billycorn · 1 hour
Finally continuing my randomized Explorer's of Sky run. Have some more funny screencaps
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billycorn · 3 hours
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billycorn · 19 hours
Explorer's of Sky au but it's just the plot of Despicable Me. Darkrai manipulates H&P (or Hero and Grovyle) into helping fulfill his schemes but partway there Darkrai decides that the future of Darkness can wait, these two need parental supervision.
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billycorn · 19 hours
shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this
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billycorn · 19 hours
@blessed-pizza I had an absurd amount of fun making him, thank you very much!
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If you're seeing this, do it, it's fun
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would you still love me if I was a worm
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billycorn · 1 day
I've talked about Partner being a frustrated pet owner, time for the reverse! Hero would absolutely default to doing pet things with Partner, especially if partner is something like a Poochyena, Vulpix, Shinx.
They're just chillin after a long day, not sure what to do, and Hero's like, "I got this cool frisbee, we can play fetch! Or you can go chase Skwovets." "Dude, what?"
Hero scratches Partner behind the ear and Partner just melts.
Belly rubs are humiliating and wildly dehumanizing, but Partner secretly loves them.
Partner doing the dramatic sigh that big dogs do.
Hero raising Partner into the air like the Lion King.
Hero uses a cutesy pet voice and Partner just, "Human, patronize me not. I am the lightning and the thunder." "Okay, Shinx, guess you don't want these treats I got you." "Wait, no-"
The trick were you stand behind a blanket, then drop it as you dash out of sight and Partner just freaks out.
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billycorn · 2 days
Sketch of my latest Explorer's of Sky team, Kye (Shinx Hero) and Amber (Vulpix Partner). She's definitely not enjoying his suffering, nope, not at all.
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billycorn · 2 days
Have we met before?
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billycorn · 2 days
Hello There
The name's Billy. I write PMD fics and draw, I think. Currently working on a PMD Fic called From The Stars (more below the cut). If you have any questions, fire away. Otherwise, enjoy!
From the Stars Blurb: Humans, harbingers of calamity, when one appears disaster follows close behind. So, with the arrival of Atlas and Maple, the clock begins to tick down, and the guild prepares for chaos. Can this pair save the world and get home when the stars have foretold failure?
If the stars decree it, so it will be. Yet, how far would you go to defy them? If it meant keeping someone by your side just a little longer. If it meant you didn't have to be alone. If it meant holding on to everything you love.
They say things were always going to end this way, but isn't that an excuse? A sentiment to ease the pain? Why would you believe it? Just because the Fates decreed it? No. Things were always going to happen this way, but it doesn't end here. Until the sun burns out, there's still time. So, rise. Get up. They need you.
From the stars you came, and to them you will return, but until that time comes, I beg you, live.
Main Cast: Atlas (Golett) - A human boy turned Golett, he'll give anything to have his memories back, at least, that's what he thinks. When faced with the reality of returning home, will our hero take that chance? Or will he stay, and fight?
Maple (Vulpix) - This world is strange, and scary, but the Golett beside her is awful familiar, and she'll give anything to keep him safe. No matter the cost, she will get him home.
Hermit (Alolan Sandshrew) - The littlest guy you ever done did see. He's gonna be a great Ranger! Please take him seriously, I'm not sure how much more he can take. He is in dire need of some positive reinforcement, and maybe a hug.
Celeste (Gothitelle) - She just wants to be left alone. No, she will not be adopting any children today, no, thank you ... Okay, she'll take those two because they look very polite. The third is on his own.
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billycorn · 2 days
Thanks for the tag @sincerely-sofie (I cleared the reblogs but go check her post!)
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Atlas would eat anything, if he still had a mouth. As a Golett, he can't get hungry, but he desperately misses food.
He would die first in the Hunger Games.
I don't want to say the last one is canon, because spoilers, but...
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It was an accident, and she didn't get away with it, but Maple has canonically set a school on fire.
Nope, she has amnesia, her long-term memory is *fart noise*
Absolutely not. If it means achieving her goal, Maple would absolutely ignore everyone's objections.
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If someone showed romantic interest in Hermit he would turn into a pile of mush and have zero idea how to respond.
The boy has not had a hug in *checks watch* 8 years. If he were to hug someone, he'd be very cautious and then dissolve into a puddle of tears.
This was a bunch of fun and some were scarily accurate. Give it a crack if you have ocs or characters on the brain!
I found this site that generates you a random headcanon.... How about we do that: you enter the name of a character (or your OC!), post what you got, and then comment on how true do you think it is for them!
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Not true. That was very easy.
Who's next!!! @judejazza @mcwentfandomtraveling @sh0jun @lorei-writes @groovylita @queengiuliettafirstlady @scummy-writes @ludivineikewolf @yarnnerdally @yanderepuck @vioisgoinginsane @venulus @fang-and-feather @leonscape @writingwhimsey @foreverxdaydreaming @keithsandwich @verynormaluser
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billycorn · 2 days
From The Stars is meant to have a happy ending, but I keep coming up with tragic alternatives. The solution? Halfway through, it becomes a choose your own adventure. For angst, go to chapter 12. For happiness, go to chapter 23.
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billycorn · 3 days
Give us the deets on your experience moving out!
What was it like packing up your things? Did you feel anything strong emotions-wise when you put all your stuff in boxes to move away with? (I once switched rooms within the same house and got pretty sentimental upon packing all my things into boxes and tubs just to transfer them. It was very surreal) Did you have to leave many possessions behind at home?
What living situation did you move into? An apartment, a dorm, something else? What’s the three weirdest things you’ve learned after moving out?
What’s your favorite thing to eat after a long day when you don’t have much energy?
How hard is it to keep in touch with family? What’s your favorite way to feel close to them, despite the distance?
What’s the first thing you plan to do upon returning home to visit? What are you looking forward to? Is there anything you’re dreading? If so, is there a way to feel excited about even that, too?
You mentioned having a lot of animals growing up— if you still do, what are the names and species of the animals you’re most excited to greet upon arriving home?
A bit of a different question: What was your favorite meal to eat growing up, and has your opinion of it changed as you’ve gotten older?
I'm not sure if I actually answered all of the questions, more just rambling than anything, sorry! (More under the cut)
To provide some context for these, I'll recap my january-february real quick. To study Marine Bio I had to do a bridging course, so I was doing that online, 12 weeks of content condensed into 5 weeks, so it was very fast paced. So, naturally, I got injured! Split my eyebrow open and had to get stitches, which that got infected. So, I was on heavy painkillers and bouncing in and out of hospital for a bit, and trying to pass my course. Also, my older sister was getting married (to a guy I set her up with!) on the farm, so I spent a lot of time fixing up the house.
The day after my Sister's wedding was the day I left. So, between my course, my injury, the wedding, and moving out, I was too preoccupied to actually think about moving, so I was fine until my Aunt said "It's probably a good thing you're so busy, otherwise you'd be really anxious about moving." My Grandfather followed that up with, "hopefully you don't come slinking back with your tail between your legs!" Which really didn't help, though, neither of them said those things out of meanness.
I didn't feel emotional packing my stuff up, but I was fighting back tears saying goodbye to my family, and as soon as I drove out the gate I just started bawling. It was a mess. That weekend I drove, took a ferry, drove some more, covering 1480 kilometers in two days, after which I slept for 18 straight hours. I had to leave a lot of personal items and books behind, unfortunately, but I managed to take most of the important stuff.
I moved into a studio apartment which has been really weird. I went from knowing all my neighbours but being unable to see them, to sharing a building with 700 strangers. The wierdest thing I've learned since moving out is that people actually want to spend time with me. All my old friends are hermits and terrible communicators (I say that with all love) so if I wanted to see them I'd just show up on their doorstep like a kitten begging to get out of the rain. Now, living in the city, people ask me to go do things with them, even mundane stuff like grocery shopping. The first time I got an invite I was baffled, just did not understand what was happening. Still getting to used to that one, honestly.
Favourite thing to eat after a long day; hot chocolate and a muffin. I will get as comfy cosy as possible, make a hot chocolate and a muffin and all is right with the world.
It's not hard to keep in touch with family. I have three sisters and call them each once a week, plus a call to mum dad, and grandparents. My youngest sister is a lot like me so sometimes I'll jump on a call and we'll play a video game, often Pokemon Unite or Ultimate Chicken Horse.
First thing I'm doing upon getting home is getting a hug. I used to come home to a house full of laughter, now I get home each day knowing that no one is waiting for me and it gets lonely. I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone and just relaxing at home for a bit. Not dreading anything at all! Only excitement.
Animals I'm most excited to see are Misha (my dog), she's a rescue and took some time to come around but now she's the sweetest and will go ballistic when I walk through the gate. Also, Rusty, my pony who was born last November. He's a cuddly idiot who doesn't realise how big he is. And, of course, Timmy and Aqua, my Turtles, who are adorable.
My favourite meal growing up was bacon and egg sandwiches. My Mum is a nurse who often works the night shift, so I used to always make sure when she got home there was a hot plate waiting for her, and, when possible, I'd wait to eat with her before she went to bed. So, I love the taste, and now have nice memories to go with it!
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billycorn · 3 days
A quick draft of an experimental piece about trauma and opening up, scripted out of 99.9% aesthetic Pinterest quotes, with as many attributions as I could find under the cut:
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billycorn · 3 days
PMD but instead of the Hero being a pokémon they’re Doo Doo The Clown
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billycorn · 3 days
Babe come quick, Billycorn just dropped the most insane lore about himself in the tags of a reblog game I tagged him in—
On a more serious note, holy smokes, you're studying marine biology??? You've raised honeybees??? My guy you can't just drop these pieces of trivia and dip.
What's your favorite thing about studying marine bio?
Do you have a top five list of marine animals you like?
Do you have a favorite ocean zone (or level / depth range— I can't remember the proper term for the different depths of the ocean)?
What was your experience raising honeybees like? Did you learn anything neat about bees at large, or even just your hive(s) in particular?
Would you recommend raising honeybees to hobbyists, with your experiences in mind?
Do you have any tips for someone wanting to start out in beekeeping? (If you can't tell, I'd love to get into beekeeping, even just as a field of research, hehe. I'm not in a place to have a physical hive anytime soon)
One last question— you mentioned liking hot chocolate. Do you have a favorite mix? And do you like to add things into it, like whipped cream and cinnamon, or a peppermint cane to stir it with? If so, what do you like adding?
I really like this ask because it gives me the opportunity to "drop these pieces of trivia and dip." That said, I'm gonna give a bunch of information no one asked for, because why not? (You opened Pandora's Box)
For context, I grew up on a small farm in the Australian countryside, a little ways from a major city, and we had a lot of animals, including: Dogs, Cats, Turtles, Doves, Chickens, Guinea Fowl, Peacocks, Guinea Pigs (who I am very allergic to), Cows, Horses, and Fish. One time, I found a Fox pup who'd gotten separated from it's Mother so I cleaned it up and took care of it until the local Forest Rangers could come pick it up. I swaddled him in a blanket and he started purring (I didn't even know foxes purred, it was a little different to a cat's purr), and he's held an honorary place in my heart since. Hope you're doing well out there, Junior!
Now, for the BEES. I don't have too much to say about them because they were largely self-sufficient. I helped build the hive (we just had the one) and put it in a sheltered spot, to protect from bad weather. After that, we moved the colony in and let them do their thing. We got the colony in Summer so they had plenty of time to build up their honey reserves before winter, when they'll eat a lot of it. The first cycle of seasons, you don't harvest any honey because the hive needs time to establish their honey stores. Also, it's good to be aware of any diseases present in nearby hives, in case there's any cross-contamination.
Raising the bees is my Dad's hobby, I just helped set it up and then stand back and watch as he gets stung harvesting the honey because he refuses the wear the bee suit. More than once I've been outside and seen him go sprinting past with a bunch of angry bees chasing him. The honey was delicious though.
If someone really wants to get into Beekeeping, I'd say go for it, but if you're not certain, then hold off. Also, research the different types of hives before you get one - mine is a flow hive. Fun fact, the demeanour of the Queen effects the colony. If the Queen is aggressive, the colony will be aggressive and more likely to sting. If the Queen is placid, you'll have any easier time.
Okay, onto Marine Biology! In Feb, I moved out of home, several hundred kilometers away to study Marine and Antarctic Science, majoring in Marine Bio. It's been a massive few months. I'm almost finished 1st semester (2 exams left, wish me luck) but I'm still pretty early into the course.
My favourite thing about Marine Bio is just how much there is to learn. I'm curious by nature and the oceans are filled with things to learn about that I never would have guessed. I was flabberghasted when learning Starfish are considered invasive pest species in some parts of the world.
Favourite Ocean Zone, I'm most comfortable on the Continental Shelf, but the Hadal Zone is the coolest. The deeper you go the weirder the sea life gets and I just think that's neat.
Top five marine animals:
Turtles (any and all) (Also, Carracosta is one of my top 5 favourite Pokemon)
And finally, Hot Chocolate! My favourite mix is Jarrah, a few teaspoons, boiled water and some milk, maybe a marshmallow on the side. I haven't tried adding things like Cinnamon or Mint, but I'm thinking I should now.
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billycorn · 3 days
pokemon mystery dungeon explorers games ARE the funniest flex in the franchise like. WHY did they have to make the story not only good but better than anything other pokemon game before or since. By all accounts the pmd games should be a silly little spinoff and instead they're like 'well. Doomed timeline apocalypse self-sacrifice true love narrative to traumatize the youth 🫡'. I think every spinoff made by a rando side studio for a major franchise should do this. they should all get a little silly with it
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billycorn · 3 days
A thought, if I may. Ruby and Opal are partners in crime, they get up to harmless mischief and enjoy playing pranks, one of their favourites being changing into each other and tricking people. They especially love doing this to Ark; he always has the best reactions.
But it doesn't occur to them, Ark can see auras, he knows exactly what's going on and plays it up because it makes them happy.
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They very much enjoy twin-swapping with each other via their illusions and transformations, Ark very much is a strong candidate for receiving the legendary “World’s Best Dad” mug this Father’s Day, and this ask is very much one of the most adorable things I’ve ever imagined.
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