cacodaemonia · 3 hours
Sometimes it just hits me all over again how fucking insane Cody is. Like, Grievous is an enemy general who regularly kills Jedi, is armed with four (4!!!!!) lightsabers, and has in canon wiped out entire battalions full of clones when Jedi try to confront him. And Cody just. balls to the wall goes for it and full-on tackles the bastard. Dog-piles the guy who's killed more Jedi than probably any one single person. And he punches Grievous in his (metal!!!) face while he's at it.
And! His men follow his lead.
What the hell kind of charisma and pure brass balls do you have to have for that. Honestly.
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cacodaemonia · 4 hours
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cacodaemonia · 4 hours
Has anyone asked about the 100 Kink Fics yet?
I don't actually remember how many but think there's been maybe 3-4 questions about it in total after the few times I've posted my WIP List. Maybe less. ^^''
But it's exactly what it says on the tin: 100 Kinks with, errr 9-10 different ships? Don't remember.
Anyway, I've got them kinks and ships in two different mason jars (the third one for the used kinks) and from them I pick one ship & one kink.
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(lol you can see at least two names from this pic but not the whole ship)
The kinks I've written about so far are (this also reveals how many I still got to write to reach that 100 lol):
sex game
surprise sex (this one got an additional title "A cock protecting it's eggs/Cody the Cock inspecting Rex's eggses", which is a language pun because in Finnish, one of the slang words for penis is 'muna' as in 'egg')
chair sex
in a really dirty place
one catches the other masturbating
inappropriate location
silly, giggly sex
sex toys
smutty/sloppy/dirty sex
getting caught
loud sex/knowing someone can hear
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cacodaemonia · 4 hours
Back with another art prompt. Commander Fox, any of the Corries, and the feral tooka that they may or may not have adopted and that Fox totally, definitely, absolutely doesn't love to bits and for sure doesn't fold like wet flimsi ever time it wants chin scratches, what ever do you mean Thorn? ���
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Today I learned tooka faces are a pain in the ass to draw
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cacodaemonia · 6 hours
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Echo/Fives Keldabe Kiss
.... But then I was inspired by these two songs ~ which made me sad. So uhhhh - I'm sorry!! 😭
Too Far Gone - Hidden Citizens
Was it always going to end like this? Are they too far gone? Is it out of their hands, or do they still have a chance? Too Far Gone?
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Hymn For The Missing - Red
We tried to walk together But the night was growing dark Thought you were beside me But I reached and you were gone Sometimes I hear you calling From some lost and distant shore I hear you crying softly for the way it was before
Where are you now? Are you lost? Will I find you again? Are you alone? Are you afraid? Are you searching for me? Why did you go? I had to stay Now I'm reaching for you Will you wait? Will you wait? Will I see you again?
You took it with you when you left These scars are just a trace Now it wanders lost and wounded This heart that I misplaced
😭😭😭😭😭 I made myself cry drawing this!
"Keldabe Kiss" Clones:
Reference photo under the cut
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cacodaemonia · 10 hours
I am /obsessed/ with Waxer and Boil's Adventures in Babysitting Feral Tooka Ahsoka XD
Ahhhh thank you! I’m glad you enjoy them and I definitely need to do more, but, uh, I’m not sure if Boil enjoys it as much...
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Eh, he’ll be fine
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cacodaemonia · 10 hours
Hey! I love your art, and the tender intimacy you write for Waxer and Boil is incredible. A friend has been having trouble putting images on AO3, esp NSFW ones, and I come across a good number of fics having similar issues, but yours are always fine. Where do you host them/ how do you manage that?
Hi there! Ah, thanks 🥹🧡
Ahhh yes, the eternal struggle of finding any place to host nsfw art that's not just going to shut down or change their TOS and delete all your nsfw stuff. 😑 I used to use imgur but they changed their policies, so about a year ago, I had to move 700+ images (and manually edit every. single. associated link on @ao3org) to postimages.org—which was incredibly frustrating and took me ages.
I do not, however, recommend postimages for others. While they have a good system for organizing images, it seems that all of my older images that haven't been accessed in a few months often return 503 errors if I or others attempt to load them. This likely means that postimages has a tiered hosting system in which frequently- or recently-accessed images load quickly, while older ones may not load until a minute or two after they've been requested. This makes it... not very useful for an archive site such as AO3, where the whole point is to host things that aren't necessarily super new.
Anyway, the only other semi-decent option I'm aware of is squidge.org image hosting. It's a fan-run site, and squidgeworld itself has been around for a long time, so I think it's trustworthy in the sense that they're not going to randomly delete all nsfw art or change their TOS to disallow things like that. They do have very strict rules about nsfw underage art, though, if that's relevant to anyone you know. But the dealbreaker for me was their gallery UI, which is really bad if you need to keep track of a large number of images. That was why I ended up going with postimages instead of them when I was looking around a while back.
So... yeah. Sorry I can't offer any great advice. There just aren't any good options that I've found, even after searching off and on for over a year. :/ Discord and Tumblr are NOT reliable for image hosting, either, since their image urls aren't static. They can change at any time, which will break your image links on AO3.
I truly think that the only way AO3 can be a fanworks archive, rather than just a fanfic archive is if the OTW (@transformativeworks) prioritizes one of AO3's future goals to host fanart. That does complicate things financially (servers are expensive) and legally (see squidge's TOS above), but because fan artists have no safe places to host images, our works on AO3 can disappear any time.
Sorry for the long reply! This is just something that really frustrates me. If I think about it too hard, it makes me not even want to bother sharing fanart because of the stress of knowing I will likely have to move 800 or so (and counting) images again in the future.
If anyone knows of any miraculously amazing options, please let me know!
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cacodaemonia · 11 hours
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cacodaemonia · 11 hours
i just think mace windu should be romanced. somebody should fall ass over teakettle for him. he deserves it.
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cacodaemonia · 12 hours
You are trapped with two Supernatural characters (spin the wheel: first and second) in an elevator for two hours.
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cacodaemonia · 12 hours
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cacodaemonia · 13 hours
most importantly, they've gotta kill the rich old white dudes before anything can be fixed ✌️😌
i love love love how we spend the entirety of mad max fury road watching furiosa and the wives trying to escape from their circumstances into a promised land only to be confronted with the fact that such a place doesn't exist and realize that they have to turn back to where they were and make it better. that a truly perfect place may never exist but that only means they have to try to make the best of what they already have in their reach, both for their own sakes and for everyone else that was left behind. aughhh
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cacodaemonia · 14 hours
Fives finds a package of stick-on googly eyes.
Eyes start appearing on helmets, weapons, ships, animals, and one time Wolffe when he’s asleep.
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cacodaemonia · 14 hours
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Captain Rex
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cacodaemonia · 15 hours
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cacodaemonia · 23 hours
i’m here to have a good time, not a canon-compliant time.
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cacodaemonia · 23 hours
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loving this new tiktok trend of 14 year olds thinking 1998 was actually the 1800s
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