adrianne-mac-art · 8 months
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"Without your words, your touch... I fear I would have sought purpose and solace in that void. You reminded me what living can feel like." - Gale of Waterdeep
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adrianne-mac-art · 9 months
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"Oh shit! Look normal, act normal, breaaaathe..." I like to think that she caught a glimpse of her lover, hence the blush UuU
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adrianne-mac-art · 10 months
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I'm super excited for the release of Baldur's Gate 3. Only 2 days left and my mind is going crazy with all the wait x] I don't remember when I was so stoked for a new game last time... Maybe Witcher 3? Or maybe latest expansion for FFXIV. Anyways, I'd decided to keep myself a bit busy with art and drew my beloved druid UuU
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adrianne-mac-art · 2 years
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So, Tumblr is back in the game I see C: Oh btw, I bought Rebelle 5 when it was for 10€. I fell in love with its watercolors. You can expect more of those.
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adrianne-mac-art · 3 years
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It's not every day, I make an artwork that I really really like C: Playing around with style and colors was freeing. I already know that I love making stylized/comic like artworks. Makes me look forward to a day when I start working on my own comic story.
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adrianne-mac-art · 3 years
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Fist time in my whole life I've invested $20 into a pack o'brushes, instead of looking for freebies (not that I didn't have any favorite freebies before). BEST INVESTMENT EVER! I love the digital pencil brush for sketching or lineart. Also that's Cyth, my WoW guildie and friend UwU
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adrianne-mac-art · 3 years
Witaj z powrotem, miło Cię widzieć! Aye, trochę czasu minęło c: Mam nadzieję, że znowu będę się dobrze bawić na tumblerze tak jak kiedyś. Oslo przestalkowałam twojego bloga.... DAMN GURL! Zrobiłaś niesamowity progress w ciągu tych ostatnich lat, zazdrocham mocno.
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adrianne-mac-art · 3 years
Changes and comebacks
It’s been a while since I posted or wrote anything on my tumblr. At first I left it, because I didn’t like the new changes to the ToS, the platform becoming more “kids friendly”. I got some unjustified flags to my old posts but thankfully my appeals were accepted, and those pictures got back on the blog. The other reason I had such a long break, was that I had a rough time with my art. The university left me burnt out to all kinds of drawing or painting. I chose a completely different outlet for my creativity instead - crafting. I was spending a lot of time making costumes for myself and going to cons. My interest in gaming fandoms was weakening in time as well. I stopped being such an avid fan of Dragon Age or Assassin's Creed series. I had less time to play games too, feeling like by gaming I wasted time I could've been spending on creating stuff and working. However I've started to draw more again. I still chase that dream of mine to be better and work in a creative field. I use my time to do commissions or practice my art skills. I wish to get back to the old communities I left as well. I made many friends and had awesome interactions with my followers here on tumblr back then <3 I've made a little change to my blog though, the name. I've decided to unify my "username" across few other social platform, so people wishing to get a commission can find me more easily. From now on moriesartworks -> adrianne-mac-art.
It's still old me, just with different name c:
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adrianne-mac-art · 5 years
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 Oh Rory...
 I can't understand why she wants a man like me into her life. She's too perfect. And I don't wanna risk her losing that perfection for someone who doesn't even deserve her.
 Sweet little Rory...
 She was everything to me. Still is. Even if she had run off with that damn Marston boy, I couldn't bring myself to hate her for what she'd done. And when she came back, it's like Aurora never left at all. She's got that special thing about her, you know? She's got a way with moving across the place, like a breeze in the summer.
 She's changed in ways I couldn't even grasp. And I'm so goddamn confused as to how we even got here in the first place. I'm like a young boy all over again, seeing his first girl...
 But I can't. Not to Aurora. Not when she's got so much to live for...
 I don't want to smother that fire in her.
 I don't want her falling for a man who's days are counting down.
 I don't want my final glimpse of that girl to be tears streaming down her face as I leave this godforsaken earth.
 I love Aurora...but we just can't be together. We never could. 
Along with my internet bestie Bee Bee, we’re currently in love with RDR2, its’ characters, and stories it tells. So it was natural we would do a collab, her exquisite writing paired up with my drawing skills. Bee Bee has such a natural talent for nailing characters for fanfiction, that you may think these are just continuation to the canon story. I tried my hand at mimicking Arthur’s style of drawing, but I guess mine looks a bit less loose and scribbly? (btw who would have thought that such a simple and rough man can have such a melancholic and artistic side to him :u; )
If you like this one, please go to Bee Bee’s AO3 and give her all the love for the amazing work she does for the RDR2 fandom c: [link]
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adrianne-mac-art · 6 years
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i haven’t been doing any fanart since a year or so, at least not the stuff i wanted to post on tumblr later. i kinda miss that now. maybe i lost confidence in my skills again, or i considered fanarts to be blocking that skill developement. or maybe i just haven’t felt any deeper connection with the games i played during the last year. also i’ve come back to wow again (it’s the coming-and-going type of relationship, but i always come back when the new exciting stuff is to be released). as i delved deeper into the lore, i’ve deeply fallen in love with genn greymane. oh not to mention his revamped model tickles me in all the right places (mmmm wolf daddy is the best daddy ♥)
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adrianne-mac-art · 6 years
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thank you, tho i know i’ve abandoned my blog for like a year or more. during that time i almost haven’t made any fanarts, because cosplay engaged me for 100% of the time i got. but since i feel burnt out a little, i hope to draw more now, for fun and for practice as well.
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adrianne-mac-art · 6 years
“However, more often than not, people will liberally share artists’ work without attribution. (Just ask any self-employed artist online about this.)“By doing this, they are making it more difficult for people interested in our work to find us, and therefore, losing chances of getting a job,” López explained.“For someone who lives [off] occasional commissions, it’s vital that every work we share has a proper credit.“In late October, López received an email from a Spanish editorial company asking if they’d be interested testing for a position as an illustrator.”
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adrianne-mac-art · 6 years
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do you ever feel victimized by fanfic authors when you make them fanart and then they give YOU compliments and you try to give THEM compliments and its a vicious cycle??? ♥♥ ft. @nicolareed
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adrianne-mac-art · 7 years
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summer’s around the corner, so i thought of drawing some overwatch pool party skins. ofc the first choice of mine was dad76 ;3 i guess the rest will appear throughout the vacations (i already have lines for mercy down) also my blog needs some refreshing and more drawings ^^
[pool party mercy]
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adrianne-mac-art · 7 years
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when daddy’s oversized military t-shirt fits you best (・ω・ )
i had this cute idea in mind for quite a time, and i need more for casual, everyday situations like this one (: also my tumblr lacked soldier 76 for a bit ;p
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adrianne-mac-art · 7 years
I just wanted to let you know that your Thug!Levi artwork inspired me to write a short RivaMika fic. I credited your artwork in the notes. I hope you don't mind.
i’m totally fine if you credited it! ^^i’ll go and check it out, won’t hurt to read some more rivamika, even if i’m not in the fandom any more (:
I’m also glad i could give you a spark of inspiration for writing this. good luck!
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adrianne-mac-art · 7 years
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i had to :3
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