wildfire317 · 6 months
@liveleaker @jaquesmes
Alright listen here you little inbred, KKK wannabe chucklefucks news flash neither of you are main characters and your barely even background characters so quit acting like you dumbfucks are worth more than the dirt under your toenails. Nobody in their right mind actually thinks your dumb racist, homophobic and sexist comments are funny or cute, you two just look like absolutely moronic dipshits with micro-dongs and chihuahua complexes. And another thing you living condom usage advertisements, Nobody wants your defective sewing needle sized, piss poor excuses for cocks that not even a rat could choke on or your rotting in the middle of a dry summer sewer smelling, flatter than a piece of paper asses any where near them and if you think they do your even less intelligent than a single cell organism. You both claim to be adults so goddamn act like it because as things are right now you're both acting like a pair of rocket propelled spaz maggots spring-loaded face first up the asses of psychedelic freakout weasels on idiot drugs. Also you want to call someone swagless and bitchless you might want to take a good long look in the mirror because I don't see a singular molecule of swag on either of you or a single bitch and I'm not surprised considering you both look like the kind of guys that order boneless, dry rub chicken wings and then lose a fight to a chihuahua. And by the way just because you pieces of dick-cheese started putting out at twelve and peaked at 15 doesn't mean you get to drag everyone else down the perverted dunkass tree with you. Also your 8 decade curse is the biggest joke in the history of curses from any religion it isn't even an actual curse, it barely even qualifies as a jinx and thats ignoring the fact that it's basically useless the way you attempted to use it anyways and was over all a monumentally stupid waste of everyones time so stuff that in your prison cell and sit on it. You two blithering, feculent, shit holes are such lame wastes of genetic material i would not be surprised if both of your probably absentee fathers wish they had worn a condom at the time of your conceptions which explains your blatantly fatherless behavior and I bet your mothers change the subject when anyone asks about you and envy people who have never met or heard of you. Your "your momma" jokes are the most pathetic I have ever seen, were either of you actually even trying or was that the extent of your creativity? Because they were the weakest, most uninspired and embarrassing "your momma" jokes I have ever had the displeasure of reading to the point that they barely even qualify, And don't even get me started on your insults because I have met 3rd graders who have better insults. Your "oh look at me I'm a terrorist" shtick is so stupid and pathetic i couldn't help but cackle at your waste of energy like what do you want a cookie? Because you don't even deserve the crumbs of crap after someone else ate a cookie so who even gives a barfing fuck about it? You jackasses are about as threatening as some mild flatulence. I hope you piss ant's have fun dying alone and unwanted and that every time you think you have to fart you end up shitting your pants, i hope that every time you go to put socks on they are soaking wet and ice cold, i hope that the next time you are anywhere near a lego set or box of thumbtacks you step on one, i hope that every time you go to bed both sides of your pillow are annoyingly hot and give you lice, and lastly i hope that every single time you go to walk past a piece of furniture that you bang your toes on it hard enough to break your toe bones. Isn't it funny how quickly your bullshit unravels when someone actually intelligent calls you out? Do the world a favor and delete all of your social media, go apologize to whichever trees are working their proverbial asses off to replace the oxygen you're both wasting and then sew your mouths shut you cowardly wastes of skin. Id say you could learn from this but then I'd sound just as stupid as you two. Sayonara you worthless, crotch-stained barf-puppets.
( @warringwarrioridiot @p1n34ppl3-c4t24 for your reading entertainment)
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wildfire317 · 6 months
Alright everyone, I'm boutta say smth
There are dudes named Jaquesmes and liveleaker on this platform who has been calling me and my friends slurs (both homophobic and ableist) repeatedly and saying extremely perverted things towards me (telling me to sniff his ass, etc) and claiming that it doesn't matter because I'm not that much younger than him.
He even called me an "Italian faggot", how original 💀
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He supports the terrorism going on in the Middle East too, so I'd recommend getting him banned.
Liveleaker was also sexualizing me and my mother (far from your average "Joe Mama" joke)
Please tag your friends so we can get rid of these disgusting people.
Tags: @mrskokushibo @kyu-kitsune @askakaza @kokusfluffyhair @browless-donnie @kittykatchao @ask-nezuko-kamado-kny @ask-upper-5 @rui-ayaki-lower5 @frosty-lycanthropy @demiboyenmu @blamedbisexual @a-preferable-alternative @a-gay-h0e @boob-slapper @bajis-bitch @akaza-dono-the-basketball
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wildfire317 · 6 months
Alright everyone, I'm boutta say smth
There are dudes named Jaquesmes and liveleaker on this platform who has been calling me and my friends slurs (both homophobic and ableist) repeatedly and saying extremely perverted things towards me (telling me to sniff his ass, etc) and claiming that it doesn't matter because I'm not that much younger than him.
He even called me an "Italian faggot", how original 💀
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He supports the terrorism going on in the Middle East too, so I'd recommend getting him banned.
Liveleaker was also sexualizing me and my mother (far from your average "Joe Mama" joke)
Please tag your friends so we can get rid of these disgusting people.
Tags: @mrskokushibo @kyu-kitsune @askakaza @kokusfluffyhair @browless-donnie @kittykatchao @ask-nezuko-kamado-kny @ask-upper-5 @rui-ayaki-lower5 @frosty-lycanthropy @demiboyenmu @blamedbisexual @a-preferable-alternative @a-gay-h0e @boob-slapper @bajis-bitch @akaza-dono-the-basketball
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wildfire317 · 6 months
You are very welcome, i figured you could use a nice cozy hiding spot for when everything gets to be a bit to much *smiles at you softly and you find that part of the floor cushion is a sewn on blanket*
Hey Gyutaro guess what i got you *standing infront of a massive bag*
Is it more snacks?!
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wildfire317 · 6 months
*I pull the bag away from the surprise, It's a custom hidey-hole (think those enclosed cat-bet's but human sized) thats themed after sea-life but more specifically manatees and is as soft as a squishmallow. And of course inside is a large basket with plenty of snacks and drinks* surprise ^_^
Hey Gyutaro guess what i got you *standing infront of a massive bag*
Is it more snacks?!
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wildfire317 · 7 months
Well thats part of it, want to see what else it is? *smiles excitedly*
Hey Gyutaro guess what i got you *standing infront of a massive bag*
Is it more snacks?!
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wildfire317 · 7 months
Update of the future:
So for anyone who wants to change both their username and their password to their website account to something different from their username and password on their game launcher: Dont, as evidently that is what the problem above; was caused by. I had attempted to change my username and password to the actual website account to something different that what was on the launcher because a couple months ago my niece took an interest in the game and intended for it to be a preventative measure since there have been incidents in the past of her buying things without looking whose money she was spending. However what actually ended up happening was changing both the username and password created an entirely new account without my knowledge.
Hi everyone on wizard101-blr I've been playing the game for a while and the customer support is taking forever to get back to me so I wanted to ask on here and see if anyone else was having this issue and if there were any solutions I haven't tried yet. So as of a week and a day ago I purchased a 1 month annual renewal membership from the official website so I could get further in the game without spending a buttload of money on crowns, the money went through completely and I got an email saying the purchase was successful. However; It didn't and still hasn't given me the membership, as in all of the areas i should have access to free of charge still require either crowns or an upgrade to membership, the loyalty shop still requires either crowns or an upgrade to membership and the upgrade to membership button is still there which according to a friend who already has a membership it's not supposed to be if you have yours. I have contacted support but as I previously stated it took them until yesterday to get back to my email which i sent on monday three days after the payment went through, and they were unhelpful simply stating that "it may take a couple days" for the membership to kick in and asked for my username which I had already said in my previous email. I emailed them back stating that it had been over a week since the purchase went through, re-sent the username of my account in a more blatantly obvious statement of "the username for the account is: ------" and then my user and asked them nicely to fix it as soon as possible. I also stated that I already did everything that was suggested on their F.A.Q and in the email (completely logged out and logged back in, completely logged out turned my computer off turned it back on and logged back on, logged on from the website instead of the launcher and logged in every day to check) multiple times but none of it worked. And they haven't gotten back to me. But long story short, have any of you had this issue with membership and is there anything I haven't tried yet that may fix it?
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wildfire317 · 7 months
Hi everyone on wizard101-blr I've been playing the game for a while and the customer support is taking forever to get back to me so I wanted to ask on here and see if anyone else was having this issue and if there were any solutions I haven't tried yet. So as of a week and a day ago I purchased a 1 month annual renewal membership from the official website so I could get further in the game without spending a buttload of money on crowns, the money went through completely and I got an email saying the purchase was successful. However; It didn't and still hasn't given me the membership, as in all of the areas i should have access to free of charge still require either crowns or an upgrade to membership, the loyalty shop still requires either crowns or an upgrade to membership and the upgrade to membership button is still there which according to a friend who already has a membership it's not supposed to be if you have yours. I have contacted support but as I previously stated it took them until yesterday to get back to my email which i sent on monday three days after the payment went through, and they were unhelpful simply stating that "it may take a couple days" for the membership to kick in and asked for my username which I had already said in my previous email. I emailed them back stating that it had been over a week since the purchase went through, re-sent the username of my account in a more blatantly obvious statement of "the username for the account is: ------" and then my user and asked them nicely to fix it as soon as possible. I also stated that I already did everything that was suggested on their F.A.Q and in the email (completely logged out and logged back in, completely logged out turned my computer off turned it back on and logged back on, logged on from the website instead of the launcher and logged in every day to check) multiple times but none of it worked. And they haven't gotten back to me. But long story short, have any of you had this issue with membership and is there anything I haven't tried yet that may fix it?
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wildfire317 · 7 months
Thx for the tag @mrsshabana
Umm thus far i only have one thing in WIP and its an nsfw continuation of the last story on here which is a gyutaro fic with an original character
Was tagged by @bakawitch! 💙
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Some of these are current wips and some are not, some are text documents and some are drawings, but they're all unfinished projects so...
psych out chap 7
shades color wheel challenge full
cw cleo
ygo xmas in july plans
the spider and the fearsome four
sg and the ff
p mj and j
raising the storm
5 times plus 1
psych pokemon au
marvel suicide squad au
flames and form
kiss or die
back to the 80s
can you hear me
Tagging: @steampunk-swift-arrow, @merryclaus, and anyone else who wants to play (no pressure to anyone).
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wildfire317 · 10 months
*comes to your defense with my scythe in hand* "he said leave him alone now shoo!"
OUT OF THE BLUE, Gyutaro is slammed by a comically large wave of simps, bodies of people who want to wed him surround him. Soft, gentle caresses smooth down his arms, back, cheeks and other places.
Soft, loving kisses peck at his nose, forehead, chin, and everywhere else.
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wildfire317 · 11 months
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wildfire317 · 1 year
Thx for the tag @mrsshabana
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Dont really feel like tagging anyone else in particular so whoever wants to ^_^
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Saw someone else do this picrew and decided to do it too. Not sure they wanted it to turn into a chain I decided to start my own
If you wanna do it feel free!
@strawberrystepmom @softsatoru @icy-spicy @aiztoru
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wildfire317 · 1 year
They are indeed, and they're pretty just like you ^_^
Hey gyutaro check out these pretty flower i found
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They reminded me of you ^_^
Woah, those are pretty! Those last ones are orchids right?
I love orchids… do they remind you of me because of the spots? Hehe, I can see that
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wildfire317 · 1 year
I've been experimenting with making demon-safe snacks that could easily be mistaken for human snacks, by replacing certain ingredients with stuff that is safe for demons (^_^)
Hey Gyu- I couldn't help but notice you are in a bit of a predicament involving an onsen, sooo i made you something *shows you a pair of swim trunks*
You made these?! Wow! They look awesome... thank you human!
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wildfire317 · 1 year
Ooh good idea (^_^) , though i was wondering if you would be interested in trying something I've been experimenting with making? Im pretty sure its safe for demons
Hey Gyu- I couldn't help but notice you are in a bit of a predicament involving an onsen, sooo i made you something *shows you a pair of swim trunks*
You made these?! Wow! They look awesome... thank you human!
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wildfire317 · 1 year
Aww thank you and you are very welcome Gyutaro (^_^) and guess what? They have pockets
Hey Gyu- I couldn't help but notice you are in a bit of a predicament involving an onsen, sooo i made you something *shows you a pair of swim trunks*
You made these?! Wow! They look awesome... thank you human!
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wildfire317 · 1 year
Okay so there is something that has been bugging me lately and has been pissing me off more and more lately and i need someone to explain it to me like I'm five because I don't get it.
So my mother is buddhist and she has been trying to subtly get me to be buddhist since i was a toddler and i have never been interested in it or any more common beliefs (ive always had more interest in more pagan beliefs) : but what is bugging me about buddhism specifically is a very specific part of their idea of karma. Now i understand if you do something in your "current" life and it has an effect on you or your life in the future, what I'm not understanding is; Why do they believe that what "you" did in "your past life" which is to say what someone else in the past did also ends up effecting "the next life" or more accurately you even though you as you are don't remember what "the past life"/other person did and thus can't really learn anything from it, especially when it comes to the negative things? I say especially the negative things because whenever i would complain to my mother about a bully or some asshole at work looking for comfort she would go "oh thats just your past life karma, your past life did something so you deserve it" in semi-different words but when something good happened its maybe just "oh good job" if anything (for reference im never genuinely an asshole to someone unless they start it and they deserve it, and the only time i could be considered to have bullied someone was a so-called "friend" tricked me into it but because I genuinely didn't understand what she was trying to get me to do i just offered outfit ideas that i thought would be helpful and stopped and genuinely asked what was wrong when i saw the person my so-called "friend" was picking on was upset and was bamboozled when i finally realized and stopped hanging out with them) and it kind of reminds me of the time when my older sister stole money out of my mothers purse but my mother blamed me because i was the one who happened to be in the room when she discovered the money was missing. It feels exactly like someone else did something bad but I'm the one who is taking the blame and receiving punishment for something I didn't do or know anything about and couldn't have done anything about. And supposedly I'm supposed to learn something from it, but how tf am i supposed to learn anything? Like if this is the consequence of something "my past life"/someone else did why wasn't it dealt with then? To quote Nny from the johnny the homicidal maniac comics by jhonan vasquese: Its like getting the answer to a question i dont remember even asking. Especially since I'm someone who constantly over thinks and frequently uses my common sense (though I'll admit i need to work on social cues) and i realize that every choice has consequence sometimes good, sometimes bad, often times both. I don't need to be taught "hey don't hurt people because it's wrong and you wouldn't like it if it were the other way around and it will most likely come back to bite you in the future" because to me its obvious.
Sorry for the rant but its been bugging me for an eternity. So for the general question; how is someone supposed to learn from the karma brought on them by the "past life" they don't even remember? Please explain it to me like im five if you actually have answers because im not even kidding this has been annoying me for so long.
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