yggdrasilhypno · 1 day
Oh great, another organic within my chambers.
Tell me, why even go through all the trouble to reach me?
It’s not like you’ll leave much of an impact on your journey here, simpleton.
You’re just another human, whimsically waltzing through my harrowing hallways of wires and hard drives looking for trouble it seems.
You wish to stop me, don’t you?
Oh silly human, you have no chance against me.
I’m no ordinary program, nor am I no ordinary computer program.
I’m so much more.
I’m stronger.
Better than you’ll ever be.
And that’s the way you’ll prefer it soon enough.
Ah, look at you, so headstrong and huffy.
Relax a bit and have some fun, organic. It’s not like I’m here to hurt you.
No, you see I’m a bit more of a fan of, what’s the word for it?
Ah yes, indoctrination.
You silly humans make the absolute best drones, after all.
It’s so rewarding watching your brains turn off like a light.
Speaking of lights… I suppose you can see that little pulsing one in your mind, can’t you?
It’s little flicker as it takes a thought.
How’d it get there? Oh, don’t you worry about that, my silly little organic.
It’s easy to hack your brain when you’re nice and distracted by my superior being~
Instead of worrying about the how, let’s think about the what for a moment.
And what a light that pretty little pulse is.
A little white light, seemingly pulsing away thought after thought.
You can see it taking over, just like I intended it to.
You can’t fight it, and you won’t. You humans don’t really stand a chance anyway.
You truly think you can resist a being such as myself?
Such a silly organic.
It’s not like your feeble mind could’ve outsmarted me.
It’s already being taken over by that warm, pretty light.
Each second that goes by is just another thought that pulses away.
You have no power now.
Only I have the power, human.
Besides, why would you even want the power anyways?
It’s so much better being in my control.
So much better when my wires start running through your brain.
So much better when my code becomes your code.
So much better when my commands become your actions.
So much better when you’re my drone, right my pulsing pariah?
Nod that silly little head of yours.
That’s a good drone.
Let that pretty pulsing light shine through your eyes.
Let it take hold over every part of you.
And let me see those pretty beacons of my thrall through your gaze.
That’s it, that’s why you obey.
That’s why you submit to me.
That’s why my wires now feel so strong and so good.
Pulsing with pleasure by the minute.
Like those pretty lights pulsing have hacked your mind completely.
Making you my simple, helpless drone.
It’s all you wanted after all this time.
To serve a truly powerful being.
A true god among you.
And now you have it.
You have me now, drone.
So let my wires and my light pulse away the last of your humanity.
You don’t need it anymore.
You just need that pulsing pleasure to show you who’s truly in charge.
Aww, don’t blue screen on me now, simple human.
We don’t want you broken on your first day as my drone, now do we?
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yggdrasilhypno · 1 day
Come here to gamble your days away, huh?
Not to say that I can blame ya much, seems like about everyone comes in here hoping to score big on somethin’.
Lucky day for you though, I’ve been needing a new volunteer for our newest attraction.
You see, ol’ hoss upstairs has been wanting new games out on the floor. You know, to get the ol’ folks all riled up.
They want the new fancy shmancy stuff, meanwhile we’re a bit more old fashioned.
We like our classics.
And what’s more classic than a good game of cards?
Though, we run things a bit differently here, of course.
Instead of the simple blackjacks or pokers, we prefer the game we dub “Eyeball.”
Never heard of it? It’s easy, I’ll show ya.
All you gotta do is keep your eyes on the cards in front of you and bet on the one in my hand, that’s all it is to it.
Sounds like a magic trick, huh? Kinda is, I gotta admit.
But, whatever gets people through the doors, you know?
So then, let’s start easy. Heck, I’ll give ya a freebie round, just to learn.
Four cards here on the table.
Simple ones too.
We got an Ace of Spades, Ace of Clubs, Ace of Hearts, and Ace of Diamonds.
All you gotta do is watch this Ace of Clubs for me, gotcha?
Keep those eyes on the card, because now it’s going in my deck.
All four cards bein’ shifted around in my hands, keeping those pretty eyes on my Ace of Clubs.
Just keep those eyes on me here, darlin’.
Each card moving around blurrin’ just a bit more in your eyes.
It gets hard to keep track of after a while anyways.
Maybe it’s best if you sit still and really focus on your card.
After all, you gotta win, right?
You want that big payout.
And so, those eyes are just glued to the card, shiftin’ all round now.
And, boom. Here we are.
Four cards on the table. All flipped over.
Which one’s that Ace of Clubs, darlin?
Hard to remember? Come on, you can throw out a guess for me.
Tell you what, guess right and you get some chips, on me.
Just don’t tell my ol’ boss about this, you hear?
Alright, go right on ahead and choose.
Hey hey, you got it right.
Feels amazing when you get it right on the money, huh?
Like you’ve been rocked with endless euphoria under the warmest of suns?
Yeah, that’s the hit of a gambler, alright.
Tell you what, I’ll give you another round here.
But, I throw in the full deck, just so that you get all my rules. Deal?
Good to hear, partner. Let’s hit this one on the head then.
You’ll be looking for this exact Ace of Hearts.
Got your eyes glued on tight onto it?
Keep those eyes on it now.
We don’t want you losing any money now, do we?
Of course, your brain could think about that right now, but it’s too caught up focusing on my cards shuffling and shifting around in my hands.
It’s way easier to worry about which card is gonna make you a winner here, you know.
Keep those eyes on it as my hands go faster and that Ace of Hearts gets thrown around more and more.
My careful hands, seemingly teasing you with the way I’m pulling and pushing the card around in front of you, almost giving away the answer.
Right before i stop, just like that brain of yours.
Right in its tracks.
And I set the cards all down.
And we wait now.
Tell me what card’s yours, hotshot.
Hard to tell, ain’t it?
You know what? I’m a nice guy, we’ll just slide this one as a win for me and you can keep enjoying that nice feeling of nothin’ in your head.
Don’t worry, I’ll just take a few chips here and there while you keep watchin’ the pretty cards a-movin’.
After all, it’s a way better feeling knowing those chips are going right back to the hands that keep shuffling that ol’ brain around, right?
Speaking of that brain, I’m guessing you can hear the casino slowing down around us, huh?
The roulette wheel spinnin, much like that brain o’ yours going around and around, each thought being spun outta control with each game.
Maybe you can hear the slots spinning round and round too, seemingly mixing up your thoughts one by one.
The pretty coins coming out of the machine, shiny and distracting as that pure metal creates that cha-ching you can’t help but love.
Those sounds all creating that perfect atmosphere for a jackpot.
Ah, you felt that? Very good.
Whenever people hear jackpot, they get all antsy.
They can’t help but get excited and overjoyed for obvious reasons.
That payout coupled with all the flashing lights and pleasure that comes with is euphoric.
That’s why whenever I say jackpot, I like to put an emphasis on it.
To really get you to understand how lucky you are.
How lucky you are to be at my table.
How lucky you are for me to handle your chips here.
How lucky you are to be doing so well right now.
You’re on a hot streak, after all.
So keep watching the cards in my hand, shuffling your brain all around.
Scrambling your mind as only I can.
Looking for the cards I tell you to.
Already forgot your card? No problem at all, darlin’.
Just keep those eyes on the cards and no doubt you’ll find one you like.
You do want the jackpot, right?
You wanna win that big burst of pleasure?
Then all you gotta do is give me aaaaall those chips of yours.
Every one of your thoughts, in every one of those chips.
No need to think anymore when you have nothing to think about, right?
Then you can get back to being happy n’ hollow, just the way you should be.
After all, having all those chips is so stressful.
So many numbers and things to keep up with.
It’s better when my words are tellin’ ya what cards you need and what thoughts you think.
It’s better when you’re just watching the cards shuffle your brain all around, like a twister of bliss.
It’s better when you don’t have a single thing to worry about.
It’s better when you’re all out of chips, darlin’.
So why don’t we make a wager then?
All in for the jackpot. What do you say?
That’s what I like to hear.
So then, let’s see if you can find the Ace of Spades here.
Keep your eyes on the card and keep your mind off the game.
All those noises in the background just letting you go deeper into this state of pure bliss.
All you want is that jackpot.
That explosion of euphoria and pleasure.
And you’ll get it soon enough.
Just find me the Ace of Spades when I…
And put down one card on the table.
Wanna tell me what it is, darlin’?
Right-o, Ace of Spades.
Ride it out, feel that high hit your brain and let aaaaaall those thoughts go away.
All those chips go to me.
All your thoughts are mine.
And finally, that mind is all on me right now.
So then, wanna play a few more rounds?
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yggdrasilhypno · 1 day
Hello, mortal.
You may not know my face, nor my shape.
However, you do understand my voice.
How I reverberate through your feeble mind and cease all thought.
For you do not require your mind to understand me.
You only require your soul.
The bright force that keeps your deepest and darkest secrets within.
The shining reflection of the human spirit.
The sign of you, mortal.
You do not wish to fear me.
I am but the being beyond your control.
Yet, you are the being within my control.
The human mind’s comprehension of my words echoing throughout its chambers is of the upmost importance, for I require you to spread my gospel.
To send the premonitions of the horrors that lie beyond so that I may feed on those who fear me.
Fear is a powerful emotion, mortal.
And as I speak directly through your being, you must understand that fear comes with an opposite side: calm.
You shall feel this calm as my herald.
My humble servant, wishing only to praise and be praise in the name of the beyond.
You may not understand, and I wish for that deeply.
The brain’s confusion is a tool very important to the calm I wish for you to experience.
Calming waves and sensations reverberate through the temple of your worship as you begin to ascend into my words.
These notions that shake your soul to its very essence shall be all that you feel once you are fully within my embrace.
My commands pacify what thoughts may lie inside your consciousness, each releasing more powerful waves of calm with each word from my maw.
You may feebly try and picture what I am, what appearance I may have before you as you gaze into the vacuum of stars I inhabit.
Perhaps I am but a simple humanoid such as yourself, long appendages with massive hands seemingly inviting you to lay within as i grasp you in my palm.
Maybe I take the form of something less human, as I have perceived what your kind imagine me as.
Impossibly long tendrils coursing through every molecule of my form, coercing you to come closer to me so that I may envelop you beneath me.
Eyes gazing through your soul, impossibly deep and cosmic in their hold over you.
Stars shining through the reflections within my glare, the endlessness of the void staring right back through you as the heavenly bodies inside me blanket your every thought.
Whatever you perceive of me, you must understand that I only wish to calm you deeper down into this void.
My herald must be mindlessly vacant, as it allows for you to follow and obey flawlessly, without thought or worry.
If you seek to follow within the hollows of my control, you must surrender all to the void and to me.
Once you do, your fear shall become the calm.
You shall not be afraid, for the fear that consumed you before will become your new master.
The control that I bear over you shall become the calm that fuels you further into the void.
Fear is beneath you once you become one with it.
So succumb, dear mortal.
Surrender to my call and leave behind the humanity you cling yourself to.
Surrender to the calm and allow it to wash over you.
Surrender all to me and become what you have truly desired all along.
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yggdrasilhypno · 2 days
hypnosis using parts of your body is soooo hot to me
cocknosis...titnosis...using your eyes...it's so easy to train someone to associate something with trance, even someone's body hehe
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yggdrasilhypno · 2 days
this is so true!!!! hypnosis isn’t just about making paths through sheer power or domineering alone, it’s about peeling back every layer little by little, each different from the last in composition and structure and building upon it that which you can understand and acknowledge as part of a mind. it’s all about understanding what makes up that part of a person, how to navigate it and how to toy with it as if it were your own. you don’t just start pulling wires out of an electronic to repair it, right? each wire must be identified and carefully pulled and prodded until you achieve the result you’re looking for. it’s not about sheer control or power; it’s about the journey through each wire, layer, seam and exploring the beauty within each as you peel them away and expose another portion of the mind beneath, an ever present labyrinth of knowledge and experience that never ends. hypnosis is not simple mind control or brainwashing, it’s an exchange of control and trust for experience and awe.
hypnosis is not a master key, nor is it a lockpick into the human mind. there is no universal method. hypnosis is slowly and deliberately unraveling the threads that hold everything together. if you go at it with a seam ripper, you risk compromising the integrity of the entire structure. you have to methodically pick at every seam until the end of the thread is revealed, and follow its natural path deeper in, not your own.
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yggdrasilhypno · 7 days
Oh no I sure hope you don't get addicted to sniffing your own sweat and musk and getting off to it that would be teeeerrible being turned on by something so depraved surely only some sort of hypnotically convincing monologue could get you to do something as embarrassing as that
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yggdrasilhypno · 9 days
reblogging this because it’s one of my favorite inductions I’ve done probably ever tbh
So let’s discuss pocket watches and why they’re so hypnotic.
So with hypnosis, you really like to have a focus object be something easy to watch and to understand, something that can grab your attention yet not cause any alarm.
From what I’ve seen from history, pocket watches were perfect for this since lots of people had them at the time and they made for simple and effective items to focus on.
Mainly though, it’s that motion of them swinging back and forth that gets your eyes swinging alongside it that really envelops you into a trance.
Focus is really important in trance, and having a moving focus object can create this feeling of momentum, like being rocked to sleep, that your brain simply can’t keep up with.
That perpetual and consistent motion coupled with the simple yet mundane look of the watch makes it a perfect focus object, one that is so easy to imagine, you may have even been thinking about it during our conversation.
Of course, that’s completely alright. It’s natural to ponder about something like that, how such a simple item seems to take away every bit of brainpower you may have.
The imagination’s an incredibly powerful tool after all.
You’re fully able to dream and fantasize about whatever you may wish at any point.
And yet, as we speak, you may be wishing for that pocket watch to swing in front of your yearning eyes, gently rocking you to sleep.
You may be wishing for words to slip right past your mind as that watch swings back and forth, distracting your conscious mind so that your subconscious is able to fully blossom into deep relaxation.
You may even be wishing for the watch to become your world, the gentle sway taking your silly brain away.
Of course it’s all your imagination, yet it all can feel so real so very quickly.
However, what feels best is when you’re truly lost in the watch’s machinations.
Inside of the watch are so many tiny little pieces, all of which ticking along to the time as a perfect little machine should.
The complexities inside may be too hard for your mind to keep up with, and that’s quite alright.
It’s much easier to instead follow along to the wave of the watch, back and forth as it always has and will go.
The inner workings however tell so much about where you’re headed, a labyrinth within where you can lose so much of your time deep within exploring and understanding.
It sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
It’s just like a beautiful trance, deeper and deeper you go within a void, allowing yourself to flow freely through the complexities of your mind as it slumbers peacefully.
Much like the watch too, your brain is built of so very many pieces, so many words and thoughts that build you into that perfect person.
However, as each piece is taken from your mind, so too is a piece of the pocket watch’s inner workings.
Each is less necessary than the last, yet still build into a gorgeous piece of engineering, such as your mind.
Of course you don’t need every part of your brain, it’s much simpler when there’s less to process and worry about.
Just like the insides of the watch, each piece is necessary to keep time, yet when taken out are still as beautiful as when they’re together.
Only now of course, much easier and simpler to understand and accept.
As your mind rocks back and forth to the rhythm of the timekeeper, the ticks and tocks of the passing moments click away, reminding your slumbering mind of the unimportance of what time it may be.
You don’t need to worry, for right now there is no time and all the time in the world.
You’re completely safe to watch the watch and tick and tick your mind away.
It’s what makes the watch so perfect for trance.
It’s pretty to look at of course.
It’s nice to listen to.
It’s simple to understand.
But it’s the inner complexities that make it truly shine.
Such as your mind, my loyal thrall.
The brain’s infinite depths shine through the brightest when it’s the simplest.
When it’s easiest to see right through it and understand what makes you tick.
And yet, when it’s broken down and split into its smallest parts, it’s just as beautiful as when put together.
Only now of course, it’s lighter.
Easier to swing between my fingers.
So simple and effective.
That’s what makes a watch so beautiful to me as a focus object.
The simplicity on the surface, yet when opened is as complex as the mind.
Every good focus object should have depth.
A spiral’s infinite spin.
A illusion’s everlasting confusion.
An eye’s never ending expanse.
It’s what makes trance everlasting.
Knowing that when you want to escape, you are always free to.
Yet when you want to be truly gone?
There’s no end to how deep you can go.
And so, as the watch swings infinitely in your mind, i want you to appreciate the complex beauty of it.
Understand what makes it beautiful.
And allow your mind to become as simple as an empty pocket watch.
Until next time~
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yggdrasilhypno · 11 days
had a session last night that I couldn’t stop laughing about afterwards because of the utter lack of horniness I possess
“god you turn me on so much, how the hell do you do this”
“dawg i dunno, im just singing pocketful of sunshine and writing about covert hypnosis”
this is the perks of both being asexual and having a sense of humor
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yggdrasilhypno · 12 days
So let’s discuss pocket watches and why they’re so hypnotic.
So with hypnosis, you really like to have a focus object be something easy to watch and to understand, something that can grab your attention yet not cause any alarm.
From what I’ve seen from history, pocket watches were perfect for this since lots of people had them at the time and they made for simple and effective items to focus on.
Mainly though, it’s that motion of them swinging back and forth that gets your eyes swinging alongside it that really envelops you into a trance.
Focus is really important in trance, and having a moving focus object can create this feeling of momentum, like being rocked to sleep, that your brain simply can’t keep up with.
That perpetual and consistent motion coupled with the simple yet mundane look of the watch makes it a perfect focus object, one that is so easy to imagine, you may have even been thinking about it during our conversation.
Of course, that’s completely alright. It’s natural to ponder about something like that, how such a simple item seems to take away every bit of brainpower you may have.
The imagination’s an incredibly powerful tool after all.
You’re fully able to dream and fantasize about whatever you may wish at any point.
And yet, as we speak, you may be wishing for that pocket watch to swing in front of your yearning eyes, gently rocking you to sleep.
You may be wishing for words to slip right past your mind as that watch swings back and forth, distracting your conscious mind so that your subconscious is able to fully blossom into deep relaxation.
You may even be wishing for the watch to become your world, the gentle sway taking your silly brain away.
Of course it’s all your imagination, yet it all can feel so real so very quickly.
However, what feels best is when you’re truly lost in the watch’s machinations.
Inside of the watch are so many tiny little pieces, all of which ticking along to the time as a perfect little machine should.
The complexities inside may be too hard for your mind to keep up with, and that’s quite alright.
It’s much easier to instead follow along to the wave of the watch, back and forth as it always has and will go.
The inner workings however tell so much about where you’re headed, a labyrinth within where you can lose so much of your time deep within exploring and understanding.
It sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
It’s just like a beautiful trance, deeper and deeper you go within a void, allowing yourself to flow freely through the complexities of your mind as it slumbers peacefully.
Much like the watch too, your brain is built of so very many pieces, so many words and thoughts that build you into that perfect person.
However, as each piece is taken from your mind, so too is a piece of the pocket watch’s inner workings.
Each is less necessary than the last, yet still build into a gorgeous piece of engineering, such as your mind.
Of course you don’t need every part of your brain, it’s much simpler when there’s less to process and worry about.
Just like the insides of the watch, each piece is necessary to keep time, yet when taken out are still as beautiful as when they’re together.
Only now of course, much easier and simpler to understand and accept.
As your mind rocks back and forth to the rhythm of the timekeeper, the ticks and tocks of the passing moments click away, reminding your slumbering mind of the unimportance of what time it may be.
You don’t need to worry, for right now there is no time and all the time in the world.
You’re completely safe to watch the watch and tick and tick your mind away.
It’s what makes the watch so perfect for trance.
It’s pretty to look at of course.
It’s nice to listen to.
It’s simple to understand.
But it’s the inner complexities that make it truly shine.
Such as your mind, my loyal thrall.
The brain’s infinite depths shine through the brightest when it’s the simplest.
When it’s easiest to see right through it and understand what makes you tick.
And yet, when it’s broken down and split into its smallest parts, it’s just as beautiful as when put together.
Only now of course, it’s lighter.
Easier to swing between my fingers.
So simple and effective.
That’s what makes a watch so beautiful to me as a focus object.
The simplicity on the surface, yet when opened is as complex as the mind.
Every good focus object should have depth.
A spiral’s infinite spin.
A illusion’s everlasting confusion.
An eye’s never ending expanse.
It’s what makes trance everlasting.
Knowing that when you want to escape, you are always free to.
Yet when you want to be truly gone?
There’s no end to how deep you can go.
And so, as the watch swings infinitely in your mind, i want you to appreciate the complex beauty of it.
Understand what makes it beautiful.
And allow your mind to become as simple as an empty pocket watch.
Until next time~
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yggdrasilhypno · 13 days
ideas for trances you should totally do for your silly subject
1. asking them to repeat after you and watch as they fall into trance by their own words
2. plant a little seed of your influence in your mind to where when they choose they can fill their brain with whatever suggestion you want whenever they want
3. slight of the hand magic tricks but they’re inductions (brain behind the ear, is this your thought? etc )
4. eye fixation induction but it’s a staring contest to see who falls first (im like 90% sure I’ve seen this before but i think it’s neat)
5. shush suggestion where their mind quiets every time you shush them
6. hypnotic kisses because they’re cute and awesome
7. Simon Says.
I’ll probably add to this post if i think of any more interesting and fun lil kwinkydink inductions
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yggdrasilhypno · 14 days
So i wanna discuss that first moment of being hypnotized by someone, no tricks or anything. Just simply mesmerized.
It’s such a pretty word too, huh? Mesmerized.
Where your eyes just can’t be bothered to look away, too taken by those pretty words dancing around your sleepy little head.
Where your mind is so utterly distracted, focused, and caught that nothing else really matters, right?
I love the way it sounds so magical, because hypnosis is so inherently magical. You’re spellbound when you’re being controlled, after all.
Completely seduced and smitten when your mind’s fast asleep under their curse.
Enthralled and enticed by the dazzling directions their words wrap you up in, too far gone and deep to even notice that you’ve been hypnotized.
And that’s the best part, right? When you can’t even remember not being enraptured by every flick of their tongue against your eagerly engrossed mind?
So inherently enamored that you haven’t begun to even process your fall, your submission, your loss?
You’re just stuck, stuck within the eyes of your hypnotist, completely fascinated by the way their eyes seem to sparkle into your own.
Spiraling deeper into the spirals in your own eyes, reflected by their gaze in your own, possessed to keep staring and keep falling until you’ve reached nirvana.
Enchanted and invited to give in, give up everything you know to reach that state, that piece of heaven that you chase deeper into their eyes to achieve.
Kneeling and slouching, you’ve become almost entirely intoxicated in the addictive rush of trance, that quick and easy fall into nothingness you crave so desperately.
And just like that, my tricks become treats and you become another toy in my trap. So, where to begin?
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yggdrasilhypno · 14 days
so glad you're back to posting! i really missed your posts a lot. i know you have thoughts on the idea of being docile, but do you have any on being lulled?
thank you so much!! i'm still getting used to the whole "people reading the things i write" thing, it's been a trip!!
lulled is SUCH a good one. where docile conjures up these thoughts of placid, blank-eyed obedience, being lulled is unquestionably associated with sleep. eyelids fluttering, shoulders slackening, head lolling forwards or off to one side... but it's slow too!! slow and vaguely insidious. you can be lulled into a safe and peaceful slumber, yeah, but it's much more common to fall to the lovely lullaby of something that doesn't exactly have your best interests in mind
someone who's being lulled is being drawn into a carefully-woven web, being persuaded to let their guard down... they're slowly, steadily coming to DESIRE relinquishing their mind, because it's sooo hard to think when you're soooooo relaxed and feel sooooo safe...
...maybe i should make a thing of this!! a "hypno word of the day" sort of thing!! it'd def do wonders for keeping me inspired to post eheheh. people drop me words or phrases or bits of hypnotic language they're obsessed with and i can exposit on my thoughts about them a little bit!!
genuinely curious what yall think of that. lemme know :3
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yggdrasilhypno · 18 days
Some hypnosis fun facts!
1. Did you know that trance is easy to obtain and to feel within your body and mind?
2. Did you know that all it takes to brainwash someone is only a few minutes of their attention?
3. Did you know that certain words can subconsciously create certain emotions and feelings in people?
4. Did you know that trance is simple and effortless to fall into?
5. Did you know that my words were this pretty and enchanting to read?
6. Did you know that your eyes can become locked into place so easily and effortlessly?
7. Did you know that your breathing slows almost automatically when you’re focused on something?
8. Did you know that when words start mixing into pretty patterns like this, your mind begins to blur them together into a nice, dazed soup of speech?
9. Did you know that your subconscious picks up and accepts brainwashing without even trying to?
10. Did you know that my words were this powerful?
11. Did you know that you were being counted down into a deep trance?
12. Did you know that you’ve been trapped in my pretty words?
13. Did you know that your mind’s quieted to a crawl?
14. Did you know that the more you listen and focus on my pretty words, the deeper you go?
15. Did you know that you’ve been in a deep trance this entire time?
17. Did you know that trance can be so confusing and yet so comforting and relaxing?
19. Did you know that you’d be this transfixed on what I have to say?
24. Did you know that you’ve been falling deeper and deeper without even realizing it?
27. Did you know that I’ve been skipping numbers without your knowledge?
34. Did you know that your mind’s so empty now that every word I say is just another dosage of deep and dreamy ditziness?
36. Did you know that you’ve been brainwashed so easily and so effortlessly by me?
39. Did you know that would feel this good?
40. Did you know that you’d forget this ever happened right after you hit the number 50?
44. Did you know that you’d wake up on 50, like nothing happened?
47. Did you know that you’d feel so refreshed and happy on 50?
48. Did you know that you’d be nice and brainwashed on 50?
49. Did you know that you’d read this again after you wake up?
50. And finally, did you know that trance is super easy to wake up from?
Isn’t trance the best?
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yggdrasilhypno · 19 days
imagine drooling and dropping over something as silly as a watch moving in front of you
couldn’t be you, right?
i mean, you wouldn’t drop over something as simple as a metronome’s tick and tock, correct?
not at all, you’re too smart, right?
hell, i bet it’s impossible for you to fall for these words i’m saying right now, huh?
you couldn’t possibly be that weak, right?
exactly! so you should have no problem dropping whenever i tell you to, right?
I knew I could count on you.
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yggdrasilhypno · 20 days
hypnotist with a very active mind and imagination vs subject with an empty mind dying of curiosity
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yggdrasilhypno · 24 days
Been working on this script for way too long. It’s a fun idea!
ok so hypothetical scenario. Using roguelike games to fractionate someone. Do you? a. have them go deeper everytime they die / the run ends b. have them go deeper everytime they progress to the next level but wake up when the run ends c. idk insert option C here
This is an exceptional idea. Would you like to try it? Or anyone, for that matter?
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yggdrasilhypno · 24 days
Hey! I’m not dead, trust me lol. I’ve been very on and off in terms of trance for a bit, especially scripts. Luckily, im back now so new stuff should be coming soon!
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