chironmoon · 11 months
The esoteric duty of Cancer is to master the realm of emotion. Though, Cancer is not a sign of mere tears and hysteria; the experience is very often volatile, isolating, unpredictable. They have their demons, and they can secretly overcome tremendous adversity in life. it may not be until many years after the event do they ever share their pain and accomplishment
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chironmoon · 2 years
~ signs of Mars
Aries: “Life is a battle”
Scorpio: “Realise what is truly worth fighting for”
~ signs of Venus
Taurus: “this looks good on me”
Libra: “that looks good on you”
~ signs of Mercury
Gemini: “I’ve already thought about all of it”
Virgo: “but have you thought twice about it all yet?”
~ signs of Jupiter
Sagittarius: “I’ll believe in magic when I see it”
Pisces: “I see magic because I believe in it”
~ signs of Saturn
Capricorn: “it’s important for future generations…”
Aquarius: “.. I already saw the future and they didn’t like it…”
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chironmoon · 3 years
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Moon in the 11th house - Unicorn Dancer 
The Seven Social Sins are: Wealth without work. Pleasure without conscience. Knowledge without character. Commerce without morality. Science without humanity. Worship without sacrifice. Politics without principle.
With Moon in the 11th the emotional spectrum is highly sensitive to mass humanity. The highs and lows experienced by the global consciousness are felt like translucent waves of squeals and delight. Moon in the 11th people have a tremendous social conscience and easily intuit the invisible feelings and longings of their friends and loved ones. Any vibration or desire circulating will enter the individual’s open and perforated auric field. The individual brings a responsive touch and magic essence to the Aquarius home while dispersing a warm, maternal and nurturing expression amongst friends. The individual may be endearingly known as the ‘mother’ of the social group. But like the moon waxes and wanes, and hides away, the individual can frequently vanish from the social scene. Friends satisfy emotional needs.
Moon in the 11th people have a great sense of equality and prefer to see the poor, abused, and disadvantaged taken care off. They can be a light lamp of comfort and safety for those who are dazed and confused, a cloud of a dream, a moment of elusive safety, because this is a guardian of humanity. It’s like the moon light radiates outward, and they are the light of nurture for the lost ones humanity has forgotten. The individual simply cannot be indifferent to the suffering of humanity, because they are so hypersensitive. The person could be a passive radical, humbly assisting those who have been broken in the rampage. Emotions may be swept away with the crowd, but the individual can still be private and long to escape the attention. The individual will likely let only a select few into his emotional circle. The moon is within eye sight for much of the time, and the 11th house represents society, so the individual could become quite renowned or publicly recognisable. The individual identifies closely with his social ties and can lose sense of self and purpose to the needs of friends and wider networks. Maybe the individual experiences a tremendous fear of abandonment from friends or rejection from society. If this self fulfilling prophecy unfolds, the individual’s sense of exile and isolation will be consuming. It is these groups of people that provide feeling of safety and comforting that is residual from childhood. Despite this, the individual has a very natural flow in the social scene, the essence is well received and they know how to coax and soothe. The individual can create innovative ways to problem solve personal problems and fractures in the fabric of society. Social causes can erupt tense emotional eruptions.
There is something extra solar about the 11th house moon, the way they touch people they’ve never met halfway across the globe. It’s as if they have adopted every child as his own. The individual takes friends in as family and may be emotionally remedied by time spent around friends. There is an exquisite intuition that can guide them toward the golden handshake, and this will in someway relate to a social encounter, social standing, or network. It is important for the individual to fit into a group and maintain contact with others on deep emotional levels. The 11th house is the dream weaving Aquarius cove, so there can be tremendous leaps in consciousness when the individual is amongst friends in shared delight, it’s like the group hang out is a sort of temple. The individual is capable of the peak collective experience, the experience of divine unity, harmony between all beings, splaying out into every oracle and milky way, entering the tapestry of every soul. They are in the company of the stars, drifting on the edge of a cloud, watching over every being, pregnant with the ideas of salvation, the inventions that will suture the broken, watching cautiously and adoringly, like the mother of humanity.
[art: kukula art]
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chironmoon · 3 years
Simple Home Protection Jar Spell
(written for kie-the-faery-witch)
In a jar, however large you want it, layer any / some of the following:
sea salt
bergamot (as in, earl gray tea)
crumbled up bay leaves
dill seeds
garlic flakes / powder
black peppercorns (or just black pepper)
As you add each layer to the jar, focus deeply on your intent and pour that energy into the herbs. If you’d like, repeat a phrase to bring protection to your home and all those in it. (Don’t tell anyone else that phrase.) If you want to lock this spell on to anyone specific in the household, add some of their hair or other personal materials; otherwise, just state whomever is in the home at any given time is protected from harm. Feel free to also add any other items you associate with protection and safety. Tie a black ribbon or string near the neck / top of the jar to tie it off, and keep it on a windowsill in a common area of your home. (If you can - otherwise, wherever you can keep it safely is good).
Note: If a jar doesn’t work for you, a wee sachet is a good alternative.
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chironmoon · 3 years
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Energy of full moon Scorpio brought over, you’ll gradually see more clarity in the murky water x
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chironmoon · 3 years
Protection spell jar
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This is the instructions for making a simple protection spell jar:
-Rosemary (protection, warding off the evil eye)
- Sage ( protection, clearing out energy)
- Black tourmaline (removing hexes, blocking evil)
-Mint (cleansing, warding)
- Lavender (to bring good vibes back into your space as well as cleansing)
- petition stating what you want to protect, what you want out of your life/ what is harming you/ what you want to banish
Instructions: During a waning moon (cleansing, releasing, etc.) smudge with protective herbs and after casting a circle, place the ingredients in the jar whilst saying a protective incantation or prayer. I will let you choose your words, but I recommend the following incantation, which I really like:
“ I seek protection, and sound my alarm, my body mind and spirit now safe from harm, my aura a shield to keep me from harm, I now banish negativity and all that is wrong.”
When you are done, smudge some smoke into and inside the jar before closing it; finishing by saying “so mote it be” right as you are closing the jar. 
This spell should last for around a moon cycle; on the next waning moon I recommend redoing the spell or adding to it to keep its strength alive. 
Go to the jar and shake it whenever you need protection. If things don’t get better within  a moon cycle I recommend a stronger banishing spell, or even hex removal. However, I personally don’t like to go full out aggressive for every little issue; generally if the issue is something that can be solved easily a spell jar will do the trick. \
 Also make sure to consult your spirits and guides on the matter, as danger, both physical and psychic is very serious and needs to be take care of. Blessed be )O(
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chironmoon · 3 years
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chironmoon · 3 years
1. No, your birth chart is not special and ‘crazy’. It’s literally like everybody else’s. There are the same planets, asteroids, points and angles just like in every single chart of every human being
2. There’s nothing ‘doomed’ or ‘cursed’ about your placements. The reason you think like that is because you won’t face yourself. Which brings me to the next point:
3. There are probably a lot of things you need to work on. Things that are unpleasant, hard and unflattering. All of us do. Nothing happens overnight. Most likely, you won’t like my advice. People prefer complaining and doing nothing and just being patted on the back and told they were right, omg you’re so doomed/special
4. No, you won’t become rich and famous like, ever, unless you work extremely hard and maybe not even then. People who are ‘meant to be’ celebrities for example, already are on that path. If you were, you wouldn’t ask, trust me. The same goes for every other ‘stellar’ career
5. I have no idea how many children you’ll have or if any
6. Same for marriage - there are indicators, but it’s ultimately your decision
7. Just because you have one single placement that is traditionally described as (insert description) it doesn’t mean anything. It’s part of the whole system and it manifest differently in every chart
8. No, I can’t do synastry for you and your crush. You don’t have a relationship. And whatever the astrological placements are, the reason you’re not together is not there. Trust me.
9. No transit in the sky can change anything to the better for you unless you act upon it.
10. I can’t tell how/when you’re gonna die or whether somebody loves you. It’s beyond astrology’s reach.
11. No, I can’t do your chart/solar return for free. It’s hard work and it takes time and I value myself and my knowledge enough
So yeah. People are draining and most of the time very superficial. So I talk about astrology only to those who are really ready to listen/learn and ask specific questions, or within astro community so I can also learn something. Whenever some random ‘astro’ conversation pops up, like ‘Do Libra and Gemini get along’ I play dumb and pretend not to know what Libra is. It saves me so much frustration.
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Pick your battles. Always.
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chironmoon · 3 years
Venus square Jupiter synastry
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Venus square Jupiter is beneficial regardless of the hard aspect. It is similar to the conjunction , which shows a big love for one another. Both parties are uplifted in one another’s presence. The Jupiter person loves to spoil the Venus person, vice versa. They make Venus feel so giddy and happy. The square will definitely show a physical attraction more than likely, if at tight orb. The square causes this friction but of the romantic kind. It is happiness that is constantly being shoved around in the relationship. Jupiter will overspend and indulge for Venus. Venus can think this is a bit much , considering their own birth chart or other contacts in the synastry. There’s a magnetic attraction due to the big love feelings. The square makes it SUPER obvious, especially in the beginning. The people smile and laugh a lot and behave so childlike. It’s like they go from laughing to crying heartedly in a matter of seconds. They are very expressive for their love for the other. It is hard to stay mad at one another with this aspect. Even the nastiest aspects can be helped with this one in particular. The conjunction , opposition and square between Venus and Jupiter always has a more positive outcome when they are involved in synastry.  They tease each other a lot and the general summary is lots of good humor and good times ahead. The pair have so many adventures and games together. The love between the two people can be best described bigger than life itself. Also the sex tends to be more frequent. This is the couple who might actually giggle during sex or use teasing as a way to get the other going. So basically like verbal foreplay or jokes etc. They also have no problem jumping one another’s bones in front of other people. They LOVE being physically being intimate. They enjoy kissing and playing far too much. Outsiders might think they are a bit extreme or very cute. They can start a relationship / friendship fast as well. children will adore the couple. 
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chironmoon · 3 years
the enemy is. . .
mars in the first house - …me. these people often see themselves as the problem and contrary to popular belief which portrays them as chads or bullies, may frequently be victims of gaslighting. they are afraid someone may see them as a victim and feel like this will make them look weak and easy to take advantage of. but playing tough when you’re hurt and acting as if everything is your fault makes it even easier for someone to take advantage of you.
mars in the second house - . . .lack of stability. you might often see these people doing shit like buying two of every item, stocking with food, hoarding old shit cuz they might need, and so on. it works with people too - they have a terifying fear of fickleness (air signs, stay away!) and in some cases try to buy people’s loyalty by doing them favours no one else can do and so on. they might need to get married just for the certainty it gives them or to have some work contract or a shared apartment with the people they love and want to keep close.
mars in the third house - …the mind. just as the nature of the house suggests, this placement is quite versatile and it can be expressed in many diff ways. however, there is often a tendency to be afraid of the human mind and its capabilities - I’ve seen it play out as rejection of making rational decisions and leaning entirely on intuitive insight, as fear from what other people have on their minds, as paranoid thoughts that some of the person’s friends are manipulating the rest into hating her, as putting up gigantic walls so the native won’t get manipulated, as a tendency to overthink and get lost in thoughts with no escape, as studying thoroughly the human mind so you can play with ppl and use them…the options are so many.
mars in the fourth house - …the family. with this placement i often see an early environment full of conflicts or even violence to which the native frequently responds with mixed feelings - rejection of anything that ties them to their family and simultaneously a craving to replicate the sense of belonging that was taken from them.
mars in the fifth house - …sex. many people with this placement try to tackle down sex as if it’s some sort of threat to them - they might start having sex without actually feeling ready cuz they want to “get it off the list” or to have a lot of casual sex just for the “body count”. they feel like they have to prove themselves as someone with a huuuge libido even if they’re not necessary feeling it. probably voted “most likely to fake an orgasm” in college or smth.
mars in the sixth house - . . . one’s own need to be of service. i often see this placement in workaholics, people who are constantly offering help to others and trying to “be there” for them despite their own needs, as well as in people who neglect their own pleasure for the pleasure of their partner. there’s always the same thing behind each of these problems: the native desires to help and tries to save others without taking care of themselves first.
mars in the seventh house - …the other. people with this placement usually experience a lot of conflicts and discontent in their personal relationships. they may push away others by being too argumentative and disagreeable. the people close to them often feel as if they’re not on the same team or side and that there’s nothing they can do to change this. people with mars in the 7th need to ease it down a bit and realize there isn’t always hidden aggression about to be unleashed any minute now in the people that surround them.
mars in the 8th house - . . .intimacy. that’s a very broad term. I’ve seen this play out as hypersexuality or fear of letting someone get close. there is often some sort of trauma that may result in a self fulfilling prophecy that everyone you love will betray you at some point or abandon you just as you’re becoming vulnerable and open.
mars in the 9th house - . . .a higher power. this could be about god or satan or the universe or karma or even aliens. there is a tendency to fear the unknown and to see it as a threat, esp when it’s considered “higher” than the human. that’s why people with this placement often either avoid learning anything about such topics, running away from this as if it’s the devil, or study with an urgency that suggests someone’s breathing in their necks 24/7 and they gotta learn more about it to be prepared.
mars in the 10th house - . . . society and authority. they are often drive to succeed in their career and make a name for themselves but honestly, it’s only because they need to feel as safe as possible from the whims of social norms. when you’re rich and successful you can afford to live your life as you please and not be burned at the stake… usually. ppl with this placement frequently despise those in position of power and see them as incompetent so they might fight to change the system. they don’t enjoy being in power either tho, like that’s not exactly a boss placement, it’s more common for ppl who just want to be their own boss and not deal with anyone’s mess.
mars in the 11th house - …reality. an odd one, i know. but I’ve noticed people with this placement, esp if mars is not in an earth sign, struggle a lot with the restrictions of physical reality, with having to overcome time and space and matter and social norms if you want to achieve smth. mars in the 11th indicates a person who is frustrated that their ideals and big dreams for the future meet so many restrictions and things can’t happen as flawlessly as they appear in their visions.
mars in the 12th house - . . . unrealistic perceptions. these people may often struggle with grasping objectively what’s going on and why and might feel as if they’re being threatened by stuff that’s totally not directed at them while the real danger frequently evades them. they’re often bound to repeat their mistakes and harmful patterns until they start developing a more systematic and objective approach when they’re analyzing and solving problems and stop clouding their subconscious with delusions and wishful thinking.
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chironmoon · 3 years
PLUTO: Uncovering secrets ❤️🔍❤️
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
Pluto indicates where you have the most keen and precise intuition if not clouded by fear or paranoia.
- you can feel if the other person has a fragile, exaggerated or big ego
- you might sense someone’s outlook on life
- and behaviour, attitude (how they normally act and if it’s all an act) by looking at their posture, mimics, gestures
- you can predict their traits, character quite accurately
- you can sense someone’s truest self or what is really their core identity or soul like (you might get freaked out a bit), almost like you are looking, “seeing”their soul out on the open
- you might easily sense how much income they have or just how much money in general
- you might find quicker about their previous life experiences, events in their life
- you can easily sense what they value
- or where they work
- or you can quickly realize someone’s daily routine, schedule that they follow
- or in which environment they frequently move (which streets, neighbourhood)
- well you are the type to quickly find someone’s social media account (even fake ones)
- with this one most often other people TELL you their secrets, because you have the aura like you won’t judge back
- uncover it through conversation, asking more questions
- or uncover it on social media
- you can sense your siblings, cousins, even neighbours secrets, but also closest friends, people from elementary and high school
- or it’s easier for you to uncover who (that you know of) lives in your nearby area
- you might actually accidentily discover where their home is or again which street
- you quickly uncover your parents secrets
- or if your parents are expecting a child
- or your mother’s secrets
- you can sense when two people are dating/are in the early stages of love/have romantic feelings for each other/are courting
- or you can just know that they had sex
- you uncover other people’s secrets at parties, social gatherings
- or you can easily sense when someone is pregnant
- you might easily sense that there is something off about someone’s mood
- and even when they are not in the best place mentally
- you can sense well interpersonal relations (whether they are friends, siblings, lovers etc.)
- you can sense if someone has a crush on you
- you can sense in interpersonal relationships when things are out of balance
- and when someone has power struggles with the other
- you might easily uncover someone’s past sexual history
- sense their hidden fears or possible traumas
- you can sense their degree or
- what is their lifestyle like
- even their belief system
- you can sense what their father is like
- what they do in their career
- you can predict, guess their reputation
- you can sense their long term goals
- you can sense if someone’s an expert on a topic or just not
- much like Pluto in the 3rd house, you guys are excellent at uncovering people online, social media and finding profiles
- you can uncover your friends’ secrets, friend group
- you can sense if someone is having a secret love affair
- or emotional problem, issues
- or issues with being vulnerable
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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chironmoon · 3 years
Chiron in the signs
Chiron is the wounded healer. A half God, half mortal. A centaur who was abandoned by his parents. He's only good at healing. He gets shot by an arrow and can't heal his own wounds, ironically. He begs to switch places with Prometheus whose liver is being gnawed upon by vultures for eternity. Zeus pities him and sends him to heaven.
Chiron in Aries
Wounds: I can't be myself, I don't have the right to exist, fear of failure, needing to be number one, often neglected in childhood, identity issues
Healing gifts: empowering others, cheering on the underdog, independence, self-care, channeling creativity, shameless individuality
Chiron in Taurus
Wounds: I am unworthy, I don't have enough, I don't deserve this, distrusts change, sees value in everything but themselves, getting stuck in bad habits, materialism, fear of losing everything and everyone, following the flock
Healing gifts: seeing beauty in all places, having a knack for taking care of finances, are able to stay stable in the hardest times, rigid and strong
Chiron in Gemini
Wounds: feeling misunderstood, feeling like they're dumb or incapable, their passions are often discouraged especially in the educational field, paranoid about what others think about them, speech impediments
Healing gifts: You are the voice for the weak, you stand up for the underdog, you have the power to change situations with your words, can give impactful speeches, good at writing and perhaps at poetry or singing
Chiron in Cancer
Wounds: feeling like you can't be vulnerable, feeling as though you can't trust people with your emotions, feeling like you don't belong anywhere (even in your own body), comfort eating, neglect in homelife or childhood, feeling like your emotions are too much or like they're crazy
Healing gifts: You can help others heal emotionally through various acts, you're good at taking care of others, you make people feel like they belong somewhere, you can help others open up, nourishing others, empowering women
Chiron in Leo
Wounds: need to be validated or approved, fear being rejected, chasing the high, crash and burn, the Icarus effect, feeling as though you're not good enough, high standards
Healing gifts: channeling creativity, empowering others through art, sending positive messages through your passions, playfulness and self-expression
Chiron in Virgo
Wounds: perfectionism, body dysmorphia/distorted self-image, overly critical of themselves and others (on all levels), possible health issues, people-pleasing, feeling the need to serve at the expense of one's own endeavors
Healing gifts: You can heal others through traditional means like medication or herbs and may be a great doctor, you are good at organizing and creating routines for others to pick up their lives, you are an amazing problem solver, you are good at creating powerful media or a good social status, good with animals, may be a veterinarian
Chiron in Libra
Wounds: Romanticizing trauma or other issues, idolizing your partners, indecision, fear to commit in a relationship, trouble ending relationships, shoving problems under the rug to fake "peace"
Healing gifts: diplomacy, harmony, you may be great at singing, you tend to create harmonious situations or conversations, you bring people together, you're good at negotiating, you make a great wingman
Chiron in Scorpio
Wounds: You struggle with sexual expression (which can go from addiction to an extreme fear of it), nihilism, the wound of death/grief in your life, being possessive or jealous, insecurity, being interested in the obscure at the expense of your sanity, abuse
Healing gifts: sexual empowerment, seeing the good in a seemingly bad situation, alchemy, spiritual healing (usually through material means like tarot or astrology), helping people deal with life, death and birth, being able to bring about change
Chiron in Sagittarius
Wounds: steadfast beliefs, stubborn, chasing the highs, recklessness, feeling like you don't belong anywhere, restlessness, trying to find meaning in everything to the expense of your own mental health, feeling like there is no meaning in anything, no clear limits or boundaries
Healing gifts: finding personal freedom within travel, coming to understand the differences and comparisons between people, accepting diversity, bringing inclusiveness and equality about, good at bringing humor about, laughter is the best medicine, luck, manifestation powers
Capricorn in Chiron
Wounds: You feel like you were beaten by society, you may hold a resentment towards authority or society itself, you feel like a freak, you're always left out, you may use your career as an escape, workaholic, obsessive ambition, struggle with gaining status or approval, feeling like they'll never succeed, discouragement, unrecognized, unnoticed, unheard, fear of losing control of their life or emotions, bad coping mechanisms
Healing gifts: You're an amazing leader, learning to accept and respect yourself will help you heal, you are your own authority, you're determined and passionate, you follow through, reliable, you're a born survivor, you have a natural sense of authority that others will respect, giving others guidance, being a good mentor, healing/controlling other people's energy
Chiron in Aquarius
Wounds: Feeling like an outsider, you feel like a loner, feeling alone in a crowd of people, feeling like the black sheep of the family, feeling like there's something wrong with you, going out of your way to be different, avoidance of personal relationships (yet still friendly), feeling like you have to belong in a community
Healing gifts: Seeing the whole picture, acceptance of diversity, objectivity, bringing about change, fighting for humanitarian causes or for a bigger purpose, authenticity and originality are your strong suits, owning your individuality
Chiron in Pisces
Wounds: having no hope or faith, feeling betrayed or victimised, suicide idealism, building up a shell of cynicism, feeling like the universe is unfair, fear of being hurt, trust issues, fear of opening up, always rescuing others at the expense of themselves, nostalgia
Healing gifts: spirituality, spiritual healing, confronting unfairness, romantic, imaginative, helping others, you're a natural healer with a deep compassion for others, good with animals
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chironmoon · 4 years
Mars/Pluto in synastry.
Mars square or inconjunct Pluto: at first it can feel like a subtle yet entrancing energy between the two people involved. Mars feels it physically-Pluto feels it emotionally. Mars is easily provoked into action by Pluto, at times mars actions become more instinctual and with out much thought. Mars needs to touch Pluto-it’s an unconscious desire to get intimate with them no matter what present emotion is being expressed-be it rage-be it happiness or in most cases be it lust. Pluto unlike mars is emotionally provoked-their emotions are laid out on display. Most people see Pluto as the mastermind in this combo, while this is somewhat correct it’s not in the way most would see an “upper hand” being presented. Pluto is mainly able to “see” the intensity-the inner workings and the overwhelming pool of depth of the interaction. Pluto becomes the catalyst while mars takes the form of the willing test subject. Pluto no matter if they are male or female will be very vulnerable to mars-and mars be it male or female will always be the more domino/alpha desire in the relationship. A deep and sometimes almost uncontrollable level of intimacy and sexual desire exist in this relationship. Both parties need and crave one another. Sex should be taken with caution as it can easily become an addiction. The parties may notice that they’re often horny more often than they’ve ever been before entering this partnership. Sex is the immediate expression of all the pent up tension and often fights lead to sex as well. This is an Aries meets Scorpio type of friction presented in the square. Whilst the inconjunct is a more Capricorn meets Leo type of connection-it’s pride vs the commandment of piety. The energy between the two is often more hidden and disclosed with the in-conjunction! Pluto often takes the role of the quiet controlling force-often seeking complete reign over mars-secretly wanting every inch of mars but rather than outwardly expressing this, Pluto hides behind a wall of aloof-cold earthly reservedness(Capricorn) whilst mars daringly flaunts and teases Pluto In a semi aware -semi unaware dance. Mars wants to entice Pluto, mars is loud and preforms for Pluto(Leo). Pluto no matter how reserved is utterly entranced by Pluto whilst mars is intoxicated by Pluto’s seemingly aloof and restrained nature. This relationship is volatile and raw-it’s a cut that never gets a bandage. You love one another tenderly but it can feel like you’re drained being together. But also like you’re the most alive you’ve been. Sex here always has a quality of death in it. Brake ups are common ground and occur in the heat of the moment. I’ve often found these couples reconnect constantly throughout their lives until they eventually get it right! They usually are loyal deeply to one another and never let go. In some cases over time this aspect makes a relationship unbreakable.
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🥀nick Murphy your time
(feat kaytranada)
“This could be the only place I take you in this ride”
Mars sextile or trine Pluto: the love between both natives is powerful-but unlike the latter it’s much more easy flowing-less ego v Id concept. The Pluto person is often the more emotionally reactive partner-often reacting passionately and raw in terms of emotional expression whilst mars still takes on the more primal role-being much more physically expressive in terms of their feelings. Their is a deep and often playfully erotic bond between both partners. Their are minor bouts of manipulation but it’s done with an awareness of what is going on-and in the case of positive mars and Pluto aspects its often an extension of foreplay rather than an outright battle tactic. In the sextile their is a passively intense nature to the relationship that is present but also something that is more or so expressed through the more sexual and intimate moments in the relationship. Whilst the trine shows itself more in the everyday in and out of the bedroom. There is a palpable intensity between the two and even an immeasurable amount of tension yet it’s unspoken. For both positive and negative mars/Pluto aspects their is a jealous/possessive tendency to the relationship. The sextile acts as a(Pisces/Scorpio dynamic)being felt through atmosphere and more on an emotional spectrum than physical while the trine acts as a(Taurus/Scorpio) dynamic with a more sensual/sensuous atmosphere-being more expressed physically. Even though this is normally an easy going aspect the amount of energy as well as intimacy introduced is still deeply profound! In most cases especially in the early iterations both parties especially mars will be very reluctant! Fear will be expressed as back and forth/Wishy-washy behavior between the two. Especially when in a composite this can show emotions and feelings that are so strong that both parties often can easily get lost in one another. In the case of a composite the natives tend to distance themselves in the early years after heavy emotional moments due to the intensity-but after some time passes and they grow comfortable with it-they can easily grow VERY attached to one another somewhat unconsciously.
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🌺The neighborhood Scary Love
“Your Love is scaring me
No one has ever cared for me”
Mars opposite/septile or conjunct Pluto:
This pairing can be a mixed bag. On one end it can be living through the happiest day of your life on repeat-while on another end it can be abuse so deeply ingrained you don’t see it until the lights go out. It’s a passionate and sometimes overbearing love. Pluto can feel like a schoolgirl/boy, bubbly around mars like they were some crush. Mars can feel like the shy and even nervous jittery love bug desperately finding away to win Pluto over. There is a deep admiration but also a huge level of fear involved. The why and how don’t usually make it to the conversation. The problem here exist in the rawness of the feelings presented here. With the opposition the two are practically opposites yet a masculine v feminine concept can rear its head no matter what genders or sexualities are involved. Whilst in the conjunct it can almost feel so in your face-all of the feelings all of the desires, all of the hurts and misunderstandings. And with the septile which is a highly Scorpionic influenced aspect it can feel like something nagging in the background like a million voices acting out around you like an audience. With these aspects their is an almost youthful-naive quality about them. You act immature, like it’s your first time being in love. You want them and simultaneously don’t know what to do with them. Sometimes sex is expressed in a overwhelming fashion but unlike the latter aspects it’s not that it’s just expressed in sex-sometimes it’s expressed as a unexplainable desire to understand one another.
🌹Kimbra everybody knows(apothek rework)
“Fooled me once, now I’m twice as old”
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chironmoon · 4 years
Moon in Synastry : The Haves and Have Not’s
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(Foals - Electric bloom Artaban Remix)
Moon Opposite sun : The public affair
This synastry aspect between two people can create a colorful affair to say the least. Nothing is really ever just left to be with between the two and quite literally turn what should’ve been a fling or one night stand into a deep relationship, or rather a small crush into walking down the aisle and sharing “I do’s.” In most cases the aspect can seem like polar opposites coming together yet they some how blend so easily. the sun person is likely to be the more dominate force in the relationship no matter how watery or passive their natal sun is. they tend to place the moons feelings above theirs and are readily sacrificial but can still occasionally exhibit brashness, selfishness and stubborn resistance to the moon person. the moon person male or female will often be nurturing, supportive, understanding and patient with the sun person. That being said the moon will still manage to be co-dependent, needy, emotionally overwhelming and slightly moody with the sun person. these two people will be deeply close and highly protective of one another whether it’s platonic, romantic or familial the bond runs deep because the two of you in a way complete each other. this pair can seem very intimate and close in public but ironically this pair is just as close behind closed doors! the difference is that this pairings seems more passive and easy going in public (libra) and in their dealings with others but are far more passionate and aggressive(active) with one another privately(Aries) this placement does not normally relate to the topic of sex as it deals with the ego and emotional state of two people but dare I say this aspect in itself is very warm sexually and is more “I love you” sex then “lets fuck”
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(Jamie Isaac - Find The Words)
Moon Square Sun : The Moodiest of slow dances
So here we have a pair who unlike the above mentioned is not as Rosemarie and cherry blossom. These two people normally don’t hit it off and in some cases they hardly notice one another! if they do it’s likely a result of rubbing one another the wrong way. if this is a romantic involvement there is a noticeable on and off quality the initial starting of the relationship. often this relationship is highly feminine in it’s expression and can seem emotionally heavy and tense but also a bit unstable and shaky. the sun person normally enjoys the attention(good or bad) of the moon person and often unconsciously does things to provoke the extremes from the moon person. the moon person unconsciously lashes out and or over nurtures as a means of getting the desired response from the sun person. The mind games and emotional manipulation can be quite vexing. that being said overtime these two are practically inseparable. the sun person albeit more on the rational side learns to cope with the moons more intense emotions and even learns to express a more calmer and toned version of their harsher side in order to create a safe heaven for the sun person.(much of this is done out of love rather than necessity) the moon person learns to control their more explosive reactions with the sun person and often brushes of much of their behavior as time goes on. these two have big fights, big laughs, big miscommunications, and even bigger make up sex. they love each other and no argument or pitfall will ever change that. these two stay on one another’s minds constantly and often this aspect can create a co-dependency as both start feeling a rather empty feeling when they’re not in the presence of the other. the emotions run very strong so albeit things get better with this placement, controlling the emotions and ego is VERY important between these two.
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(Alex Burey - Inside world)
Moon Sextile and Trine Sun : I think I like your morning breath
This couple is likely aesthetically pleasing to look at. they fit like PB & J and can waltz around each other like a smooth jazz overlay. most times these two are caught up in one another, barley paying mind to the people or environment around them. They tend to be constantly stuck in a honey moon glaze and one that never seems to end. The sun person tends to idolize the moon person, often barring a strong curiosity and desire for closeness with the moon person. The moon person who often shines quite independently in this union loves to hear the thoughts and feelings of the sun person, to take in the sun persons history and being. The moon person is very close to the sun person and often finds them to be so perfect and homey. these two often are addicted to each other in romantic pairings, while in platonic or familial bonds these two are genuinely always hanging out and enjoying one another’s companies even whilst doing the most mundane things. The sun person can often seek out the moon person just to feel home again and vice versa. this connection is often very easy and flows without little effort. the thing here is that things can sometimes flow a little “too well” but this can be aided by other aspects of course. this is great to have between two lovers as it promotes good energy and vibes and that their is a lovely equilibrium between the ego and the heart so to speak.
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( Aseul - Joke)
Moon conjunct Sun : Harmony looks like you
This is a couple that makes you feel the warmth at being at the amusement park late night, with bright yellow Shinto lights. they’re so mirrored and textualized. this couple can read one another just by sharing a glance, and can go rom seemingly doing their own separate projects to suddenly being foreheads length apart deeply entranced by one another. The sun person is often very receptive and careful with the moon persons feeling and can take on an aggressive tone with people who approach the moon in a way any less than how they prefer it to be. the sun person is extra sensitive to the moon persons insecurities and pains and can seem like a security guard. the moon person is very tender and loving with the moon person often cuddling and holding the sun as a means of giving them security and a bit of an ego stroke. these two tend to be very busy and constantly active as they feel a need to relate to others whilst around one another. the passion runs deep but it’s also very warm and relaxed in it’s expression. they need each other but they also know how to survive independently.
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(Delilah - Love you so )
Moon Opposite Moon: A lifetime 
This pair run hot, Cold, inferno, snow storm and repeat all over again. They can be sensual but also turbulent and lost without footing. Both parties feel a sense of completion in the other but also feel a subtle repulsion by one another’s emotional habits. there is plenty of intimacy and in-fact these two are practically joined at the hip, but that doesn’t stop the seemingly endless disagreements and bickering that goes on(harmlessly of course). both parties value one another and find themselves fitting neatly into one another’s emotional sphere very easily. closeness is important here and maintain harmony whilst intimate is very big as these two rarely let anything get to far out of hand out of fear of losing their lover. they can be emotionally needy and very protective of one another, but smothering and babying can easily become an issue as both sides refuse to confront any issues head on out of fear of a bad reaction. the sex is often very emotional in it’ s nature and much like mars and moon aspects these two have sex for the sake of emotional comfort. a very good marriage indicator but it’s advised that both have hobbies outside of the partnership otherwise a feeling of being cramped or stifled might occur
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(Sinead Harnett - Unconditional)
Moon Square Moon : Trouble in the shape of us
This aspect gets a bad rep in astrology as being the black hole of romance, as it make it emotionally impossible for two people to connect. This aspect is actually deep in it’s ability to create an unconditional love between two people. Their backgrounds are probably as different as hell and heaven and the way they deal with pain and trauma is worlds apart but that’s the beauty of them and why they fall for one another, it’s the act that they bring these drastic perspectives into one another’s lives and change it deeply. both are so deeply connected and overtime they build a form of communication and intimacy that may look like a circus act to outsiders but is actually a sophisticated and complex manner of speaking for the two of them. they are very goofy together and can have fights that come and go. By no means is this a healthy or easy pair but they make it work and the passion and depth that exist in this union is unmatched. They have such a fevering and personal reaction to one another. they see one another as home and often wouldn’t trade one another’s good or bad traits for anything. this is another strong marriage aspect. 
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(Lane 8 - No Captain )
Moon Sextile Or Trine Moon : A little Change
This pair is very sweet. this can often make the getting to know “each other stage” seem like it’s taking a year and a half to get on the ground mainly because their is so much attraction and magnetism that these two will likely be shy, just barley stepping out of their comfort zones then running back to safety only to miss the other intensely. they are very intimate when they do get of the ground and the chemistry is so natural. the sex is often very constant here and is a result of the good and harmonious energy generated here. these two feel so at ease and cozy with one another that stay at home dates are common. these two prefer privacy and don’t really like outsiders unless it’s very close friends or family. They can seem standoffish when together or detached but they are just caught up in one another and probably didn’t notice you were even there. they readily sacrifice for one another and the romance never feels forced as the two just seem to want to do things out of emotional desire. they can grow obsessed with one another but this is usually offset by other aspects, also if both people are naturally independent this will just add an air of intimacy. another marriage aspect! and it really helps offset harsh aspects as both parties readily care for the emotions of the other easily.   
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(Tangerine Dream - Love on A Real Train)
Moon Conjunct Moon : Many Life time
These two are often so close right of the bat that it can feel like they’ve known one another many lives before they’d met in this one. the connection can be very soulful and the two can easily vibe and resonate feelings and emotions as if they’re both feeling it at the same time. they readily connect without words and seem to project feelings and reflect feelings back and forth like a pendulum. They can be inseparable but also the co-dependent element could drive either party crazy as they will face many of the positives and negatives they’d rather not see or face within themselves. They tend to be so similar that it can be hard to gain a new or deviated perspective on an issue which makes It even harder to see one another’s issues or pains from a necessary state of open-mindedness. the love is deep and this aspect can really lessen the bad aspects in a syanstry as the emotional connection overrides much of the complications, but with that said caution is advised to take moments apart to regain clarity and more of a less biased view. this is a great aspect to have between two people.   
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(River Tiber - patience )
Moon opposite Mercury: Sometimes We look away 
They can seem like a very dysfunctional pair. The moon person will often feel like nails and plyers are being thrown at them by mercury and may instinctually guard themselves to ready for the incoming train of hurt. mercury can wear a diving suit often worried about the moon person’s waves drowning them. these two are VERY understanding though and often move past the issues quick and maturely. most times the moon person understands that mercury is just “different” and mercury sees that the moon person just sees things “different” these two often adapt as they go along and gain new perspectives and views from one another that help deepen and enliven their connection. This placement is deeply patient and often both of these natives wait on each other both figuratively and literally. they understand that they do things separate but ultimately do what they can for one another. mercury is very giving and often does what they can to be understanding and nurturing to their moon lover but it does get hard sometimes because they often are so used to being one specific way. the moon person senses mercury trying and often has a very cuddly and responsive nature to the mercury person because of this. being around them can feel like being in a crowded elevator that is completely silent. they tend to develop their own subtle and discreet manner of speaking to one another without the use of words.
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( River Tiber - Gravity ) 
Moon Square Mercury : To throw away The rational
This couple can seem like a unstable building, lacking in support beams and proper cabling. they are slightly toxic yet they have this healing and often safe effect on one another. to outsiders their interactions can seem confusing or distressed but in reality these two likely developed their own secret language that is special to them both. the mercury person tends to find the moon person irrational, emotionally unstable and perplexing whilst moon will find the mercury person to be cold, stoic, serious and straight to the point.  that being said these two start rocky and become very emotionally tied to one another. mercury learns to let go of their objective nature and just to go with the flow so to speak when talking to the moon person while the moon person learns to be patient and listen to the mercury person instead of pushing their own desires and wishes. these natives tend to be very flirty and have a very strong chemistry that only becomes that much more warm and nurturing as they age. this couple can be very moody and have fights that start just as suddenly as they dissipate. the stability lies in the fact that these two are always working to understand one another and becoming mini investigators in order to respond properly to one another. this aspect is great in synastry as it promotes a caring and often cautious manner of speaking with one another. 
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(Avoure - Aura ) 
Moon Trine or Sextile Mercury : You Keep my mind still
this union is often characterized by it’s seamless transitions. the couple seems as though their emotional states and rational minds link up almost robotically, poetically, and rhythmically. Mercury is often captivated by the emotional complexity and intensity of the moon person whilst the moon adores the mercury natives ability to get them centered and steady. These two can express emotions in tunes, poems, eye contact or even just kissing and touching. the desire for intimacy is often on the brain quite a bit and these two can often balance out space and intimacy pretty well and don’t suffer from the same “over-closeness” as the above aspects. they tend to often be very musical together and can enjoy the sad rom com’s as it cultivates an even deeper sense of belonging with one another. this aspect is often very kissy and lovey dovey as it and the mercury in the 4th house overlay are very close in expression. these two can be obsessed with one another often going out of their way to serve one another. 
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( Ari Lennox - Cascade) 
Moon Conjunct Mercury : Synchronized minds, Synchronized times 
These two are soft with one another, often seeking to speak quietly with one another and often very sensitive to change in rift or tone in one another’s voice. the level of intimacy and closeness in the words shared between these two can almost seem like they speak another language separate from the rest of us. the mercury person is very sensitive to the moons feelings and usually handles their emotions in a sympathetic and understanding compacity. the moon person is often talkative and expressive with mercury because they feel understood and listened to. these two have deep conversations and can easily open up about trauma or darker times because of the deep level of mental - emotional understanding. they are very vibrational and pick up on any sudden or subtle change of the other and can even have their moods change depending on the mood of the other. the connection is so strong but it is also highly moody due to the fact that both parties feel their feelings and feel one another so strongly. 
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( Archy Marshall - Dull Boys)
Moon Opposite Venus : Stay in motion with me 
This couple can feel warm and like home. they are often cuddling or sleeping on one another. this aspect almost creates a fated like feeling between two people as their romantic and ego natures seem to fit like a key. they give one another what they didn’t know they needed. the feelings of the moon person are often heightened when they’re around the Venus person, often making them feel safe and unguarded at the hands of Venus. the Venus person often feels drawn to taking care of the moon person and nurturing their feelings and emotions. the two often are extremely intimate with one each other. this aspect can often make two people extremely loyal and prone to having children or marrying young with one another because of the sense of “bliss” and safety it creates. they almost want to create a nest out of the feelings and passions they share for one another. The Moon person can often nurture and feed the Venus person whilst the Venus person can often baby or handle moon with kiddy gloves. these two mainly suffer from over passive behavior. 
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(Haraket - Taint King krule & Jamie Isaac Remix)
Moon Square Venus: Lets sleep naked 
These two are VERY hot together. it has a very Scorpio x cancer esq quality to it. These two often express their affections(Venus) and their emotions(moon) on two different parallels and often have to learn to love one another in a way that accommodates what they both desire. ironically with this aspect their is the realization that the two of you have been craving the expression of the other for quite sometimes even if neither of you knew it yet. the way both of you express compassion and love is so deeply felt by one another, although in it’s early iterations it feels more like an abrasion than a soft blanket. as the union progresses the feelings and sensations start to run higher and high as the two of you begin to crave intense expressions of intimacy. the Moon person tends to be nurturing and sensitive to the needs of Venus in such a way that they feel safe and secure but also deeply turned on. Venus expresses affection and love to the moon person in such a way that they feel beautiful and desired but also deeply seduced. the two have a emotionally sexual connection and can often turn cuddling into making love. the line between sex and emotional expression is blurred here and often expressed with intensity and volcanic urgency. the two people need to connect, they need to be close and have one another which is why this aspect in particular feels like a whirlwind romance. both partners tend to avoid fighting but due to this being a square their are still plenty of quite sulks and disagreements that happen here and there.
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(Archie Marshall - Arise Dear Brother)
Moon Sextile and Trine Venus : What time is it again?
This is often a sweet aspect to have between two people no matter if it’s platonic, romantic, familial or otherwise. it creates a sense of understanding between two people as much of what is spoken between the two is deeply understood on an almost cosmic like level. these two can fly back from cute to brainy at the drop of a hat. they can seem like a nerdy couple or rather a detached and cerebral couple to an outsider but in reality these two have very intricate emotional ties and ques that they use when speaking to gauge one another’s emotional state. The Venus person  be supportive and patient with the moon person often understanding why they’re acting or thinking the way they are and normally adapt to aid moon during any stress that they cannot process. the moon person is very tender and receptive to the Venus person ensuring that the Venus feels safe and free to express themselves and their creativity. these two are very close and often take care of one another as if it were second nature. although it’s not as sexual as the opposite or square their is a very loving and forgiving quality to this partnership and these two are very protective and dare I say inseparable. 
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(Eli & Fur - Coming Back)
Moon Conjunct Venus : You’re the heart stopper 
This couple is the classic vintage aesthetic. they are often romancing one another through eye contact, gentle hand touching, passionate kisses and the cuddles that lead to daring sexual velocities. the chivalry is second usually to the depth produced here. the Venus person is so understood by moon that they often are all over the moon, hands and all. the moon person whom adores Venus affection usually seeks to please and nurture their expression of this desire. these two are like yin and yan and because of this they can seem very co-dependent and inseparable. they both value intimacy and tend to be very closely intertwined, often doing daily activities or spending every moment they can with one another. they often never need space from one another because the feelings of warmth and acceptance are like a vile of serotonin and dopamine. these two get off on being sweet and loving with one another and because of this they equate all their cute gestures, emotions and vulnerabilities as the Bees knees. these two for a lack of better words are obsessed with one another. The problem here is that arguments are avoided like the black plague and most times important issues are resolved by being sweet when the actual problem should be met directly and honestly. but these two don’t give a shit, they are caught up in a never ending honeymoon phase and this is all great, but if no other supporting factors augment this it can make the relationship swell and burst as one or both parties will begin to feel trapped or resent the other due to everything seeming so “swept under the rug”
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(Craig Mack - Get down) 
Moon opposite Mars : Braking the bed
These two are passionate and overbearing. the relationship can start pretty fast almost like a bullet train. The Moon person is often very seduced and emotionally drawn to the more aggressive and domineering nature of the mars person. the mars person is sexually drawn to the sensitive and rather subdued nature of mars and seeks to swallow them right up. the union can have a volatile taste almost seeming like it lacks restraint or patience as both moon and mars can act as if they will practically explode if they aren’t able to get intimate with one another at least once a day. the energy can feel tense and heavy especially at the beginning as both of these natives can feel a very karmic and intense tug to one another’s energies. Although all mars and moon aspects can be a huge indicator of making babies or extremely emotional driven sex id say this aspect is very romantic in the sense that it centers around both natives lacking the fundamental quality the other has therefore making the union seem that much more gentle and touchy. That being said this can be a very emotionally driven relationship in which everything mars does sends moon into an emotional response and everything that the moon expresses sends mars into a fit of reaction.
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(Dream, Ivory - Scorpion)
Moon Square Mars : Sensational feeling
This aspect produces an almost anvil like weight between two people. there is a depth to the connection almost as if the two people were two pieces waiting to meet. there are problems to be had as the mars person is often to aggressive and abrasive with the moon person who lacks the proper defenses against the mars person do to them hitting such a deep place for them. the mars person usually acts out of fear and defends against their own emotional set backs dealing with their IC/4th house. as the connection deepens these two become intensely involved and very much the homebodies! sex Is often very heated and passionate here and often has an explosive and urgent air to it. these two are cuddle monsters but more importantly they are best friends. the square opens a very understanding and forgiving side to the short comings of one another. the moon person tends to learn to react to the mars person in a way that is still soft but also heavily footed on the ground. the mars person learns to react to the moon person in a unguarded way, as they soon realize that the moon person is their healer rather than their wound. the sex is often the likes of baby - making and dare I say this aspect has a high commonality for accidently making a baby so try to wrap up aha! Mars can act like an attack dog whenever anyone gets to close to the moon person and the moon person can turn into a scorned mother if mars is ever in over there head.
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(Breathe - Telepopmusik)
Moon Trine or Sextile Mars : Can I say I “I do”?
This aspect is very much so a sweet and tender aspect to have between two people. The emotional and physical energies in the relationship blend in such a marvelous way. the mars person although independent and masculine in their expression manages to be very patient and receptive to the needs of their precious moon person. the moon person whom often is the more emotionally expressive one of the bunch tends to be highly vulnerable and comfortable with mars, they trust mars. These two are very romantic and cannot get enough of one another. mars is often deeply sexually aroused by the moon persons softness and rather emotionally complex nature and often sees the adventure and challenge of discovering their core all the while the moon person is often in awe and almost childlike at mars, like a teenager they gush and wane at mars affections and find themselves emotionally aroused. sex happens quite a bit here, on the bed, couch, floor, kitchen counters, the back seat of the Toyota, the skyline, the stairs, anywhere these two can they will. sex is a HUGE sort of comfort for these two and it isn’t sex out of boredom per say it’s more of “I want to make love to you because I cannot articulate how deep and passionate these feelings I have are.” The relationship is often passionate but it isn’t as volatile or intense as the others it’s more so of a calm and rather sweet gust of wind. VERY common aspect in the chart of married couples and even more so in couples that have decades on their belt. making babies is something that happens naturally with this placement!, normally it’s planned but if either of the natives have a natal mars and moon aspect or a natal Venus and moon aspect or rather libra and cancer natally the child will be unexpected. 
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(SG Lewis - Hurting Feat. AlunaGeorge)
Moon Conjunct Mars: I’m Tired of trying to Hurt you
This is a powerful aspect. These two are not only very fertile together but this aspect can alter the hormones in lesbian relationships, or make the female far more “ready” to mate then normal. in male relationships it can Raise testosterone, either leading to increased physical disputes or raising the sexual expression by increasing the libido. this aspect is very intense and often times an unforgettable one as you’ll be having the most sex you’ve ever had with this placement. mars is often obsessed and almost animalistically drawn to the moon person. the moon person almost in a state of heat is just as obsessed and even seduces the moon person via mating dances and slow subtle allure. these two play cat and mouse whether they’re married or not. the moon person enjoys being chased and the mars person enjoys chasing. the two often have a strong connection and one that is often fiery and intense in it’s expression. in many ways the couple can seem to hot for television and may be the one couple you have to tell to calm down with the oversexualized PDA. the thing is they can’t help it, this aspect creates such an intense need to procreate and rather to get busy that these two are likely to be the elderly couple still getting it busy in the nursing home. as both people get older this aspect calms down, and when they have kids it tends to slow down a bit as the aspect has done what it’s needed to do per say. but I should mention the immense chemistry and desire doesn’t fade, merely cuddling and romancing one another becomes more important than fuckin each others brains out. there is a strong propensity to hurting one another through the sheer intensity of feeling produced here but in true aries like fashion the fights blow up and simmer down faster than water can touch the floor.
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(Christian Loffler - Haul Feat. Mohna)
Moon Square Jupiter : Were a little to in love aren’t we?
This relationship is FAST, everything moves quickly, and the stages can seem like blurs. one moment you’re nervous and idle, the next moment you are spewing your life’s journal to one another, the next moment the two of you are naked as can be on the tarmac in your sun room, the next moment you’re sporting that innocent silver on your finger after saying your vows. The love connection is swift, and a little intense due to how expansive Jupiter is. often times the Jupiter person is very open, lighthearted and kind to the moon person and in response the moon person is intimate, loving and eager. these two are adorable. the Jupiter person is often scatter brained and forgetful with the moon person and will likely forget the anniversaries and code names from time to time but the moon person will often forgive and let bygones be bygones. the Jupiter person will be genuine and honest with the moon person preferring to leave nothing to chance. Jupiter doesn’t quite get the moon person or their emotions but they are deeply fascinated and in a way open to the ups and downs of dealing with them. the moon person sees this in Jupiter and opens up more and more which is why things move so fast, the good energy and happy vibe is what builds the love between these two. arguments are rare but they do happen and boy can they BE dramatic. if one could categorize this union i’d say it’s passionate and slightly overwhelming in the best way imaginable. 
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(Christian Loffler - Nil)
Moon Opposite Jupiter : I never need to know “why” with you
These two are a paradox. on one hand they’re the easiest and most loving pair you’ll meet, but on the other hand they’re confusing and eccentric. This couple is one that’ll always find themselves mirroring one another and always having those odd moments of self discovery through one another. this relationship is a mixture of going to your therapist while the other half is playing on the playground with the love of your life. there is so much beauty to be had in this union. Jupiter is often quirky and young when it comes to how they deal with the moon person and their feelings, to them everything falls into place and they believe that the moon person will find their way. the moon person although irritable at first learns to adjust to the Jupiter persons more carefree and unbothered mentality. the feelings are sentimental but free spirited. they’re loyal and committed but also extremely emotionally nomadic. these two tend to play quite a bit and the arguments that could be had by other aspects is greatly watered down by this aspect as it has a large amount of energy to it’s name. This is a couple that is often spiritual and philosophical in their dealings with each other and the world around them. the ability to except one another’s worst self is big here as both parties adore the bare side of one another. pursuing astrology, tantra, reku and so forth are all common expressions of this synastry aspect.
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 (A. C Freazy - Alien)
Moon Trine Or Sextile Jupiter : I’m Lovin this head space babeh
This aspect is very healing in synastry, in many ways it’s too perfect for words. it creates this deep sense of happiness and peace in the union almost as if a wave of serotonin is rushing in an overflow just by being intimate with one another. the moon person tends to be soft and sweet with Jupiter, often encouraging their minds, and deep thoughts and Jupiter in  turn is captivated by the moon like a moth to a light. to put it into words these two play a small dance with one another as if they’re in an endless mating game. Jupiter is constantly trying to wow the moon with their ideals, concepts and new ideologies while the moon person is like some enthralled student easily seduced by the Jupiter’s mental depth. These two escape in one another quite a bit and really the only danger here is getting so obsessed in the way you make each other feel that you forget that their is a world outside of each other. this aspect alone negates a lot of harsher aspects in synastry including harsh Venus/mars/Saturn aspects.
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(Jadu Heart - Heroin Song) 
Moon Conjunct Jupiter : It feels like I’m on drugs with you
This aspect is often grand in it’s nature as it can make two people highly positive and in some ways the feeling never ever stops. Their is so much faith and belief in the unknown that these two rarely if at all worry about the serious aspect of things. these two always believe that things will fall into place and be some beautiful aurora borealis. the thing is this connection is so expansive that these two can get into some trouble with themselves and with their surroundings. they seem to have a unified belief of chasing their connection to the ends of the earth without ever realizing that their are some things we as people can’t necessarily change or fix. Jupiter has so much love and good will for the moon person and the moon person is so protective and passionate over the Jupiter person. these two are often vibrant and deeply philosophical towards their bond sometimes over intellectualizing their connections other times living to intensely in the colorful world they created. the compassion, forgiveness and spiritually divine nature of this relationship can feel like a never ending high but the very real truth is that the relationship is also bringing out greed, gluttony and sloth in both people, it’s excessive but rewarding and full of growth and these two will not be the same after.
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(Death And Vanilla - A Flaw In The Iris)
Moon Opposite Saturn : The vulnerable kiss
These two can seem gloomy and rather stoic. The inside of this relationship is hard work and architecture, nothing easily gained or created as much of what they’ve established and worked through took time and set backs to accomplish. The moon person is often surprisingly open and romantic with Saturn while Saturn is on the receiving end rather than the giving end. the Saturn person does adore the moon and values their compassion and sweetness quite a bit but they often have innate fears and set backs that make it a learning curve with the moon person in learning how to express affection properly. moon often doesn’t read into this much as Saturn shows affection through the security and foundation they bring into the union. this aspect is actually wonderful so long as the moon person can cope with Saturn’s slow affections. Saturn is deeply possessive and often magnetically set on the moon person but often hides this behind an iron clad mask. the moon person often can grow sad or stifled by the Saturn persons continuously serious nature. Ironically though these two both stick around for the long haul and like with all Saturn placements this aspect not only becomes better but it allows both natives to grow tremendously. whether or not this aspect works out these two will never ever be able to forget one another.
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(Nic Clay - Life Before Love?)
Moon Square Saturn : Were hopeless romantics aren’t we sweetie pie
These two can be butter and cream. The pull these two have on one another can be otherworldly. Saturn is often cold and emotionally closed yet they find themselves wanting to do and be more for the moon person, often openly making sacrifices and working towards expressing their feelings in a way that isn’t so boxed. the moon person is often in deep love with the Saturn person, often seeking to understand them and be supportive of them. the Saturn person can have mood swings and seem rather up and down with how they express intimacy which in most cases this is a hard pill to swallow continuously. I’ve seen a lot of good interactions though through research and often times the moon person learns how to not only cope but they know just the right thing to do or say to get their love bug oughta a funk. These two are honestly very close and the hard times can be Very hard and merciless. the good times can seem very few and far between but they are felt with such deep sincere feeling. this is a tough as nails pair because not everything went smoothly, the dates were awkward and difficult and the first kiss was far to serious, sex was anxious and the cuddling still feels like an out of body experience but over time these two build a love that is sooooooooooo intimate and so pure. if two people are willing to stand the test of time they have a beautiful relationship to look forward to. This is another common relationship aspect! and I’ve seen a lot of elderly couples in which the other has passed and they’ve refused to re-marry. 
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(Chromatics - Time Rider)
Moon Trine Or Sextile Saturn: I choose you
This is a heavy union. these two are strong but emotionally serious and full of depth. Saturn can be serious about the moon persons feelings and often seeks to react and manage them in a mature and genuine way. the moon person often sees Saturn as a safe place and a home. these two tend to be quick to each others call and often read one another’s body language easily. the moon person tends to understand the Saturn persons serious nature and is often in awe of it, seeking to rise to the occasion. the Saturn person enjoys the moon persons vulnerability and more compassionate side. these two often share intimacies and closeness easily bit prefer to do so in private rather than publicly.  that being said Saturn is more okay with showing PDA like hugs and neck kisses to the moon person in public if it means making the moon person feel safe and secure whilst the moon person isn’t necessarily needy or starving if Saturn is feeling more closed, rather the moon person understands and usually waits to go for more intimacy at a later time. the union is very warm and earthy and these two are likely very sensual and touchy with one another. hair stroking, thigh rubbing, prolonged kissing and so on. Loyalty runs deep and these two will likely remain together for quite sometime. 
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(Jadu Heart - Purity)
Moon Conjunct Saturn : The sun icy cold for you
This is one of the most karmic and intense placements any two people can share. this couple is one marked by it’s maturity and deep rooted seriousness. the two rarely never marry, but in many cases marriage is the final destination. these two are like milk and honey. the intensity and devotion that so readily characterizes this partnership is often the huge reason why these two often once they open up to one another, never part. their feelings are often patient and reliable, as normal mood swings and ups and downs that ruin most partnerships are not as frequent and in many ways are non-existent here. the moon person is very close and dependent on the Saturn person, usually seeking to nurture and soothe Saturn. Saturn is naturally drawn to building and serving the moon person. in either role(male/female) the Saturn and moon archetype of nurture and providing security runs very deep here. the Saturn person is very loyal and protective of the moon person and often readily expresses their possessive and more aggressor like energies on outsiders as to them the moon is apart of their heart and soul and it can be SO hard for the Saturn person to learn how to share. The moon person is often easy going and sweet but can have quite the intense possessive streak along with a strongly held obsession with Saturn. this aspect is so complex because it introduces so many faces and concepts on these two people. sex is often very serious and earthy here, and it’s very consistent as both sides need the physically express their commitment to one another. Saturn takes on the more aggressive role here sexually, while the moon plays the role of the seducer.
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(Gotye - Hearts A Mess)
Moon Opposite Uranus : Pick Apart The Pieces of your heart 
These two are like lava and ice. in some ways their connection is turbulent and rather unsteady, whist in others it’s compassionate and sentimental beyond belief. these two fell in love from first sight and got emotionally involved just as fast. the Uranus person initiated the contact, they were drawn to the moon persons expression, it was so different and unique something they wanted to understand. the moon person let Uranus in, captivated by their electricity, their ambiguity, their quietness. Uranus and moon tend to produce a lot of sexy, passionate moments but things can come and go. the connection is off and on emotionally and the Uranus person especially can pull away when the moon tries to dig and the moon person can get closed of or stoic when Uranus tries to hard to “read into” the moon person. these two are close in their own way but they seem far like to blocks on opposite sides of the Atlantic sea. the feelings can run very hot and then cool down into a friendly rather detached front moments later. the funny thing is these two or hard to separate and always find their way back to one another. it’s not manipulation, game playing or even ego trips that cause this, rather these two see one another as home and can’t help but gravitate back to where it all started. it’s not an unstable aspect to have in synastry as often Uranus doesn’t mind sticking around. 
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(Bonobo - Stay the Same feat Andreya) 
Moon Square Uranus : I’m falling for your crazy
This one is a biggie in composites and synastry for marriage as often times contrary to popular belief it invites a more realistic and authentic showing of two people into a relationship. these two are quirky and goofy and have absolutely no concept of one another which is why this aspect is so wonderful. these two see one another in their craziest ways, the parts that don’t make sense and even more so the aspects the don’t fit every piece of the story. the Moon person find the Uranus person unsteady, unreliable and a candidate for dementia with how forgetful they can be yet they adore the often silly, goofy and childlike presence of Uranus and often find themselves forgiving the latter. the Uranus person sees the moon person as emotional, moody and overbearing and a tad to serious yet they can’t help but enjoy riling up the moon person, provoking them or even seeing the loveable and soft nature they have behind it all. These two get emotionally connected very fast and can be very connected on all levels fast as if they’ve known one another for years. they both tend to suffer from lacking in consistency and can be very moody but regardless these two are very very close. Uranus teaches moon to fly without wings and moon teaches Uranus to walk on wet carpet without flinching. these two can seem like they’re on cloud x to outsiders because they are genuinely so into each other. 
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(bonobo - the Keeper Feat. Andreya Triana Banks Remix)
Moon Trine Or Sextile Uranus : Everything is so electric with you
These two are very connected. one of my favorite things about this aspect is that it misses the rocky ups and downs of the previous aspects. it is still volatile and unpredictable but most of the spontaneous outburst tend to be pleasant rather than unsettling. these two are drawn to each other like two nuclear fission molecules. Uranus is normally the dominate force and can often be intense, radiant and even perplexed and vexed by moon. Moon is often subtle, unnerved and rather observant of the Uranus person. these two have a freight like connection and usually have intense encounters that leave both speechless and emotionally volte. these two can often have a very hard time being normal around each other and usually have a tense and almost heavy atmosphere. it can feel sexual, whilst other times it can feel platonic, as often the feelings are flying back and forth. these two regardless take one another seriously and have a strong sexual attraction based on how deeply they clique on an emotional level. sex on a first date or after cuddling is common place but it isn’t out of lust it’s more so because you both find a home or rather a place without judgment in one another. this connection is the most mature of the moon and Uranus interactions but it is also the least in it’s ability at being lighthearted as the feelings generated are typically more serious and more deep emotional connecting based on the les superficial aspects of one another personalities (beyond quirks)
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(Bonobo - Kerala) 
Moon Conjunct Uranus : We’ve been dancing in Deja Vu 
This aspect can feel continuous and reflective. you both feel the same emotion but almost in a reflexive way. the Uranus person wants intimacy yet they are roundabout, but the moon wants intimacy yet is indirect. the two people see, like they’re constantly moving in counter attack patterns to the other. this aspect is more guarded then it’s brethren as you might wonder. this has to do with the fact that the Uranus person Is projecting and the moon person is unconsciously responding to the projection. Uranus adores the moons sensitivity but is afraid of it, the moon person feels this and instinctively pulls their emotions away and this ends up causing the Uranus person inward distress. these two are deeply linked and tend to react of one another like circuits. they react and react until everything starts to feel like it’s already happened before. these two are passionate but unsteady as much of their feelings are never separately felt, this aspect creates the illusion of independency but really it’s co-dependency in actions that both people are thinking are their own. regardless of all this these two have such a powerful connection that in most cases this only makes them that much closer and inseparable. they both end up stuck on one another and never really let each other go. this is an amazing connection so long as both parties stop reading so deeply into the actions of the other person!
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(Nick Murphey - Stop me) 
Moon Opposite Neptune : The coldest cloud of two
These two can seem detached, and much of their public interacting can seem like they’re two separate entities who happen to be sharing the same space. these two are so in love with one another and normally the romance and sacrifice run heavy but they also come with a rational head saddled on. Neptune is a sucker for the moon person but to an extent. the moon person is sensitive and caring to their Neptune lover but they’re apt to the emotional mind games. these two have a easy time reading past one another’s more lower qualities but they also enjoy one another’s company and connection. it can be hard to understand one another at times as the Neptune person can lack discretion and clarity in their actions and what they say so often times the moon person is left to fill in the blanks. the moon person is often irrational and severely moody which at times makes Neptune want to go into full on escape artist mode. their connection regardless is very sweet and nurturing  as both parties have a deep affinity for taking care of the other no matter what the cost the responsibility and depth in their interactions and their quiet harmony and love of one another far outweighs the small short comings. Neptune is very forgiving and understanding of the moon persons habits and feelings/reactions to the world. the moon person is soft and tender with how vulnerable and often times delusional Neptune can be about things. the hall mark of the opposition is it’s patient and rather comfortable nature as both people no matter how bad the argument or how hard the circumstance always work it out through tenderness and compassion.
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(Chet Faker - Solo Sunrise )
Moon Square Neptune : Is It okay If we don’t see today?
This is one of the hardest aspects in synastry to have and even more so in the composite which we will cover another day. this aspect isn’t a deal breaker rather it’s an omen of change. this aspect in synastry can feel like a sad song, or a miserable night that’s omitted because the one you love more than anything is there to take all the sorrow away. these two are scapegoats for one another and this can be bad, but it’s also beautiful because these two are each others safe place. this aspect creates an inward escapist tendency where the two people naturally escape from life’s issues and go deeper into one another. this doesn’t sound awful I’m sure but the real issue lies in the fact that both parties are so emotionally intertwined that they can become so co-dependent and emotionally reliant on one another that they wont realize their unresolved issues are bogging them down like a weight without them realizing. we could talk about how lying is generalized in this placement by most people but this aspect doesn’t always show up as lying or un-satisfaction. the thing is these two are satisfied, almost to much because they don’t know how to handle issues alone when they’re together. everything in a sense becomes a joint project with these two, limiting them rather then aiding them. the Neptune person is focused on the moon person, observant and fixed often turning into a helicopter. the moon person is analytical, critical and emotionally unavailable from time to time based on their imagined hurts of the Neptune person possibly not being honest. the gag is Neptune is normally being truthful if the Neptune persons natal Neptune is in good form nataly. the moon person if having a naturally afflicted moon will be Extremely toxic if they don’t get a grip on their insecurities. that being said in two grown and mature people the worst this aspect denotes is co-dependency and unhealthy coping mechanisms with one another being the foundation. 
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(Meg Myers - Sorry )
Moon Trine Or Sextile Neptune : Everything’s Perfect right?
This aspect is kind, nurturing and VERY healing to have in a relationship but it can also create a “life is perfect” mentality between two people that builds internal deceit. these two enjoy one another, deeply but something deep down is off or slightly unclear. this aspect can throw a veil over other harsh aspects in the chart rather than aid them and this exuberates the problem. Neptune is happy and content with the physical and emotional connection they have with the moon person, often feeling a telepathic bond. the moon person soaks the vibrations of the Neptune person often feeling heavily understood and deeply looked after. they are complex and even more so the longer the relationship continues. that being said these two move mountains for one another, readily sacrificing and giving everything they can just to be the best for one another. the desire to show up for one another and cross the bridges and the many pillars for one another is a hugely apparent quality here. The trine is more sexually oriented as the two feel a need to express their intimacy but the sextile is more emotional based but both rely heavily on the connection the two share. 
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(Meg Myers - The Death Of Me)
Moon Conjunct Neptune : Nothing makes sense 
This aspect in synastry is far more intense and more possessive than it’s counterparts. the two natives live in a fantasy and can easily blur all the lines around them. the relationship can seem great and then suddenly knocked over b an emotional frequency. these two are almost fated and the connection can easily feel like a twin flame bond or even soul mates. the Neptune person is intense, deep and provocative. the moon person is drawn to Neptune’s darkness and often opens like a black treasure chest in the bottom of the sea just for Neptune. this connection is erotic and tense and can feel almost like a divine union. these two are dangerous together and have that dark tinge to the relationship that makes Pluto look like a toddler. they tend to be understanding and forgiving of one another like with all Neptune/moon aspects but they lack objectivity and are horrid on building solid healthy behavior in dealing with one another. Neptune can over indulge the moon person whilst the moon person can be to overwhelming for the Neptune person. the passion and depth is actually scary and a bit dramatic in this partnership because both parties want every aspect of one another, nothing off limits. these two will feel like death is dancing in their partnership and even more so they’ll feel overwhelmed by the irritable and insatiable level of their feelings for one another. they never know when enough is enough and that’s the scariest aspect of this partnership. 
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( Meg Myers - Motel ) 
Moon Opposite Pluto : The inescapable feeling of needing
This aspect can be a living hell for non plutonian types and even harder for fixed types. This aspect produces an almost feverish attraction between two people that primal and animalistic in it’s nature. it’s a deep love yet it’s also the inability to pace themselves, the inability to rationalize the desire they feel for one another, to pull away from it. jealousy, possession, excitement, sadness, compassion, happiness and all fly like electricity and fire. these two don’t play mind games but they do have this underlining wave of tension and emotional heaviness. Pluto often is drawn to the moon person but they withhold much of their own intensity as to not scare off the moon, ironically the roles are reversed here. the moon person holds the more intense and obsessive candle but much like Pluto it’s masked behind a seemingly unbothered expression. In reality the desire, the passion and the lust has the moon person mentally a wreck, running threw billions of scenarios on how to get that word in, that touch, that intimacy from Pluto. Pluto out of respect for mon tries to be modest and unassuming  but deep down their darkest and most irrational actions and desires acted out subconsciously are a reflection of their deep desire for true intense  intimacy with the moon person. These two are likely playing the hot and cold game as to not allude to one another their real feelings but the funny thing about this particular aspect in synastry is that once these two have sex. all the hiding, and guarded behavior fly’s out the window. these two start mirroring one another’s darker behavior and the liaison itself gets far more menacing and heavy as both recognize how deep and serious their feelings for one another really are and find safety in the crazy expressions of this. in lesbian relationships this can seem like a Lilith and eve combo, in homosexual relationships involving men this can ironically play out like Persephone and Hades, in straight relations this can play out like god and the devil. the oscillation between sweet and innocent to sultry and dammed is what makes this such a psychological interaction as both people are not only fucking each other emotionally but they’re fucking the deepest and most unprotected side of one another. A very intimidating couple.
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(Purity Ring - Dust Hymn) 
Moon Square Pluto : All these mangled bones
This can be a dangerous aspect to have in synastry especially if these two happen to have a high concentration of Pluto on their own. This aspect can often appear in cases where two powerful people both emotionally and spiritually come together. The moon person is often tense, but erotically drawn to Pluto. they want Pluto but also find Pluto to be overbearing and slightly unpredictable in terms of their emotions. Pluto is often driven to have the moon person, but in many ways this can be done through manipulation or violence depending on the nature of the Pluto person. Pluto often experiences a see-saw effect with their feelings making it very hard for them to tame the intensity of their feelings when dealing with the moon person. the moon person is often the more rational POV in the pairing and manages to counter the Pluto persons attempts at control. That being said these two are close, intense and deeply sown together by needle and thread. albeit this pairing can be hard earned, it is often something that flourishes into a lovely and passionate relationship. the main issue to be had here with this aspect is the fact that the two people need to learn to temper their feelings otherwise they run the risk of a violent storm. Moon is often good at playing the victim or the distraught to lure in Pluto, while Pluto is constantly feeding their demons. The connection is REAL and very spiritual In it’ s backing, feeling almost like karma, and fate tied in one. everything that happens here was destined and every pit fall was necessary. These aspect will transform both people in a very drastic way and in many cases these two might never ever be able to part. 
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(Massive Attack - Live With Me)
Moon Sextile Or Trine Pluto : A state of unsettlement
This aspect is characterized by the same dark buzz as it’s predecessors, though in a lighter context. The intimacy can be instantaneous with this aspect and is part of the reason for the plethora of fast bonding that takes place in relationships in this generation with the Pluto in Sagittarius generation. the more untucked and hidden away sides of oneself feels more comfortable being visible in the eyes of the other. The Moon person is VERY nurturing to the Pluto person often preferring to ensure that Pluto is in high spirits or even going as far as soaking up Pluto’s sadness. The Pluto person is deeply protective of the moon person often going out of their way to create safe spaces for the moon person or taking on the Moons persons more wounded self in stride and maturely. the two naturally compliment one another and in a romantic relationship the depth of the bonding and connections can make these two fast to learn one another on a personal and almost familial level. There is a powerful emotional resilience as a couple that this aspect brings that softens quite a bit of the more harsher aspects that may rear their head in syanstry. These two are understanding and deeply compassionate towards one another very easily placing themselves in one another’s shoes which further deepens their intimacy. these two usually spend much time at home with one another or preferring the company of a comfortable and quiet space as opposed to loud outside gatherings. A very strong marriage indicator.
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(Alexandra Savior - Shades)
Moon Conjunct Pluto : To Be seen In color 
This aspect is deceptively steady. It isn’t as rocky as the harsher aspects and it also isn’t as light and warm as the easier aspects, it’s more of a neutral grey area full of earthy passion. This aspect is slow building and often involves two very serious people, with two very deep desires of intimacy. The Pluto person is very tolerant of the moon person, they see threw the moon and can often gauge the emotional state of their lover easily without words. the Pluto person is often the more grounded and protective lot and prefers to have the moon to themselves but also is comfortable enough to mind their own business when the moon person is out and about doing their own thing. The moon person is Very close to the Pluto person, usually very affectionate and even more responsive with Pluto then they are with most people. this will be one of those relationships where these two seem mean or disinterested when they are around everyone else but then seem to light up the moment they see one another. Pluto can be very productive in the relationship usually pushing the moon person to be there best while giving them the backbone/support system necessary to follow through. the Moon person usually gives emotional compassion and support to Pluto when ever things get rocky. these two are one another’s rock. The sex is often primal, and unlike the harsher aspects which usually include sex of a more raw and lustful nature or the lighter aspects which is sex of a more lovey and passionate nature the conjunction is “lovemaking” and in many ways these two tend to be deeply affected by the sex they do have with each other in a way that serves to deepen the bond rather than create more problems. Obsession can be a problem here as the two get so used to one another that they can become addicts of “feeling” wanting to constantly be around one another, though this is a danger with all moon and Pluto aspects it is especially so here.
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(Ex : Re New York )
Moon Opposite or Conjunct Lilith : A painful Memoir 
This aspect can often create a darker expression of intimacy between two people, that can seem like a shadow chasing a light. The Moon person is often the moth to the flame, drawn to the Lilith person like some drunkard. They desire the Lilith person but also fear them in a almost panicked and instinctual way. The Lilith person is powerful and emotionally intense, at times to much for the more sensitive moon person. The moon is often caring and deep with the Lilith person, developing an almost dark obsession and raw lust for Lilith. The moon person sees Lilith as some dark force, some emotional well of passion and fury and one they want to dive into. The Lilith feels this desire and reflects it in the way they exude their presence, they play a game of seducing the moon person. They want the moon but are often to prideful to let this show. they can be extremely loyal to the moon person though and they do really adore the intimacy and sensitivity of the moon person but they also have this dark desire to taint the moon person, to make the moon disregard their more cautious nature and dive into the dark with them. This can be a painful, erotic and dangerous liaison as the sex is often addicting, it’s the highest feminine vibrations of two people on two sides of a spectrum colliding.
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(Ex Re : Crushing )
Moon Sextile Or Trine Lilith : Spans In a lesson
Their is a sense of urgency with this aspect, as if the two people need to have one another. The Moon person is often the one captivated by the Lilith person and Lilith is more readily obsessed by the moon person. These two can have some volatile feelings and to those that know them they may feel as though the other person brings out something uncharacterized in their personality. the thing is any darker traits brought out between these two was already there. the Moon is often sultry, waning and allured to the Lilith Person and the Lilith person is insatiable, hungry and captive by the moon. these two are powerful together but also deeply complex in their inner workings with one another. Nothing is ever as it seems with this aspect and these two are constantly investigating the deeper emotional layers of one another further deepening the chaotic game they play with one another. passion is HOT to the touch with this aspect but it can also boil to hot for some.
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(Ex Re : I can’t Keep you ) 
Moon Square Lilith : And sometimes I find you Mesmerizing 
This is a couple that can have an Off and On quality to their attraction. The moon Person is deeply in ether for the Lilith person but also feels like the Lilith person is dangerous in some way to their emotional well being, in some cases this is an imagined threat while in others it’s real as the Lilith person does strike at a very deep lace in the Moon person emotional trauma and roots. The Lilith person is passionate for the Moon person but places defenses due to the rather wishy washy nature of the moon person. the two play a game of watching the other which often times creates an imaginary barrier on the two. This aspect is VERY intense and often times these two are both fearful of the energy that’s produced by their intimacy. The moon person is far more vulnerable of being left in shambles and the Lilith person is very likely to be deeply wounded on a profound level if the connection fails. these two are capable of forming a deep and long lasting bond but overtime through couples therapy and even just taking the time to communicate these two can overcome this heavy aspect. A very taboo aspect to this. 
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(Sza - Julia )
Moon opposite Or Conjunct Juno : I’m In Love with you.
This aspect between two people can be a very significant one for both  people involved. The Juno in ones chart represents what someone’s ideal mate for life should and will be like and the moon is our core, our heart and emotional state so having ones moon in such tight aspects can usually be a strong marriage indicator. Juno person feels deeply content with the Moon person as their means of expressing their feelings and emotions is done in such a way that they’ve always wanted or desired. They can often feel naturally close to the Moon person and see them as a future prospect often adoring the means of which the juno person shows their more softer and intimate nature. The Moon person is fascinated by Juno and often finds themselves wanting to care for and protect Juno. they both deeply cherish one another and spend a great deal of time together, but it never feels stifled or overbearing. the two readily form a tight knit relationship and find it very easy to conveniently add one another to both of their lives. this aspect is very warm natured and cozy and full of endless understanding! although it’s not as strong as a full planet conjunction or opposition it still holds significant weight between two people and have a very sweet and loving energy.
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( Sza - Ur)
Moon Sextile Or Trine Juno : You feel like The “one”
This is a very intimate! the Moon person is very tender with the Juno person, often reading their feelings and taking careful caution with how and when they choose to react in regards to Juno. The moon person rarely thinks of themselves here and tends to put Juno first mainly because they care so deeply and in such a sensitive way. The Juno person is very open, bubbly and affectionate with the moon person, often flying about like a small butterfly. The moon person makes the Juno person so secure and safe that they often feel as though they can express their beauty and body in a way that feels natural and free of judgment. These two are very physically friendly with one another and quite a bit of sensuality and touching are normally involved. They seem to lack the ability to keep their hands off one another, though this is not the case when they first meet as upon their first encounters it can seem like they both shy away from any outright intimacy. These two can never just be friends, and normally fall for one another. Another marriage aspect. 
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(Sza - Warm Winds feat Isaiah Rashad )
Moon Square Juno : A complicated honeymoon 
These two are like magma and snow. They can want different things and be drastically different in terms of what and how they expect their attraction plays out but at the exact time they enjoy the differences. The Moon person finds Juno’s expression of intimacy, and romance slightly weird and a bit odd as it’s different to them and Juno finds the moons expression slightly overdone or a bit far out to them mentally. that being said this is how their honeymoon period goes, everything that follows after is passionate and intense. These two are so caught up in this whirlwind attraction that they end up throwing away any old concepts and themes of romance and desire they once previously had. This can deepen a connection between two people to such a level that many harsher aspects are glossed over. the reason being is that this one aspect creates an attraction based on differences on a fundamental level and it allows both parties to fall in love with those drastic differences. the connection is often very private and lucrative in it’s expression but the dependency and highly attuned emotional expression remains. these two will want to build together and the immensity of feeling gets more powerful as the time goes by, so often this aspect is one of the most prolific of the bunch. 
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chironmoon · 4 years
T- SQUARES or why do we often see them as vicious circles
You have a T-Square in your chart when two planets that make an aspect of opposition (180 degrees) are both making a square aspect (90 degrees) to a third planet. It’s called a T-square because if you draw lines connecting all three it resembles a letter T (tho tbh to me it looks more like a triangle than any letter)
So, two planets oppose each other and both of them square the third planet, which is known as the focal planet or apex. That planet sits somewhere around the midpoint of the opposition (all the orbs should be max 8 degrees). Squares can be difficult, yes, but they are also dynamic, recurring obstacles that we need to overcome in life in order to grow- and the potential for development of strength is enormous here. But remember- it requires some serious effort and it takes time - not to mention life experience. In most cases, you can not handle your T-square at the age of 16 or 20. But if you practice awareness and are open to lessons in life, you’ll get there soon enough. I read somewhere that our greatest life accomplishments can be described by the nature of the planets in square to each other. At the same time they can seem like the hardest tests we (often repeatedly) face in life and we may feel like failors or even feel paralyzed until we master them. Squares require some guts when dealing with them but they also give you the potential for fighting, so trust me, you can do it.
T-squares frequently appear in the charts of sucessful people, business leaders, CEOs and other dominant and ‘important’ people when it comes to career. It is often said that having a T- square is like sitting on a 3-legged chair- you simply have to learn bow to balance and focus properly or you’ll crash. Apex planet is your focal point - you see where the problem is, and that makes it easier to focus, work on it and fix it.
Yes, but how? The ‘exit’ is ‘across the street’ aka in the house and at the degree that opposes the apex, that is the ‘missing leg’ of that chair you’re sitting on.
If you draw a line that completes the cross you’ll see the house and sign where it lands. That’s the area of your life where the solution should be looked for but carefully! - pay attention to the other aspects apex creates!
T-square is a very challenging aspect pattern which can take years to master. Also it is, as all things that create tension, easily influenced by transits. Depends on the other things too, but generally speaking any Moon phase or planet transiting the empty leg will highlight the areas of life where you feel ‘emptiness’ and you can feel more than usual like something is missing.
The sign and house placement of apex planet (and the ‘missing leg’) is usually something we face repeatedly in our life and it is somehow ever present. It can sometimes  be overemphasized to the point where the nature of the opposition is ignored, or put aside, but the opposition is still there and it carries its weight.
As someone with 3 T-squares in their chart, I can honestly tell you that here, you only have two choices- you can either grab the bull by its horns, summon all your strength and push, or you can wallow in self-pity and frustration and constant whining - ‘but why is it so hard?” (I know it’s hard. But so are many things in life)
• CARDINAL T-SQUARE can motivate native towards action, inspiring them to actually do something about life and its difficulties. Doing nothing here is not an option - no matter the discomfort of the fight, no matter how draining it can be.
• FIXED T-SQUARE - you need to get started. Slow to start, fixed signs carry a lot of strength and preseverence but they often need to be pushed. Here, you have to do the pushing for yourself. It may take longer for fixed t-square to show any progress.
• MUTABLE T-SQUARE - faster to accept the change, happy to learn and absorb new ideas but often lack the power or persistance required to complete any task. Native may lack concentration and be easily demotivated, which can slow down the process. On the plus side, they bounce back rather quickly and one their life lessons here is also patience.
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chironmoon · 4 years
Leo moodboard for Cara Delevingne.
Sun Leo (conj. Chiron) . Moon Aquarius . Libra Rising .
I’m not good with faces, but she has the most beautiful faces in the world imo, one that once I see it I wouldn’t forget.
She feels more virgo than Leo. There’s this grounded turning inward energy about her, and she has sun conjunct chiron. Probably explains why she isn’t shining as bright as I envisioned her to be.
Sun conjunct chiron is the fundamental trauma of “who am I?” Probably the native wouldn’t even be too sure about it, and they usually will have this confused feeling of the concept of “self”. Constantly looking for who they really are, while what they need to embrace is the malleability of their nature. Their self is softer and more fluid than other bright Leos, they probably find it harder to shine as who they are. And so I have included that energy in this moodboard.
You can’t pin me down.
You have to understand the impalpable to see me.
I will consume the last of me to see why we are so imperfect.
Will you dance with me naked?
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chironmoon · 4 years
New leo moodboard for
Sun Sagittarius. Moon Leo. Capricorn Rising.
So much damn fire in me.
I’m a treasure, but not everyone knows it.
Free my damn heart.
Let me bloom, will ya?
Theme song: move like this by Ric Wilson
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