Just learning about this... I will always think of Gaspard as the definitive young Hannibal and will always remain my sole source of inspiration for the character Henry Winchester Jr. (Shamsiel...the angel of the Sun) from my Winchester Next Generation Series project.
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((A quick painting that I didn't want to spend too much time on (have a full body one planned in the future). Just needed something for the Tumblr page)) http://winchesternextgenerationseries.tumblr.com/main Name: Nergal Species: Annuna
Height: 6’1”
Nergal is the ‘lord who prowls by night’. He is the son of Enlil, the oppressor of humankind (Enlil is the brother of Enki, Father of Humankind aka: God/Chuck). Nergal is the god of the underworld and death, particularly death caused by unnatural means and by 'acts of God'. For his father, he created plagues and floods to assist Enlil’s efforts to wipe out humanity. He also created a weapon of great destruction that was used during the rebellion.
As lord of death and the underworld, Nergal also controls demons and other evil forces. He once commanded the Sebitti, the seven minor gods of war. Some of the Sebitti were once Watchers. In the Series, Lucifer (Hubishag: God of the Dawn) and Gadreel (Gizzida: Guardian of Heaven’s Gate aka: Samael) were once one of the Sebitti.
Nergal is freed from his watery tomb along with two of what remains of his Sebitti (his consort Marium and Zaltu, the goddess of Strife). He summons the angel Pahaliah who shows Nergal all that has transpired since his imprisonment. After learning that two of his greatest enemies are alive (Castiel and Gabriel), he sets events into motion to ensure them suffer as he has by their hand. After forming the Sebitti Trenion, he executes his plans of revenge while putting humanity back where they belong---under the foot of the gods.
Not just by force only, but by playing the part of humanity’s Savior.
Set in a future post-desolation world (2040 A.D./7 P.D.)
(SPN/Canon Divergent 9X23/Destiel AU).
The Archangel Sariel had been waiting a very long time for a sign. It finally reveals itself with the Annuna being thrown from their high place by Metatron. It's not exactly the Fall in of itself he awaited. Rather, it was the grace that the Scribe used in his spell. It is the grace of the most important of all the Annuna- the very one to whom Sariel is forever bound.
It's when Enlil's Key, is passed to no ordinary descendant of Cain, that Sariel confers with the first Son of God who tells Sariel it is time to take matters into their own hands. They send Gabriel to help Dean Winchester kill the Scribe (at the end of 9X23) as foretold, so the Unfolding may begin once more. By Sariel and the Son of God changing the outcome of that singular moment, the course of the Winchester's lives is forever changed, and a whole new future is paved for Annuna and Humanity alike.
2040 A.D./7 P.D. - Dean and Sam awaken in 2040 with no memory of the past 25 years. They find themselves in a world far removed from the one they knew and soon learn that they themselves have been changed.
As if those weren't enough, they also find themselves embroiled in a war that began between two brothers {Enki and Enlil} that ignited with the creation of humanity.
It is through the Revelation of the Archangel Sariel, that Sam and Dean learn the truth about creation, the parts Castiel and Gabriel played in the true Genesis story, the vital role the Three Spheres have in ordering the cosmos and the injustice that has been placed in their hands to make right.
Sam and Dean are called into decidedly separate roles. Rather than these separate roles driving them apart, it pulls them together stronger than they have ever been because for once, they are a united front. This also means they no longer find themselves fumbling in the dark to find pseudo-purposes that gave them a reason to wake up in the morning only to leave them feeling empty by nightfall. First, they must come to grips not only with who they are, but who they have always been destined to become. Though, none of these things they face compare to the challenges they take on when it comes to building relationships with the sons they have no memory of having raised.
Sons born in fulfillment of a prophecy which was spun at the beginning of all creation.
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Artist: [X] (Full HQ painting available for download on my DeviantArt)
Sam Winchester from Winchester: Next Generation Series - The Nth Degree
WNGS on Tumblr [X]
If you share the paintings on any other social media platform, please include a link to either my DeviantArt or to the WNGS Tumblr page.
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Artist: [X] (Full HQ painting available for download on my DeviantArt)
Dean Winchester from Winchester: Next Generation Series - The Nth Degree
WNGS on Tumblr [X]
If you share my paintings on any other social media platform, please include a link to either my DeviantArt or to the WNGS Tumblr page.
An Claideam Solius is the mutated Irish Gaelic variant of An Claidheamh Solius, but the meaning is the same; “Sword of Light”. When the ‘An’ is dropped, Claideam Solius becomes “Shinning Sword”. This form of mutated Irish Gaelic is the mother tongue of the Dagda-Rei.  Dean carries this title by the Dagda-Rei who believe him to be a god slayer...a weapon forged by Danu (aka Asherah) in the eternal past. To the Dagda-Rei, he is the flaming sword and the spear that has been imbued with the power to kill a god...or to kill them all.
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I want to personally thank everyone who has continued to follow me despite little activity in regards to Winchester: Next Generation Series. I assure you, that’s not true off-net-wise. I have been writing and painting, while updating the Tumblr page for the Series. Life and College has had a hand in delaying me a lot more than either normally do. This also goes for my other fics as well (for those who are following them). I promise, you will be rewarded soon. :)
Much Love to You All!
HQ 3214x3500 Versions Here [X] and [X]
W:NGS- Gabriel
Species: a Helel ben Shalim of the Annuna
Height: 5’ 8”
Before his incarnation as an Archangel and Messenger of God; Gabriel and his twin sister (Belet) are descendants the of the god Shalim, the deity whose name the city of Jerusalem still bears.
Shalim, the god of the Dusk and evening star who represents completeness, wholeness, rest, and peace. He was associated with death and the underworld.
Shalim’s twin brother was Shashar, god of the Dawn and the Morning Star. Lucifer (whose original name was Samael) is of the Shashar line.
Gabriel’s sister, Belet, is the wife to one of the Elohim, Enki (who now goes by the name Chuck). 
It is Enki and Belet who created the first humans.
(more of Gabriel’s origin and role in Humanity’s story to be told in “The Nth Degree: Revelation of the Archangel Sariel”)
Set in a future post-desolation world (2040 A.D./7 P.D.)
(SPN/Canon Divergent 9X23/Destiel AU).
The Archangel Sariel had been waiting a very long time for a sign. It finally reveals itself with the Annuna being thrown from their high place by Metatron. It's not exactly the Fall in of itself he awaited. Rather, it was the grace that the Scribe used in his spell. It is the grace of the most important of all the Annuna- the very one to whom Sariel is forever bound.
It's when Enlil's Key, is passed to no ordinary descendant of Cain, that Sariel confers with the first Son of God who tells Sariel it is time to take matters into their own hands. They send Gabriel to help Dean Winchester kill the Scribe (at the end of 9X23) as foretold, so the Unfolding may begin once more. By Sariel and the Son of God changing the outcome of that singular moment, the course of the Winchester's lives is forever changed, and a whole new future is paved for Annuna and Humanity alike.
2040 A.D./7 P.D. - Dean and Sam awaken in 2040 with no memory of the past 25 years. They find themselves in a world far removed from the one they knew and soon learn that they themselves have been changed.
As if those weren't enough, they also find themselves embroiled in a war that began between two brothers {Enki and Enlil} that ignited with the creation of humanity.
It is through the Revelation of the Archangel Sariel, that Sam and Dean learn the truth about creation, the parts Castiel and Gabriel played in the true Genesis story, the vital role the Three Spheres have in ordering the cosmos and the injustice that has been placed in their hands to make right.
Sam and Dean are called into decidedly separate roles. Rather than these separate roles driving them apart, it pulls them together stronger than they have ever been because for once, they are a untied front. This also means they no longer find themselves fumbling in the dark to find pseudo-purposes that gave them a reason to wake up in the morning only to leave them feeling empty by nightfall. First, they must come to grips not only with who they are, but who they have always been destined to become. Though, none of these things they face compare to the challenges they take on when it comes to building relationships with the sons they have no memory of having raised.
Sons born in fulfillment of a prophecy which was spun at the beginning of all creation.
This story is extensive and while the main summary focuses on Sam and Dean, the story itself explores other characters, new and old, just as much.
In the section, 'Revelation of the Archangel Sariel', you are given the Unofficial SPN 'Genesis' story.
Through Sariel's retelling of the past, you will learn how it ALL began and about the events that lead to the 'Fall of Man' as well as Lucifer's imprisonment (which is NOT what you have been told. Sympathy for the Devil? Perhaps).
You also learn just who Castiel really is and why Chuck took such a special interest in the Winchesters.
The Legacy and the Men of Letters' secrets will be revealed. Namely, who is behind the formation of The Legacy and it's purpose which separates it from the Men of Letters.
Two brand new Orders of importance will also be introduced. The Order of the Dagda-Rei and the Sages of Dagon.
The Legacy, the Order of the Dagda-Rei and the Sages of Dagon will continue to be of major import throughout the story, even up to the very end.
New characters will be met along the way, and as it all pulls together there will be some surprises as each character chooses a path for their own personal journey. What they find at the end of all things will be more than any of them had ever dared hope for. A light at the end of the tunnel.
This story was written with a big budget film in mind rather than a TV show. It also stands as my testament to the endless possibilities I see in these amazing characters, as well as the rich mythos we have been handed down. ------------ Visit the website link above for much more...
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Castiel: 1600x1911 HQ Versions Here [X] and [X]
W:NGS Cover: HQ Version Here [X]
Last image: True form Castiel on its way as Dean saw him during his rescue from Hell as described in Chapter One. (Seraphim concept based off Biblical and Sumerian descriptions).
Set in a future post-desolation world (2040 A.D./7 P.D.)
(SPN/Canon Divergent 9X23/Destiel AU).
The Archangel Sariel had been waiting a very long time for a sign. It finally reveals itself with the Annuna being thrown from their high place by Metatron. It's not exactly the Fall in of itself he awaited. Rather, the sign was in the grace that the Scribe used in his spell; the grace of the most important of all the Annuna-the very one to whom Sariel is forever bound.
It's when Enlil's Key, is passed to no ordinary descendant of Cain, that Sariel confers with the first Son of God who tells Sariel it is time to take matters into their own hands. They send Gabriel to help Dean Winchester kill the Scribe (at the end of 9X23) as foretold, so that the Unfolding may begin once more. By Sariel and the Son of God changing the outcome of that singular moment, the course of the Winchester's lives is forever changed, and a whole new future is paved for Annuna and Humanity alike.
(GOD CHUCK's REAL NAME ~~~ >ENKI, one of the three Elohim. His name was EA among the Babylonians)
2040 A.D./7 P.D. - Dean and Sam awaken in 2040 with no memory of the past 25 years. They find themselves in a world far removed from the one they knew and soon learn that they themselves have been changed.
As if those weren't enough, they also find themselves embroiled in a war that began between two brothers {Enki and Enlil} that ignited with the creation of the Gibborim. Beings with both a soul and grace. The Gibborim are ancestors of humanity who dwelled in the land of Dilmun (aka Eden) before the time of the Great Flood.
It is through the Revelation of the Archangel Sariel, that Sam and Dean learn the truth about creation, the parts Castiel and Gabriel played in the true Genesis story, the vital role the Three Spheres have in ordering the cosmos and the injustice that has been placed in their hands to make right.
Sam and Dean are called into decidedly separate roles. Rather than these separate roles driving them apart, it pulls them together stronger than they have ever been. Because for once, they are a untied front in every way. This also means they no longer find themselves fumbling in the dark to find pseudo-purposes that gave them a reason to wake up in the morning only to leave them feeling empty by nightfall.
But first, they must come to grips not only with what they are, but who they have always been destined to become. Though, none of these things they face compare to the challenges they take on when it comes to building relationships with the sons they have no memory of having raised.
Sons born in fulfillment of a prophecy which was spun at the beginning of all creation.
The Nth Degree is extensive and while the main summary focuses on Sam and Dean, the story itself explores other characters, new and old, just as much.
In the section, 'Revelation of the Archangel Sariel', you are given the Unofficial alternate version to the SPN 'Genesis' story.
Through Sariel's retelling of the past, you will learn how it ALL began and about the events that lead to the 'Fall of Man' as well as Lucifer's imprisonment (which is NOT what you have been told. Sympathy for the Devil? Perhaps).
You also learn just who Castiel really is and why Chuck took such a special interest in the Winchesters.
The Legacy and the Men of Letters' secrets will be revealed. Namely, who is behind the formation of The Legacy and its purpose which separates it from the Men of Letters.
Two brand new Orders of importance will also be introduced. The Order of the Dagda-Rei and the Sages of Dagon.
The Legacy, the Order of the Dagda-Rei and the Sages of Dagon will continue to be of major import throughout the story, even up to the very end.
New characters will be met along the way, and as it all pulls together there will be some surprises as each character chooses a path for their own personal journey. What they find at the end of all things will be more than any of them had ever dared hope for... a light at the end of the tunnel.
The Nth Degree was written with a big budget film in mind rather than a TV show. It also stands as my testament to the endless possibilities I see in these amazing characters, as well as the rich mythos we have been handed down. ------------ Visit the website link above for much more... [X]
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After the Nth Degree is finished, the ‘series’ portion will be written with ‘episodes’ of back stories and possibly post-Nth Degree installments.
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HQ Versions (in order) [X],[X],[X],[X]
Original character from Winchester: Next Generation Series
Human name: Henry Winchester Jr.
Angel name: Shamsiel
Species: Nephilim
Height: 5’ 11”
Henry was named after his great grandfather Henry Winchester and after the angel Shamsiel
Henry is the genetically engineered offspring of Sam Winchester and the Archangel Gabriel.
Set in a future post-desolation world (2040 A.D./7 P.D.)
(SPN/Canon Divergent 9X23/Destiel AU).
The Archangel Sariel had been waiting a very long time for a sign. It finally reveals itself with the Annuna being thrown from their high place by Metatron. It's not exactly the Fall in of itself he awaited. Rather, it was the grace that the Scribe used in his spell. It is the grace of the most important of all the Annuna- the very one to whom Sariel is forever bound.
It's when Enlil's Key, is passed to no ordinary descendant of Cain, that Sariel confers with the first Son of God who tells Sariel it is time to take matters into their own hands. They send Gabriel to help Dean Winchester kill the Scribe (at the end of 9X23) as foretold, so the Unfolding may begin once more. By Sariel and the Son of God changing the outcome of that singular moment, the course of the Winchester's lives is forever changed, and a whole new future is paved for Annuna and Humanity alike.
2040 A.D./7 P.D. - Dean and Sam awaken in 2040 with no memory of the past 25 years. They find themselves in a world far removed from the one they knew and soon learn that they themselves have been changed.
As if those weren't enough, they also find themselves embroiled in a war that began between two brothers {Enki and Enlil} that ignited with the creation of humanity.
It is through the Revelation of the Archangel Sariel, that Sam and Dean learn the truth about creation, the parts Castiel and Gabriel played in the true Genesis story, the vital role the Three Spheres have in ordering the cosmos and the injustice that has been placed in their hands to make right.
Sam and Dean are called into decidedly separate roles. Rather than these separate roles driving them apart, it pulls them together stronger than they have ever been because for once, they are a untied front. This also means they no longer find themselves fumbling in the dark to find pseudo-purposes that gave them a reason to wake up in the morning only to leave them feeling empty by nightfall. First, they must come to grips not only with who they are, but who they have always been destined to become. Though, none of these things they face compare to the challenges they take on when it comes to building relationships with the sons they have no memory of having raised.
Sons born in fulfillment of a prophecy which was spun at the beginning of all creation.
This story is extensive and while the main summary focuses on Sam and Dean, the story itself explores other characters, new and old, just as much.
In the section, 'Revelation of the Archangel Sariel', you are given the Unofficial SPN 'Genesis' story.
Through Sariel's retelling of the past, you will learn how it ALL began and about the events that lead to the 'Fall of Man' as well as Lucifer's imprisonment (which is NOT what you have been told. Sympathy for the Devil? Perhaps).
You also learn just who Castiel really is and why Chuck took such a special interest in the Winchesters.
The Legacy and the Men of Letters' secrets will be revealed. Namely, who is behind the formation of The Legacy and it's purpose which separates it from the Men of Letters.
Two brand new Orders of importance will also be introduced. The Order of the Dagda-Rei and the Sages of Dagon.
The Legacy, the Order of the Dagda-Rei and the Sages of Dagon will continue to be of major import throughout the story, even up to the very end.
New characters will be met along the way, and as it all pulls together there will be some surprises as each character chooses a path for their own personal journey. What they find at the end of all things will be more than any of them had ever dared hope for. A light at the end of the tunnel.
This story was written with a big budget film in mind rather than a TV show. It also stands as my testament to the endless possibilities I see in these amazing characters, as well as the rich mythos we have been handed down. ------------ Visit the website link above for much more...
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I also uploaded a details section that shows not only the HQ bits of the painting in the original size (because people have been using my paintings without credit, I didn’t post full size downloads on deviant :/ ), but it also shows my painting process (for those who keep insisting I’m doing paint overs *sighs* NOT THAT THERE IS ANYTHING WRONG WITH PAINT OVERS! Don’t let art snobs or anyone else tell you otherwise) on the hand portion. I will do more of these processes tid bits with future paintings for those who are studying digital painting and want see some of my techniques. HQ version found here: [X]
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PLEASE MESSAGE ME if you are needing any help with your own art and need advice. I’m majoring in Psychology, but I was an art major at one time and at least know enough to help with photoshop, perspective, shading and color to help. If I can’t, I have a shit ton of tuts LOL! I’ll pass them your way!
All I ask in return is to share my work on this project with anyone you think will be interested. That’s all.
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HQ of both paintings can be found here: [X]
Original character from Winchester: Next Generation Series  [X]
Human name: James (Jimmy) Winchester
Angel name: Sariel
Species: Nephilim
Height: 6’ 1”
James was named after James Frampton, Jimmy Novak and the Archangel Sariel.
James is the genetically engineered offspring of Dean Winchester and the angel Castiel.
Symbol on James’ armor is the amargi (or amagi). In my other W:NGS paintings, Sam Winchester has it tattooed on his throat (there is an interesting story as to why he chose to have it tattooed on his throat that I can’t wait to tell :D ). The amargi (the gi is widely accepted to be pronounced jee rather than gee) is the first recorded word for FREEDOM. It means “return to the mother” which was a term that came to mean “freedom” to the ancient Sumerians. Freedom from oppressive systems (ex. monetary systems, caste systems, social-cultural systems… you get the picture) and tyrannical rule of man and/or gods.
While no one knows why exactly “return to the mother” meant “freedom” to the ancient Sumerians, in this fic… you’ll get a decent explanation hopefully ;)
Set in a future post-desolation world (2040 A.D./7 P.D.)
(SPN/Canon Divergent 9X23/Destiel AU).
The Archangel Sariel had been waiting a very long time for a sign. It finally reveals itself with the Annuna being thrown from their high place by Metatron. It’s not exactly the Fall in of itself he awaited. Rather, it was the grace that the Scribe used in his spell. It is the grace of the most important of all the Annuna- the very one to whom Sariel is forever bound.
It’s when Enlil’s Key, is passed to no ordinary descendant of Cain, that Sariel confers with the first Son of God who tells Sariel it is time to take matters into their own hands. They send Gabriel to help Dean Winchester kill the Scribe (at the end of 9X23) as foretold, so the Unfolding may begin once more. By Sariel and the Son of God changing the outcome of that singular moment, the course of the Winchester’s lives is forever changed, and a whole new future is paved for Annuna and Humanity alike.
2040 A.D./7 P.D. - Dean and Sam awaken in 2040 with no memory of the past 25 years. They find themselves in a world far removed from the one they knew and soon learn that they themselves have been changed.
As if those weren’t enough, they also find themselves embroiled in a war that began between two brothers {Enki and Enlil} that ignited with the creation of humanity.
It is through the Revelation of the Archangel Sariel, that Sam and Dean learn the truth about creation, the parts Castiel and Gabriel played in the true Genesis story, the vital role the Three Spheres have in ordering the cosmos and the injustice that has been placed in their hands to make right.
Sam and Dean are called into decidedly separate roles. Rather than these separate roles driving them apart, it pulls them together stronger than they have ever been because for once, they are a untied front. This also means they no longer find themselves fumbling in the dark to find pseudo-purposes that gave them a reason to wake up in the morning only to leave them feeling empty by nightfall. First, they must come to grips not only with who they are, but who they have always been destined to become. Though, none of these things they face compare to the challenges they take on when it comes to building relationships with the sons they have no memory of having raised.
Sons born in fulfillment of a prophecy which was spun at the beginning of all creation.
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HQ of both paintings can be found here: [X]
Original character from Winchester: Next Generation Series  [X]
Human name: James (Jimmy) Winchester
Angel name: Sariel
Species: Nephilim
Height: 6’ 1”
James was named after James Frampton, Jimmy Novak and the Archangel Sariel.
James is the genetically engineered offspring of Dean Winchester and the angel Castiel.
Symbol on James’ armor is the amargi (or amagi). In my other W:NGS paintings, Sam Winchester has it tattooed on his throat (there is an interesting story as to why he chose to have it tattooed on his throat that I can’t wait to tell :D ). The amargi (the gi is widely accepted to be pronounced jee rather than gee) is the first recorded word for FREEDOM. It means “return to the mother” which was a term that came to mean “freedom” to the ancient Sumerians. Freedom from oppressive systems (ex. monetary systems, caste systems, social-cultural systems… you get the picture) and tyrannical rule of man and/or gods.
While no one knows why exactly “return to the mother” meant “freedom” to the ancient Sumerians, in this fic… you’ll get a decent explanation hopefully ;)
Set in a future post-desolation world (2040 A.D./7 P.D.)
(SPN/Canon Divergent 9X23/Destiel AU).
The Archangel Sariel had been waiting a very long time for a sign. It finally reveals itself with the Annuna being thrown from their high place by Metatron. It’s not exactly the Fall in of itself he awaited. Rather, it was the grace that the Scribe used in his spell. It is the grace of the most important of all the Annuna- the very one to whom Sariel is forever bound.
It’s when Enlil’s Key, is passed to no ordinary descendant of Cain, that Sariel confers with the first Son of God who tells Sariel it is time to take matters into their own hands. They send Gabriel to help Dean Winchester kill the Scribe (at the end of 9X23) as foretold, so the Unfolding may begin once more. By Sariel and the Son of God changing the outcome of that singular moment, the course of the Winchester’s lives is forever changed, and a whole new future is paved for Annuna and Humanity alike.
2040 A.D./7 P.D. - Dean and Sam awaken in 2040 with no memory of the past 25 years. They find themselves in a world far removed from the one they knew and soon learn that they themselves have been changed.
As if those weren’t enough, they also find themselves embroiled in a war that began between two brothers {Enki and Enlil} that ignited with the creation of humanity.
It is through the Revelation of the Archangel Sariel, that Sam and Dean learn the truth about creation, the parts Castiel and Gabriel played in the true Genesis story, the vital role the Three Spheres have in ordering the cosmos and the injustice that has been placed in their hands to make right.
Sam and Dean are called into decidedly separate roles. Rather than these separate roles driving them apart, it pulls them together stronger than they have ever been because for once, they are a untied front. This also means they no longer find themselves fumbling in the dark to find pseudo-purposes that gave them a reason to wake up in the morning only to leave them feeling empty by nightfall. First, they must come to grips not only with who they are, but who they have always been destined to become. Though, none of these things they face compare to the challenges they take on when it comes to building relationships with the sons they have no memory of having raised.
Sons born in fulfillment of a prophecy which was spun at the beginning of all creation.
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Sam Winchester / Hunter / Man of Letters / Legacy / Archmanus
The angels and demons thought of Sam as a chess piece to maneuver as they willed toward an apocalypse which neither side would see to fruition. How could the Winchester’s possibly halt the trajectory of destiny?
The answer is simple. They didn’t.
“The Quickening!” Marduk stated in a volume barely above a whisper before slowly opening his eyes to look at his Elder. Coming back to himself he continued evenly, “It has come? The time of the fallen providence of Numen? This is the species who will usher in the Unfolding?”
“In time.” Ištaran gave a short nod. “You and I must take up the mantle of our creation, leaving all attachments behind. There is much we must circumvent and ease along. All things must evolve, my friend. The Universe is not beyond this necessity, but like any born of difficulty, there are those which require knowledgeable and unbiased assistance.”
Marduk fully understood now. The trepidation he felt would remain, of course. There would be nothing that could be done about that. In his wisdom knew not all right choices came without costs. Sometimes, they were too great to bear.
“What tasks are delegated to me then? I will see them done as facilitator, true to my divine fashioning.” he inquired simply.
Ištaran smiled, “Look and foresee.” he replied tapping the stone of his staff to the Omphalos stone once more. The walls came to life again, this time with the image of a human infant receiving the sacrament of tainted blood and baptised in sacrificial flame...
-excerpt from ‘Revelation of the Archangel Sariel’ in the Winchester: Next Generation Series
Yes, this project is still alive and well. I have been under a time crunch with classes since the semester started and there have been some other fandom related things that occurred that were quite negative, but actually turned into a good thing. Hopefully within the next few months the first step will be taken with one of the good things that came from the crappy. It is my and my fellow idealist’s hope that it acts as a facilitator towards positive changes not only in this fandom, but other fandoms where negativity its way with everyone.
Yes, I am still sending the chapter ‘Revelation of the Archangel Sariel’ off to Edlund. At first I started second guessing that idea because frankly, who wants to look like a dumbass to someone they see as their idol? lol After seeing what SPN has in the way of a ‘creation mythos’ for SPN, I’m reassured that my version kicks at least more ass that THAT. lol
Do I sound disappointed? You’re right, I am. :/ I was expecting epic because as far as SPN mythos, we have been at least getting 90% epic. This arc they came up with slid them to 40-50%. :/ It’s still early, so I’m holding onto my faith in writers like Robbie, Bobo and Dubb... but... Amara being... a dud and her being Chuck’s sister is just......................
It’s shit. 
I swear I’m being nice.
I’ve been told W:NGS is needed more now than ever and I’m going to go with hoping it at least provides some outlet for those who are feeling jipped this season.
Expect updates and chapter postings soon.
Thanks for your patience everyone!
(2496x1380) HR version of paintings found here: [X]
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You. Have. Got. To. Be. Fuckin’. Kidding. Me!
“It’s safe to say this is the biggest thing to happen to the boys in a long time. We’re starting to explore prebiblical territory, a part of the universe’s history that hasn’t been written about before. This is what happened before the Bible begins.” - Jeremy Carver on Season 11 [X]
In Winchester: Next Generation Series, one of THE most important chapters of this story is about to be posted publicly and I will be send off to Carver and Edlund (as a gift since the story is dedicated to the storytelling master and a message to Carver about what set me to constructing it in the first place).
The Revelation of the Archangel Sariel:
It is one of the most important chapters because it is very much the Unofficial SPN Genesis story. The PREBIBLICAL story of the UNIVERSE’S CREATION all the way through to God leaving Heaven. It is the retelling of EVERYTHING. The truth that has been buried.
Not only is there a section (there are 55 sections total) in the chapter dealing with the Darkness titled:
Section Nineteen: ~The Three Great Spheres of Creation: Chaos (the Void), Erebus (the Darkness) and Aether (Air of the Heavens) ~ The Three Spheres of Preeminence: Empyrean (the Upper Realms: Heaven, the Spirit Realm), Tellurion (Earthly Realm) and Chthonia (the Lower Realms: the Underworld, Hell, Hades, the Neatherworld) ~ The Keys to the Spheres of Preeminence and Who Holds Them~
But I wrote about the key to Erebus (the Darkness) which is unleashed from the underworld... and I tell how Lucifer got the key in the first place and about it being passed to Cain...... BEFORE 10X23 aired. I didn’t think that in a MILLION years they were even going there! 
Section titles below:
Section Thirty Nine: ~Enlil Passes his Key to Lucifer ~ Lucifer Unleashes the Force of Erebus ~ Zaltu the Goddess of Chaos ~ Zaltu’s will turns Erebus on Human Cities ~
Section Forty: ~Erebus Bound ~ Lucifer Imprisoned ~ Zaltu Rewarded~
Section Fifty Four: ~Lucifer the Deceiver~ The Passing of Enlil’s Key to Cain~
but this chapter also starts at the telling of how the gods came to be upon the earth as told by Sariel:
~Sariel’s Foreword to Castiel~
Upon this scroll I scribe by my blood; the truth which is, as it stands now, an inheritance stolen. Not just from Humanity, brother, but also from the Anuna. As faithful steward to the the house of Enki, I impart to you this document as keeper of the imperishable word. 
May the truth never be forgotten or abraded away by time nor shall it be buried by god ever again.
A great injustice has been done to gods and humans alike. A deception weighted by the loss of many hundreds of thousands of lives. The pain this knowledge has burdened me with, I have had to bear alone. It has only eased by the knowledge that you are now free- though you remember not who you truly are, who I am or what we were to each other. When Gabriel hastens you here to stand before me, all will be revealed; your true name and your true stature among the Anunna. You will no longer question why Father protected you and valued you above all others, even now- though he is absent from the affairs of Heaven and Earth. 
It is unfortunate that his hands have been washed clean of his own neglect to act when he could have. In his fear that circumvented his love, he sought to fight destiny. In so doing, only advanced the prophecy he feared for the sake of those he loved.
It weighs on my heart that this now falls upon you Castiel, but I hope it comforts you to know you are also not alone. 
When your eyes are opened, and the scales having been washed from your eyes, we will become as one. The pain will be partitioned between the two of us as well as the fortitude you will need to restore what was laid to ruin. For the time to act is now, as it was foretold and still remains despite all efforts to destroy it.
This is for those who know not the story, or have been deceived by fabrications and embellishments of the truth- I must start at the beginning…
~Introduction ~Order of the Gods~
I am the Archangel Sariel, the true command and a prince of the god Enki, who was the second highest of the three Elohim.
You, Castiel, remember him as Father.
The first highest of the Elohim was Anu, the All Ruler. The Almighty. The Most High.
The third highest was Enlil.
Enki and Enlil- the first born sons of Anu.
Born after Enki and Enlil were our kind.
Before the rebellion we were called the Anuna- The Children of Anu. In older tongue of man, the Anunnaki, the Shining Ones, the Tuatha De Danaan, the Morning Stars. 
In newer tongue, we are known as Angels.
The gods that came after the Elohim was a class of Anuna called the Demiurges. Next in succession where the Anuna without title, but powerful and highly honored by the Elohim. Finally, the lesser gods named the Dingirs. 
Many of the Dingirs go by other names now; Hel, Artemis, Balder, Kali, Atlas. Many tales within ancient myths are merely a refashioning of the truth distorted almost beyond recognition. Even the Dingirs have bestowed upon themselves statuses they never earned and deeds they have never done. I mean to correct this so that it serves the future better fruit.
When all was primordial chaos, I was the first of the seven Demiurges- a class of Anuna’s who possessed primordial powers, able to fashion what was formless and ethereal into physical matter. It is by our will that all of the material cosmos exists.
It was upon Enki's request that I formed a planet which would later become the most important cosmic body in all of the Universe. It is the stage and centerpiece for a story in which new chapters are still being written when the tales of other worlds have long since ended.
While it was by the request of Enki, that I formed this planet, the Elohim had no interest in it beyond its creation. It was covered in water, devoid of land and considered barren. Just another jewel to adorn the house of the Almighty, of which there are countless others.
So, as you see... PREBIBLICAL.
Then I read about the supposed woman who is going to cause problems for the Winchesters. A woman who rode out with the Darkness. ???
Could me character Zaltu be connected? After all, in lore she is the Goddess of Chaos and in my story, she is able to will Chaos AND the Darkness.
This coming season is going to be an interesting one for me. lol
At this point, after alllllll the weird coincidences with my ‘With or Without You’ and W:NGS that has happened in just this past year alone... I wouldn’t surprised at all at more correlations.
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I really love this story so far and can't wait to get more of it... I'm awaiting the further backstory as well as the AO3 story. :) Keep up the fabulous work. Your artwork alone is astounding.
Sorry it took so long to get to this Anon!
I have been without internet for a few weeks (I moved). I did try and reply to this via my phone, but when I clicked ‘post’… it got sucked into the Never. 
Dismayed, I just waited until I had internet again to even try. I’m sorry, once more, that it took so long!
1) Thank you so much! I really needed to hear this today!
2) The backstory is in its 4th and final draft! It has taken a lot longer than I meant for it too simply because my life decided to flip out on me, which caused me to flip out… and then the move on top of it all. Also, I wanted this backstory to be as close to perfect as I could get it. The reason being, I’m sending off a copy to Carver and Edlund. 
There’s no major reason behind my decision to do so other than the fact the whole fic is dedicated to Edlund and the backstory chapter is dedicated to the both of them so… it’s scary as hell to do such a thing, but would be far worse if I sent off something I wasn’t at least 95% satisfied with. I’m praying to any god who will hear me, that I don’t make a total fool of myself lol
3) Not sure if you have seen all of the section titles for the ‘Revelation of the Archangel Sariel’
But here they are as they stand at this time (when reading through, just keep in mind that Enki is Chuck and Marduk is the name of Enki’s first son… who, btw is the Sumerian model for Jesus… just wait… your mind will be BLOWN how this all ties in and I barely had to do anything. All the lore and myth just fit together relatively seamless with what SPN has already given us. Yoooou’ll see!):
Section One: ~Sariel’s Foreword to Castiel~
Section Two:~Introduction ~ Order of the Gods~
Section Three:~From the Stars, the Gods Came ~ Genesis Revisited~ 
Section Four:~Council of the Gods~ 
Section Five:~Enki Goes Before Anu ~ Kingu’s Life is Forfeit~
Section Six:~The Slaying of Kingu ~ The Creation of Humankind~
Section Seven:~The Assembly~
Section Eight:~Gabriel and Shamsiel leave the Assembly~
Section Nine:~The Birth of Adapa~
Section Ten:~Adapa’s Children ~ The Apkallum ~ The Soul ~ The Healers Ninti & Hayl~
Section Eleven:~The Peculiarity of Humans~
Section Twelve:~Enki Shares Words With Sariel ~ The Influence of Humanity’s Soul on the Gods~
Section Thirteen:~Ishtar Seduces Enlil and Sets her Interest on Lucifer~
Section Fourteen:~Enlil Reads From The Tablets of Destinies ~ The Prophecy~
Section Fifteen:~Enlil Plots~
Section Sixteen:~Adapa Appointed One of the The Seven Sages (Priests of Enki) ~ Adapa’s Ablution~
Section Seventeen:~Humans are Moved Out of The Great City ~ Anu’s Gift & Belet’s Request ~ Anu’s Warning~
Section Eighteen:~Sariel’s Love for Hayl Grows ~Ištaran’s Revelation to Marduk ~ The Quickening~ 
Section Nineteen: ~The Three Great Spheres of Creation: Chaos (the Void), Erebus (the Darkness) and Aether (Air of the Heavens) ~ The Three Spheres of Preeminence: Empyrean (the Upper Realms: Heaven, the Spirit Realm), Tellurion (Earthly Realm) and Chthonia (the Lower Realms: the Underworld, Hell, Hades, the Neatherworld) ~ The Keys to the Spheres of Preeminence and Who Holds Them~
Section Twenty:~The Love of Enki, Belet, & Ninti~
Section TwentyOne:~A Brother’s Treachery~ Ninti Conceives~
Section Twenty Two:  ~Ninti’s Life Forfeit ~ Ninti’s Execution ~ Seeds of Dissension Sown~ 
Section Twenty Three:  ~The Birth of Asalluhi (Cassiel/Castiel) ~ A Bond of Soul & Grace~
Section Twenty Four: ~Sariel Trains Hayl~
Section Twenty Five:~Enlil Rapes Ninlil ~ Enlil is Imprisoned in the Underworld ~ Enlil Meets Zaltu~
Section Twenty Six:~The Birth of Nergal ~ Ninlil Petitions Anu for Enlil’s Release~
Section Twenty Seven:~The Friendship of Cassiel and Nergal ~ Of Marium and Cassiel ~ Sariel’s Warning to Cassiel~ 
Section Twenty Eight:~Enlil Deceives Enki ~ Adapa Refuses the Gift of Immortality ~ Enki Punished~ 
Section Twenty Nine:~Ishtar & Imad (the Shepherd)~ Ishtar Petitions for the Creation of Lycanthropes~
Section Thirty:~Lyca & The Lycanthropes~ Of the Alphas Lyca, Matria, Tala and Olcan~
Section ThirtyOne:~Enlil Sends Plagues & the Great Flood on Humanity ~ Enki Thwart the Plans of Enlil~ 
Section Thirty Two:~King Atrahasis~
Section Thirty Three:~The Seduction of Lucifer ~ The Apprentice of Ishtar~
Section Thirty Four:~Lyca Begins to Doubt his Oaths ~ Lyca and Matria Share Words with Enki~ 
Section Thirty Five:~Watchers Appointed~
Section Thirty Six:~Gabriel’s Jealousy ~ The Watchers Disobey Enlil~
Section Thirty Seven:~The Watchers Fall for Love~The Grigori~
Section Thirty Eight:~The Purge of the Nephilim ~ Gabriel Falls~
Section Thirty Nine: ~Enlil Passes his Key to Lucifer ~ Lucifer Unleashes the Force of Erebus ~ Zaltu the Goddess of Chaos ~ Zaltu’s will turns Erebus on Human Cities ~
Section Forty: ~Erebus Bound ~ Lucifer Imprisoned ~ Zaltu Rewarded~
Section Forty One:~New Oaths Made ~ Lycanthropes Choose Sides~
Section Forty Two:~Rebellion~
Section Forty Three: ~Love Betrayed ~ Marium Given to Nergal ~ Marium’s Hated for Cassiel is Seeded~
Section Forty Four:~The Lycanthropes Executed ~ Lyca’s Vow~
Section Forty Five: ~The Formation of the Sebitti~
Section Forty Six: ~Marduk Meets Pythia ~ The Legacy and the Sages of Dagon~ 
Section Forty Seven:~With Belet’s Poison & her Love~
Section Forty Eight:~Betrayal~ Brother Against Brother~
Section Forty Nine:~Hayl’s Vengeance ~ Anu’s Key~
Section Fifty:~Hayl Sleeps ~ The Tablets of Destinies Sealed~ Sariel the Dagda~ 
Section Fifty One:~Enki Erases the Past ~ the Release of Lucifer ~ The Anuna Become Angels ~ Gods in Exile ~ Nergal and the Surviving Sebitti Entombed~
Section Fifty Two: ~Sariel and Marduk Share Words~ 
Section Fifty Three: ~Enki Begins Again~
Section Fifty Four:~Lucifer the Deceiver~ The Passing of Enlil’s Key to Cain~  
Section Fifty Five: ~Sariel’s Parting Words to Castiel~ 
Since I’m writing the final draft, any of these are subject to additions or rewording… but… I believe this is pretty much the complete list of sections for the Genesis story. Another thing which has added to the time this has taken? I have included a full reference guide for everything found in the ‘Revelation of the Archangel Sariel’. I show the correlation not only with this Genesis and how it is in line with SPN mythos, but useful information about characters and themes too. I also share some of the weird things that have happened during the writing of this thing for which, I have been pleased to have witnesses as they have happened lol. No one would believe me otherwise. 
4) I have also been working on a painting of Sam reflecting his character development in the story. Because of the depth of his role in the story, I have had to make five versions of the painting. I’ll give you a sample of two versions. ;) They are not finished yet, but close. I also am working on a painting of Sirrush who you will meet in the Genesis story and also in the main one later on (he is connected to Sam). I juuuuuuuuust started on him today so… not at all close to finished. His scales are taking some time and I’m also doing a tutorial on how I painted him at the same time lol.
Here are the samples:
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Lore of Sirrush (The Mušḫuššu): [X]
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So, as you can tell… I have been BUSY lol.
Anyway, I think this is a good place to end this. Just want to thank you again for the kind words and encouragement! I promise… there is a lot more to look forward to. My obsession with this story has no equal lol.
My hope is that it really responds to those who have already invested interest and it really does justice to these characters and even SPN itself.
Much Love my friend! 
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I’m beginning this SPN meta/scholarly/speculative/and critique starting with the Season Finale and addressing the SPN mythos which has lead us to this new evil unleashed upon the world. I had meant to get this out the following Thursday night, but my son is off for the Summer and I’m in the middle of packing for a move sooooooooo, didn’t quite get the time I was hoping for. 
As you will see… this damn thing is LONG (no worries, there’s a cut), but it is all so, so important if you TRULY want to know where SPN is coming from, the potentials for where they are going.
Keep reading
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Henry Winchester Jr. (angelic name: Shamsiel)
Original character from Winchester: Next Generation Series.
Bioengineered son of Sam Winchester and the Archangel Gabriel
HQ: [X]
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This playlist has grown (and is still growing) to the point I figured it was time to begin sharing it. I started it as a prompt folder for songs that screamed Destiel, acted like prompts and motivation for my own fics, or reminded me of the fics I have read.
Now it has just become a huge ass folder of feels!
-Ara Claire
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"The Mark Dooms Us All"
Hiatus blows...
HQ here
-Ara Claire
Next chapter of W:NGS (Winchester: Next Generation Series) is coming up soon. Had to pause on it for exam week, but will be picking back up after it is over. BTW, this chapter is LONG. So I hope it makes up for the wait.
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I went ahead and modified the original and then did another one with a hood.
Winchester: Next Generation Series [X]
It was something to do to keep my mind off this upcoming Monday and Tuesday *sighs*
Much Love,
- Ara Claire
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