i need someone to hug me so tight i can’t fuckinf move so i don’t do anything stupid
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Hi. Serious post. Please read. Please fucking reblog.
Please, please take childrens mental health seriously.
An edgy teenager saying theyre going to kill themself isnt just edgy. It isnt just talk. Suicidal ideation is almost always a sign something is horribly wrong.
Today i had to call 911 on a 11-12 year old.
A child. To get a wellness check because their best friend was panicking, horrified she may be dead. Neither of us knew her parents contact info, her address, we were left with no choice and time was ticking by. It was the only solution. She'd made cries for help in the past.
We're lucky that shes alive.
But many other children arent so lucky.
Please listen when children say they want to die. Please listen when children say something is wrong. Even if their issues dont seem real or bad, they havent lived as much as you. Their world is different. Please, just care. Please.
Please have a heart. Nobody is asking you to be a parent. Just extend some kind words and a listening ear.
It means the world when society is so cruel.
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I LOve how we call post that get popular once that "breach containment" like, yes babeee. you are escaping me. yes babyyy, go be an SCP
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okay wait. is this an autistic experience or a normal one. /gen
I struggle with personal hygiene, like... idk I've never been taught it? or if I was I didn't understand it? I just realised just now that I haven't showered or changed my clothes in an embarrassingly long time, because I forgot. last time I was on placement I was asked about hygiene and I cited depression, but... that's not the reason, not really? I just forget? unless I have a pattern, like if I shower right after I get up every single morning, or directly after going for a bike ride, or something, I'm often going to end up getting to the end of the day and realising I just Haven't. same with regularly washing my hands, all the things. and I genuinely don't know if this is autistic things and worth potentially looking into further support for, or that everyone is like this and most people have just learned to deal with it, you know? would love some insight
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being aromantic and into whump is like. shoutout to whump for being a great opportunity to engage with stories about intimacy and vulnerability and powerful emotion and physical interactions with other people and intense relationships that are not presumptively based in romance. what would i do without you.
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You know what’s wild? Remembering that children hear things for the first time without context and are literally like, “What?”
I just said “See you later, alligator” to a four-year-old and I think it was the first time they had ever heard that.  They froze in their tracks, looked at me completely bewildered then replied, “See you later, chicken” and kept walking.
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It Begins
And the ultimate bloging begins
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yeah so i looked up my symptoms and it turns out my whole existence is flawed
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okay wait. is this an autistic experience or a normal one. /gen
I struggle with personal hygiene, like... idk I've never been taught it? or if I was I didn't understand it? I just realised just now that I haven't showered or changed my clothes in an embarrassingly long time, because I forgot. last time I was on placement I was asked about hygiene and I cited depression, but... that's not the reason, not really? I just forget? unless I have a pattern, like if I shower right after I get up every single morning, or directly after going for a bike ride, or something, I'm often going to end up getting to the end of the day and realising I just Haven't. same with regularly washing my hands, all the things. and I genuinely don't know if this is autistic things and worth potentially looking into further support for, or that everyone is like this and most people have just learned to deal with it, you know? would love some insight
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pro life women sound off
(they say that pro life is a misogynistic position to hold and I want to prove that it's not just Men Trying To Control Women yk)
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a while back Saga was talking about hitting an emotional breaking point and they said, “it was a real floor poptart moment” and I said “a huh?” and they were surprised I didn’t understand. They said, “you don’t remember the floor poptart?” I said no and they proceeded to tell me a story about myself in which I was apparently 19 and on the verge of a catastrophic mental health crisis for weeks and one night at 2 am in our mom’s kitchen I was just barely holding it together as I cooked a poptart in the toaster and when it popped up & I went to eat it, I somehow dropped it on the floor, and the pillars of sand upon which stood the crumbling castle of my psyche gave way.
Apparently I got down on the floor with the poptart and laid there crying beside it as if it were perhaps the corpse of a dear friend.
And now when people in my family hit a wall they call it their “floor poptart moment.”
I have no memory of this whatsoever but I think it’s a good legacy
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i just remembered the queen of the night aria existed. i haven't listened to it in years
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“Thank you for your kindness, but you cannot know the depth of my despair.”
Persuasion, Jane Austen
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Wentworth’s charisma and charm—-
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Not a single repeat among any of Austen’s characters across her books. They’re all so beautifully, distinctly themselves.
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