you-must-choose · 5 days
Ritchie and Laura
So I vaguely implied it in the very first post, but I'm heavily leaning into the whole "Ritchie is a Discount Ash" Thing in the Papa Meowth AU by making him a Zorua whose parents are a Zoroark and Sandslash from the future, as a parallel to Ash and Delia's whole Mystery Dungeon thing. Why they time traveled is spoilers for Sinnoh. He also has a human sister named Laura who has a mysterious connection to Celebi (mysterious because I haven't figured out what it is or what it means and this buys me some time), as Maria's counterpart.
They've got their own, mostly off-screen journey that strongly parallels Ash and Maria's, including stumbling into their own World Saving Adventures at roughly the same time, though the two journeys overlap occasionally, usually at either the few Canon times Ash and Ritchie have run into each other or during Adventures that are too big to have a reasonable counterpart. This means the two of them and their problems are going to end up plot relevant, especially in Sinnoh.
Anyway, here's their teams up through Orange Islands (they don't show up in the Orange Islands for the record, that's just where Ash and Maria's team list stopped so far). And yes, they both nickname their Pokemon.
Sparky (Pikachu)
Happy (Butterfree) (he probably caught it as a Caterpie but I'm basing the initial stage shown in the list on whatever they first get introduced as)
Naginata (Spearow)
Rooter (Venusaur)
Zippo (Charmander>Charmeleon) (evolves during his battle with Ash's Charizard, which is an actual battle this time)
Torpedo (Tentacool>Tentacruel) (evolves off-screen, not sure when that'll be revealed)
Alec (Morgrem>Grimmsnarl) (A perfect gentleman, in contrast to most of his species. Makes liberal use of Charm and Flatter.)
Sir Daniel (Cubone>Marowak) (the one I mentioned as evolving in the same match as Ash's Cubone. When he's a Cubone his skull helmet is a bit oversized and misshapen for some reason, so it covers one of his eyes and muffles his voice to the point he's almost completely unintelligible, though it doesn't seem to hinder his battling too much and it's fixed when he evolves. based on Sir Daniel Fortesque from Medievil, Because I Can)
Cowl (Arbok)
Grit, Gravel, Grunt, Grace, and Gray (five Dugtrio who Ritchie stumbled into catching in Digglet cave as Digglets. Counterparts to the Tauros Herd)
Quackers (Farfetch'd)
Flare (Beedrill)
Yogi (Ursaring) (Yes, he lives up to the name. How else would he be able to be Sorlax's counterpart?)
Cadmus (Meowth) (No, he can't talk)
Odie (Growlithe>Arcanine) (Actually evolves in the same scene he's introduced, since Laura bought a Fire Stone from the same vendor as Maria for the same reason that Maria bought Clefable's Moon Stone, at roughly the same time, and that's how they end up meeting each other.)
Rock (Squirtle) (basically Mega Man as a turtle since I made the Squirtle Squad Leader basically Sonic. Has Mega Launcher, Protean and Trace, and somehow knows Sketch, Mimic and Copycat) (yes I rotated which starter ends on what stage. because why not)
Zingo (Electrode)
Hobbs (Hitmonchan)
Grill, Grape, Grand, Gravy and Gru (The other five Dugtrio)
Mochi (Dratini)
Majesty (Nodorina>Nidoqueen) (also evolved at the Stone Vendor at the Indigo Conference because Counterparts)
Arc (Electabuzz)
Lilac (Alolan Vulpix with cybernetic augmentations. I'll explain when I'm done with the lists)
Whirl (Lapras)
...alright, so what's going on with Lilac?
Well, I needed to give them an equivalent to Mewtwo Strikes Back since Maria got a Pokemon out of it, but by that point in the timeline there's only one Mewtwo, and something Celebi-related made the most sense since Laura's connected to it somehow and Ritchie has his whole "my parents are from the future and my egg was laid there" thing, but there's no Pokemon that has a similar relationship to Celebi as the one Mewtwo has to Mew...
...so I made one up.
Celeborg is what happens when you try to take shortcuts when making a Time Machine. Some idiot Mad Scientist in the distant future decided that instead of actually working out how to travel through time, or bothering to program a proper AI, they'd instead install a Celebi DNA sample into a robot and call it a day. The resulting Reverse Cyborg went through a massive existential meltdown blowing up the lab and stumbling backwards in time in the process, and in its unstable mindset decided to make more cyborgs so it wouldn't be alone as the only Thing like itself (and also the scientist may have been working for an Evil Team so the programming that the Celebi DNA wasn't able to sub in for possibly included world domination-type stuff). Somehow Ritchie and Laura got involved and managed to calm it down and it decided to find a place in the present to live peacefully with any of the Cyborg Pokemon who were interested in staying with it.
Celeborg is Grass/Steel Type (because I continue to insist that Celebi's time powers come from its Grass typing and not its Psychic typing. though Celeborg does still learn plenty of Psychic moves) with Levitate as its usual ability and Download as a Hidden Ability. The version in the AU has both thanks to how Abilities work there. Might draw it at some point.
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you-must-choose · 5 days
4 notes · View notes
you-must-choose · 5 days
Taking Flight, Volume 5
Nothing quirky to say this time.
Chapter 21: The Next Step
We begin in the Castle with Tari and Aybel in the main hall. Tari cautiously holds the orb in her right hand as Aybel hovers beside her.
Aybel: Are you ready, Miss Tari?
Tari: There were times I would be too terrified to even THINK about doing something like this, especially with no idea as to what could happen. Well, times have changed.......
She stares down at the orb she's been holding onto for a week now.
Tari: ..........and so have I.
Aybel: You'll be stepping into uncharted territory. There may be no turning back after this.
Tari: If this is the next step I need to take....... then so be it.
She takes a deep breath as she lightly places her robotic hand on the orb. It begins to glow as the silvery shell peels away to reveal a radiant core. Her metallic fingers close around the core, and the floating remnants of the shell expand and weave across her arm until it forms an armored gauntlet that goes up to her shoulder. The symbol of a blue wing is emblazoned on the pauldron, and the polished flat crystals on the back of her hand and arm dance with a tapestry of sigils and scripts. She admires her new upgrade in astonishment.
Clench: WOO! Now THIS is an upgrade! ........ now what?
Aybel: Now?.......... We get to work.
Later on we see the two gathered with all four SMGs outside. SMG4 and SMG3 are seen dragging in a large crate.
SMG4: Alright, one fresh batch of extra spicy memes at the ready!
The crate opens to reveal an assortment of memes such as Pingas Heads, Dancing Pepes, Wojacks, and.......uh.........Singing Fruit. Whatever, we'll roll with it.
SMG1: Shall we begin?
SMG1 nods and joins hands with SMG2. SMG3 and SMG4 also join hands, and the four proceed to draw the memes out of the box before converting them into golden motes of Meme Energy.
SMG2: In its raw form, Meme Energy can only be properly utilized by beings such as SMGs and Avatars.
A few motes flow into Mario, giving him the Power Star Power-up. He then proceeds to abuse this power by flying after an Ice Cream Truck. The Ice Cream man is shocked at the opalescent Italian plummer flying at him at Mach 2 and hits the gas as Mario gives chase. They both speed off into the distance, much to the amusement of Three and the bemusement of Four.
SMG1: But Meme Energy can take many forms, some of which can be drawn upon by those who are "attuned" to how the universe works. Aybel, would you care to demonstrate?
Aybel: With pleasure.
He raises his hand as a mote floats in his palm. He jestures with his other hand and currents of energy flow from the mote and weave around his fingers.
Aybel: Through methods of conduction, channeling, and communion, a soul can manipulate the flow of energy around them. Even in a diluted ambient state, the applications of such energies are practically endless.
The energy flows into his palm and creates a burning butterfly-like creature. It flutters into the distance before exploding in a brilliant display of crackling sparks and flames. He then lets the energy mote float over to Tari. She reaches for the mote with her new gauntlet. Its crystallic facets giving off a vivid azure glow as she clenches the mote.
SMG1: The Metarunners had the ability to condense this ambient energy into something more refined and concentrated.
She opens her hand to see that the mote is glowing brighter and has turned a bright blue.
SMG1: This is what we call "Meta." It is a force that not only holds great power, but memories as well. And it is through those memories that this power is realized.
Tari allows the mote to phase into her hand. Crackling energy courses through her body as her irises begin to glow blue.
SMG2: Now that you've joined with the artifact, you can now more efficiently draw from both ambient AND raw Meme Energy by refining it into Meta.
Aybel: How are you feeling, Miss Tari?
Tari: It's a bit much, to me honest....... but it's fine! I can handle it.
She transforms her arm into a railgun as the SMGs convert some of the motes into floating targets. With pinpoint precision, she fells each target with each thunderous crack.
Aybel: Let's start her off with something simple.
The SMGs then condense the remaining motes into HIVE DARKBLADE KELGORATH, RISEN FROM BONES, TAKEN BY WAR, CHISELED BY LOSS, KNIGHT CHAMPION OF DEATH as a boss for Tari to fight. She draws her glaive and speeds towards the knight. Kelgorath raises his axe and attempts to bring it down upon her, but she easily dodges and cleaves a chunk of chitin from his bicep. He turns to retaliate with another swing only for his axe to shatter against an iridescent barrier. He tosses the broken axe aside and resorts to hurling balls of Arc energy. But she still manages to evade getting burned, even batting one of the balls right into Kelgorath's face and breaking his helm to reveal a bulbous growth overtaking his head. The frenzied Knight lets out a gutteral roar that echoes across the Showgrounds.
Clench: Oh, now he's pissed.
Seething with rage, Kelgorath's fists crackle with electricity as he charges in. Tari flings a blink blade past Kelgorath before he brings down his fists and shatters the earth beneath him. When the dust settles, he scans the area for any remnants of his target. A sudden pain shoots up his leg, and he looks down to see his ankle completely severed with a swing of Tari's blink blades.
Aybel: Clever girl.
Tari climbs up the Knight's back before plunging her glaive into the back of his head. The blade's glow rapidly intensifies before she unleashes an earth shattering blast, leaving nothing but a smoldering stump. She then makes her way down as the Knight's body collapses to the ground before evaporating in a cloud of Soulfire.
Tari: WOOOOOO! THAT'S how you get it done!
SMG4: How ya feeling, Tari?
Tari: Like a million quid! Slightly tingly, though.
SMG1 notices that her scars are glowing. He and SMG2 share glances of concern.
SMG1: Tari, I think you should take it easy. Your body may still need time to acclimate to channeling this kind of energy.
Tari twirls her glaive like a baton, not really heeding SMG1's advice as she notices Ragatha and Jax walking by. In a blink she rushes right up to the group and stops right in front of Ragatha.
Ragatha: Oh, uh, hi Tari.
Tari: Hey guys, whatcha doin'?
Ragatha: Not much.......uh.......
Jax: You're a lot more chipper than usual.
Tari: Oh, sorry. I'm just really really REALLY full of energy right now and I've been practicing for a bit.
Jax: Does that explain the fact that you're literally glowing right now.
Aybel floats over to the three. He carefully analyzes Tari before turning to Ragatha.
Aybel: Miss Ragatha, please forgive the intrusion, but could you perhaps assist us with Tari's training for today? We weren't expecting her to dispatch the boss we had planned so quickly.
Ragatha: It's no problem at all. I'd be glad to help.
Tari immediately grabs Ragatha's hand and hauls her back to the others. The two take their starting positions as they get ready to spar. Tari makes the first move, drawing her glaive and rushing in tip first. Ragatha swiftly draws her cleavers and parries a flurry of thrusting attacks with near perfect precision. Tari steps back and switches to her blink blades. She throws one forward and Ragatha sidesteps, the blade whizzing by her head. Tari teleports to the flying blade and attempts to land a double sword strike, but Ragatha once again dodges with uncanny ease. Try as she might, Tari can't land a single blow on Ragatha. That's when she gets an idea. With a wave of her hand she summons 5 square shaped barriers and combines them into a cube around Ragatha. Now she has no room left to dodge.
Ragatha: Well, she's certainly getting more creative with her barriers.
With her quarry trapped, Tari transforms her arm into a massive fusion cannon and takes aim at the cube. The machine hums with escalating intensity as the tip of the barrel glows blue with energy. But Ragatha has another trick up her sleeve. She pricks her finger up, and a transparent thread around Tari's wrist tugs the cannon upwards right as it fires. A brilliant blue beam erupts from its barrel and streaks into the sky with a thunderous boom. A flock of birds fall out of the sky, fully cooked, basted, and seasoned for some reason.
SMG3: Oh sweet, lunch.
Tari falls onto her back, her arm reverting back to its previous form as the blue glow fades from her eyes and scars. The prism trap flickers away, allowing Ragatha to go check on her now drowsy and barely conscious sparring partner.
Ragatha: You still up for more?
Tari: Yeah, just........give me a minute to.......
Aaaaaand she's out, her snoring now audible as Ragatha picks her up in her arms.
Ragatha: Take all the time you need, kid.
Jax: whistles Well that was a show and a half. One second too late and Dollface would've been in pretty bad shape.
SMG2: And so would Tari if she hadn't expended all that excess energy.
SMG1: Indeed. It'll be some time before her body can properly handle that much energy, but her progress is still coming along swimmingly. We should probably focus more on channeling.
Ragatha makes her way back to the Castle with Tari resting peacefully in her arms.
Ragatha: Yeah, let's save that for tomorrow.
 Chapter 22: Bug Hunt
We begin with an broadcast from MKBC News with your host, Kermit D. Frog.
Kermit: This just in. The Category 5 Resonance Cascade , designated "Matilda," is making its final stretch across the Mushroom Kingdom. On to Cell with the forecast.
The camera switches over to Cell with the latest forecast.
Cell: Matilda is currently expected to continue its path across the Kingdom. The cascade is expected to lose steam as it passes over the Acorn Plains before hopefully dissipating completely upon reaching Mushroom Gulf. The surrounding area is to expect the risk of small portal storms and void fissures over the next week or so. Back to you, Kermit.
We cut to a scene of the Showgrounds under an Aurora-lit night sky. Inside we see the gang making preparations in the Castle. Melony and Saiko ready some mattresses as they listen to the news broadcast on a small radio.
Kermit: The Department of Security has advised that all residents secure their homes and avoid going outside unless ABSOLUTELY necessary. If you see any Xen creatures or Void entities, refrain from making contact and alert your local police department immediately.
Saiko: Talk about a rainy day on paradise, huh.
Melony: Yeah. I was hoping Kaizo and I could hang out at the aquarium later.
Saiko: chuckles
Melony: What?
Saiko: It's just........... You two have been hanging out a lot since we got back from Swiper's Pass. If I didn't know better, I'd say he's taken an interest in you.
Melony: Well, Karen said I should have someone monitor my recovery, and he volunteered. After that we started hanging out some more, and he even comes by my place on the weekends to help with.......other things.
We briefly flash back to the other day. Kaizo was stopping by Melony's place when he sees her curled up and trembling on the floor beside her bed. It looks like she had another panic attack.
Melony: I know he's a bit of a jerk, but he can still be really sweet when he wants to be.......
The flashback ends with Melony holding Kaizo tightly as he does his best to comfort her.
Melony: .......and a big help when he needs to be.
Outside the Castle we have Karen, Whisk, Cory, Katie, and Zack standing out front as Tari answers the door.
Whisk: Hey Tari.
Tari: Glad you could all make it. And I see you brought company.
Karen: C'mon, why don't you guys introduce yourselves?
Katie: Uh.......hi.......I'm Katie.
Zack: Sup. I'm Zack, and that's Corey.
Corey just waves.
Whisk: Thanks again for letting us stay here until the Cascade passes.
Tari: Anytime! We'll see about getting you some rooms in the Guest House once they've dealt with the..........intruders.
A quick cutaway gag shows Jax humming a little tune as he makes a sandwich, completely unbothered by Zooble and Ragatha fighting off a horde of Murmur in the lounge.
Whisk: Now, can you guys tell us the rules we have to follow while we're here?
Katie: Be courteous and don't stay up past 10.
Whisk: Good job, Katie! Anyone else?
Corey: Licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets.
Whisk: Uh....... not really applicable in this case, but good to know, I guess.
Zack: Don't kill anybody unless you have a plan to get rid of the body.
Whisk: ........... Let's just head inside.
Karen: Don't mind Zack. He gets his attitude from his father.
The family comes inside and gets comfortable. But right as Tari is about to close the door, she hears something coming from the woods. It sounds like shrieking and gunfire. Tari spreads her wings and heads up high before making her way west. She hovers over a nearby clearing and finds a pack of Antlions circling a young woman gunning them down with a shotgun pistol.
Uzi: Alright, who's next?
As Tari flies in for a closer look, one of the Antlions lunges at her, snagging onto her foot and pulling her down to the ground. She summons her glaive just in time to skewer it in the head, but is then pinned under the body as the others shift their focus away from Uzi. The horde surrounds Tari as she struggles to get out from under the dead beast.
Tari: Oh no.....
One lunges at her, but is quickly dispatched by Uzi with a shotgun blast to the abdomen. She swiftly loads another rack of shells and disarms another before finishing it off with a shot to the head. One attempts to lunge at her from behind, but she swiftly ducks and sends it flying back with a point blank shot to the thorax. Tari manages to free herself from beneath the dead Antlion and manages to blast another one going for Uzi. The two then proceed to decimate the oncoming horde. Every swing of a blade and every pull of the trigger is another Antlion down, yet with every bug that gets squished several others take its place.
Uzi: Ugh! We're getting nowhere with this!
She pulls Tari behind her, holsters her gun, and raises her hand to the horde. The whites of her eyes turn black as a bright purple sigil appears on her palm. A searing wave of energy bursts from the sigil and across the clearing, and the horde stops dead in its tracks. Black ooze begins seeping from her eyes as she clenches her fist. A cacophony of cracks and splatters fill the air as each and every Antlion - from the meek workers to the towering guards - is crushed by an invisible force. An eerie silence falls and the shrieks of the horde are no more. All that's left is an unrecognizable mass of pale green slime and shattered chitin. Uzi's eyes return to normal as the sigil fades from her palm. Tari just sits there in shock at what she had just witnessed.
Tari: What........ did you......
Uzi: None of your business, thats-
Uzi winces in pain as she drops to her knees. Tari hops back to her feet and rushes to Uzi's side.
Uzi: Back off! G-get away from me or I'll- NGH!
Tari: Wait! It's okay. I just wanna help.
Uzi begins to vomit a caustic black bile. Tari swears she sees something writhing in the puddle. Tari lays Uzi on her side for a moment and checks her vitals. She's cold and clammy to the touch, and the veins on her neck are turning black.
Tari: Hold on tight. I'm gonna take you back to the Castle, okay? It's not safe out here.
Uzi: Mh....... You tell anyone about what you saw...... and you're dead......
Tari: I can accept those terms.
Uzi begins to slip in and out of consciousness as Tari picks her up and carries her to safety. Back at the Castle, we see our little "Cascade Party" is coming along nicely. Pomni is entertaining Katie and Zack witn her prisms, Mario and Corey are just spinning around, Kinger is once again hiding away in his impenetrable pillow fortress, and Meggy is having a little chat with Saiko, Gangle, and Melony.
Gangle: I have SO MANY IDEAS for some fics I'm writing, but I try and try every night and don't know where to go.
Melony: It's still important to stay active when making Manga, but it's also important to figure out a good pace to take. That helps ensure higher writing quality.
Meggy: It'll also help prevent burnout and maintain your motivation. A hobby you love can easily become a chore you hate if you don't know when to take a break. You can't surpass your limits without first learning what those limits are.
Gangle: But what if I take a break and something distracts me from getting back to writing?
Saiko: Try leaving yourself something to pick up on. I usually don't like leaving things unfinished, so I usually start the first line of the next thing after finishing up the previous thing. That tricks my head into reminding myself to finish what I started.
Gangle: Huh...... I guess that could-
Their conversation is interrupted by someone barging in through the front door. Everybody present is shocked to see Tari covered in Antlion guts and carrying a sick barely conscious teenager in her arms.
Tari: Excuse, me! Coming through!
Saiko: What the hell happened? And why do you smell like vomit and bug guts?
Tari: Oh, I just fought off a horde of Antlions. I also made a new friend.
Saiko: And you did that all on your own?!
Tari: It wasn't easy but, uh, yeah.
Meggy: Wow, um...... do you need a little help? Are you hurt?
Tari: I'm fine, but I'm gonna need a medkit for....... um......
Uzi: ........Uzi.........
Tari: Right. Uzi. Now if you'll excuse me......
Tari makes her way to the Guest Room without another word, leaving everybody present in a brief state of shock.
Kinger: Sorry, I dosed off for a minute there. What did I miss?
Chapter 23: A Helping Hand
It's all quiet through the Castle as the residents have turned in for the night. SMG4 is fast asleep in his Office Room, Saiko is asleep on the Game Room couch as Pomni and Gangle are snuggled up in their sleeping bags, and Kinger is nice and cozy in his pillow fortress in the main hall. We see Tari quietly walk by the fortress and take a look in the Guest Room, where we see the whole Felin family resting soundly with Karen snoring up a storm in her chair and Whisk cuddling up with her little siblings on one of the extra mattresses. Meggy and Melony are also fast asleep on the Playroom Bed. That's when she notices the Casino Bed is empty. Tari then hears the front door close beside her. She goes outside to find Uzi making her way into one of the tents outside. Once inside, Uzi lays down on her own mattress and stares blankly into the roof, waiting to fall asleep. That is, until Tari takes a peek into the tent.
Uzi: sigh Let's me guess. You ratted me out to the landlord and I need to leave by morning.
Tari: What? No. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.
Uzi: Oh really? How am I not sure you yapped to everyone about the witch in the woods?
Tari: I haven't told a soul about that. You have my word.
Clench: Well, there's also me, but I'm less of a person and more of uh...... let's go with "extension." TLDR, we're the only ones who know about your whole magic shtick.
There's a tense silence for a moment as Uzi moves her hand away from the shotgun pistol stowed under her pillow. Tari enters the tent and takes a seat on the foot of the mattress.
Tari: So....... how long have you been here?
Uzi: About a week. I've been traveling for a few months and needed somewhere secure to hunker down for Cascade Season.
Tari: You couldn't stay home?
Uzi: Yeah....... I never really belonged there to begin with. And that was LONG before....... well, you saw.
She stares into the glyph shaped scar on her palm.
Uzi: I'm not exactly the safest to be around.
Tari: And all this time you've been on your own?
Uzi: Yep. I drift from place to place, staying out of people's hair whenever possible. I'll probably head out once the whole cascade thing settles down.
Tari: Where will you go?
Uzi: Eh....... I'll cross that bridge when I get there.
There's a moment of silence as Tari contemplates what to say next.
Tari:.......... You know, the Guest House should be open again by tomorrow. Maybe you can stay there until we figure things out.
Uzi's eyes widened in shock.
Uzi: You're joking.
Tari: Of course not.
Uzi: You really want someone....... someTHING.....like me staying around other people?
Tari: Yeah! It's the least we can do.
Uzi: Look. I appreciate the offer, but the last person I tried staying with ended up plastered on a tree just because I sneezed. You saw what I was capable of back in the woods. Hell I don't even KNOW what this is or WHY I'm like this. I'm not stable. I'm not normal, or friendly, or safe. And don't give me any of that bullshit about being "special." I'm just.........
She takes a moment to catch her breath, staring into her scar once again.
Uzi: I'm just.......wrong.
Tari scoots closer to Uzi.
Tari: You know, I was in a similar situation myself once. I felt like a burden because I wasn't able to defend myself like many of my friends could. Even when I did help in battling giant eldrich monsters or anime character clones, I felt like I didn't have much use outside of kindness, gaming, and the occasional simulation. I couldn't even look people in the eye without having a heart attack. I felt........ useless. But I was lucky enough to have people there for me. They didn't just protect me, they helped me grow as a person and become stronger than I could ever realize. And that was all before I unlocked my powers last month. I still have a ways to go, but I also know I'm blessed to have people who can help me along the way....... and so can you.
Tari gently holds Uzi's hand and offers a reassuring smile.
Tari: If you so choose.
Uzi is taken back. Even before all this "stuff" happened to her, no one besides her father ever really offered her that kind of kindness. There's just so much to process.
Uzi: I........... I've had way too long of a day to worry about this.
Tari let's out a sigh as she gets up to her feat and makes her way out of the tent.
Tari: Alright....... My offer still stands so...... let me know if you're interested.
And so she heads back to the Castle, leaving Uzi to her contemplation. The following morning we Tari along with Meggy and the Mario Bros meeting up with Pomni and Ragatha at the Café.
Ragatha: Hey guys! You ready for the trip?
Meggy: You betcha! I've been aching for some action.
Tari: Take it easy. We don't want you breaking any more ribs.
Pomni: Are you guys sure we should bring Mario to Sugar Canyon?
Ragatha: Yeah. Didn't you say he goes all wackadoo around food?
Luigi: Oh don't worry. He's more into fried foods than sweets.
While the others are talking, Tari notices Caine entering the Café......... along with someone familiar.
Caine: HELLO my disgustingly adorable pancakes!
Meggy: Hey, isn't that the girl you brought in last night?
Tari spins around and is surprised to see Uzi coming in behind Caine.
Tari: Oh that's Uzi! You probably remember her from last night.
Uzi: Hey.
Meggy: Well, it's nice to meet you. Name's Meggy, and this is Mario and Luigi.
Luigi: Hello!
Mario: Have you got any food?
Tari: So, what brings you here so early?
Uzi: Well, I was planning on going for a walk when I bumped into Mister Bombastic over here. He said you guys had some kind of "adventure job" planned and asked if I wanted to tag along.
Tari: Wait....... you're coming with us?
Uzi: Not at first, but I figured it would be worth a look since I'm gonna be staying here a while. It's not like I have anything else planned.
Tari gives a warm smile.
Tari: That's great! So, when are we all heading out?
Caine: Well, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that SMG3's ship was damaged last night by a Void Angel attack and is in need of repairs, so we won't be able to take it this time. BUT, the good news is that Saturday herself has managed to pull some strings and get us another means of getting to the Sweetlands.
Just then, what sounds like a god awful impression of an elephant can be heard outside. The group heads our and sees Saiko, Kinger, and Jax (who now has a straw hat because it's cool) admiring a massive Palanquin pulled by an equally massive Gummy Elephant. Saturday herself can be seen on top of the Palanquin.
Jax: whistles That's one helluva ride you got there princess.
Tari: WOAH. I've never seen a beast that big. Well, not one that wasn't some kind of eldrich abomination, anyway.
Kinger: AH! Oh hi, you seem new around here. Lord Kinger, at your service.
Uzi: You're an odd old man, aren't you.
Jax: So who's the grape girl?
Uzi: Bite me, Carrot Breath!
Saiko: Heh, I like her already.
Ragatha: Sorry about him. He can be a bit..... abrasive at times.
Caine flies above the Palanquin so he and Saturday can address the group.
Caine: Alright, Loo! Give us the lowdown!
Saturday: I told you not to call me that.........Alright, listen up! By the end of the day we will be entering the kingdom of Sugar Canyon, domain of House Bonbon. You will be in the presence of royalty, and are expected to be on your absolute best behavior. Have I made myself clear?
Meggy: Transparently, ma'am!
Uzi: Whatever.
Tari: You can count on us!
The group makes their way on board the Palanquin.
Caine: Alright, my hardshelled hamburgers! Next stop: SUGAR CANYON KINGDOM!
Chapter 24: Where The Water Tastes Like Soda
The Palanquin rolls across the rocky planes of the Sweetlands as a gorgeous sunset lights the sky. Caine is currently giving our crew a bit of lore exposition as they make their way to the Kingdom of Sugar Canyon.
Caine: The Sweetlands owes its BLOOMING biodiversity to the Sterling Arbors and their life giving syrup. While the trees are dormant during the summer and winter months, the Capitol of Sugar Canyon has figured out how to grow their own orchards that give them a steady supply year round. This has made them a beacon of hope during the dry seasons, but also a major target for various bandit groups. As such, the Baroness has promised HANDSOME rewards for those willing to bring such miscreants to SWEET BUTTERY JUSTICE.
Meggy: Sounds like quite the sweet deal for such a sticky situation.
Caine: INDEED, my dear Meggy!
Luigi: I wonder how many candy stores they have.
Caine: Too many to even THINK of counting, Luigi!
Bubble pops out of his hat.
Bubble: Y'know, if I was a dentist, I'd pull out all of a kid's teeth so they can't have candy. That way I get to keep the candy AND the teeth!
There is a VERY awkward silence from the group.
Caine: Why are you like this?
The Palanquin soon arrives at the gate of the Sugar Canyon Capitol. The group disembarks, crowds of candied citizens cheering them on as they make their way towards the Town Hall.
Ragatha: Quite the welcome wagon, huh.
Kinger: Oh, if only Gangle and Zooble were here. I think they'd love this place.
Saiko: If I had known we'd draw a crowd, I would've brought Kaizo. We could've had a concert.
Tari: So, how's your first adventure?
Uzi: It's a bit much, to be honest. Usually people just scream at me to leave.
Luigi: The people here must not get visitors often, huh Mario?
Mario: Yeah! Mario is Number 1! Kiss the ring, babies!
Ragatha: So Loo, you excited?
Saturday: First, I told you not to call me that. Second.........sigh....... just promise me you'll behave yourselves until we depart. Alright?
Ragatha: Your wish is my command, heiress.
They soon arrive at the Town Hall, where a procession of Gingerbread Knights line the stairs. At the top is none other than Baroness Vanillia von Bonbon, the head of the Sugar Canyon High Council. She looks kinda like Saturday, but her colors are more pink and red and she has a cute spiral hat encircled by a crown.
Vanillia: LULU MY BABY!!!!!
She's also Saturday's mom. The Baroness excitedly makes her way down the stairs and takes her daughter's hands.
Vanillia: It's been so long, honey! I trust that Aybel fellow has been treating you well.
Saturday gives an uncharacteristically warm smile.
Saturday: Yes, Mother. All is going well.
Vanillia: And you've even made some new friends.
Kinger: Your presence honors us, M'lady.
She heads over to Meggy and picks her right up like a toddler.
Vanillia: And look at you! You look so sweet I could just EAT YOU RIGHT UP, hehe.
Meggy: Uh....... I'm flattered, Miss.
Tari: Look at that, Uzi! We're already friends with the Baroness.
Saturday is just standing silently as she internally dies of second hand embarrassment. Uzi cracks a smile and chuckles.
Uzi: Yeah, I feel your pain. My dad is EXACTLY like this when it comes to Open House.
Saturday: Um, Mother? They're actually here to help with the bandit problem.
Vanillia drops Meggy in sudden realization.
Vanillia: Oh that's right! Usually, the individual gangs aren't much of an issue, but that was before that no good Warlord Chewmaw started rounding up bandit gangs from across the Sweetlands under his banner. He even has some of those Darkfudge Cultists under his thumb. They have never been this organized, or this bold, before Chewmaw took over. There are even reports of bandits near the outer gates. We're afraid they may be plotting an attack against the capital itself.
Tari: Is there really no way to settle this peacefully?
Saturday: With the individual clans, perhaps. But that won't happen so long as Chewmaw is at the helm. He's had it out for Sugar Canyon since he was a gumdrop. That's why we need to find him, bring him to justice, and dismantle this Cabal of his before its too late.
Vanillia: The bandits make good use of modified syrup tankers and rocky road bikes, so you'll need a war rig of your own to keep up.
Right on cue, a massive ornate War Rig adorned with various candy paraphernalia rolls into view. It's hooked up to an armed trailer in the back and crushes a bystander beneath its treads. Don't worry, he's fine.
Jax: Ooooh, now we're cooking.
Pomni: It looks like something out of John Carter.
Mario: Mario calls shotgun!
Mario swiftly makes his way into the driver's seat and tests out the horn, which is just the airborne from Lethal Company. Y'know, the one that sounds like something OTHER than a horn. Yeah, Mario is suddenly not so eager to drive anymore, which is a good thing considering how he treats his own cart. Jax excitedly pushes Mario aside and revs up the engine.
The rest of the crew makes their way aboard the rig. The engine roars to life and the rig chugs along towards the exit, running over several bystanders in the process. Don't worry, they're fine.
Vanillia: Safe travels! And don't forget to wear your seat belts!
Caine slowly floats over to her side and offers a puff of his pipe.
Vanillia: Oh, no thanks. I'm trying to quit.
Out in the Rocky Roads, there is a camp of gummy gators in bushman's wear taking a rest for the night. A red and yellow gator named Chad is carving some eggs while a purple and red gator named Max is tending to their syrup tanker.
Chad: You think we'll get a decent cut of the haul when we get back? I heard Chewmaw is getting rather greedy.
Standing on lookout is the head of this little pack, a yellow and green gator named Gummigoo. You know he's the leader because his hat has teeth on it.
Gummigoo: We won't know until we get to the hideout. I made sure to stow some bottles back at the farm for Mum.
Max: You still think she'll pull through? She was in quite the state last I checked.
Gummigoo: Mum may be a bit past her prime, but she's still a fighter. She taught us everything we know, didn't she?
He goes back on the lookout and sees a mysterious figure making their way towards their camp. He's clad in black robes adorned with the image of a gaping maw, with a carved jawbreaker mask held in place with strands of licorice. In his bandaged hands he holds a staff carved from Maplewood, with a green hard candy eye in its head. The figure makes his way into the camp and examines the tanker as Gummigoo brandishes his rifle.
Cultist: Greetings, friends.
His voice was raspy and weak.
Cultist: I see you have secured your bounty.
Gummigoo: State your business.
Cultist: Lord Chewmaw's scouts have reported a War Rig exiting the Capitol. Exceptionally armed, and manned by the heiress Loolilalu herself.
Max: Wow, it's been a while since we heard about her.
Chad: Wasn't she off to college or something like that?
Cultist: She's not alone, either. There were others spotted with her. Outsiders from the Mushroom Kingdom.
Gummigoo: Hm.......I've heard about that place. All sorts of jonky business going on over there.
Max: Yeah. I heard they let these fluffy things run amok once a year to keep them peaceful. Absolute anarchy would reign and the guard wouldn't even raise a finger.
Chad: There were also some outbreaks a few years back. People would go dead silent and stiffen up into crosses because they ate some kind of bad mushrooms, or get turned into lanky green Italians with hats.
Max: I've even heard tales of some blokes from there fighting off eldrich gods to cancel the apocalypse. That one seems a bit too far fetched, though.
Chad: Yeah, a bit silly innit?
Cultist: It is crucial that they do not interfere with the plan. If you see that War Rig, it is within all our best interests to eliminate it.
Gummigoo takes a moment to run through all this. He may not be familiar with anyone from the Mushroom Kingdom, but he's DEFINITELY had a history with Loolilalu.
Gummigoo: This is gonna be fun.
He pulls out Max from beneath the tanker. A toothy grin creeps across his snout as he adjusts his hat.
Gummigoo: C'mon boys, let's kick up some sugar.
The trio crawls their way into the tanker and drive off under the moonlight, leaving the cultist to sit by the campfire as the night goes on.
Flight, Chapter 25: Meanwhile.........
Over at the Guest House, Zooble carries some trash bags outside and hurls them into the dumpster. One of them opens and reveals a silvery hand protruding from inside. Looks like they're still cleaning up after last night's "infestation." She comes back inside as Gangle finishes sweeping up some remaining Murmur bits while Bob is also lazing about in the lounge.
Bob: Nice job, team.
Gangle: But you didn't even do anything.
Bob: I'm giving off positive vibes. It's important to spread positivity and promote a positive environment.
Zooble: Yeah, nothing more inspiring than a snoring trashbag on the couch.
Bob: Damn straight! And you guys did a pretty good job! Five stars all around.
Mr. Puzzles: distant OH COME ON!!!!
Don't worry, that was just a cameo.
Gangle: Why not just hang out in the Castle?
Bob: Usually I would, but Boopkins is busy with family stuff, and the rest are either over at Omnia or off to the Sweetlands. I'm also pretty much barred from the Castle because Karen hates me.
Gangle: Why is that?
Bob: She says I'm a "bad influence" on her kids or something. I was just teaching them some cool life hacks.
One of them was how to siphon gas from a car, by the way.
Zooble: So you only like being lazy around others, is that it?
Bob: Can you blame a man who just wants some company?
Gangle: What about Melony and Kaizo?
Bob: They're already dealing with the hole.
The two carnies exchange glances of confusion and concern.
Zooble: What hole?
The three meet with Kaizo and Melony behind the Castle. Gangle and Zooble are understandably concerned about the circular opening hanging in the air. The inside shimmers with mysterious colors that have never been seen before.
Zooble: I'm sorry, what the hell is this?
Bob: A hole.
Zooble: Yeah, I see that. Where did it come from?
Kaizo: It appeared last night. A Void Angel had come through and attacked SMG3's ship.
Zooble: And WHAT has been done about this?
Melony: We tried boarding it up, but the planks just fell in. Then we called E. Gadd over and he took a look inside.
Zooble: Hm.........
Zooble sticks their head into the hole to take a look. A tumultuous sea of quantum foam lights the omnidirectional sky. Small visages of vessels and islands dot the horizon as massive wormlike creatures slither through the surrounding void. Zooble pulls their head back and takes a moment to process what they just saw.
Zooble: pop Yeah, this is gonna be a problem.
Bob: Hey guys I brought snacks.
They all just give him the stink eye as he stands there with a bag of chips.
Gangle: Shouldn't you be taking this a bit more seriously?
A shadowy ghoul suddenly pops out of the portal. Gangle shrieks as it lunges towards her, but Bob swiftly uses his special technique and blows it full of holes. The visage of the creature collapses to the ground before vanishing.
Gangle: W-w-what was that?
Kaizo: Liminus. Nasty little things.
Zooble: Where the hell did it come from!?
Bob eyes the hole.
Zooble: Right, right, the hole. How the hell are you all so calm about this!?
Melony: I'm more worried about what's going on in the city.
And for good reason. Over in Mushroom City, shit is most certainly fucked. Duviri Dax soldiers, Corrupted units, and Murmur creatures flood the streets, laying waste to all in their path. In the sky, a mechanical roar echoes through the sky as the massive Orowyrm Lodun slithers across the skyline. The military has already mobilized, gunning down any and all hostiles with extreme prejudice. Chris and Swag leading the offensive against the Void Invaders as they regroup with Hal Monitor and the Police.
Chris: Whats the situation, Mr. Monitor?
Hal: We just lost the town hall to Dominus Thrax's forces, and those neural sentries are picking us off like flies.
Swag: Is the coffee machine still working?
Hal: Yes, but we don't know how much our coffee stores will last. My question is how the hell we're gonna deal with that dragon?
Chris: Don't worry, we found someone who can deal with that.
Galloping through the streets on a majestic Kaithe, a lone Drifter guns down Dax and Murmur alike with their trusty Sirocco pistol. They jump from their mount and draw their dual nikanas, cutting down any and all aggressors with ease. The Drifter looks up as Lodun slithers between the skyscrapers and they lock eyes.
Unfazed, the Drifter mounts their Kaithe. It's wings unfold as it flies towards the Orowyrm, the Drifter readying their blades..... right before we come back to the showgrounds.
Zooble: Huh.
Kaizo: Yeah. It's getting bad.
Gangle: Now what? There has to be SOMETHING we can do.
Just then, we see something digging it's way to the surface right next to the group.
Zooble: Oh God dammit.
Zooble transforms their arms into blades, readying themselves for another Murmur attack, but it turns out to be......... someone familiar.
Bob: Oh, hi Steve!
Yep. Our blocky lord and savior Steve has returned.
Gangle: You know this guy?
Bob: Yeah! Steve is an old friend of Mario's. He's also a business partner of mine but that's not important.
Melony: Hey Steve, we're having some trouble figuring out what to do about this Void hole. You think you could help us out?
Steve makes his way over to the group and notices the portal. You can practically hear the gears in his head turning as he aggressively focuses on what to do next.
Steve: Yeah I got time.
And just like that, he starts building. He starts off with a ring of cobblestone around the portal, followed by another ring with some dispensers and sensors sprinkled in there. Then he starts digging out tge ground inside, placing multiple cauldrons and some trapdoors on the bottom. Finally, he gets to wiring some Redstone contraptions and placing some chests until his latest project is complete.
Steve: All done.
Another Dax Gladius exits through the hole.
Gladius: Surrender or di-
Steve flicks a switch and the Gladius is immediately feathered with arrows from all directions, dropping his items upon death into the receptacles below. Ladies and gentlemen, we have ourselves a mob spawner farm. And just as quickly as he arrived, Steve departs by digging below and hiding his path.
Melony: Huh.......problem solved, I guess.
Kaizo: Well, if anybody needs me I'll be taking a nap. Wake me up if somebody starts dying, okay?
Bob: I'm gonna go hit up Baro and see if he's interested. We may even get some relics outta this.
And so they head off, leaving a very confused Zooble and Gangle.
Gangle: I can't help but feel like this violates some kind of convention.
The two head back to the Guest House and settle down in the lounge.
Zooble: All's well that ends well, I suppose.
Gangle: Yeah.........
Gangle seems to be in a bit of a daze.
Zooble: You alright?
Gangle: Yeah, I'm fine........ it's just.......
Zooble knows what's on her mind, but she still gives Gangle the chance to speak hers.
Gangle: I think Kaufmo would've liked it here.
Zooble: Yeah.......
They scoot over to Gangle and place their arm around her shoulder.
Zooble: I think so, too.
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They Are Remembered
The Unrelenting Darkness
Ruth From Accounting
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you-must-choose · 20 days
They Are Remembered
The Unrelenting Darkness
Ruth From Accounting
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