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hi darling! i do see that you want requests in your inbox so im here to fullfil that want of yours :)
oh, btw i really do expect that you're well and, if you don't, please take care of yourself okay??
anyways, the request is for the arcana characters, more specifically for julian, asra and muriel (idk how much characters you accept for request but if you need to you can take one of these off) with a reader that does like art and try to make everything in their lifes a little bit more fun, colorful and artsy.
you can write in any format you're more comfortable in writing, but i think that maybe headcannons is easier. oh, and if you could do the reader gender neutral would be good!
oh and if you couldn't understand something, im sorry, english is not my first language. and if you want to, feel free to ignore this request.
AN: Thank you for the kind words!! I am doing well, busy but well :)) also you speak English amazingly!! Anyways here's your request <33 I haven't done Muriel's route yet so forgive me if anything is wrong :')
Headcannons: Julian, Asra and Muriel with an artistic S/O
Honestly? He loves it!
It may not seem like it with the pirate outfit and rogue-ish lifestyle, but Julian is quite the colour lover himself. He just loves the energy and atmosphere vibrant colours bring.
So when you and him meet, and he finds out you're an even bigger lover of colours and an artist at that—the man was practically bursting with excitement.
Definitely gets you some art supplies. But since Julian has little to zero knowledge on being an artist, his art supplies aren't always the most helpful. Though you still appreciate him for trying to help with your hobby, even if his "paint" looks like it belongs in a potion brewing shop.
Practically demands to see some of your older art works and becomes sad if you say no. It's fine though if you don't let him, he'll find them eventually (his words, not yours).
Whenever you're painting or doing anything artsy, he's almost always by your side asking questions and just chatting with you. And as always you enjoy it when he's with you, it makes you feel warm inside knowing he's as passionate about watching you paint as you are about painting.
"Julian, I need you to-"
"I know, I know—you want me to stop staring at you. But I can't help it! You're just so beautiful when you're focused on something you're so passionate about!"
"...That's really sweet, but that's not what I was gonna ask. You're sitting on my paint pallette, could you maybe get off it?"
You're an artist?? He's ENAMOURED already.
Asra adores everything you paint. He himself is a bit of an artist, but he doesn't paint as often as you since he's always busy with the Major Arcana amongst other things.
When he travels for long periods of time and comes back, he always brings you things like art supplies, trinkets or flowers, saying, "They reminded me of you." And he loves watching your eyes sparkle as you think of the different ways you can use the items.
After a long day, Asra just likes curling up besides you while you create your masterpieces. He'll bring you a warm drink and food too, before settling down on a blanket besides you.
If you ask, he'll give you some pointers or tell you what you could add to your work as you paint. He has an eye for detail.
"I think a few flowers would look really nice over here." He points to a certain part of the canvas.
"You always think flowers look nice in every painting," You playfully respond, and see him look away shyly. "What can I say? They really do!"
Asra could stare at your work for hours without feeling the need to look away. He just loves the mixture of colours and patterns you use. They remind him of the different realms and he finds that beautiful.
Sometimes you even use things from around his home for inspiration. It could be anything—his clothes, the intricate patterns on his curtains, sometimes even his tarot cards, and he won't say it aloud but it gives him a bit of a confidence boost. It's almost as if a piece of him is within your art work.
Muriel is a very... Dark and gloomy man in general.
The forest is his home, but not the pretty and flower-filled part, he makes his home in the shadowy, dark and somewhat dangerous parts of the forest.
So when you come into his life and bring all of this colour and vibrance, it throws him off. He doesn't know what to make of it. He feels to seen with all of it.
"What are you doing?" He approaches you as you hang a vine of flowers over the fireplace.
You look back and smile, "I thought it could use a little bit of... Decor..." You notice the way he frowns, even harder than usual as he stares at the decoration. "I'll take it ou-" "No. Leave it."
You're shocked, "Muriel, if you don't like it I can-" "I like it. It's pretty... Like you" He mutters the last part, so softly you almost don't hear him. Then he leaves. Quickly.
You smile to yourself.
After that you notice he spends more time with you as you decorate or make things, you even started asking him for his opinion on some things. He always responds with "Hm..." But you'll take what you can get.
Sometimes you take Inanna with you to hunt for things in the wild that you could use. Muriel was weary at first of letting you go with her, but Inanna seemed happy to go, so Muriel allowed it. After a while you even convinced him to come along on your art scouting journeys too. He comes in handy when you get carried away and find a little too many items that you need to take with you.
Oh and if anyone ever criticizes your art, no they didn't. In fact, almost as soon as they criticize it, they're on their knees worshipping you and the art itself. Why? Let's just say a big, terrifying man glaring down at you with eyes that say "I will rip your limbs apart and relish in every second of it" is not very fun.
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𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭. gn!reader x asra alnazar, julian devorak, nadia satrinava, lucio morgasson (separate)
𝐜𝐰. all caps in author's note, established relationship, kissing (asra, nadia), doctor!julian, upright ending spoilers (lucio), food mention (lucio), lucio being needy
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞. asra's does not say pretty boy since he's nonbinary, but everything else sticks to the prompt. also baby's breath flowers represent eternal love ;) oh one more thing I CAN'T UNHEAR JULIAN WITH A BRITISH ACCENT IMAGINE IT
𝐦𝐥 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬.
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"Finally!" You sighed. It felt like days since you'd seen Asra, so when he came in the shop door you couldn't help but throw your arms around him.
"Hey!" He chuckled, but there was no real offense behind his words. He melted into the embrace, tension leaving his body as he dropped his bags to return the hug. "I'm sorry I was gone so long. I just couldn't return without a little gift for you, but nothing seemed worthy."
You half-rolled your eyes, pulling back to move his things from the entryway floor. His hand came to cling loosely to your wrist as you did so. He followed you to the shop counter where he revealed a bouquet of tiny white flowers from within his shawl. "They're a little squished, but I figured you're going to press them into a journal anyway." You took the flowers from his hand with a gentle smile.
"You're so sweet, you know that? And considerate, and..." You trailed off, distracted as he discarded his hat at the rack by the door and ran his hands through his fluffy hair. He returned to you, closer than before. You swallowed. "And pretty. So pretty, the prettiest person I've ever seen."
"Impossible, I know you use a mirror to get ready in the mornings." He smirked.
The days apart seemed to catch up all at once and Asra pulled you, a finger hooked beneath your chin, into a searing kiss. He murmured against your lips, "But I wouldn't mind if you called me pretty again."
"Do not look at me, love, I look positively silly right now." Julian had just walked in the door after work and you hadn't even turned around yet. You snorted.
"Yeah? Why's that?" He sighed.
"We did lots of lab work today and... the safety goggles..." His footsteps grew louder until he was in front of you. He crouched down to your eye level, letting his face finish doing the talking. You giggled.
He had an indentation of the goggles around his eyes and along the top of his forehead and nose. "Don't laugh, this is why I didn't want to show you."
"You- you're a doctor. How are you not used to this already? It's not that big of a deal."
"It just looks odd!" He stood and returned to the entryway to remove his boots and hang his cloak.
"No it doesn't, it's like... a battle scar, it tells people 'wow, that's a doctor, he saves lives' or something. But it fades quicker."
It was his turn to laugh, a tired, breathy sound. He came back, draping himself over you and the cushions beneath. "Besides, you know what I think?" He hummed in response. "I think... that you're pretty anyway. My pretty boy." You brushed his hair aside to see his face properly, admiring the puppy eyes he gave you.
"Really?" He whispered.
"Yeah," you whispered back. "But you do kind of need a haircut."
"Why, Countess, you look simply magnificent on this fine morning. May I fetch a robe for you? You are radiant without one, of course, but I believe it would amplify your beauty gr—"
"Silence, peasant." You both giggled sleepily. Lounging in Nadia's large bed, the sun had risen hours ago but the Countess wasn't a morning person, and, well, neither were you. Not when you could wake up late and see first thing each day the sun glimmering on the skin and hair of Vesuvia's shiniest gem.
"You are magnificent, though."
"You speak too highly of me, we've only just woken. I can't be that magnificent. At least not yet," she added.
You tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear, admiring the sound of her breathing and the shine in her eyes. You loved mornings like these, you both did, where there was nothing urgent calling either of you to work and you could laze around in each other's presence. No words or actions were needed, though they were certainly appreciated.
"Well, maybe not yet magnificent. But you're my pretty girl. Always." She captured your lips in a gentle, chaste kiss.
"Thank you, my dearest. You always manage to boost my self image. One of these days I may have as big a head as Lucio's," Nadia joked.
"Well, the difference is that you can back these compliments up with truth. You really are as perfect as I say, pretty girl."
"Mercedes, you put that stick down this instant! I'm not going to clean you up if you get dirt and grime on your fur again!"
"No, it'll probably be me doing the cleaning." You mumbled sarcastically.
"No, don't say that!" He whined. His hand, holding yours, gave a squeeze. "You'll be having a nice gourmet dinner with me when we reach the next town. I think we deserve it!" He beamed.
The two of you were on one of your grand commissioned adventures, and sure enough, you could see in the distance that you were approaching some sort of settlement. Probably not one with a gourmet restaurant, though.
"Lucio, I love your enthusiasm and desire to spoil me, but we did not budget for that. We have to stick to our plan in case we need emergency supplies. Do you remember last time when we had to buy a new tent? And how expensive that was?" He avoided your eyes.
"Look, that was not entirely my fault! I didn't think there were any bears in the area!"
"Uh-huh. Well, your self-proclaimed 'master survival skills' should have told you it's a bad idea anyway to leave meat out where wild animals might come near. You're lucky you're such a pretty boy, otherwise I wouldn't have let you off so easily." Despite your lighthearted lecture, Lucio heard only what he wanted to, as per usual.
"Yeah? You think I'm a pretty boy?"
With a tired exhale and a small smile, you agreed, "Yes, Lucio, the prettiest boy, even." After a few more paces, he stopped suddenly.
His eyes scanned over your form. He always loved how you looked out in nature, where the sun was sprinkled through the leaves and onto your face.
He backed up against the trunk of a large tree, pulling you nearly on top of him. His nose nuzzled your jaw and he planted kisses along your neck.
"Say it again," he breathed. "That I'm a pretty boy— your pretty boy."
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© 𝐝𝐢𝐥𝐟𝐳𝐮𝐤𝐮 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑. do not modify, translate, or repost my works on any platform.
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Malak looking around one day at how well all the other familiars get along with their respective people and deciding that he's officially Done With This Shit and consciously deciding to bond with Julian whether he likes it or not
Cue a very confused plague doctor waking up every morning to piles of shiny things by his pillow and being seized with the horrifying belief that he must have gone sleepwalking and stolen them from his neighbors -
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ִ ࣪𖤐 Overview of this blog ִ ࣪𖤐
About me:
Hi, I'm oceanou ♡︎ I'm an artist, writer, singer, Christian, and biology enthusiast. I'm neurodivergent and deal with mental illness (why else would I be on this site). Some fandoms I'm in right now are Genshin Impact, the Arcana, Lore Olympus, & the Office. Slowly exiting the Brimstone and Roses fandom as well as the Community fandom (💔)
About my work:
I like writing self inserts, and tend to write from a female perspective (though I don't always state or imply the pov is female). I stick to opposite-sex romances and rarely write multi-chapter fics, preferring drabbles, imagines or headcanons. I don't feel comfortable writing smut, but anywhere from fluff to lime is my bread and butter. Every once in a while you might get some angst out of me but don't count on it . . A few of my favorite tropes/topics are domesticity, fluff, their 'firsts', secret relationship, forced proximity, doctor/patient, long distance/reunion, their 'favorites', unrequited→requited
About requests:
I'm happy to take requests, so long as they generally coincide with my aforementioned comfort zones. I'll gladly do requests of women from a male perspective or men from a female perspective, or any character from an aromatic perspective. I'd be comfortable writing headcanons about the characters themselves without mention of the reader's gender as well. I'll update this every once in a while, but here is an indefinite list of characters I'm happy to write about:
-Genshin Impact-
ok there's too many to name. pretty much anybody, though idk the more recent characters very well.. The following are some of my favorites to write
-The Arcana-
Nadia (?)
Muriel (?)
I could probably be convinced to write about Portia or Lucio, but it definitely wouldn't be my forte..
also to be fair. I have 'did Asra's route first and now I don't think I could ever do any other route' syndrome . So I'm not very far at all in the other routes
Additionally, if you have a request about a character from any of the other fandoms I've listed, there's a good chance I'll humor you 🤝
╰┈➤ Arcana 。・:*˚:✧。
⌦ Accidentally walking in on you changing
⌦ In the morning
⌦ Jealousy
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“Name?” The barista asked as she opened the marker lid with her mouth, “Y/n h/ln.” you simply said, fixing your posture and giving her a soft smile.
He melts, feeling his cheeks getting warm every time she puts her beautiful name with his last name
“Alright, your order will be right up,” the black-haired girl said while fixing her glasses and walking away, leaving the young couple alone
smiling, she turns her head toward her husband, only to see him staring at her with a smile. His ringed hand rests on his cheek
Tilting her head to the side, she smiled back at him. “What?" clearing his throat he leaned back into the chair "nothing"
It's been 4 years since both of them got married, but it never failed to make him flustered.
Mammon, Kuroo, Matsukawa, Akaashi, Thoma, Kaeya, Childe, Kazuha, Gojo, Sanji(black leg), Penguin.
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©h2uji ⋅ Please do not repost my work ⋅ or translating it in any other platform
If you liked this you should join my taglist @holaxd43 @i0790e @sandaime @hoknieeass
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✤ Asra headcanons: walking in on you changing ✤
Absolutely mortified. Yk the horrified blushing face he makes. That's the one
Leaves IMMEDIATELY, might slam the door on accident and forget to say sorry
He's terrified he's lost some of the trust you have in him or that you'll feel less comfortable around him now. Sits somewhere and just disassociates while he waits for you, thinking of the right way to properly apologize
When you come out he watches you as discreetly as he can to figure out your reaction/mood. It's pretty obvious
He's quiet for a moment or two before apologizing, "...I'm really sorry, I should have knocked or something before just barging in, you'd think I'd know by now how to respect your privacy—" (he'll keep going unless you stop him. please stop the poor man)
He'll want to move on as quickly as possible, but depending on your reaction he may still tiptoe around you for a while
If you're clearly less bothered by this, he'll relax and let it go. Later on, however— maybe when you're already settled in bed for the night— he'll get closer and casually mention, "you really are stunning, though~"
Delighted regardless of whether your reaction is to playfully scold/hit him or just succumb to his sweet words in a blushing mess
He just adores you ♡
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M6 w/ an MC Who Babies Their Familiars
Faust is soaking up all of the attention. She is with you all the time and prefers it that way.
She is so situational in her interactions with you. You would be getting ready to boil some noodles and Faust would just appear in the empty pot you laid out. This is her pot now. You must find another one.
Asra was genuinely concerned the first time they saw it happen. Why are you making Faust noodle soup.
Lovesss getting tickled and traveling with you. Pokes her head out to peek at everything. Also, Faust flower crown.
She has a little nest made of yours and Asra’s gift trinkets. Okay, maybe not all of them were gifts… Perhaps they were stolen, but who’s checking?
If you like to, she luvvvs sharing bubble baths with you!! With the wide variety of bath products Asra brings every trip, you never run out of options and adventures.
Big ol’ crow nose all up in your business.
Always around you when Julian is writing something down because he’s joked about plucking one of his feathers to use as a quill, and now he doesn’t trust him enough to be around him while he works.
Will sit on your shoulder or head and peck at your earrings (or anything shiny, honestly).
Julian is a little jealous.
You make up for it by holding conversations with Malak in front of him. He gets so mesmerized, like are you actually able to understand him?? Asks you to tell him he’s a gander egg* and Malak immediately assaults him in a flurry of squawks and feathers.
He allows you to feed him out of your hand like a majestic fairy. Yeowch. Crow nose sharp.
How can you not love that kitty face.
She loves sniffing you up and down, head to toe. Sniff her back and she’ll whack you.
Totally a lap cat. Also a head cat. Sits gracefully on either you or Portia’s face at night.
By far the biggest suck up out of the familiars. Snack? Treats? Food time? She rolls all over the floor and yeowls until you give in. For the sake of Portia’s sanity, this may be preferable. Keep the kitty at bay and she won’t annoy her as much.
Portia is both relieved and a teeny tiny bit jealous that you’re the favorite now… She finds it cute when she walks in on Pepi purring on you like a big baby. Little kitty kissies are all over your cheeks and yes, Portia insists on overtaking them with her own kissies.
Chandra is NOT baby.
Unless there are treats involved, in which case she is SOOO baby.
She is not a very cuddly, lovey dovey dove. She expresses her love through acts of service like bringing things for or checking up on you.
It’s no secret Nadia loves to treat you and her bird with rich delights. So, if you assist Chandra in luxurious baths or patrols, she will linger around you more often. Nadia is pleased to see her trailing behind you around the palace.
She fixes your hair from time to time. She sees it as a give and take relationship.
As such, she’s begun to imitate your mannerisms. You tilt your head when you’re confused? She tilts hers. You flutter your eyelashes? She flutters hers back.
Nadia is squealing deep down, watching you two mimicking each other.
Inanna is a little finicky in the way that she takes care of you like a mother, but will accept any and all belly rubs.
She’s perfectly capable of feeding and caring for herself! With that being said, she likes receiving scratches behind the ears in the bath.
Please note that she does not care for strong, unnaturally scented care products… Last time, you picked up a rosemary scented shampoo, thinking it would be natural smelling enough. Alas, she took one whiff of it and ran behind Muriel’s legs…
Give her the green light to lay down on top of you and, congratulations! It is now your daily nap time!
She’s very careful not to trip you, but loves nudging her head against your legs. You can never tell whether she's asking you for head pats or asking you to move out of the way.
Every time you come back from the market, she's got her nose all up in the bag because she knows you got SOMETHING for her.
Now THIS is what they’re talking about!
Give them petting. Give them treats. Give them kisses. Brush them. Hug them.
Is it possible to give too much attention to dogs? You’re not sure what the limit is, but they make it very clear you are nowhere near it…
Lucio starts to get a teeny tiny bit jealous when they start barreling towards you and not him when you guys come home. His initial response is to show great disdain towards them until they feel sorry, but he eventually resorts to sweeping you off your feet so the dogs jump all over the both of you.
Don’t worry. They will cushion the fall.
They like to play peekaboo!! Their big cold ‘n slobbery snouts and puppy eyes are all up in your face. Enjoy!
One sleeps close to your back. The other sleeps close to your stomach. They r pillows. :)
* A gander is a male goose. Saying ganda egg basically means rotten egg.
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Asra core
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divinity| a. alnazar (18+)
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i have big ol asra brain rot, respectfully, I am in love. i also wrote like six different times for asra and this was the only one i didn't entirely dislike
i used he/they for asra, i was uncertain if he used he/him or they/them lmao
warnings: this one's a lil zesty my dudes, reader is gender neutral but is referred to as "pretty", "angel", and "sweetheart" if that's not ur thing this might not be for you
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asra is something holy.
muscles moved under sunkissed skin, lilac eyes milky with desire that burned you down to your toes. 
"my angel" he pressed his thumb into the pout of your lips. "so pretty," 
he was the sun, so bright, so warm and all too much most times. you were a glass filled to the brim, pooling over. 
their hand cupped your jaw delicately, droplets of water danced in his hair like stars- spiced breath ghosting over your lips. 
your greedy hands tangled in the jade silk of his robe, yearning stained your mouth and fingers like pomegranate; your pull to asra's soul engraved in the marrow of your bones. 
dawn was breaking through the sky, basking asra in it's presence. 
whatever self control you had was tossed aside, throwing your arms around their neck, lips tangled in a kiss that stole the breath from your lungs. 
a soft hand found its place in the back of your neck as asra practically devoured you, all teeth and tongue.
a dying man's first drink of water, the taste of spice lingers even after he pulls away. 
"sweetheart," the airy voice in your ear was heavy; drunk off you. 
"why don't you lay back for me?"
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Imagine laying on Asra's chest while reading a book, you can hear his heartbeat, he has his arms around you and he's knitting a sweater for Faust. Faust is curled up on your lap. It's dark and rainy outside but the shop is cozy and full of candles. You're warm and safe in each other's embrace <3
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you know where I'm going with this one don't you guys
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speechless. the pose. the expression. this should be a painting.
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Just got whiplash because my best friends url is SO similar to yours I was like jack wtf since when did you change your pfp 💀
Jack has had a change of heart
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> reposted from my personal blog: @i-wish-i-was-consistent
asra x gn! reader
You can't help but be slightly jealous of Asra.
He was beautiful. His hair the colour of starlight and violet eyes that hold so many secrets— and he looked even more so as he lay beside you with his arm around your waist, looking at you as though you were the one who spun his world around.
You were staring, unshamefully so.
"Like what you see?" he teased, his lips quirking upwards as they always did.
"I could ask you the same thing,"
He chuckles, making his dimples show (you have to suppress the urge to poke them). "I do actually. A lot more than I think you realize."
A large statement considering how much he compliments you. But you know that if you said so, he would insist that "there weren't enough hours in a day to tell you how much he loves you".
Silence ensues after a short while. It always did when it was just you and him, but you didn't mind. It was comfortable, domestic, calming— a break from everything that made life go by so quickly.
Then suddenly...
"Can I have your hand?" Not a particularly strange request coming from him, so you don't think anything of it as he gently takes your hand onto his, turning it so your palm is facing upwards.
You feel the tip of his finger gently dragging across your palm, following the lines etched onto it. You glance at him and see his eyebrows furrowed and a frown painting his lips— an expression of mock concentration.
"It's saying we'll have many nights like this, cuddling before we fall asleep in each other's arms."
You know at once he's making this up. Your lover has many talents, especially in the magical field, but palm-reading is not one of them (but you're sure he could if he studied).
But you decide to play along.
"What else do my palms say?"
You see him smile, the concentrated look on his face replaced with the usual mischievous glint in his eyes and a teasing grin. He knows what you're doing.
"It says we're going to love each other until our souls part," he mutters quietly. He lifts your hand and kisses them, before going back to his original position and placing his hand on your hip— rubbing comforting circles as he waits for you to answer.
"How many years is that?"
He leans in and pecks the corner of your mouth before he replies, his eyes go soft as he continues to stare at you— like you were the one who hung the moon and stars in the night sky.
You finally drop your little act. "Is that true?"
Again, he takes his time before answering— choosing to press another kiss to the corner of your mouth, then another on your cheek. He continues to pepper your face with kisses before you finally feel his plush lips against yours.
Asra has always smelled like herbs, flowers and something else that can only be described as magical— and it's engulfing you like it would a thick blanket.
He squeezes your hip affectionately as he presses his lips onto yours harder. The kiss is desperate and wanting— yet always, always gentle. He kisses you like you'll disappear into his dreams if he so much as blinks.
All too soon, he pulls away. He's still beautiful, maybe even more so with slightly swollen lips and flushed cheeks— his chest heaves with deep breaths from lack of air and you can't help but feel a sense of pride knowing you're the one who made him look like this.
He cradles your face with gentle hands before finally answering.
"If you want it to be."
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ꕥ Asra Headcanons: Jealousy ꕥ
If ever there was a healthy relationship, it would be one with Asra— it's something that is very important to him and something he actively works to maintain
Despite his willingness to spend his near every waking moment with you, he's very accommodating when it comes to you needing space
It's this same mutual trust and stability that makes him so comfortable with you spending time with other people
Despite his maturity and security, the beginning of your relationship (like any) was a period of heightened emotion. In the midst of it all, despite himself, Asra still had tiny inklings of self doubt and worry when it came to you being alone with people who had little reason not to be more than friends
He hated his anxiety about it, and felt guilty that there was still any part of his mind that struggled to trust you and your devotion to him
From the start, however, he'd never found himself feeling insecure when you two were together among other people. He always felt that being around you was very grounding, and you seemed to be able to restore all his sensibilities
By now his trust in you is unwavering, and he feels fully secure in the place he has in your heart. There are, however... a few small exceptions to his confidence
It hits the hardest when he's away for long periods of time. Every idle moment is spent thinking of you, and he makes sure to communicate with you as frequently as he can, but eventually the guilt of leaving you alone catches up
He has immense gratitude for the people in your life able to keep you company in his absence, but sooner or later the regret begins to take the shape of a benign jealousy that others are caring for you when he ought to be
He hates feeling so helpless, but the longer he's away the more that shame piles up on his heart. The muted envy that others are getting to do his job is never resentment, he's too grateful that you have support around you. But he certainly does wish he were there with you, reclaiming his responsibilities as your partner
Beyond that, there's little that could put a dent in his faith in your relationship. He knows any attempt to alter your mutual affection will be entirely unsuccessful
If someone does try to make a move on you, he feels in no way threatened, but he's quick to indulge in a little flaunting. A hand sliding down around your waist... Leaning close to your face to speak to you... A kiss to your knuckles... Standing close enough to you that his body brushes yours... All little ways to simultaneously flirt with you and deter those interested
Overall, he's nearly never jealous, and could hardly be a better partner if he tried 🫶
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☼ Asra headcanons: in the morning ☼
Wakes up all sleepy and bed headed, wearing comfy oversized clothes, to shuffle over to where you've gone and nuzzle into your neck, hugging your waist
Wants to be near you and touching your skin almost constantly, as if he needs to make up for lost time he spent sleeping
In reality, it's more so that he can hardly fathom that you're here with him, in his home, after sharing his bed— and seeing you in the morning so trustingly welcoming him into the vulnerability and domesticity of this disheveled, unpolished facet of life just fills his heart with more love than he can express
So, he tries to take in as much as he possibly can, relishing and treasuring these domestic moments with you
Being Asra's partner, you'd have to get used to his eyes fixed on you constantly. Especially in the morning. Each new day he begins with you by his side is one more day he falls in love with you all over again, and it's all he can do not to admire you with awe
Doesn't matter your body type— doesn't matter how messy your hair is when you wake up, or how tired your face is— he simply adores all of you. Every little curve, every little detail, every motion you make... he takes it all in with such affection, as if he'd spend every heartbeat away from you replaying these memories desperately
His favorite possible way to spend mornings with you is slowly waking up with coffee or tea, huddled up under a blanket at home with the windows open to hear the birds
Truthfully, it's this scenario that plays in his head most often when he's away from you for long periods of time. Apart from... other idle fantasies
Asra enjoys singing, but most often it's during moments like these— he'll hum softly, blissfully content with you leaning into him. But don't think he doesn't know what he's doing when you're snuggled up to his chest and can hear the deep, honey-smooth rumbling of his morning voice... he knows you too well for you to be able to hide the way he makes you melt
WILL tease you about it. Occasionally he'll leave it be, instead just smiling with amused affection. If he does tease you about it, though... it would easily be one of those instances where your next response redirects just how passionate the morning was about to be. He's a sucker for morning makeout sessions... Drowsy, sultry, lingering kisses? Asra does NOT need to be asked twice
Admittedly, the aforementioned scenario is most likely played out if you wake up at the same time. He wants to be as close as possible facing you, completely intertwined with you (legs, arms, hands in hair, everything). This all starts out entirely pure; simple and sweet affection and devotion. He'll shower you with half-asleep kisses, murmuring questions about how you slept. Needless to say, the mood can very easily be shifted...
He's somewhat of a morning person, especially with you in his life. Frequently you'll wake up to breakfast waiting on the nightstand, with Asra already back in bed close next to you. Acts of service are a close contender to physical affection for him, though he's glad to express his love in just about any form he can
Overall, every morning with Asra is a lovely one and you can rest assured you won't spend it feeling unappreciated <3
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Ok so after reading ep 113 I realized something. The song 'How I'd Kill' by Cowboy Malfoy represents Valentin SO WELL. the devotion to his lover?? The whole sinister, unhinged (all while wearing a hawaiian dad shirt) vibe?? I will never not think of him when listening to it from now on
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