whump-mania · 12 days
Hand whump for someone who’s a writer or artist. Damaged to the point that they can never perform their profession/passion again.
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whump-mania · 15 days
if the requests are still open (and ik i already sent one, but i have an idea) whumper going slowly and gradually with whumpee, constantly shushing them, telling them 'it's okay, i don't want to scare you" and it starts slowly with taking pictures of whumpee, to asking them to wear the collar to however far you'd like to take it
(Took it in a slightly different direction, hope that’s okay! TWs for pet whump/collars/dehumanization)
Whumpee swore they’d never wear the collar. Ever. They would be obedient, take the pain, anything else—but they wouldn’t debase themselves to that point.
Whumper always thought Whumpee’s reluctance was funny. Almost cute. They knew that their refusal was futile. They’d have their way eventually. They just needed to go about it the right way.
Train them. Like the dog they were.
Whumper started with exposure therapy. Keeping the collar nearby during torture sessions. Whether it was on the table, or hanging on the wall, it was always there. Never out of sight.
Then, they started associating it with comfort. If Whumpee wanted their wounds treated, they’d need to hold the collar. If they wanted to sleep, it would need to be in the cage with them.
Soon, Whumpee started to get nervous if the collar wasn’t nearby. The collar meant the punishment wouldn’t be nearly as bad. No collar meant no aftercare, double the time, double the force.
It didn’t take long for Whumpee to start begging for it to be in the room.
Whumper was delighted. Such good progress was being made.
Finally, when the time was right, Whumper escalated things. If Whumpee wanted to make the pain less, or receive any healing, they’d need to wear the collar. Not just hold it.
And just like that, all of Whumpee’s defiance was gone. It was an immediate ‘yes.’ They even begged to wear it.
Whumper snapped a few pictures when it was finally around Whumpee’s neck.
“Perfect,” Whumper whispered. “My perfect little pet.”
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whump-mania · 15 days
yo i love your whipped whimper caretaking prompts? could you do some more caretaking prompts for other random types of whump? whatever you’re feeling like, but esp wounds or hyper/hypothermia
Assorted Caretaker Lines
For sure! I’ll make some little sections for as many as I can think of:
1. “Hold this down. It’ll stop the bleeding…for now.”
2. “Shit, I…I’ve never treated a would like this before, I-I don’t really know what I’m doing…”
3. “It’s infected. Someone get me a bottle of alcohol before this spreads to their immune system.”
4. “Don’t worry. We’re gonna close this thing right back up. You’re gonna be okay.”
5. “What do you mean, it already bled through? …Oh…shit.”
1. “Jesus—is their skin supposed to feel like ice?”
2. “Whumpee…how long did they leave you outside…?”
3. “I don’t care if you’re cold, Whumpee’s gonna fucking die if they’re not warmed up! Give me your blanket!”
4. “They’re shaking like a leaf…I-I don’t know if they’re gonna be okay.”
5. “I told you not to go out in this weather, Whumpee. Don’t go risking your life for me.”
1. “I told you we needed to stop for water! Look at them now!”
2. “Whumper, please, just let them take a break. They’re gonna overheat like this. Let me go out there, I can handle it.”
3. “I know, I know. We’re gonna get you somewhere cool. Just hang in there.”
4. “Absolutely not. Your skin is hot to the touch right now, there’s no way you’re taking that punishment for me.”
5. “There’s no ice left, I’m sorry…it all melted. You’re just gonna have to sweat it out.”
1. “Don’t listen to them. None of that was true, they’re just trying to get in your head.”
2. “Hey…Whumpee, you still with me? Hello?”
3. “Look at me. Breathe. You feel my hand? You’re here. You’re with me now, you’re okay.”
4. “They don’t have any physical scars. Whumper’s more inclined to leave…um…mental ones.”
5. “It scares me when you do that. When you…go somewhere else. In your head.”
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whump-mania · 16 days
For anyone new to the blog, here’s the types of requests/asks I am open to take!
-Short Whumper/Whumpee/Caretaker nameless drabbles
-Dialogue lines for any situation (not nsfwhump)
-Questions or continuations for any of my existing named masterlists (Dark Leader or ABC)
-For the previous, you can also ask those characters a question and I’ll answer in-character!
-Any random whump questions you have for me!
Reminder: I will now only take nsfw requests on @nsfwhump-mania!
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whump-mania · 17 days
Who’s gonna caretake the caretaker???!
Yknow what I like in caretakers?
Compassion fatigue.
It does shake things up in interesting ways!
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whump-mania · 17 days
Oh you're taking requests? 👀
What about Parting Words Regret? Where a Whumpee and a Caretaker got into an argument, Whumpee leaves and something bad happens to them, and the guilt Caretaker feels.
-- @whumperofworlds
Caretaker stared mortified at their ringing cellphone. If the contact name of the caller told them anything, it was that they’d screwed up big time.
Finally, they picked up right before it went to voicemail. “…What do you want, Whumper?”
“I think the wrong person is asking that question.” Whumper’s cocky voice came through the other like. “What you really should be asking is, what do you want?”
And Caretaker knew exactly what that meant. “Let them go.”
“Let them go? After all this trouble? I don’t think so,” Whumper replied with a laugh. “Either way…I don’t think they’d want you to come for them anyway. I scanned through their wonderful little memories of you, and it looks like the last thing you said to them was…not so nice.”
Damn Whumper’s mind-reading abilities. Caretaker cringed at their own memory of the interaction. The words they’d said to drive Whumpee out of their house.
“I wish they would’ve killed you.”
They hadn’t meant it. Obviously, they hadn’t meant it. They just needed to say something to shock them. Now, they knew it was the biggest mistake they’d made.
“I didn’t mean it. Tell them I didn’t mean it!” Caretaker demanded.
“Come on, Caretaker. You know I wouldn’t do that.” Whumper chuckled and hung up the phone. They went back into the room where they had Whumpee dangling by their limbs from the ceiling.
“Oh, I spoke to Caretaker, by the way.” Whumper grinned at how Whumpee’s eyes widened.
“They still hate you.”
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whump-mania · 18 days
heard u were taking requests....
prompts for caretaking someone who was whipped please 🥺 (/silly for emoji)
1. “God, you poor thing…these are really deep.”
2. “This’ll only take a second. It’s gonna sting.”
3. “They could’ve at least used a cane. Fucking whip makes everything harder to clean.”
4. “I know. You cry all you need to. You didn’t deserve that.”
5. “I-It’s…I’m sorry, it’s too much blood, I-I can’t. Give…give me a second.”
6. “Fuck, Whumpee…what did they do to get your back this bad?”
7. “You need stitches. Yes, they’re gonna hurt too. Stop complaining—would you rather bleed out?”
8. “Whumper knew. They knew this would leave scars. That sick fuck.”
9. “You shouldn’t have disobeyed them, you know. You could’ve saved us a lot of bandages.”
10. “The scars don’t make you any less beautiful. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”
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whump-mania · 18 days
you want prompts? I give you prompts. Here's where I dump my current obsession.
pirates. Boats. Do you know how filled with whump that entire section of history is? The songs, for example, that aren't 'I love the sea I'm married to her <3' are 'here's 110 reasons you can't drag my bloodied corpse back on one of those death vessels' and honestly that's beautiful.
The whump sea song off the top of my head is Off To Sea sung by the longest Johns, but there's ones like Dead And Drowned, 3 Score And 10, literally any pirate song (there's a lot of good ones by The Jolly Rodgers), Numbers by Jolly Rodgers, there's the one about going around the horn that details the cold and stale food and tyranny of the captain, Mutiny is a fun concept (that Jolly Rodgers and long Johns clearly have slightly different attitudes of looking at their respective songs by that title.)
I assume you've heard what to do with a drunken sailor. Different bands have slightly different verses to that one, you really haven't listened to it in full until you hear all the terrible things you can do to your drunken mate that different bands think of.
The Tempest.
Did you know that sailors would eat in the dark because their food would almost always be crawling with maggots and they didn't want to think about that?
Or that scurvy reopens old wounds? Or that it's a vitamin deficiency and not anything actually inherent to the sea so theoretically a landlubber whumpee could get it?
Ocean whump my beloved <3
Here’s some other things I love about it (I’ve probably talked about it before but who cares):
-Salt water + wounds
-Stowaways being caught
-You said this one but MUTINY and the consequences that go along with it
-Just like the general public humiliation potential too
-The fear of being isolated at sea with people who only wanna hurt or kill you
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whump-mania · 18 days
If anyone has a writing request, I am very bored and would love to take some!!!
(NSFW requests can go to @nsfwhump-mania)
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whump-mania · 18 days
Hear me out:
Evil therapist.
Whumpee gets out of whatever situation they’re in with Whumper and goes to therapy, turns out their therapist is some sort of demon/being that feeds off of fear and trauma
So they just keep milking the information out of Whumpee about how they were hurt, all under the guise that it’s to help them but really it’s so they can feed
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whump-mania · 20 days
Make your Whumpee beg to be hurt.
Make them fall to their knees and beg desperately for the pain they know they deserve.
Make them choose their punishment, lest they receive all of them in succession.
Make them choose the punishment of someone else.
Make them beg to be hurt instead of another.
Make them beg to be spared, to hurt their friend instead.
Make your Whumpee choose between psychological or physical torture for the day.
Make them beg to be hurt in exchange for basic needs, like food or water.
Make them beg for just one person to hurt them instead of a group of people.
Make your Whumpee beg to be hurt.
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whump-mania · 30 days
Thinking about a Michael Reeves-esque Whumper who’s just unhinged and obsessed with tasing/electrocuting people in new creative ways
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whump-mania · 1 month
The prisoner gawked. “I—what?”
The interrogator laughed heartily. “Come on, are you seriously that stupid? You know damn well what this is all really for.” He walked behind the chair and undid his tie, wrapping it around the prisoner’s neck and pulling them against the back of the chair.
The prisoner choked and squeezed their eyes shut. “I…I d-don’t understand…”
“I already knew everything. I just needed to see if you’d lie to me,” the interrogator said softly in the prisoner’s ear. He pulled the tie tighter. “And you did.”
The prisoner paled. Shit.
“You’re going to find out soon that I don’t like liars. But honestly, it’s all the same to me. Woulda hurt you anyway,” the interrogator said with a shrug, finally releasing the tie and walking back around to the front of the chair. The prisoner thought they’d have a moment to catch their breath, but the interrogator threw a punch into their stomach that knocked it right back out.
“This just means I can really let loose.”
"Please. I've told you everything I know." The prisoner tried to twist away from the interrogator's grip. "I swear, there's nothing else--please…"
"Good," the interrogator purred, tightening his grip on the prisoner's chin. "Now that I don't need to worry about damaging you too badly to talk, I can have some real fun with you."
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whump-mania · 1 month
8. Opinion on whump without a whumper? Ex: Whumpee falling into an ice-cold river and getting hypothermia.
It’s alright! I like sickness whump quite a bit and environmental whump isn’t always my absolute fav but it has its moments for sure!
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whump-mania · 1 month
Ask away!
What got you into whump?
What is your favourite type of whump?
Least favourite type of whump?
What do you wish you saw more in this community?
Whumper turned Whumpee or Whumpee turned Whumper?
Do you listen to anything while writing/drawing whump? If it’s music, what genre do you typically listen to?
Emotional or physical whump?
Opinion on whump without a whumper? Ex: Whumpee falling into an ice-cold river and getting hypothermia.
Opinion on illness whump?
Have you ever experienced anything you put your whumpees through?
Favourite whump blogs?
Favourite type of whumper?
Favourite type of whumpee?
Favourite type of caretaker?
How many whump related ocs do you have? How many have you posted?
What made you create this blog? Do you have any regrets/things you wish you did differently?
Freebie! Ask me anything.
Do you prefer visual whump or written whump? Any reason why?
Opinion on all hurt no comfort?
Opinion on little hurt all comfort?
Platonic or romantic whump?
Most controversial whump opinion?
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whump-mania · 1 month
Good, Little Soldier Boy
TWs: nonsexual noncon nudity and touching, mentions of previous torture, restraints, mentions of character death, minor gore
A/N: Woah, me writing? I know, I know. Been a hot minute. I promise I haven't forgotten about all my WIPs- Enjoy this in the meantime! Got this idea from @whump-mania 's quote prompts!
The restraints were merely for show. It wasn’t like they were needed anymore, just some flashy statement of power. Or maybe that was the stripping, being exposed so Whumper could run his fingers up every bump and valley. Not like that mattered either. Whumpee had given up fighting against him long ago, preferring the sting of congratulations over the sting of metal and flesh.
“Ah, you remember this scar, don’t you? The day we met…god, what I’d give to break you like that again.”
"Yes, sir." It was easier that way, anyway. To stare ahead and listen. Why in the hell did he used to think otherwise?
Whumpee's greatest achievement was when he stopped admitting he was a hero.
"We used to have great memories, you know. But I know I did good work," Whumper hummed, resting a gentle hand on Whumpee's shoulder. "I mean, look at you. Greatest soldier the organization has ever had."
"Yes, sir. All thanks to you." He reminded himself it was easier that way. All so much easier. To sit and listen and obey and serve.
That was what good, little soldier boys did.
"You ever miss it? That old life you had, running around with those ragtag so-called revolutionaries, singing about all that freedom?" Whumper purred, stroking his cheek.
"No, sir." Easier. So much easier. Just say it's easier.
"I wonder..." Whumper grabbed a scalpel, the same one used to carve open his skin so many years ago. The same one used to hide that tag in him. The same one used to threaten him now. "..if you actually liked when you carved out the hearts of all your friends for the country you once despised. Did you?"
Whumpee this time didn’t have to say it was easier this way, to push himself through. This time, it came out as easy as ripping his old friend's hearts out had been.
"Yes, sir."
Tags: @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night
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whump-mania · 1 month
Dialogue Lines: Whumpee/Whumper/Caretaker Variations
(TWs: torture, cursing, collars, implied murder, drugging, nightmares)
Classic Whumpee Lines
1. “Touch me and it’s fucking over for you.”
2. “Please, please, I-I didn’t mean to—I didn’t mean to mess up, please don’t hurt me!”
3. “What’s the point of trying? I’m never getting out of here.”
4. “I-It hurts…it h-hurts so bad…why won’t it g-go away…?”
5. “Keep me chained up here all you want. You’re never gonna hear shit from me, buddy.”
Whumpee turned Caretaker
1. “Hey, I know, I know how much it hurts. Just breathe. Think of something else. That’s what helped me.”
2. “They got you too? That bastard. I’m so sorry.”
3. “Yes, I do! I do fucking understand, because I lived it! Now let me help you!”
4. “I didn’t get someone to help me through this when I was there. I want to be that person for you.”
5. “You remind me of myself…back then. Before they broke me.”
Whumpee turned Whumper
1. “Payback, bitch.”
2. “No. You don’t get to complain. Don’t you remember the rules against speaking out?”
3. “This collar…oh yeah, you remember it, huh? You always liked it on the tightest setting, didn’t you? Let’s start with that.”
4. “Back then, before you, I always thought every person deserved mercy. But no. You’re not even a person.”
5. “Wait, you’re crying? Come on, Whumper, are you kidding?! It took you weeks to make me cry for the first time, and you’re giving up on the first day?”
Classic Caretaker Lines
1. “This is gonna hurt. It’ll be over soon.”
2. “You think a little nightmare’s gonna hurt you? Nah. I’m here now. I’ll fight it off.”
3. “Just let them down for a second—Let me at least give them some water, it’s been almost two days!”
4. “I don’t know how you were even able to go through something like that…you’re stronger than I’ll ever be.”
5. “Come on, get up. Fresh bandage time—no, I don’t have to clean them today. That’s tomorrow.”
Caretaker turned Whumpee
1. “How…h-how did Whumpee do this?”
2. “Anything. I’ll be anything you fucking want me to be—just let them go.”
3. “Sorry, friend, I’m not gonna break as easily as they did. Bummer.”
4. “Wait, y-you didn’t…you didn’t tell me you did this to them…no, k-keep that away from me!”
5. “Whumpee, when they hurt me, just look away. Please.”
Caretaker turned Whumper
1. “Who else could have slipped those drugs into your food? Come on now, think a little quicker than that, Whumpee.”
2. “It feels kinda wrong, but…when you’d have nightmares, I…I kinda liked to listen.”
3. “I’m sick of taking care of everyone all the damn time. Well, guess what? Now you have no one.”
4. “Yeah, I’ve got them where you want them. They think they’re safe, but they won’t know what hit them.”
5. “Crazy how I used to patch these scars up…now, I get to make more.”
Classic Whumper Lines
1. “Good morning. Come on, get up. I have so much planned for you today.”
2. “You’re so cute when you try to fight back. It’s like you’re not even trying.”
3. “Aw, you had a nightmare? Was it about me? I hope it was about me.”
4. “Don’t try and be a fucking actor. You and I both know you’re terrified.”
5. “Found you.”
Whumper turned Whumpee
1. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry for what I did, just…p-please, have mercy…”
2. “That all you’ve got? I used to hit you three times as hard.”
3. “No. I’m not apologizing. No matter how much you torture me. I regret nothing.”
4. “H-Hey, come on, we can be friends, right? You know I didn’t really mean all those things…h-hey, wait, get away from me!”
5. “No…maybe I deserve this. Maybe this is what I’m getting in return for all the things I did to you.”
Whumper turned Caretaker
1. “Hey, it’s okay, it’s just me! …Oh.”
2. “The nightmare…it was about me, wasn’t it?”
3. “I know you can’t ever forgive me…but let me at least do this one thing for you.”
4. “Okay, okay, yes, I did make that scar, but I’m the only one who knows how to make it better, so would you stop moving?!”
5. “Fuck, I’m sorry…I’m so sorry…”
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