zestywaffles · 2 months
much better than my aggressive explanation about this haha 🫠🍻
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Hey guys!
Scott here, wanting to show you what Extraverted Sensing is like in action. What made me think of this is that I was at the park today, walking the track. There were people playing tennis and I couldn’t keep my eyes off it. Like wherever the ball went, my eyes went. I was even hoping they’d ask me if I wanted to play with them.* And it made me realize, this is Extraverted Sensing at work. Not being “aware and coordinated xD” but attracted to what’s going on in the environment. I’m not a coordinated person. I suck at sports and can miss something right in front of me. But if something is going on nearby, I pay super close attention to it. The environment has that big of an impact on me.
And I should mention, same with the present moment in general. Whatever is going on, is my reality. When i’m happy, I enjoy it and never want it to end. When i’m sad, there’s no way out, no getting better, ever. That’s Extraverted Sensing. An adaptation to the moment and losing yourself in it.
Another thing, I’m so easily excited by something, mainly physical things. Yesterday my friend brought a lighter with him and i’ve never lit one. It was one of those Bic ones, like the pens but this is fire. Anyway, I was so scared of lighting it in the fear of getting burned. I’ve never done it before, after all. But then I finally did it. My exact words were, “YOOOOOOOO!” and I kept doing it until my friend took the lighter away.
This is the thing about Extraverted Sensing. Not everyone has to be an athlete or party animal. Extraverted Sensing likes experiences, yes. But not unfamiliar ones that they can’t use existing skills with, and certainly not ones that don’t interest them. I don’t party and I only social drink. They just don’t interest me. But I have no doubt anymore that i’m a dominant Extraverted Sensor. Hope this helps with some understanding of Extraverted Sensing! Hopefully it killed some stereotypes too.
Happy typing!
*they didn’t
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zestywaffles · 2 months
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zestywaffles · 2 months
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16 types as Gen Z email sign offs 🤌🏻👩🏻‍💻 Happy Friday!
Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and everything else:
@mbtitime and @typefy
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zestywaffles · 3 months
could you be... *gasp* an INTJ? 🫢
I forgot I have another thing on this!
a post I made like... 5 years ago? 😬 almost too scared to read it since I've learned quite a bit since then... take with a grain of salt, I was a different teenager 💐
Takes on how ESFP interacts with INTJ? 👀
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hmm 😏 I think I would like to do a bullet list
✨ MISCOMMUNICATION ✨ all over the friggen place
it's like
the words that are used, go in two directions every time we talk, and we find ourselves on two completely different topics by the end lol
can't hold a proper conversation without getting frustrated by our opposite povs. from what I've seen, INTJs, although realistic, can be the worst of pessimists and will never miss an opportunity to rain on a sunny outlook. drives me nuts. huff.
aside from that, there is a certain kind of understanding that we have. with my case, it could be that having a similar past in depression, anxiety and an eating disorder brought me and my INTJ together in a very unique way.
frankly, INTJs will see (most) ESFPs as way too much, and will avoid them if they can. (I'm a 9 so this doesn't technically apply to me :P)
very often, ESFPs will find the INTJ's social oblivion hard to manage, but if it's the right mood for a philosophical discussion, they might surprise you.
surprise, surprise, we can talk about other things besides shopping and drinking. crazy, I know.
I think ESFPs overall respect INTJs and who they are as people, seeing that they're brainy, nerdy, quirky, clever, awkward, even kind and sweet and so much more; its a rewarding experience, getting to know an INTJ
I hope that the INTJs out there have a healthy, mature ESFP to experience the world with. being Ni dominant seems like you can easily get lost in the sauce of horrible scenarios and inevitable panic and I believe an Se dom is the perfect person to widen the outlook and make the physical work seem less scary I guess.
I truly think the types can bring the best out of their opposites, if both parties are willing to try.
I actually wrote a whole thing about my INTJ cousin and how he looks from my viewpoint:
this was fun! let me know if it needs anything else. I'm delirious from sleep deprivation soooo...
should prolly reread this before I post it but whatever
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zestywaffles · 3 months
Takes on how ESFP interacts with INTJ? 👀
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hmm 😏 I think I would like to do a bullet list
✨ MISCOMMUNICATION ✨ all over the friggen place
it's like
the words that are used, go in two directions every time we talk, and we find ourselves on two completely different topics by the end lol
can't hold a proper conversation without getting frustrated by our opposite povs. from what I've seen, INTJs, although realistic, can be the worst of pessimists and will never miss an opportunity to rain on a sunny outlook. drives me nuts. huff.
aside from that, there is a certain kind of understanding that we have. with my case, it could be that having a similar past in depression, anxiety and an eating disorder brought me and my INTJ together in a very unique way.
frankly, INTJs will see (most) ESFPs as way too much, and will avoid them if they can. (I'm a 9 so this doesn't technically apply to me :P)
very often, ESFPs will find the INTJ's social oblivion hard to manage, but if it's the right mood for a philosophical discussion, they might surprise you.
surprise, surprise, we can talk about other things besides shopping and drinking. crazy, I know.
I think ESFPs overall respect INTJs and who they are as people, seeing that they're brainy, nerdy, quirky, clever, awkward, even kind and sweet and so much more; its a rewarding experience, getting to know an INTJ
I hope that the INTJs out there have a healthy, mature ESFP to experience the world with. being Ni dominant seems like you can easily get lost in the sauce of horrible scenarios and inevitable panic and I believe an Se dom is the perfect person to widen the outlook and make the physical work seem less scary I guess.
I truly think the types can bring the best out of their opposites, if both parties are willing to try.
I actually wrote a whole thing about my INTJ cousin and how he looks from my viewpoint:
this was fun! let me know if it needs anything else. I'm delirious from sleep deprivation soooo...
should prolly reread this before I post it but whatever
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zestywaffles · 4 months
How each type look during an argument
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This is GOLD
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zestywaffles · 4 months
some day I'll go to a lonely ocean, sit down, and cover my toes in sand. and I'm gonna let the waves crashing fill my mind and wash it clean.
your life is not meaningless, you just haven't seen the sea in a while
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zestywaffles · 5 months
Hi, can you describe a little the vibe each type gives? Or more specifically what clues whould we look after when visually typing someone. I think visual typing works better on instincts/instinctual stacks than on enneagram because ennea is more focused on deep desires and fears, while instincts are primal and noticeable. Thanky
so/sp looking either childish-naive or nervous insane
sp/so friendly and harmless
sp/sx grumpy and tired
sx/sp judging / challenging
so/sx manic, on cocaine
sx/so changing between bored and weird grimaces in seconds
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zestywaffles · 7 months
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zestywaffles · 7 months
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zestywaffles · 9 months
perspective of the 16 types by a 9w1 that is done with their sh*t
the last post of my perspective of the types was when I was a 17-year-old ESFP, wearing rose-colored glasses.
but I'm done playing nice.
this is for people with zero self-awareness and the maturity of a fifteen-year-old. I'm just being honest for once, so feel free to get offended (∩^o^)⊃━☆
ENTP - you drain me
ENFP - you drain me equally, and it boggles my mind how you can't read the room at all
ISFP - your inf. Te sucks and it makes me also not want to do stuff and just sit on the couch with you. fine, i'll watch three movies with you, but anyways, you suck.
ESFP - i don't wanna be around you unless you're 35+ years old
ESTP - stop complaining, we're all suffering here
INTP - you're overrated, and so is your nerdiness
ENTJ - i don't get why you want to be in charge so badly. let the idiots wreck themselves for once.
ISTJ - your rigid social laws ain't flying with me. I'll wear my red Converse whenever i like, thanks
INFJ - i don't care about your mystical vibe, it's probably just a side-effect of over-thinking and mental unhealth
ISFJ - you're too nice for your own good, and your social persona bothers me cuz it's not the real you.
ESFJ - you're even worse with this, and you talk too much. i get that you care but like... please be more genuine about how you feel
INTJ - do you enjoy that your mental illness and depression make me really sad? i think you do
ISTP - ... no comment
INFP - sorry that you're the only one with real feelings and deep thoughts, but anyways, thanks for all the music.
ESTJ - you're hustling, but are you living?
ENFJ - whatever story you're telling me, i stopped listening five minutes ago.
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zestywaffles · 10 months
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zestywaffles · 10 months
sp blinds be like
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zestywaffles · 10 months
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zestywaffles · 10 months
^^ true
and I hate that I laugh at all of the stupidity that is comedy movies but I c a n t h e l p i t
while Ne is clever, I don't gut laugh
Why isn't Se funny? I always thought SPs were supposed to be some of the funniest types
Se is just childish “someone slips on a banana or accidentally farts” slapstick humor. very in your face, no second layer
meanwhile Ne humor is contextual and therefore less boring
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zestywaffles · 10 months
Online mbti tests be like
1. You’re attending a fun soirée this weekend with friends. What do you decide to bring?
A.) I bring life to the party
B.) I bring death to the party
2. Choose the option that represents you at the moment:
A.) I don’t know where I am right now and I can’t explain these inexplicable bruises.
B.) I can feel my hair growing from my head, and I can sense earth spinning on its rotational axis.
3. Finish the sentence. Logic is...
A.) ... not my favorite rapper.
B.) ... the science of reasoning that allows one to develop rational coherentism. Most importantly, it’s what I live, and die by.
4. Which option best applies to you?
A.) I cry so much that I regularly sprain my tear ducts. “Hey Siri, define the word ‘think’ and add How To Use a Brain: For Dummies to my shopping cart.”
B.) I was born with brain where my heart should be, and I came out of the womb with a straight face.
5. What do you do?
A.) I Peep things. 🥸
B.) I require people to formally address me as “Your Honor”. I also hold daily tribunals to express my various condemnations and pass judgment. 👩‍⚖️
Your results: [insert random type]
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zestywaffles · 10 months
- feeling like an annoying idiot every time you speak 
- and then slowly fading into the background when you realize no one’s listening
- not knowing how to complain
- wishing you knew how to cry in front of someone
enneagram 9 things
- making your own decisions takes 10 years
- answering every question with “idk” “don’t ask me” “i’m not sure”
- …..and when you do answer a question you end it with “idk tho” “i could be wrong though”
- forgetting to bring up issues to people and shocking them when you finally express how u feel about them
- everyone tells you you’re super chill but on the inside you’re like :“”“’)))) !!!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!!
- in fact, you’re so chill ppl don’t think the things they say/do affect you that much (but they do)
- eating to avoid problems
- napping to avoid problems
- avoiding problems like the plague and pretending they don’t exist, then acting shocked when they blow up in your face
- anger? what’s that?
- ….and then when you do feel angry, it’s seething rage that you have no idea what to do with
- laziness. too lazy to get out of bed. don’t feel like cooking food. don’t want to clean my room. getting up and walking across the room to get my glass of water is too much effort
- getting annoyed when your friends argue / get into drama bc you just want everyone to get along
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