bella-goths-wife · 1 day
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bella-goths-wife · 2 days
Writing With Color: Helps with writing about culture, ethnicity, and religion. Overall, it gives advice on how to write about diversity.
Name Generator: As the name says, it helps you build names for your characters. Very useful if you cannot think of names for your characters!
KathySteinemann: The 'archive.pdf' section helps you with synonyms in case you struggle to find the right word for your sentences (also to avoid using redundant words).
Spwickstrom: Similar to the previous one, this one provides grammar tips. Extremely helpful when finding phrases, verbs, conjunctions, adjectives, and so on.
Servicescape: The perfect website if you're experiencing writer's block. It provides writing prompts. It helps you spark creativity when it comes to writing.
reblog to help other writers !!
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bella-goths-wife · 2 days
I'm very tired of this "queer college students should stop supporting Palestine, they'd kill you there!" I watched a hijabi ask a trans man, "but what name do you want to go by?" A butch giving a woman their hoodie so that she could keep her hair covered after the cops took her scarf. Muslim girls making sure the lesbian couple got through the system together. Religious men making sure purple haired protestors got out safe. I don't want to hear it. Solidarity forever, free Palestine.
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bella-goths-wife · 2 days
fandom etiquette reminders
gentle reminder that people do not have to like/ship the popular ships in a fandom. widely popularized ships do not equal canon ships and even if they were, people are allowed to have different pairings they prefer. if one fandom creator popularized things, it does not mean that every single other creator has to also do that thing.
please be respectful and considerate of the people making free content for your enjoyment as well - you never know whats going on on the other end of the screen to cause an author to not upload a new chapter or why the artist hasn't posted new art in three weeks. their boundaries are just as important as anyone else's and deserve to be respected as a basic human right.
if you're a minor, do not participate in 18+ spaces! this is for your safety as well as the safety of everyone else. if anyone over the age of 18 insists its okay for you to participate in nsfw topics with them, run. be careful with what you're posting online, too. you never know who has ill intent when interacting with you.
be also incredibly mindful that not everyone wants to participate in fandom discourse. proship/antiship discourse, ship wars, "what are your thoughts on [insert problem here]", - these are good and fun in their own respects, but can be incredibly distressing if brought up out of nowhere.
fandom is supposed to be for fun, and it isn't fun if its stressful and dangerous.
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bella-goths-wife · 2 days
Lost boys daughter au as TikTok memes just cos
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R.I.P faith jones you would have loved chapell roan- specifically good luck babe and being able to come out as a lesbian
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R.I.P lost boys daughter you would have loved the band Hole and Fiona apple and the
r/survivingnarcissisticparent sub Reddit and polyamory
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R.I.P James hart you would have loved sleep token- specifically the song the summoning or jaws
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R.I.P Michael you would have loved being able to explore your bisexuality in a healthy way and the movie challengers
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R.I.P Paul you would have loved pit bull and hairtok
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R.I.P marko you would have loved watching emotional incest mothers on TikTok and swearing your nothing like them and also bikertok
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R.I.P Dwayne you would have loved the song ‘no more birthdays’ and also the cute father daughter trends on TikTok that you’d force your kid to do with you
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R.I.P David you would have loved the term gaslighting and using find my iPhone to track down and stalk your kid
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R.i.P Dimitri you would have loved hozier and Lana del Rey
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R.I.P star you would have loved Mitski and labour by Paris paloma
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bella-goths-wife · 2 days
I love your vees pet au so much!!!
Would pet be allowed around their other assistants (papermint, kitty etc..) if so what do you think their thoughts/relationships with pet are?
Pet loves the other assistants! :)
And if I’m being honest the other assistants love pet too, she gives them an opportunity to not be abused 24/7 by their bosses
The Vs allow her to be around the assistants because they don’t really acknowledge them as people or threats to her
Basically because of the scheduling pet is on making it so she has a a few days with each V, they swap out the assistants.
So for example, if pet was working with Valentino for the day then velvette would have kitty as her assistant for the day.
It actually gives the assistants a break from the usual abuse from their usual bosses, so kitty would have an easier day with velvette then she would Valentino because she would be less harsh then velvette usually is because she acknowledges that kitty is Valentino’s property and if she breaks her then Valentino will be pissed and hog pet until he gets a replacement
Whenever Valentino puts out a cigar out on kitty or just breaks parts of her in general, pet will clean her up and try to fix her to the best of her ability all while using her ability to play circus type music to try and calm kitty down and soothe her through the pain
And whenever peppermint messes up, pet will go in before peppermint and soften Vox up by acting daughterly so that vox won’t be in a punishing mood.
And the assistants will always help pet catch up on work she missed while being punished and they will always try and help pet get away with more stuff.
So to sum it up, it’s like how in modern family Gloria, Phil and cam all have an alliance and that’s how I imagine the assistants friendship.
Pet sees the assistants as her friends and vice versa! :)
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^the assistants and pet would totally recreate this as a joke to make fun of the Vs
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bella-goths-wife · 2 days
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bella-goths-wife · 3 days
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Hello! I am opening commissions for Palestine. Donate to any of these charities (PCRF, Heal Palestine, ESims for Gaza, Operation Olive Branch), send me the receipt, and I'll make you a drawing.
I specialize in character portraits, happy to draw your OCs, DND characters, or favorite characters!
$5 - sketch
$15 - sketch + shading + simple background
$30 - painting
$50 - paining + background
0/5 slots filled
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bella-goths-wife · 3 days
How are you?
I’m good thank you, I’m just on a short Hiatus during some exams so I can focus on them and keeping my mental health stable at the moment but I’m really sorry for the lack of posting :)
Thanks for asking <3
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bella-goths-wife · 4 days
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"You and I don't live, Claire. We survive."
Opal (2020) Created By Jack Stauber
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bella-goths-wife · 10 days
This will make you cry.
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bella-goths-wife · 14 days
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bella-goths-wife · 16 days
Pluto [Kyle "Gaz" Garrick]
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a distant star
message from the beyond
curious orbit
wish upon a fallen star
moon child
asteroid belt
black hole
extra stuff
keeping up appearances
the age old question
bless you
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banners by @saradika @cafekitsune and @vase-of-lilies offer a coin to the picklejar [Main Masterlist]
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bella-goths-wife · 17 days
How would Vox react if pet fought val out of self defense? Like a good hook to his jaw out of anger and being done with his bs and possibly using the loud sounds on him using her powers like she did when she first met Vox- since Vox likes both of them, who would he side with? Would he proud of pet for not letting val do something horrible, or would he be mad at her for doing that to val or would be tied between being mad or proud?
How would Vox react to pet defending themselves against Val
Warnings: abuse, mentions of SA, toxic dynamics, forced paternal dynamic, hypocrisy
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Now this one is a conflicting issue for Vox
He’s always been in disagreement with Val’s inappropriate behaviours with you, albeit silently
He knew that Valentino had pushed the boundaries of inappropriate and has borderline sexually assaulted you in the past, and while there is an unspoken disgust with the actions vox does nothing to stop it
The closest he’s come to placing a boundary down in regards to your treatment was when Valentino had tried to entice Vox into helping him with certain acts
That idea was quickly shut down and Vox had banned Valentino from seeing you for months afterwards as punishment for the disgusting suggestion
But he still keeps Val as a constant presence in your afterlife, partly because after every inappropriate touch or comment you come running to Vox and break down in his arms
This presents him with the perfect opportunity to satisfy his paternal instincts and needs while also not showing weakness
It’s also just easier for him to discredit Valentino’s behaviour being down to his hypersexuality, something that vox doesn’t think he can fix so why bother trying to change Val when the moth has the tv demon so enamoured?
But on the other hand there is you and your ability
Usually he is so proud of your ability because it doesn’t just further his company, but it also makes him feel closer to you as he finds a connection in your ability to bring pain to others and he teaches you how to hone your strength
He’s so proud of you and your abilities that he will force you to use it to punish his employees for his own entertainment
He likes watching the empathy slowly slip away from your eyes with every punishment, he likes creating you into his own little heartless monster, turning you into the perfect daughter
So hearing about you using your ability on Valentino in an act of self defence would truly conflict him
On one hand, there is his val who he’s enamoured by and who he has enabled the behaviour of for so long
And on the other hand there is you, his daughter. Pet who he has taught to defend herself and to use her abilities to her advantage
In this scenario, Valentino will probably go to Vox and convince or manipulate him into letting Val off the hook and punishing you
Manipulation only works so far on Vox as he considers his options
He lands on scolding and threatening Valentino for his behaviour and stating that he needs to tone it down before deciding to remove you from working with Val for a few months
And he also decides to punish you with his hypnosis for your actions of disobedience
If it were anyone else other than Val or velvette you probably would have been rewarded for your actions
But vox states that you need to learn your place in the hierarchy
Which is above the rest of hells population but below him, Val and velvette
And that’s where Vox will want you to remain for eternity or until you die
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@the-faceless-bride @sparkleyfishies @perkypeony @idontreallyexistyet @ivebeenthearchersstuff @repostingmyfavs @buttercupfangirl @rerarlo @lilyalone @corvid007 @fandomaddict505 @hazbinhotelxreader
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bella-goths-wife · 19 days
take of the day: ppl replace gaz with könig because they can’t believe a black man would be preferred over a white one.
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bella-goths-wife · 21 days
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bella-goths-wife · 21 days
How you get the ghostbusters back for trapping you
Warnings: reader is super petty, non canon events, the guys are assholes in this, aggression
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After being trapped for three months in that stupid ghost trap, you are severely pissed off with the ghostbusters
You’d spend months beforehand innocently haunting them and building individual bonds with them
All for them to take your one mistake as reason to punish you, you never meant to hurt Dana so why were you punished so severely
You, being as stubborn and strong willed as you are, expected them to be begging for forgiveness considering what they put you through
But they all acted like everything was going to go back to the way it was before, they didn’t even offer you the slightest apology for what they did
This did not bode well with you
In fact, it only seemed to enrage you further
You started off with your usual pettiness, but it lacked your standard playful style and just came off malicious
But the ghostbusters still found a way to make it a joke
You would mess with Egon’s lab equipment and experiments, but he’d just laugh it off in an Egon fashion and then suggest to your invisible figure that the two of you play chess again like you used to do so you could get your anger out
You’d hide the traps Winston was cleaning and storing in ridiculous hiding places, but Winston would just laugh and ask if you were playing hide and seek again
You’d turn off and change Ray’s music on his radio to something aggressive, but the only reaction you received was Ray joking that your music taste had definitely changed since you last played music together
Whenever Venkman would read the crossword prompts out to you and hold his pen out expectingly, you would write profanity in all the gaps
But venkman only sarcastically commented that “that’s definitely doesn’t fit the hint”
It infuriated you, they turned your anger into a joke and treated you like a pet who did a cute trick instead of a (spirit) person
You started to retract yourself from showing your presence to them out of embarrassment that your anger and their reaction caused you
You felt like an embarrassed child who had just been scolded rather than someone who underwent a painful and traumatic process of your spirit being caged to a small confined trap
You stopped showing yourself and kept to yourself next to janine’s desk so you could listen to her conversations on the phone as your only source of entertainment
You even tried to leave the ghostbusters HQ but found yourself unable to leave the building without attaching yourself to a human person, and you weren’t going to follow any of the ghostbusters around anymore
Despite janine working for the ghostbusters and Dana being the reason you were put in the trap, you never treated them unkindly
You understood them both and you knew that your anger wasn’t directed at them and they were just coincidental bystanders
You let your anger simmer but eventually it bubbled over the top
You heard the boys joking that soon you’d be over your “tantrum” and would come back to hang out with them
They joked about how they could ever think you were dangerous when all you’ve pulled are childish stunts
You felt yourself twist and twitch in anger and embarrassment as you heard them mock your very real emotions as if you weren’t once breathing like them
You decided that if you were originally going to be labelled as dangerous, then you would become dangerous to them
Instead of messing with Egons equipment to ruin his test results, you’d smash it to pieces and throw them at him
Instead of hiding the traps that Winston was cleaning and storing, you’d smash them to pieces and release the spirits inside to cause chaos in the HQ
Instead of messing with the radio of the car that Ray was cleaning, you’d blast loud screaming music in his ears before smashing the windows of the car
Instead of writing profanity on Venkmans crosswords, you tore his office apart and disposed of important documents before writing “fuck you ghostbusters” on his desk
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and you were living (dead) proof of that
Your anger infected you and turned you violent in a way you hadn’t been in your entire stay with the ghostbusters
And the ghostbusters weren’t sure what to do
They didn’t want to put you back into a trap considering that’s what caused this mess in the first place, and they missed you dearly when you were gone
But your aggression was getting out of hand
They decided that the best plan of action would be to find out more about your life when you were alive to appeal to your human side
And until they found something they could use, they had better get better at dodging thrown items…..
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