winter-literature · 3 months
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Drew my favorite scene in death note 🙏
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winter-literature · 3 months
I love the fact that other people use the square brackets for the [wtf is going to go here]
But yes. I have this on so many fics. It is 10/10 accurate 🤣
me: yeah I'm pretty close to finishing this fic
the fic:
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winter-literature · 3 months
Me looking at this: wow, you have a consistent schedule?
(My WIP that I haven't touched in two months screams in agony)
But seriously, even people who actually get paid per chapter will often publish once a month. And they're getting paid!!
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Sorry to disrespect my readers by having a full time job. 😂😂😂
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winter-literature · 3 months
The fact that there are so many fanfic writers and yet, despite all the friends I make IRL who love all the fandoms and fanfic I love, I have never met another fanfic writer IRL terrifies me… do we all just hide?? Is it the people that I least suspect??? WHERE IS EVERYONE???
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winter-literature · 3 months
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"I wouldn't kill him because he looked as frightened as I was. I looked at him and I saw myself.
Have you ever watched a movie that just rewires your brain and changes your entire existence? Because that's me with How to Train Your Dragon. This film has changed me in so many ways and I cannot even begin to describe the experience of watching these films because I actually cannot put that feeling into words.
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winter-literature · 3 months
Lawlight Fanfiction - Bonus Content
Here is an Omegaverse Lawlight Fan Fiction One Shot that I wrote and liked far more than I expected:
Trigger warnings are on the A03 summary. Please be aware that 'Love and Loss' discusses dark elements and makes sexual references that may make some readers uncomfortable.
I liked it so much that I left it open to see if anyone was interested in the continuation of the story.
Since 'Save Our Souls' is still in progress, I debated on the fence for a bit, but then ! I read @eleonoraw's lovely comment that encouraged me to share more on that fic.
I went through and grabbed my drafts - so there's about a chapter and a half of continuation [slight steam] - and some of the prequel. At this point, with all my WIPs, I'll never say anything is off the table to get reanimated, because apparently I have no self control.
It's a bit messy since it's pulled from a collection of drafts, but if it's something you like/are interested in - let me know what you think! I would love to hear what more people think about this one.
Love and Loss - Light Moves In
Light’s face contorted with disgust at the tower of pink icing before him. It was hard to believe there was any form of cake under that thick coat. 
“Eat it. You’re too thin.” L pushed the sweet closer to him. 
“You’re one to talk.” Light’s mouth turned lower, his nose accordioning in on itself. 
“I’m always thin. Doctor says we need to get your weight up.” L’s pupils dilated before diving into his own cupcake. 
“By increasing healthy calories, L. Not pink garbage.” Light stuck his tongue out, the sweet cream melting. “Ugh! How do you eat this?” 
Smirking, L took another diving bite into his cupcake, a dab of icing left on his nose. “Do you know what your pheromone smells like?” 
Light’s eyes widened in horror. “I’ve been told it’s similar to vanilla.” 
L’s laugh was coated with another bite of icing. “That’s putting it lightly. Your pheromones are like a birthday cake with thick vanilla icing coated on top.” 
“That’s disgusting.” Light cringed at the description. 
“Mmm…” L licked the last of his icing off. 
Sighing, Light took a single bite of his cupcake. It was so sweet it nearly tasted sour. “Nope. Nope.” Light pushed the cupcake towards L, who happily accepted it. “Do you have any real food?” 
“Just order in, I’ll pay for it.” L stuffed far too much of the cupcake than he should have into his mouth, pink icing clinging to his hair. 
Feigning a heave, Light opened up his phone. As much as he’d deny it, he enjoyed being able to show exaggerated reactions. To play around again. He’d worn a serious face for so long, it was nice to break out of his mold. “How about sushi?” 
“I don’t give a fuck.” L peeled away the paper from his dessert. 
“Give me your card. I’m ordering the most expensive sushi available.” Light held out his hand. 
Without complaint, L handed over his matte black card. 
“And a bottle of champagne.” Light attempted to get some sort of rise out of him. 
“Order glasses if you’re picky. Or else you’re drinking it out of a mug.” L tried to lick the icing off his face, but most of it was too spread out. 
“You’re a heathen.” Light muttered as he punched in their order. 
While they waited for food, L brought Light’s bag up to his loft room. 
“Don’t you have a guest room?” Light soured at the thick black curtains over the windows. 
“No.” L pointed towards the walk in closet. “Plus, I think you’ll like that.” 
It wasn’t fair that someone who was content to wear a white crew neck and jeans every day had a closet the size of a studio apartment. Intrigued, Light checked the sizes on some of the suits. Fortunately, L liked to wear clothes on the bigger size, meaning most of the nicer outfits would fit Light.
“Told you so.” L’s steps were soft, but his voice got louder as he approached. “We can always throw this all out and fill it with clothes for you.” L wrapped his arms around Light’s waist, his lips brushing against where his neck and shoulder met.
Light wasn’t sure if the moan that escaped his lips was because of the offering of clothes or L’s touch. Either way, the room was growing on him. 
A spill of whiskey orange flooded the room, making each kiss against Light’s skin feel even better. 
“Fuck…” L nipped at Light’s skin in the midst of kisses. “You smell so good.” L pushed at Light’s lower stomach, pulling them closer together. 
Their symmetry in height was proving to be quite convenient, Light thought, as L grinded against him. 
“Shit.” Light mumbled, breaking out of L’s hold. 
“Nooo….” L whined, following after Light. 
“I’m hungry.” Light pushed L away from him, heading to the stairs. 
L whined the entire way down and continued through dinner. 
“I’m going to cut your dick right off.” Light seethed as he packed up their leftovers. 
“Liiiiggghhhhtttt…” L made a (not so) convincing argument. 
“We haven’t even agreed if we’re going to have that type of relationship.” Light huffed, shutting the fridge door. 
“We’re sharing a bed.” L stated in such a monotone manner, it was as if his voice rolled its eyes. 
“Which I didn’t want to do.” 
“Liar. Remember that I can smell you, right?” 
“You’re infuriating! You just expected sex on the first night?” 
The widening of L’s eyes and slightly parted lips indicated that, yes, that was exactly what he’d expected. 
“Sleep on the couch.” Light spun on his heel.
“You can’t make me sleep on my own couch.” L puffed his chest. 
“Fucking try me. I’ll make your life a living hell.” Light stomped upstairs.
“I’m at least sleeping on the couch in the loft.” L shouted towards Light’s back.
“I don’t care. As long as it’s not in the same bed.” 
“Fucking asshole.” Light snapped, wishing there was a door he could slam. 
Warm water cascaded down Light’s skin as he hummed to himself, the scent of sandalwood steaming in the shower. It was slightly disappointing to know that the ‘manly’ scent would be overwritten by pink vanilla garbage. What an unfortunate scent of pheromones. 
“What are you singing?” L’s low voice rumbled over the shower.
“Ah!” Light cried, losing his footing and crashing to the ground. Before he could open his mouth, a shampoo bottle slid and slammed on his head. Growling, Light stared up at L through the glass, water pouring over his face. 
L’s lips tugged in a half smirk, his finger pulling against his lips. He sat crouched on top of the toilet, his eyes fixated on Light’s splayed body. 
“Get out.” Light gritted through his teeth. 
Pretending not to hear him, L batted his eyelashes.
“How do you ever expect to get laid if you keep being so creepy?” Light scoffed, pushing himself off the shower floor.
“There is only one bathroom, Light.” 
“And? Can you wait a minute?” Light dipped his head under the water again, rinsing out his conditioner. 
“Not particularly. I would like it if you hurried up.” 
“You could have said that from the other side of the door.” Light switched the water to cold, doing a final rinse of his body. 
“I’m not quite used to that yet.” 
“You didn’t need to stare at me like Golem, L. Basic human decency, you know?” 
As Light opened up the shower door, L was quick on his feet, offering Light a fresh towel. 
“Thank you.” Light muttered, surprised at the act of kindness. 
“Please, get out now.” L pushed at Light. 
Snickering, Light dead weighted L until he was on the other side of the threshold, the door slammed behind him. It was refreshing seeing signs that L was uncomfortable. 
Their set up had made it seem as if L was in total control, it was incredibly infuriating. L had always been particular over his space, his environment constantly controlled chaos, and Light being there messed with it all. 
L’s hair dripped onto his white crew neck as he crouched on a spinning stool at the kitchen island. 
“L, pay attention.” Watari’s gruff voice warned. 
“You’re like a child.” Light shook his head. 
“A child that you’re in love with.” L stopped mid spin to face Light before breaking back into a spiral.
“Not in love with. Fated pair. Different.” Light corrected him.
“Both of you!” Watari slammed on the counter. 
“Sorry, Watari.” They both bowed their heads, like the scolded children they were. 
“Like I was saying,” the perplexed doctor held up a foil pack of pills. “This is heat suppressant. This is a heat inducer. These are yours, L. The rut suppressants and inducers. I would recommend trying to bond as soon as possible. It will steady out both of your pheromones the quickest. Otherwise, you two will still have to be extremely careful. Particularly you, Light.” 
Light clenched the edge of the counter at his name. 
“You nearly died, Light. However you guys make it work, you’ll have to be close to L. Fated pairs usually have some form of chemistry. I would consider at the very least being intimate. Have you two tried getting together yet?” 
Watari coughed in discomfort. “I’ll - um - I’ll wait outside.” 
“Probably for the best.” Light agreed with a tinge of sass. 
“Did you hear that, Light?” L unfurled his feet from the stool. “Even the doctor says we should have sex.” 
“Look at what you’ve done.” Light motioned to L with a sigh. 
“Until you two decide to bond or until your pheromones balance, you honestly should be intimate. Sexual intercourse will be the best choice, however, generally closeness and skin to skin contact should also help.” 
Humming happily, L rested his cheek against Light’s thigh. 
“Thanks for the tip doc.” Light smirked sarcastically, opening his legs to let L’s head drop. 
“Heeey! I almost fell!” 
“Good luck, you two.” The doctor set the meds on the counter before pulling his bag over his shoulder. 
“I’m gonna need it.” Light whispered, only loud enough for L to hear. 
Sighing, L slid off the stool and dug into the fridge. It was fascinating seeing a morose look on L’s face while he dug into a cupcake. 
“L, how do you so easily slip into the - the touchy feely stuff?” Light gulped, the idea of not being perfect at anything suffocating. 
Pausing, L peered up from his mountain of icing. His eyebrows pressed closer together, the contrast of the pink icing against his gray eyes stirred Light’s stomach. 
“Well first,” L’s pupils visibly dilated. “When you look at me, you piss your scent all over like an untrained dog.” 
“I do not.” Light twitched away, insulted. 
“You can lie with your mouth all you want. But until you get better at this -,” L spun his finger around the room, “you can’t fool me. I know you think I’m cute.” L ended his sentence with a wink. 
“Okay, sure. Pheromones.” Light sighed, slightly ceding. “But you let out pheromones too. I might be attracted to those, but… that doesn’t mean I immediately want to jump your bones. So you just listen with your dick and suddenly it all comes so easily to you?” 
Setting down his cupcake, L shook his head. “Light… it’s always been you.” He picked at the paper, evading Light’s gaze.
“Well yeah, there’s history-,”
“No.” L shook his head. “When I was at the hospital, they told me my symptoms might be correlated with a fated pair. The first thing I did was ask Beyond to get in touch with you.” 
Clicking his jaw, it was Light’s turn to evade L’s gaze. 
“A lot of shit has happened, Light. And it’s been a long ass time. But I never forgot you. When you left… it felt like a piece of me left with you.” L’s voice started to crack, but Light couldn’t bear to meet his gaze. “And now- they tell me that - th-that the only way to keep you alive is for me to be beside you. And fuck, I don’t ever want to go through that again. I have a reason, an excuse, to hold the person I’ve loved since before I knew what my second gender would be. It’s easy… for me to be touchy… because I never wanted to let you go in the first place.”
“You corny fuck.” Light snorted, teary ember eyes meeting glistening silver. 
“Appreciate it when you can.” L’s voice rasped, the black of his pupil taking over his iris. 
Light smirked knowingly; even though L’s pheromones were dancing with his in the room, he was better at feigning a calm facade. 
“You were always such an ass.” L forgot about the cupcake, striding around the island to return to Light’s side. 
“Which you, apparently, loved. So, logically, I should continue to be abrasive for you to adore me.” Light opened his posture to invite L in. 
Groaning, L slid in between Light’s knees, his hands running along the outside of his thighs. His nose immediately ran along the crease of Light’s neck, their chests pressing against each other. Tightening his fingers around L’s hips, Light tugged him closer. 
“Mmm… fuck…” L ran his fingers under Light’s shirt. 
“Shit…” Light’s head dropped back, his skin electrifying under L’s touch. “Too much…” Light pushed at the hips that bruised under his grip.
L growled, trying to latch onto Light, his fingernails cutting into his skin. 
“L. Enough.” Light tilted forward and bit L’s collarbone. 
Rapidly inhaling, L blinked back to consciousness. “Sorry…” L nose dove into Light’s chest. 
“One step at a time.” Light snickered, running his fingers through L’s hair. 
“Okay…” L’s body limped in Light’s hold, their pheromones relaxing in sync. 
“L! Stop jerking off!” Light pulled a pillow over his face, trying to drown out the pheromones leaking under the crack of the bathroom door. The fog only thickened. “L! Fucking stop!”
With a wave of pheromones, Light sighed in relief that it was finally over, his sanity holding on by a thread.
“Fuck…” L panted from the other side of the door. “I love it when you yell at me.” 
“Careful,” the sound of L’s zipper echoed, “you might get me going again.” 
Snorting, Light threw the pillow at the bathroom door. 
Love and Loss - The 'Before'
This one was the most completed section of 'The Before'. I have a few different versions, but this one seemed the best.
You may see that Light is given a different sent (continuity isn't quite as important when you have several drafts with an undecided direction). What is important is the fact that apparently I always want Light to smell so pretty ;'D
“So… what are your intentions with my brother?” Beyond snickered, his feet up in the air and his head dangling off the seat of the couch. 
“Shut-up.” Light rolled his eyes, palming his forehead.
“Are you guys going to finally tell each other you like each other or are you going to keep avoiding being adults and talking about it?” Beyond’s silver eyes sparkled. 
“It will happen… when… it will… ugh…” Light started to stagger. The entire room was blurring and spinning around him. 
“Are you okay, Light?” Beyond was afraid to move. He’d been silently grateful that Light was excluding himself, the initial stages of his rut starting to prickle at his stomach. 
Before Light could respond, he collapsed towards the floor. 
“Shit!” Beyond bit his lip. Every instinct in his body was screaming at him to protect the Omega. Panicking, Beyond pulled out his phone, trying to reach a teacher. 
“What are you doing?” Light’s voice rasped as he dragged himself across the floor.
“Light - you’re- fuck.” Beyond covered his nose, the warm smell of decadent spice crawling across his skin. “Have you gone into heat before?” His words were muffled by his sweatshirt. 
“No, but you- you can’t tell - them.” Light weakly batted away Beyond’s cellphone, sending it clattering to the floor. 
“Stop.” Beyond jumped up and ran to the opposite side of the room. 
Their eyes locked as Beyond’s scent hit Light. Soft caramel eyes turned to ember as they narrowed at Beyond, whose eyes responded in blood red. 
“I’m - rut-,” Beyond struggled, arousal starting to overtake his body. He’d managed it before. Light was always around him and L. He’d become accustomed to controlling himself, even at its most difficult. But he’d never smelled Light in heat before. 
“What’s … happen…ing?” Light struggled to breath, daggers slicing up his throat as his legs turned to jelly.
“Light, I - ugh - can’t - don’t.” Beyond was reduced to monosyllables, his skin burning. 
“Beyond?” Light whined, pulling at the collar of his shirt. It felt as if it weighed a hundred pounds. 
Light had been warned about an Omega’s heat, but he’d never been taught much more than that. He always assumed he’d manage it as he did all of his masking. He’d separate himself and manage it from the comfort of his room. He hadn’t expected a reaction on levels of torture.
Beyond’s symptoms, though different in some ways, mimicked the pained desperation that threatened to overtake Light. His heart kept telling him to take away Light’s pain. 
“I - I can’t think… straight…” Beyond slid to the floor, his head in between his knees.
“Beyond!” Light shrieked, the material of his clothes burning on his skin. Tearing his shirt off, he was surprised that his skin was free of marks, he’d expected that his chest would be covered in raw flesh. The burn only spread, searing every last centimeter of Light’s skin.
Shaking, Beyond let go of the hold he’d been struggling with from his own pheromones. 
The warm scent of fresh grass temporarily cooled Light’s wounds, causing him to sob in relief. 
Struggling to breathe himself, Beyond removed his own shirt. He kept trying to think while he was still able to, but the calming effect of his pheromones was only temporary. 
“HELP! MAKE IT STOP! PLEASE! MAKE IT STOP!” Light shrieked, the flame surrounding his skin once again. 
“SHUT UP!” Beyond’s voice shook the chandelier. 
He’d never seen Light look weak. Light was tougher than any Alpha he’d ever met. But now, sobbing on the floor with matted hair, shirtless, and his pants half jimmied off, he was a wounded animal. 
Light’s sobs soaked the carpet below him. “I do-on’t n-n-n-know what t-t-t do…” his strength wavered, his eyes clouding from discomfort. 
“There’s only… there’s only one way to fix it. I - I caaaaa…” Another shot of Light’s pheromones filled the room, demanding attention. “Light… we… ahh…” his words were lost again as he crawled closer to the scent.
He used to get pumpkin spice lattes specifically to mock Light, whose scent was similar, but there was nothing to compare to the way it overtook him. To the sweetness that warmed his chest and the spice that pulled him closer. 
Gently, Beyond ran the back of his fingers against Light’s forehead. Eagerly, Light nuzzled back. For a moment, the pain subsided.
“Th-that helps…” Light kept pushing into Beyond’s touch. Wherever Beyond touched, the searing pain subsided. More accurately, it morphed into a desire for more, but at least it was more manageable than searing skin. 
A low growl emanated from Beyond’s throat as he kept softly running his hands along Light’s body. He could see the relief in Light’s eyes, which only made it harder for him.
“Light… oh fuck…” Beyond’s head spun as he leaned closer into Light.
Light started moaning under Beyond’s touch. One finger against his forehead felt like it could send him over the edge. “Beyond… please…” Light gasped, losing complete control over his rational thought.
L clenched his fists as the group started their return. The jealousy that coursed through his veins that Beyond and Light were spending the day together confirmed what he already knew. When he got back, he was finally going to tell Light his feelings. He didn’t want to hide it anymore. 
“Hey, isn’t that your dad?” A student pulled L out of his fog. 
Furrowing his brows, he recognized the black tinted Mercedes. Watari leaned against the car’s hood, watching L step closer. Giving L a directive nod towards the car, Watari stepped forward to speak with the teachers. 
What happened? If Beyond hurt Light I’ll kill him! 
L sprinted towards the car and threw the door open. The scent emanating from the car threatened to knock him out. 
“Shut the door you idiot!” Beyond barked as his offensive stench brutally attacked L. 
Pulling his collar up over his nose, he slid into the car, slamming the door shut behind him. Light’s thick smell spiraled through the air. 
Light trembled in Beyond’s arms, both of them in disheveled states. Beyond’s eyes burned red, still instinctively protective over the Omega in his arms. 
Crushed, L bit his lip and stared out the car window. Watari’s face shone red as he shouted at the timid teacher. He wanted to see anything besides the raw mark that marred the delicate skin along Light’s neck.
They tried to go back to normal. Both Light and Beyond agreed that it was what neither of them wanted. They knew that, as long as they stayed away from each other during their next heat/rut, the mark on Light’s neck would fade. 
But their tight knit friendship was cracked. They’d sit to play video games with each other, but L couldn’t sit beside the mark that poked out of Light’s collar. Furthermore, Beyond suddenly felt tied to Light. Even though they’d both made it clear to him that they wanted nothing to do with each other romantically, they still suffered from the bond they’d placed on one another.
Knowing that in 8 moves Light would win, L stepped up from the chess board. “I’ll be back.” 
Clicking the door behind him, L pulled himself into a ball and released his sobs. He’d feel better after a few minutes. It was starting to become his routine. 
Feeling slightly rejuvenated, L stepped out of the bathroom to find that Light had abandoned their chess game and was sitting on the floor mirroring Beyond’s cross legged position. 
“Seriously? Give up already?” L grumbled, stomping over towards the board. 
Squeezing foundation onto a sponge, Light responded with confidence. “I would have won in seven moves anyway.” 
“Eight. Eight moves.” L growled, trying to ignore the gentle manner in which Light covered the mark on B’s neck. 
“I would have got you in seven.” Light grinned, his honey brown eyes sparkling towards L. 
It was harder to appreciate such a beauty when Beyond’s eyes flecked with red towards his direction.
“There.” Light smiled at his handiwork. “Does that make it better?” 
Sighing, L reset the board.
“L? What do you think?” Light pointed towards the covered mark.
“What’s the point in covering it?” L scowled, clenching the piece in his palm.
Wounded, Light nodded. He would hold onto hope that it would get better once the mark was gone. Maybe then they’d be able to fix things. Maybe one day he could finally tell L how he felt.
“STOP POKING IT!” Light slapped away Beyond’s hand. 
L grunted across the table; he’d been distancing himself more and more. 
“Your next heat cycle should have started already.” Beyond poked at the sensitive mark once again. Beyond’s rut had already passed, his mark nearly non-existent, yet Light’s appeared fresh as ever. 
L froze, his eyes slowly lifting up towards Light. His skin was slightly flush and he’d constantly smelt slighter danker than usual. He’d assumed it was because B had tarnished his scent, or because his feelings were guarded, but he hadn’t even considered a third possibility. 
“Stop touching me.” Light swatted Beyond away again. 
Pulling up his phone, L began some basic research. ‘How does an omega know they’re pregnant?’
Dizziness or fatigue
A change in scent to repel other Alphas that becomes more attractive to the mate
Late heat cycle
Prolonged unbonded mark 
Weight gain 
Mood swings and irritation
“I’m going to break your finger if you can’t keep it to yourself.” Light growled in warning. 
“B.” L leaned his stomach against the table. 
Both the boys were shocked to hear L’s voice, for once in a tone that wasn’t laced with rage. 
“Has Light’s scent changed?” L tilted his head.
Coughing, B covered his mouth, attempting to hide his nervous reaction. “Uh - yeah - a bit.” The crimson shade of B’s cheeks told L that the change had been for the better instead of for the worse.
L poked at his strawberry shortcake, watching it tremble from the tip of his fork. Light usually berated him if he’d finished the entire cake before he got a bite, so he was trying to be good. Impulse control was not something L was well practiced in, and once he started, he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop.
“Maybe you’re too sweet for Light, hmm?” L poked at the cake again. “Maybe we’re doing him a favor I eat all the cake…” Tapping the iced prongs against his bottom lip he considered his own argument. “He is complaining about the baby weight…” 
BANG! The door slammed open, drywall littering onto the ground from where the door knob had pierced it. 
Startled, L jabbed himself in the mouth with his fork, not hard enough to draw blood. Flipping around, he turned to see who had made such an obnoxious entry. 
Beyond’s face was pale, his eyes burning red. His pants were blended into growls as he scanned the room. 
“Where is he?” Beyond demanded, his voice coarser than ever. 
“In the bathroom?” He was a pregnant Omega, they peed a lot. 
The answer lit a fire under Beyond, who broke into a sprint towards the bathroom. 
Woefully eyeing the cake, L stood to his feet to ensure Beyond didn’t do anything stupid. He was acting as if he was in a rage induced rut… but his pheromones didn’t match that of a rut. Instead of wanting to keel over and vomit, L found himself fighting the urge to run from him. 
Knocking was an understatement as the door rattled under Beyond’s fist. “LIGHT!” 
“Maybe he’s pooping?” L gulped, Beyond’s pheromone suffocating him. 
Stepping back, Beyond kicked the door in two, shards of wood scattering across the floor. 
“Jesus! What-,” Before L could finish his sentence the scent of iron permeated the room. 
Swallowing his heart, L stumbled backwards. Tripping over his feet, he fell on his butt, frozen in stupor. 
Red stepped through the threshold before Beyond did. 
Gagging on the concoction of blood and Beyond’s protective pheromones, L trembled on the floor. L’s head fuzzed as his fingers turned to pins and needles. 
Blood dripped from Beyond’s hands under Light’s limp body. 
“Get Watari.” Beyond snarled in L’s direction. “NOW!” 
Switching back to life, L jumped to his feet. As he ran past, he tried to ignore the way that Light’s eyes twitched against his battle with consciousness.
Beyond hung his head at Light’s bedside, rubbing his own tears off his face. “I’m sorry, Light.”
Light’s hand twitched under the tape of the IV. He didn’t want to hear platitudes or pity. He just wanted the pain to go away. Logically, it made the best decision for him and his future. His heart still hadn’t caught up to that, his soul knew he’d lost his child. 
He wanted to hate Beyond, he wanted to hate everyone. But he was only left with the pain of his own heart being ripped from his body.
“Light…” Beyond started to release a pheromone to relax him, a warming scent of cloves filled the room. 
“PUT THAT SHIT AWAY!” Light yelled, tears and spit jumping off his face. “Just leave.” 
“Light…” Beyond’s lip shook, he wanted to help, but despite the fading mark on Light’s neck, he knew that he was never truly meant to be his mate. 
“Beyond.” L called from the doorway. “Watari’s here.” 
Hearing L’s voice, Light degraded to sobs, turning away from both of them. L’s scent trickled through the room, easily flowing past Beyond’s.
Light gripped his chest as he let the calming scent of orange smoked whiskey surround him. 
“L… I should stay. I can’t… I can’t leave him like this.” Beyond dropped his head, his twin brother's scent taking dominance over the room.  
“I DON’T WANT YOU HERE!” Light shouted, still unable to look either of them in the eye. Mumbling under tears, he added, “Both of you, just leave.” 
Beyond’s chest bounced as he sniffled. He’d never meant for it to happen. Light was always so strong, most people didn’t even know he was an Omega. They never meant for it to happen. He certainly never wanted this for Light. Ceding, Beyond stepped away from the hospital bed towards L. 
A tinge of spite shot down Beyond’s back at the tears beading in L’s eyes. Part of him wanted to shout, to say he hadn’t lost anything like Beyond had. But that wasn’t true. Beyond had taken what L loved most.
Beyond had taken Light. 
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winter-literature · 3 months
I can just imagine L using romantic pet names for Light, but he delivers them in the most unenthusiastic, deadpan tone you can possibly imagine. Like, picture L referring to Light as "love of my life" with the delivery of a passive-aggressive insult and you have their exact brand of couple-talk. They give off the vibe of a couple that has known each other for way too long and they are so spiritually exhausted with the other person, but they love them too much to ever consider leaving. Their relationship comes across like two people who hate each other being forced to pretend like they don't secretly fantasize about murdering the other person. Which is exactly what it is, only they're not being forced into it. Actions that are genuine for them just comes across as sarcastic and disingenuous from the outside looking in.
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winter-literature · 3 months
Normal People Starting a Conversation: Hey you look bored, wanna have a chat?
Me: Sure! K me first, tell me... what's your mental ABC's?
Normal Person: Um... What?
Me: What? I'm trying to trauma bond with you? Your ABC's? PTSD, ADHD, etc.?
Normal Person: ...
Me: Well we obviously have nothing to talk about.
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winter-literature · 3 months
Oh this is perfect 😂
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Happy Valentine's day ❤️
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winter-literature · 3 months
Lawlight Fanfiction - Bonus Content
Here is an Omegaverse Lawlight Fan Fiction One Shot that I wrote and liked far more than I expected:
Trigger warnings are on the A03 summary. Please be aware that 'Love and Loss' discusses dark elements and makes sexual references that may make some readers uncomfortable.
I liked it so much that I left it open to see if anyone was interested in the continuation of the story.
Since 'Save Our Souls' is still in progress, I debated on the fence for a bit, but then ! I read @eleonoraw's lovely comment that encouraged me to share more on that fic.
I went through and grabbed my drafts - so there's about a chapter and a half of continuation [slight steam] - and some of the prequel. At this point, with all my WIPs, I'll never say anything is off the table to get reanimated, because apparently I have no self control.
It's a bit messy since it's pulled from a collection of drafts, but if it's something you like/are interested in - let me know what you think! I would love to hear what more people think about this one.
Love and Loss - Light Moves In
Light’s face contorted with disgust at the tower of pink icing before him. It was hard to believe there was any form of cake under that thick coat. 
“Eat it. You’re too thin.” L pushed the sweet closer to him. 
“You’re one to talk.” Light’s mouth turned lower, his nose accordioning in on itself. 
“I’m always thin. Doctor says we need to get your weight up.” L’s pupils dilated before diving into his own cupcake. 
“By increasing healthy calories, L. Not pink garbage.” Light stuck his tongue out, the sweet cream melting. “Ugh! How do you eat this?” 
Smirking, L took another diving bite into his cupcake, a dab of icing left on his nose. “Do you know what your pheromone smells like?” 
Light’s eyes widened in horror. “I’ve been told it’s similar to vanilla.” 
L’s laugh was coated with another bite of icing. “That’s putting it lightly. Your pheromones are like a birthday cake with thick vanilla icing coated on top.” 
“That’s disgusting.” Light cringed at the description. 
“Mmm…” L licked the last of his icing off. 
Sighing, Light took a single bite of his cupcake. It was so sweet it nearly tasted sour. “Nope. Nope.” Light pushed the cupcake towards L, who happily accepted it. “Do you have any real food?” 
“Just order in, I’ll pay for it.” L stuffed far too much of the cupcake than he should have into his mouth, pink icing clinging to his hair. 
Feigning a heave, Light opened up his phone. As much as he’d deny it, he enjoyed being able to show exaggerated reactions. To play around again. He’d worn a serious face for so long, it was nice to break out of his mold. “How about sushi?” 
“I don’t give a fuck.” L peeled away the paper from his dessert. 
“Give me your card. I’m ordering the most expensive sushi available.” Light held out his hand. 
Without complaint, L handed over his matte black card. 
“And a bottle of champagne.” Light attempted to get some sort of rise out of him. 
“Order glasses if you’re picky. Or else you’re drinking it out of a mug.” L tried to lick the icing off his face, but most of it was too spread out. 
“You’re a heathen.” Light muttered as he punched in their order. 
While they waited for food, L brought Light’s bag up to his loft room. 
“Don’t you have a guest room?” Light soured at the thick black curtains over the windows. 
“No.” L pointed towards the walk in closet. “Plus, I think you’ll like that.” 
It wasn’t fair that someone who was content to wear a white crew neck and jeans every day had a closet the size of a studio apartment. Intrigued, Light checked the sizes on some of the suits. Fortunately, L liked to wear clothes on the bigger size, meaning most of the nicer outfits would fit Light.
“Told you so.” L’s steps were soft, but his voice got louder as he approached. “We can always throw this all out and fill it with clothes for you.” L wrapped his arms around Light’s waist, his lips brushing against where his neck and shoulder met.
Light wasn’t sure if the moan that escaped his lips was because of the offering of clothes or L’s touch. Either way, the room was growing on him. 
A spill of whiskey orange flooded the room, making each kiss against Light’s skin feel even better. 
“Fuck…” L nipped at Light’s skin in the midst of kisses. “You smell so good.” L pushed at Light’s lower stomach, pulling them closer together. 
Their symmetry in height was proving to be quite convenient, Light thought, as L grinded against him. 
“Shit.” Light mumbled, breaking out of L’s hold. 
“Nooo….” L whined, following after Light. 
“I’m hungry.” Light pushed L away from him, heading to the stairs. 
L whined the entire way down and continued through dinner. 
“I’m going to cut your dick right off.” Light seethed as he packed up their leftovers. 
“Liiiiggghhhhtttt…” L made a (not so) convincing argument. 
“We haven’t even agreed if we’re going to have that type of relationship.” Light huffed, shutting the fridge door. 
“We’re sharing a bed.” L stated in such a monotone manner, it was as if his voice rolled its eyes. 
“Which I didn’t want to do.” 
“Liar. Remember that I can smell you, right?” 
“You’re infuriating! You just expected sex on the first night?” 
The widening of L’s eyes and slightly parted lips indicated that, yes, that was exactly what he’d expected. 
“Sleep on the couch.” Light spun on his heel.
“You can’t make me sleep on my own couch.” L puffed his chest. 
“Fucking try me. I’ll make your life a living hell.” Light stomped upstairs.
“I’m at least sleeping on the couch in the loft.” L shouted towards Light’s back.
“I don’t care. As long as it’s not in the same bed.” 
“Fucking asshole.” Light snapped, wishing there was a door he could slam. 
Warm water cascaded down Light’s skin as he hummed to himself, the scent of sandalwood steaming in the shower. It was slightly disappointing to know that the ‘manly’ scent would be overwritten by pink vanilla garbage. What an unfortunate scent of pheromones. 
“What are you singing?” L’s low voice rumbled over the shower.
“Ah!” Light cried, losing his footing and crashing to the ground. Before he could open his mouth, a shampoo bottle slid and slammed on his head. Growling, Light stared up at L through the glass, water pouring over his face. 
L’s lips tugged in a half smirk, his finger pulling against his lips. He sat crouched on top of the toilet, his eyes fixated on Light’s splayed body. 
“Get out.” Light gritted through his teeth. 
Pretending not to hear him, L batted his eyelashes.
“How do you ever expect to get laid if you keep being so creepy?” Light scoffed, pushing himself off the shower floor.
“There is only one bathroom, Light.” 
“And? Can you wait a minute?” Light dipped his head under the water again, rinsing out his conditioner. 
“Not particularly. I would like it if you hurried up.” 
“You could have said that from the other side of the door.” Light switched the water to cold, doing a final rinse of his body. 
“I’m not quite used to that yet.” 
“You didn’t need to stare at me like Golem, L. Basic human decency, you know?” 
As Light opened up the shower door, L was quick on his feet, offering Light a fresh towel. 
“Thank you.” Light muttered, surprised at the act of kindness. 
“Please, get out now.” L pushed at Light. 
Snickering, Light dead weighted L until he was on the other side of the threshold, the door slammed behind him. It was refreshing seeing signs that L was uncomfortable. 
Their set up had made it seem as if L was in total control, it was incredibly infuriating. L had always been particular over his space, his environment constantly controlled chaos, and Light being there messed with it all. 
L’s hair dripped onto his white crew neck as he crouched on a spinning stool at the kitchen island. 
“L, pay attention.” Watari’s gruff voice warned. 
“You’re like a child.” Light shook his head. 
“A child that you’re in love with.” L stopped mid spin to face Light before breaking back into a spiral.
“Not in love with. Fated pair. Different.” Light corrected him.
“Both of you!” Watari slammed on the counter. 
“Sorry, Watari.” They both bowed their heads, like the scolded children they were. 
“Like I was saying,” the perplexed doctor held up a foil pack of pills. “This is heat suppressant. This is a heat inducer. These are yours, L. The rut suppressants and inducers. I would recommend trying to bond as soon as possible. It will steady out both of your pheromones the quickest. Otherwise, you two will still have to be extremely careful. Particularly you, Light.” 
Light clenched the edge of the counter at his name. 
“You nearly died, Light. However you guys make it work, you’ll have to be close to L. Fated pairs usually have some form of chemistry. I would consider at the very least being intimate. Have you two tried getting together yet?” 
Watari coughed in discomfort. “I’ll - um - I’ll wait outside.” 
“Probably for the best.” Light agreed with a tinge of sass. 
“Did you hear that, Light?” L unfurled his feet from the stool. “Even the doctor says we should have sex.” 
“Look at what you’ve done.” Light motioned to L with a sigh. 
“Until you two decide to bond or until your pheromones balance, you honestly should be intimate. Sexual intercourse will be the best choice, however, generally closeness and skin to skin contact should also help.” 
Humming happily, L rested his cheek against Light’s thigh. 
“Thanks for the tip doc.” Light smirked sarcastically, opening his legs to let L’s head drop. 
“Heeey! I almost fell!” 
“Good luck, you two.” The doctor set the meds on the counter before pulling his bag over his shoulder. 
“I’m gonna need it.” Light whispered, only loud enough for L to hear. 
Sighing, L slid off the stool and dug into the fridge. It was fascinating seeing a morose look on L’s face while he dug into a cupcake. 
“L, how do you so easily slip into the - the touchy feely stuff?” Light gulped, the idea of not being perfect at anything suffocating. 
Pausing, L peered up from his mountain of icing. His eyebrows pressed closer together, the contrast of the pink icing against his gray eyes stirred Light’s stomach. 
“Well first,” L’s pupils visibly dilated. “When you look at me, you piss your scent all over like an untrained dog.” 
“I do not.” Light twitched away, insulted. 
“You can lie with your mouth all you want. But until you get better at this -,” L spun his finger around the room, “you can’t fool me. I know you think I’m cute.” L ended his sentence with a wink. 
“Okay, sure. Pheromones.” Light sighed, slightly ceding. “But you let out pheromones too. I might be attracted to those, but… that doesn’t mean I immediately want to jump your bones. So you just listen with your dick and suddenly it all comes so easily to you?” 
Setting down his cupcake, L shook his head. “Light… it’s always been you.” He picked at the paper, evading Light’s gaze.
“Well yeah, there’s history-,”
“No.” L shook his head. “When I was at the hospital, they told me my symptoms might be correlated with a fated pair. The first thing I did was ask Beyond to get in touch with you.” 
Clicking his jaw, it was Light’s turn to evade L’s gaze. 
“A lot of shit has happened, Light. And it’s been a long ass time. But I never forgot you. When you left… it felt like a piece of me left with you.” L’s voice started to crack, but Light couldn’t bear to meet his gaze. “And now- they tell me that - th-that the only way to keep you alive is for me to be beside you. And fuck, I don’t ever want to go through that again. I have a reason, an excuse, to hold the person I’ve loved since before I knew what my second gender would be. It’s easy… for me to be touchy… because I never wanted to let you go in the first place.”
“You corny fuck.” Light snorted, teary ember eyes meeting glistening silver. 
“Appreciate it when you can.” L’s voice rasped, the black of his pupil taking over his iris. 
Light smirked knowingly; even though L’s pheromones were dancing with his in the room, he was better at feigning a calm facade. 
“You were always such an ass.” L forgot about the cupcake, striding around the island to return to Light’s side. 
“Which you, apparently, loved. So, logically, I should continue to be abrasive for you to adore me.” Light opened his posture to invite L in. 
Groaning, L slid in between Light’s knees, his hands running along the outside of his thighs. His nose immediately ran along the crease of Light’s neck, their chests pressing against each other. Tightening his fingers around L’s hips, Light tugged him closer. 
“Mmm… fuck…” L ran his fingers under Light’s shirt. 
“Shit…” Light’s head dropped back, his skin electrifying under L’s touch. “Too much…” Light pushed at the hips that bruised under his grip.
L growled, trying to latch onto Light, his fingernails cutting into his skin. 
“L. Enough.” Light tilted forward and bit L’s collarbone. 
Rapidly inhaling, L blinked back to consciousness. “Sorry…” L nose dove into Light’s chest. 
“One step at a time.” Light snickered, running his fingers through L’s hair. 
“Okay…” L’s body limped in Light’s hold, their pheromones relaxing in sync. 
“L! Stop jerking off!” Light pulled a pillow over his face, trying to drown out the pheromones leaking under the crack of the bathroom door. The fog only thickened. “L! Fucking stop!”
With a wave of pheromones, Light sighed in relief that it was finally over, his sanity holding on by a thread.
“Fuck…” L panted from the other side of the door. “I love it when you yell at me.” 
“Careful,” the sound of L’s zipper echoed, “you might get me going again.” 
Snorting, Light threw the pillow at the bathroom door. 
Love and Loss - The 'Before'
This one was the most completed section of 'The Before'. I have a few different versions, but this one seemed the best.
You may see that Light is given a different sent (continuity isn't quite as important when you have several drafts with an undecided direction). What is important is the fact that apparently I always want Light to smell so pretty ;'D
“So… what are your intentions with my brother?” Beyond snickered, his feet up in the air and his head dangling off the seat of the couch. 
“Shut-up.” Light rolled his eyes, palming his forehead.
“Are you guys going to finally tell each other you like each other or are you going to keep avoiding being adults and talking about it?” Beyond’s silver eyes sparkled. 
“It will happen… when… it will… ugh…” Light started to stagger. The entire room was blurring and spinning around him. 
“Are you okay, Light?” Beyond was afraid to move. He’d been silently grateful that Light was excluding himself, the initial stages of his rut starting to prickle at his stomach. 
Before Light could respond, he collapsed towards the floor. 
“Shit!” Beyond bit his lip. Every instinct in his body was screaming at him to protect the Omega. Panicking, Beyond pulled out his phone, trying to reach a teacher. 
“What are you doing?” Light’s voice rasped as he dragged himself across the floor.
“Light - you’re- fuck.” Beyond covered his nose, the warm smell of decadent spice crawling across his skin. “Have you gone into heat before?” His words were muffled by his sweatshirt. 
“No, but you- you can’t tell - them.” Light weakly batted away Beyond’s cellphone, sending it clattering to the floor. 
“Stop.” Beyond jumped up and ran to the opposite side of the room. 
Their eyes locked as Beyond’s scent hit Light. Soft caramel eyes turned to ember as they narrowed at Beyond, whose eyes responded in blood red. 
“I’m - rut-,” Beyond struggled, arousal starting to overtake his body. He’d managed it before. Light was always around him and L. He’d become accustomed to controlling himself, even at its most difficult. But he’d never smelled Light in heat before. 
“What’s … happen…ing?” Light struggled to breath, daggers slicing up his throat as his legs turned to jelly.
“Light, I - ugh - can’t - don’t.” Beyond was reduced to monosyllables, his skin burning. 
“Beyond?” Light whined, pulling at the collar of his shirt. It felt as if it weighed a hundred pounds. 
Light had been warned about an Omega’s heat, but he’d never been taught much more than that. He always assumed he’d manage it as he did all of his masking. He’d separate himself and manage it from the comfort of his room. He hadn’t expected a reaction on levels of torture.
Beyond’s symptoms, though different in some ways, mimicked the pained desperation that threatened to overtake Light. His heart kept telling him to take away Light’s pain. 
“I - I can’t think… straight…” Beyond slid to the floor, his head in between his knees.
“Beyond!” Light shrieked, the material of his clothes burning on his skin. Tearing his shirt off, he was surprised that his skin was free of marks, he’d expected that his chest would be covered in raw flesh. The burn only spread, searing every last centimeter of Light’s skin.
Shaking, Beyond let go of the hold he’d been struggling with from his own pheromones. 
The warm scent of fresh grass temporarily cooled Light’s wounds, causing him to sob in relief. 
Struggling to breathe himself, Beyond removed his own shirt. He kept trying to think while he was still able to, but the calming effect of his pheromones was only temporary. 
“HELP! MAKE IT STOP! PLEASE! MAKE IT STOP!” Light shrieked, the flame surrounding his skin once again. 
“SHUT UP!” Beyond’s voice shook the chandelier. 
He’d never seen Light look weak. Light was tougher than any Alpha he’d ever met. But now, sobbing on the floor with matted hair, shirtless, and his pants half jimmied off, he was a wounded animal. 
Light’s sobs soaked the carpet below him. “I do-on’t n-n-n-know what t-t-t do…” his strength wavered, his eyes clouding from discomfort. 
“There’s only… there’s only one way to fix it. I - I caaaaa…” Another shot of Light’s pheromones filled the room, demanding attention. “Light… we… ahh…” his words were lost again as he crawled closer to the scent.
He used to get pumpkin spice lattes specifically to mock Light, whose scent was similar, but there was nothing to compare to the way it overtook him. To the sweetness that warmed his chest and the spice that pulled him closer. 
Gently, Beyond ran the back of his fingers against Light’s forehead. Eagerly, Light nuzzled back. For a moment, the pain subsided.
“Th-that helps…” Light kept pushing into Beyond’s touch. Wherever Beyond touched, the searing pain subsided. More accurately, it morphed into a desire for more, but at least it was more manageable than searing skin. 
A low growl emanated from Beyond’s throat as he kept softly running his hands along Light’s body. He could see the relief in Light’s eyes, which only made it harder for him.
“Light… oh fuck…” Beyond’s head spun as he leaned closer into Light.
Light started moaning under Beyond’s touch. One finger against his forehead felt like it could send him over the edge. “Beyond… please…” Light gasped, losing complete control over his rational thought.
L clenched his fists as the group started their return. The jealousy that coursed through his veins that Beyond and Light were spending the day together confirmed what he already knew. When he got back, he was finally going to tell Light his feelings. He didn’t want to hide it anymore. 
“Hey, isn’t that your dad?” A student pulled L out of his fog. 
Furrowing his brows, he recognized the black tinted Mercedes. Watari leaned against the car’s hood, watching L step closer. Giving L a directive nod towards the car, Watari stepped forward to speak with the teachers. 
What happened? If Beyond hurt Light I’ll kill him! 
L sprinted towards the car and threw the door open. The scent emanating from the car threatened to knock him out. 
“Shut the door you idiot!” Beyond barked as his offensive stench brutally attacked L. 
Pulling his collar up over his nose, he slid into the car, slamming the door shut behind him. Light’s thick smell spiraled through the air. 
Light trembled in Beyond’s arms, both of them in disheveled states. Beyond’s eyes burned red, still instinctively protective over the Omega in his arms. 
Crushed, L bit his lip and stared out the car window. Watari’s face shone red as he shouted at the timid teacher. He wanted to see anything besides the raw mark that marred the delicate skin along Light’s neck.
They tried to go back to normal. Both Light and Beyond agreed that it was what neither of them wanted. They knew that, as long as they stayed away from each other during their next heat/rut, the mark on Light’s neck would fade. 
But their tight knit friendship was cracked. They’d sit to play video games with each other, but L couldn’t sit beside the mark that poked out of Light’s collar. Furthermore, Beyond suddenly felt tied to Light. Even though they’d both made it clear to him that they wanted nothing to do with each other romantically, they still suffered from the bond they’d placed on one another.
Knowing that in 8 moves Light would win, L stepped up from the chess board. “I’ll be back.” 
Clicking the door behind him, L pulled himself into a ball and released his sobs. He’d feel better after a few minutes. It was starting to become his routine. 
Feeling slightly rejuvenated, L stepped out of the bathroom to find that Light had abandoned their chess game and was sitting on the floor mirroring Beyond’s cross legged position. 
“Seriously? Give up already?” L grumbled, stomping over towards the board. 
Squeezing foundation onto a sponge, Light responded with confidence. “I would have won in seven moves anyway.” 
“Eight. Eight moves.” L growled, trying to ignore the gentle manner in which Light covered the mark on B’s neck. 
“I would have got you in seven.” Light grinned, his honey brown eyes sparkling towards L. 
It was harder to appreciate such a beauty when Beyond’s eyes flecked with red towards his direction.
“There.” Light smiled at his handiwork. “Does that make it better?” 
Sighing, L reset the board.
“L? What do you think?” Light pointed towards the covered mark.
“What’s the point in covering it?” L scowled, clenching the piece in his palm.
Wounded, Light nodded. He would hold onto hope that it would get better once the mark was gone. Maybe then they’d be able to fix things. Maybe one day he could finally tell L how he felt.
“STOP POKING IT!” Light slapped away Beyond’s hand. 
L grunted across the table; he’d been distancing himself more and more. 
“Your next heat cycle should have started already.” Beyond poked at the sensitive mark once again. Beyond’s rut had already passed, his mark nearly non-existent, yet Light’s appeared fresh as ever. 
L froze, his eyes slowly lifting up towards Light. His skin was slightly flush and he’d constantly smelt slighter danker than usual. He’d assumed it was because B had tarnished his scent, or because his feelings were guarded, but he hadn’t even considered a third possibility. 
“Stop touching me.” Light swatted Beyond away again. 
Pulling up his phone, L began some basic research. ‘How does an omega know they’re pregnant?’
Dizziness or fatigue
A change in scent to repel other Alphas that becomes more attractive to the mate
Late heat cycle
Prolonged unbonded mark 
Weight gain 
Mood swings and irritation
“I’m going to break your finger if you can’t keep it to yourself.” Light growled in warning. 
“B.” L leaned his stomach against the table. 
Both the boys were shocked to hear L’s voice, for once in a tone that wasn’t laced with rage. 
“Has Light’s scent changed?” L tilted his head.
Coughing, B covered his mouth, attempting to hide his nervous reaction. “Uh - yeah - a bit.” The crimson shade of B’s cheeks told L that the change had been for the better instead of for the worse.
L poked at his strawberry shortcake, watching it tremble from the tip of his fork. Light usually berated him if he’d finished the entire cake before he got a bite, so he was trying to be good. Impulse control was not something L was well practiced in, and once he started, he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop.
“Maybe you’re too sweet for Light, hmm?” L poked at the cake again. “Maybe we’re doing him a favor I eat all the cake…” Tapping the iced prongs against his bottom lip he considered his own argument. “He is complaining about the baby weight…” 
BANG! The door slammed open, drywall littering onto the ground from where the door knob had pierced it. 
Startled, L jabbed himself in the mouth with his fork, not hard enough to draw blood. Flipping around, he turned to see who had made such an obnoxious entry. 
Beyond’s face was pale, his eyes burning red. His pants were blended into growls as he scanned the room. 
“Where is he?” Beyond demanded, his voice coarser than ever. 
“In the bathroom?” He was a pregnant Omega, they peed a lot. 
The answer lit a fire under Beyond, who broke into a sprint towards the bathroom. 
Woefully eyeing the cake, L stood to his feet to ensure Beyond didn’t do anything stupid. He was acting as if he was in a rage induced rut… but his pheromones didn’t match that of a rut. Instead of wanting to keel over and vomit, L found himself fighting the urge to run from him. 
Knocking was an understatement as the door rattled under Beyond’s fist. “LIGHT!” 
“Maybe he’s pooping?” L gulped, Beyond’s pheromone suffocating him. 
Stepping back, Beyond kicked the door in two, shards of wood scattering across the floor. 
“Jesus! What-,” Before L could finish his sentence the scent of iron permeated the room. 
Swallowing his heart, L stumbled backwards. Tripping over his feet, he fell on his butt, frozen in stupor. 
Red stepped through the threshold before Beyond did. 
Gagging on the concoction of blood and Beyond’s protective pheromones, L trembled on the floor. L’s head fuzzed as his fingers turned to pins and needles. 
Blood dripped from Beyond’s hands under Light’s limp body. 
“Get Watari.” Beyond snarled in L’s direction. “NOW!” 
Switching back to life, L jumped to his feet. As he ran past, he tried to ignore the way that Light’s eyes twitched against his battle with consciousness.
Beyond hung his head at Light’s bedside, rubbing his own tears off his face. “I’m sorry, Light.”
Light’s hand twitched under the tape of the IV. He didn’t want to hear platitudes or pity. He just wanted the pain to go away. Logically, it made the best decision for him and his future. His heart still hadn’t caught up to that, his soul knew he’d lost his child. 
He wanted to hate Beyond, he wanted to hate everyone. But he was only left with the pain of his own heart being ripped from his body.
“Light…” Beyond started to release a pheromone to relax him, a warming scent of cloves filled the room. 
“PUT THAT SHIT AWAY!” Light yelled, tears and spit jumping off his face. “Just leave.” 
“Light…” Beyond’s lip shook, he wanted to help, but despite the fading mark on Light’s neck, he knew that he was never truly meant to be his mate. 
“Beyond.” L called from the doorway. “Watari’s here.” 
Hearing L’s voice, Light degraded to sobs, turning away from both of them. L’s scent trickled through the room, easily flowing past Beyond’s.
Light gripped his chest as he let the calming scent of orange smoked whiskey surround him. 
“L… I should stay. I can’t… I can’t leave him like this.” Beyond dropped his head, his twin brother's scent taking dominance over the room.  
“I DON’T WANT YOU HERE!” Light shouted, still unable to look either of them in the eye. Mumbling under tears, he added, “Both of you, just leave.” 
Beyond’s chest bounced as he sniffled. He’d never meant for it to happen. Light was always so strong, most people didn’t even know he was an Omega. They never meant for it to happen. He certainly never wanted this for Light. Ceding, Beyond stepped away from the hospital bed towards L. 
A tinge of spite shot down Beyond’s back at the tears beading in L’s eyes. Part of him wanted to shout, to say he hadn’t lost anything like Beyond had. But that wasn’t true. Beyond had taken what L loved most.
Beyond had taken Light. 
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winter-literature · 3 months
Aweh, so cute when they're not trying to fight each other 💕💕
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Cuddles 💤
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winter-literature · 4 months
Yotsuba Light :ill be with you foreverrr L: i mean you dont have choice but i appreciate the sentiment
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winter-literature · 4 months
i finally get what people mean when they say 'create what you would want to consume' and it's just fanfiction of Light performing for L when he was under 24/7 surveillance late at night
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winter-literature · 4 months
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CONCEPT: What if HTTYD doesn't take place in the past, but in the future? In a post-apocalyptic setting where dragons are actually evolved/mutated animals after a post nuclear war.
And what if Hiccup gets the chance to explore the world like he wants and finds something beyond anything he could have imagined?
Like a boy who has been asleep for centuries...?
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winter-literature · 4 months
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Can’t sleep
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winter-literature · 4 months
the concept and idea of “you can always start trying to be a better person” is extremely important to me both in media and irl and i continue to be deeply deeply disturbed by the trend on this site pushing that these ideas in media are bad writing or even morally reprehensible
because theyd rather someone stay terrible or just straight up die than become a better person 
from a compassionate point of view it’s deeply distressing and from a pragmatic point of view it’s outright frustrating
it’s fucked up. 
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winter-literature · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's Day, @frootloopsl :3
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