ystrike1 · 3 days
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ystrike1 · 5 days
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Here's my own tutorial on how to sleep with your kidnapped victim partner. I did not take comfort as factor btw I think this was a trend?? I don't know I just remember seeing similar drawings before.
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ystrike1 · 12 days
Don't Take Your Eyes Off Me - By Elvechica (8.5/10)
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The mask is off. We all know the idol industry is extremely dark and twisted. It's old news. Being an obsessive fan is frighteningly common. So common in fact that it's not hard to believe crazy stories like this one. Maybe somewhere out there a real-life idol is lurking around, obsessing over one of their own group mates. It's such a crazy thought, but this is the painfully realistic version of that crazy scenario.
Please note: The happy ending of this story is extremely twisted and flawed on purpose. I think this should have been a long form story, with about twenty chapters, but there are only six. It looks simple on the surface, but the main character is just as flawed as his stalker.
Jun is a tall, handsome man with rich actor parents. His father now owns a talent company. He was born with literally every single advantage possible in life, and he loves the performing arts. Naturally he tried to debut as a actor. When he failed he tried to become a model....he failed again...he couldn’t hack it. Not even with a famous last name and good looks.
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Jun is scum.
Making a boy band under his father's company label is his last shot. His last choice. Becoming an idol is literally his back up plan, because he can't handle failing. He thinks his lofty parents don't respect him....so he doesn't respect himself and he's willing to take advantage of other people to go higher.
His father offers him a gimmick. Writing. Daddy will pay a talented ghostwriter to write AND COMPOSE trendy idol songs...and Jun will get the credit.
Jun accepts, because at this point he thinks he can't succeed without cheating.
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The ghostwriter plan works waaaayyyyy too well. The first single is a bop. Their tiny social media accounts blow up. It'll be a one-hit wonder if they don't keep up with this lucky momentum....so the trio of three takes every job they get offered.
Primula is a trio of pretty, hardworking hotties who fit the boy band bill just right.
Jun Sakuma is a *LYRICAL GENIUS WHO COMPOSED EVERY SINGLE THAT MADE PRIMULA THE SUCCESS IT IS. Also, he's buff and tall and a great dancer. (His voice kinda stinks though, which is a major hint. Being in a boy band is just about avoiding failure for Jun. It wasn't his original passion.)
Yuma is a nice guy, and he is a great actor. He accepts television and stage roles to promote the group. He's also a talented singer, and dancer.
Isshin was an up-and-coming model before he joined the group. He had an existing fan base before he started singing, and he has the voice of an angel. He's very talented with instruments too, and he's the ghostwriter. Jun used up his talent to get his backup boy band debut. Jun doesn't know his unstable career involves standing on a friend's back, and HE DOESN’T FEEL REAL REMORSE UNTIL HE LEARNS THE TRUTH.
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Daddy also threatened Isshin. Isshin can't take it anymore. He tells Jun everything. He hates Jun's fake innocence. He hates watching someone who hasn't written a single word take credit for his talent.
(He's lying.)
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He says he hates Jun.
(He's lying)
Jun is immediately swallowed up by guilt. He can no longer distance himself from the truth. He doesn't want to be propped up by the genius writer lie anymore. He decides to work harder, and pour all of his passion into the career he chose so half-heartedly.
He understands that Isshin is angry and hurting the most.....so he listens to everything Isshin says.
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Isshin uses Jun's body. Isshin controls his diet. Isshin controls what he wears. Isshin says they have to live together.
Isshin claims he is doing this because Jun needs to be strictly trained.
Jun believes this...because he is the weakest link in the group and he doesn’t want to ruin everything for everyone.
He keeps his mouth shut about the ghostwriter lie, because Isshin says he wants the group to succeed.
He's willing to make sacrifices.
Jun should be too.
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Jun values himself so little that it damages the people around him. Yuma, his parents, and his managers can all see his talent....but Jun has failed too much and he only sees himself as an obstacle.
When a big company says "his" writing talent is wasted in such a small group....Jun feels guilty for stealing Isshin's talent all over again. It's been a year, and Jun is dying to share the truth because he genuinely loves his fans and being an idol now.
Learning from Isshin has been amazing...besides all the abuse I mean...haha...every form of abuse...
Jun wants to tell Yuma and spill the beans.
The convenient secret that allows Isshin to control Jun.
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It all feels so obvious, but Jun is the perfect victim. A busy idol with a strict shedule. He's used to being overworked and abused.
He thought Isshin hated him, but no.
Isshin has been too excited to stay sane for the entire year.
All of that brutal training and control was just an excuse.
Isshin wanted to play with his favorite idol, and he loved every second of it.
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When Jun flunked acting Isshin was already there...in the background watching.
Waiting for a chance.
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After Jun reveals the secret their relationship begins for real three months later. The group re-debutes because they're still popular and Yuma is a decently popular stage actor.
Why does Jun forgive Isshin?
Well, it's because something is deeply wrong with him. Something is broken inside Jun. Something that is hard to describe.
Without Isshin's obsession he would have faded into nothing. Isshin's weird nonsense actually made Jun a better person. By the end he's no longer totally reliant on his daddy. He's surrounded by good friends, who recognize his talents. He's more confident and he doesn’t see himself as an "untalented" extra.
Even though that's all true any normal person would have rejected Isshin and got a restraining order.
When I say this is realistic I mean Jun doesn't "forgive" Isshin. I mean Jun is an adult that recognizes he also did bad things, and he appreciates Isshin. He admires Isshin's talent too, even if his obsessive motives were impure.
It's wrong, but he loves Isshin anyway.
He wants unconditional love and support in his life, because that's what saved him from falling apart.
Jun has actual practical reasons for accepting his yandere partner besides money, and it's good.
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ystrike1 · 14 days
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ystrike1 · 21 days
Shojo to Yakuza - By Okonogi happa (7.5/10)
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A loyal dog gets pushed to the limit in this one. Originally he was a good and loyal boy. The perfect young yakuza, but then the leaders niece fell for him. He fell into a sweet life with her, and possessive feelings eventually conquer his need to be perfect!
Yanagi has rich girl problems. Boohoo bodyguards follow her everywhere. Nobody treats her like she's NORMAL. Everybody in her life knows she's one of the resident wealthy young ladies, but she doesn't WANT to flaunt it. Nope. It's totalllyyy not her fault. Her doting uncle made her go to school with a driver and bodyguards.
How embarrassing.
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After all of her horrific suffering with no privacy and too much money she finally gets her freedom. An apartment with a boyfriend her uncle approves of. Kazuma is perfect. A mild-mannered and devoted yakuza with a handsome face and a desire to impress his leader. He honestly loves Yanagi too!
They're so perfect....but they haven't done the deed yet.
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Her school friends think he's scary....but awww he's such a sweetie.
He's totally not holding back at all.
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She tries to seduce him sweetly at first.
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When that doesn't work she lies and says she's going out with boy-friends. Potential love rivals. It's cringe and obvious and she knows it, but she wants to sleep with him already.
She wants to indulge in her freedom.
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Yanagi is lying about the boy party, but it doesn’t matter one bit. Even the idea makes Kazuma rage. He almost tortures a guy to death because he's so frustrated.
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He's scared that Yanagi will see him differently, but he wants to be honest. His real personality isn't as gentle. He doesn't want to be a prim and perfect butler around her. He's just afraid of change, and losing Yanagi's love.
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They're so toxic and codependent how cute!!!
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He admits he's super jealous.
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She LOVES it. She's eats that shit up like candy. Kazuma starts telling her to stay home more and he tells her no when she says she wants to join a study circle. The story ends right when the yandere jealousy shoots up, but it's there and we love a consenting couple.
They're enjoying their honeymoon phase.
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ystrike1 · 21 days
My Plushie Suddenly Turned Human - By usunooshiri (8.5/10)
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Is it scary? Yes! Is it realistic? No! Imagine dating your favorite character. One that loves you so, so, so much. You carried his plushie everywhere lovingly, so of course he came to life for you!
How cute!!!
Yuna is trapped in an abusive relationship. Her greatest comfort is her favorite character. A sexy, caring older brother type named Shaw.
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Her boyfriend doesn't go on fun dates with her. He just uses her for money, so she goes with the plushie instead! Good for her but oh my goodness it's sad. This is way better than those "wah, I'm an orphan" setups. Burying yourself in a cute hobby is an actual, realistic reaction to being abused. It is deeply chilling to see on paper in a cute style.
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Yuna finds enough courage to mention his "second girlfriend", because obviously he's also cheating on her. He uses his fists, and her reaction implies this is not the first time he has threatened her. Threats and fear are the only two elements keeping their awful relationship together.
Yuna just wants to be free.
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Before she falls to the ground a huge man pushes her shit boyfriend out of the way. He looks exactly like Shaw! Down to the hair color and the way he acts.
Her brand new ex-boyfriend leaves with his tail between his legs. He's got another girlfriend to abuse anyway. He doesn't need Yuna('s money) anymore.
He gets to live and that sucks but whatever he's gone.
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It's an unbelievable scenario but Shaw has all the evidence. He remembers his life as a plushie. Yuna took him to the hot springs. He knows all of her favorite meals, and he claims her sweet love gave him a reason to come to life.
How cute!!!!
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Shaw is a plushie so it's not like he has a job. He becomes her stay-at-home boyfriend and Yuna loves it. Shaw isn't even super overbearing, or clingy. He likes to see HER have fun, and that's all she needs. She doesn't care if he has money, or nothing to his name at all.
She loves his gentle love.
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Yuna begins to fret about reality.
They start dating officially after two months. Shaw is innocently happy, but Yuna isn't sure if she can make a future with a plushie. Obviously he's her ideal type, but he doesn't have a family. He's not really human. What if he can never get a job? Or being a plushie makes being human extremely stressful? What if he can't blend in?
It interrupts their perfect and fluffy relationship.
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Also, Shaw doesn't like it when she hangs out with other men.
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She finds her plushie.
The man who saved her isn't her beloved plushie at all. That was just a fantasy she wanted to believe in after experiencing so much abuse and stress.
Shaw says she's gullible, and he admits his name isn't Shaw.
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He introduces himself, and the ending goes the way he wants to go.
Yuna knows he's a stalker, but she still says yes.
Shou was so nice to her, and she really needs some kindness in her daily life.
Yes, her stalker waited until she was broken to save her.
But he came.
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ystrike1 · 21 days
When The Black Wolf Calls My Name - By Yim Hye (8.5/10)
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You know the drama is going to be great when you can understand the villain. The villain in this one is completely insane too, but nothing is as simple as it seems. Our protagonist chooses to remarry to save herself from her obsessive ex-husband, but the reader gets to slowly question the logic behind that choice. She is an unreliable narrator, and that's the most interesting part
Yeonwoo wasn't loved, in the most boring way. Her mother was extremely harsh with her, and her father let it happen. Young Yeonwoo experienced the type of abuse people hate to talk about. Emotional abuse. Seowoo, her younger sister, was loved and spoiled but not her. Why, you ask? Well, Yeonwoo is the smart one with potential. Her mother broke her spirit to turn her into a convenient pack mule. A pillar of support for the family.
When the story begins Yeonwoo is financially responsible for both of her parents, and her younger sister. Why? Because she's successful of course. Yeonwoo became a song composer in Korea. She had great success, and her mother immediately asked for money...in a nice way.
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The family goes on a trip that Yeonwoo is paying for, and they slip off a cliff into the Underworld. The Underworld in this setting has a historical fantasy vibe, and it is ruled by powerful men contracted to animalistic guardian spirits.
In her first life (hint, hint) she marries a powerful man who controls The Brown Bear spirit. He claims he loves her above all else, but he kills her beloved family too.
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She obviously decides to kill herself because she cannot live without her beloved family. Everyone is afraid of Yeonwoo, because Hyojo the Brown Bear loves her so much. When she dies she destroys him, and before her eyes close she notices something.
Another crying man. A man she doesn't even know is weeping desperately for her. She thinks it's out of pity. She wishes no one would cry, because she's dying a prideful death. She's dying to avenge her beloved family.
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When she wakes up again she has silver hair, and her family is alive!!!
They get out of the same ruined car again, and they look around the deep forest. Lost and confused.
I'm not kidding her family abandons her the same chapter. Like less than an hour after they arrive.
Sort of.
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Hwita appears before her instead of Hyojo this time. Yeonwoo says she must go with him immediately...because she wants to protect their ungrateful asshole asses from Hyojo. Marrying a woman from Earth is a highly strategic decision, and as a bonus Yeonwoo is beautiful.
She offers herself to Hwita, and he eventually decides that he's interested in a marriage of convenience.
Her family literally leaves to hang out somewhere safe while she literally DOES ALL THE WORK TO SECURE HER NEW MARRIAGE AND KEEP THEM ALIVE.
The REAL ISSUE could not be more clear.
Yeonwoo refuses to accept it, but she is absolutely still being abused by her family. They're nicer about demanding money and protection now, but the unreasonable expectations from her childhood never changed. They just changed shape.
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Hwita tries to seduce Yeonwoo at first, but he quickly finds out that his beautiful new bride has....problems.
Her greedy family is obviously one of them, but her traumatic second life has left her more heartless. She has no interest in love anymore.
Well, in her first live she loved Hyojo dearly. By the end of that life his name was branded on her chest, her family was dead, and he wouldn't let other men look her in the eye.
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Hwita, obviously, was the other man crying when she died. I do think he's more gentle than Hyojo...but there's a problem.
A really, really big problem.
Yeonwoo simply cannot see that her family is the problem.
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Hyojo showered her with sweet love. During their honeymoon phase he sang about her beauty and he grew gardens for her and he carried her princess style and they cuddled all the time and he cared about her feelings.
He was always crazy for her, but he wasn't violent in the beginning.
Do I know Hyojo is bad?
Do I also know they could have worked on their mutual issues if her family wasn't...like that?
Also yes.
In her first life Yeonwoo tried to kill Hyojo when he threatened her awful family. In response he got crazier and meaner because his beloved bride chose the clown car over his eternal love.
Is he still a dick? Yeah. Is Yeonwoo kind of an annoying victim that refuses to stand up for herself???
Yeahhhh. It's not black and white in this one. The Underworld is not like Earth. Hyojo's violence is more normal and expected than Yeonwoo thinks.
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Hyojo was way too possessive. She's right to avoid him and remarry, but Yeonwoo's family members are definitely stupid enough to insult and demean her in front of her crazed husband.
I 100% know that's how they died without even reading ahead.
It's a real moral conundrum. As a reader you understand why Yeonwoo wants to cling to her family in this unknown world. On the other hand staying with Hwita and leaving the idiots to their fate would be more satisfying.
There's a chance Hwita is a yandere as well. A smarter one. His excuse for marrying Yeonwoo right away is paper thin.
I sincerely hope her family gets punished for using her as their bank account someday.
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ystrike1 · 25 days
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GOD. still the funniest transition in the show bar none
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ystrike1 · 25 days
Trying to watch hannibal without subtitles:
Hannibal: Mmmbdmsnn, Will? Did you sjduk mmfndm hdudhebjsbj jdjdinsk?
Will: I don't even know who I mnfmmd dmdjndm sndmnd even when shhsmmdi ajsjdjdm mcmcmcm... ndjdnmd mind.....
The music:
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ystrike1 · 25 days
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ystrike1 · 26 days
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loving the way time and context has turned dracula into a comedy
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ystrike1 · 26 days
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demon king laios bad end AU i think about often
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ystrike1 · 27 days
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ystrike1 · 28 days
Until I drowned in Fujitani-san's love and care - Douge Konome (8.5/10)
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A happy and devoted yandere, with an equally happy partner! It's wholesome in a dark way! He definitely stalked her after she broke up with him, but that's ok! It was all a misunderstanding! She was just insecure!
Chiho is young and inexperienced. Her first ever boyfriend is perfect, great in bed, polite, handsome and a little older than her. She's also pretty. Her life is perfect!
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Wait it's not? There's a time skip and they're no longer dating. She meets him again at her new company. What a strange coincidence.
He's back in her life, and she misses him.
She does regret leaving him.
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She had so much fun with him, but Chiho is insecure in a very normal and believable way.
She wasn't sure if she was ready for a serious relationship.
She knew Fujitani was more mature than her and she was afraid he would become dissatisfied with her.
These are ugly thoughts but they're to be expected when you enter your first relationship.
After all, marrying your first means you never get to play the field or explore your own preferences.
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Fujitani can be intense too. He likes taking care of her needs, but she has a career path in mind and she's not sure....she's just not sure if she can handle the stress of being dependent on someone.
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She's the one who ended it, and he didn’t fight with her....because he's a mature man.
He didn’t even ask her why.
She just left.
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She dated around, but it wasn't what she expected. She didn't learn new things or find a less mature, more fun type of love experience.
She just found men who cared less.
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Fujitani confronts her pretty much immediately. He's been waiting for her to come back to him. He knew the other guys were just flings, but Chiho hasn't come back yet.
Now he's out hunting.
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He invites her into his new home. It's HER dream home. He made her a princess closet and he built her dream kitchen.
His sexual preferences aren't too abnormal but he does want Chiho to behave like a doll at home. He knows she enjoys it, and he also accepts that she wanted to explore her options a bit...but he's the best option and he's confident about it.
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He even picks her perfume and shampoo.
He sees acts of service as pure love.
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The doll play is more extreme, but Chiho has made her choice. She missed Fujitani-san's love, and she doesn’t want him to get away either.
Thinking about him moving on and getting another doll makes her mad, so she let's him take control. BUT she's fully aware that he has needs too. Needs that can't be fulfilled without her. It seems like they have a mostly equal partnership, and they get along great even when they aren't indulging in doll play.
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ystrike1 · 1 month
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stitched lovers
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ystrike1 · 1 month
when internet people are like “i love gothic literature but i hate anything that discusses incest, sexual violence, oppression, misogyny, abuse, torture, gore, murder, or death”
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ystrike1 · 1 month
Second Time's the Crime - By Nagare Ebi (7.5/10)
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This is an intense and gory horror story featuring two very different obsessive men, but it loses points because the romance isn't very believable. You know who the endgame love interest is right away, and it's the boring one. The "heroic" yandere doesn't get enough character development. The psychological pain and real violence on display makes the romance feel like background noise.
Shiki is a poor little victim in the beginning. A wealthy but abused wife. It LOOKS like her 35 year old husband pounced on her when she was 19 because he needed a convenient bride. It LOOKS like he married her to cover up his debauched lifestyle.
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It's...too much?
It's suspicious from chapter two. Kaoru is a handsome older man who didn't need to get married at all. He abuses his young wife. He cheats on her. He makes her eat a raw egg in one of his first scenes, but he's loving to her before he goes to work.
It's almost like he's performing for an audience, but there's nobody there. Just him and his terrified wife.
It's almost like....torturing her is his hobby?
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It was a fairytale romance. Her parents were over the moon. She didn’t have money. He's got lots. He was mature and romantic and he dated her seriously before they got hitched.
He started abusing her days after the wedding....with joy in his eyes???
Shiki doesn't bother with the details. She obviously assumes he's just a lying pervert that wanted a submissive wife.
That's what it LOOKS like.
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The pain she goes through changes her. She figures out that he's a cheater. Of course he is. He owns a fashion magazine. He works with models every day.
....when he sleeps with those models he calls them by her name...
Why would she know little details like that?
All she knows is the pain, and the desire for it to end.
She wants to die, but someone else has been watching her. She goes to the movie theater alone alot, and she has an admirer there.
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It's a man who thinks she should kill her husband. Saku comes from a broken family. His mother died after years of abuse, and his father was never prosecuted. He's also very in love with Shiki. He's willing to help her kill her husband, because she's beautiful and he wants to see her happy.
They actually have a pretty good relationship, because the story goes nuts.
Saku doesn't whisk Shiki away and protect her.
He can't. Shiki has to protect him too.
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Kaoru is willing to kill for Shiki too. There's a tracker in her phone. He removed all of her friends from her life too, so when Saku tries to run away with her Kaoru hunts them down. He's a little too prepared. He catches her every time like he's a one man military group.
It becomes clear that this isn't some average "abusive husband" story.
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Of course the main characters make it clear that Kaoru is an abuser. He doesn't deserve to be forgiven and Shiki should divorce him. She just can't, because Kaoru will kill her, her allies and possibly himself if she runs.
He's not a normal man.
He really does love her. Just not in a sane way. Shiki will never understand him, and she shouldn't. He absolutely hid his unstable side from her to lure her in, and he doesn’t deserve any pity.
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Shiki soon realizes her husband is serious. He almost kills Saku more than once.....so she returns to him because she's worried for Saku. Shiki starts to develop way more than Saku. By the end of the story Saku is just a hostage. A pawn in Kaoru and Shiki's psychological battle. It was unexpected, and very cool.
Shiki isn't nobly sacrificing herself. Oh no. She protects Saku and she decides to kill her husband on her own. She doesn't want to involve the innocent man she's falling for.
Kaoru shocks her when he installs security cameras inside. He brings out a leg restraint, and he says they will be happy together...forever.
She pulls a knife on him, and it ends up in her stomach.
Kaoru is unnaturally prepared, and experienced with violence. As a reader I started to question his family business. Kaoru can't be some spoiled model agency heir. He's just too good at fighting...
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Shiki doesn't stop trying, no matter how crazy the battle gets. If Kaoru won't divorce her she'll kill him. The issue is he doesn't care at all. If she doesn’t love him he'll earn her love back. Saku is just an obstacle that will fall before him, because he always gets his way. This is his love. He will spend the rest of his life showing his wife how much he loves her....through violence.
That's how his family raised him, so it has to be real love.
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Shiki and Saku get dragged into Kaoru's forest mansion. The apartment he owns with Shiki is just their love nest. His real playground is huge, and it's staffed by criminals. People who accept his orders because nobody else hires criminals.
Shiki convinces the butler and the head maid.
Violent love will never be enough.
Kaoru will kill her if they don't help her.
The butler seems to believe love will prevent her death, but Shiki convinces him to see reason. Eventually, all of the wounds will catch up to her. Head trauma. Infections. His torturous love will end her eventually, after years of total agony.
The butler sees sense first. Then the maid. Even still Kaoru is ridiculously strong, smart and scary. He's not easy to beat, even with allies.
There's a second wedding, and the mansion goes up in flames AND HE STILL DOESN'T DIE!
He starts to beg for Shiki's love, after he finally notices he lost her to Saku. Somehow the violence escalates even more.
Shiki starts to pity her broken husband.
I think he might end up in a mental hospital, with pictures of Shiki and occasional visits from her or something? Then we'll see her enjoying life with Saku.
I do want Kaoru to die, but like ten chapters were dedicated to his sad backstory sooooooo....
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