bombsareforbabies · 22 hours
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bombsareforbabies · 2 days
The spirit of Boston possessed this one kid from the Balkans, holy fuck
sorry if this reads as a confession but i feel the need to say i am from the balkans and have no ties to massachusetts but i did spend my entire childhood OBSESSED with it and boston especially. because when i was very little i watched a yankees vs red sox game with my dad and the red sox were losing by a lot so i decided to root for them with no prior knowledge of anything related to them. and the red sox ended up winning that game AND i think the world series (it would seem the year was 2004) which i interpreted as my doing entirely. and from that moment on i passionately hated the yankees and loved the red sox and begged my mom to buy me anything with the word "boston" on it (i still have and wear a knockoff boston college hoodie from a local shop from like 2010). im normal now but new york yankees hats are now very popular here (for no reason!! the only people who know baseball are the 100 or so people in this country who play it!) and i still feel a pang of irritation whenever i see them. anyway thanks for this blog it takes me back to my massachusetts obsessed childhood 👍 go red sox etc
Official Confession of Massachusetts
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bombsareforbabies · 4 days
“The Fens” “Eastie” “Back Bay” <- “real” places named by “real” people
“Take the blue line going to wonderland” “take the red line going to Braintree” <- statements made by the UTTERLY DERANGED
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bombsareforbabies · 4 days
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his name is whateley and he is my (literally) dirty lil man.
DM for the campaign is @physical-manifestation-of-spite
Fellow players: @hailthedragonmaster @teebies @chordata7 @pixelatedcheerios
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bombsareforbabies · 8 days
This is eugenics and ageism. Full stop, this is eugenics and ageism and ableism. Holy fuck, this is some of the most evil shit I’ve read in a while.
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bombsareforbabies · 9 days
Slap some big ol tiddies on that sopping wet ginger man and his yellow-robed eldritch emotional support monstrosity. That’ll fix everything.
Actually it's very important you Hit your monthly quota of female characters. You could loose your license to do Art for failing to live Up to your obligations to *checks notes* do literally anything anyone on the internet wants you to do for No reason and without compensation.
It's a very serious violation of your contract i'm afraid. but all is Not lost! My recommendation is to add at least one stick figure with boobs to every Work you Post from now on. Thank goodness those people got to you in time and reminded you of your duties.
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oh god oh fuck the monthly women quota fucking killed me
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bombsareforbabies · 20 days
SPOILERS for 261 Leaks
considering the chapter 261 leaks, maybe not!
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❝Despite everything, it's still you.❞
a quote from undertale that made me really think of yuta :) so i really wanted to draw this out
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bombsareforbabies · 20 days
When a peach ring like:
It makes a motherfucker be like:
slightly warm and highly soft/malleable peach rings that've been left in a hot car feel a bit. hmmm. sexual. if im being honest. feel a bit dirty handling and eating them
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bombsareforbabies · 21 days
At least it’s not the temporary one I had to craft from only paper clips, tape, and expired medical bandages.
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bro my phone case is beyonddd fucked. not even held together by hopes and dreams at this point. my phone falls out if i hold it a lil too tight
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bombsareforbabies · 21 days
I might actually have you beat on that one. Mine’s held together with the edges that used to be the phone case, duct tape, paper clips, and eternal torment.
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bro my phone case is beyonddd fucked. not even held together by hopes and dreams at this point. my phone falls out if i hold it a lil too tight
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bombsareforbabies · 26 days
When ur friend forgets the Titty Tutorial (Tittorial, if you will) u left in the server y’all scream at each other in.
hmmm. wanna draw titties. don't know how to draw titties. this predicament will be the death of me, i think
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bombsareforbabies · 4 months
Also, a decent amount of stuff being mentioned is… paparazzi and ‘journalists’ and people looking to make money off of tragedy, as opposed to some rando who just watched an episode of Dateline?
Like, I know there are plenty of true crime ‘fans’ that do this reprehensible shit, but framing all True Crime Media as morally wrong is one of those things that can and will end up with people who aren’t harming anyone—or even doing advocacy or research— being dragged through the mud. Not to mention when people who are victims work with media to get their stories out.
There are many ways something as delicate as this can go sideways, but wholesale throwing the genre away is not gonna help. It may even hurt certain groups of victims.
Try to: Listen to victims; try not to sensationalize; make sure shit’s accurate; don’t fucking cross boundaries.
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bombsareforbabies · 4 months
Pomegranates are the most dramatic fruit ever.
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Bitch you are a piece of fruit why does it look like I murdered you. Why do you leave my fingertips red and stained. Why do you run down my hands to my elbows when I tear you apart. Why must I rip your body into bloodied chunks to get what's inside of you. Why do you sound so lovely when I crack you open. Why must I eat you with a knife and my bare hands. Why is there so much of you and why is there never enough.
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bombsareforbabies · 4 months
abandonment issues are sooooo funny. "i'm scared people will leave me so i push them away first to avoid being hurt" girl the prophecy is self fulfilling!!! the sabotage is coming from within!!! you forgot about the cycle!!!!!!!!!
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bombsareforbabies · 4 months
Bruh the high school I went to was designed by a guy who was like. known. for designing prisons. There were some rooms where it wouldn’t even be four sided, just a horrid, misshapen triangle-esque room with no windows. Metal doors with only a slit of glass to show the hallway. Fluorescent lights. You could still hear thru the walls tho.
Luckily, I ended up in the windowless room that resembled a warehouse interior more than the prison block, but that ended up with us cleaning the whole place ourselves and suspecting there had been a bird held or injured there. And there was just. Broken equipment everywhere that no one would get rid of. And an old guy that occasionally walked thru class and into the Other Room that students were not supposed to go near but was connected directly to my class.
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the only reason i ever miss high school is because it produced genuinely hellish photos such as this one
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bombsareforbabies · 5 months
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bombsareforbabies · 5 months
the most fucked up thing ever is being obsessed w ur own oc. why do i have to make content of them why cant they just magically appear on my screen for me to reblog 200 times. fucked up and also evil
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