zagorodnik · 5 months
OK it was just a misunderstanding 👍 thank goodness I was really confused
Sorry I got word someone might be impersonating me in the Ferry server. What
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zagorodnik · 5 months
I like don't know if this is for real or if its a misunderstanding but if there is someone actually claiming to be me @_@ um
Sorry I got word someone might be impersonating me in the Ferry server. What
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zagorodnik · 5 months
Sorry I got word someone might be impersonating me in the Ferry server. What
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zagorodnik · 1 year
dude i still can't believe i like stopped hearing about whiteglove for years and then suddenly he got into shit with the youtube commentary community
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zagorodnik · 1 year
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oh hey bitch tree long time no see
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zagorodnik · 2 years
Lol even if I was a petty teen I don’t think I would’ve written a song shit talking anyone I knew online or irl bc I wouldn’t think they’d be worth it, tho I would’ve prolly said something like “exes am I right” If it seemed like a song about someone
Tho I’m surprised there aren’t more “diss tracks” out there lol (paranoia aside id think someone would have to be full of themselves to think some song is about them lol)
Yeah, I get you—I've written a couple, but I don't think I'd ever write one and publicly release it again. I'm kinda at a point where I have enough of a support system that if I need to process my feelings about something, I have someone to talk to. I don't actually remember much of 2020, so I'm not sure what headspace I was in when I wrote Adam. I just knew I wanted to improve on Eve's composition, and that January was particularly tough on me, so I ended up writing about what was going in my head.
I do think that Eve was a pettier move—I'm obviously not gonna get into details because it should remain a (mostly) private thing and it was fucking retarded of me to bring it half-public, but there was miscommunication and I guess I partially wrote it to share my side of the story to the other person (considering that we had stopped talking at that point). I remember being egged on to make it a little bit, but I think that might not actually be true and I might be thinking of something else, instead.
Then if you've been around since I was 14, you probably remember Pity Party, which. Lol. I'll give myself a pass on that one 'cuz I was 14 years old and petty 14 year old drama is just like that. I do think it was a really dumb decision on my part, but I think a lot of areas in the vocaloid community really are like that (or at least were in 2018). Of course, I am sorry for making that decision and think Zion didn't deserve whatever harassment that got him, but hindsight is 20/20, I guess. I'm not in contact with him anymore anyway and have no desire to be.
I do have all the files for all three of these songs still (I recently discovered Pity Party's files in a few disorganized places) and I do mess around with their compositions, but anything I do with them probably won't be released publicly. I'd give you a reason if I had one, but I think the biggest one is that I just don't give enough of a fuck nor do I want to have to deal with drama in the vocaloid community to that scale. Or ever, really, but I guess you can't help it when you've been in the circles I have.
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zagorodnik · 2 years
hello not-frog, just wanted to tell you i got a frog hoodie, it's pretty cute :3, have a nice day lol
omg hell yes
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zagorodnik · 2 years
yep, its me! i was going down memory lane, zoned out a bit, n sent that anon a few days back, but i was thinking about certain lyrics in adam and how it seemed to be a general retrospective of everything, especially considering eve & the controversy with it, certain lyrics seemed to reference my instinctive need to rationalize everything even when my behavior absent mindedly sent me into a cyclic state. fail to read a room, get thrown out, panic and hope it never happened, yknow that stuff (1/2)
i know we've had some bad experiences in the past & i know i used to be a horrible person who attacked several innocent people, including you. i decided to honor your wishes in 2020 or 2021, i forget, but i decided that it was cruel of me to keep that shit hostage when i was the reason it was all nuked in the first place. but back to modern shit, i know you probably know 99% of it bc i heard the entire community caught wind. tl;dr sorry about everything & just now saying something
Yeah pretty much everyone I know in the community is aware of what a fool you made of yourself. Thank you for apologizing and also rest assured that not even Adam was about you
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zagorodnik · 2 years
will you use v6? :)
honestly ive been thinking abt it, i want to try it out + i want to use synthv at some point
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zagorodnik · 2 years
ik im like. months late. like, MONTHS late but im 99% certain i know who adam is about, especially because of the date (26th), the implications that the person has cyclic behavior and reacts violently (mentioning their clinginess and the other person in the crossfire), a lot of things lead me to believe it was about me and how horrible i treated you for years. you didnt deserve any of it and im sure you know i've kinda become an internet spectacle due to a lot of things. funny in retrospect.
i also want to add that i used to keep an archive of your old vsqx files, but deleted them out of respect that you didn't want your old (albeit truly great) songs preserved, i still listen to one of them rather frequently, even if im no longer mad at the person it was about. i still feel hurt that he sees me as someone to laugh at and essentially toy with, but i dont blame him after everything.
i'm like assuming this is eb or hayashi or fucking whiteglove or whatever name you're calling yourself cuz i know you made a fool of yourself in another community but like. i am actually kind of curious to know who you think this could be about
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zagorodnik · 2 years
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zagorodnik · 2 years
i feel again compelled to mention that adam is not about the same person eve is about. i just ended up reusing the melody. i know thats caused a lot of confusion but its not the same person sorry
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zagorodnik · 2 years
OK doneee followed a handful of people heart
the urge to make a personal tumblr
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zagorodnik · 2 years
doing this
the urge to make a personal tumblr
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zagorodnik · 2 years
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zagorodnik · 2 years
the struggle to get into my discord account
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zagorodnik · 2 years
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how we feeling fellow gays???
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