wolfsonic · 4 months
Hey Everyone!! Sorry I’ve been slacking on drawing monkey’s, but brain got AU in head and it won’t go away. I don’t know the name of the AU yet or the name for who I’m about to show yet. Maybe you guys can help me!
Now without further ado, let me introduce to you Possessed Chao-Xing, but not Chao-axing
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In this AU, when Wukong finished his journey, he was summoned to the underworld. Macaque's soul had gone missing, which didn't make sense to the monkey because his mate had been fine when he left after their fight. Angry and pissed, but still alive.
WuKong went on a wild goose chase to find his soul, taking over a month to finally get ahold of it. Whatever did, this didn't make it easy. While he was away, Chao-Xing's egg appeared at WuKong's original hatching place. It was then her egg was taken.
Unbeknownst to WuKong, his Marshals, His Generals, and his Subjects. None knew of the little princess waiting for her fathers and none knew that she was even taken in the first place.
Not-Mayor, on the request of his Lady, stole the princess, and soon she was deemed a worthy vessel. With her egg nearby, LBD made the slow transfer of her mind and soul into the little stone egg. A process that took years.
When finally the transfer was complete, a new being hatched from the egg. Not who was supposed to be Chao-Xing or LBD as she intended. Yes, the two souls shared a body, but a third was in control (the lovely monkey up top there). Chao-Xing was still stuck in her egg, so she couldn't do much. LBD, though, had full control to whisper in the third souls mind.
Not-Mayor was not happy that he was stuck with a child who could talk back to him when it should have been his lady there. Reluctantly, he raised and trained her. Though after a while, there were times she'd go mad with hunger. He didn't know even celestial primates needed actual food or water, so to sate her hungry. He fed her the essence of magical objects.
With the whispers of LBD and her hungry always in the back of her mind, she grew a little crazy. Not kill another person crazy, but enough where demons or anyone would keep a wide berth around her territory.
And if you're wondering WuKong did not kill Macaque, Not-Mayor did so he could get Monkey King off the mountain for when the Egg arrived.
Macaque and WuKong are still mates after the journey, though Macaque does spend a lot of time off the mountain. One WuKong insisted on since the Shadow Monkey had to wait many years for the King to return.
And that's a bit of her backstory! I do plan to make more of this AU, but yea. Again, if you have any suggestions for a name for her and the AU, let me know!!
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wolfsonic · 5 months
So I finished watching season 3 of Sonic Prime and I just have to say.
This entier show...
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Sonic's quips! Sonic and Shadow's interactions! SEASON THREE AS A WHOLE!
This show, no doubt, will most likely become a comfort show for me alongside Lego Monkie Kid.
Watching Prime brought me so much nostalgia from when I watched Sonic X and Sonic Underground as a wee little Wolfie. I know it ended, and I'm a little sad it did, but I can not wait to re-experience the show again!
The only thing I wanted to happen, and unfortunately, it didn't. Was for Sonic and Shadow to talk when it was all over and see if Shadow remembered what happened. We didn't get that talk, sadly, but everything else about the show was 10/10 for me!
I know people will likely disagree, but I'm a simple sonic fan girly, and it takes a lot for me to dislike *looks at Sonic Boom* or HATE something of sonic *STARES DAGGERS AT SONIC 06*.
Sonic Prime left me absolutely loving the show. I don't usually review stuff, but this is Wolfie, and thank you for coming to my Ted talk!
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wolfsonic · 6 months
I finally have time to post this! So, a bit ago I got a commission done by the amazing @rebeltigera and of course, it's my girl Chao-Xing! I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!! YOU DREW HER PHENOMENALLY!!
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wolfsonic · 8 months
"Everything the light touches is our kingdom."
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Did I just make a lion king reference?
Yes, yes I did XD
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wolfsonic · 8 months
Ba just is requesting kisses from Biyu
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Totally drew this because I wanted to draw the Spider-Man kiss and Ba would totally do that XD
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wolfsonic · 8 months
I wanted to draw little bitty Pear who belongs to @journey-to-the-au , it’s just a sketch since I don’t have the time to draw a full-on picture, so I hope you enjoy!!
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1. Liu has to go on patrol and Pear telling her Baba that she’d watch out for mama, she’s also very proud of the stick that she found and deemed it her trusty weapon in this endeavor
2. Just Liu and a little itty bitty Pear using her Baba’s scarf as a blanket.
3. She just stole Liu’s scarf and tried walking with it, and yes, that is supposed to be her tongue sticking out. I sorry if the proportions are so wrong ^^;
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wolfsonic · 9 months
Growly monkies
I got more snippets of the monkeys cause @journey-to-the-au has given me monkey brain rot again with them, and I had to write about it.
Sorry if the snippets are not beta read, I started feeling iky around the last two stories and I just wanted to get them out of my head before I forgot XD
The WuKong and Willow snippet was inspired by this beautiful art they made!
Hope you like them!
Beng carefully adjusted forearm guards, Ma and him were due for a meeting with the others, and Ma had left a bit a go so she could get her adjusted armor. His mate's pregnancy was starting to show, and she, with Beng by her side, asked WuKong for the armor around the beginning of it so it would be ready by the time she would need it. WuKong had agreed easily with a smile.
The General frowned in thought, and he suspected a few monkeys on the island had expressed their distaste of Ma continuing her Marshal duties while pregnant. They have been smart enough to know not to have said anything in front of Beng himself, but he's seen Ma's mood has been lower than normal.
It was the reason Ma had been worried about asking for the new armor, WuKong, as well as Beng reassured her she could still be a Marshal.
Beng grabbed his polearm before he turned and followed where Ma had gone. He didn't walk very far before he heard a voice. Ma's voice which confused him since she should have so much farther ahead than he was.
He wasn't close enough to hear what she had said, but a second voice spoke up talking over the Marshal. Just that alone made his fur puff up slightly in irritation, and when Beng finally turned the corner to see them, did the words finally register.
"You shouldn't be over exerting yourself." The stupid monkey said sharply to Ma. The monkey back was towards Beng, with Ma facing towards him, her own features trying not to convey the annoyance radiating off her. "You should think about your child, not your own self interests."
Beng, despite his big size, crept up silently behind the unsuspecting monkey, and once he was right behind her, he let out a smallest of growls, his voice low as he stared down of the monkey. "Are you the doctor of this mountian?" A loud squeak of fear came from the monkey as she jumped. She slowly turned around to see the big general standing over her. Her mouth opened and closing but no words came out of her mouth as Beng continued.
The monkey just cowered under Beng's intense stare before finally scurring away. He huffed angrily as he watched her run before turning to Ma. She was looking down as her feet. The General reached forward and cups her cheek, making her look at him. "I do not want you letting this slide anymore, I have been watching your mood lower because of it. I am here, talk to me."
Ma huffed less in anger before leaning forwards and resting her face into his shoulder. "I'm sorry... I thought I could handle it.."
Beng wrapped his arms around Ma in a hug, letting his other half cling to him. Soft reassurances whispered softly in her ear. The two didn't move for a little, and Beng wasn't surprised to see Liu after a while. Probably looking for them, but the Marshal instantly halted at the sight of the two before turning and walking away.
Wanting to give the two privacy, but Beng did not miss the frown settled on his lips. Beng knew they'd probably have to explain to the others, but for now, his focuse was on his mate.
Liu sat with his back towards Rin Rin as her fingers groomed him, working out burrs that were snagged in his fur. A small pout rested on his face as he stared grumply at the dirt, and Rin Rin could only giggle softly when she noticed his face. "You put yourself here, mister. It was just a small bird dropping a seed, and you're the one that tripped on a root and into a bush to investigate it."
Liu relaxed under her touch before speaking up, "it could have been something that could hurt you and the baby!" He said, trying to reason why he did it.
Rin Rin just shook her head with a smile. "Even an infant could have recognized that sound."
Liu only just seemed to pout more, making Rin Rin giggle even more. The Marshal couldn't hold back his own content smile at Rin Rin's giggles. A loud snap of a twig made Liu stand ramrod straight, his eyes narrowed and immediately growling in the direction of the sound. It turned into a sharp glare when a monkey that was the culprit of the sound scrambled away.
Rin Rin rolled her eyes before gently taking Liu's hand and placing it on her stomach. The change was immediate as his gaze softened and grew considerably less tense. He turned to look at Rin Rin as he felt a strong kick against his palm. He then nuzzled Rin Rin's stomach, where he felt another one against his cheek. "Hello, little one."
Liu wrapped his arms around Rin Rin's waist, in turn hold her and their child. "WuKong let you off your duties today so you can take a break." Rin Rin emphasized the word break as she leaned down to kiss his forehead.
Liu just sighed before nodding. This time, he relaxed fully as Rin Rin went back to grooming him. They remained like that as she worked, Liu talking softly to the infant still in Rin Rin.
Rin Rin finished grooming him, and she moved to just threaded her fingers through his fur on his head before he stood. Rin Rin tilted her head to the side in confusion for a second before he held out his hand. "Come on, let's get some food. You're probably hungry." Liu said as he held his hand out for her to take.
Rin Rin smiled and took it, letting her mate pull her up as she nodded. "I could eat." Rin Rin said as they walked away towards the orchards.
WuKong was laying flat on his stomach as he watched over a sleeping Willow, who was lying on her side facing WuKong. Earlier that day, the one time WuKong was pulled away from her, she had a fainting spell, putting the already tense simian on even more edge. Thankfully, Liu had been nearby to keep Willow from hurting herself, and she came too pretty quickly. Beng checked on her and the babies, finding nothing wrong, but he still told her to rest for the remainder of the day.
And now here Wukong was up in the early hours of the morning watching over Willow. He hadn't got a wink of sleep, and even a part of him agreed this could possibly be seen as a little creepy, but he couldn't help it. He needed to make sure all of them were safe. The soft sounds of the forest waking reached his ears as the king rested his head on to his forearm.
The small sense of tranquility was broken as a shift of magic touched the air, making WuKong shoot up from his laying position. The king looked wildly around, assessing the room for any threats, a soft snarl coming from his lips. It was then he had to bite back said snarl as he realized the magic had come from Willow, her transformation magic unconsciously activating as it shifted over her.
It wasn't long before a monkey form took the place of Willow's human one. The celestial didn't even awaken from the sudden change as she continued to sleep peacefully. The king let out a breath he was holding as he resumed his position.
It wasn't long later that Willow's eyes slowly opened as she woke from sleep. Her tired eyes turned confused as she spotted WuKong wide awake. "What are you doing up?" She asked softly, not even surprised she was in monkey form again. WuKong diverted his eyes at the question, Willow eyes widened at the realization that he didn't even sleep, made her cross her arms, and stared at him with disapproval. "You stayed up all night." She said, not even questioning it to know it was true.
WuKong has no defense for that, and Willow opened her arms, silently asking for cuddles. The king obliged instantly, though she had moved him to rest his head against her stomach. Willow spoke again "Your going to fall asleep during your buddhistic duties today."
"Maybe you don't know that." WuKong said as he relaxed under her voice and the small heartbeats and kicks of his children as she began to play with the hair on his head. Making him relax even more, his eyes drooping slightly.
"You're falling asleep right now." Willow said with a soft laugh.
WuKong shoke his head, trying to deny it. "No, I'm just blinking." He mumbled softly.
"Sleep, WuKong. I'll wake you in a few hours."
The king tried to deny it, but he couldn't stop himself, finally being pulled into sleep.
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wolfsonic · 9 months
"Baba? What do those do?" Beng asked as he came around his father's side as he worked.
Jian turned to look at his son and motioned him closer, and when Beng did, he finally spoke. "These are some herbs for a young one. They have a bad cough today, and I'm making something to help them.
"Can you teach me?" Beng asked softly, nervously not looking up at him.
Jian smiled widely, trying to contain his excitement before speaking. "Yes, of course!" He opened his palm more to show the herbs before explaining each and every one and what they did.
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Meet Jian, Beng's father! I honestly wasn't expecting to give him a name XD.
But, he is the one who taught Beng everything he knows about medicine as well as one of the few monkeys Beng will accept physical touch from.
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wolfsonic · 9 months
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Just a picture of the young monkeys hanging out!
This was also an excuse to practice backgrounds as well, so I hope it came out well!!
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wolfsonic · 9 months
Meet my version of Macaque's family!
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The top left there is King Macaque, or as Mac calls him, Grandpa. King absolutely adores his grandchildren and teaches Mac how to wield his shadow magic. His isn't as strong as it used to be, but he still knows a thing or two. He's also the reason Mac loves to conduct his own shadow plays and is a bit of a theater kid.
The top right is Mo. Macaque's little sister. She is 2 years younger than Macauqe, and he also very much did not like her when they were little. She took great pleasure in annoying the daylights out of him. That didn't stop him from being protective over her though.
Last but certainly not least, bottomed right is his Mama, Lisha. Lisha is on the aro ace spectrum, she had not intrest in being in a relationship and is a little grossed out by the thought of being with another in that way. She's always known she wanted children and knew she'd probably have to adopt them, which she didn't mind. Both Macaque and Mo were brought to her as gifts. Macaque from the Wind and Mo from the Night, and she loves both her little gifts.
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wolfsonic · 9 months
I absolutely LOVE @journey-to-the-au WuKong's mom AU, and as a thank you for inspering me to actually put my own stories to paper (digital paper?). I drew my character Dai Lu, who WuKong deems his mom in my stories, chatting with Mama Wisdom. They are totally swapping tales of all of the mischief their WuKongs have been through.
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I love Dai Lu, but my god, she has so many tails. XD
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wolfsonic · 9 months
A screenshot redraw of this scene
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Instead of the normal monkeys that guided MK on his first arrival to Mount huaguo/ Flower Fruit Mountain, it was the Ghost, Marshal Ma, guiding MK on the behest of her king.
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She, along with the other Marshal and Generals, was wary of MK's arrival. The last time any human stepped onto the mountain, monkeys got hurt. The kid slowly but surely gained their trust.
Ma was the last to trust him while Beng was the first. The kid took interest in his medicine and would listen to him ramble.
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wolfsonic · 9 months
Monkey egg and baby time!!
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WuKong holding his baby Chao-Xing for the first time! Both in baby monkey and egg rock form.
I was planning to have him unglamoured, but I released when I was already in the midst of coloring it. I forgot, and I was too tired to change it at this point. So enjoy XD.
Also, Chao-Xing doesn't get the black streaks in her hair until after her shadow magic fully develops. Which they haven't yet.
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wolfsonic · 9 months
Liu bowed slightly to the phoenixs that rested in the trees above them. "We're sorry for walking in your territory. We got separated from our troop, and may I kindly ask if we could pass through."
The phoenixs looked at Liu, then the little one holding onto his back, who was slowly waking up. A soft sound of suprise came from Biyu as she looked at them her eyes wide.
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One of the phoenixs nodded before it took off, leading the way to where they needed to go.
This is the moment Biyu's love for phoenixs started.
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wolfsonic · 9 months
If you're an intruder on the mountain and you think you're safe, you are not.
The Ghost is always watching
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Marshal Ma is by far the deadliest of the Marshals and Generals. If you find yourself on her hit list for hurting anyone on the mountain, you probably won't see the light of day again.
She takes great pride in what she does and takes her role as a Marshal VERY seriously. Ma prefers stealth in her fighting, but that doesn't mean she can't fight head-on.
She is also the oldest of the chaotic twins of Mount Huaguo/Flower Fruit Mountain, so pairing up with her younger brother makes her even worse to deal with.
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wolfsonic · 9 months
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Dai Lu is trying to sleep while her two hyperactive kids, WuKong and Shuang, just want to play!
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wolfsonic · 9 months
So @journey-to-the-au showed us WuKong and Willow babies and called him broody.
My only thought was broody chicken, and this was made. This is not meant to be taken seriously. XD it just popped in my head, and I couldn't do anything until I drew it.
I hope you enjoy chicken WuKong keeping his babies "warm." I apologize for my brain for this XD.
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