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Favourite songs too short? Turn your favourite song into a 2-hour album with just one simple trick! Passengers in the car are gonna love it!
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hi tumblr, sorry its been a while. im still alive. have a vampire <3
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Vampire lullaby - bg3 comic, S.Astarion
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I was thinking a lot about if I should upload this but...I guess I stopped caring haha~ I hope you enjoyed
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Weekend daughter drawing. Minimal coloring/polish as the lineart took me out.
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[Chobits theme intensifies]
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Wash my pain away.
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Don't be afraid. to make. astarion. cringy. in fics.
He is a dork. He is a silly little freak who grants you 5+ approval if you let yourself be whipped by a priest. Also 5+ if you let him open the barn door. He hasn't had an extended conversation with a normal person in several years. He will ask completely unhinged questions and make puns. The smooth facade literally falls apart the instant he feels safe with someone.
Even when he doesn't feel safe, he believes that his pick up lines are great.
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Thanks for reading :)
Full on Patreon, check pinned post
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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For @Historiiaaa - thanks for letting me create this magical little animation with your lovely tav ❤️
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tag your traumatized man comfort character
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I was still thinking about this haha. Someone on IG said he's not evil because he's a vampire, but that's just what law school does to you.
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a quick note on elven maturity
all right. time for another lore dump, brought to you by a big DnD fangirl.
so i see a lot of conversation around Astarion's age at the time of being turned (39 years old) and how, in DnD, that would make him a "child." this comes from rules and lore that state that elves can live to be about 750 years old (or older) and are considered adults at 100 years old. and i can absolutely see why that is confusing, but let me break it down a bit.
Elves reach physical maturity at the same age as humans, but after that point, their aging slows down tremendously. a 39 year old elf may be "considered a child" but has the physical maturity of a human in their 20s and mental maturity of a 39 year old human.
so let's talk about that "considered a child" business. this might be cleared up by adding the caveat "by other elves" at the end.
the distinction of "childhood" is cultural. because elves live so long, they see those under the age of 100 as youthful. think about it: if you had seen five hundred years of shit, you'd think an 80 year old was a sweet summer child, too. hell, i'm in my 30s and sometimes it's hard not to look at people in their early 20s as "kids" because we're just in such different places in our lives, even though they are legally adults.
even in the real world, maturity and adulthood are seen differently across cultures. different countries have different drinking ages, different ages for driving cars, different ages of consent. those standards may seem odd to an outsider, used to their own cultural norms, but every community is different.
elves don't just see other elves under age 100 as children. they see other races this way as well. high elves tend to view humans as immature - even in their old age - because 80 years to them is nothing.
i was a legal adult at 18, but 18 year old me didn't know half the shit 33 year old me does. and i'm sure 45 year old me will think 33 year old me was "young" by comparison.
now, i've seen some takes that Astarion might be lying about being a magistrate because he was "a child" and why would they make a child a magistrate? that argument might hold up in an elven dominated city, but Baldur's Gate is mostly human. by human standards, Astarion had the same mental capacity as any other 39 year old man.
Astarion, at age 39, may have been seen as a "child" by other high elves, but this isn't literal. it merely means he had yet to reach a major cultural milestone of a very, very long lived race. a milestone even the most elderly of humans likely will never reach.
would you call an 80 year old human a child? no. but a high elf very well might see them that way. not in the physical sense, but in a "oh to be young and naive and know less of the world than I do" sense. the way that we all inevitably look at those a decade younger than us, even though they are adults, and see their youth in comparison to our own.
it's 5am here and i'm babbling. the point is, the "child" bit of elven lore in DnD is confusing, i get it. but it's purely cultural. in Baldur's Gate, a city primarily run by humans, Astarion was not seen as a child by most. he was a grown man. he had the mental maturity of a 39 year old man. the only people who would have seen him as a child are other, older high elves (mostly those who grew up in a place like Evermeet) and maybe elders of other races - even humans - who were like "oh, to be 39 again!" (lol, me the day i turn 40 probably.)
tl;dr elves in dnd are not LITERALLY children until they turn 100. it's an elven culture thing, similar to how in real life different cultures have different standards for things like driving, drinking, joining the army, and age of consent.
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His shitty attitude and grabbable waist have bewitched me
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Maybe tonight I'll rest in peace.
I could watch and listen to that alindraws animation for hours on end.
Couldn't resist doing a 3D render inspired by it.
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🩸 Astarion 🩸
Larian Studios thank you so much for the opportunity to contribute to this incredible adventure!! I'm happy to work with you and you guys are really making history! 🖤
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No consorts were harmed!
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My first ever post on tumblr. I hope I’m doing this right lol
I recently completed my first campaign in Baldur’s Gate 3 and I just had to draw one of the most tragic character in the game. I’m still rather emotional with how his story ended 🥺
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at the friday panel andrew wincott said raphael and astarion should go on holiday together and i can’t stop thinking about it
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