please remember you are writing fanfiction for fun. please remember you are writing fanfiction for fun. please remember you are writing fanfiction for fun. please remember you are writing fanfiction for fun. please remember you are writing fanfiction for fun. please remember you are writing fanfiction for fun. please remember you are writing fanfiction for fun. please remember you are writing fanfiction for fun
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I grew up with parents who regretted me
I knew it and they made it known. They loved me but they have never liked me, and if we were related I know what type of insults they would say about me
I see it with my nephew. It’s not exactly the same but it’s there and I worry for him
But what makes me wonder is that I’ve always been told “you’ll change your mind when you get older” “someone will change your mind” and it terrifies me because if someone makes me change I know I will make my child feel the same way that I felt
I know that they will say the same thing I have
“Why doesn’t my mom want me?”
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some of y'all in my following better be shaking in your boots when i actively voice my disdain for c.ai because let me find out you've been liking screenshots of "c.Ai shEnAnigAns🤪" and you're going to wonder why you're not seeing me on your feed anymore—
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Duty Over Heart drabble
Price wakes up at 5:30 even when he’s on leave. It’s been ingrained in him after years of service even when both of you tried to sleep in.
He tries to stay in bed for longer but his restless legs get to him and all he does is press a soft kiss to your head before he leaves for the bathroom.
At home his routine is a lot more involved. He trims his beard and (tries) to take a longer shower before he moisturizes his face (because you asked him to).
He drinks coffee in the morning despite you making the joke that since his British he should drink tea. He doesn’t make it sweet and he drinks it slow; by the time his done with his first cup there’s light peaking into the sky and you’re already up.
“Morning,” you mumble, your voice groggy as you shuffle over to him.
“Morning, hun.” He gave you a soft smile and presses a chaste kiss to your lips when you lean down.
You don’t say anything else as you crawl onto his lap and snuggle close to him, drinking in his warmth as he holds you close.
“Gonna fall asleep on me again, hm?” His voice is barely above a whisper as he rests his chin against your head.
“Five minutes.” You say and you mean it, but you never follow through.
You always doze off in his arms but he doesn’t care, not in the slightest. Not when you nuzzle against him and cling onto him, and not when he gets to watch the sunrise with you in his arms.
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Oh my god this is so beautiful. You drew the yearning so well UGH
thank you so much 😭😭❤️❤️❤️
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“Such a beautiful pain is it not? To love someone who you were never meant to love. A knight and a princess can never be.”
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Check out this inch worm that hitched a ride on me during a hike
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i need to follow more blogs!
my dash is dead, so please like or reblog this post and i'll check out your blog! thank you! ❤️
tagging some mutuals (if they want to signal boost this?) ! @bruceewayne @ronandreams @benoitblanc @hellboys @kizzyedgelll @swkywalker @morgana-pendragon @miwtual @leviiackrman @nynazenik @tommishelby @saintirulan @hollytanaka @bellameblake @kahhorri @oliviassunrise @frolencewelch
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Heyo! You can double your daily clicks for Palestine and other causes on arab.org by doing the click again in your browser's incognito mode.
the more you know💡
[Daily Clicks]
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not trying to stir the pot i’m just genuinely curious lol
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I Will Not Apologize
Happy Pride, ya'll.
$3 download (includes version where you can color in your own Pride flag. Limited restrictions, mostly don't be a fascist or major company: https://ko-fi.com/s/ac6c284e8c
Prints: https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/mxmorgan/
Shirts: https://mxmorgan.threadless.com/mens/t-shirt/regular
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Short drabble. I don't know what this is. just came into my mind. iteration of "Reactor" Mission in MW III Pairing: John Price x F!Reader
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“Morning sir.” 
Price stirred. Blinking a few times before the three men came into focus. 
“How are you feeling?” Gaz asked as he handed the headset over to his captain. 
Price tried to talk, but all he could achieve was wheezing and gasping for air through the oxygen mask.
“Take it easy Captain.” A new voice crackled through the headset as a hand started checking all his vitals. “Nausea?headache?”
“Always.” he managed to grumble out as you sigh.
“Sounds normal.” Gaz blurted out.
“Might have more symptoms if you survive her nagging later on. That is probably worse than having your face melted off by the gas.” Soap commented.
“Might have been an improvement if you ask me.” Simon grumbled. 
You rolled your eyes and continued to work on Price as the rest of the team, trying your best to stay professional as you listened in to the conversation and latest intel. 
“I’m sorry love.” Price whispered as he noticed the slight shake of your hand, pulling the oxygen mask off him. You took a deep breath in, slightly pouting.
“You could have died.” you cracked, after minutes of silence. “Could have lost you forever, if the boys didn’t get to you at the right time.” Or you haven’t administered the antidote….. 
God damn pure luck you have carried them onboard. 
“6-2 to Watcher, we need medevac now!” The world has stopped when you heard the Gaz’s panicking voice calling for medevac come through the comm. Has the day come? The day you're going to see one of your dearest dying in your hand? Or already dead?
“I am sorry.” 
“I know.” you paused. “I thought I was ready to face it when.. If.. the day comes.”
But you are not. 
The evident panic you have shown when the men dragged him onto the chopper, unconscious. 
You felt the world momentarily crumble around you, until you felt his faint pulse and breathing. And the rest was a blur. The muscle memory kicks in as the shouting and yelling starts. 
How unprofessional of you. 
“He’s already got his will and a love letter written for you in the office just in case.” Soap interjected through the headset, earning a glare from his Captain. 
“Good to know.” you smiled a little. Letting out another sigh as you are satisfied he is stable enough, you finally relaxed a little as you help him to sit up in a more comfortable position. 
“I promise I won't die without saying goodbye to you.” he grabbed your hand, tightly squeezing it. 
“It’s not always possible.”
“I know. I know.” you can see he wanted to lean in and kiss you. To reassure you. To comfort you.
But he can’t.  
Mission first. 
He stares at you with sadness in his eyes. 
Both of you know in this line of job… one second you will be smiling and talking.. And the next…
You can only hope for the best. 
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But John Price never expected he would be the one sending his wife off. 
“Love.” “Mmm..?” “Thank you.” “Love you too…”
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I know nothing about Dragon Age Veilgaurd but I just saw a clip of the trailer and Davrin is going to make me buy the fucking game oh my god he’s so hot
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From @/bhaaldie on tik tok
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theres been bombs dropped on displaced families camps in congo so i wanna share some places to donate where u can help the congolese ppl
focus congo
friends of the congo
panzi foundation
if u cant donate just share and get it to someone who can!!
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Woke up with a migraine LMAOO
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I’m going to lose my mind
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🙃 I don’t care if you’re “just a user” and not a botmaker. If you use character ai or similar shit, I’m gonna block you.
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