angel-n-soul · 4 years
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Happy 1 Year With ANS!
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angel-n-soul · 4 years
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200827 - Happy Dalyn Day🌙✨
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angel-n-soul · 4 years
“SAY MY NAME” is less than 150,000 views away from 4 million! Keep streaming for our girls💜
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angel-n-soul · 4 years
ANS Entertainment’s Official Statement
Hello, this is ANS Entertainment.
We apologize for causing a lot of concern for those who love ANS with what happened recently in relation to the eight members of ANS, and regret that our announcement has been delayed.
Up until now, we have gave all our support and investment into growing ANS, born from the name of ANS Entertainment, into a girl group representing kpop.
After finishing promotions of our second beloved single “Say My Name” earlier this year, we have been steadily preparing to make a comeback with a mini-album, despite the difficulties caused by Corona 19. As we prepared, we postponed the mini-album comeback in respect for the members’ opinions that it is difficult to go to dance practice due to frequent injuries, and gave them a vacation period to recover. We are embarrassed and shocked when we received a formal letter regarding the exclusive contract while the members were on vacation.
We have not violated the contract of the members in any way, and we are closely following standard contracts in pop culture artists. Furthermore, we will do our best to invest and support in the future.
In addition, we would like to say that there was no settlement issue, an element of current frequent disputes in the industry. With standard contracts for pop culture artists, distribution of profits is stipulated to deduct from resulting expenses and distribute the remaining between the company and each member.
In response, we require the ANS members to fulfill their exclusive contract obligations, and we inform you that the exclusive contracts between us and each member of ANS is still in effect and that unnecessary contact with the members in regards to presenting an exclusive contract will impose strong civil and criminal responsibilities.
After the dispute with the exclusive contract came out, misunderstandings and distrust have been expressed during one sided claims of contract violations by the members and their legal representatives, forcing sacrifices and loss on the agency. We will do our best to resolve the issues with ANS’ Haena and the seven members, and that the seven members requested contract termination and we will announce the official position on it later.
We hope that malicious speculation and false articles will no longer be spread through sns and media so that no more misunderstandings and controversy arise, and we immediately ask you to stop slandering and spreading false information to defame our singers. Please note that if these actions continue, we will have no choice but to take legal action.
We sincerely apologize for causing concern to all those who love ANS.
We ask for your love and interest in ANS and hope that we will be able to give each other strength in the future.
Thank you
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angel-n-soul · 4 years
General timeline of events from what we know as of now
(tw: suicide mention)
ANS Entertainment retires/fires most of the company staff
Haena is tested for covid, comes back negative, and is quarantined for a short period
Haena begins skipping school
The members meet up with Haena at a cafe to discuss and offer her help
Haena says she wants to discuss future activities due to mental health, and the members respect her decision and ask for her to update them after she speaks with the company
June 12th, Haena contacts the members again saying she will reach out when she is feeling better mentally (this is seemingly where Haena's situation should have ended as she got help privately, but it was brought up again later)
June 14th, the company building closes and ANS is relocated to a different dorm
The members are left without staff and are managing themselves on their own
June 20th, ANS hold a fanmeeting with the support of former staff members
By now, the ANS members have not been getting dance or vocal lessons and only being given ~$8 daily for food except for weekends
The seven members get legal council and send a formal ultimatum to the company, demanding better treatment, management, given an office and practice room, and training within 14 days
The company instead shifts the blame onto the members and threatened them if they decide to terminate their contracts
Haena is hospitalized to due a suicide attempt, the company guilts the other members and blames them
All the members aside from Haena terminate their contracts on August 11th
Anonymous DC Inside post (now deleted) is made attacking Haena soon after, the members are suspicious if this was brought up again on purpose to be used against the members and/or as a distraction from the company's mistreatment of the group
Haena comes forward about her hardships
ANS members make official statement
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angel-n-soul · 4 years
Fans have gathered to start a project to help ANS redebut. Though in order to show that there is enough public interest, please sign and share this petition to bring more attention to ANS.
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angel-n-soul · 4 years
Please use these hashtags to show your support for ANS
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angel-n-soul · 4 years
The ANS Members' Official Statement
Hello, this is ANS's Lina, J, Royeon, Dalyn, Raon, Bian, and Dami. All of the members aside from Haena. First of all, we apologize for the recent media reports that have raises concerns to the fans who love us. Fans may misunderstand or worry, so we're here to explain the situation we are in right now.
Firstly, all of the members except Haena have notified our legal representatives of the termination of our exclusive contract with our company on August 11th. We believe that the company and agency problems are related to Haena's and it is our duty to explain our truths to our fans, we're ashamed to tell you how it happened.
Our agency, ANS Entertainment, has retired almost all of its staff twice in the months of March and April, leaving us without staff or managers.
On June 14th, the office space was closed and our dorm was moved from Sinsa-dong to Gimpo, and we haven't even had practice since then. Since there are no staff or employees to work with scheduling or managing the online fanclub, we have to do our own staffing. Members have to travel by taxi since there is no staff to provide us with transportation.
As fans know, we had a fanmeeting on June 20th, so we made many big and small mistakes. The fanmeeting would have been a huge mess if it weren't for the retired employee who willingly came with us that day.
To add to that, we haven't been able to have dance or vocal lessons. All we had was 10,000 won per day per member for meals, but it wasn't paid on weekends either.
In fact, we didn't have support managers with us, and we asked our company if we could take dance lessons, but they didn't allow us since we didn't have any money.
It was too much to understand the company's difficulties during the recent Coronavirus, and we couldn't waste our time thinking about the fans waiting for us.
So we sent a letter to the company of July 22nd through our legal representatives, to increase the amount of managers, set up an office, a practice room, and for us to be able to take dance lessons, and take responsible measures within 14 days. Instead of taking responsibility, the company called one of the member's mothers saying the company was not at fault.
They used abusive language such as "We're making a list of members to remove so we can take only the best of ANS. The others are made of trash that can't do anything. They can't do anything because they're sitting home depressed." We couldn't handle it anymore so we terminated our contract on August 11th.
That's where Haena's problems came from. Coincidentally, right after we sent the letter to the company, that's when they started talking about Haena's problems and asked us to visit her at the hospital and the same article that was posted on Haena's instagram was reported in the media right after we sent a termination notice to our company.
In fact, we didn't even have a bad relationship with Haena.
Haena joined in December of 2019, and as the youngest, a sophomore in high school at the time, she had to go to school. And since the company had a lot of difficulties this year, we had less opportunities to work couldn't spend as much time together.
Haena couldn't go to school since she got tested for Coronavirus and her job is probably all we talked about with her.
Haena was tested on May 29th since we heard a confirmed carrier used the same PC room she went to, and fortunately, Haena tested negative and ordered another 3 days of self isolation by the health center.
By the way, we had no employees, so we had to process the school documents. We called Haena's homeroom teacher on June 8th and found that Haena was not present without notice even after the 3 days of isolation.
Haena's homeroom teacher knew that Haena was often absent due to work, and even the day she took a photo of her school diploma, she couldn't attend due to a company schedule even though there was no schedule that day.
So we called her to a cafe that day to talk about what happened with the teacher, and she didn't give us any exact answer and just said it was personal.
In response, we asked the members to never lie and talk to each other if there are any reasons, but we never cursed or scolded each other. In fact, this is the kind of management the company should do, but because the company didn't do anything, we had to manage Haena's school life.
The next day, Haena contacted one of the members and she wanted to discuss future activities with her parents due to mental problems. We respected Haena's opinion and asked her to let us know after talking to the company, but Haena did not respond to us.
On June 12th, she sent a message to two members saying "I'm sorry, I'm too tired mentally. I'll call you when I get better." That was Haena's last call.
Haena didn't attend the fanmeeting on June 20th, and we had a hard time changing the choreography.
After we sent our letter to the company, they told us to go to the hospital, saying that as if she went to the hospital because of us. We were scared that we couldn't contact Haena directly, but fortunately Haena returned home that same day without any problems.
Haena must've had a hard time mentally as ANS's future became uncertain due to the agency's problems, and she must've had financial difficulties since she didn't receive any financial support. We didn't have any bad feelings toward Haena then or now, and if she accepts our call, we would like to meet up with her to resolve any misunderstandings if there was any harm.
However, due to the problem we are unfortunately facing regarding our contract termination and the fact the company said such bad things about us earlier, we wonder if the company is using the problem to harm our contracts.
We've received so much love from you fans. We're so sorry that we caused you so much concern. We had no choice but to terminate our contracts with our agency, and no one knows what will happen in the future, and we feel like we're being left up in the air.
We may continue our entertainment activities, and we may work as a team. Please understand our situation that we had to terminate our contracts. If we're ever given another chance, we promise to see you again in better shape. Thank you for all this time.
-August 20th, 2020, ANS's Lina, J, Royeon, Dalyn, Raon, Bian, Dami
*This was initially posted on their official fancafe, but everything was deleted soon after.
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angel-n-soul · 4 years
In Reference to Koreaboo's Article
Koreaboo isn't a trustworthy site to begin with, but please let it be known that Haena's posts were about a company official, not the other members. Haena's instagram posts were in response to an accusatory post on dc inside, seeming to be that staff member.
There were rumours floating from netizens that it was a member who wrote that, but that is all they are. Rumors. The way Haena talks about that person in those posts heavily implies it was staff. There have been other alleged staff online saying there are issues within the company and the members have been arguing with the CEO. This is all alleged, but Koreaboo definitely has twisted the available info. All we do know is that Haena may not be doing well, so instead of accusing the members of bullying, please send Haena your support.
Also, I do see that a majority of the backlash seems to stem from the idea that the company and members are remaining silent while Haena is struggling. Please understand that they can't throw out statements without addressing the situation internally first. They have addressed a concern on their fancafe affirming that something will be done, but again, please understand that due to legal and business reasons, they cannot give us a full explanation yet.
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"What happened to Haena? Why are there no answers? Is it that hard to give feedback?"
"We apologize. We would like to issue a statement as soon as possible, but please understand that the agency cannot make a decision about this issue without consulting the artists. We will post after consulting with Haena."
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angel-n-soul · 4 years
There is a lot of talk amongst knetz that the members of ANS are having disagreements with their company who may be threatening to terminate their contracts. Nothing is confirmed, but due to Haena’s current situation and the constant comeback delays for the past seven months, it’s obvious that something is wrong inside the company and they may disband.
Even though there is not much we can do, please give them all the support you can.
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angel-n-soul · 4 years
[Trigger Warning]
Please go leave supportive comments on ANS Haena’s instagram account! She has been on hiatus for the past few months with no official explanation from the company, and recently she has been posting very concerning messages on instagram regarding mistreatment, mental health, and suicide ideation.
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angel-n-soul · 4 years
This is the post on dc inside that Haena's instagram posts were in response to
Hello, this is everyone's fact-check fairy
The school needs an official letter, so I'll send one
Going to school to work, to work to school, not going to practice and go off in your personal time.
Every time an employee goes to your school, they're told your attendance rate is poor and you're unable to graduate
We asked for you to send proof shots of your attendance, but it turns out they were lies
You were caught several times and scolded by the company, and now there are no employees left
All the members got together to scold you, "Let's not do that. Stop lying."
Meanwhile, you've been caught lying and behaving arbitrarily over and over again
(you went to a PC room to write an official letter, and were quarantined for two weeks since someone who was confirmed also used the PC room. for two weeks you went out in secret while the other members were quarantined together)
Your position is unstable and you're playing the victim of your superiors saying the other members are bullying you.
After that, you were so upset about being scolded that you didn't even contact the members to apologize! Yet you're writing on your personal SNS
Why can't you all see that the members can't do this or that on their own now?
Are you working part time at an underground shopping mall? And the other members aren't allowed to do or say anything about it?
All the members aside from Haena are on vacation, and they can't even use personal SNS
The members used to have the authority to make their own posts on instagram and twittee, but the company took those rights away
First of all, do you think it's normal to be on SNS alone and act like that?
And while changing your tastes, you whine on instagram about how hard things are and working at a clothing store, collecting pocket money and playing around.
You're probably in a state of psychological anxiety right now, aren't you? It's usually psychological anxiety that works best in these situations
It's perfect for a compassionate scam, right? Don't be swayed by that kind of emotional manipulation, check facts and be neutral or swear
I have nothing to do with this person anymore, and I'm writing this because I can't stand your behavior
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angel-n-soul · 4 years
Haena’s recent Instagram Updates
TW; suicide mention
[Post 1]
[Post 2]
I can’t take it anymore. Even though my life has been ruined and hard enough to die, I didn’t want to hurt you and I’m sorry to those who support and love me. So I was struggling and keeping it to myself.
Is an apology that difficult. No, I didn’t even want an apology, but don’t you think this is a bit too much? I’m a real person, I’m dead now. Now that I’m awake, there’s nothing to be afraid of. I didn’t want to give you any trouble, but I really can’t stand it. will I be able to understand my heart that I let go of quietly let go of without saying anything? What did I like so much that I had to take it on my own? Knowing how I felt, I didn’t want to ruin anything and cause problems. If I die quietly, no one will know why, but at least if they're human, they’ll feel sorry. But I really didn’t want to wake up, and when I wake up, it’s even scarier. You never did that without proof? No matter what I’m told, even if it’s unfair, I still stayed. It’s not because I’m foolish. This is my last consideration, so think carefully. If you give a genuine apology, even if I can’t forgive you, I’ll take it with me.
I can tell you everything I’ve been holding back. I can’t even be angry since I’m so dumbfounded. An official letter? I secretly went to the hospital because of depression and panic disorders because I thought if I told you, you’d pretend to be having a hard time, and the company knew that my parents weren’t involved in school and only wanted me to graduate, and they left that up to the company as a part of the contract’s terms, and the staff member did that? My hands are shaking so much. I went back to school and didn’t have a problem with attendance, I said that it would be a problem if I didn’t go to school because of practice in the future. I promoted well, what are you saying? I called my homeroom teacher every day to say sorry because I didn’t want to say anything. Don’t you remember that day at the cafe, all that swearing and hurtful things you said to me that I’ll never forget? Also, what kind of person are you where you’re telling the company that you can’t breathe because of a panic disorder, that you collapse every day, and talk to the CEO and decide to take a rest, and you’re an official? At the time, there was record of and official letter that was sent and I had already spoken to the CEO. I can’t believe this. Because I’m a minor, I’m alone in the dorm. When I went home for family events, you always call me and doubt me. Why are you suspicious when I play around? At first, I thought it was just because you were concerned about me, but you went too far. When I couldn’t answer the phone because I was sleeping, you were suspicious of me. Don’t you remember the things you did to me that were out of the companies control when I couldn’t do anything because of my panic disorder? Did I do anything wrong and avoid it? You said you couldn’t go on a trip because of me. All the test result came out and the CEO told me to stay since it was dangerous, and the company did that from the beginning? Think about the things you’ve done. I didn’t mean to violate your private life, but I have. Now it’s up to you.
[Post 3]
Am I having fun and earning pocket money? Because you know my situation and say things like that, I couldn’t stand it either. I thought I should say this much, but I was living without contact with my parents. I can’t do this. I felt sorry, so I lived with my friend for months and they helped me with treatments and living expenses, but I also had to help care for my younger sibling. Because I felt so bad for my friend, I went up to the rooftop to die. I really was about to fall, but I felt so sorry for my friend, who didn’t want anything in return but got a few jobs to help me and secretly take care of my sibling, that I cried and said I was sorry, so I tried to live my life. And then a part-time job? Even while talking with the company, the issue was prolonged and there was no solution so I had to get treatment for a long time. All I did was help a little bit by saying that they could use a photo of me that they wanted at their store and I could live with them. I went to the hospital and we discussed that I was better off being away from the company and not going to school because of the panic disorder. My family and company know about my situation and how hard it must’ve been, and that’s why it’s really creepy when seven people are together and wrote like that. Then, why did I try so hard to die? I tried to jump, pulled out a knife, and I didn’t want to take sleeping pills, yet I took more than 50 and was taken to the emergency room. Was I pretending to be pitiful? Why would I pretend to be pitiful while talking about my family. And what did you say at the cafe that day? You told me to turn off my phone as soon as I arrived. If it weren’t for that, I wouldn’t have done all those things. I cried on my way home. This is my first time to talk about it. Proof? It’s not too thorough, but I’ll tell you one by one. Don’t worry, and isn’t that what you scolded me for? The company told me not do do it. At least I was like this while we were in the background talking about ending it. Is it okay for me to talk about my personal life? I don’t know all the things you talked about, but you’re the ones who usually don’t care. And what did I do wrong? I know I’m alone and can’t do anything, and I’m afraid of the things I’m hearing. I don’t care anymore. No matter what anyone says, everyone involved will know. I’m sympathetic? I don’t want that. I don’t care how I’m treated and I hope you live with an apologetic attitude from now on. I’m exhausted.
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angel-n-soul · 4 years
[Trigger Warning]
Please go leave supportive comments on ANS Haena's instagram account! She has been on hiatus for the past few months with no official explanation from the company, and recently she has been posting very concerning messages on instagram regarding mistreatment, mental health, and suicide ideation.
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angel-n-soul · 4 years
Cosmetics Battle Trailer | Full Episode Friday at 10PM
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angel-n-soul · 4 years
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200725 Star Restaurant | luck out of luck
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angel-n-soul · 4 years
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200725 Star Restaurant | luck out of luck
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