vilevilescorpio · 5 days
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vilevilescorpio · 9 days
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WTNV inspired drawing/perspective practice!!
[click for better quality]
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vilevilescorpio · 11 days
'Your dog doesn’t have that problem. Your dog lives in the moment, feels every sensation to the fullest, and barely remembers yesterday. With the Pup Cup, you can live vicariously through their uncomplicated joy. You can at least be happy for them. And envious? Definitely. In fact, you will get such a rush of jealousy from seeing their euphorically-chomping, foam-flecked muzzles that you might feel the desire to try the Pup Cup for yourself—despite the cautionary flyers posted all over the Barista District warning against this very thing. The Pup Cup is NOT intended for human consumption. If this line is crossed, the natural order will be disturbed. There will be consequences.'
Episode 249 - Rifts
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vilevilescorpio · 19 days
Mostly Void, Partially Stars
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vilevilescorpio · 29 days
"Mother Lauren eats centuries like apples, in quick voracious bites. Mother Lauren once held her breath for a thousand years, just to see what it would be like to be a stone. Mother Lauren has been to the sun and found it unimpressive.
Mother Lauren loves us, and wants what’s best for us. She cares for us deeply, and will be with us always.
Stay tuned next for Mother Lauren followed by Mother Lauren and two ad-free hours of Mother Lauren.
Good night, Night Vale. Goodnight!"
Episode 248 - Mother Lauren
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vilevilescorpio · 1 month
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Painted a shirt for funsies
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vilevilescorpio · 1 month
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i drew young tamika flynn! it was just supposed to be a few simple sketches, but here we are.
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vilevilescorpio · 1 month
"Witnesses report that following the explosion, a second hole opened up in the pavement of the vacant lot and distorted voices can now be heard calling for help from deep below the earth. Ralphs Corporate has urged citizens not to attempt communication with these voices.
Subterranean cries for help are almost always predator decoy behavior. It’s called aggressive mimicry. It’s meant to lure you in, using your own sympathetic nature against you. Do not fall for it.
And don't confuse it with the preexisting hole in the lot, where voices invite passersby to come inside and nestle. That hole is fine and normal, and it's perfectly okay to listen to those voices."
Episode 246 - Rerun
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vilevilescorpio · 1 month
I just started welcom to night vale and I absolutely love
“Lights seen in the sky above the Arby’s, not the glowing sign of Arby’s, something higher and beyond that. We know the difference we’ve caught on to their game, we understand the lights above Arby’s. game invaders from another world……. Ladies and gentlemen the future is here and it’s a few hundred feet above the Arby’s.”
It Has to be the best line ever
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vilevilescorpio · 2 months
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Finished back patch!
Quote from Welcome to Nightvale
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vilevilescorpio · 2 months
"You’d draw the family, the house, the sun. You drew pictures of our dog, Backgammon. I’m not going to lie. They weren’t great drawings, but I couldn’t stop looking at them. They were so familiar. I dug up a box of my old drawings and discovered you and I had drawn the same exact things, years apart. You and I had both sketched a large tree, heavy with owls. We didn’t have a large tree or owls anywhere near us. But we’d both drawn the same thing. Weird coincidence I guess. Kids drawings all start to run together. But then you told me about the hiking trip Dad took us on, just you and me and him. Through the redwoods. We caught butterflies, and dug holes looking for treasure, and we even saw several owls. The owls made sounds like telephones ringing and vibrating easy chairs. I knew for sure you were lying. Childish tall tales. But then I started having the dreams. Same imagery. Owls, redwoods, digging holes. I sometimes saw other things in my dream: a sitting man with his back turned, a framed photo of the same man next to him, his face unseeable, and thin clouds moving dizzyingly fast across the sky."
Episode 246 - A Story About Him
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vilevilescorpio · 2 months
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how about that episode, huh folks?
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vilevilescorpio · 2 months
"Carlos asked: “You okay, hon?” “Not really,” I replied. “I thought Abby was finally going to tell me the story of my dad. She said she would. But like always, she changed the subject. I don’t understand why she does that to me.” Carlos stared into my eyes for several silent seconds. A concerned, but compassionate stare. Finally, he said, “Oh babe. She did. We stopped Scrabble for like 30 minutes to hear her story. To be honest, I’ve heard her tell it so many times to you, it’s grown a bit dull. Do you not remember?” I did not.  The sunrise cast long golden stripes across the fridge, and I thought and I thought and I thought. I could hear owls in the crisp morning air, like a flower pot shattering."
Oh, my gods...
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vilevilescorpio · 3 months
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Unmmm I just realized I never posted this on tumblr… my bad… here is a nice Cecil, one of my favorite little guys
My current headcanon that rotates constantly in my brain is that Cecil has soooo many tattoos but he never actually went to have them done. They just showed up and he was like “neat!”
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vilevilescorpio · 3 months
"Can a person change? That is the central question of our lives. So much of our time is spent trying to change. Trying to become small or big. Trying to become powerful or peaceful. Trying to find a center or throw ourselves into the wild borderlands. So many books and videos and gurus, all trying to answer the question: can a person change? 
Which is funny, if you think about it. Because the main truth of our lives is that we do change. Obviously we are not the same person at two as we are at twenty two. Nor are we the same person at forty two, or ninety two. These changes happen to us.
So it was the wrong question, the one we were asking. Because we know that a person can change. The real question is: do we want to change? The issue is not method, but desire. In our hearts, we want everything to stay the same. That distance, from the change that is inevitable, and the stasis we desire, is the final tragedy of the human race."
Episode 244 - A Multiplicity of Kevin
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vilevilescorpio · 3 months
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Some more small thing about Night Vale.
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vilevilescorpio · 3 months
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