zeros-last-reward · 3 years
I finished portal and immediately went to ebay and ordered portal 2, I cannot wait to hang out with that wretched stephen merchant ball that people were obsessed with 10 years ago
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zeros-last-reward · 3 years
They really went all out for the opening ceremonies 🥇
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zeros-last-reward · 3 years
[video by crowbabies. original caption: My stinky baby]
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zeros-last-reward · 3 years
Small Tips For ClipStudio
I have some hours before work so I’ll use them to actually detail why I’ve found CSPaint to be so efficient for bastard-aligned painters who like to take shortcuts.
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This will seem familiar to most of you guys, but this functions a little bit different from Photoshop. It turns everything you draw on the layer into editable curves, but retains the aliased smoothness of an ordinary raster layer. Practically a cheat to access the whole suite of amazing tools CS offers for lineart. Such as:
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The vector eraser is The Best™. You can be as messy as possible and this tool erases the excess. One pen-flick and it’s done. Much faster than cleaning it up by hand. You can also tweak the settings of this brush to encapsulate more/less lines as you erase but that’s getting a little more involved. Anyway, last thing:
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Maybe the only thing better than the vector eraser. There are multiple settings, but these three are the most handy. You can smooth wiggly edges, connect broken strokes, and tweak the width/weight to exactly how you want it. This also has a ton of settings you can play around with. It’s great!
There’s a lot more tools you can use, but you get the point! It’s a really good drawing program. I recommend it!
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zeros-last-reward · 4 years
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Control rooms, power stations, control panels—Soviet era mostly, and a few more modern ones.
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zeros-last-reward · 4 years
this comic of gudao at mashu’s bedside as she’s dying of old age while he looks the same because shi huang di saved his life with the elixer of immortality decades ago and he’s wearing roman’s coat and that kind of sad smile the doctor always had when talking about being human and she’s able to move on in peace when the emperor promises to keep protecting gudao in her place im in pain im in so much pain
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zeros-last-reward · 4 years
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zeros-last-reward · 4 years
Rules & About should be written like road signs
Preferably the entire theme/google doc as well; but if nothing else, make your Rules and About as if you were making them into road signs.  This means:
No super tiny font
No cursive, squiggly font, or fonts that are difficult to read
Don’t make things nearly monochromatic [one color or similar colors] (avoid colors that cause eye strain, in general avoid colors that contrast too harshly with each other e.g. bright neon green & orange, or colors that blend together/are hard to differentiate. Check with someone you know that DOES struggle with this to see if its still readable)
Not making links to the other pages some hidden little icon that’s difficult to find/figure out it’s clickable
This isn’t a matter of squashing “aesthetic”. There are many people out there with vision impairments/dyslexia/poor eyesight/etc. and even people like myself who have great vision STILL find these themes/documents a pain to read and figure out. Communication is vital for Rules & About, and wouldn’t it be awful if you would have met a really great RP partner but they didn’t follow because they couldn’t read your Rules & About?
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zeros-last-reward · 4 years
Never assume that an RP blog ships a certain thing unless they’ve stated otherwise. Even if that ship is canon to their character.
Do not assume that a muse is aware of everything that happens in their story. Some muses are AU, or are taken from earlier on in the story.
Don’t judge someone’s characterization from a single post or thread. You don’t know how things developed to get them to that point.
Realize that muses are not static things. Everyone’s portrayal and development is different. It would be so boring if everyone played the same character the same way.
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zeros-last-reward · 4 years
OC-Friendly is not just tolerating OCs
You're not OC friendly if you hold OCs to far higher standards than canon muses.
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zeros-last-reward · 4 years
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Tumblr Askbox fix!
As many of you have noticed through the newest update, Tumblr won’t allow you to send asks via dash anymore. However, some theme makers and users, especially in the role play community, have run into an issue of their ask boxes shrinking on the /ask page of their blog.
There is a quick an easy fix for that!
Keep reading
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zeros-last-reward · 4 years
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“One of the most interesting things about Elizabeth Turner was her Kiss of Death. Throughout the trilogy, all of the men she locked lips with has died - including Sao Feng in At World’s End, and (if you want to be petty about it) her father, Weatherby Swann. Usually they would die moments after kissing her for the first time. This excludes Will Turner who has kissed her several times before and beat the odds every time. However, even he succumbed to her kiss and died as well minutes after the two were hastily married by Barbossa. This is most likely a just coincidence and not something that was intentional, but years later it’s still fun to point out to friends and watch a dawn of realization hit their face when they realize that Pirate Queen Elizabeth may have also been the Grim Reaper.”
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zeros-last-reward · 4 years
PSA: tumblr is blocking ‘promo’ from tags & search results
What this means for the indie rpc —
If you use the word promo in your tags (as many people do, simply as just ‘promo’, ‘self promo’, ‘dual promo’, ‘joint promo’, etc), your post will not show up in any search or tag tracking results.
One potential workaround that is currently functional (at least until tumblr changes it again), is to add punctuation to the word promo - a period at the end seems to be a popular solution (ie ‘promo.’, ‘self promo.’, etc.).
The big thing to remember is that even including the word promo in your tags without adding anything to disrupt tumblr’s filtering system, your post will not show up in any other tags either. 
So please, update your tags to help promote your own blogs and those of your friends, as otherwise blogs are going to have an even more difficult time finding one another the more tags that tumblr blocks.
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zeros-last-reward · 4 years
Sigurd and Brynhildr by their original designer Shirow Miwa (Twitter - @zi38)
Incredible art!
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zeros-last-reward · 4 years
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sometimes… you just gotta make the content you want to see…
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zeros-last-reward · 4 years
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ooc;; Hey guys, Somari here ( again )! I’m super sick of making long-winded posts out of this kind of thing so I’ll make it brief - RP blog for Big the Cat here! That’s right, for the Sonic fanbase’s least favorite character who I love. For a slow, friendly cat who just likes relaxing, making friends, and going fishing… while also having plenty of strength he can use when it’s needed. Reblog this post to get this blog’s existence around? Thanks in advance!
( Also this is a sideblog to @spccdrun​ so keep that in mind! If I follow back it’ll be from there! )
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zeros-last-reward · 4 years
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"Don't want to be an
untold story.
Rather go out
in a blaze of glory."
Multimuse, Semi-Selective, OC and Crossover Friendly, Focusing on Character Interaction.
Rules | About | Credits
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