your-time-is-now · 3 days
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your-time-is-now · 20 days
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reblog if u a communist
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your-time-is-now · 26 days
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#That Time She Made Him Feel Like a Human Being
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your-time-is-now · 1 month
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your-time-is-now · 1 month
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Psych 6x09
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your-time-is-now · 1 month
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TOP 5/10 CHARACTERS PER SHOW (as voted by my followers) ↳ the originals edition #4. Klaus Mikaelson portrayed by Joseph Morgan
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your-time-is-now · 2 months
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favorite arthur x guinevere moments, pt .1
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your-time-is-now · 2 months
Some of my favorite words and phrases to describe a character in pain
coiling (up in a ball, in on themselves, against something, etc)
panting (there’s a slew of adjectives you can put after this, my favorites are shakily, weakly, etc)
keeling over (synonyms are words like collapsing, which is equally as good but overused in media)
trembling/shivering (additional adjectives could be violently, uncontrollably, etc)
sobbing (weeping is a synonym but i’ve never liked that word. also love using sob by itself, as a noun, like “he let out a quiet sob”)
whimpering (love hitting the wips with this word when a character is weak, especially when the pain is subsiding. also love using it for nightmares/attacks and things like that)
clinging (to someone or something, maybe even to themselves or their own clothes)
writhing/thrashing (maybe someone’s holding them down, or maybe they’re in bed alone)
crying (not actual tears. cry as in a shrill, sudden shout)
dazed (usually after the pain has subsided, or when adrenaline is still flowing)
wincing (probably overused but i love this word. synonym could be grimacing)
doubling-over (kinda close to keeling over but they don’t actually hit the ground, just kinda fold in on themselves)
heaving (i like to use it for describing the way someone’s breathing, ex. “heaving breaths” but can also be used for the nasty stuff like dry heaving or vomiting)
gasping/sucking/drawing in a breath (or any other words and phrases that mean a sharp intake of breath, that shite is gold)
murmuring/muttering/whispering (or other quiet forms of speaking after enduring intense pain)
hiccuping/spluttering/sniffling (words that generally imply crying without saying crying. the word crying is used so much it kinda loses its appeal, that’s why i like to mix other words like these in)
stuttering (or other general terms that show an impaired ability to speak — when someone’s in intense pain, it gets hard to talk)
staggering/stumbling (there is a difference between pain that makes you not want to stand, and pain that makes it impossible to stand. explore that!)
recoiling/shrinking away (from either the threat or someone trying to help)
pleading/begging (again, to the threat, someone trying to help, or just begging the pain to stop)
Feel free to add your favorites or most used in the comments/reblogs!
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your-time-is-now · 2 months
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, to listen to doctors and get my flu vaccine and any shots i could because they remembered Before.
then they started fighting Covid precautions.
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that the ozone was disappearing and the earth was dying and we needed to recycle and save the planet.
now my parents think climate change is a myth.
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that racism was a plague, that we had to love and accept everyone, that we should never judge before walking a mile in their shoes.
then they told me that protesting for my Black siblings was wrong.
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that we needed to give to the poor. working at soup kitchens. making quilts. collecting food and money and supplies. building houses. because it was the christian and just plain right thing to do.
now they look at me, on food stamps with their grandchildren, and lament the "welfare state".
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and that any rich man, especially an immoral one, should never run our country.
you can guess who they voted for.
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, so very much.
when did they forget?
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your-time-is-now · 2 months
Ahh, thanks for the tag, Ais! Let's see... (Also I'll need to go back and check out other people's music! I need new music!)
Kongos - Take Me Back
Amigo the Devil - Hell and You
Bon Jovi - Complicated
Black Math - Strangelove
Amigo the Devil - Shadow
Florence & the Machine - Falling
Red - Let Go
Anathema - One Last Goodbye
Graham Coxon - Walking All Day With You
Flight of the Conchords - You Don't Love Me Anymore
I don't have the capacity to tag anymore in particular, but please do this so I can check out new music! :)
Okay, got tagged by @ablatheringblatherskite for this.
Rules: Shuffle your repeat playlist 10 times and tag 10 people. (Meaning, list the first 10 different songs that come up as a result of hitting shuffle.)
Well, my current repeat playlist is the take my hand playlist. :))))))
'Star Sky' -- Two Steps From Hell
'Don't Wake Me' -- Skillet
'Best Is Yet To Come' -- RED
'Last Man Standing' -- David Hodges
'Anger' --Sleeping At Last
'Remind Me Who I Am' -- Jason Gray
'Mercy in Darkness' -- Two Steps From Hell
'Scream' -- Thousand Foot Krutch
'Feel Invincible' -- Skillet
'Love and Loss' -- Two Steps From Hell
Okay! Tagging... @novelmonger @sailforvalinor @authortobenamedlater @dangerva @steampunk-archer @cheerssweetiedarling @scribblermerlin @ionlymadethissoicouldleaveanask @clawedandcute @sliverswords
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your-time-is-now · 3 months
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CLUE (1985) + timestamp roulette
"Communism is just a red herring."
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your-time-is-now · 4 months
happy superb owl/superb hole sunday, whichever one you celebrate
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your-time-is-now · 4 months
Title: caught in a hit & run
Fandom: Clue (1985)
Vidder: turquoisetumult
Song: Straight Up | Artist: Paula Abdul
Category: fun, shenanigans
Length: ~1:51
Summary: Straight up, the party at this New England mansion got a bit out-of-hand.
Warning: canon typical violence, physical triggers (quick cuts/flashing lights)
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your-time-is-now · 4 months
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your-time-is-now · 4 months
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arwen + hugs
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your-time-is-now · 4 months
For the Merlin Micro Fic prompt: “Your Turn.”
Arthur has this dream sometimes. It’s not a good one.
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your-time-is-now · 5 months
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