I want to clarify the disclaimer I put on my translation posts. It says all I primarily do, as someone who is neither a translator nor fluent in Japanese, is throw the lines into stuff like google translate or deepL (which is an AI translator), and then clean up whatever they spit back out.
I still think that's giving me too much credit though, because while I do run individual words through online dictionaries, I also consult websites that collect translated phrases and sentences and paragraphs from other works and documents (sites like reverso, kanshudo, ichacha, jlptsensei etc.) and just copy-and-paste those translations directly into my posts.
So I myself don't do much of my own translation or interpretation at all in the end. I just compile.
I should note that I generally don't read fan-translations within this fandom, but when I do, I'll note how they translated certain phrases and I'll keep a mental inventory. That's more of a case of inspiration than copy-pasting.
As such, all the actual translators in the fandom have my eternal respect because they bring the actual knowledge and experience and fluency and beauty of their own interpretations. Internet-hug your local translator today!
I've been feeling really bad about how I do my translation posts, and I don't know that I should continue making them anymore. I'm really very sorry!
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Give Azel more chairs to throw at people. Put a chair on his eventual To Wield My Chair Sword gacha.
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give me his route right now
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i wish i had a floating evil skull to follow me around and when we went to the grocery store she would say something like my liege we must purchase the strawberry cream cheese for the coming days and i would be like oh fuck youre so right and put it in my cart and then we would walk down the next aisle together our beautiful life
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You'd think Gilbert was the weatherman from how often he points out how wet Emma is
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Matias: (late to an alliance meeting for once)
Matias: I'm sorry, I have no excuse. But it won't happen...
Matias: ...again...
Azel: (grazing by the window)
Kagari: (loafing on the table)
Matias: (takes his perch on the chandelier)
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Good morning to the suitor whose name appeared in my dreams on a television from the 90s, except it wasn't even his name specifically but someone who had the same name, and the caption underneath it was a date of birth, hyphen, date of death because the whole thing was an "in memoriam" type of thing? Anyway, good morning to Azel lmao
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Wish there was a feature that let you do 4 out of 5 or 3 out of 5 or 2 out of 5 salons at once. Sometimes you need to wait 2 or 3 hours for lucky time to start and it's annoying having to click twice or three times (sometimes having to switch out your salon guest each time, on top of that).
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That warm feeling when the twins end up tying 🥺 Neither chosen over the other. Not a one expendable, not a one sacrificed.
i went licht but
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Azel: (pokes Emma's cheek)
Emma: (pokes his belly)
Azel: (pinches her cheeks)
Emma: (pinches his belly)
Azel: (squeezes her cheeks)
Emma: (squeezes his belly)
Azel: (smooshes her cheeks)
Emma: (smooshes his belly)
Azel: (kisses her cheek and bolts for it)
a/n: potential fic idea for myself. inspired by that jean story from ikevamp where mitsuki kisses his belly into oblivion.
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(Fic) Kagari x Emma | "If Every Tomorrow Could Be Today"
nsfw . mdni
Kagari lay with his head on Emma’s belly, skin cushioned against sweaty skin, just below her gently heaving navel and just above her crux. He was facing her, his bangs in beautiful, damp disarray over sleepy emerald and smudged ruby.
Time seemed to come and go in waves as he licked her off his fingertips. Himself and her: milky-sweet sakura and rose. He told her as much, casually voicing his favorite things and how they paired, his monotone melodic, his full, pink lips glistening in the diffuse light of the Yasha’s bedchambers.
Emma’s legs were still spread, lazy from lovemaking, even wider from when Kagari had first thrown them until each of her knees brushed a different heap of clothing. He now lay more perpendicular to her, and though he was much larger, he always seemed so adorably compact when curled up like this, with his knees tucked to his chest, his cat-bell coiled into the valley where his legs pressed against her side, his toes curled like paws. Pet me, princess, he seemed to say even when his mouth was busy.
She pet him and every centimeter of her palm and fingertips and knuckles had to touch him or something in her heart would twinge. His scalp and ear and neck, she tread them all in gentle shapes, thumbing inside his collar and tracing along the corded fibers until she came to his pulse, again and again. It was a different kind of lovemaking. It was to feel someone ephemeral. To catch a petal and hold it before it flew away forever.
She felt the choppy ends of his thick hair, mostly freed from their braid now, draped behind his neck, falling in short waves down between her thighs. It tickled with every slight motion of his head. He couldn’t have known what it was doing to her or how it reminded her of cradling his face with her legs, tighter and tighter.
But Kagari’s breathing had slowed into a voiceless purr, his expression like eternity unraveled in a smile, and it was all that filled and overflowed inside Emma's spinning, glittering world. She wondered if her pets and strokes would ever approach the wealth of motion he could produce with a blade. Never. But then, maybe. One day, with enough training. Days and nights of training, so many they’d blur into happy fatigue. She could train him to stay, and he could train her to never let go. And it wouldn't do for him to miss a day of it.
“I’ll do anything to keep you here. My spoiled kitty.”
---------- Acknowledgements @/altairring if you happen to see this, I had your heartfelt description about Kagari's various facial expressions in mind when I wrote this. @/aquagirl1978, I remember you wrote a similar fic once, it might have even been one of your first Gilbert fics, about his smile, so ^^ And of course the contents were inspired by Kagari's "Hold Up, You Spoiled Shogun!" bonus story.
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Matias: (hands out papers) I've done my best to petition, but the devs are adamant about not letting us onto the game's login screen.
Matias: Their official reasoning was a lack of space to accommodate all three of us.
Matias: However, after reviewing the voice clips you two sent in, I'm beginning to see—
Kagari: What's wrong with "I missed you, princess. Meow"?
Matias: You went on to meow for five minutes straight.
Kagari: I was eating dorayaki. I wasn't going to stop just so I could turn the recorder off.
Matias: Why were you meowing, then?
Kagari: I was happy. I was purring.
Matias: For five entire minutes. And I think there was the sound of someone dying at the end.
Kagari: Like I said, I couldn't turn the recorder off. I needed both hands on my blade.
Kagari: The recording stopped because the guy fell on it.
Azel: My line was neutral and polite and packed with blessings.
Matias: Your clip picked up the sound of your stomach grumbling in the background. Foreground, actually. Your words were barely audible.
Azel: Oh, I must have had the recorder on my belly at that point. I'm happy to make a better one, for a fee. And I'd appreciate reimbursement for the other 78845 attempts as well.
Matias: Seventy-eight thousand...
Azel: (clears throat) I had an entire afternoon to myself with nothing to do.
Azel: Two afternoons. Eighteen. What was wrong with your recording?
Kagari: I think we all know.
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i went licht but
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Jin: So we're agreed. The first one of us to die gets to haunt the faction office. The rest have to pick a different room.
Licht: I don't want to haunt the faction office. I want to haunt the stables.
Yves: Licht, you're not included in this.
Leon: You're not included, Licht.
Jin: Sorry, Licht, this doesn't include you.
Licht: Which part?
Yves: The dying part.
Leon: The dying part.
Jin: The dying part.
Yves: Jin, you're not included in this either.
Jin: I was gonna haunt the nearest set of boobies.
Leon: You can haunt them as an alive person.
Jin: Sweet.
Yves: Wait a minute. I want to haunt the kitchen. Leon, you haunt the office. As an alive person. I'm saying that just in case.
Leon: That's fine with me. I spend the most time in here, anyway.
Leon's faction:
Leon's faction:
Licht: Stables, boobs, kitchen, office.
Leon's faction: (giggles)
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Emma gives Gilbert constant psychic damage
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Left to right, top to bottom, Gilbert's POV—
Written in icing on the corner of the white plate were the words "Thank you, I love you." Gilbert: ...Hmm? (You...) (...You don't play fair.)
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Kagari: I wish there was some way for me to rest my head on your lap while you rest your head on mine.
Emma: I don't think that's physically possible.
Kagari: I guess we'll just have to settle for 69-ing.
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Day 7
“The library is where I found you while you were sleeping. It makes me want to touch your hair, your eyelashes, your eyebrows and so as your lips.”
“Please don't wake up yet”
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