veilofthorns · 4 hours
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tsum events really are just the best, huh
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veilofthorns · 5 hours
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Ooooo did I find kissy?
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40 hours of work- just around 200 peoples ocs in the twst community (as such there may be some small mistakes on my end and sometimes i couldnt find refs with all the colors so i did my best!! Honestly im sorry if i missed you too even if its impossible for me to get every single person HFNDJXDHV)
Nothing can quite describe how welcomed ive felt in this community. I find myself always wanting to give back to my moots, followers, or even just other members in the community in general.
SOOO ive been slowly chipping away at this for the past few months. Consider this a gift! And uh, have fun finding your ocs/yuus-
Group photo tags pt1
@thehollowwriter Finn
@rizdoodls Andy
@sakuramidnight15 Hei-ran
@cruel-acid Iza
@raguiras Allen
@oya-oya-okay Yuu and Shishio
@tedearaminta Riona
@zjmaeve Zeth
@akemiozawa Charlotte
@twsted-princess Chimlim
@akihikosanadasboyfriend Yuuma
@tinisprout Yurelle
@valse-a-mille-temps Yuuven
@yaoyaobae Fran
@cosmonavo Gwen
@simpingseafood Sasha
@nuitthegoddess Aurelian and Hana
@cenpede Vitya
@tixdixl Oisín
@tartppola Yuu
@the-trinket-witch Albert and the janitor
@kenchann Yuu
@egophiliac Yuu
@raven-at-the-writing-desk Miss Raven
@adaven17 Yuu
@cecilebutcher Vesper and Igor
@miyuki-fenn Désiré and Mel
@polywoo Misdemeanor
@myuminji Yuu
@zvezdacito Micah
@citrus-c0la Oliver
@datboredpencil Mao
@prinxurie Zuzhou and Jiushu
@robo-milky Cloche
@starry-night-rose Ellis
@bloodiegawz Yuu
@artfulhero-m Aster
@justm3di0cr3 Emory and Poppy
@ai-kan1 Juno
@the-fridge-orange Elinor
@breadcheese444 Lily
@fumikomiyasaki Carol and Yuzuha
@ceruleancattail Cinder and Ceru
@ashipiko Ashi
@elektrosyntetik Anya
@veilofthorns Kissy
@terrovaniadorm Rhys and Ulrica
@midostree-art Yuu
@lanshappycorner Roseline
@midnightmah07 Daisy
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veilofthorns · 1 day
Hello! I wanted to ask, but do we have any visual descriptions of the blot monster that killed Ortho? Like even just if it was big or if it had claws anything like that lol
Also this is a bit of a darker question do feel free to not answer this part but is the it ever implied or said how exactly Ortho was killed? Like did the blot monster like.. bite or maybe squash him? (Ngl I'd normally ask it in a more graphic way but I don't wanna make you uncomfortable)
Anyways I hope you have a good night/day whenever you read this <3
Hello hello! ^^ Thank you for this question!
I do not believe we have any detailed description of exactly what it is that happened to human-Ortho and, interestingly, we do not really know what happened to Idia, either!
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There is a loud sound of something striking against something else and Idia says, "Everything after that is a blank for me. By the time I woke up, Ortho was gone."
What was that sound we hear after the monster lunges for Ortho? Metal against metal? Someone or something hitting a wall, or floor? How did Idia fall unconscious, and what happened in between Ortho being attacked and Idia being knocked out?
"Everything after that is a blank" may be insinuating that something happened during that "everything after," but he either can't or does not want to remember what it was. Very curious!
And there may be more to this scene than meets the eye 👀
When Ortho reacts to the creature coming down the hall, he doesn't call it a phantom: he calls it a monster.
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"Monster" is one of the various ways that the cast refer to Grim (re: Animal vs. Monster vs. Cat vs. Dire Beast vs. Tanuki (pt1) / Animal vs. Monster vs. Cat vs. Dire Beast vs. Tanuki (pt2) ).
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STYX labels him a dire beast in Book 6, but at the same time we learn that Grim is under a powerful spell that STYX's supercomputer can't actually analyze!
Grim might not be a direbeast at all, and we have already heard of creatures that will blend in with direbeasts in order to hide: phantoms 👀
I first came across this theory via Vtuber Toro-san (shared with permission) who points out some interesting things we know about the creature:
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1. It was subject ROS-3367A, which possibly means that the phantom originally came from the Queendom of Roses, and Grim is theorized to have been at least partially based on Dinah from Alice in Wonderland.
(In Book 6 we also hear about a SUS-332OB, theorized to be from Sunset Savanna.)
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2. While the weaker phantoms frozen on the higher levels of Tartarus in Book 6 mostly growl, the stronger phantoms frozen deeper inside would sometimes speak, saying, "I'm hungry, feed me flesh," "Don't go, stay with me" and "I want to be friends, too."
This is not impossible to tie back to Grim, who recalls waking up "hungry and alone," saying "it was real cold."
He follows with, "What happened after that again? It's all so foggy..."
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Grim is mysterious enough on his own, not knowing where NRC is located (which begs the question: how did he get there?) and having significant gaps in his memory, in addition to being so unfamiliar with basic information of what is (presumably?) his own world that other characters often express surprise. (re: Grim's Memory / Grim's Experiences)
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3. The chimera in the prologue has long been theorized to be some form of overblotted Grim. Is that his true form as a potentially flesh-eating, unfrozen phantom under a curse and/or blessing that no one understands?
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We do not know! :> To the original question: it is difficult to pinpoint how exactly it was that Ortho died, as we do not know exactly what it was that killed him. (If it was the chimera in the opening, though, we have an idea of what it is he may have looked like at the time!)
We know Ortho was killed by a monster who had just escaped from a place built expressly for the purpose of housing lonely, violent, and hungry creatures--but that is all!
Perhaps a mystery to be solved as the plot thickens 👀
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veilofthorns · 1 day
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84 notes · View notes
veilofthorns · 1 day
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he frew up
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veilofthorns · 1 day
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I like Grim‘s eyes very much, they are VERY VERY pretty…
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veilofthorns · 1 day
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It's nice to be drawing again. I've been so busy with moving and work. I have time to obsess again!
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veilofthorns · 1 day
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veilofthorns · 2 days
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veilofthorns · 2 days
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veilofthorns · 5 days
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Malleus tsum 2
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veilofthorns · 5 days
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queen of diamonds, upright + reversed 💎
I've redone this like eighty times, I have to just be done with it now and stop staring at all my mistakes oh no 🫠
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veilofthorns · 6 days
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207 notes · View notes
veilofthorns · 6 days
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veilofthorns · 6 days
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still my favourite part of book 6
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veilofthorns · 7 days
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She's doing her best
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veilofthorns · 7 days
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another godly crucible lineup. these ghosts cant catch a break when the whole damn school is full of fucking FREAKS
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