keys, unlocking the door quietly and pushing it in with your hip. you held the door open and gestured for him to come in.
his hesitance was obvious and in your head, you cheered. definitely not a serial killer. 
“an open door usually means you can enter, you know?” you gave him a soft smile. he returned it, though it looked slightly more like a grimace.
“are…” he started, arms crossing over once again, feeling bare under your gaze. “are you sure? really, it’s no problem for me to stay the night out here. hank will probably be in the office in another hour or two. ‘s not a problem, i’ll just wait for him to get here and i’ll get into my apartment. plus, amelia’s only just fallen asleep, and i’d hate to m—”
“oh, will you just get in here already?” you couldn’t help but reach out, lightly grabbing his arm before tugging him in. you guided the door shut with your foot, making sure it wasn’t too loud before turning around to look at the man in front of you.
his eyes were wide, flickering from your face to your hand, which was still wrapped around his arm. you followed his gaze, your own eyes widening as you quickly dropped your hand. your hand felt like it was on fire— his arm was cold, icy from the air conditioning, and a stark contrast from your warm ones. it felt like you’d given yourself an ice burn.
you cleared your throat, yet stayed silent, not knowing what to say.
the man across from you was in a similar boat, cheeks dusting a light pink as he focused on the heat emanating from where your hand once was.
“i’ll show you to the couch, if you’d like?” your voice tilted up at the end of the sentence. “i have a feeling our layout is the same, so the bathroom should be in the same spot, if you need it.”
he followed behind you with a quiet murmur agreeing about how similar your floor plans were. 
your eyes widened as you entered the living room,.empty syringes and dirty tiny baby dishes were strewn across the coffee table. you placed your laundry basket to the side, hastily picking up your earlier mess with an apology.
the shake of your neighbour’s head went unnoticed by you as you rushed into the kitchen and back out. it wasn’t until you had presented him with the pull out that he spoke again.
“you know,” his voice was rather quiet, conscious of the baby sleeping just a little ways away. “you really should not let strangers into your home.”
for a second, you nearly felt your heart stop— this was it. he really is a serial killer— until you caught his expression, once again riddled with guilt as if he was overstepping. as if you hadn’t invited him in.
“you’re not really a stranger though, are you?” at the cock of his head, you continued. “you’re my neighbour who i’ve inconvenienced all night.”
“you don’t even know my name.”
you nodded. “alright, i’ll bite. you bring up a good point. so what is it then? your name?”
“...mick.” he had a slight smile playing on his lips.
“well, mick.” you gave him a small smile, initiating a handshake. “my name’s y/n. now, we’re neither strangers, nor neighbours with no names.”
mick couldn’t stop the smile from spreading over his lips, hand warm in your hold. “i suppose you’re right, then.”
you quickly left to grab the man— mick— a few pillows and a comforter from your closet. “i’m the door at the end of the hallway. if you need anything, you can knock on that door and let me know.”
mick nodded. “of course. thank you again, really.”
“not a problem.” you smiled, already making your way out of the living room.“i’ll see you in the morning, then.” 
as you walked out the room, you couldn’t help but turn once more, eyeing the blond-haired man who somehow didn't look so out of place as he messed with the teddy bear that you’d forgotten to pick up from the couch. you smiled.
“goodnight, mick.”
“sweet dreams, y/n.”
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valstranquility · 1 year
@cartierre i strive to be as good a writer as you one day 🫶🏼
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𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚!𝐚𝐮 | 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐱 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐚!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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♡ liked by carlossainz55, felipedrugovich and 264,394 others
lando.jpg cabo san lucas, mexico. summer break 2022
view all 1,380 comments
daniel3.jpg oh la la! ⤷ user1 DANNY HAHAHAHA
user2 does lando have a new girlfriend or am i tripping rn cuz i know this isn't luisa ⤷ user3 how can you tell ⤷ user2 cuz she posted a story where she was in paris with friends ⤷ user4 they broke up like two months ago or so ⤷ user5 i feel sorry for whoever this girl is because she probably is just a rebound ⤷ user6 not y'all assuming about their relationship lmao
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♡ liked by daniel3.jpg and 298,420 others
lando.jpg late night shenanigans
view all 1,038 comments
user7 what kind of summer is lando having this boy is out here wilding around
user8 L-LANDO IS THIS ALLOWED ⤷ user9 did he just post some girl's tramp stamp??
daniel3.jpg "summer's" been treating you good mate ⤷ user10 daniel teasing lando through the comments takes the cake ⤷ user11 i just know the drivers' gc is going bonkers rn
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♡ liked by 29,310 people
tagged: landonorris
f1wagupdates New girlfriend alarm? Lando Norris was spotted picking up a girl in his McLaren from the airport. Is this the girl he posted multiple pictures of during his trip through Mexico? Many say he was looking for a rebound after his break-up with long term girlfriend Luisinha Oliveira, but does someone fly their rebound out to their hometown? Guess we'll have to stay tuned for more!
view all 763 comments
user12 lando is so whipped ⤷ user13 the power of latinas ⤷ user14 amen
user15 he flew her out to monaco after his trip? bro must be in love love ⤷ user16 guess we'll see if he also brings her to bahrain after the summer break is over
user17 i think i found her insta, i'm not sure because lando doesn't follow but her posts align with his' ⤷ user18 okay stalker... what's her @? ⤷ user17 yourusername
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♡ liked by 9,293 others
yourusername guess i could get used to frequent trips to monaco
view all 89 comments
user18 and we're sure she's not just some girl? ⤷ user19 yeah i mean just because she's mexican and now conveniently is in monaco doesn't mean she's the girl lando's been messing around with
user20 if this is the girl lando's with, geez my boy has some good karma ⤷ user21 yeah like why yould someone as pretty as her sleep with someone as crusty as lando ⤷ user22 wdym 'crusty' lando's actually really pretty ⤷ user23 he behaves like a child
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♡ liked by 13,293 others
yourusername tiro caliente (hot shot)
view all 99 comments
user24 omg she's dropping some serious hints guys ⤷ user25 the breadcrumps we needed
user26 the orange car? lando? i mean... ⤷ user27 how many people own an orange mclaren. it's obvious at this point it's lando
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♡ liked by yourusername, daniel3.jpg and 321,987 others
tagged: danielricciardo
lando.jpg princess treatment after a tough weekend
view all 2,391 comments
daniel3.jpg are you getting the princess treatment? ⤷ user28 i hope lando does lmao
user29 omg yourusername actually liked this post??? ⤷ user30 this is a sign, the sign we've been waiting for. it's her
yourusername the only treatment one deserves ⤷ user31 it'S YOU
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♡ liked by landonorris and 21,292 others
tagged: landonorris
yourusername 4 lifers
view all 293 comments
user32 i- what ⤷ user33 this was so unexpected ⤷ user34 was it?
landonorris did my pr team give you the go? ⤷ yourusername they love me ⤷ user35 someone tell me if this is sarcasm or not
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♡ liked by yourusername, carlossainz55 and 349,394 others
tagged: yourusername
lando.jpg como te quiero yo (how i love you)
view all 3,293 comments
yourusername lando we need to go back to mexico i'm loosing my good tan ⤷ lando.jpg 7 more races until we're back in mexico
user36 yeah okay i understand lando, i'm also in love
user37 still weird how fast he moved on ⤷ user38 he's an f1 driver what did you expect
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valstranquility · 1 year
: CL16
genre: stupid fluff, social media (smau)
warnings: translated french
A/N: let’s ignore everything that happened in this gp! this is my first EVER f1 fic so ernmmm bare with me! i’ve had this like whole thing in my head for a while but i was just too lazy LMAO ANYWAYS i’m also deprived of some fics..ENJOY ?!!
synopsis: soft launching a relationship with charles — charles leclerc x streamer fem!reader (fc: tina kitten)
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liked by lilymhe, alex_albon, georgerussell63, charles_leclerc and 793,610 others
yourusername when he gets the princess treatment instead of me..
user1 my streamer is in a relationship..🫠
user2 this means we can’t be parasocial no more…I HOPE THIS “MAN” CAN FIGHT.
alex_albon okay tell him to stop being clingy so you can play goat simulator with us
yourusername he said, “they suck at the game so they can wait, i like the princess treatment” soo…
user4 as much as i want to theorize and say it’s an F1 driver it’s unlikely…she’s just a twitch streamer.
user8 “just a twitch streamer” my ass..as if she isn’t the biggest streamer and influencer
user4 i mean itd be a downgrade for a professional to date a non professional athlete or like model or idol🤷‍♀️
charles_leclerc okay little buddy it’s past your bedtime
landonorris okay buddy..don’t make me use THE blackmail.
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, tomholland and 2,072,473 others
charles_leclerc my jpg era? nahh
user3 okay so are we going to talk about who took these photos cause i know damn well you didn’t take them..
yourusername whoever styled you should get a raise
charles_leclerc i’ll tell her that, it’ll inflate her ego some more
yourusername she doesn’t deserve you 😐
user6 this is kinda suspicious..what if.
user2 WHAT IF????
user6 what if yn and charles are 🤞
carlossainz55 charlie finally got a sense of style !!
pierregasly groundbreaking ‼️
user9 okay but why does he actually look good in this outfit..
user10 f1 twt going crazy over this fit
liked by yourusername
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, georgerussell63 and 628,927 others
yourusername stream today!! we’ll be playing among us vr with *drumroll* landonorris and georgerussell63, be sure to tune into it today
user1 WITH THOSE TWO??? it sounds chaotic..
user10 HMMM….
charles_leclerc where is my invite ☹️
yourusername you said no because chat would laugh at you..
charles_leclerc this makes it seem like those two are your favorites…
yourusername they are.
charles_leclerc hand back the paddock passes<3
liked by charles_leclerc
user5 bye they’re literally flirting.
liked by charles_leclerc and yourusername
user6 THE HEART AFTER PADDOCK..am i seeing this correctly
user2 what if you actually predicted it…
alex_albon i can already hear lando screaming..
landonorris slanderous.
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liked by yourusername, pierregasly, landonorris, lewishamiliton, alex_albon and 1,729,168 others
charles_leclerc désolé mon amour le secret est sorti..😅❤️
user6 YEAH I KNEW IT. everyone who made bets pay up! i do apple pay venmo zelle paypal
user1 bye you’re so unserious 😭
user3 aye they tryna make bank i don’t blame them
user2 it’s like they’re a mastermind..IS CHARLES GOING TO WIN THE NEXT GP?!?
user6 yes. he is going to podium and be at least 2 or 3
yourusername you couldn’t wait just a little longer..not till your next gp? ;;
charles_leclerc my fingers slipped!!
yourusername fat fingers!
charles_leclerc that’s not very nice chéri:(
yourusername yeah no more princess treatment for you.
charles_leclerc HEY NOW…THATS NOT FUNNY.
landonorris are mom and dad fighting..☹️
charles_leclerc i hope you never get imposter when you play amongus again
landonorris HEY MAN TOO FAR.
user10 the pictures..THE PICTURES. sleeping on a highway tonight 🤞
user4 interesting choice in a s/o…
yourbestie that person would be me 😍
yourbestie took y’all forever, im surpised charlie brown over here didn’t spill the beans earlier
charles_leclerc who are you calling charlie brown? 😒
yourbestie you.
@ surshica | rb & follow.
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