batfamhyperfixation · 7 hours
has anyone explored the comedy goldmine of both Bruce and Hal suddenly realizing the other one is Jewish one day?
Bruce, declining a donut from Clark on Yom Kippur: no thank you
Hal across the table, also fasting for Yom Kippur:
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batfamhyperfixation · 7 hours
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Early morning Tim! (redraw of this)
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batfamhyperfixation · 7 hours
I know in the depths of my soul that Bernard uses the weirdest/most outdated lingo but like only when talking to Tim to be obnoxious
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batfamhyperfixation · 7 hours
Bruce: What are mlm and wlw?
Duke: Multi-level marketing and wulti-level warketing.
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batfamhyperfixation · 7 hours
Bernard: Dude you’re killing me here
Tim: You just had your tongue down my throat, don’t call me dude
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batfamhyperfixation · 7 hours
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They’re meeting Bruce and Damian at the boardwalk
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batfamhyperfixation · 7 hours
Damian is two apples tall. Change my mind 🍎.
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batfamhyperfixation · 7 hours
Tim: I think might have a stalking(1) problem
Bernard: Omg don’t worry babe I stalk(2) people all the time, there’s nothing wrong with it
(1) - an intensive background check going all the way back to your ancestors
(2) - going to the depths of there social media platforms and at worst getting their address and ##
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batfamhyperfixation · 16 hours
I think Alfred was probably a little relieved when Bruce came home from his travels/training with all of the whiny rich boy (literally) beaten out of him.
But also. I think a part of Alfred misses that whiny rich boy who can’t bother to look under the sofa for a missing pen.
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batfamhyperfixation · 19 hours
For their anniversary, Tim makes dinner for Bernard, and after dinner, as a joke, Tim gives Bernard a Tshirt that says 'I survived my boyfriends cooking' so he can wear it to culinary school
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batfamhyperfixation · 22 hours
Give me Tim not coming out to his family as bi/queer, he simply just custom orders towels for his bathroom that say ‘Tim and Him’ and pulls them out when his family come to visit
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jason's autopsy scars cause some confusion at the red hood annual pool party
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Sitting in the McDonalds parking lot eating McFlurries in the Batmobile at 1:34am
Dick, half-joking: yeah I don’t really fuck with that gender shit actually
Damian, dead serious: THATS AN OPTION??
Tim, a queer skater kid from the 90s (aka part of an alt subculture that would be chill with people who aren’t conventional with gender) sitting in the backseat probably listening to Nirvana outta one earbud: of course it is, gender is only a concept if you want it to be, it’s not real unless it has value to you
Dick, who grew up in a circus where gender was fucked with constantly: yeah like gender is flexible and personal, not ridged or anything like that, it’s what you make it, there is no right way to it
Damian: *takes a spoonful of icecream* I have some thinking to do
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I mean Bernard was literally in the cult of Dionysus, can’t blame people for thinking about Greek stories and Greek mythology when these two come up when ties to Greek mythology is like a fundamental part of Bernard’s character lol, allegations wouldn’t be so strong if there wasn’t a reason for them
Tim: Stop. Stealing. My. Clothes.
Bernard: but they are just so comfy
Bernard, seeing the Robin outfit laying about: ooo 👀
Tim: Don’t you dare
Bernard: why not? Pleaaaaaase Tim
Tim: You ever read the Iliad? No, you can’t wear it.
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I got you op:
-Tim is sitting on the couch while Bernard is making dinner. Tim looks over to find Bernard purposely burning his hand and it takes Tim coming over there and pulling it out to get him to stop. They are sitting on the kitchen floor, Tim bandaging Bernard’s hand, when Bernard, about to cry, says, ‘Is it normal to want to feel pain this badly?’ Tim thinks about being Robin, chasing after bad guys to fight and how many nights he’s come home bloody and bruised, Bernard bandaging him up. He can’t make eye contact, ‘I don’t know.’
- One time Tim and Bernard are both upset and Tim raises his voice. Bernard goes quiet, his eyes glaze over, he doesn’t argue back. Tim, someone who faces conflict more often than the average person and thinks everyone is combative, who thinks based on Bernard’s snippy comments and sass, that he would fight back with the same force, thinks Bernard is being cold and dismissive to purposely make him more upset. When Tim calms down not much after because arguing with a brick wall isn’t as satisfying and feels pointless, he feels like he was just hit by a train when Bernard says in a soft, hurt voice ‘You sounded just like my dad’ and Tim realizes Bernard wasn’t being cold to piss him off, but was acting how he did when they were teens and adults would yell at him, Tim having to come to terms with the fact that Bernard felt the same way that had drove him into the cult because of TIM. Both walk around each other for the next couple days, the hurt still fresh as they try to figure out how to move forward.
- Tim comes home one day to find Bernard on the floor, everything taken apart and scattered all over, the place an utter mess. Tim asks what is going on, and Bernard, wide eyed, taking shallow quick breaths, says “I had to get rid of the order. Don’t you see, you can only deviate when there is an expectation, you can only cause a stir when there’s a status quo, you can only cause pandaemonium when there is perfection, you can only have chaos when there is order first. If there’s no order, there is nothing for him to ruin. He wants order, no one ever knows it but he likes order, order breeds chaos, but you can’t cause chaos if chaos already exists. I’m in control now, he can’t get me.” Bernard doesn’t talk about it a lot but the chaos monster still haunts him, he’s still paranoid he will show up at any time, and sometimes, Bernard can’t help but become a chaos monster himself because ‘it’s the only way to make sure the real chaos monster stays away’. Tim doesn’t mention to Bernard that wrecking things is still doing his bidding, still being a useful puppet of his, an agent of chaos. Tim knows that would just make Bernard spiral worse, make him more paranoid that he is coming. Usually it’s when Bernard is alone that it is the worst. All Tim can do sometimes is stay around until he feels safe, wait for Bernard to calm down, help him pick up the pieces after. He will never be ‘better’, they both know that, but maybe one day the bad days won’t be so numerous, maybe one day he won’t look over his shoulder so much, maybe one day he won’t have to start these phrases with ‘maybe one day-’.
Give me timbern angst that's not just dying ot getting kidnapped OR GOING TO THERAPY!!!! TIMBERN IS A GOOD COUPLE! THAT DOESNT MEAN THEYRE PERFECT!!! Give me timbern angst that's not the same situation 800 times, Tim not understanding boundaries because of the way he was raised blah blah blah ITS OLD!!! GIVE ME BERNARD CENTRIC TIMBERN ANGST!!!
#ask for Bernard angst and you’re gonna get Bernard angst cause this kid has gone through so many bad things#he’s gonna be a little fucked up; both are gonna be; so like if you are gonna write timbern Angst there is so much potential#beyond death; kidnapping; and Tim being a bit of a stalker who would sometimes overstep too much#let’s put ops mind at ease and expand on Bernard as a character given what we have cause he is characterized through 1) his strength in the#face of hardship cause he is a boy who comes from a bad home who joined a cult where he was nearly sacrificed and he regularly got beaten#he learned to fight because he felt unsafe and he is currently trying to make a better life for himself and those he cares about#2) his drive; especially when he cares about something he will be willing to give so much for it and he works hard to protect those he love#and 3) Tim and Bernard balance one another out; they motivate each other and make each other feel safe but they are both at their cores#people who are paranoid and flawed trying to survive in the unsafe world they live in and that sometimes means they fall apart; but the#point is that the other is there to help them and that is one of the biggest appeals of them is that they live in a world that harms them#every chance it gets but they have each other to get through it; Bernard saves Robin and Robin saves Bernard physically speaking#but Bernard saves Tim and vice-versa metaphorically; they make one another feel better for even just a moment in their fucked up lives#I’ve seen people criticize the line where bernard says he likes tim because tim makes him feel safe because ‘Bernard only likes tim cause#he’s a hero he can use to be safe’ but like?? bernard clearly sees tim as someone who needs to be protected just as much and bernard will#stand up to protect him just as quick; it’s not that bernard likes tim only because he wants protection; it’s that they found people who#they will fight for and people who will fight for them in a place that tries to destroy them; the appeal of timbern is the mutual-ness#how both are willing to be the others comfort in the angst and people should explore that more cause like there is a lot more to them than#the things op listed above as what is going on with these two like honestly they have such an interesting dynamic to explore and just cause#I did mostly Bernard angst does not mean that there cannot and shouldnot be tim angst; I only did Bernard angst cause op asked specifically#but it should definitely go both ways cause both are the protector and the protected; they are equals and they both better one another#tim drake#bernard dowd#timbern#timber
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Receiving psychic damage every time I remember that Gotham is in New Jersey
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practicing how i wanna draw batman and his entourage of robins
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