zaruba-needslove · 28 minutes
"who cares" new fandom motto bc we sorely need it around these parts. Time to embrace the Who Cares energy bc like fr actually. who cares
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zaruba-needslove · 2 hours
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zaruba-needslove · 3 hours
The novelist writes from inside. I’m rather sensitive on this point, because I write science fiction, or fantasy, or about imaginary countries, mostly—stuff that, by definition, involves times, places, events that I could not possibly experience in my own life. So when I was young and would submit one of these things about space voyages to Orion or dragons or something, I was told, at extremely regular intervals, “You should try to write about things you know about.” And I would say, But I do; I know about Orion, and dragons, and imaginary countries. Who do you think knows about my own imaginary countries, if I don’t? But they didn’t listen, because they don’t understand, they have it all backward. They think an artist is like a roll of photographic film, you expose it and develop it and there is a reproduction of Reality in two dimensions. But that’s all wrong, and if any artist tells you, “I am a camera,” or “I am a mirror,” distrust them instantly, they’re fooling you, pulling a fast one. Artists are people who are not at all interested in the facts—only in the truth. You get the facts from outside. The truth you get from inside. OK, how do you go about getting at that truth? You want to tell the truth. You want to be a writer. So what do you do? You write.
--Ursula Le Guin, from the "On How To Become A Writer" at LitHub, from The Language of the Night (via @neil-gaiman)
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zaruba-needslove · 3 hours
Well, I din say that boys can't be a Beroba but most Beroba prolly are girls. Just like how a girl may be a Zinn but most Zinns are probably boys. The Ziins/Berobas may only just be into BL or GL, or both. Kyuuns prolly just stick to het ships... the Kekeras tho? Hmmmm....
Also just because I listed out several points under each supporter it din mean one need to have all the criterias to be one 😃 A fan could have a bit of Kekera or Beroba or Ziin or Kyuun or a purist 😃
And I feel like each supporters gonna have two different interpretations/ behaviour since all four of them behave differently before and after knowing their oshi personally.
A Kekera could be a very supportive, loving and wholesome fan (and might go as far as excessively give gifts to their oshis) but may turn into an anti-fan if they felt that their oshis don't reciprocate their love the way they did. (But they may go back to their old loving self if their oshi showed some signs that they to appreciate them.) I feel that bit about Kyuun fit better for Kekera, like as much as Kyuun's words to Neon was harsh at the beginning.... it's more of Kyuun not being able to convey his thoughts proper. Cos Kekera did react extremely when Keiwa openly did smth that's not what they expect Keiwa to do.
While Kyuun can be very sasaeng-like, Kyuun wasn't the type to turn on his oshi like Kekera. Like as much as a Kyuun may not like it if their oshi get married or smth, if they saw that their oshi is happy they'll do everything to support them. Or at least, they're less harsh than Kekera.
A Ziin may become an obsessive fan (just like Kyuun) to want to know everything about their oshi but they prolly won't be too sasaeng-ish. But both (Ziin/Kyuun) may try to tone down on their fannish behaviour if their oshi aren't comfortable about it. The Kyuuns probably will get the hint quick (and struggling to do it and get misunderstood instead) but the Ziins might be slower in the uptake and only realise that they're overdoing it when their oshi get hurt (like how Ziin din expect digging into Mitsume would lead to them finding out some not so nice things. Oh wait, in this aspect... Kyuun wasn't really that far off cos as much as Kyuun din overdo it when he wanna find out more about Neon to get more ppl to love her, but his actions did led to Beroba finding out Neon's secrets?)
Ficwriter Ziin and Kyuun most likely have different ideas about how they like their fics written (esp on their ideas on what qualifies as a good end or wholesome/good content), but both would would obsessed on 'canon-accuracy' with different tolerance with regards to OOC.
Ziins' OOC tendencies are more directed to their oshi... they may intentionally (or unconsciously) overlook their oshi's flaw or exaggerate their oshi's 'fine' qualities to always portray them in a 'perfect' way. Like i feel a lot of Buff stans are like this. Kyuuns' OOC tendencies are more generalized (and it wouldn't just be focused on just their oshis). They may overdo it just to make their fics be the cutest, fluffiest thing ever. Like as much as I'm Beroba-ish as a writer, I'm a bit Kyuun-ish in that aspect.
Ficwriter Berobas most definitely be into BDSM lol and as much as they love bad boys, they get turned off easily if their bad boys were actually not what they thought they were/pretentious pricks. But still it's hard to move on from their ex-faves... Berobas are strangely loyalist in a weird way.
They would bemoan if their idol is put into therapy and be happy.
Kekeras are just stuck in toxic m/patriarchy, power male/female fantasies or archetypes. They think seeking help (with therapy or love) is weak and ppl should just toughen it up. They'll think that Batman is the example of the ideal hero - no, Batman can't do all those love things Batman don't do sex, Batman don't act merciful to their repenting enemies, heroes should always be brooding about justice and how evil is unending #eh
lol idk either, everyone had very subjective ideas about things 😂😂😂
Like personally I feel like as much as the four act differently to their oshis, a lot of their behaviours do still overlap... even if their extremities went on a different direction. Like Ziin to some extent do bear some kind of idealised opinions about Ace, but not to Kekera's extent of trying to directly change Keiwa when he thinks Keiwa veered away from his set 'template'. Or like how Beroba may act like she gave up on Michi when the guy went 'rainbow' no longer bad boy... but she still don't quite wanna let go. She's oddly tsundere about why she like Michi. But unlike Kyuun who's actually more deredere than tsun, Beroba's more tsun yet portray herself as yandere. At least, that's how I view it (Not that Kyuun don't still have a bit of tsun in him or Beroba don't have actual yandere traits, they do... but it's not always so clear cut)
@zaruba-needslove We need to spread the use of "Beroba", "Kekera", "Ziin", and "Kyuun" as fan categories in other fandoms... I think the chaos it'll create would be neat lol.
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zaruba-needslove · 4 hours
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The person who saved my life, and the person who made me want to live again, were all you.
Writing this to echo what @thedeathdeelers said in her post. I'm a Seon Jae softie through and through, and yet, when anyone questions Im Sol's choices or calls her names, I want to flip a table pretty much because have you seen the effects her choices have had on people?
Because of Im Sol's choices her mom doesn't have a burn injury on her hand.
Because of Im Sol's choices their house didn't completely burn down.
Because of Im Sol's choices Hyun Joo finally has the best of both worlds, with no regrets about letting go of something for the other. Her brother who was struggling with no motivation or luck whatsoever is definitely better off now.
Because of Im Sol's choices we even have a Tae Sung in the story, otherwise all we knew at the beginning, in episode 1, was he was some guy who dropped out of school after getting into a fight over something. Not the best first introduction to a character (who goes on to become the best second ML ever). I am the most proud about Tae Sung's transformation, because you can see that even in high school, underneath the 'bad boy' facade, he craved some genuine care and attention and guidance, which Im Sol the haelmoni, the yeppo noona provided.
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Im Sol's choices allowed Seon Jae in Alt 2023 to live guilt-free for 14 years (where they confess), instead of him suffering that mental anguish and longing for 15 years out of guilt which the OG Seon Jae had to go through. And we all know what my feelings are about that version of him.
Because of Im Sol's choices, Sonagi exists (/-ed). Because if the 19yo Im Sol had not held the umbrella over him, giving him that dazzling smile of hers that is sunburst and blinding and contagious, capable of stirring storms within the heart, our boy would not be smitten and a loser and a goner for life (well, lives). And now we all know what that means when she chooses not to do that.
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If Im Sol's choices have made anyone's life harder, it's Im Sol herself. She carries around the memories of THREE++ timelines, with the love of her life dying/almost dying in EVERY one of them. She goes through life as if she really didn't live through all that trauma that is enough to drive someone insane. She knows her Seon Jae is gone, for good, and all she has are memories that don't even exist in this timeline, memories that not even a single person can corroborate. You know how utterly helpless and hopeless that sounds like? She has a person in this timeline that resembles her Seon Jae, but she has to constantly remind herself he is not her person, her Seon-Jae, he better not be if she wants to see him alive. Going around in the city and seeing his posters/ads with his face on it, or stumbling onto him and seeing him staring at her with no recognition whatsoever? It's not easy. Becoming a complete stranger to someone who was once your everything, who could've been your everything. Not easy.
And she decides to carry on with life still because deep down she knows that's what Seon Jae would want, that's what Seon Jae had taught her: to live for the people who are thankful to have her around, to live to see another day, rain or shine. She loves life, lives life, as a token of gratitude to Seon Jae. She lives because when she says You saved my life, and you made me live to him, those are not just words she is casually throwing around. She is thankful that he made her find reasons to live one more day, and she is going to pay him back by living a worthwhile life. Because Seon Jae truly wants/ed that. He literally died wanting that, putting her life before him, because he wanted her to live, and by living, I mean not just breathing and spending the remainder of her life with survivor's guilt. Going back to this epic confession scene, he says all that because he is afraid of how Im Sol would go on with her life if he's no more. Here, he wants her to know that she doesn't need to blame herself, or suffer, because it is his choice to save her, and it'll all be worth it to him if she gets to live the best life she possibly can.
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Just like Seon Jae in any timeline never stopped living or appreciating the good things in life despite longing for Im Sol for more than a decade, she will live and keep her love for him alive through herself. Even if she comes back home at the end of the day to cry in secret, or breaks down in tears in public places.
If Im Sol didn't make the choices she did, we won't have a Seon Jae to begin with.
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zaruba-needslove · 5 hours
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kingohger act 1: monopolizing gira competition
kingohger act 2: jeramie winning the monopolizing gira competition
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zaruba-needslove · 7 hours
Leverage Did It Well
I didn’t notice this the first time I watched Leverage (or the sixth), but when I posted a GIF of Hardison last week I noticed something…
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The line is adorable, the writing fantastic, but the big thing I noticed is YOU CAN SEE HARDISON. Aldis Hodge is lit up so you can see his face easily.
Here’s another GIF.
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And another…
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So, here’s the thing. In most shows black actors fade in the background. They’re lit incorrectly and the dark background combined with the dark skin means the character vanishes. Especially on shows with cops and a lot of white people. 
Poor David Sinclair (Alimi Ballard) of Numb3rs is invisible in every night scene because he’s not lit up correctly. 
Before the advent of colored TV there were more black actors. They were common almost. But with color came the problem that a dark background makes a fair skinned person stand out while making a darker skinned person vanish. The Hollywood solution was to stop hiring darker skinned people. (Not a good idea).
In the first GIF Hardison is in a darker room. He should have vanished, they back-lit him, had ground lights, and framed him well. 
Same with the second on, notice the light on his head. He’s glowing like an angel.
Third GIF… notice the lamp placement? The light almost washes out the color of the green towel behind Hardison, but it means the viewers see him perfectly. And isn’t that really the goal? 
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zaruba-needslove · 8 hours
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M.A.T.A Young Agents Rappers
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zaruba-needslove · 10 hours
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A collection of the awards that David Tennant has won in the past 10 years
…and this isn’t even all of them (just the ones I had photos for).
…and that’s not even counting the numerous lovely nominations he’s received (which are also quite an honor), such as the Best Actor Olivier for Lobby Hero & multiple Royal Television Society Programme Award nominations.
All the awards for Tennant!
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zaruba-needslove · 12 hours
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Without you, I felt lonely. And I didn't want someone else hitting on you at the party. But when I think about the future, I thought that I wouldn't be good enough, so I didn't dare to say anything. You've been through a lot, a I iknow it's too late now, but I'll do my best to make you happy. I want to be with Kazuhito. Natsukawa. I really do like Kazuhito. No way.. It's true! Oh, now I'm crying again, how embarassing.
LIVING WITH HIM 彼のいる生活 (2024)
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zaruba-needslove · 15 hours
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Lovely Runner 선재 업고 튀어 Episode 16
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zaruba-needslove · 16 hours
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zaruba-needslove · 18 hours
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Floragato is so tired of this turtle sometimes 😣
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zaruba-needslove · 18 hours
just saw the post my cousin made... what kind of fans do whumpers go tho? Beroba or Kekera? I know for a fact that Hurt-no Comfort fans would be the Berobas
Depends on context tho? like both should be into whumps, 'cept Kekeras be wanting the whumps be connected to growth of character to make the strong/more heroic while Berobas just want the whumps for the sake of whump and porn that's more into bdsm etc
I added more on my latter replies but i dunno /shrugs
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zaruba-needslove · 19 hours
Then, if we wanna use the four as some secret toku term, should we specify the criteria for them?
fans (girls) that are into 'bad' boys
may be fujos
if they write fics, they prolly love to make their fav characters suffer
be so into monsters aye monsterfuckers
fans that loves the cool characters
may be fudans
if they write fics, they prolly mostly write their favs to be the coolest thing in the world
fans that love heroic characters
may claim to be the ultimate fan
if they write fics, they'll insist that their interpretations are the only truth, all heroes need have dark back stories
is into grim dark aesthetics
fans that love the cute characters
most likely be tsundere about liking their favs/fav shows
if they write fanfics, they prolly end up writing super wholesome fics... since they're better at writing their thoughts than express it verbally
may also be into fluff
Unh... anything else to add or remove?
@zaruba-needslove We need to spread the use of "Beroba", "Kekera", "Ziin", and "Kyuun" as fan categories in other fandoms... I think the chaos it'll create would be neat lol.
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zaruba-needslove · 20 hours
Stupid donut, you think you can seduce me with impunity.
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zaruba-needslove · 21 hours
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