bumblingdragon · 3 days
sometimes you just have GOT to get weird about someone's oc. embrace them. treat them like you would the main character of a hit tv show. blorbo from someone else' brain. it's good for you
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bumblingdragon · 8 days
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they would
and Heledove is over in the couches section pretending to not know them...
redraw of this post from @draw-the-squad-like-this
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bumblingdragon · 8 days
Lee: 'Y' shaped vivisection scar on his chest that he got from "involuntary exploratory surgery" while he was a prisoner during war. People to stare with a wince of sympathy when they see it cause it's really obvious what it's from. It's the sort of scar that doesn't leave much to question, it tells its own story of where it came from and it's gruesome. He doesn't like letting it show, it takes a long time post-war before he gets comfortable wearing looser shirts and lower collars.
Linni: Her back is covered in old whip scars from her childhood growing up in a dungeon. People don't see them often but that's less because she's ashamed of them and more just cause she's not undressing in front of people often. But people's reactions are pretty similar to Lee's scar, a mix of shock and pity just from the extent/size of it. Post-war she has a rather large burn scar (and missing arm) on her right side where she self-immolated and vaporized her arm. She doesn't bother hiding that one, it would be hard to anyways since it creeps up the side of her neck/face
Terin: He has that missing arm and all the giant teeth marks in his torso from the Dracholich trying to eat him, picking him up and tossing him like a rag doll. He has difficult feelings about those scars because he was admittedly rather vain about his appearance before all that. He doesn't undress and he obscures his silhouette with his clothing (the shawl that covers his missing arm), and he really deep down thinks of himself as "mangled" now, but covers it up with layers of his old confidence (although its hollow now). It's basically "if he doesn't have to look at himself/other people don't see the scars, he can pretend everything is fine/the same as it ever was" Heledove is the only one really who has challenged him on those views of himself, and Ilmryn has been rather radically accepting of all the scars. Not many people outside of the guild have seen his scars.
If your OC has a prominent scar or scars, how did they get them? How many people know this story? How do people react to it?
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bumblingdragon · 12 days
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Here's my lyric comic based on the song "Water Witch" by the Secret Sisters
I somehow knocked this out in three days
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bumblingdragon · 12 days
Woe, Lee sketch dump upon thee
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just a collection of doodles from like last week
happy friday lol
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bumblingdragon · 21 days
"having a crush can make you act a little crazy" fuck that y'all ever made original characters
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bumblingdragon · 23 days
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My drawing of @bumblingdragon 's OC Terin for the @artwhumpersanonymous trade event!
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bumblingdragon · 24 days
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The @artwhumpersanonymous discord finished their OC Trade Event reveals yesterday! So I can finally post this! 😁
I got to draw Asha for @dragonpyre 🫶 I had lots of fun. Everyone's art and fics were incredible <3
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bumblingdragon · 29 days
People liking your personal OCs is still such a crazy feeling, I've been doing this for years and ppl asking about them still fills my entire heart with warmth and idk how to handle it
You enjoy this fictional guy I made up for fun?? Whose only content is random artwork or writing made by me and a handful of other artists at most? They have no show/book/game with a large fandom, it's just one person with an art blog?? I love u
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bumblingdragon · 1 month
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hi hi
we played d&d this weekend and Terin almost died again _(:з)∠)_ when an enemy hit him with a one-two-punch of Blinding Smite and a second attack and did like 40+ damage in one turn. the first turn actually...
but he's fine! one of our paladins, Quinn, got him up at the end of the round and he ended up getting the kill on the guy who put him down :3 it was satisfying
so I'm figuring out how i want to give him a radiant magic scar
but we're out of the fey wild! fucking finally!
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bumblingdragon · 1 month
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Day five of our contributor spotlights! Today we have Bud, who you can find as @bumblingdragon on the socials above!
Make sure to give them a follow and check out their art in this year's edition!
P.S. I'll do better, I promise
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bumblingdragon · 2 months
Ref Recs for Whump Writers
Violence: A Writer’s Guide:  This is not about writing technique. It is an introduction to the world of violence. To the parts that people don’t understand. The parts that books and movies get wrong. Not just the mechanics, but how people who live in a violent world think and feel about what they do and what they see done.
Hurting Your Characters: HURTING YOUR CHARACTERS discusses the immediate effect of trauma on the body, its physiologic response, including the types of nerve fibers and the sensations they convey, and how injuries feel to the character. This book also presents a simplified overview of the expected recovery times for the injuries discussed in young, otherwise healthy individuals.
Body Trauma: A writer’s guide to wounds and injuries. Body Trauma explains what happens to body organs and bones maimed by accident or intent and the small window of opportunity for emergency treatment. Research what happens in a hospital operating room and the personnel who initiate treatment. Use these facts to bring added realism to your stories and novels.
10 B.S. Medical Tropes that Need to Die TODAY…and What to Do Instead: Written by a paramedic and writer with a decade of experience, 10 BS Medical Tropes covers exactly that: clichéd and inaccurate tropes that not only ruin books, they have the potential to hurt real people in the real world. 
Maim Your Characters: How Injuries Work in Fiction: Increase Realism. Raise the Stakes. Tell Better Stories. Maim Your Characters is the definitive guide to using wounds and injuries to their greatest effect in your story. Learn not only the six critical parts of an injury plot, but more importantly, how to make sure that the injury you’re inflicting matters. 
Blood on the Page: This handy resource is a must-have guide for writers whose characters live on the edge of danger. If you like easy-to-follow tools, expert opinions from someone with firsthand knowledge, and you don’t mind a bit of fictional bodily harm, then you’ll love Samantha Keel’s invaluable handbook
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bumblingdragon · 2 months
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*whispers* Vampire AU...
Heledove is so fking - hot and in charge
i love her. i need to draw Ilmryn...
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bumblingdragon · 2 months
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Naomi Campbell and Alex Covas by Mert and Marcus for Interview Magazine September 2010
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bumblingdragon · 2 months
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Don't forget to vote in our mascot contest! We've got 12 incredible options for you to pick from, but only one of them will become our official Zine Mascot, so make sure you vote for your favorite before time runs out!
Zine Mascot Voting
If you want to take a look at all of the entries before voting, keep an eye out for our next post with previews of all of them!
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bumblingdragon · 2 months
yknow i never noticed the sheer rareness of images having ids or alt text on this website until i started adding alt text to my art (and trying to remember to add it to any images i post in general, especially text screenshots) and that makes me kinda sad
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bumblingdragon · 2 months
Different person but I'd like to hear more about when Lee almost died? 👀
🙌 🙌 🙌
So, at some point in the middle of the war, the group that Lee is with gets lured into an ambush and captured. The regular elves and such get tortured for information, some of the more useless ones are executed as an example, but the handful of Demi-yara (including Lee) are kept aside for a different purpose
somebody working with the group of captors is a sort of evil scientist type (tbh im still working on his character) and he's interested in the Demi-yara for his research. He's made some sort of deal with someone in power with the army to get inside and be given prisoners for his work. Demi-yara are relatively rare (at least on this continent) and have some extreme physical variety amongst them, so this guy wants to pick them apart, literally, dissect them for his research, diagram their biology and learn how they tik, etc.
when guards came to take the next prisoner to the chopping block (so to speak), they started going for Linni (the dragon girl that Lee's been pinning over). Linni's in the middle of freaking the fuck out due to PTSD related to being held in dungeons (its very out of character for her so everyone else is freaked out that she's freaked out). But Lee ends up throwing himself in front of her and they take him instead
So Lee gets strapped down and vivisected 😈 (with no sort of anesthetic either, he ends up passing out from pain several times before the blood loss gets to him.) All his friends still back in the like holding cell can hear him screaming. There's some sort of magical or medicinal bullshit going on that keeps him alive longer so he ~Suffers™~ (if he died right away the scientist guy wouldn't be able to see how his unique organs function, you know? he wants to see them in action)
Rescue does arrive not too long after, and his step-brother Sael is with them, but when they find Lee they think he's dead. He certainly LOOKS dead, he isn't obviously breathing and with how bad it looks they don't consider checking him for vitals right away. There's a really long quiet sadness for a moment where Sael is mourning his brother before Lee makes a quiet choking noise and everyone jumps to get him untied and stabilized (healing magic is tricky and not a quick fix, he still has a LONG long recovery time after that)
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