wh3r3sth3l0ve · 7 days
a little pressure and visible neck pulse
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wh3r3sth3l0ve · 7 days
I'm making my heart continuously pound out of my chest with amyl nitrite for 12 straight minutes. My veins and arteries expand, allowing the turbulent blood to rush through my weakened heart valves. Several times, I start to feel lightheaded, which means my heart is failing to pump efficiently. I punish it further with more hits causing the tachycardia to continue, and my frantic heart stumbles in exhaustion.
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wh3r3sth3l0ve · 12 days
And She Keeps Getting Faster...
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So I recorded this one a few weeks ago but haven't felt very connected to my little lady recently. Finally drew the motivation to edit this gem. I thought we hit 197,beating the last record by 1.. but a look back over the Pulseoid (which I sometimes will stream her rate to a couple of people) shows she's maxed out at 198.
198!! that's 3.3 beats a second! 3 1/3 strong contractions pushing blood to the rest of my body where needed from the sprint she just endured.
Listen to her strong pounding and my lungs gasping for precious oxygen as they work in tandem to deal with the stress I have given them and listen to when they both come together and recover beautifully.
I tried just after this to get her to go over 200 but she was too tired and didn't make it past the 180's. When I get to editing that I will post it too.
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wh3r3sth3l0ve · 13 days
after shower beats <3
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wh3r3sth3l0ve · 16 days
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wh3r3sth3l0ve · 16 days
My heart is absolutely throbbing right now. I can feel each beat hard thru my whole chest 🥵. This is a very enjoyable combination of weed, pressure and some breath holds 🫀
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wh3r3sth3l0ve · 16 days
so what would it sound like for an already racing heart to drink adult beverages? curious? hahah
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wh3r3sth3l0ve · 21 days
One more for you guys. Enjoy.
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wh3r3sth3l0ve · 27 days
My heart needs cardioversion, enjoy the video with the sound of my 💓.
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wh3r3sth3l0ve · 27 days
So something I've noticed is that if I roll onto my left side my heart sometimes (as in very rarely) goes quite irregular. I'm usually half asleep and by the time I get my stemoscope it's settled LOL
Finally managed to capture it.
Felt fine during the recording, all's good here!
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wh3r3sth3l0ve · 29 days
Heres my first vid! I decided to do kinda a calm heartbeat rec so yall could get the basis of my heart. I did have a little too much caffeine this moring so my heart was kinda thumpy.
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wh3r3sth3l0ve · 2 months
irregular heartbeats💕
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wh3r3sth3l0ve · 2 months
Came across this video on [this post/reblog] though the audio and video on it were pretty out of sync, so I fixed it but can't attach a video to a reply or reblog, so I'll just put it here.
A beautifully thin torso and chest with that fast skippy heart, audible murmur and also visible at certain points! That is insanely hot 🥵😍 if anyone knows the original source or poster/model pls let me know!!
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wh3r3sth3l0ve · 3 months
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wh3r3sth3l0ve · 3 months
She will be observed with a stethoscope for heart and lung activity in various parts of the body
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wh3r3sth3l0ve · 3 months
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wh3r3sth3l0ve · 3 months
Sora x Tifa
Ending no. 3 (alternative)
Part 31 below
Sora took no time to hesitate, rushing on Vanitas as quickly as he could. He attacked from his up-right but his enemy was ready to parry that.
He continued, changing directions and tempo, trying to somehow surprise the villain. Riku wanted to help, but seeing him joining the fight, Vanitas jumped back and disappeared, coming back behind their backs near Tifa to focus on her. She however took her time to power up and was ready for anything. Her speed helped her easily defend from the armored man so she tried to knock him out of balance with an undercut but he managed to jump up at the right moment. Sora and Riku joined Tifa and now Vanitas had to fight with all three of them at once. His technique was incredible as he was able to dodge and block every single hit.
The villain jumped up very high and disappeared again just to show up again 20 meters away. He summoned a second Keyblade, the one he was always using and waited for them to attack, smiling. Sora looked at his companions and all of them nodded at the same time, showing they’re ready. Then he also summoned a second weapon and his clothes changed to white. Tifa made sure her fists glow red with energy and Riku took three deep breaths to prepare. Again, Sora was the fastest, as he was flying low above the ground but Tifa was just a step behind, leaving a blueish afterglow. Riku loaded a shotlock to help them get some time and multiple rays of light passed his friends to reach their aim. Vanitas used a magic barrier to block them but the next second he had to work really hard to stop Sora’s and Tifa’s strikes. In the middle of a combo Sora hit him with lightning and that was the first hit that worked. The armored man lost his balance and the whole trio took advantage of that, giving their enemy a very hard time. One of their hits threw Vanitas away a long way, Sora and Riku looked at each other and both had the same idea. They did the same thing to end the fight with Xemnas.
They connected their Keyblades and flew straight on Vanitas to hit him with their whole power. Tifa wanted to help as well so she ran with them and right before landing the blow, she made it even more powerful, helping with her fist hitting the back of their weapons. Both Keyblades pierced the armor and plunged into the villains chest. Vanitas looked down at two weapons sticking out of his body with a look of disbelief on his face.
- It can’t be…
He let out the last sigh and his head fell back lifeless. Both Riku and Sora were surprised with the final effect.
- I thought we would take his heart from him. - Riku was looking at his blood-covered Keyblade.
Sora wanted to investigate Vanitas’ wound but the moment he approached the body, it flew away in a billion tiny pieces taken by the wind.
The trio came back to 7th Heaven to recover after a tough fight.
- Guess we don’t have to go to meet Ventus. - Tifa said after a while.
- Guess we don’t. - Sora answered.
- I need a hard drink. - Riku was still shocked after what he’s done.
Tifa took care of that and in a moment all of them were sipping on energy drinks mixed with a good amount of strong alcohol.
Two days later Riku decided he had to go back to Destiny Island to take care of Kairi. After a long conversation with Sora, they decided that the only thing she’ll hear about her former lover would be that he was doing well somewhere.
A year later Riku saw a gummi ship landing on the beach. He smiled to himself and showed it to Kairi, who was sitting next to him. They both stepped down from the terrace to say hello to their guests.
- It’ll be okay, I’m with you. - Sora tried to comfort Tifa as he noticed her hands shaking.
- I know, everything will be okay with you by my side. - she smiled at him and took a deep breath to calm her nerves.
They got off the ship and Sora introduced girls to each other. Kairi was smiling the whole time and hugged Tifa tightly to welcome her.
It was a warm evening and Kairi was sitting at the usual palm tree with Tifa alongside. They were watching Sora and Riku fighting for fun with wooden swords. Kairi looked at her new friend and said:
- Thank you.
- For what?
- For being there for him when I let him down.
Tifa looked back at Sora now laughing loudly after being knocked down.
- He’s happy, I can see that. And it makes me happy as well. - Kairi continued.
- You know, at first I thought I hated you, even though I didn’t know you. But now I understand you. And I’m glad you did what you did, even though it was really scary and hard at the beginning.
- I have a feeling that we’re gonna be good friends. - Kairi smiled widely at her.
Tifa smiled back, nodded and wrapped her arm around her as they continued watching guys having fun.
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