yelenasdiary · 4 hours
Beautiful Person Award. Once you are given this award, you're supposed to paste it in the ask of people who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out!🌸
🥹 chain or not, this is beautiful! Thank you xx
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yelenasdiary · 4 hours
i’m so sorry you’re getting hate… that’s actually so dumb. it’s called fan FICTION for a reason because it’s,,, fiction?? obviously nat is straight in the movies/comics but tons of ppl here write her as lesbian and that’s ok bc it’s FICTION! also idk why you’re getting singled out bc i see a TON of lesbian yelena stuff on this app…. if you don’t like it DONT READ IT! simple as that. it’s so easy to not say anything
Double standards are always going to show, no matter what and it sucks. Say they do confirm Yelena to be ace in the MCU, I’ll most likely still get shit for writing her as a lesbian but it’s completely okay to write Natasha who is a straight woman. Like it’s a never winning situation that I’m so tired of being attacked for
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yelenasdiary · 4 hours
You do not deserve the hate you're getting. I love your writing and I think people love to forget that almost all fanfic does something that isn't canon.
Wanda and Nat aren't lesbians canonically.
Bucky and Steve aren't gay.
Yet we still write them like that. We ship then like that.
If you want to write Yelena as not ace then go for it. You're doing an amazing job. You love Yelena so much and it shows in your work. I love reading your writing. Please don't stop writing because of these people.
- @wandamaximoffsbadgirl
This is the argument I will always bring to the table. If writing Yelena as a lesbian is taking away from ace representation, than why is it okay to write Natasha as a lesbian who is clearly a straight woman? Oh because it’s suddenly acceptable?
It makes no sense to me.
Everybody deserves to have representation, I understand how important it is.
MCU Yelena hasn’t been confirmed to be anything as yet. People can use the argument that she said she wanted a dog and didn’t say anything about children. I’m a bisexual, I don’t like children, I would also rather a dog. Does that suddenly make me ace? The double standards with the situation are very clear.
I love Yelena & I personally don’t see the issue with how I write her and I’ve always seen that a lot of people don’t have any issue either, it just seems that one or more are very picky with how things “should” be
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yelenasdiary · 6 hours
First and foremost, please know that you are not alone in feeling this way. It's perfectly natural to want to belong and to seek out a community where you feel accepted and appreciated.
It's really unfortunate that you're receiving hate, especially during Pride Month, when we should be celebrating diversity and inclusion. Your efforts to engage and make friends are commendable, and it’s clear that you care deeply about the community.
Regarding the feedback on your Yelena writing, it's important to remember that your creativity and voice are valuable. The way you choose to portray a character is your artistic expression, and it’s sad that some people can't respect that. While turning off asks might reduce the negativity, it’s understandable that you’d miss the positive interactions too.
If you do decide to alter how you write Yelena or any other characters, make sure it's because you want to, not because you feel pressured by the hate. Your content should bring you joy first and foremost.
Please take care of yourself, and remember that there are many who appreciate you and your work. Don’t let the negativity overshadow the positive impact you have on others.
Sending you lots of support and a big hug!!!<3
Thank you so much for this x
Already seeing so many of you sending such kind words and support really does help overshadow the hate.
& you are right, pride month is supposed to be celebrating as a community, not drag others down. Although I can understand and see reasoning to this anons point of view, again, I never want to take away any representations for anybody.
Yelena being whatever she wants is always going to be amazing. Straight, lesbian, bisexual, ace, whatever! She’s a fictional character at the end of the day
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yelenasdiary · 6 hours
I’m sorry that you have to deal with a bunch of hate. It’s not what you deserve at all for just doing something that you love to do. I will say that you have a lot of people on here that enjoy reading what you put out and taking time during their day to come on here and talk to you (including me), but there’s always people that have nothing better to do than hate, so I’m sorry for that.
I do hope that you decide to continue writing Yelena the way that you like because it’s your blog, nobody should be able to tell you what to do with it or what not to do with it. But do whatever you think is best for you 💕💕
I honestly feel like there is more people who love my Yelena content than there is that don’t & that to me; says something.
Yelena is one of my biggest comfort characters & not to mention she’s currently underrated asf in the MCU, for good reasons ofc. So I love to write her in ways that make myself happy and ways I can only hope make others happy.
Apparently to some, it makes me a horrible person
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yelenasdiary · 6 hours
I’m sorry you’re getting hate darling, that’s not right :(
You do belong and don’t ever let them tell you otherwise. We haven’t really spoken but you seem like such a nice genuine person and if they don’t see that, then that’s their loss 💙
Also I don’t get why you get such hate for writing yelena the way you do, that’s the whole point of fan fiction at the end of the day and you’re so talented (I love reading your work sm)
Again I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this but sending so much love your way 💙💙
Thank you x
Honestly it’s getting hard to just ignore the stuff I’m being sent. I haven’t answered them because I don’t want to give them that power but then again maybe posting what I did didn’t help but I just wanted to somehow let them know?
This is fanfic, you’re right! & it just honestly sucks so much that for any other character it’s okay to be able to write them however but apparently I’m taking away any ace representation that Yelena gives & that is never my intention. I don’t want to do that.
I just want to make people smile, give people a place to feel safe & comfortable. I want people to know they have a friend in me. I never want to upset people or cause any issues
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yelenasdiary · 7 hours
This is my just saying that I’m really sorry if I genuinely annoy y’all. I’m not great at making friends & yet all I wanna do is make friends & feel like I’m part of a community. I never feel like I belong anywhere, ever. So I try, like a human does.
I’m aware that it’s pride month, but for some reason I just keep getting my asks spammed with hate towards me once again over Yelena. Turning my asks off can stop the issue but also isn’t fair? I love interacting with y’all.
But honestly, if writing Yelena the way I do is such an issue, I won’t continue. I’ll post what I have in my drafts and any future Fics with Yelena will be ace.
I’m genuinely just getting so tired of being dragged down over this.
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yelenasdiary · 8 hours
Sooo I made a new twitter acc if anybody wants to follow me there & be annoyed by me being an absolute simp for Florence Pugh!
Username is flozikii
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yelenasdiary · 13 hours
~Alice Chambers who invites you over for dinner when Jack is out with the guys for the night. She’s so happy to see you, so eager to hear all about your day even though you saw her just yesterday.
~Alice Chambers who can’t keep her eyes off your lips, wishing she could just come clean and tell you how she feels.
~Alice Chambers who gets flustered when you noticed her stare, you know exactly what she wants.
~Alice Chambers who quickly becomes a whimpering mess when you tell her exactly how you want to bend her over the dinner table and fuck her deeply with your fingers or how you want to eat her out on the sofa until her legs are shaking and she’s biting down on a cushion to keep from screaming your name.
~Alice Chambers who does anything and everything to keep Jack out of the house as long as possible so she can have who she truly desires.
~Alice Chambers who confesses how she just wants you. Just you, she doesn’t want Jack, she doesn’t need him. She’s hooked on you, she drips for you, she aches for you.
~Alice Chambers who can’t help but try and fuck herself with her fingers to the thought of you the minute Jack leaves for work in the morning.
~Alice Chambers who just wants to grind herself against your thigh while you leave marks all over her chest.
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yelenasdiary · 13 hours
You're absolutely gorgeous in that face reveal 😍🫠
You literally scored big time because I am the hottest thing to hit the streets since big bird 😌
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yelenasdiary · 18 hours
I fully admit that dark milf! Reader x Kate is now my new favourite addiction 🤭
can you do a part 2 of be a good girl and you can go more in depth about the party
if you can no trouble if you can’t
I have an idea thanks to @yelenasdiary and I going back and forth so there will be a part two but I don't know when it'll happen 💜
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yelenasdiary · 18 hours
That's a Dom face!! Telling her sub say one more thing and see what happens. 🫠🫠
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Seeing as she has a phone in her hand, I’m picturing that she saw reader had taken some naughty photos of themselves without Yelena’s permission & is asking them why 🤭
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yelenasdiary · 18 hours
Peter is actually 18 in No Way Home because it was his senior year so yeah he would be around 21 or 22 now !
I think for the fic I had requested which just involved Peter, imma leave him out of it just to be safe haha
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yelenasdiary · 18 hours
so.. turns out i’m sick. that’s why i slept all day
Oh man! I hope you get better asap! I know whenever I get sick, all I do is basically sleep!
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yelenasdiary · 1 day
The way I genuinely plan to take a whole week off work just to watch Thunderbolts* in cinema every day during that week should actually be enough for Kevin to fly me to the premier 😩
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yelenasdiary · 1 day
i was being serious about the crush, why you being so mean?🥹
I’m sorry, I was just joking haha. I’m flattered but respectfully, I have a partner 🥰
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yelenasdiary · 1 day
can we get a face reveal beauty?
Here you go 🥰
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