whatsseobb · 8 months
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Happy National Coming Out Day! Wherever you are in your journey, know you are so loved and valid 🌈🥰
(Photo Credit: @briannavieria)
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whatsseobb · 8 months
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229K notes · View notes
whatsseobb · 8 months
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made by me୨୧
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whatsseobb · 9 months
Red Envy (Katya x Reader) Oneshot - AO3 Link
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AO3 Link
[A/N: hi there again. so other than writing crygi fics, yxb also kinda of branched out to also writing katya x reader. i cant find the gif b was talking about so… 
hope you enjoy this one! also this one was a gift for one of our friends too so yey!]
“See? You’ll get good things when you listen to me… And better things when you don’t.”
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whatsseobb · 9 months
Angel's Kiss (Aziraphale x Crowley) - One Shot
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AO3 Link
[A/N: Hi, so I’m back with a new fandom. I'm quite new to this but I just missed writing so much and I was inspired to write this. I couldn't move on just yet so, yeah.
Also, thanks to my fave co-author for conceptualizing this with me though we weren't able to write together... yet (hopefully). So, enjoy!
If you like to comment on it, I would deeply appreciate for you to come to AO3 using the link above or just message me here so we could talk about Good Omens some more.. Thank you!]
An exasperated sigh escaped Crowley’s lips as they fixed their sunglasses over their eyes, hiding the frustrated tears building up on the corner. “I just… I’m getting lost. Oh fuck, fuck hell.”
Their eyebrows soften as the angel took their hand, his thumb gently rubbing against the top of their hand. “Oh Crowley, I wish there’s a miracle I could do to help you.” A smile broke into the demon’s lips as they heard those words. “I’d do anything for you, you know that right?”
Angel's Kiss
(Aziraphale x Crowley Oneshot)
“Just one final touch.” In a flick of his hand, Aziraphale’s face glistened in delight as he watched the couch move to the corner of the room and the newly-installed lights brighten the room. His eyes moved around the tidied area, contented with how he finished his task as he awaited for his roommate’s arrival. Aziraphale knew the other would be ecstatic to see the apartment cleaned up. Okay, he lied. They wouldn’t be that ecstatic but Aziraphale wanted to keep his hopes up. Afterall, even if the demon did not show it, he knew they would still appreciate the effort he had done. 
This time was the longest they have not seen each other in the last century. Sure, they had some days or a few weeks when they were apart yet this time, it was longer than that. The uncertainty of their return added to the apprehension he was feeling. For Aziraphale, it was his hell on earth. He counted the days, although he didn’t exactly know when they were supposed to come back. He just counted, anticipating their return. That was why he was all worked up, breathlessly waiting for their arrival. He wanted to create and show them that he was patiently waiting on Earth, looking forward to the moment they would be together once more. 
Just as he was about to exit the room, the sound of the rustling leaves echoed. His eyes furrowed in a bit of a worry while a small smile broke into his lips as he faced the lovely house plants Crowley kept on the balcony. “Oh deary, how could I forget about you?”
Aziraphale took the green spray bottle from the side and started spritzing some water to the tall, leafy plants. “You know, you shall not fear your Master Crowley. I wouldn’t allow them to talk to you like that. See? When I’m the one taking care of you, you’re all doing such a wonderful job!” He exclaimed in a cheery voice, clasping his hands together in amusement. 
Soon after, the angel headed to the kitchen to prepare for his dinner. He had done several things from his list, cheerfully humming to himself in satisfaction due to all the work he had finished. He wanted to do something for Crowley, just a small gesture that would show them that he was thinking about the demon while they were gone. That they, even though far away, had been kept close to him and had continuously running through his mind. He wouldn’t say it out loud anyway, so the least he could do was show it through the work he had done over the past few months.
As he was cutting up some vegetables, he heard the front door shut loudly. Aziraphale immediately halted his cooking, turning the stove on low heat as he quickly went to the living room. “My dear, is everything alright?”
“What th- Just- For Hell’s sake, damnit,” Crowley grunted as they plopped themself onto the couch. There was no need for Aziraphale to see the emotion in their eyes to know that they were furious about what happened, whatever it might have been. 
“How are you? Are you alright?”
“It’s just… Ugh.” They turned their head toward the ground, as if talking to someone who wasn’t there. “Whatever, Shax! I am not taking any orders from you!”
Aziraphale kept quiet as he continued listening to the demon’s grievances. He sat himself on the other side of the couch, putting their feet on his lap. Much to his surprise, they scooted over to lay their head on his lap instead. As if driven by a magnetic force, his hands immediately found their way towards their well-kept red hair, stroking it with his fingers. 
An exasperated sigh escaped Crowley’s lips as they fixed their sunglasses over their eyes, hiding the frustrated tears building up on the corner. “I just… I’m getting lost. I don’t know what else they want from me. Oh fuck, fuck the system, fuck hell.” 
Their eyebrows soften as the angel took their hand, his thumb gently rubbing against the top of their hand. “Oh Crowley, I wish there’s a miracle I could do to help you. You know how much I want to just snippity-snap and fix all of this for you.” A smile broke into the demon’s lips as they heard those words. “I’d do anything for you, you know that right?”
All Crowley could do was nod. Over the sunglasses, their eyes landed on the angel, watching in adoration as he continued to rub their palm, moving further to their wrist. Crowley noticed that Aziraphale paused on a mark on their forearm, his eyebrows knitted in concern. They said in defense, “It’s nothing.”
“Crowley,” the angel gently pulled their arm closer when he felt they were yanking it away, examining the scar left behind on their skin. “What happened here? Did they do this to you down there? Did they hurt you?”
“No, Angel, they were such a delight. They gave me treats and all my favorite things.”
“Don’t you worry about it. It’s not new. I’ve had it for maybe, a hundred years already? I don’t know.” 
Aziraphale took the other’s left arm and pushed up their sleeves, seeing more scars left behind by what’s down under. His eyebrows continued to furrow even more, his eyes looking back and forth from Crowley’s face to the marks on his skin. “May I?” He waited for their approval before he touched the lesions on the demon’s arm, his thumb grazing softly on them. “Are these as old as the first one?”
“I don’t remember.”
“How about this one?” Aziraphale asked as he referred to a longer one near their elbow. 
“Quite new.”
“And this?” He felt the demon yanked their arm back, startling him. 
“Are you seriously going to ask me all about my scars because we would need eternity for me to discuss every single one of them.” 
“Apologies. But we actually have eternity to discuss.” Aziraphale let out a soft chuckle as he took Crowley’s arm again, quietly staring into the scars while his fingers caress over them. Seeing those scars on the demon’s skin left an ache in his stomach. He couldn’t fathom how much pain it might have felt and the pain of seeing those permanent marks on their skin, always getting reminded of how worse it was there. “I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing?”
“I… I wish…” A cheerless sound escaped his lips. “It pains me to see you like this.”
“I’ve been like this since, you know, the fall. Have you only noticed them now?”
“No. What I mean is-“
“I know what you mean. But I’m certainly okay. Don’t you worry about me, angel.” Aziraphale reciprocated their words with a small smile.
His hands slowly guided the hand towards his face. A feeling crept into his stomach as his lips slowly touched the scar. Aziraphale was reminded of the kiss they once shared that one afternoon just outside the Ritz, and how he felt when Crowley’s lips were on his. The warm sensation parading on his senses, the comforting feeling shooting waves around his body as the demon held onto his face when they shared a moment. He wanted to do the same for Crowley, to reciprocate the feeling of solace and reassurance they made him feel. In his mind, that was how humans shared relief and comfort with one another. He wanted Crowley to feel that he was there for them, that the scars were just marks left by the past and that they cannot hurt them anymore after all.
Aziraphale’s pale smile disappeared when he felt the demon flinch on contact. “Oh no. What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong? I am deeply sorry.”
Upon contact, Crowley’s skin felt a little tinge of burn as Aziraphale placed a kiss on their scar. It was nothing of sorts compared to what the demon had felt before but it just came as a surprise. It was different when they touched the angel’s lips before. Maybe it was the burn of hell that came in contact with an angel that caused this but for Crowley, it was nothing to be wary of. Seeing the angel’s smile was much more priceless than any pain they might have felt with his kisses. They wanted him to continue, watching him over his sunglasses while fighting a smile about to break on their lips. “No, no. I’m okay.”
“Am I hurting you?”
“No, you aren’t.” Quite the opposite of that, they thought.
Crowley’s eyes met with Aziraphale’s as they removed their sunglasses, the angel continued placing soft kisses on their skin. “There’s nothing to worry now, Crowley. I am here, my dear.”
“They don’t hurt you now, do they? They can’t hurt you. I won’t allow that to happen. Tell me if they are hurting you. I will… I will…”
“What? Gonna file a complaint to heaven about a demon being tortured? I’m pretty sure they would even be pleased.” Aziraphale rolled his eyes as he placed another peck on the demon’s elbow. 
“Are there more… here?” He teasingly lifted their top, revealing some healed lacerations on their waist. He winced at the sight before him, a frown appearing on his mouth. “My my, I have not seen this before. Did it hurt? Well, of course it did. Silly of me to even ask.”
“That… It came from the time they found out I was conspiring with an angel and they just wanted to punish me for doing an awful job as a fallen one. It’s like ‘Why are you working with the enemy? Why are you bla bla bla. I didn’t listen to the rest of them, angel. Didn’t care for any of it all. I mean, I worked with an angel, what’s the big deal? We just stopped another horrible event they were about to cause.” Aziraphale giggled along to the story, looking down at the almost faded scar before turning his eyes to the demon only to see them grinning.
There it was, the excited smile he anticipated to see. A slight flush of warmth crept on his chest as his eyes fell on the curved lips of the demon, feeling successful on his mission to keep them distracted from their melancholic thoughts. His lips failed to hide the smile reappearing as he took a few moments to take in Crowley’s gleeful expression. Throughout the six thousand years he has spent roaming around the world and looking at the marvelous creation through history, they were all incomparable to the sight before him. They barely smiled but when they did, it was unparalleled. Not even the magnificent mountains and vast seas, nor the most beautiful gardens can match up to a happy Crowley. As cliché as it would sound, the demon’s smile was Aziraphale’s favourite view and he promised himself that he would do anything again just to catch a glimpse of it.
For Crowley, seeing the angel’s genuine smile felt like a warm hot chocolate, or vodka in their case, on a cold winter day. It brought him joy, a comfortable and cozy feeling that he had longed for. At that moment, they made the decision of claiming him as their sanctuary, the light that kept every darkness away. Being around Aziraphale was something they looked forward to, even after millennia of being each other’s companion. There was just something ineffable about the angel and the aura surrounding him that radiated even the darkest of Crowley’s heart. They were still a demon but being with the angel, sharing lovely moments such as this was their heaven. 
The comfortable silence occupied the room for quite some time before the angel spoke again, laying a hand out for them. “Have you eaten? May I tempt you to a spectacular dinner?” Just as the demon was about to say something, he continued, “I know, I know temptation is your job but I like to do it now.”
The low chuckle of amusement that Crowley exhaled made Aziraphale beam. With a smirk on their face, they replied, “You can tempt me into whatever and you know I’ll always say yes to you, my angel.”
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whatsseobb · 9 months
Why do you reblog your own fics so much?
Because someone might as well!? And look at this. Look. At. This.
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Does this look right to you??
These are just the last three fics I wrote. I appreciate the likes, believe me I do, but you have to understand. Likes do nothing for content creators. It’s the reblogs. Because that’s how you find shit on your dashboard. Through reblogs. Not likes. This isn’t twitter or tiktok or instagram. This is a website that’s run by the reblog system.
Reblogging helps content creators put their stuff out there. Why do you think so many people stopped writing fanfic and creating beautiful fanart and edits? It’s because they put in hours of work and don’t get nearly enough notes for their masterpieces. Yes we do this because we enjoy it but like...some validation won’t hurt. A boost of confidence here and there might be all someone needs to finish whatever thing they started and left.
Anyway, I’m still going to reblog my shit...
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whatsseobb · 9 months
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Happy 21st of September!
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whatsseobb · 9 months
I find it extremely funny that the entire Good Omens fandom is absolutely in love with Bildad the Shuhite for seemingly no reason. Can one of you please tell me why we love him so?
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whatsseobb · 9 months
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YANG YO SEOP 2023 OFFICIAL PHOTOBOOK [Bitter Sweet Memories] CONCEPT PHOTO -1- 2023. 9. 11. (MON) 3PM
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whatsseobb · 9 months
Can u pleaseeeeee write more Katy’s smut I’m dying it’s so good!!!
not me just seeing this now (after a year) but thank you for enjoying the fic we wrote! i'll update once we've come up with a new one. <3 <3 <3
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whatsseobb · 9 months
Angel's Kiss (Aziraphale x Crowley) - One Shot
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AO3 Link
[A/N: Hi, so I’m back with a new fandom. I'm quite new to this but I just missed writing so much and I was inspired to write this. I couldn't move on just yet so, yeah.
Also, thanks to my fave co-author for conceptualizing this with me though we weren't able to write together... yet (hopefully). So, enjoy!
If you like to comment on it, I would deeply appreciate for you to come to AO3 using the link above or just message me here so we could talk about Good Omens some more.. Thank you!]
An exasperated sigh escaped Crowley’s lips as they fixed their sunglasses over their eyes, hiding the frustrated tears building up on the corner. “I just… I’m getting lost. Oh fuck, fuck hell.”
Their eyebrows soften as the angel took their hand, his thumb gently rubbing against the top of their hand. “Oh Crowley, I wish there’s a miracle I could do to help you.” A smile broke into the demon’s lips as they heard those words. “I’d do anything for you, you know that right?”
Angel's Kiss
(Aziraphale x Crowley Oneshot)
“Just one final touch.” In a flick of his hand, Aziraphale’s face glistened in delight as he watched the couch move to the corner of the room and the newly-installed lights brighten the room. His eyes moved around the tidied area, contented with how he finished his task as he awaited for his roommate’s arrival. Aziraphale knew the other would be ecstatic to see the apartment cleaned up. Okay, he lied. They wouldn’t be that ecstatic but Aziraphale wanted to keep his hopes up. Afterall, even if the demon did not show it, he knew they would still appreciate the effort he had done. 
This time was the longest they have not seen each other in the last century. Sure, they had some days or a few weeks when they were apart yet this time, it was longer than that. The uncertainty of their return added to the apprehension he was feeling. For Aziraphale, it was his hell on earth. He counted the days, although he didn’t exactly know when they were supposed to come back. He just counted, anticipating their return. That was why he was all worked up, breathlessly waiting for their arrival. He wanted to create and show them that he was patiently waiting on Earth, looking forward to the moment they would be together once more. 
Just as he was about to exit the room, the sound of the rustling leaves echoed. His eyes furrowed in a bit of a worry while a small smile broke into his lips as he faced the lovely house plants Crowley kept on the balcony. “Oh deary, how could I forget about you?”
Aziraphale took the green spray bottle from the side and started spritzing some water to the tall, leafy plants. “You know, you shall not fear your Master Crowley. I wouldn’t allow them to talk to you like that. See? When I’m the one taking care of you, you’re all doing such a wonderful job!” He exclaimed in a cheery voice, clasping his hands together in amusement. 
Soon after, the angel headed to the kitchen to prepare for his dinner. He had done several things from his list, cheerfully humming to himself in satisfaction due to all the work he had finished. He wanted to do something for Crowley, just a small gesture that would show them that he was thinking about the demon while they were gone. That they, even though far away, had been kept close to him and had continuously running through his mind. He wouldn’t say it out loud anyway, so the least he could do was show it through the work he had done over the past few months.
As he was cutting up some vegetables, he heard the front door shut loudly. Aziraphale immediately halted his cooking, turning the stove on low heat as he quickly went to the living room. “My dear, is everything alright?”
“What th- Just- For Hell’s sake, damnit,” Crowley grunted as they plopped themself onto the couch. There was no need for Aziraphale to see the emotion in their eyes to know that they were furious about what happened, whatever it might have been. 
“How are you? Are you alright?”
“It’s just… Ugh.” They turned their head toward the ground, as if talking to someone who wasn’t there. “Whatever, Shax! I am not taking any orders from you!”
Aziraphale kept quiet as he continued listening to the demon’s grievances. He sat himself on the other side of the couch, putting their feet on his lap. Much to his surprise, they scooted over to lay their head on his lap instead. As if driven by a magnetic force, his hands immediately found their way towards their well-kept red hair, stroking it with his fingers. 
An exasperated sigh escaped Crowley’s lips as they fixed their sunglasses over their eyes, hiding the frustrated tears building up on the corner. “I just… I’m getting lost. I don’t know what else they want from me. Oh fuck, fuck the system, fuck hell.” 
Their eyebrows soften as the angel took their hand, his thumb gently rubbing against the top of their hand. “Oh Crowley, I wish there’s a miracle I could do to help you. You know how much I want to just snippity-snap and fix all of this for you.” A smile broke into the demon’s lips as they heard those words. “I’d do anything for you, you know that right?”
All Crowley could do was nod. Over the sunglasses, their eyes landed on the angel, watching in adoration as he continued to rub their palm, moving further to their wrist. Crowley noticed that Aziraphale paused on a mark on their forearm, his eyebrows knitted in concern. They said in defense, “It’s nothing.”
“Crowley,” the angel gently pulled their arm closer when he felt they were yanking it away, examining the scar left behind on their skin. “What happened here? Did they do this to you down there? Did they hurt you?”
“No, Angel, they were such a delight. They gave me treats and all my favorite things.”
“Don’t you worry about it. It’s not new. I’ve had it for maybe, a hundred years already? I don’t know.” 
Aziraphale took the other’s left arm and pushed up their sleeves, seeing more scars left behind by what’s down under. His eyebrows continued to furrow even more, his eyes looking back and forth from Crowley’s face to the marks on his skin. “May I?” He waited for their approval before he touched the lesions on the demon’s arm, his thumb grazing softly on them. “Are these as old as the first one?”
“I don’t remember.”
“How about this one?” Aziraphale asked as he referred to a longer one near their elbow. 
“Quite new.”
“And this?” He felt the demon yanked their arm back, startling him. 
“Are you seriously going to ask me all about my scars because we would need eternity for me to discuss every single one of them.” 
“Apologies. But we actually have eternity to discuss.” Aziraphale let out a soft chuckle as he took Crowley’s arm again, quietly staring into the scars while his fingers caress over them. Seeing those scars on the demon’s skin left an ache in his stomach. He couldn’t fathom how much pain it might have felt and the pain of seeing those permanent marks on their skin, always getting reminded of how worse it was there. “I’m sorry.”
“Why are you apologizing?”
“I… I wish…” A cheerless sound escaped his lips. “It pains me to see you like this.”
“I’ve been like this since, you know, the fall. Have you only noticed them now?”
“No. What I mean is-“
“I know what you mean. But I’m certainly okay. Don’t you worry about me, angel.” Aziraphale reciprocated their words with a small smile.
His hands slowly guided the hand towards his face. A feeling crept into his stomach as his lips slowly touched the scar. Aziraphale was reminded of the kiss they once shared that one afternoon just outside the Ritz, and how he felt when Crowley’s lips were on his. The warm sensation parading on his senses, the comforting feeling shooting waves around his body as the demon held onto his face when they shared a moment. He wanted to do the same for Crowley, to reciprocate the feeling of solace and reassurance they made him feel. In his mind, that was how humans shared relief and comfort with one another. He wanted Crowley to feel that he was there for them, that the scars were just marks left by the past and that they cannot hurt them anymore after all.
Aziraphale’s pale smile disappeared when he felt the demon flinch on contact. “Oh no. What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong? I am deeply sorry.”
Upon contact, Crowley’s skin felt a little tinge of burn as Aziraphale placed a kiss on their scar. It was nothing of sorts compared to what the demon had felt before but it just came as a surprise. It was different when they touched the angel’s lips before. Maybe it was the burn of hell that came in contact with an angel that caused this but for Crowley, it was nothing to be wary of. Seeing the angel’s smile was much more priceless than any pain they might have felt with his kisses. They wanted him to continue, watching him over his sunglasses while fighting a smile about to break on their lips. “No, no. I’m okay.”
“Am I hurting you?”
“No, you aren’t.” Quite the opposite of that, they thought.
Crowley’s eyes met with Aziraphale’s as they removed their sunglasses, the angel continued placing soft kisses on their skin. “There’s nothing to worry now, Crowley. I am here, my dear.”
“They don’t hurt you now, do they? They can’t hurt you. I won’t allow that to happen. Tell me if they are hurting you. I will… I will…”
“What? Gonna file a complaint to heaven about a demon being tortured? I’m pretty sure they would even be pleased.” Aziraphale rolled his eyes as he placed another peck on the demon’s elbow. 
“Are there more… here?” He teasingly lifted their top, revealing some healed lacerations on their waist. He winced at the sight before him, a frown appearing on his mouth. “My my, I have not seen this before. Did it hurt? Well, of course it did. Silly of me to even ask.”
“That… It came from the time they found out I was conspiring with an angel and they just wanted to punish me for doing an awful job as a fallen one. It’s like ‘Why are you working with the enemy? Why are you bla bla bla. I didn’t listen to the rest of them, angel. Didn’t care for any of it all. I mean, I worked with an angel, what’s the big deal? We just stopped another horrible event they were about to cause.” Aziraphale giggled along to the story, looking down at the almost faded scar before turning his eyes to the demon only to see them grinning.
There it was, the excited smile he anticipated to see. A slight flush of warmth crept on his chest as his eyes fell on the curved lips of the demon, feeling successful on his mission to keep them distracted from their melancholic thoughts. His lips failed to hide the smile reappearing as he took a few moments to take in Crowley’s gleeful expression. Throughout the six thousand years he has spent roaming around the world and looking at the marvelous creation through history, they were all incomparable to the sight before him. They barely smiled but when they did, it was unparalleled. Not even the magnificent mountains and vast seas, nor the most beautiful gardens can match up to a happy Crowley. As cliché as it would sound, the demon’s smile was Aziraphale’s favourite view and he promised himself that he would do anything again just to catch a glimpse of it.
For Crowley, seeing the angel’s genuine smile felt like a warm hot chocolate, or vodka in their case, on a cold winter day. It brought him joy, a comfortable and cozy feeling that he had longed for. At that moment, they made the decision of claiming him as their sanctuary, the light that kept every darkness away. Being around Aziraphale was something they looked forward to, even after millennia of being each other’s companion. There was just something ineffable about the angel and the aura surrounding him that radiated even the darkest of Crowley’s heart. They were still a demon but being with the angel, sharing lovely moments such as this was their heaven. 
The comfortable silence occupied the room for quite some time before the angel spoke again, laying a hand out for them. “Have you eaten? May I tempt you to a spectacular dinner?” Just as the demon was about to say something, he continued, “I know, I know temptation is your job but I like to do it now.”
The low chuckle of amusement that Crowley exhaled made Aziraphale beam. With a smirk on their face, they replied, “You can tempt me into whatever and you know I’ll always say yes to you, my angel.”
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whatsseobb · 3 years
Behind Glass Doors (Crystal x Gigi Fanfic) - Special Chapter
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                                  (The photo that started it all)
It’s the one year anniversary since B and I posted our very first fic together. And to celebrate our firstborn, here’s a special chapter for all the readers are out there. <3
[A/N: hello clowns! okay, saur, we missed bgd -and hope u did too- and it’s the anniversary of us putting it up on ao3 so we thought we could have a throwback to the good old clownery days. i hope u enjoyed this as much as we loved writing it! see you in another work hopefully<3 -bee it has been a year! so, happy one year to our first baby and first result of our clownery! tbh, this wasn’t a planned post as it only came up like 3 days ago and we’ve been very busy but hey, we were able to create this special chapter as a throwback for this fic hahahaha. Hope you loved it as much as we do. We missed bgd tbh. Hehehe. anyway, grateful to have you here again and see you on our next works. We had posted a few works alone but ofc we couldn’t help but have each other read it before posting here cuz we’re inseparable. Love ya! - y ♡]                                      Special Chapter AO3 Link
Crystal exhaled a deep sigh as she walked her way to her boss’ office, trying to put a smile on her face to fill in for the lack of her boss’. The cold, lifeless exterior of Gigi, the CEO of the Goode Architecture, was waiting for the files she had requested earlier that morning. In just one look, it was obvious that she’s the cold-hearted boss that she was known for. Sure, the glass-walled office provided transparency but the dull exterior of Ms. Goode concealed all the things she had hidden behind the glass doors.
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whatsseobb · 3 years
Red Envy (Katya x Reader) Oneshot - AO3 Link
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AO3 Link
[A/N: hi there again. so other than writing crygi fics, yxb also kinda of branched out to also writing katya x reader. i cant find the gif b was talking about so... 
hope you enjoy this one! also this one was a gift for one of our friends too so yey!]
“See? You’ll get good things when you listen to me… And better things when you don’t.”
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whatsseobb · 3 years
Crystal x Gigi Fanfics - AO3 Link
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[A/N: hello there! it’s been a long time since i popped on here but i just wanna share some of the oneshots i’ve published on AO3. one of them is a yxb work so check it out too! we can never be separated tbh ever since writing BGD so i guess we’ll continue to write together? hahahahaha <3 anyway, hope you enjoy these fics and the future ones we’ll share. thank you so much!] 
                                             AO3 FANFIC LINKS
Chained Up (yxb smut oneshot) - Story Link
“Gee, why do you keep doing this? And why do you have these? Do you even know how to use these?” Crystal asked, regarding the toys around them as she looked through the photos she took of her friend.
"Why baby?" She grabbed one of the fuzzy handcuffs she was using as a prop for her photos earlier, and twirled it around her hand, playfully teasing her friend. “Do you think I just bought these for my photos?”
dis/connected (oneshot) - Story Link
The cool breeze always brought me a sense of comfort, even through windy days just like today. I tugged my jacket closer, my legs trembling with the cold wind hitting my ankles. Walking past the knee-high blades of grass and bushes of flowers sent a wave of warmth on my chest as I approached the tiny phone booth in the middle of the meadow.
“Crystal, I’m finally here. We are finally here,” I whispered to the wind as my eyes locked onto the painting my girlfriend made.
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whatsseobb · 3 years
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Ma’am —
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whatsseobb · 3 years
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i’m still here, it’s not the end
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whatsseobb · 3 years
I am so proud of you, my love <3
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forever our king. congratulations on 8 consecutive wins 👑👑👑
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