weirdlizard26 9 hours
Why do you hate straight people
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heres my paypal
i鈥檒l answer your question when i recieve payment :) thank you so much!
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weirdlizard26 9 hours
Hello, I'm from Gaza, my little daughter Nour has hydrocephalus and seizures, we are now in a tent in very bad conditions, and every thing destroyed our house, hospitals and physiotherapy centers 馃様 I'm waiting your reply hope you will support Nour as she's a palestinian child needs your urgent help because the seizures attacks have increased, and hospitals don't receive her because of the huge number of injuries and martyrs. She must see a neurosurgeon soon to adjust the doses of the antiseizure medications. Also she needs CT scan and MRI to ensure that the shunt is working well. She also needs to continue Physiotherapy ASAP and Occupational therapy sessions to enable her to stand and take her first steps. Please support my campaign because Nour needs special care out of Gaza war, 馃檹馃挃
How many times are you gonna try to scam with the same damn ask
Anyway the og gfm is this one
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weirdlizard26 11 hours
I think it's a common misconception that domesticating animals is somewhat like enslaving them. It really is more of a symbiotic relationship. No wild animal would have willingly put up with early humans if they didn't get something out of it. Wolves wouldn't have stayed with us and become dogs if they weren't getting food and safety out of it. Many large herbivores that are now domesticated could and would have easily trampled their early human captors or broken their enclosures open if they didn't have a reason to stay. Sometimes individual animals still do if we don't give them what they need.
The animals that have stayed with us for thousands of years have evolved to cooperate with us better. Dogs have additional facial muscles around their eyes that wolves lack in order to mimic human facial expressions. Sheep grow their wool perpetually while their wild counterparts don't because a bigger fleece means they're more likely to be allowed to breed and be kept around. Domestic dairy cows produce much more milk than wild bovine species and domestic hens lay more eggs. Do you know how energy costly producing eggs or milk is for an animal? It's pretty intense! They wouldn't be able to do that if we hadn't given them the food and safety from predators and the elements to.
And we really need to show these animals respect and gratitude for what they give us by taking excellent care of them. They gave up a lot to be with us, often including the means to take care of themselves in the wild. That's a huge reason why I'm not against using animal products, but I hate factory farming. They are still living, breathing creatures with needs and feelings. They deserve a comfortable life and, when the time comes, a humane death.
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weirdlizard26 11 hours
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(of course theres also people who have no interest in fish whatsoever!)
theres lots of Types of Guy out there :)
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weirdlizard26 11 hours
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weirdlizard26 11 hours
im gonna keep it a buck with you all on this fine Pride Sunday: ive been stuck in a money hole with moving for the past 3 months. i owe, like, HUNDREDS of dollars (medical debt and overdue utilities) which ive had to pay out of pocket to cover for me and my roommates and it has been, without exaggeration, keeping me from getting sleep. been getting the "your account has reached $0" emails every other day for a long while as i make enough money to cover one thing and then need to pay for two more. it's tiring! tiring enough for me to ask for help from strangers.
if you want to help a stranger out (me) and have a few bucks to spare (1, 2, 3 dollars are all non-negligible amounts to give), my venmo is @clown_depot and my cashapp is $clowndepot.
anything is greatly appreciated. dont feel obligated to signal boost this, my straits are not DIRE, but they sure are TIRE. tiring i mean. theyre tiring. im so very tired.
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weirdlizard26 14 hours
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I know she has a lot of nightmares but what if Melinoe has a nice dream every now and then ?
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weirdlizard26 14 hours
There is no safe place left. The Israeli army is merciless and does not know humanity. Save us from certain death through support via PayPal wallet.
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weirdlizard26 16 hours
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this year while we all celebrate pride month and celebrate ourselves as well as those who came before us and paved the way for us to do so, we must also think of those in gaza, queer or not, who live every day under a brutal occupation and don鈥檛 have that same privilege. happy pride, and may we see a free palestine in this lifetime.
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weirdlizard26 16 hours
western commentators are claiming, per usual, that "Israel" wants a ceasefire and Hamas is not cooperating, so for the record here is where things stand currently:
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weirdlizard26 16 hours
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Hello! I finally have time to open commissions again, and this time I can take more slots ^^ Reblogs are greatly appreciated, thank you!
All the important details are in the pictures above, but here鈥檚 a transcript of relevant texts under the cut:
30 USD
20 USD per additional character
Half Body
45 USD
30 USD per additional character
Full Body
55 USD
35 USD per additional character
All Sketch options have a maximum of 2 additional characters
Flat Colors:
40 USD
25 USD per additional character
55 USD
35 USD per additional character
Full Body
75 USD
50 USD per additional character
All Flat Color options have a maximum of 2 additional characters
Fully Rendered:
75 USD聽
50 USD per additional character
100 USD
65 USD per additional character
All Fully Rendered options have a maximum of 1 additional character
Additional Notes:
WILL do:
Fandom characters
WON鈥橳 do:
I can do SIMPLE BACKGROUNDS for sketch and flat colors, but fully rendered backgrounds are not available.
I can refuse commissions that make me uncomfortable/I am not able to do for other reasons.
An additional fee may be added depending on complexity of character or lighting (especially for fully rendered comms)
Commissions are sent with both white and transparent backgrounds. Please let me know if you'd like a different background color beforehand so I can adjust the colors to suit this when applicable.
If commissioning OC/s, please send a reference sheet. Picrews are okay!
I will be opening 10 slots. If I still have time, slots will reopen once the first batch of commissions are finished.
Payment will be done UPFRONT via Ko-fi/Paypal!
If you鈥檙e interested in commissioning me, please contact me via email at [email protected]. EMAIL ONLY, PLEASE! This is to ensure I don't lose your message.
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weirdlizard26 17 hours
Why the tiger has become a transgender symbol in Japan
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Gay Breakfast Pin Club writes:
Recently we learned about how some trans folks in Japan like to use tigers as a symbol for the trans community. It's a pun: Tora [铏嶿 is the Japanese word for tiger, and when you sound out "trans" in katakana it basically starts with "tora." To-ra-n-su [銉堛儵銉炽偣].
Toransu is clearly a loan word from English ("trans") that has been adapted to Japanese pronunciation (adding vowels/vowel epenthesis helps you avoid unpronounceable consonant clusters).
See also: MishimaKitan
The pin is available here.
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weirdlizard26 17 hours
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every group chat with other people my age feels like this
original drawing by ribbed-vault-heart here!
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weirdlizard26 18 hours
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*Is it true, or did Google Gemini just make it up, or did somebody just make that up about Google Gemini?
*Well, who knows; your guess is as good as Google Gemini's
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weirdlizard26 19 hours
How can we help 馃様
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Gaza Funds
Donate if you can. Spread this if you can't. Direct support to these families is the best thing we can do right now.
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weirdlizard26 1 day
Are u normal about trans men
this is gonna get me some hate tbh but honestly? i disapprove of their choice to go to jupiter to get more stupider
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weirdlizard26 1 day
Hello gru Hows your transition coming
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