wnc-w · 3 years
They will invest 3,000 million pesos in promoting cabotage in Lázaro Cárdenas.
In order to promote and make more efficient the local transport of products, as well as exports, a cabotage project was presented in the port of Lázaro Cárdenas, Michoacán, in which an investment of 3 billion pesos will also be made in the next three years, said the state governor, Alfredo Ramírez.
"The Administration of the National Port System (Aispona) is projecting a new cabotage dock in investment, they are millionaire investments that the port itself is making in expanding the docking area for ships. Simply in the next three years it will invest 3 billion pesos in infrastructure ".
The objective of the project is to connect the regions so that they can move products from the south-southwest to the center-west and northwest of the country, through seaports and, later, an interconnection in the south-southwest to Central America.
fuente: https://www.milenio.com/negocios/puerto-lazaro-cardenas-invertiran-impulso-cabotaje
comment: It is an excellent project that helps the development of the state of Michoacán in many aspects, but as the news mentions, in the main part of connecting regions and then the development is not only for Michoacan, but also for other states and helps export and importance and consequently international and national trade
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wnc-w · 3 years
Nuevo Leon and Guanajuato, the only manufacturing engines that exceed pre-pandemic levels.
The fourth national place was for Guanajuato, with 569,010 million pesos, a figure 3.1% higher than the production value of the first eight months of 2019.
In Nuevo León, its dynamism came from its main industries, since of the five with the highest production value, four, representing 43.9% of the total, managed to grow compared to the accumulated from January to August 2019: basic metal industries (41.8% with inflationary adjustment), metal products (46.7%), food industry (9.9%) and manufacture of accessories, electrical appliances and electrical power generation equipment (24.8 percent).
fuente: https://www.eleconomista.com.mx/estados/NL-y-Guanajuato-unicos-motores-manufactureros-que-superan-niveles-prepandemicos-20211019-0004.html
image:Rodrigo A. Rosales Contreras19 de octubre de 2021, 00:16
Comment: Guanajuato is one of the states that have been able to stand out despite the pandemic and he has been able to handle it in the best way to get ahead and position himself in one of the best states regarding this issue. How can we really see in the table between the largest and the smallest state in its manufacturing progress such as Veracruz Campeche is a quite abysmal figure
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wnc-w · 3 years
Tlaquepaque elections: Candidates blame opponents' parties for insecurity.
Candidates express their positions towards the extraordinary elections of November 21. In the debate for the extraordinary elections in Tlaquepaque on November 21, among the nine candidates who attended, they blamed themselves for the current insecurity that the municipality is experiencing.
Citlalli Amaya, candidate of the Citizen Movement, pointed out that the violence and lack of security in the former Villa Alfarera is the fault of the federal government, which is part of the Morena party line.
Alberto Maldonado, from Morena, stressed that it will be impossible for Movimiento Ciudadano to control the issue of insecurity that exists in Tlaquepaque, since they have not been able to do so in six years, with statistics that make it one of the municipalities with the most homicides in Mexico.
Among the other seven candidates who attended his speech, they proposed increasing the salaries of the police officers and that child and youth care programs be carried out to prevent them from falling into addiction and violence problems.
Fuente: https://www.informador.mx/jalisco/Elecciones-Tlaquepaque-Candidatos-culpan-de-inseguridad-a-partidos-de-oponentes--20211114-0076.html
-> As a personal opinion, I know that when a time of lesson arrives, applicants to the governorship always point out their good points and what they will do for the well-being of our country and each state, however this news did not surprise me in the debate over the elections of Tlaquepaque man, all the postulates were thrown between them and some like the candidate of the movement studied I do not blame the violence and the lack of security on the federal government that evidently corresponds to the brunette party, of which the president of Mexico is, she It was not their turn to be responsible for the preventive part, however, those of citizen movement control granted the National Guard three public spaces for the National Guard to take place and even so, they have been doing a lot of lack of security so brunette candidate Arturo Morones mentioned that they will not be able to fulfill what they did in six years, that not everything could be repaired r because it has a very large antecedent being the bases but it is not an overnight change so the other candidates also gave their arguments to be elected as Arturo Moreno of the PRI mentioned he criticized the security methods and modules that has had the past governorship and that they will fuck any benefit that is within their reach to be able to improve the state of Tlaquepaque to be able to correct the misfortunes that have been had, bag for Mexico mentioned that it was going to increase the salaries of the police officers so that it is clear their tasks and to be able to acquire the necessary equipment so that they are in better condition. Definitely, what the candidate Carolina Meléndez said, the party forces for Mexico, I consider that they are not the adequate measures to be able to eradicate security, I do not mean that it is not necessary, however, it is not the main thing or it is not the reason why insecurity has been increasing.
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wnc-w · 3 years
Armed subjects ambush police in Jalisco.
The eight policemen were subdued, they stripped them of long weapons, short weapons, ballistic vests and radio communication equipment, they also took a patrol with a high-caliber support weapon
At the scene of the confrontation there was another unit with gunshot wounds
The eight policemen were temporarily deprived of their liberty and abandoned in an area with difficult access. Regional police officers from the Jalisco Security Secretariat were ambushed by a commando when they were patrolling in a breach that is located on the highway from Huejuquilla el Alto to Valparaíso in the municipality of Huejuquilla el Alto, Jalisco. Heavily armed subjects emerged from the undergrowth and began firing at the state troopers.
The eight policemen were subdued, they stripped them of long weapons, short weapons, ballistic vests and radio communication equipment, and they also took away a patrol with a high-caliber support weapon.
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wnc-w · 3 years
KSC lost $ 25 million from railroad blockades in Michoacán.
After three months of stoppage in the operations of Kansas City Southern (KSC) of Mexico as a result of the blockades in the railways of Michoacán, the company estimated 25 million dollars in losses, in addition to the fact that "recovery is difficult." Oscar del Cueto, president of the company, expressed that he hopes that there will no longer be blockades that hinder its logistics operations, since 470 trains were stopped in this period, which transport between 12 and 14 thousand tons. “Recovery is difficult. The truth is that some volumes were already lost that went to other ports, which even went to other countries, it will be very difficult to recover them, "he said. The blockades by teachers of the National Coordinator of Education Workers (CNTE), in addition to stopping its operations, also had a negative impact on more than 330 families, who stopped receiving income in this period, since “they were he pays every time they move a train and since there was indeed no movement, there was no income ”he mentioned.
For its part, the Chamber of the Transformation Industry (Caintra) of Nuevo León estimated that the losses due to the blockades amounted to 3.8 million dollars, while the figure for the Confederation of Industrial Chambers (Concamin) was 4 billion of pesos. Today, KSC will begin to move the goods detained in the port of Lázaro Cárdenas, as well as those that remained online and were intended to be exported, however, situations such as the one that occurred during these three months do not stop sending negative signals investment from their perspective
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wnc-w · 3 years
Two traffic officers shot to death in Celaya, Guanajuato
Civilians on motorcycles opened fire on the officers until they were dead, before fleeing they left a card with a message on the windshield; yesterday two other agents were also shot, who are hospitalized
Celaya.- Two elements of municipal transit were shot to death on Tuesday afternoon in the downtown area of ​​Celaya, less than 24 hours after an armed attack was recorded against two other agents who are hospitalized. The officers did not carry weapons. Shortly before noon, civilians on motorcycles paired up with the 1615 patrol on María Morelos Street, where they opened fire on the officers until they were dead; Before fleeing they left a cardboard with a message on the windshield.
His companions deployed a search operation in the surrounding areas without finding the murderers.
Yesterday afternoon, the drivers of a vehicle shot two transits of the motorcycle squad on López Mateos boulevard in front of a vehicle agency. The Secretariat for Citizen Security condemned the attacks against public security officials.
After the attack this afternoon, the Transit elements were removed from the streets and protected at the base of the corporation in a preventive manner, reported the Secretary of Citizen Security, Jesús Rivera Peralta.
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wnc-w · 3 years
"Rick" will cause extraordinary occasional rains in Colima
National Meteorological Service (SMN), foresees cloudy skies for Colima during the day with extraordinary rains and electric shocks in Michoacán, intense rains in Colima and Jalisco, as well as showers in Nayarit, which could generate landslides and floods.
There will also be a cool environment with morning fog banks and warm in the afternoon with strong winds with gusts of 120 to 150 kilometers per hour (km / h) and waves of 5 to 7 meters high on the east coast of Michoacán; as well as gusts of 70 to 80 km / h and waves of 1 to 3 meters in height on the coasts of Colima, as well as gusts of wind of up to 60 km / h in Jalisco.
This day, the center of hurricane Rick, category 2 on the Saffir-Simpson scale, made landfall in the vicinity of the municipality of La Unión de Isidoro Montes de Oca, in Guerrero, at 5 in the morning; Likewise, it will be degraded to a tropical storm over Michoacán, in its displacement it will cause extraordinary occasional rains in areas of Guerrero and Michoacán, which will cause an increase in the levels of rivers and streams, landslides and floods.
According to the General Meteorological Forecast, in addition to heavy to intense rains over western, central and southern Mexico; Intense gusts of wind and high waves are also expected on the coasts of Michoacán, Guerrero and Colima, conditions that will decrease during the afternoon-night.
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The center of Hurricane Rick was located at 7 in the morning 25 km northeast of Lázaro Cárdenas, in Michoacán and 75 km northwest of Zihuatanejo, in Guerrero. Its cloud bands cause very strong rains at extraordinary points, strong winds and high waves in the western and southern states of the country.
The SMN maintains a hurricane prevention zone from Técpan de Galeana, in Guerrero, to Punta San Telmo, in Michoacán, a Tropical Storm prevention zone from Técpan de Galeana to Acapulco in Guerrero, and from Punta San Telmo, Michoacán., To Manzanillo, in Colima.
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wnc-w · 3 years
Secretariat of Health of Guanajuato, SSG, begins vaccination of minors between 12 and 17 years of age with some comorbidity.
The Pfizer brand vaccine will be applied to minors, he recalled that vaccination is solely and exclusively for this group of the population.
Guanajuato, Gto. October 25, 2021. The Secretariat of Health of Guanajuato begins this Tuesday, October 26, the vaccination of minors between 12 and 17 years of age with some comorbidity in the state, as announced by the Secretary of Health Dr. Daniel Díaz Martínez.
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He adds the registry of more than 26 thousand minors, but could reach up to 100 thousand applicants, as the registry continues to advance.
The day will start from tomorrow, October 26, in the hospitals belonging to the Secretariat from 8 in the morning, it will be applied until all the children on record and the 48 minors who currently have a protection are vaccinated.
Some of the comorbidities are chronic heart disease, chronic lung disease, chronic conditions, kidney, liver and digestive system, chronic neurological disease, endocrine diseases, moderate or severe immunosuppression, Asplenia or spleen dysfunction and hematological diseases, serious genetic abnormalities affecting the various systems.
On behalf of the Secretariat of Health of Guanajuato, a census was carried out of the patients of the Pediatric Specialties Hospital of León susceptible to receive this vaccine and groups of children with certain diseases, so that through their tutors they can register on the federal platform .
Dr. Daniel Díaz pointed out that it is important to go with the prior proof of the virtual registration. The Pfizer brand vaccine will be applied to minors, the vaccination is solely and exclusively for this group of the population. SEDENA, IMSS, ISSSTE, the Bajío Regional High Specialty Hospital and PEMEX were added to this vaccination session.
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wnc-w · 3 years
Drug laboratory dismantled in Calvillo, Aguascalientes.
Through investigative work by three police corporations, it was possible to find the location of a clandestine laboratory, which was dismantled near the community of La Teresa, belonging to the municipality of Calvillo, Aguascalientes.
The elements of the state police carried out intelligence work in conjunction with the Aguascalientes State Attorney General's Office (FGEA) when delving into the origin of the methamphetamine known as crystal drug.
Thus, through the Single Command, the state and municipal police of Calvillo intensified their surveillance and exchanged information with the FGEA to obtain more information on the origin of the narcotic and establish a probable route.
After a field work, it was possible to locate a property on state highway number 17, near the La Teresa community, the authorities arrived to begin the operation and seize what appeared to be chemical precursors, as well as material used for the production of synthetic drugs.
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wnc-w · 3 years
Demand for industrial parks in Jalisco, on the rise
The arrival of new investments in Jalisco, its geographical location and its position as a logistics hub in the region, generated that, at the end of the third quarter of 2021, the industrial parks of Guadalajara had a growth greater than that obtained in all of 2020.
Guadalajara, Jal. The arrival of new investments in Jalisco, its geographical location and its position as the region's logistics hub, generated that, at the end of the third quarter of 2021, the industrial parks of the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area had a growth greater than that obtained in all of 2020, said to El Economista, the president of the Association of Industrial Parks of the State of Jalisco (APIEJ), Jorge Suárez.
He recalled that in 2020, despite the pandemic, the sector registered growth compared to 2019 due to the fact that online sales soared and companies had to install new distribution centers, and at the end of the third quarter From 2021 the trend continues, generating 482,555 new square meters of industrial spaces. “In this quarter, without taking into account renovations, only new projects and expansions, 131,350 square meters were absorbed, giving a total so far this year of 482,555. It gives us a total of economic income for issues of value of industrial real estate contract of 116 million 887,668 dollars ”, indicated the director of the APIEJ, Javier Lemarroy.
He explained that the sectors that have occupied the most square meters of industrial spaces in the January-September period of this year, either due to new investments or expansion of their projects in Jalisco, are logistics, mainly, distribution of components for manufacturing, BPO (subcontracting of business processes), manufacturing processes and the food sector.
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wnc-w · 3 years
Aguascalientes will host the Fiscal Forum of the Central-Western region organized by the Mexican Institute of Public Accountants that will take place on November 5 and 6 and will have experts to analyze the implications of what will be the Tax Reform 2022, as well as The president of the State Public Accountants Association, Miriam Fabiola Gutiérrez Muñoz, announced.
The specialist reported that this event will take place at the facilities of the Thirteen Forum in the Tres Centurias Complex, where all the tax implications for next year will be analyzed so that society knows what the situation is going to be. face taxpayers hand in hand with professionals who provide support on these issues.
He explained that on Friday the 5th at 10 in the morning will be the opening of the event and later Pedro Corona de la Fuente, a lawyer from the city of San Diego, California will start to talk about the issue of property taxes in the United States and Mexico and inheritance tax. Subsequently, a legislative panel will be verified, in which Senator Martha Márquez Alvarado and Federal Deputy Patricia Terrazas will participate, both public accountants by profession and who are on the Treasury Board of the Chamber of Senators and Deputies respectively; then there will be José Ulises Gómez Nolasco, former official of the Financial Intelligence Unit, who will speak of Tax Crimes; and to close that day will be Salvador Leaño Flores who will speak on the topic of Tax Ethics.
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wnc-w · 3 years
Michoacán will have an undersecretary focused on the T-MEC.
The governor, Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla, anticipated that it is planned to create an undersecretariat focused on the T-MEC (Free Trade Agreement between Mexico, the United States and Canada) that will function as part of the Secretariat for Economic Development (Sedeco)
In a meeting with members of the board of directors of the Association of Producers and Packers Exporters of Avocado of Mexico (APEAM), the president informed that the intention of creating the area is to facilitate the commercial exchange and investment of Michoacan producers with the market of North American countries.
He recalled that, with the entry into force of the new Treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada, the entity must implement new strategies to support the sector and assured that who would be in charge of the next undersecretary would be Rubén Medina.
After presenting a state overview of the productive, economic and social conditions of avocado trees, the representatives of APEAM presented projects under development to the governor, among which they mentioned the creation of the Mexican quality standard before the T-MEC and the Free Trade Agreement of the European Union.
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wnc-w · 3 years
Currently the state of Guanajuato is positioned in the 30th place nationally of the states that have applied the most vaccines against covid-19, according to figures from the National Health Secretariat.
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While Mexico City has achieved a coverage of 95 percent of its population with at least one dose, in Guanajuato they barely have 61 percent, being only ahead of Chiapas and Oaxaca, entities that have only 48 and 60 percent coverage respectively.
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wnc-w · 3 years
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the inhabitants of Temacapulín, Acasico and Parmalejo agreed to continue with the work of the "El Zapotillo" dam, located in the Altos Sur region of Jalisco, whose construction began in 2011 during the six-year term of Felipe Calderón but its operation has been slowed down by the opposition of the inhabitants.
On August 14, the president moved to that region to propose that the dam operate at a lower capacity and in this way they would not run
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wnc-w · 3 years
According to the forecast of the National Meteorological Service (SMN), it is expected that next week the effects of an area of low pressure located in the Mexican Pacific Ocean will be felt, with a high probability of evolution to a tropical cyclone.
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Forecast models indicate that this zone of instability maintains a 90 percent probability of cyclonic development in the next five days, which would lead to rain, wind and electrical activity in the state of Colima.
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wnc-w · 3 years
Rains overflow dams and rivers in six municipalities of Guanajuato
The extraordinary rains this weekend caused overflowing of dams and rivers in six municipalities of Guanajuato, with damage to homes, agricultural fields, industries, businesses, a landslide and the evacuation of families.
The water discharges affected the municipalities of León, Salamanca, Celaya, Abosolo, Acámbaro and Dolores Hidalgo; In addition, the official alert was extended because the tributaries reached the top.
In León, this Friday night and early Saturday morning, overflows were registered in the Las Liebres, Alfaro and Río de los Gómez streams, for which dozens of drivers in their cars were stranded, several of them covered by water.
The water from the Palote Dam reached the León Metropolitan Park track, thus blocking the way to the public.
Elements of the Fire Department, Civil Protection and Highway Administration assisted the people inside the vehicles and others who were in the Maravillas Transfer Center and shopping malls on the stretch of Francisco Villa and Curtidora avenue.
The greatest impact was had to the north, center and east of the city, where levels exceeded 60 centimeters in commercial areas and in the Aurrera winery store located on Adolfo López Mateos y Pradera boulevard.
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wnc-w · 3 years
CJNG Denies Attack on Military Personnel in Jalisco; they accuse the community guard
The Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG), denied that this criminal organization was responsible for ambushing Mexican Army personnel last Wednesday in Taninhuan, Jalisco; a fact that left two soldiers dead and two more seriously injured.
In a video broadcast on social networks, the CJNG pointed out that they have no problem with Sedena (Secretariat of National Defense) and no other corporation.
In the recording, the criminal organization stated that "we removed the people, the day we found out that they arrived in our personal areas of the Sedena."
They blamed the Tepalcatepec community guard for having perpetrated that attack and blaming that cartel for what happened.
The CJNG blamed a military command from that region where the state of Jalisco and Michoacán converge.
After the published video was released, those responsible for the military strategy in the area discredited the published video.
They reiterated that those who ambushed them in recent days near Taninhuan, Jalisco, were armed subjects with the initials of the CJNG.
They commented that the attack perpetrated was on the side of the state of Jalisco, where the residents of Tepalcatepec do not have access, because it is an area under the domain of the CJNG.
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