whatyourehungryfor · 4 hours
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whatyourehungryfor · 16 hours
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whatyourehungryfor · 16 hours
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“I don’t even know where you end and I begin.” JACKIE TAYLOR & SHAUNA SHIPMAN | YELLOWJACKETS (2021)
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whatyourehungryfor · 16 hours
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freezing to death and burning in shame
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whatyourehungryfor · 16 hours
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1.05 | 2.09
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whatyourehungryfor · 16 hours
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🦌 + 🦝
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whatyourehungryfor · 16 hours
i miss jackie so much she was trying her best to be kind and failed immensely at it most of the time and she was such a girlloser because of it and she meant everything to me
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whatyourehungryfor · 17 hours
shauna and jackie’s “best friend” as code for “person i’m deeply in love with” but it’s clear that shauna’s actual best friend is tai and jackie doesn’t have one
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whatyourehungryfor · 21 hours
Are you in the mood to cry? do i have the fic recs for you! most of these made me cry or at least come close, and i literally never cry. buckle up!
(also heads up this is mostly jackie or shauna focused stuff because i have a bias and death hurts)
Butterfly v. Yellowjacket
cmon. this is a given. if you ask for a yellowjackets fic that hurts this will probably be mentioned. it's for good reason! This fic ruined me, which, granted, was in part because it was late at night but it really does stick with you. The prose is great and the ending takes you breath away (if it hasn't already been stolen by your sobs)
pinky promise
This one is short but bittersweet. Like, just read the summary and trust me, it will get to you. Very pretty in a tragic sort of way
she sleeps below (so down you go)
This will not make you happy at all and might even creep you out as a nice bonus, so for sure heed the tags. It gets pretty fucked up, but in a well done way. I love a good fic where everything is so completely fucked, but I must say: poor Van
let me love you wrong
Read this one and stared at a wall for about 20 minutes because I dared to hope. To see it all unravel slowly... well, they don't call it tragedy for nothing, and jackieshauna fits the bill. Lovely exploration of them though!
when you find an old picture of us and you clear away the dust (i hope you miss me sometimes)
A Shauna character study, but given her intense guilt and her inherent sadness I had to put it here. Her entire life is an altar to Jackie and this fic sure does show it
i do know that it's over
Ah, post-rescue. Shauna never did get out of those woods did she? Come here to cry over Shauna crying over Jackie. My girl is so messed up and hollow and it upsets me
Big Bear, Little Bear
I really do love Callie and Shauna's dynamic and all the pain that goes with it. Enjoy this painful snapshot of that
please don't push my sunshine away
I won't spoil the ending, but the middle of this gets HEAVY. Also unhinged Jackie behavior is a bonus but things get bleak for sure. Love a desolate winter
the lost land
Genuinely I have hardly ever seen a fic capture the damage and the loss and the pain the wilderness left on even the survivors. Like they were kids! And now they lost not only their friends but themselves, and things literally won't ever be okay again. Hurt me so bad and so good
and i think it's going to rain today
Funerals and Jackie is quite the recipe for pain, let me tell you
Enjoy (well. appreciate the pain more like) these sad fics for a rainy day. These are just some of my faves, so feel free to also mention your own. Remember to comment and kudos. Enjoy the angst :)
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maybe i just need to make a "yellowjackets fics that ruined my life" rec list as an excuse to talk about this because man.
actually crazy that butterfly v yellowjacket was written pre s2 because that ALSO has convos with the dead bestie
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actually crazy that butterfly v yellowjacket was written pre s2 because that ALSO has convos with the dead bestie
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Butterfly v. Yellowjacket-nowthatwecandoanythingwhatwillwedonow// Yellowjackets (Episode S0202)
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YJWEEK ‘23 | Day three: Favorite dynamic ↳ JACKIE AND SHAUNA (insp.)
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If you don't get warm, you're going to die.
I don't want to leave you.
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whatyourehungryfor · 2 days
jackie admiring laura lee’s faith SO MUCH and she really believes that maybe she’s going to get them help for van and shauna and then. POOF. she’s dead. and there’s nothing getting better and she figures out who shauna’s baby daddy is and she’s not getting along with anyone and they’re not getting rescued and nothing matters! nothing she does or ever will do matters because shauna doesn’t love her and no one wants her and laura lee put her faith in god and died! any faith or hope jackie still had left died with laura lee
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whatyourehungryfor · 2 days
happy pride to deadbeat dad lesbian senators, her high school 90s nostalgia ex wife, the ex skeptic bisexual that just got really into a cult after a private therapy session with the hot cult leader, lesbians with visions telling them what to do that feel responsible for a large group of highly impressionable acolytes, people with whatever the fuck misty quigley’s got going on, suburban housewives with an all consuming darkness inside them who never got over their teenage homoerotic best friendship, biggest dyke in the canadian rockies snackie taylor, lisa, and bitches who got over their fear of cannibalism media to watch this piece of traumatised lesbian cannibalism media (me)
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whatyourehungryfor · 2 days
just remembered how insane it was of shauna to say literally everything she said in the pre-jacksicle argument... like she knew jackie wasn't eating and basically planned on dying there, she knew jackie was incredibly insecure, she knew jackie was afraid of being boring and useless, she knew she was afraid of having no future... and said yeah thats fucking true so good thing you will die at here so no one knows what a fuck up you'll end up!!! like damn. i would have killed myself in front of her right then and there instead of waiting to take a snow nap tbh
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