ziinesso · 8 months
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"Life is short, isn't it?" he murmured, his voice both gentle and provocative. He took a sip, his eyes never leaving yours.
You felt a rush of conflicting emotions wash over you. You had spent your life obeying the rules, conforming to the expectations of your elders. What would they think of you? You and your neglected duties in your room? You and your too-short dress at this party where rules didn't exist? You and this boy hidden upstairs?
This boy, this distraction.
"Yes, life is short," you finally replied, your voice quivering with contained tension. "But that doesn't justify everything."
C/N, a name shrouded in popularity far from honor. The kind of popular boy for all the wrong reasons, the one whose charm seemed to excuse all of his excesses. Seeing this incorrigible seducer guide you upstairs at his party didn't raise any eyebrows. It had become a ritual. Indeed, this host had a bad habit of cutting short the festivities to start new ones, upstairs, with a select few.
"Maybe sometimes, precisely, it justifies everything."
A sly smile crept across his face, with no attempt to hide it. He had understood your dilemma. And he didn't care.
"It's not appropriate. I don't think—" you began, but he interrupted your attempt by tossing his empty glass into a corner of the room.
"You overthink things, love." His fingers played with the strap of your dress before lowering it to caress your bare shoulder. "It will be fun, just relax and enjoy the moment. And besides..." He licked his lips, savoring the decision you were about to make, relishing his role as the instigator. "You can’t tell me you don't want it as much as I do."
- eren (aot) ; gojo (jjk) ; suna (hq) ; wakasa, ran (tr) ; ace (op)
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ziinesso · 8 months
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"The nicest thing I’ve been told?"
"Yes, what is it?"
"I don't remember."
"Come on C/N, there must be something."
"Well, there is something."
"Tell me then."
"You… You are a kind person."
"Yes. You are a kind person. That’s it."
"But... why?"
"Because no one had ever told me. That's why. No one had ever spoken such nice… such sweet words to me. And her eyes were so pure, so certain. I couldn't help but believe her. I couldn't doubt them. Her eyes, her words. They were filled with affection. And all of it was meant for me."
"Who was it?"
"Y/N, my wife."
- gaara, madara, nagato (nt) ; levi (aot) ; katakuri (op) ; sanzu (tr)
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ziinesso · 9 months
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Numerous are the expressions of his love: his habit of bringing you breakfast in bed every sunday; his whispers to compliment those jeans of you, his favorite jeans; the way he hold you close in a crowded place, tightly, an arm around your waist... The list is long. And yet, though it isn’t numbered, you always have to start with the same thing.
The first time it happened was during a small gathering, the day he introduced you to his friends. The evening was coming to an end, and you were all comfortably seated on the couch. You found yourself facing him, at the other end of the coffee table, at the perfect angle for him to keep an eye on you and your facial expressions. Indeed, meeting multiple people at once could be stressful. You were smiling. He was relieved. Your laughter was natural, you actively participated in the conversation. He watched you thrive in his world, and he was happy.
This didn't escape the notice of his friends.
"C/N? Is that it? We lost you? Can’t be focus when your girlfriend is around? Don’t worry, I mean, Y/N is not going to disappear. You can look away for a second."
Just like that, C/N became the guy who is obsessed with his girlfriend. C/N, the sentimental one, the one who stares at his girlfriend. C/N, the deeply in love one, the one who can't take his eyes off his girlfriend. C/N, the subject of teasing. Teasing that strangely warm your heart. After all, wasn't it the best proof of his love? Seeing him blush without realizing it? Stuttering that no, he wasn't staring at you, he, he, he was just looking at you, you are his girlfriend, he had every right? There was no better evidence. Seeing him helpless in the face of their teasing, helpless in the face of his undeniable love for you.
- iwaizumi, tsukishima (hq) ; chifuyu, rindou (tr) ; ace (op) ; nanami (jjk)
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ziinesso · 9 months
i kinda want to write a nanami x bimbo!reader…
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ziinesso · 9 months
i don't know if your request is open.. but if it is, can i request neji having a crush on reader? he could have a crush on them during they were kids but then the feeling grew during their teens?
if your request is close, you can ignore this!! thank you <33
went for a drabble, i hope that’s okay with you :)
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ziinesso · 9 months
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Under the pale moonlight, sitting on the old wooden bench in the garden, the two lovers meet for a nocturnal conversation, as they have done for so long.
"C/N… Do you remember the first time you told me you love me?"
You were still children at that time. It was a youthful love, they said. He had a crush on you. He didn't know what to do with that secret. Too young to understand the nuances of this budding love, too vulnerable to confront the reality of his feelings.
"Y/N, my love, please. Don't tease me."
"I'm not teasing you, I'm just reminiscing."
So, he chose to wait. He planned to wait for a long time. But one autumn day, for a reason that still escapes him today – just seeing you had triggered this reaction – he muttered those three words. I love you. The secret was revealed.
"It was embarrassing."
"You're wrong, it was adorable. When you realized what you had said, you turned so red, and by the time I said your name, you had already disappeared."
At that time, that first declaration didn't improve your relationship. Quite the opposite. Too young, too vulnerable, in the years that followed, he avoided you.
"I never apologized for those years."
"Which ones?"
"Those years of silence. When I avoided your eyes. For… I guess fear of discerning rejection."
"I never held it against you. You were young. Kids often say things they regret later. I just thought it was a mistake."
"That loving you was a mistake?"
"More like your confession was a mistake, that you didn't mean it. I thought you were ashamed."
"I meant it."
"When we were kids?"
"Yes. I loved you already. It just took me time to accept it."
When adolescence found you, it became difficult to blame youth as the culprit for this love. It had survived the test of time. They couldn’t call it a youthful love anymore. It had become simply love.
"That was the second time you told me you love me."
"I was nervous. Even more than the first time."
This time, he knew exactly why he was muttering those three words. I love you. He wanted to share it. With you, he wanted to experience it.
"I was nervous too."
"You didn't seem nervous to me. You seemed calm. You seemed… beautiful. Very beautiful, Y/N. I was finally looking at you after so many years, and you were so beautiful."
His words make you smile. They make you smile because those were the same thoughts swirling in your head that day. He was beautiful. Beautiful in a way that had warmed your cheeks. Oh, how difficult was it to reveal your secret in front of such a beautiful man.
"I was because it was the first time I told you that I love you."
- NEJI, itachi (nt) ; kazutora (tr) ; eren (aot) ; sakusa (hq)
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ziinesso · 9 months
i need to watch more movies
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ziinesso · 9 months
1.1k followers?! look at me collecting delusional people from the internet
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ziinesso · 9 months
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When he reappeared in your life, you had a hard time believing it. It had been too long, too many years had passed. You were no longer the same person. He was no longer the same man. Your interactions had lost their spontaneity. Your gazes had gained hesitation.
Yet, when the time for explanations came, sitting side by side, eyes fixed on the horizon, that hand reaching out to you, that finger brushing the palm of your hand, that slow and circular movement, that infinitely tender caress, said it all. Nothing had changed. His emotions had only matured. A story of timeless feelings, a connection that could not be lost.
- sasuke (nt) ; suna (hq) ; eren (aot) ; gojo (jjk) ; gintoki (gt)
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ziinesso · 9 months
I like your work
thank you
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ziinesso · 9 months
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Impatient. His lips betrayed an intense desire as they reached out for the gentle touch of yours.
"Kiss me."
Instead of responding to this request, you pulled back slightly. You created a distance, a deliberate pause. You needed to hear those three crucial words. Your heart needed him to chase away your doubts.
"Tell me you love me."
A mischievous smile played on his lips. A smile that hinted at the forthcoming response. A smile that prolonged your agony. His eyes sparkled with a mischievous gleam as he allowed himself a caress. His thumb brushing against your lips, he gazed at you.
"Do you want me to tell you how much I love you? How your mere sight fills me with joy? How much I cherish your greeting in the morning and bless your caresses at night?"
His hand slid to rest around your neck.
"Oh, sweetheart, if that's what you want, I can promise you my love as many times as it satisfies you," He offered. He brushed his lips against yours, demanding with a whisper, "But in return, I need you to kiss me. Kiss me, Y/N. Again and again. Kiss me until our souls become one."
- geto, nanami (jjk) ; madara (nt) ; wakasa (tr) ; corazon, mihawk (op) ; takasugi (gt)
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ziinesso · 9 months
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He wasn't the type to monopolize conversations. Usually discreet and reserved, he preferred to listen in silence. However, as soon as your name came up in the conversation, a transformation occurred.
Typically impassive, his face would lit up with a rare sweetness. His eyes would sparkle with emotions as he recounted shared laughter and tender moments. He would get lost in the nostalgia of those past moments, in his admiration for you.
It was as if he was discovering a side of himself he didn't know existed. It was as if the love he felt for you had revealed an aspect of his personality he kept secret.
- nanami, megumi (jjk) ; kazutora (tr) ; neji (nt) ; wiper, mihawk (op)
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ziinesso · 9 months
novak’s celebration was so uncalled for
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ziinesso · 9 months
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Falling asleep on sleeping pills, he locks himself in another world, hoping to find a hint of your presence—a blurry image he could admire, an image that would evaporate with the touch of his breath. It's the same nightmare every night, an attempt to get closer to the memories you had become.
- mikey (tr) ; geto (jjk) ; eren (aot) ; kakashi (nt)
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ziinesso · 9 months
i will start posting one shot (so longer posts) on my other account (@sorasso) if ur interested :)
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ziinesso · 9 months
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When your name was mentioned, his vacant gaze suddenly lit up with meaning.
"Y/N, was she someone important?"
"I suppose. I don't have enough people in my life to know the difference. In fact, she was the only person in my life. The only one by my side. Does that make her important?"
"It does, C/N."
"Well, then, Y/N was someone important. To me, she was."
- toji, gojo (jjk) ; hanma (tr) ; levi, eren (aot)
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ziinesso · 9 months
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The people who have a diary give too much importance to life. That's true. In his case, that was true. Well, it wasn't his own life he was giving importance to, but yours. He bought it shortly after your encounter. An encounter that wasn't really an encounter. Your gaze had met his. He wanted to remember it. So, he began writing.
He wrote other things after that. There was the time you smiled at him, or the time you thanked him with another smile. On days when his shyness got the best of him, he limited the content of the pages to observations. The way you would grab your friends' arms while laughing, or the way you played with your bracelet when getting ready to go up to the board, it was all detailed there.
With time, he ventured into writing letters. Love letters. Indeed, he had finally put a name to the feeling that consumed him. Love. This emotion he had only discovered through your existence. He placed words side by side, stared at them, then erased them. What to write? He didn't know. So, he wrote everything. He filled his diary with all his love.
And when he ran out of ink, it was through his words that he expressed himself. With a trembling voice, he confessed his greatest secret. With a timid gaze, he offered you his love.
- aone, iwaizumi (hq) ; megumi (jjk) ; obito, gaara (nt) ; denji (csm)
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