vvinter-queen · 4 days
"Ten minutes if I don't kill you first," Elsa grumbled from her mat, nursing her water bottle and pouting in Ren's general direction.
She'd been a regular at Ren's morning yoga classes for a while now, stopping by once a week to exercise then head out for coffee or tea after. It was a nice way to keep flexible and keep up with her friend who was much harder to catch time with these days. Unfortunately, the night before she'd stayed up too late working on the bookkeeping for the Ice Queen and so she'd slept right through her alarm.
"'Oh sure, Elsa, join my later class'," she said breezily, immigrating Ren's accent and paraphrasing the conversation they'd had earlier on the phone when she called. "'You can handle it'. 'It'll be fun'."
She huffed at them, cold air and snowflakes gently buffeting against their skin and tousling their hair. "You're paying for coffee," she insisted.
Flexibility || OPEN
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vvinter-queen · 14 days
Elsa waved off his offer of payment, however. "No, this one's on the house," she insisted. "It'd be rude of me to invite you in then make you pay." Elsa started towards the door and smiled over her shoulder at him. "Consider it a 'welcome home' gift."
She could see the two girls from before scrambling away from the windows where they had obviously been watching, launching themselves into a booth right as Elsa opened the door and held it open for Ralph.
"We had to redecorate a few years ago, so it may look a bit different," Elsa warned as they stepped inside. As much as she tried to avoid thinking too hard about her father's ill-fated trip to Swynlake, the shop around her was a reminder that it had happened. It was a change for the better, in the end; the Ice Queen got a much needed update and Elsa hadn't seen her father since, even when she helped Anna move back to Arendelle.
Elsa actually lifted the partition this time instead of jumping over it again in what was likely a flagrant OSHA violation, and made her way to the ice cream display. "So," she said with a grin, looking at Ralph, "what's your poison?"
If We Ever Meet Again ❅ Icebreaker
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vvinter-queen · 23 days
"I wouldn't say that," Elsa demurred, not really wanting to get into the whole 'I was the town hermit for about seven of those years and only started actually rejoining society in the last three' Thing. She'd been living secluded on a mountain, hours from the nearest town, when they met. He could use context clues.
"Would you like to come in?" she offered, gesturing back towards the shop. "We just got some fresh cookies from Blue Door and I was kind of thinking about taking a malt break anyways." That wasn't entirely true, but he didn't need to know that. Or that at least half of her offer was borne from a twisting feeling in her gut that if she let him walk away this time, she wouldn't see him for another ten years. @ralph-wreckin-reilly
If We Ever Meet Again ❅ Icebreaker
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vvinter-queen · 30 days
At Ralph's question, Elsa's cheeks went flushed and she suddenly couldn't quite meet his eye. Somehow, when she used to imagine this reunion, this topic never felt quite so awkward. Maybe because it was so fresh at the time, it felt like the rational thing to do.
You left, and I was lonely, and I didn't want to live like that anymore.
It sounded significantly crazier now that she'd been in town for ten years.
She let out a tiny laugh, which didn't sound nearly as hysterical as she felt, thank the spirits. "About ten years?" she said, and it came out like a question. Elsa was playing nervously with her fingers as she finally worked up the courage to look at Ralph. "It was the only place I could think of to go when I left the lodge," she admitted.
If We Ever Meet Again ❅ Icebreaker
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vvinter-queen · 30 days
"You're eating the free ice cream right now!" Elsa said with a giggle, gesturing to Mim's half-finished bowl. She didn't bother mentioning again that Mim always got free ice cream on account of being an employee.
"But yes, you won, it was a very good story," Elsa said, an amused smile curling at her lips.
Will Trade Story For Ice Cream || Elim
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vvinter-queen · 1 month
Immediately after calling out his name, Elsa realized it was more than a little likely that Ralph would not remember her. They'd only known each other for a few weeks, after all, and he had been sick for most of them. Plus, it had been nearly ten years.
(Plus, she wasn't that scared, isolated girl barely out of her teens anymore, trapped inside a storm of her own creation. She could still feel her magic under her skin, felt it move through and around her, but now she had control back that the Else he'd known couldn't imagine.)
He said her name, quickly pushing away that fear, and Elsa smiled brightly. He did remember!
"Well, right now I'm working," she said, gesturing to the Ice Queen (and realizing that one of the girls she'd been helping had plastered herself to the window and was watching them with bright eyes while her friend tried to pull her back to the counter). "What are- I mean, how are you?" she asked.
Part of her wanted to joke that she'd worried he got lost on a mountain again, but that was something she couldn't even bring herself to joke about with Jessica, and she was really the only one who knew aside from Anna.
If We Ever Meet Again ❅ Icebreaker
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vvinter-queen · 1 month
People came in and out of Elsa's life like the tide. Not everyone, some of her friends were sturdy and steadfast like the rocks the waves broke against, but certainly some of the more influential.
Anna drifted in and back out with the moon, ever present but rarely close enough to touch these days. She was living her own life, chasing her own dreams and goals, and Elsa couldn't be prouder of her. Her father had haunted the horizon, a black smudge of a ship that threatened to crush her against the rocks when he got too close. He was further now, barely a speck, but the threat of him lingered.
Her mother was the wind; sometimes barely a whisper against Elsa's skin, sometimes buffeting her with the force of a hurricane. Her curse haunted Elsa's waking moments and tormented her dreams, and she knew she would have to return to Arendelle soon to free and reverse the damage her magic had caused. Trying to time it when her father wasn't home was proving to be difficult, even with Gerta's help, and it felt like knives scraping under her skin knowing that Iduna was suffering.
The Northuldra were the sun, rising and setting and finally out from behind the clouds of Elsa's own design. Yelena called almost as frequently as Anna did these days, not even trying to be subtle about wanting Elsa to come back to Solensby. Elsa could feel the heat of her expectations on her skin, threatening to blister and burn, and she had started to ignore her great-aunt's calls. Elsa liked the life she'd made in Swynlake, and she wasn't ready to leave it.
Elsa knew them all, could predict how they'd ebb and rise, when they'd sweep back into her life. Maybe that was why when Ralph walked past the Ice Queen, she almost missed him. She wasn't expecting him. She'd given up on expecting him ages ago.
"I-I'm sorry," Elsa stammered to the two uni girls currently debating what they wanted to order before going back to studying. "Could you- I'll let- Ed!" she called to the back. "Can you help these two ladies?"
("Oooh, we're both ladies now, Will!" Luz teased, hip-checking her friend.
Willow chuckled, waving a greeting to Edward. "Yeah yeah, just decide on what you want.")
Elsa left them to it, instead jogging around the counter to the swing door. It spoke to her impatience that she swung herself over the counter instead of undoing the latch and bolted for the door. She slid out of the shop, ice trailing after her along with the sound from the windchime Mim had hung over the door after the reconstruction.
She was calling out his name before she could think twice about it. "Ralph!"
If We Ever Meet Again ❅ Icebreaker
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vvinter-queen · 1 month
If We Ever Meet Again ❅ Icebreaker
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vvinter-queen · 1 month
"Well, then there's your answer," Elsa said, pointing at Mim with the end of her spoon. "It only counts if you want it to. You've both been through enough of these dreams to know how much stake you want to put into them."
Part of Elsa did wonder if this was the first shared dream where Mim'd had a romance go quite that far, but she couldn't know and didn't particularly want to ask. Elsa knew how it had affected her the first time she'd hooked up with her Government Assigned Romantic Partner For The Night in a dream, but she and Mim were very different people. Mim was much bolder and confident than Elsa had ever been at her age, at least on the surface.
Plus, she was fairly certain Mim wasn't a virgin. Elsa, despite being nearly ten years her senior, was. Their relationships with sex were very different.
Will Trade Story For Ice Cream || Elim
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vvinter-queen · 2 months
"Don't you touch my engine," Elsa warned with a grin, shaking a finger at him. "That works just fine!"
Engine work was the one thing Elsa hadn't really braved to try yet, aside from replacing the spark plugs a couple of times.
"I take it to the shop when it needs engine work, so you'll get your hands on it eventually," she promised. "But I'll let you have first dibs if you teach me some welding basics."
Would she ever need to know how to weld? Probably not. But it was always fun learning a new skill.
fresh air and engine grease | Buster & Elsa
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vvinter-queen · 2 months
Elsa watched Mim nearly choke with a tiny grin, choosing to let her silence speak for her instead. She wasn't surprised when she recognized the name, working at the only ice cream shop in a uni town did wonders for getting to know everyone, and instead found her eyebrows going up a little bit.
Jeremy was a sweet kid, cute in that Boy Next Door That All The Little Old Granny's Love kind of way. Edward was the same way, which was why Elsa always used him as a very adorable and sweet shield on Pinochle nights.
"Oh, I remember him," she mused. "He comes in with those a cappella Gentlemen sometimes." He also notably used to come in with a boyfriend, but Elsa read the Spill. She had an idea what happened there.
"I guess that's why you want to know if it counts or not? Since you live in the dorms together?"
Will Trade Story For Ice Cream || Elim
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vvinter-queen · 2 months
I think Clarion and Phil should hook up as a treat for us all
LMAO come make your case, Phil
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vvinter-queen · 2 months
Elsa and me, I know there are obstacles but we can make it work
The course of true love never did run smooth lmao
i believe in you two crazy love birds lmao
0 notes
vvinter-queen · 2 months
Anonymously or not, tell me who you ship my muse with.
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vvinter-queen · 2 months
Elsa chuckled. "I feel the need to remind you that you're the one that came up my driveway," she pointed out with a grin. "And then called my truck old."
It was just how life in Swynlake was, sometimes. If it hadn't been Buster, it would have been some other well-meaning neighbor coming to check on her. Especially now that Elsa wasn't hiding herself away in her cabin or her work. When she first came to Swynlake, it had made her unbearably anxious. Now, she kind of liked it.
Made it harder to feel lonely out in the country.
"Tell you what," Elsa said, waving her hand through the air and sending off a flurry of snow. Ice pillars grew out of the ground where her magic passed, cradling the remaining three tires. "You help me get the old parts off, and they're yours if you want them. Welding is a little outside of my skill range."
fresh air and engine grease | Buster & Elsa
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vvinter-queen · 2 months
Elsa had noticed how Mim seemed to be dodging the very question that had brought her into the shop in the first place, and figured this might be a little delicate.
(Also, note to self; figure out who Gabby is and how much she may or may not need to kick her ass for playing with Mim's feelings.)
"Very Shonda Rhimes-esque," Elsa agreed with a small smile, casually taking a bite of her own ice cream to give herself a chance to put her thoughts together.
"What was the musician's name?" she asked. Mim hadn't said so yet, which either meant she didn't know him in real life, or she very much did.
Will Trade Story For Ice Cream || Elim
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vvinter-queen · 2 months
Maybe a year or two they might have melted; when Elsa was so scared of her own magic that she never used it, instead letting it swirl inside of her to lash out when her emotions were running high. And then Anna had come, and they had gone to Ahtohallan, and now Elsa's ice was as thick and strong as any glacier.
"I appreciate the offer," she said with a smile as he pointed to the jacks he had brought. At his question, she hummed and looked back towards the half-empty wheel well. "Still runs," she confirmed. "The suspension is just getting a little whacky and is due to be replaced."
She'd replaced the original front suspension the year she first came to Swynlake, struggling through the whole process with repair manuals and video tutorials. It had taken her nearly three days, but she'd done it, and for the next almost ten years it had run like butter.
"Between you and me, the parts I got last time were pretty cheap," Elsa said. She'd been new in town and only working at the Ice Queen as a server at the time. "This time I actually get to use the good stuff."
Wiping her hands off on the towel set on the drive next to her hip, Elsa held out a hand for him to shake. "I'm Elsa, by the way. You must be new in town."
fresh air and engine grease | Buster & Elsa
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