vladindarkness · 2 years
Another one of Noe's pranks! I don't know how to change it.
vlad's ringtone is the most important information we've learned this update
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vladindarkness · 2 years
Ok so, we need to know: I'm assuming that Leo is Team Jacob (pre-werewolf/assholeness, at least), Sandra is Team Alice, Noe laughed too much to pay attention to the characters (or is Team Emmett for the chaos of it all), and that Laia hasn't revealed her team so as to be diplomatic.
But what about you? Are you Team Edward? He does think he's dooming Bella's life and soul by being with her... What do you think?
Hello Hoji, it’s good to hear from you again!
Thank you for your message, this is eerily spot on.
Leo started as Team Jacob... the overprotective, warm, best friend character appealed to him, I can't imagine why. By the third movie, he had changed his mind. And as we were leaving the movie, there were grumbles such as: "Love triangles are stupid anyway" and "Whatever, I'm Team Charlie." He did favor the wolf pack though! (I'll try not to take it to heart).
Sandra adored Alice. When she wasn't stealing Laia's snacks, she was insisting that Bella should just get with one of the hot Cullen sisters instead. She was also of the firm opinion that most of the men, aside from Seth, were annoying and that Leah deserved better.
Noe...yes. The running commentary in my ear was truly something. He had to leave and compose himself a few times; we almost got thrown out of the theater. He then immediately ordered a life-size Edward Cullen cardboard cutout and placed it in the castle library.
Laia did, in fact, remain neutral. The only answer we could get from her was "Why not both?" She refused to meet my eyes at various times, but would also stare at me pointedly during the moments Edward said he wasn't good for Bella; again, I can't imagine why. I'm also sure I heard her say "I feel that, girl." at a particular montage during their honeymoon...
And for me… Much to my chagrin, I saw a lot of myself in the character. But I ultimately agree with the sentiment that while he is burdened with that curse, she would probably be better off without him; I suppose I am Team Edward in that sense. At the same time, I'm well aware of how lonely that life can be and so I did, selfishly, want to root for them. Mostly, I'm Team I Need New Friends.
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vladindarkness · 2 years
Don't play all innocent now Leo Nolan, I saw you giggling into your popcorn! I suppose that's what I get for falling in love with the lamb and the lion.
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My friends were not forthcoming about the details of this franchise before we attended the movie marathon screening; I understand why now. I certainly relate to some of Edward's woes, but he really should consider himself lucky that his "skin of a killer" guise is subtle.
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vladindarkness · 2 years
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My friends were not forthcoming about the details of this franchise before we attended the movie marathon screening; I understand why now. I certainly relate to some of Edward's woes, but he really should consider himself lucky that his "skin of a killer" guise is subtle.
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vladindarkness · 2 years
Even in my darkest days, when I am deep in my pit of despair and self-hatred, I will never be low enough to bring back that ponytail. It's certainly not my biggest regret, but it might make top 3.
We tried dressing up as our past selves! XD
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vladindarkness · 2 years
Since I have been placed on a knife throwing ban, I had to find another form of catharsis. Listening to this artist I recently discovered has helped considerably. Extra effective when curled up in a dark room.
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vladindarkness · 2 years
For anyone curious: a very angry Laia is stood outside my door right now with a very sheepish Leo behind her.
Noe is whistling down the corridor.
Too many emotions. I'm going to throw knives. Would you care to join me @leothesunshineguy?
(don’t tell Laia…)
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vladindarkness · 2 years
Too many emotions. I'm going to throw knives. Would you care to join me @leothesunshineguy?
(don’t tell Laia…)
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vladindarkness · 2 years
And if the stars shine on the pond
And light its sombre shoal,
It is to quench my mind's despond
And flood with peace my soul.
And if the clouds their tresses part
And does the moon outblaze,
It is but to remind my heart
I long for you always.
- Mihai Eminescu, And If.
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vladindarkness · 2 years
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if you can’t buy it once, you can’t afford it #sigmagrindset
follow for more financial tips
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vladindarkness · 2 years
I was teased all night for this, so I refused to let them split the bill. That will show them. 🖤 (leo finally showed me how to use “emojis” but I won’t use them in excess, too much of anything is bad for you…)
Dinner Date with these two ❤️
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Honestly, why am I the only one smiling here? Vlad, I'm telling you, you're a terrible influence on Laia. Jk!
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vladindarkness · 2 years
Sorry, no need to reply in case it messes up the blog, but, whoever runs this: this is brilliant. And I'm delighted to see Vlad x Laia x Leo as a throuple! Just, great work!!
Hello hojiteaversion, thank you for your message.
This blog belongs to Vlad but occasionally Millie or Leo will help me with some of the technical aspects. Laia will sometimes lend a hand, but mostly she just laughs at my confusion. I'm still learning. I was dormant in a crypt for a while, it's a whole thing... I, too, am delighted to share this lifetime with two of my favorite suns once again, I feel extremely lucky. Their love and light saves me every day. I haven't quite figured out the little reaction images but I would put two suns and a black heart here.
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vladindarkness · 2 years
Millie showed me how to use google images. A fascinating place!
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learning this the hard way
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vladindarkness · 2 years
Sorry, Leo. In fairness, the last time I needed an outlet I became The Dark King. Can we go sit in the clock room for a while please?
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Leo suggested a respite from the eternal anguish by way of cat photos. I made Laia turn the photo black and white to match my aesthetic.
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vladindarkness · 2 years
Time flows by, and has passed like rivers Since that hallowed moment we first saw eachother, Yet I'll never forget the love we had together, You miracle, with large eyes and cold fingers.
Oh, come back! To bring words only you can inspire, Watch over me so your gaze gently lingers, Let me marvel at this moment that hungers For those new words you wring from my lyre.
You're not even aware that when you're near A great peace descends to quell my agony, Just like the silence at the rising of a star
Mihai Eminescu, Time Flows By
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vladindarkness · 2 years
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Another day of darkness. But this gives me hope.
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vladindarkness · 2 years
I had burned most of my bridges. And now... now, I hope to rebuild them. But hope is a dangerous thing.
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I really relate to this one.
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