yakkolicious · 3 hours
Honestly Papa Louie would be like the ultimate ally but I also feel he would be so terrible at telling if people are in relationships it’d actually be funny. Like he only finds out DURING MOCHARIA that Sue and Mary are dating and he’s like “ohhhhhh that explains it” or something like that
(Also I just think that at least half of the people from the Mocharia credits are queer)
He totally would be! I headcanon Papa was once married (now widowed), but he's just more focused on his career than on romance, including other people's.
(I'll need to read the credits to figure out where I stand, lol-)
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yakkolicious · 4 hours
The attraction cake looks pretty interesting. Might use it for my OCs too!
Oh about characters, where do you think Allan, Akari, and the man Papa Louie himself would be on the cake?
Here's the website if you want to try it out!
As for Allan, Akari, and Papa Louie...
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I'd describe Allan as bi, and on the cake, I'd put him as a pink A4, meaning I see him as developing romantic attraction before sexual attraction, strictly monoamorous, and being bi but having a slight male lean. I ship Allari and headcanon she's pretty much the only girl he's ever fallen for.
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Akari, I see her as bi and as a red A3 on the cake. Completely allosexual, monoamorous, bi with no lean.
Papa Louie:
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Papa is a character I see as completely straight. On the cake, pink A0: romantic attraction develops first, monoamorous, and very, very straight. Characters I don't see as queer will either get a red or a pink A0. I believe the pink is meant to represent demisexuality, but I think a lot of allosexuals experience romantic attraction first too, and Papa I think is that exact kind of allo.
Thank you for the question, Mina!
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yakkolicious · 5 hours
Since it's Pride Month, I have an ask game idea!
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This is the attraction layer cake and for some reason it is one of my favorite things on the web. I like to use it as a visualizer for headcanon sexualities and for my own OCs. It even helped me realize one of my OCs was ace! Anyways, ask game. Throw some characters from any of my fandoms into my inbox and I'll tell you what I think their sexuality is and I'll give you how I'd place them on the layer cake! Any fandom listed on my about page as well as any OCs I've used in fanfiction or posted to my art blog is fair game! Go nuts!
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yakkolicious · 1 day
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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yakkolicious · 1 day
Dumped: You'll Be OK, JFK!
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Genre: Young Adult Fandom: Clone High Central Relationship: JFK & Thomas Jefferson (male OC) Wordcount: 21,951 words Summary: After the prom, JFK thought that he and Joan were the new it couple at Clone High. However, JFK quickly learns that Joan didn't feel the same way, and she introduces him to her new boyfriend: the nerdy clone of Thomas Jefferson. Bad things upon bad things happen to JFK, and he begins to think that the world is against him. Angry, he declares Thomas his archnemesis. Will JFK take down Thomas and win Joan's heart, or will he have to accept that Joan has moved on? Or will JFK learn that neither Thomas nor Joan are who they seem to be? Warnings: This story contains mentions of sex, swearing including misogynistic slurs, and an abusive relationship. Rating: M. Mature audiences only.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54029185/chapters/136775956
Hoo boy, this fic is WAY more adult than my normal fare. It's not more adult than Clone High itself, but it's rated M for a reason, specifically the sex mentions and slurs. This fic takes place in an alternate universe where I retcon some of the events of Season 1, Episode 13. Specifically, the prom was held in the gym and the Board of Shadowy Figures didn't catch on to Scudworth's plan, so the clones weren't frozen. In addition, I will admit that I'm a Joan hater and that she is NOT a good person in this fic. She's the main antagonist, actually, so diehard Joan fans might want to skip this one. I hope you like it!
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yakkolicious · 1 day
Another random hc which doesn’t have to do with pride but I think Liezel would like Vocaloid songs and I think it’d be cute if she dressed as Miku or one of the other Vocaloids
YES! Liezel would totally like Vocaloids or the Flipline equivalent. I could totally see her dressed as Megurine Luka, personally.
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yakkolicious · 1 day
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Drew my boy Cleff last night! He's my main Animaniacs OC, but I don't use him much these days. I wanna change that, I have a fanfic lined up where he's the main player, and he also has a new main outfit! I hope you like him!
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yakkolicious · 1 day
Call-Out Post
Hey everyone. Normally my posts are more lighthearted and fun, but I recently learned that someone I called my friend for almost two years is a dangerous predator hiding in plain sight. This person is "@nolantrio." He is not active on Tumblr, but he is very active on Discord under the username "lordkinesis." Before I explain more, this post is going to discuss grooming, so be warned and block nolantrio here and lordkinesis on Discord if he messages you to stay safe, ESPECIALLY if you're a minor. There are more usernames he uses on other sites at the end of this post, but his Discord is the biggest one to keep an eye on.
Night, which is what I am going to call nolantrio for the remainder of this post, is very charismatic. He uses lots of emojis, always acts super eager to talks to those he considers his friends, compliments them in the sweetest ways imaginable, and will even buy Steam games for his friends if they express interest in getting a certain game. I got all my Steam games from him. However, these are all tactics he uses to keep people by his side, and he has serious abandonment issues. He even admits to using emotional manipulation tactics.
One important thing to note is that Night is a cardiophile, a person who is obsessed with the human heart, heartbeats, and stethoscopes. NOT ALL CARDIOPHILES ARE BAD PEOPLE AND/OR GROOMERS. There is nothing wrong with being fascinated with heartbeats. However, there is something very wrong with soliciting recordings of heartbeats from thirteen-year-old girls. For their safety, their Internet handles have been blacked out of the screenshots I am going to share.
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As you can see, Night requested the recordings of heartbeats of two thirteen-year-old girls as well as a recording of my heartbeat. I'm 18, but I met him when I was 16, and again, he admitted to using emotional manipulation tactics and not being good at taking "no" for an answer. He admits to grooming, but then tries to spin it as his actions being unacceptable but not grooming. That's not how it works. He got close to me and these girls and then asked us for heartbeat recordings. Just because you didn't throw a hissy fit when I said "no" doesn't excuse the fact that you asked for that at all. Heartbeats may not be nudes, but when he gets close to someone, he will happily tell them about his interest in heartbeats.
Protecting Yourself From Night
Night is not active on most social media, but he is active on gaming websites, fanfiction archives, and livestreaming services. Here is every platform that I know that he is on. Please block him on all of these platforms if possible and DO NOT harass him, as that will only add fuel to the fire.
Tumblr: nolantrio (he is not particularly active here, but he does come on sometimes, so block him just in case) Discord: lordkinesis Twitch: lordkinesis YouTube: Lord Kinesis DeviantArt: Lord-Kinesis AO3: Lord_Kinesis Fanfiction.net: Lord Kinesis Steam: Jonas IQ
In addition, he can also be found on Amino. However, Amino is a bit tricky. Look out for variations of the names "Lord Kinesis" and "Night Cap." I first met him on the Lalaloopsy Amino (which has since banned him) and he went by Night Cap on there, hence why I refer to him as Night.
Night is in quite a few fandoms, and many of these fandoms are fandoms for children's and family shows or fandoms that contain large numbers of teenagers in their membership. Here is every fandom that I know with 100% certainty he's seriously into. Asterisks are placed next to fandoms with notably high membership to my knowledge:
Animaniacs (1993 only)* Wayside (mostly the cartoon) Strawberry Shortcake (2003 only) Lalaloopsy (2013 series only) Max and Ruby Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss* Undertale and Deltarune* Ace Attorney* Super Mario* Pokémon* Plants vs. Zombies Road 96 Papa Louie Assorted Flash games (I say assorted Flash games because unlike Papa Louie, when it comes to these games, he doesn't exactly partake in their fandoms as much as he takes the protagonists of these games and turns them into half-OCs. Notable titles he has done this with include Pumpkin Push, Bomb-It, Straight Bullyism, and Snail Bob) Scott Pilgrim (2010 movie only)*
Anyone in these fandoms needs to keep an eye out for him and protect minors from him. I don't normally tell people to reblog my posts, but I would sincerely appreciate it if you reblog this post to spread awareness of this man. I was his friend for a long time, and I feel betrayed and disgusted now that I understand why he has done the things he has done. To anyone who has read this far, thank you so much and please take care of yourselves.
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yakkolicious · 1 day
Hello Yakko happy Pride month and also random Papa Louie hc but I think Sue is an asexual lesbian and Mary is bi
Happy Pride, Mina! Nice headcanons!
I personally see Mary as a lesbian and Sue as bi. Mostly because Sue reminds me of a (straight) friend of my mom's who works a dead-end retail job and has had two husbands, lol-
Either way, happy Pride!
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yakkolicious · 1 day
Alright everybody
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yakkolicious · 2 days
Too many options on this one to add a "show results" button, sorry!
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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yakkolicious · 2 days
1. Progesterone: not for everyone, but for many people it may increase sex drive and WILL make your boobs bigger. Also effects mood in ways that many find positive (but some find negative). Most doctors won’t prescribe this to you unless you ask. Most trans girls I know swear by it.
2. Injectible estrogen: is more effective than pill or patch form. Get on it if you can bear needles bc you will see more effects more quickly.
3. Estradiol Cypionate: There is currently a shortage of injectible estradiol valerate. There is no shortage of estradiol cypionate. Functionally they do the same shit.
4. Bicalutamide: This is an anti-androgen that has almost none of the side-effects of spironolactone or finasteride. The girls I know who are on it are evangelical about it.
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yakkolicious · 3 days
Reblogging this post in order to make sure it stays up on my dash. I'll also update it if I receive new information or remember something on Night. We were friends for a while. An anon asked me what his Steam profile picture was earlier, and I would like to include it in this post too.
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This is Night's profile picture. Any users named Jonas IQ that do not have this profile picture are not Night and do not need to be blocked.
In addition, he can also be found on DeviantArt under the name "Lord-Kinesis." Thank you for reading, and stay safe out there.
Call-Out Post
Hey everyone. Normally my posts are more lighthearted and fun, but I recently learned that someone I called my friend for almost two years is a dangerous predator hiding in plain sight. This person is "@nolantrio." He is not active on Tumblr, but he is very active on Discord under the username "lordkinesis." Before I explain more, this post is going to discuss grooming, so be warned and block nolantrio here and lordkinesis on Discord if he messages you to stay safe, ESPECIALLY if you're a minor. There are more usernames he uses on other sites at the end of this post, but his Discord is the biggest one to keep an eye on.
Night, which is what I am going to call nolantrio for the remainder of this post, is very charismatic. He uses lots of emojis, always acts super eager to talks to those he considers his friends, compliments them in the sweetest ways imaginable, and will even buy Steam games for his friends if they express interest in getting a certain game. I got all my Steam games from him. However, these are all tactics he uses to keep people by his side, and he has serious abandonment issues. He even admits to using emotional manipulation tactics.
One important thing to note is that Night is a cardiophile, a person who is obsessed with the human heart, heartbeats, and stethoscopes. NOT ALL CARDIOPHILES ARE BAD PEOPLE AND/OR GROOMERS. There is nothing wrong with being fascinated with heartbeats. However, there is something very wrong with soliciting recordings of heartbeats from thirteen-year-old girls. For their safety, their Internet handles have been blacked out of the screenshots I am going to share.
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As you can see, Night requested the recordings of heartbeats of two thirteen-year-old girls as well as a recording of my heartbeat. I'm 18, but I met him when I was 16, and again, he admitted to using emotional manipulation tactics and not being good at taking "no" for an answer. He admits to grooming, but then tries to spin it as his actions being unacceptable but not grooming. That's not how it works. He got close to me and these girls and then asked us for heartbeat recordings. Just because you didn't throw a hissy fit when I said "no" doesn't excuse the fact that you asked for that at all. Heartbeats may not be nudes, but when he gets close to someone, he will happily tell them about his interest in heartbeats.
Protecting Yourself From Night
Night is not active on most social media, but he is active on gaming websites, fanfiction archives, and livestreaming services. Here is every platform that I know that he is on. Please block him on all of these platforms if possible and DO NOT harass him, as that will only add fuel to the fire.
Tumblr: nolantrio (he is not particularly active here, but he does come on sometimes, so block him just in case) Discord: lordkinesis Twitch: lordkinesis YouTube: Lord Kinesis DeviantArt: Lord-Kinesis AO3: Lord_Kinesis Fanfiction.net: Lord Kinesis Steam: Jonas IQ
In addition, he can also be found on Amino. However, Amino is a bit tricky. Look out for variations of the names "Lord Kinesis" and "Night Cap." I first met him on the Lalaloopsy Amino (which has since banned him) and he went by Night Cap on there, hence why I refer to him as Night.
Night is in quite a few fandoms, and many of these fandoms are fandoms for children's and family shows or fandoms that contain large numbers of teenagers in their membership. Here is every fandom that I know with 100% certainty he's seriously into. Asterisks are placed next to fandoms with notably high membership to my knowledge:
Animaniacs (1993 only)* Wayside (mostly the cartoon) Strawberry Shortcake (2003 only) Lalaloopsy (2013 series only) Max and Ruby Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss* Undertale and Deltarune* Ace Attorney* Super Mario* Pokémon* Plants vs. Zombies Road 96 Papa Louie Assorted Flash games (I say assorted Flash games because unlike Papa Louie, when it comes to these games, he doesn't exactly partake in their fandoms as much as he takes the protagonists of these games and turns them into half-OCs. Notable titles he has done this with include Pumpkin Push, Bomb-It, Straight Bullyism, and Snail Bob) Scott Pilgrim (2010 movie only)*
Anyone in these fandoms needs to keep an eye out for him and protect minors from him. I don't normally tell people to reblog my posts, but I would sincerely appreciate it if you reblog this post to spread awareness of this man. I was his friend for a long time, and I feel betrayed and disgusted now that I understand why he has done the things he has done. To anyone who has read this far, thank you so much and please take care of yourselves.
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yakkolicious · 3 days
Oh no, I got drunk on chocolate syrup- /j
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This is Chocolate Cream! Another one of those Creamery Cuties characters, she's Vanilla Bean's best friend. She's also a ten-year-old theatre kid who wants to be a famous actress when she grows up. I hope you like her!
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yakkolicious · 3 days
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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yakkolicious · 4 days
Question abt the callout: which steam profile named Jonas IQ is his? Like the profile pic n such. Theres multiple people named such
Thank you for your question, anon. Here is his profile picture:
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The Jonas IQ with this profile picture is Night. Stay safe!
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yakkolicious · 4 days
Call-Out Post
Hey everyone. Normally my posts are more lighthearted and fun, but I recently learned that someone I called my friend for almost two years is a dangerous predator hiding in plain sight. This person is "@nolantrio." He is not active on Tumblr, but he is very active on Discord under the username "lordkinesis." Before I explain more, this post is going to discuss grooming, so be warned and block nolantrio here and lordkinesis on Discord if he messages you to stay safe, ESPECIALLY if you're a minor. There are more usernames he uses on other sites at the end of this post, but his Discord is the biggest one to keep an eye on.
Night, which is what I am going to call nolantrio for the remainder of this post, is very charismatic. He uses lots of emojis, always acts super eager to talks to those he considers his friends, compliments them in the sweetest ways imaginable, and will even buy Steam games for his friends if they express interest in getting a certain game. I got all my Steam games from him. However, these are all tactics he uses to keep people by his side, and he has serious abandonment issues. He even admits to using emotional manipulation tactics.
One important thing to note is that Night is a cardiophile, a person who is obsessed with the human heart, heartbeats, and stethoscopes. NOT ALL CARDIOPHILES ARE BAD PEOPLE AND/OR GROOMERS. There is nothing wrong with being fascinated with heartbeats. However, there is something very wrong with soliciting recordings of heartbeats from thirteen-year-old girls. For their safety, their Internet handles have been blacked out of the screenshots I am going to share.
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As you can see, Night requested the recordings of heartbeats of two thirteen-year-old girls as well as a recording of my heartbeat. I'm 18, but I met him when I was 16, and again, he admitted to using emotional manipulation tactics and not being good at taking "no" for an answer. He admits to grooming, but then tries to spin it as his actions being unacceptable but not grooming. That's not how it works. He got close to me and these girls and then asked us for heartbeat recordings. Just because you didn't throw a hissy fit when I said "no" doesn't excuse the fact that you asked for that at all. Heartbeats may not be nudes, but when he gets close to someone, he will happily tell them about his interest in heartbeats.
Protecting Yourself From Night
Night is not active on most social media, but he is active on gaming websites, fanfiction archives, and livestreaming services. Here is every platform that I know that he is on. Please block him on all of these platforms if possible and DO NOT harass him, as that will only add fuel to the fire.
Tumblr: nolantrio (he is not particularly active here, but he does come on sometimes, so block him just in case) Discord: lordkinesis Twitch: lordkinesis YouTube: Lord Kinesis DeviantArt: Lord-Kinesis AO3: Lord_Kinesis Fanfiction.net: Lord Kinesis Steam: Jonas IQ
In addition, he can also be found on Amino. However, Amino is a bit tricky. Look out for variations of the names "Lord Kinesis" and "Night Cap." I first met him on the Lalaloopsy Amino (which has since banned him) and he went by Night Cap on there, hence why I refer to him as Night.
Night is in quite a few fandoms, and many of these fandoms are fandoms for children's and family shows or fandoms that contain large numbers of teenagers in their membership. Here is every fandom that I know with 100% certainty he's seriously into. Asterisks are placed next to fandoms with notably high membership to my knowledge:
Animaniacs (1993 only)* Wayside (mostly the cartoon) Strawberry Shortcake (2003 only) Lalaloopsy (2013 series only) Max and Ruby Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss* Undertale and Deltarune* Ace Attorney* Super Mario* Pokémon* Plants vs. Zombies Road 96 Papa Louie Assorted Flash games (I say assorted Flash games because unlike Papa Louie, when it comes to these games, he doesn't exactly partake in their fandoms as much as he takes the protagonists of these games and turns them into half-OCs. Notable titles he has done this with include Pumpkin Push, Bomb-It, Straight Bullyism, and Snail Bob) Scott Pilgrim (2010 movie only)*
Anyone in these fandoms needs to keep an eye out for him and protect minors from him. I don't normally tell people to reblog my posts, but I would sincerely appreciate it if you reblog this post to spread awareness of this man. I was his friend for a long time, and I feel betrayed and disgusted now that I understand why he has done the things he has done. To anyone who has read this far, thank you so much and please take care of yourselves.
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