corriganatheart · 5 months
did you ever write if he was mine part 3 i can’t find it
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corriganatheart · 9 months
can u explain His Maddest Desire Final ? a lot of us were confused on the chapter 😭
Y/N had an accident when she was very young causing her to have hallucinations and delusions. Due to the accident, she convinced herself that her parents weren't her biological parents and that Anastasia hated her.
Her whole life, she was taking medication for schizophrenia, but when she met Jude, she started to heal. At one point, she started developing feelings for Jude, and he did too. This is why she believes that Jude has been in love with her since childhood. But Anastasia was always jealous of Y/N because her parents gave her more attention. Anastasia never liked Jude, but once she realizes that Y/N likes Jude, she wants him too. Y/N, at one point, started to feel better and was healing, but Anastasia secretly switched her medication, causing her schizophrenia to get worse and messing with her memories.
Jude has been in a coma since he was stabbed by Y/N, and Y/N has been hallucinating him this whole time, along with other scenarios that happened. This whole time, Y/N has been taking medication that only makes her schizophrenia worse, and now that she is under Anastasia's care, it will only worsen. The story does not have a happy ending.
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corriganatheart · 11 months
His Maddest Desire Final (He LOVES her, but she HATES him) Jude Bellingham x reader
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Synopsis: She was the opposite of what he needed; the shadow that no one noticed but him. Since the beginning, Jude had always liked Y/N, and his feelings grew every time he saw her. His reputation as a womanizer only makes her question his intention and pushes him away, but that never stops him from chasing after what he wants.
Pairings: Jude Bellingham x reader
Genre: Forbidden romance x Enemies to Lovers x One-sided love x Dark Romance
Warnings: Cursing, mention of sexual content
6 years ago…
“How old is she?” The doctor asked as he looks at the fragile girl on the bed.
“She’s 12,” Christian L/N says while holding his wife.
The doctor nods and continues to check her vitals. He then opens the unconscious girl’s eyes and checks her pupil. “How long has this been going on?” The doctor questions. Christian looks at the girl on the bed and sighs, “Since she was six.” The doctor glances at the parents suspiciously before examining the little girl again. “I will prescribe her medication to help with her condition. You have to make sure she takes it every day and consistently, or else it’ll get worse.”
Christian L/N and his wife Elena nod and thank the doctor for coming. The doctor then signals for Christian to walk with him outside. Christian lets go of his wife and kisses her forehead before he guides the doctor out.
Present Day
“When was the last time you saw her?” Christian asked his guards. The two males looked at one another before one cleared his throat and spoke carefully, “After her dance with you, she went outside, but we didn’t follow because we thought she needed some air.” Christian watches the security footage of you walking out of the mansion and then disappearing outside. He had his men search the perimeter everywhere, but there was still no sign of you.
“Was there anyone that walked after her?” Christian asked. The guards glanced at one another again and shook their heads. “No, we checked the footage everywhere, and no one walked in the direction she was going.” Christian sighs and stares at the camera footage; still no sign of you. His daughter had been missing for five hours now, and no one was giving him answers. His wife has been calling everyone they knew, and every important people that could help them, but not one person can locate you. “What is Rowan doing?” Christian asked, knowing of his son’s temper. “He’s out looking with his friends," one of the guards said.
Christian checks his phone and dials your number again, but your phone goes straight to voicemail. He aggressively throws his phone across the room, causing the two guards to back up. "BRING ME, EVERYONE, SHE HAD AN INTERACTION WITH!" He demanded.
5 years ago
"Where is Rowan?" you asked Shani as she combed your freshly wet hair. She grabs some hair oil from her daughter Virginia and starts applying it. "He has a friend over," Shani says, "they are playing football in the garden."
You smile, "can we go see them?"
Shani looks at her daughter who was admiring you beside her mother, "Sure."
You hold onto your long summer dress as you walk to Rowan’s football ground. Shani holds an umbrella so you won’t get sunburned, and her daughter carries the picnic basket for Rowan and his friends. “Do you think they’ll let me join?” You asked Shani. She gives you an apologetic look. "I don't think so, dear," she says kindly. You frown and continue to make your way toward Rowan and his friends. As their profile appears, you stare at how your brother kicks the ball into the goal. It was perfect in every way until you saw his friend makes a goal of his own. It was more than perfect, and the way he celebrated by running around the field and taking off his shirt while swinging it like there were thousands of people watching him made you feel happy. He genuinely loved the sport, which was his main source of happiness.
"Who...who is that?" you asked Shani. She glances over your brother and his friend and smiles, "That's Jude Bellingham."
Present Day
"Who was she with all day?" Anastasia asked as she walked back and forth between her room. "She danced with Marcus for a bit and then with Dad," Rowan says. He frustratedly dialed Marcus' phone number, but there was no answer. "I can't fucking reach Jobe either," Anastasia says quietly. Rowan glares at his older sister and then grabs ahold of her wrist. "If we don't find Y/N, who knows what will happen to her. I need you to get all your friends on it too." Anastasia nodded and immediately reached for her phone.
Christian L/N walks into the bedroom to see his wife looking through their family’s photo album. His heart shift in pain as he watches her wipe her tears and continues to flip through photos.
The first time he met his wife was through a charity event. He thought she was the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on. It was love at first sight and he knew he had to have her. Unfortunately she was already engaged to a much older man. It was obvious to everyone that she wasn’t happy and was forced to be with the tyrant man. So for a while, he just watched and observed her. Never did he thought that she would approach him and ask him to take her virginity in exchange for money. She wanted to run away, but she had nothing. So in the end, Christian took her and has been protecting her ever since.
Their marriage wasn’t perfect. He has been a cold husband due to work and stress but never once has he forgotten his wife. He loves his family, and safety was important to him so he has doubled his work to make sure they have the best life possible.
“Have you heard anything?” Elena glanced at her husband and asked. Christian shakes his head and lays down on the bed. His head rested on his wife’s thigh as he anxiously thought of the idea of you getting kidnapped. “I think I scared her off,” he mumbled. Elena closes the photo album and runs her hand through her husband's hair. "I told you it was bad to approach her like that. She is barely recovering from Jude's engagement with Anastasia." Christian sighs and remembers the look on your face when it was announced that Jude and Anastasia would marry. You hated the idea more than anyone else. “She was always destined to marry Prince Nikolai,” Christian says, “one day she’ll understand why.”
Elena nods and kisses her husband’s forehead. “Sometimes I wonder how she’ll turn out if she had a normal childhood,” Elena says causing Christian to frown. He really didn’t want to be reminded of the past and how much he failed as a father. “I can only imagine how difficult it must’ve been for her. To this day, she still hasn’t forgiven us and rarely acknowledges us as her parents.” Elena closes her eyes and remember the toddler that she held in her hand. You were the most beautiful baby she has ever laid eyes on, and although you weren’t her biological daughter, she has loved you since the beginning. “My dear, wherever you are, I hope you’re safe.
4 years ago
“He is quite charming, isn’t he?” Anastasia says while making her flower crown. You glance over at Jude, who is chatting with the other boys. It has been a year since you met him, and you have come to like him day by day. “I supposed he is better than the other boys,” you mumbled.
Anastasia smiles and pat your thighs, “his mother is best friend with ours. I heard them joke about being in laws.” Your heart stopped and you look at Anastasia who had a cheeky smile on her face. “I suppose my little sister might marry before me.” You shake your head rapidly, “that cannot happen. I am not blood.”
Anastasia pauses midway to stare at you, “don’t say that Y/N. Mom and dad would not be happy.” You glare at her, “then why must they treat me differently? I am to take that disgusting pill everyday and be under surveillance every seconds!”
At your tone, Anastasia slams her flower crown on the table. “You mustn’t question our family’s treatment. They are doing this for your sake!” You rolled your eyes and got up from your seat. “You wouldn’t understand sister. You are their heir and will be treated lavishly while I am nothing but an pity orphan.”
Anastasia calls after you as you stomp out of the garden. You feel pairs of judgmental eyes, but you could care less. What you said was true. You overheard your dad speak up about the future arrangement between Jude and Anastasia and possibly between you and another person.
Present Day
Anastasia silently stares between her brother and Trent. They were conversing about where you ran off and if someone took you. Trent didn't look pleased when your brother constantly blamed others for your missing. He was aware of your situation and the stuff you went through when you were a child, and it didn't help that your family bluntly kept it a secret from you and everyone else.
"This wouldn't have happened if you just told her!" Trent yells while aggressively typing on the computer.
"Tell her what, Arnold! That she was kidnapped as a kid and ended up having schizophrenia!" Rowan shouts.
Anastasia sighs and gets out her phone. She scrolls down to the person that she hasn't contacted for years. "Should I try Jobe?" Anastasia mumbles. Both Rowan and Trent look over at her as she dials his number, hands trembling. "It's pretty fucking obvious that she imagined something in her head and followed whatever the scenario was. When she was only six, she got kidnapped, which traumatized her. Ever since the accident, she hasn't been the same and would make up scenarios in her head like our parents were not her biological parents. She even once accused our mother of trying to kill her, and Anastasia was trying to drown her," Rowan says.
Trent's jaws clenched as he aggressively looked through security footage. You were like a sibling to him and his dear friend. He would hate it if something were to happen to you. "She should've been sent to a hospital long ago to get help!" Trent screamed. "The goddamn medicine didn't help, and who knows if she has been taking them!"
"She stopped taking them her teenage year when she entered middle school," Anastasia sighs. "I wanted to help her. I didn't want her to think she was different from us, so I never said anything when she didn't take her meds. But it only made things worse because she would say that I was bullying her, and in her mind, I was a villain, and everyone was against her. And Jude, Oh god," Anastasia sobs.
Rowan looks up at the ceiling and fists his knuckle. "We will find her, and she'll be ok."
Present Day
"Where are we?" You asked while scanning the cabin in the middle of the wood.
Jude smiles and walks over to the fireplace, "It's my secret hidden home," he says.
You smile and look around the small, cozy cabin. "Seems out of place for you."
He smiles and continues to set the living room up for you. "We found it together silly," Jude says.
You look at him with a confused face. Jude continues to put more wood in the fireplace as he whistles. "What do you mean?" you asked while walking closer to him.
Jude pauses midway before slowly throwing the last wood in, and the fire reflects on his face. You stare at him as he gets up from the floor and faces you. His mouth twitches as he stares at you, "you don't remember?" He asked.
Your heart beats rapidly as he slowly moves toward you, eyes never leaving yours. "You killed me here Y/N."
3 years ago
"Happy Birthday, Rowan!" everyone shouted, and fireworks immediately filled the sky.
You look over at your brother, who was loving the attention that he was getting. "Everyone gets a new Rolex!"
The crowd goes wild, and all the girls start rushing over at your brother, causing you to get pushed back away from everyone. "This is lame," you mumbled.
You hear a low chuckle, causing you to turn around. Standing behind you was Jude Bellingham, in casual jeans and a t-shirt, yet he looked better than all the boys combined. "A middle schooler shouldn't be around high schoolers. It's a very bad idea," he chuckles. You frown and walk away from him before your brother spots you. "Aye!" you hear Jude calls after you.
Your heart races as you feel him following you. The boy you have always been interested in is finally giving you the time of his day, yet you are running away. How pathetic. "Y/N, wait! You'll get lost; it's very dangerous out here!" Jude calls after you. "Leave me alone, Bellingham! Stop treating me like everyone else!"
You start picking up your pace, entering the wood, away from everyone.
Since that kidnap incident involving your father's enemy, everyone has been monitoring you like crazy. Everywhere you go, four of your father's bodyguards must follow you, and today was only an exception because it was your brother's birthday, and he requested that all guards stay a distance from the high schoolers.
"Y/N, please," Jude says, and you finally feel his hands around your wrist.
You turn around and realize that you guys are now far from the party, but you can still hear the laughter of teenagers from afar. "It was not the best idea for Rowan to have a party in the middle of the woods," Jude mumbles, looking around the dark forest. "Relax, this is a private party owned by my dad," you said.
Jude smiles and intertwines his fingers with yours, "Come, I heard from Rowan that he has a secret cabin that he brings girls to."
You turn to where the party is and then glance at Jude warily. He smiles down at you and caresses your face. "I'll protect you," he says. And with no hesitation, you follow him deep into the woods.
Present Day
"Jude," you whisper as you back away, heart beating uncontrollably and mind more confused than ever. "Remember you stabbed me after I said Anastasia will be my wife?" You continue to back away while shaking your head, trying to remember everything that happened that night. "I am nothing but a fragment of your imagination. This whole time, you have imagined me. You have been creating situations in your head that have never happened because you feel guilty for what you did to me. Accept it, love; you have a mental illness and need help. Unlike me, you can get help."
Your back hits the cold wall, and you whimper; Jude smirks and glances at something on the floor. He then walks over to it and picks something up. Your heart immediately pauses at what he has in hand. A rusty knife that looks like it has an old blood stain on it. "Ha, there it is," Jude chuckles and holds up the knife.
At the sight of the knife, you immediately remembered what happened that night. You confess to Jude, and Jude sadly says that he will have to be with Anastasia in the future. And as if your body negatively reacted to that, your mind went blank, and from then on, you don't remember what happened. The next thing you know, your parents drag you out of the house with blood all over you.
"Just like what you did to me, it's time you join me, love," Jude says while walking towards you.
As your body shakes against the wall, Jude smiles and kindly hands the knife to you. "I'm waiting," he says.
You look down at the rusty old knife and think of what happened and how the boy you have been madly in love with was killed by your own hand. This past year was nothing but a fragment of your imagination that has only gotten worse and more real because of your refusal to get help and take medication. After losing Jude, you became a mess and refused to get help from anyone. Only then did your parents decide to let you live out your teenage years before they would send you away. But they never knew that your condition had only gotten worse, and even though they kept you in the house and under surveillance, in your mind, they were nothing but villains. It has never occurred to you that your mind was playing games with you and that Jude never said those sweet words to you. You never found out if Jude was ever interested in you or had feelings for you. But the only thing you found out was he was destined to be with your sister, which truly hurt you. In the end, you end up hurting the one person who kept you sane, and in his hand, you will also die.
"Jude, I-I'm sorry," you softly said as you reached for the knife. "I will join you so you don't have to wait anymore. I love you so much; you are my maddest desire," you smile softly as you hold the knife to your throat. You close your eyes and think of the first time you ever looked at him and how his voice sounded when he laughed at your brother's bad joke. He was perfect, the perfection that you have always desired. With no guilt in your heart, you smile and move your hand closer to your neck.
Two Years Later - Epilogue
Sometimes, we want things we can't have, and sometimes we ignore things that want us. It is human nature to desire perfection, even though perfection might be out of our vocabulary. People that were born rich don't want to be rich. People born a star want to be normal, and people born a peasant want to be a star. The universe is twisted, causing many people to fall into mental illness, whether it is depression, anxiety, ADHD, or schizophrenia. We can never have things we truly desire, and that causes many of us to go mad.
"Anastasia!" someone shouts, causing her to look up from her phone. Anastasia slightly moves her foot to block the elevator door from closing. She smiles at the boy who joins her in the elevator. "How are you, Jobe?'
Jobe smiles and clicks the 5th-floor button. "Great!"
She nodded, and they quietly rode the elevator to the fifth floor.
Anastasia softly smiled as she watched Jobe happily walk to their designated room. It has been a while since she has seen Jobe all smiling, but after the good news last month, he has become himself again.
"Ready?" Jobe asked before opening the door. Anastasia nodded, and they both walked into the warm, cozy room filled with flowers and sunlight.
"Good morning, Jude," she says.
Jude, who has awoken from a coma a month ago, lays down the book in his hand and smiles at them. "Good morning."
10 hours later
"Are you sure about this?" Rowan asked his older sister as she entered the house. Anastasia nodded at her brother and looked at the numerous security; from surveillance to doorbell cameras, security was uptight. Pleased with that, she counts the guards and staff in the house, at least fifty, maybe even more. "You missed Dad; he left an hour ago," Rowan says as he follows his sister upstairs. "Mom's mastectomy is coming up; I'm sure he wants to be there for her," Anastasia mumbled. Rowan looks down at his feet as he goes upstairs, "Trent is in another country for his match. Will he be back for your birthday?" Rowan asks his sister while glancing at the silver ring on her ring finger. Anastasia softly smiles and places her hand on her stomach, "He will. I have a surprise for him."
Standing in front of the door, Anastasia and her brother sigh. They both prepare their heart and smiles at one another. Rowan holds ahold of his sister's hand and nods. He opens the door, and they enter the warm, sunlight-filled room. Anastasia looked around the room, and many books were lying on the floor as maids picked them back up and put them where they belonged. The bed was also messy, and the vases were lying on the floor. In one corner, two nurses were talking to one another as they held up the bottle of pills.
Rowan and Anastasia look over at the figure standing in front of the window, staring out blankly and barely moving. "What is her update today?" Anastasia asked, and immediately the nurses made their way toward the siblings. "She woke up claiming that Jude was going to take her out on a fancy date, and since we wouldn't let her leave, she started fighting."
Anastasia nodded, "Has she taken her pills?"
The nurses look at one another and then glance at Rowan, who isn't looking anywhere but at his younger sister. They then looked at Anastasia, who was intensely staring at them, "Yes, she has."
Anastasia nods and turns around, "Make sure she continues to take her medications," she says and smirks as she walks away from her younger sister, whom she has always been jealous of.
The End
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@footballboradcast @aryy-23 @noodle81937
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corriganatheart · 1 year
His Maddest Desire Pt. III (He LOVES her, but she HATES him) Jude Bellingham x reader
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Synopsis: She was the opposite of what he needed; the shadow that no one noticed but him. Since the beginning, Jude had always liked Y/N, and his feelings grew every time he saw her. His reputation as a womanizer only makes her question his intention and pushes him away, but that never stops him from chasing after what he wants.
Pairings: Jude Bellingham x reader
Genre: Forbidden romance x Enemies to Lovers x One-sided love x Dark Romance
Warnings ⚠️: Cursing and mentions of sexual contents 🔞
Everyone whispered and stared as you entered the room. They weren’t very secretive about their feelings towards your arrival with Marcus. Most of them were shocked, but many of your sister’s acquaintances were angry or excited about the possibility of you and Marcus. Your brother, on the other hand, nearly choked on his drink while his friends were grinning. Trent looked confused yet pleased about the situation. You had to force yourself to keep walking in the ballroom because, for the first time, the public was eyeing you.
Marcus who has kept his silence was not phased by their judgemental stare. He was as calm as ever, smiling and waving at the people that he knows. Marcus did not mind your sister’s or his friends' constant glares and looked entertained.
Across the room stood your parents, who didn't look pleased by your partner. Your mother glared at Marcus, whereas your dad seemed confused and annoyed by the situation. It must've surprised everyone that your date was none other than Marcus Rashford, who has been in a couple of dating rumors with your sister. It didn't help that Marcus was grinning at everyone who glared down at the two of you.
"Anastasia is going to kill me," you mumbled to yourself, but loud enough for Marcus to hear. "Not if I'm here," Marcus shrugged. You giggled and stood before him, positioning yourself to slow dance with him. “What made you think this was a good idea?” You asked while glancing around the room. Marcus smiles and twirls you around, “the idea of dancing with you has been on my mind for a while now, Y/N,” he says. You looked at him all confused; what is his definition of a while?
Marcus catches your confused face and chuckles. “You are going to be out of high school now. Have you thought of college yet?” He asked. You sighed and shook your head. “I don’t really have a say. My mother will be the one choosing for me,” you mumbled. Marcus smirks and glances your mother’s way. “You are an adult now. I believe you get to choose. The University of Manchester, perhaps?” You laughed and shook your head, “are you trying to recruit me to your city?” You joked. Marcus pauses, and the both of you stop moving.
“Maybe I am.”
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Anastasia and Jude walked in after your dance with Marcus. Your sister was eyeing Marcus as he casually sipped on his champagne and avoided eye contact with her. On the other hand, Jude was glaring you and Marcus down and was pretty obvious about it. Even your brother was becoming suspicious of the situation.
"Anastasia, you look beautiful dear," your mother basically lunges at your sister and then at Jude. "Don't you make a handsome couple," she compliments. You tried not to roll your eyes as you glanced at Jude, who was trying not to walk away from your mom. "Everyone is waiting for your first dance," your mother said. Anastasia gently smiles before she glances at Marcus and then faces Jude. You watch as he smiles down at her and places his hands on her hips, squeezing them slightly. Marcus awkwardly shifts next to you, and you glance up at him. He was watching your sister as she made casual conversation with Jude and basically flirted with him.
You know that Marcus has feelings for your sister, but he isn’t aware of it or is in denial. It was ridiculous how much one person’s emotions can affect others. Your sister loves Marcus, but he rejects her from left to right. Jude is very explicit about wanting you, but you keep telling him off, causing him to feel unwanted, angry, and definitely betrayed. But at the end of the day, we want what we want, and there is no running from that.
“They look good together, don’t they?” Your brother says as he happily glances at Jude and Anastasia. You look away from the scene and also avoid making eye contact with him. “Good to see you too, Rowan,” Marcus says in a very unpleasant tone. Rowan smirks and stands next to Marcus. “My sisters are the most precious gem in the world. Don’t mind me finding them the best suitor,” Rowan says before he glances down at you. “And, of course, our previous Y/N will have the best man.”
You rolled your eyes before feeling someone wrap their arms around your waist and pull you to their side. “Indeed she will,” Marcus says. Rowan stares down at Marcus' hand's placement and clears his throat, "I believe my sister owns me a dance," he says and holds out his hand. You signed and looked up at Marcus, who was already staring at you. You smile at him and nod, causing him to let go of you. "I'll come find you later," you said. Marcus nodded and watched as you placed your hand on your brother's and walked to the dance floor.
"You are not going to date him," Rowan says sternly. You frown, and as you try not to angrily step on his toes, "Why not? he's a good guy," you say. Rowan shakes his head, "the guy is very suspicious, and something tells me he isn't here just to court you." Of course, you knew that, and you weren't planning on going anything beyond a friendship with Marcus anyways, but you are curious as to why your brother is getting welled up by him. "Did you both date the same girl or what?" you casually asked. Rowan made a disgusted face and looked over at Jude and Anastasia. "Marcus's type is Ana, and my type is something else," Rowan says, "I just don't like the dude." You laughed and continued to listen to your brother's complaints about his life.
Rowan was funny in his own way and paranoid about guys in our family's life. You believe he has been hanging out with his dad so much that he saw it all. Christian L/N was one of the nation's most powerful and richest men, but he was secretive about everything. He wasn't a good dad but wasn't a bad one, either. Sometimes he put in effort but often sent gifts if he missed out on special occasions. Although you weren't his biological daughter, Christian treated you the same as the rest. He would only talk to all of you when needed and deposit money into all of your accounts every day.
"It seems like Father wants a dance with you," Rowan says as he stares behind your shoulders. You turned around to see your dad approaching the two of you. His eyes were stern, serious, and intimidating. "I haven't been alone with him for so long," you whispered. Rowan stays quiet next to you until your dad finally stands in front of the two of you. "Good evening, Father," Rowan greeted. You awkwardly smile as your dad looks between the two of you. "Rowan, if I may," your dad's deep husky voice says as he holds out his hand for you. Rowan froze next to you and immediately backed up. You place your hand on your dad's, and he guides you into an empty area, slightly away from everyone's ears.
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"How is school going?" was the first thing Christian L/N asked his adopted daughter. You thought back to school yesterday, and it couldn't have gone worst. Everyone heard of your sister's birthday party theme and wanted to be invited. "It's fine; I graduate in a week," you said. Your dad nods, and you follow his steps as he guides you through the dance. "Your mother said she chose a college for you; is that true?" he asked. You glance over at your mother, who is already staring. She didn’t look pleased that your dad was dancing with you first. “I believe so, yes,” you said. Your dad hums and continues to guide you through the dance. You take this opportunity to really look at him. He looked really good for a man his age, but you could tell that he hadn’t had a good sleep in a very long time.
“Father,” you said, causing him to focus on you again. “Why haven’t you been home recently?”
Your father sighed, and there was a faint smile on his lips. “I thought you wouldn’t notice Y/N,” he says. You chuckled and shook your head, “of course I would notice. I am your daughter,” you said. Your dad’s eyes soften, “I have been arranging something with the King of Denmark,” he says. Your father then looked towards Jude and Anastasia, and you weren’t sure he was pleased with them. “The king would like to unite our family. Form an alliance and become in-laws.”
You look over at Anastasia, who just finished her dance with Jude. They smiled at one another, and Jude handed her a glass of champagne. She happily took it from him, and they both walked over to greet guests. “I don’t think Anastasia would like that,” you mumbled. Your dad doesn’t respond, and you knew immediately he wasn’t suggesting Anastasia. “I don’t have your blood,” you immediately said, panicking. “But you’re rightfully my daughter,” he responded.
You shook your head in disbelief. This cannot be happening; first, your mom choices where you’ll go to college, and now your dad choices who your husband will be. “The king hasn’t even met me, and I don’t know any of the royal family,” you stuttered. Your dad shakes his head, “Prince Nikolai has seen photos of you, and he chose you over Anastasia.” Your heart starts pounding rapidly, and your breathing becomes heavier as he continues. “I have arranged for you to meet him in three days, and after you graduate, we will announce your engagement.”
Words couldn’t express how scared, confused, disappointed, and angry you were. Your whole life, you’ve given everything to them only for them to use you as a tool for their selfish purposes. You thought that maybe after graduating, you’d have a little more freedom, but if you were bounded to the royal life, you’d be controlled forever.
You look over your shoulders to where Jude was. He happily stood next to Anastasia as she introduced him to her colleagues. Your heart breaks at seeing him with another girl, and a selfish part of you wants to run over there and run away with him. Even if it’s for one night, you want to risk it all with Jude. But you couldn’t because he deserves more. He deserves someone that wouldn’t confuse his feelings and someone who will never take and leave.
“Y/N, are you listening?” Your dad asked. You shake your head and start backing away from your dad. “No, I need some fresh air,” you said. Your dad reaches out for you, but you slap his hand away, causing some people to glare at you. You then stumbled away from him and the crowd, bumping into several people along the way.
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The sky was clear today, dark and gloomy. And the air was freezing, but you rather be cold than be in the house. Your dad’s words kept playing in your mind, and you remembered his proposal. If you were to marry the prince of Denmark, then you’ll be away from your mother’s control. But then you’ll have more responsibilities to take on and be in the public’s eyes 24/7. There was no winning in this situation. It was either you lived under your parent’s control or the royal family’s control.
You hug yourself as you try not to cry from frustration. Nothing worked out for you even though you tried hard to be their perfect daughter. This wasn't how things were supposed to be, and you were supposed to go off to college and enjoy some freedom, but because you were nothing more than a tool in their life, you'll be used for their own purposes and desires. It was very unfair.
"You shouldn't be out here alone," a familiar voice with a deep English accent says, and you feel him gently place a warm jacket on your shoulder. "And you shouldn't be out here alone with me," you said while wiping small drops of tears.
Jude sits down next to you, and you smell a mix of alcohol and fresh cologne on him. Your mind told you to look at him because it had been months. But your heart was telling you to run away before making irrational decisions. "Your father has been asking about you," Jude says while looking around the secluded place. "I am assuming he said something you didn't like."
You signed and pulled your knees to your chest, "Christian L/N would like me to marry Prince Nikolai of Denmark," you mumbled. You feel the tension rising from Jude as he tries to stay calm. This subject was hard on him as much as it was on you. "I see your family is quite fond of arranged marriages," he says darkly. You nodded your head, assuming he was watching you because he always does. "My life was already decided for the moment I was born," you said, "I don't get a say in what I want."
Jude's eyes were on you as you discussed your dad's plan. You knew Jude would not do anything irrational unless you asked him. He was loyal and trustworthy, and you have always felt guilty for the pain you have caused him. He was always chasing you, but you have always pushed him away, hoping for a better outcome for both of you. In your mind, Jude was better than anyone, and he deserved more than you can offer. Despite his friends being your brother and his ruthless friends, Jude was the most innocent of them all, and everyone loved him because of it. And getting involved with your messy life will only take away the laughter, sunshine, and happiness in him. Soon he will realize that the girl he wants isn't you and a girl with a much more simpler life.
"Can I hold you?" He suddenly asked, causing you to nearly choke on air. "What did you say?" you asked. Jude smiles at you and opens his arms, "can you hold me? I really need a hug." You shook your head, knowing of his intention. "If you are saying that just to comfort me, then leave it, Bellingham. I don't need your sympathy." Jude doesn't respond; he just smiles and stays holding his arm out. "Y/N, I really need a hug, sweetheart. Can you do that for me?"
You stare at his warm smile and his arms that are asking for you to come in. Sighing and smiling, you wrap your arms around his waist for an embrace, and tears start to roll down your eyes. Jude softly soothes your hair as you cry on his chest. The pent-up frustration and tears kept rolling down nonstop, and you could cry openly in front of someone for the first time. "I want to escape just one day Jude," you cried, causing him to hug you tighter. He whispers reassuring words as you cry on his shoulder and kisses your forehead nonstop. "Let me take you away," he whispers. "I can keep you safe."
You weren't sure if he was being serious, but you nodded your head rapidly, wanting him to do anything he wanted with you. You were tired of playing the perfect daughter and hiding behind everyone's shadow. This time you'll do what your heart desire and be with the man you always wanted. If your family wants to stop you, they can go ahead and come.
"Let's get away from this evil place, love," Jude says before he lifts you up in a bridal style and starts walking away from the mansion.
Note: The next couple of parts will have graphic materials in them, including sexual content, SA, and murder. I originally wanted this to be a romantic short story but decided it fits a twisted and dark romance instead. The ending might shock some people, so I am just warning you with advice. Have a good day :) Thanks for the support!
@meadowpond @btamms @laylaynaynay130 @lanussysworld @ @o0sportbike0o @gimmefood @yongboksfreckles @lalunaenamoradasworld @xjval @berriesarenice @soup1752862 @forjudebellingham @chacomieiteecafe @fayypooh1 @urmotheris
@footballbroadcast @aryy-23 @noodle81937 @lestappenbaee
@tzuyuzz @his-girll @lestappenbaee @iamcamii19 @lilians17 @fangirljules @jjolatunjisimp @litle17-blog
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corriganatheart · 1 year
Jude Bellingham x Influencer Reader mini series pt II ( Instagram Edition)
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Liked by judebellingham and 1,768,999 others
lifeof_Y/N I 🖤 U Paris
view all 8,789 comments
username123 attention whore! Only getting likes because of Jude 🖕🏼🖕🏼
judessbaby ewww stay away from my man 🤮
wofiecindy I’m so happy!!🖤🌹🌹
kyliejenner 🖤
melinahsiJ only using your body for likes 🤢
jennierubyjane 🌃 princess
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Liked by lifeof_Y/N and 877,889 others
judebellingham a nice day in Paris?
view all 5,789 comments
jobebellingham button that shirt up 😡
trentarnold66 oh?🤭 what we doing in Paris?
erling.haaland 😎
judessbbay break up with Y/N or I’ll 🔪🔪 her
username123 babe, you deserve so much better
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Liked by trentarnold66 and 2,778,978 others
lifeof_Y/N officially urs 🌹
view all 9,789 comments
judebellingham ♥️
wolfiecindy ♥️♥️ the cutest
sofiarichiegrainge the coolest couple 😎
jobebellingham goodluck💪🏼🙏🏻
TMZ I’m just hear for the comments 🍿
username123 fuck off!
judessbaby omg no!! I hate u kill urself!
soccer123 not going to last 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Liked by jobebellingham and 567,889 others
lifeof_Y/N bestie, me, and shades 😎 @wolfiecindy
view all 4,789 comments
jobebellingham lemme join 😎
trentarnold66 aye no invites?
judebellingham cute ig😒
wolfiecindy @judebellingham u just jealous 🤪
judebellingham @wofiecindy 🖕🏼
lifeof_Y/N love ya @jobebellingham
jobebellingham @lifeof_Y/N wrong Bellingham 😯
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Liked by lifeof_Y/N and 1,789,788 others
trentarnold66 boys night gone wild
view all 6,688 comments
trentarnold66 @lifeof_Y/N
lifeof_Y/N @trentarnold66 ???
trentarnold66 @lifeof_Y/N I know ur jealous 😝
lifeof_Y/N I’m not? 🤔
trentarnold66 @lifeof_Y/N u jealous u didn’t get to hang out with us 🤣
lifeof_Y/N @trentarnold66 I was the one that took the photo tho….
jobebellingham 🤦🏽‍♂️
Comments is disabled
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Liked joaofelix79 and 1,789,889 others
judebellingham “I’ll be ready by 7:30 babe”….Rt now it’s 9:00…
view all 8,788 comments
username223 Jude she is using u!
judessbbay I hate her🤮🤮
hsiinee that girl is not worth ur time😡
Sjionehu 🔪🔪🔪🔪
wolfiecindy 🖤 my babe
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Liked by wolfiecindy and 767,678 others
lifeof_Y/N my dinner 🌹
view all 3,889 comments
wolfiecindy chill 🥶
jobebellingham aight Imma 🏃🏾
username123 bitch get away from him!
marcusrashford 🙌🏼
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Liked by neymarjr and 1,788,657 others
lifeof_Y/N hey😗 @judebellingham
view all 9,789 comments
judebellingham hey😉
jobebellingham cringe 😬
neymarjr goodluck👏🏼
brunamarquezine 😍 amor
brunabiancardi 💕
trentarnold66 bombastic side eye 👀
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Liked by wolfiecindy and 2,678,888 others
judebellingham vacation with the boys ☀️
view all 6,979 comments
allforY/N what about ur gf?
owjjenisn kind of sus….someone posted him at a club
lifeof_Y/N have fun! 😊
judebellingham @lifeof_Y/N miss you 😘
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Liked by judebellingham, jobebellingham and 878,978 others
wofiecindy my friends are better than urs 👅
view all 3,899 comments
lifeof_Y/N for life 😉🥰
wolfiecindy @lifeof_Y/N yessir😚
jobebellingham 🙇🏽‍♂️
trentarnold66 yo ☠️
wolfiecindy @trentarnold66 stfu hater!
Tags: @lunamelona @orionsbelltss @fayypooh1 @koolkelsey @escapsim @braziliandollbaby @mounthings @mo-ali-m @miri-97
@laylaynaynay130 @aj8007 @oyaoyaoyaoyaoyaoyaoyaoya @superswaggycooch @fadingfemme @r3dskywaterfall @amour88-blog1 @marialikescherries @mentalbaddie @ironmaiden1313 @ala2ilas-s
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corriganatheart · 1 year
His Maddest Desire Pt. II (He LOVES her, but she HATES him) Jude Bellingham x reader
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Synopsis: She was the opposite of what he needed; the shadow that no one noticed but him. Since the beginning, Jude had always liked Y/N, and his feelings grew every time he saw her. His reputation as a womanizer only makes her question his intention and pushes him away, but that never stops him from chasing after what he wants.
Pairings: Jude Bellingham x fem! Reader
Genre: Forbidden romance x Enemies to Lovers x One-sided love x Dark Romance
Warnings ⚠️: Cursing, and mentions of sexual contents🔞
“That’s too short. Go change,” your brother immediately says as you step into his car. You look down at your skirt and realize it is much shorter than before, meaning you’ve either gained weight or your new shoes made you taller. “I can’t; this is my uniform,” you said. Rowan looks down at your legs and then your uniform jacket. “What is the point of making y’all wear jackets if your legs aren’t covered?”
You shake your head, “don’t ask me. Ask your parents,” Rowan rolls his eyes and puts on his seatbelt before leaving the gate. He was overprotective and a bit of a drama queen.
“You know, I remember the uniform being longer when I was still in high school,” he said, still not satisfied with the length of the skirt, despite you trying to pull it down a little. “It’s very dangerous for high schoolers to wear that.” You rolled your eyes, “Oh please; the security at our school is so strict even boys are scared to say hi to us.” Rowan laughs, “Well, they didn’t catch me when I was in the closets.” You groan and make a barfed face. “Too much information, bro!”
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You sighed as your history teacher explained information you wouldn’t use in the future. High school was irrelevant; the whole school system was outside because people were getting all these degrees to learn more on the job. It makes no sense that people are required to get thousands of degrees to have to teach themselves or be trained once they get hired.
“Pssssh, Y/N,” your classmate behind you whispers. You ignore him and continue to look out of the window. If your parents didn’t run the school, maybe you’ll be more interested, but knowing that the teachers are too scared to give you a bad grade makes school irrelevant. “Are you going to invite us to your sister’s birthday?” He asked. You rolled your eyes and lay your head on the table; this was your life, a spoiled rich kid.
“Hey Y/N can we get tickets to BVB game?”
“Hey Y/N! How is Rowan?”
“Hit me up with your sister’s bday!”
You walk down the hallway with a book in your hand as you try to tune out the people around you. They all had a mission, and that was to attend your sister’s birthday. She had always been popular, especially with the male audience, and there was no way she would want a whole bunch of hormonal teenagers at their party. And besides, she barely noticed you, so there was no point in inviting someone.
“Isn’t she embarrassed to be wearing her skirt so short?”
“Her sister is way prettier than her”
“I heard she has been passed around by every football player”
“Ew, I hope she gets run over by a car”
You hear a group of girls laughing behind you as you quickly escape from the crowded hallway. You commonly hear people talking trash, mainly because you get a lot of attention. The girls in school barely liked you, let alone want to befriend you. If they did, it was because they wished for your brother or wanted to get close to your sister. There has never been someone that wanted to be your friend genuinely.
You slow down your pace when you finally reach the school gate. Patiently waiting for your brother, you look down at your shoes. They were platform heels that made you look taller and slimmer. Your mother started making you wear those in middle school when she realized you wouldn’t go past 5’6.
“Omg he’s so hot!
“Omg it’s Jude Bellingham!”
Your heart immediately stops, and you look up from your shoes. Standing before you was Jude Bellingham in a black turtle neck and jeans. He looked lovely, leaning against his Jaguar car and staring at you intensely.
He smirked cockily when he saw your mouth gasp. The last thing you expected was for him to show up out of nowhere, let alone your school. “What are you doing here?” You asked while glancing at the crowd that started to gather. Jude shrugged, “Rowan got holdup.” You grit your teeth, wanting to strangle your brother immediately. He knew this would be on the news, and people would speculate about your relationship with Jude. Some obsessive fans would even go as far as tracking you down. “He couldn’t have set a driver?” You spat. Jude looks at you from head to toe, and he stops at your legs. “No,” he says. You sighed and decided it was best to get in the car before everyone started to go crazy.
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Jude looked happy yet content as he drove. You see him constantly glancing at your thighs before he awkwardly shifts in his seat. He seemed uncomfortable, but If anything, you should be the one feeling uncomfortable, because this was your first time in a boy’s car.
“Isn’t that skirt a little too short?” He suddenly asked. You narrow your eyes and lay your backpack on your thighs. “Ok, Rowan, number 2. I have no control over the school’s uniform.”
Jude glared at you and gripped the steering wheel. “The boys could see up your ass if they tilt their head.” Why was he getting upset over the school’s dress code? If anything, he can go to his precious mother-in-law and complain to her instead of me. “Aren’t you being a bit dramatic?” You asked. Jude looked at you and shook his head, “no one wants to see their girl getting hit on by guys.”
His girl. That is what he sees and refers to you whenever you guys are alone. And you knew he would do that in public if you allowed him.
“I am no one’s. I have told you before Jude. WE DON'T FIT.”
You see his knuckles turn pale as he grips on his steering wheel. And instead of turning towards your street, he decided to turn the opposite. “What are you doing?” You asked, panicking as you looked back at your road. “I want to take you somewhere,” he says. Your heart starts to race. If he was to get caught with you, your brother and family would go nuts, and god knows what your sister would do. “Have you ever thought how bad it would look for you to be seen with me?” You asked angrily. Jude shrugs, “I like being seen with you.”
You groaned; it was so hard to argue with this boy. “Your career, your life, your relationships are at risk. I am not the biological daughter of the L/N family!” Jude frowned and just stared ahead angrily. He doesn’t respond nor care to listen to your pleading. The last thing you needed was for your parents to ground you or send you away. You have less than a month till graduation, and you’ll be going off to a university; you didn’t need Jude’s shit. “Jude, we can’t keep going like this,” you mumbled. “I hate you, and you hate-“
“Will you look at the view,” he interrupts you.
You look ahead to see that he is parked close to a cliff, and the city view and the sunset are right before you. It was beautiful, and this was the first time you’d seen the city outside your brother’s and your parent’s car. “You see the view?” He asked. You look at him, and he smiles, “It could be ours if you just say yes.”
You gulped and looked away, scared to face him because you might have the temptation. “I know you want this to Y/N,” he said as he carefully took your hand. “You’ve nothing to worry about. I want this more than you think, and you want this more than you believe.” Your heart starts to race as he slowly caresses your face gently. “No one understands how this feels, and no one needs to. It’s just you and me, baby.” You hold the hand caressing your face, and he brings your forehead together. “I will do anything for you. I would hurt the world for you. I have loved-“
Jude pauses when you immediately cringe at the sound of your phone ringing. The ringtone was explicitly set for your brother, and your heart beats rapidly causing you to return to reality. “Hello, Rowan,” you answered, and Jude rolled his eyes. “No, we are coming,” you said and signaled Jude to start driving, which he frustratedly did. “No, I’m not doing anything weird; what do you take me as?” You asked. You hear the suspension in Rowan’s voice as he questions why the ride takes thousands of hours. “Whatever, your, not his type anyway,” your brother said casually before he hangs up. You look at Jude, who seems incredibly frustrated at the situation. You don’t know how long it’ll take him to realize that this was for the best, but a sickening part of you hopes that he never does.
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It has been days, weeks, and almost a month since you have seen Jude. And yes you were counting because although you try not to be aware of him, every day you longed for him. You were terrible for him as he was bad for your heart, but still, the heart wants what it wants.
“The theme is Bridgerton,” your mother says as she passes your sister a photo. Your sister nods before she reviews the party scene. “You will be dressed as the Diamond of the season,” your mother said. You looked up from your book and stared at the color scheme. It was a bit dull for your sister’s taste, and she really didn’t want the theme to be historical.
“Rowan suggested Jude be your escort,” your mother exclaimed as she smile at the pictures on the table. Anastasia sighed and looked over the many pictures laid on the table. “But I wanted Marcus to be my escort,” she said.
You examine the way your sister nervously fidget with the pictures as she tries not to blow up. Although you never bonded with Anastasia, you knew she was going through something similar to what you were going through. She was Ms. Perfect, and she didn’t want to disappoint anyone, especially her parents. “No. You’re the season's diamond; you must be with someone in your league. Marcus is nowhere near that,” your mother harshly said.
You bite your lower lips, trying to hold back from inserting yourself into the conversation. “Mother, I think Jude would like to bring his own date,” Anastasia says. Your mother folds her arms and stares at your sister disappointedly. “Don’t tell me you have feelings for that Marcus Rashford!”
“Mother, please,” you begged as you stared at your sister’s frightening form. “Y/N, stay out of this!” Your mother warns.
You immediately shut down and stood up before walking out of the room. It was no use trying to argue with the lady of the house. If she had her mind set on Anastasia being with Jude, then that’s what she’ll get.
“That sounded fun,” Rowan pops out of his office and smirks. You roll your eyes at him and continue to walk down the hall as he follows. “Where are you going, little sis?” Rowan asked while trying to grab ahold of your arm. “None of your business, brother,” you said sternly and turned to the library. Rowan follows you into your family’s library and whistles at the numerous books on the table and floor. “You got a shit load of time,” he mumbled as he scanned the books you’ve read.
You ignored his comment and sat near the window with your current read. It was awfully quiet today due to the absence of your father and his workers. Rowan also stayed home more often than usual, and lately, he has been nosy about your life. “What do you think?” Rowan asked. You look up from your page to see him grab a couple of romance novels. “What about them?” You asked, annoyed that he was still here. “Do you prefer a one-sided crush or someone being obsessed with you?” He asked. You frown and look outside at the garden where you always watched Jude play. “I rather keep my feelings inside,” you said. “Less hurts.”
Your brother hums, and you shake yourself out of the image of Jude. He has been filling your mind since that day he dropped you off, and you wanted nothing but to see him. “Jude is taking mom’s request of having Anastasia’s hand,” Rowan says as he flips through pages. Your brain immediately stops, and your heart starts speeding like it was trying to catch its last breath. You knew this day would come, but you weren’t expecting this reaction. It was hard to think about it, and now it was happening.
Rowan also knew something was up, or else he wouldn’t have asked. Although he was an asshole, your brother was smart enough to know the dynamic between his best friend and his little sister. “And how do you feel about that?” You asked. Your brother drops the book on the table and smirks, “I like it.”
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You stare at yourself in the mirror; amazed by how delicate, and elegant you looked.
Your mother picked out a beige dress for you and have you style your hair in an updo with flower decoration. She was pleased with the way you looked when she walked out of your bedroom, and you knew she had something up her sleeve, something that you’ll hate.
“We’ll don’t you look dashing little Y/N,” your brother says as he leans against your bedroom door with a glass of champagne in his hands. You rolled your eyes and look at him through the mirror, “I can assure you, it’s all thanks to mother.”
Rowan smirks and starts walking towards you, causing the hair dresser, stylist, and the other staff to giggle and whisper about how good he looks. Rowan stops a couple of inches behind you, and caress your shoulders, “tonight, you’ll be my date,” he whispers in your ear. A cold shiver immediately runs down your spine as you stare into his eyes. It looked dark, cold, and almost sinister. “Your mother would not like that Rowan,” you said sternly. He chuckles deeply, “I am mother’s dearest, she’ll like anything I like.”
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You hid behind the concrete pole again as you peeked at your family, greeting the guest. Your mother looked incredibly gorgeous with her green dress and her brunette hair, which was also styled in a curled updo. Your father, who you haven’t seen in months, looked like he hadn’t aged a bit. His black locks were slick back, and his black suit fitted him perfectly. He looked intimidating, like he was ready to harm anyone who didn’t belong in this room.
Your eyes continue to scan the room, looking for a certain someone, but he is nowhere to be found. But you did spot Trent, Kylian, and Rowan, who were unapologetically checking out girls and gossiping in their circle.
“We have to stop bumping into each other like this, L/N,” a soft, husky voice said. You immediately recognize the voice and turn around to see Marcus Rashford. He was wearing a navy blue suit and looked incredibly handsome. Your heart softened, feeling relief that it was him and not someone else. “Indeed, we need to stop,” you chuckled. He smiles and glares over at the direction you were looking at, “I see your brother is still popular amongst footballers,” he says. You nod your head, “yes, he seems to attract them often.” Marcus chuckles and then looks over at your mom, who obviously did not like the woman she was talking to. “Your mother request that I don’t show up,” he mumbles, “but Anastasia would be pissed.” You glanced at the way he looked when he mentions your sister. It was a bit of sadness and loneliness and you aren’t sure what to think of his feelings towards her. “I think she would appreciate a dance with you,” you said. Marcus doesn’t respond but instead smiles down at you, like he was avoiding the subject. “I was going to ask you to save me the first dance,” he said and reaches for your hand. “If you would allow me.” You smile softly, appreciating his gentle touch, “of course Marcus.” He smiles and kisses your palm, before excusing himself.
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Everyone was anticipating for your sister’s arrival as you go from one dessert plate to another. Although you really didn’t want to be here, at least you’ll get to eat food that made up for your lack of nutrition.
“What a surprise; I rarely get to see you anymore.”
You froze at the sound of the voice, and turned to see Jobe Bellingham smirking down at you with a plate full of desserts.
“Hey princess,” he says cheekily.
You smile, surprised by his presence, which is very rare.
Jobe became friends with you after his brother introduced the two of you. He also went to your school, but about a year ago, he got signed and had to switch to online schooling.
The two of you get along just fine; mainly because there was only a year age difference and because he stood up for you at school.
“Jobe, what the heck!” You exclaimed and immediately put your plate down and basically lunge yourself at him. “I miss you too Y/N,” he says and pulls you into a very tight hug.
At the corner of your eyes, you can see your brother and his friends whispering and glaring at the two of you. A couple of feet where their standing, Marcus was talking to people while also staring your way. “Your brother’s staring isn’t he?” Jobe whispered in your ears. You giggle and nodded your head, causing him let out a chuckle.
The two of you then broke the hug and stepped away from the dessert and the crowd.
"So, how is life treating you?" he asked while guiding you down the hallway where the two of you used to chase one another. "Same old same old," you shrugged. Jobe smiles and awkwardly scratches the back of his neck, "what about my brother?" he asks. You tensed up, looked down at the floor, and then glanced at the wallpaper. "He's going to be my sister's fiance," you mumbled. Jobe chuckles and shakes his head, "You know, I always wondered why you never give him a chance," he says, "but after growing up and experiencing fame, I can only imagine how challenging it must be."
You smile and stop in the middle of the hallway. You turned to Jobe, who was already smiling down at you. "I'm so happy you are back," you said, brushing your palm against his cheek. Jobe grins cheekily, and you realize how much of a difference his height was, compared to yours. He was no longer the middle schooler from years ago. "For now," he winks. You laughed, flushing from the warm and familiar feeling of childhood happiness. "I hate your stupid ass," you said and playfully hit his chest. "Nah, you love me," he shrugged.
Smiling, you were about to make a cheesy comment until the both of you heard someone clearing their throat. You turned to your right to see your sister wearing the most beautiful pink gown you have ever seen. She looked beautiful in her curled updo and light makeup. She was the definition of beauty and brain and the most elegant face the world had ever seen. "What are you two laughing about?" she asked curiously, looking between you and Jobe. "Just catching up," Jobe responded. Your sister looks at you sternly and then smiles at Jobe.
As she converses with Jobe, your eyes stare at the arms she is holding. Without even looking, you already knew who it was. You can feel his eyes on you already, examining, judging, and questioning your motives. Your heart races as you go from his arms to his eyes. The moment your eyes meet his black ones, your heart skips, jumps, aches, and all the emotions held inside explode.
It has been so long since you last saw him that you wanted to take him in. And you aren't the only one affected by this because Jude was doing the same thing. He was taking you in from head to toe, ensuring he got all the details. Although he was still, his eyes were moving everywhere, from your dress to your hair, to your exposed neck, then your lips, then your eyes, and then your lips again. He roamed everywhere, forgetting that his date was the most beautiful woman alive.
"Are you two partners?" your sister asked while eyeing you. Jude immediately looks at his brother, whose eyes widened like he was guilty. "Nope! I got my own date!"
You rolled your eyes at Jobe's cowardness and returned to your sister's judging eyes. "We were just catching up," you shrugged. And immediately, you saw satisfaction in her eyes before she tightened her hold on Jude's arms. "Well, the guest is expecting me, so we all should go back to the ballroom and do the first dance," your sister smiled. Jude looks down at her and smiles; he then brushes the strand of her on her face and tucks it behind her ears. You knew he only did that to cause a reaction out of you, but you weren't going to show any signs of jealousy. "Of course, I am looking forward to our first dance," he says.
You glance away from the scene, feeling two pairs of eyes on you. Jude can get into your brain and heart, but he doesn't know. He thinks you are playing hard to get and that you might actually hate him. But if only he knew how much he affected you and how he means to you. But he can never know because the two of you just don't fit. "I heard our brother volunteered to be your date sister," Anastasia said. Jude stares down at you and then glances over at his brother, who is quite entertained by the scene. "Actually, yes, Rowan is my date, but as you can see, he is nowhere to be found," you said frustratedly. Anastasia chuckles and lays her head on Jude's arm, "Well, I guess you just have to watch us dance."
Jude smirks down at her, and your heart drops from how he looks at her; it is almost like he enjoys her presence. "Y/N, maybe we should just go," Jobe steps in and grabs your elbow. "I apologize, Mr. Bellingham, but I believe Ms. L/N promised me her first dance."
Your sister's eyes widened after realizing who just spoked. Jude's jaw tenses as he stares at the person. You turned around to see Marcus walking towards you, not looking at anyone else but you. "I was looking for you," he smiles and holds out his elbow. You immediately elope your hands around his arms and smile, internally thanking him for saving the day. "Sorry, Jobe, but I asked her first," Marcus says. Jobe grins, enjoying the upcoming drama that was about to take place. "Nope, she's all yours," he said cheekily.
Without another word or glance, Marcus Rashford guided you back to the ballroom while two angry pairs of eyes were staring at your back.
@meadowpond @btamms @laylaynaynay130 @lanussysworld @o0sportbike0o @gimmefood @yongboksfreckles @lalunaenamoradasworld @xjval @berriesarenice @soup1752862 @forjudebellingham @chacomieiteecafe @fayypooh1 @urmotheris
@footballbroadcast @aryy-23 @noodle81937 @lestappenbaee @tzuyuzzs @his-girlllll
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corriganatheart · 1 year
I'm currently in college and working as well; sorry that it is taking forever for me to release the other chapters. I promise I do have drafts of them, though. If any of you would love to co-write with me, I would be so happy. Please let me know if that’s something you’re interested in, thank you. :)
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corriganatheart · 1 year
Hey i had a question did you delete that one fic of pedris sister x jude bc i really loved it but cant find it
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corriganatheart · 1 year
His Maddest Desire (He LOVES her, but she HATES him) Jude Bellingham x reader
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Synopsis: She was the opposite of what he needed; the shadow that no one noticed but him. Since the beginning, Jude had always liked Y/N, and his feelings grew every time he saw her. His reputation as a womanizer only makes her question his intention and pushes him away, but that never stops him from chasing after what he wants.
Pairings: Jude Bellingham x reader
Genre: Forbidden romance x Enemies to Lovers x One-sided love x Dark Romance
Warnings ⚠️: Cursing, mention of sexual content 🔞
You weren't sure if you should be depressed about the situation or be relieved. Your family has totally forgotten that you existed and moved on with the welcoming speech without you. On any occasion, you would've been ok with it, but today your distant family was here, and you wore a beautiful dress that complimented your beauty in every way, but instead of flaunting it in front of everyone, you are hiding behind a concrete pole, away from the crowd.
"The L/N family will like to welcome you to our 100th anniversary in business!" You heard your dad exclaim and could see his hand raise his cup, but you were too far to see his face. You look at the number of people in the room; they've doubled since last year, and most are influential people worldwide. From current presidents to famous celebrities, you name it all, your family is connected to everyone. Your heart rate increases as you glance from one person to another, realizing he might be here too. "And my precious gem, my daughter Anastasia will take over the family's business and become the heir of the L/N family!"
Your heart immediately stops for a second, and your vision begins to blur as people clap and cheer for your sister. From the distance, in the spotlight, you see your sister, in the most beautiful dress and most beautiful face standing on the stairs waving and smiling at everyone. She looked confident, ambitious, and strong, something you weren't and would never be. Deciding that it was best to remove yourself from the gathering, you start running to the far end of the mansion, away from everyone.
The cold weather immediately hits your face when you enter the balcony. The city light shines from afar, away from your family's mansion on the mountain. Everything about your city was beautiful, filled with lights you'll never see in person. And even if you did, you’ll still feel ashamed, saddened, and distressed that tinted people ran the city—a family that doesn’t care about anything but power and money.
You look up at the stars and examine their beautiful design. They were all gorgeous, showing their beauty on the blank black canvas, and each star formed its meaning. One particular one formed a shape like a woman with Angel wings. She was floating with a knife-like structure in her hands. She looked powerful among the other stars.
“Her name’s Nemesis,” a familiar voice with a deep English accent says. You don’t even have to turn around to know who it is. His voice and the smell of expensive fresh cologne were enough to confirm that he was one of the most influential football players in the world. “She is the goddess of revenge and quite literally an underrating woman.” Your heart beats faster as you feel him getting closer to you, and you want nothing more than to leave without having to look at him.
Jude Bellingham is known for his looks, accent, personality, athletic abilities, influential status, and womanizer. He was everything you needed to avoid, but he always seemed to find you no matter where you were. “Myths say she is more beautiful and stronger than Athena and Aphrodite, and I can assure you she’s everything they say she is.” Your heart skips a beat, maybe many more, as he stands next to you. "Why are you alone, angel?"
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Since birth, you have always been in your sibling's shadow. Your sister Anastasia was the golden child of the family. She had the looks, brain, personality, and quite the influence on others. Everyone loves her, and she was your parent's whole heart. Your brother, two years older than you, is the middle child and your mother's son. He was a mommy's boy, and even though he was now an adult, your mother would do anything for him. Your father, on the other hand, was too occupied with Anastasia and the family business to care if he had a son or not. The L/N family was complete with a daughter and a son, but you came into this world unexpectedly. Your biological parents passed away the day you were born, and your birth mother was the best friend of your adoptive mother. And even though she didn't want you, she wanted to be a hero, so your parents went along with the adoption, and you were taken in unwanted.
Growing up, you had quite a fancy life. Money, food, maids, fancy parties, and private schools, but you were never provided the same treatment as your siblings. You understand that you aren’t their biological child, but you’ve been in their family for so long that it seems that way.
Your father, who was always busy, would only talk to you when needed, such as school work and attending events, and your mother would only speak to you when it concern your physical image or family photos. Overall, besides being ignored by your family, you lived a comfortable life and were used to the cold silence from your parents, but it still hurts.
"Y/N?" He asked softly after realizing that your mind was no longer with him. "Why are you alone, angel?"
You close your eyes at the nickname that he gave you years ago. It does many things to you, and no matter how much you try to tell him to leave you alone, Jude Bellingham is always around. “Go back to the party Jude. My brother will be looking for you.”
He remains calm, and from the corner of your eyes, you can see him twirl the glass of whiskey while looking ahead. “Rowan is fine. He’s got blondes, brunettes, red hair, and black hair surrounding him,” Jude says with amusement. You rolled your eyes and placed your hand on the concrete rail, feeling the coldness of it. “My brother’s player ways will never die down,” you mumbled disgustingly.
Your brother, Rowan L/N, is a womanizer, and he doesn’t necessarily have a type. As long as you were a girl and were down for a one-night stand, he would take you to a hotel within a heartbeat. He wasn’t picky with Women either and found all types of women beautiful: curvy, skinny, average, tan, pale, dark; he liked them all. And although he may not seem like it, he respects a woman a lot, and that’s why he’s a mommy’s boy. You and your brother get along just fine, and in high school, he protected you from bullies, but now that he is a university student, you have distanced yourself a little. He wasn’t the older brother you knew from high school; your brother has become colder, bolder, and more like your father.
“You haven’t answered my question. Why are you out here alone?”
The concern in Jude’s voice causes you to look at him angrily. You didn’t need his concern, and you didn’t need his pity; you’ve had enough of those. “What game are you playing, Bellingham?” You asked. Jude raises an eyebrow and places his cup on the rail. You watch one hand disappear into his pocket while the other reaches for your hair, tugging it behind your ears. “Now I see you,” he mumbles and smiles softly.
You look at his lips and then his eyes; gosh, he was beautiful, with a sculpted jawline, thick lips, and a smile that could make a girl get on her knees. But you couldn’t be one of those girls; you were not his type. You have seen the girls he surrounds himself with, and you weren’t them, and he was playing games with you.
“Go find Rowan. He wouldn’t like his best friend with his little sister,” you said as you started stepping away from him. Jude doesn’t budge; he oversees you, examining your moves like always. “He wouldn’t think any of it,” Jude says. You bite your lower lips, “because we just don’t fit,” you immediately spit.
Jude’s eyes go dark as he focuses on yours, and you see how his jaw tenses. You’ve said many things in the past that hurt him, and you knew it’s one of these that gets him railed up. “Why do you hate me?” He asked casually, mainly because he had asked this question many times. And you wish you could answer him, but you don't know either.
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You first met Jude when you were 12, and he was 14. Your brother befriended him while they attended an all-boys junior high, and he was one of those friends that would always come over. You remember the first time the two of you made eye contact. It was an immediate attraction on both ends and like the curious cat you were, you stayed and watched him play football with your brother.
Since the beginning, you always attend an all-girls school, and the only boys you've been around are your brother, cousins, and your dad's men. Seeing Jude for the first time, you were immediately drawn to him mainly because he was the most beautiful boy you have ever seen and because of the way he handled the soccer ball. Jude must've also noticed you because he showed off more and was constantly making sure you saw his dribble, scores, tricks, and everything he did; he did it with a purpose. After that day, Jude came over more often, and you always watched him play with your brother. And when you finally reached high school, he became bolder and started flirting with you, asking you to homecoming, inviting you to his games, and doing everything with you in his mind. But never once did you fall for him because, in the back of your mind, you were incapable of being loved, and Jude was only going to break your heart. Unlike you, he was everything everyone wanted, the golden boy, and he was still one.
"Why are you so mean?" he asked, stepping closer to you.
You back up, and he looks down at your shoes, unpleased by that movement. “Don’t step away from me,” he demanded softly as you stood four feet away. “Why?” You asked, even though you knew his answer. Jude grabs your wrist and pulls you into his chest, “because I am your man,” he whispers in your ear.
Your heart races rapidly as you feel his hand trace the back of your dress. He was so close to you that his cologne almost caused you to faint. Jude was much taller than you, and your head barely reached his shoulders, and it was so easy for you to hear his heartbeats. And just like you, he was also under the influence, and his breathing was getting harder and harder as his hands trailed up further.
“I am yours, and you’re mine. We fit Y/N,” he says and places his forehead on yours. You close your eyes and imagine the two of you alone, entirely away from everyone. Your life would’ve been more straightforward if you were born into an average family and met Jude accidentally. But you weren’t normal, and you were born into a loveless family that controls your every move. And Jude was a professional footballer that everyone loved. You knew Jude was destined for greatness the moment you looked at him, and unlike you, he was meant to be loved by the world. In the future, he will marry someone important, friendly, beautiful, and loved by everyone, like your sister. And you will be left behind closed doors as his mistress and never be seen again. The two of you just don’t fit.
“What do you want from me, Bellingham?” You asked while exiting his arms and stepping a couple of steps away. “Do you think I will fall for your tricks? Do you think I’ll say yes, and we'll marry in the future while you take one girl after another like your football buddies?” You aggressively asked. Jude glares at you frustratedly as you continue to speak your mind. “Look at me and look at all those girls. We are opposite!”
The two of you stare at one another for god knows how long. The conversation was familiar, and it was giving you deja vu. Jude was very persistent; no matter how many rejections he got from you, he was still chasing. But that never stopped him from fooling around with other girls to show you what you missed. But the two of you knew damn well he would drop anyone in a heartbeat if you came to him.
“I’m not like that,” Jude says softly, his hands hidden in his pocket to keep himself from reaching for you. “You know I want only you.”
It was hard to concentrate on hating him when he said the sweetest, most beautiful things in life. You knew who he was, and the womanizer image was only to make you jealous. But if you admit that you hated the blondes, brunettes, redheads, ginger, and many more girls that he had been associated with, it would only confirm your feelings, and you weren’t going down that path.
“Why?” You quietly asked while looking at the floor, avoiding eye contact with him. “Why are you so nice to me?”
You feel his fingers lift your chin, and in a second, you make eye contact with him. “Is it that hard to see yourself the way I see you?”
No one would’ve ever thought that Jude Bellingham could ever get rejected by a girl. There have been numerous times when he respectfully refused girls, and there have been times when he would use them for pleasure. But it was now getting to him that no matter how many girls he got; his heart still yearns for you and it will only be you that he wants.
"You will eventually marry someone else," you mumbled. "Someone older, wiser, prettier, and at the same level as you."
With a heavy heart, Jude reaches to stroke your face, but you slap his hands away. "Stay away from me, Bellingham.”
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You wander back to the hall room, and from the corner of your eyes, you see your brother standing near the champagne fountain, surrounded by numerous girls. On one side, he has another friend of his, Trent Alexander Arnold, and on another side, he has Kylian Mbappe. They all smiled while chatting and flirting with the girls. You take in the way Trent constantly looks bored, and his eyes wander around the crowd, whereas Kylian is very invested in the ladies. To their right, a couple of tables away, your sister was talking to some women around your mother’s age, one of them being Jude’s mother.
It was no secret that your mother and Jude’s mother always wanted to be in-laws. And you were never an option, but your sister was perfection and the apple of everyone’s eye. Jude’s mother had always liked your sister, and the engagement between your sister and Jude would be brought up soon. That is another reason why it was best you stay away from him.
“The party is a bit dense, don’t you think?”
Your shoulder jumps from the voice, and you immediately turn around to see Marcus Rashford standing behind you, with a drink in his hand and the other hand tucked in his pant. He was wearing a white dress shirt with some buttons down, revealing some ink on his chest. His hair was freshly cut, making him look more handsome than you remember.
Marcus was an acquaintance of your dad and one of your sister’s friends. He was always rumored to be dating your sister, but you don’t think there's any potential because despite your sister showing interest in him, Marcus rarely acknowledges her.
“You don’t speak much do you little one?”
You frowned at his nickname for you because you guys aren’t anything at all for him to give you nicknames. This was probably the first time the two of you have ever spoken.
“Why are you talking to me?” You asked quietly despite the room being loud. Marcus smirks and sips his drink, “why haven’t I talked to you is the real question,” he mumbles. You frown and was about to walk away when he grabs your elbow. “Care to dance?” He asked. You look behind your shoulders to see your sister staring your way, eyeing the part where you and Marcus are touching. “Your girlfriend won’t like that,” you said, and Marcus glanced at your sister. “She’s not my girlfriend.” And that should’ve been enough for you to take him up on his offer, but you instead think about your sister’s wellbeing and decide it was best to decline. “I’m sorry but I have to go,” you said and quickly excused yourself.
As you quickly exit the ballroom again, you feel a couple of eyes on you, sending shivers down your spine.
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“Jude!” Rowan exclaimed when he walked into the private room made for his casual hookups.
Jude nods and looks around the room, seeing a couple of his friends and acquaintances surrounded by girls, many girls. Your brother has two blondes next to him, with white lingerie on. On the couch in front of him, Mbappé was getting sucked off by two girls while the others were close to having sex. At the center of the room stood two naked girls dancing on the pole with red eyes.
Your brother nods his head towards the couch next to him; a girl that looks similar to your sister is sitting on it, and there is no question that she was brought in for him.
“Enjoy yourself, man,” Rowan says with a smirk. Jude grabs a bottle of champagne on a table and approaches the girl. She was beautiful, with a banging body, a girl he would usually hook up with but never chase. It was honestly torturing to want someone that doesn’t want you back, and the only way to get rid of that feeling was to drink, snort, and fuck. But even that didn’t help.
“Heard my mother and your mother talking. I know they want you all together, but it ain’t happening, man,” Rowan says, “my sister wants Rashford.” Jude chugs his bottle of Champagne, not giving a damn about who your sister wants. The only thing on his mind was to get you out of his system. “You have anyone else in mind?” Rowan asked. Jude smirks and lays both of his hands on top of the couch. The girl next to him was very bold and seductive. Her hands were already roaming his body and unbuckling his belt. “Anastasia is not my type,” Jude shrugs. Your brother raises an eyebrow, clearly not understanding why Jude would say that. He has seen the way Jude interacts with your sister and the way he is constantly being nice to her, so he assumes that Jude has a crush on her. “Then what is your type?” Rowan asked.
Jude lays his head back on the couch and guides the girl’s head down into his unbuckled pant. He then closes his eyes and sighs. “I prefer sexy (eye color) with (hair color) that is always perfectly straightened or perfectly curled. She also wears innocent-looking dresses and looks like an Angel but is a sexy beast that I can never let go.”
Your brother stared at him blankly and looked down at the girl that was now sucking off Jude. She looked like your sister but was the total opposite of what Jude described. Rowan then narrows his eyes, “Careful, Bellingham. I might have thought you were actually describing Y/N.”
Jude chuckles darkly and rolls his shoulders, “We fantasize about things we can’t have; that’s in our nature.” He then closes his eyes, and the image of you appears as he guides the girl’s head to his climax.
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You stare at your reflection. Fresh out of the shower, wet hair, smooth lotioned skin, and no scars anywhere.
It was ideal for the women in the L/N family to look their best no matter what, and maybe your mother took that way too far. Growing up, you and your sister were constantly showered with lavish clothing, the best skin care product, the most expensive makeup artist, and the wealthiest designers. Of course, your sister had everyone's best interest, but still, your mother did not forget that she has an adopted daughter with her genes.
"Your sister's birthday is coming up," your handmaiden, Virginia, says as she combs your hair. You smiled and nodded, "she'll want to throw a big one," you mumbled. Virginia hums, agreeing with that statement. She was a couple of years older than your sister and has known you her entire life. She was only a teenager when her parents started working for your family. And when she turned 18, she immediately became your maid. "You know everyone will be there with a date," Virginia says while applying scented oil to your hair. You look at her through the mirror knowingly. She was the only person who knew of your complicated relationship with Jude. “Everyone but me,” you smiled. Virginia chuckled and started braiding your hair so it could be curly tomorrow. “I’m sure there are many single gentlemen that would love to accompany you,” she says. “For example, Marcus Rashford seemed to be interested in you. Or maybe Trent Alexander Arnold, who has always stared at you, and don’t forget Kylian Mbappe, who may be a little older but is a fine gentleman.”
You wait for Virginia to laugh and say it was a joke, but unfortunately, she doesn’t. “They’re all friends of my brother and sister. There is no way they would accompany me,” you said. Virginia smiles and starts tying your hair. “There is always that one person who would take you in a heartbeat.” You glare at her through the mirror, knowing who she is suggesting. She has always supported your feelings for Jude, even if it’s just a simple crush or something more significant. But you’ve told her several times that the two of you just don’t fit. Jude was different from you, and he was also your brother’s best friend. Someone of that high status would eventually get a proposal from the president’s daughter or a princess; you were never in the picture.
“I will say, though, that Marcus Rashford has always been a gentleman to everyone. He may be a bit older than you, but he would care for you perfectly,” Virginia says before she excuses herself from your room.
You sighed and opened the door to your balcony. It was warm with a slight breeze, and the star shone brightly through the dark sky. The oil scent of roses warms your heart, remembering her suggestion about Jude. But even you knew that was a mistake. Your sister will eventually be Jude’s fiancé and you’ll be nothing but his sister-in-law. It was best you have no interaction with him in the future.
“It’s too late for you to be outside Y/N.”
You froze at the deep voice and turned to see your brother closing your bedroom door. He looked like he had just left the shower, with damp hair, a towel around his neck, a black t-shirt, and black pajama pants. He looked exhausted, angry, and annoyed as he walked towards you. “You got school tomorrow; I’ll take you.” You frowned and looked at him, “Mr. Hale can take me,” you said. Rowan crosses his arms, and you notice his muscles are bigger and leaner. His athletic life must be intense. “My university is that way. I’ll drop you off.” You rolled your eyes and leaned against the cold rail. “You’re just making sure I am not skipping school with some boys,” you accused. Rowan raises an eyebrow and stares at you tensely, “If I see or hear about you fooling around with some boys, I will make sure he doesn’t see another day.”
“Rowan,” you sighed, “the school is owned by our family. Do you really think Father and Mother don’t have eyes on me?”
Your brother shrugged and sighed, “I’m just looking out for you.” You nodded and smiled, “I know.”
Rowan smiles slightly, and you notice an eyelash sticking on his cheek. Stepping closer to him, you brush off the hair with your thumb. “There, your skin looks good now.” He stares at you blankly, and you take this chance to look at him. He was all grown now, with a sculpted jaw, thick black hair, dark hazel eyes, and not like the innocent-looking brother you remembered. “Y/N I-“
“Rowan get out of your sister’s room!”
The both of you turned to the door to see your mother standing there with arms crossed, angry eyes, and nothing but her gown on. “She has school tomorrow. Do you know how bad it would look if she were late?” You glance at Rowan and quickly walk back inside and rush to your bed. “My bad, mom. I reminded my little sister that I’ll take her to school tomorrow.” Your mom rolls her eyes, and Rowan chuckles before kissing her on the cheek and waving bye to you.
You smile at your mom awkwardly as she stares at you. Her eyes wander your room, and she looks at your ideally hung school uniform, your finished homework on your desk, and your braided hair for school tomorrow. She smiles satisfactorily and nods at you. “Go to sleep. Tomorrow is your exam. I’m expecting a perfect score. You will be a future doctor and will show the world that your parents raised you wisely,” she says, hinting that you should be listening to her because she adopted you. “Yes, Mom,” you said through gritted teeth. Your mother smiles before saying goodnight and exiting your room.
Sighing, you closed your eyes, hoping that tomorrow would go smoothly and you wouldn’t do anything to disappoint anyone.
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corriganatheart · 1 year
Tug of War
Jude Bellingham x reader
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Synopsis: Y/N Gonzalez has always been the perfect daughter, sister, and friend to everyone. She is seen as the angel of the Gonzalez family and the perfect sister of Pedri Gonzalez. Her life had always been simple and planned until her brother's biggest rival took an interest in her, taunting her in every way that her body shouldn't want.
Genre: Forbidden romance x Enemies to lover
Pairings: Jude Bellingham x reader ft Pedri and Gavi.
Warnings ⚠️: Mention of drugs, sexual content, and cursing. 🔞
You can feel his eyes on you as you sip your drink. Of course, it wasn't alcohol or anything boozy, but how your body reacted to his gaze would only let people assume you were drinking an alcoholic beverage.
Your brother casually glances as you stare at his champagne. The drink was foreign to you, and even though you were at the age of drinking in Spain, you couldn't even be around the drink unless he was accompanying you. But, of course, it wasn't like you were able to go anywhere without his permission. "You ok, bebé?" your date asked as he trailed his fingers down your back. You shiver under his stomach and nod without meeting his gaze.
Gavi has always been the one person that your family favored for you. He and your brother are best friends and, quite frankly, best teammates. As long as you can remember, Gavi has always been in your life and was always destined to be your partner. You weren't sure if he ever liked you in that way, but after you grew into a more mature girl, you noticed his favoritism towards you. You were always told to go to his game, his parties, his interviews, photoshoots, etc. And it has been well known in the news that you guys were "partners," although it was never confirmed. As far as you know, he never asked you to be his girlfriend but has always acted like you two were an official couple.
"Y/N, look at me," Gavi demanded softly. You look around the table to see your parents eyeing you and your brother sternly glaring at you, giving you a warning look. They all wanted you to listen to Gavi's demand and not cause a scene. Feeling annoyed, you firmly place your glass on the table and shift your attention to Gavi. He wraps his arms around your table and smiles at you. "You look ravishing like always," he says while patting the back of your head. You fake a smile and nod, "Thanks." Your brother clears his throat, causing everyone to turn his way. "Tonight's charity consists of betting on who to dance with. So you are probably going to get many votes." Pedri then nods toward the table of men surrounded by numerous models, influencers, and gorgeous girls. "Those guys will only want you to get on our nerves. Just dance, and move along." You glance at the group of men three tables away from yours, and like he felt your stare, Jude Bellingham immediately makes eye contact with you. He had a brunette and a blonde by his side, shamelessly touching his chest and thigh. His dark eye stared into yours sternly, not wanting to look away, and even though you should, you couldn't shift your eyes out. It was like he had you hypnotized and under his command. You watch as he lifts his glass of champagne and drinks it in one gulp. You stare at the way his throat moves as he swallows the drink and licks the tip of his lip. "Y/N?" Gavi's voice brought you out of the hypnotism, and you went back to faking the persona that was built in you.
The two hours of constantly nodding and saying yes to your family finally ended as the bidding started. Not to your surprise, your date was popular with older females and was in line to dance with numerous of them. Your brother was also popular, and he didn't seem at all phased about having to dance with many girls. You, on the other hand, were under pressure to be perfect, so you were stressed, and the fact that your card had the most names was not helping at all. "Make sure to keep your dance," Gavi whispers and kiss your head before he leaves the room for the dance floor. The lady that he had to dance with was at least six years older, but she was still incredibly stunning. "Don't cause a scene," Pedri warns as he takes the hand of his partner and guides her to the dance floor. You nodded and rolled your eyes when he was out of sight. Feeling a bit anxious, you stare at the champagne Gavi left behind and quickly gulp it down. "Y/N?" a soft voice asked, and you quickly froze and tried to cover your crime, "wait, I'm sorry, I thought it was water." You wait for a spat or someone to pull your arms away, but instead, the person chuckles. You look up at the form to see a familiar face. You recognize him as a member of England's National team and Liverpool's defender. "I believe I am the first to have the privilege to dance with you," he says and holds out his hands. Calming yourself down, you take his hand, and he grins at you before guiding you to the dance floor. You feel the stare from earlier, one of your current partner's teammates. There were other stares from your brother, Gavi, and their acquaintances. "Don't mind them," your partner whispers, and the both of you stand in your designated area and join the others. "The name is Trent Alexander Arnold, by the way," he says. You smile, "I know who you are." Trent chuckles and twirls you around. "Would you like to know why I chose you?" He asked. You look around the dance floor to see your brother is preoccupied with his date while Gavi looked very uncomfortable with his. "I'm assuming it has something to do with my brother," you mumbled. Trent laughs, causing a few eyes to look his way, and you awkwardly look down. "Did I say something wrong?" He shrugs, "I think it's obvious that everyone is enchanted by your beauty." This time it was time for you to giggle and blush a little. You get compliments all the time, but most are from your brother's acquaintances and business partners, not one of his rivals. Trent continues to talk, mainly about football and his life. He did ask you personal questions, but you tried to avoid answering as much as possible. "Unfortunately, my time is up," Trent says and kisses your hand. You blush and watch as he walks away, going back to his table instead of dancing with another lady.
Your next couple of dances were with older men that were ridiculously annoying and perverted, but you endured the minutes with them to prevent causing a scene. "But yeah, I own the entire hotel as well as the ones across from it," your current partner brags. You kindly smiled and continued to listen to him talk about his wealth until you felt a cold demeanor behind you. Although you have no sight of who it was, his cologne was enough to have you almost fall. "Bellingham," your dance partner nods before he immediately lets go of you and walks away quickly. "I believe it's my turn," he says with his well-known English accent. You turn around, and the two of you immediately make eye contact. Jude stares down at you with a stern look like before, and this time he really looks at you. His eyes trace every feature of your face. From your hair to your chin, like he was memorizing it. You do the same, from his deep brown eyes to his thick lips. "You are my highest bidder?" you asked, realizing that he was the last dance, meaning he gets the longest time with you. "I believe I am," he says and holds out his hand. You gently place your hands in his, and he guides you where he wants the both of you to be, and that is the center of the room. You can feel your brother's gaze on you as well as Gavi's. You briefly make eye contact with Gavi, and he glares at Jude, who seems like he is enjoying the attention. "I might have an idea of why you picked me," you said. Jude smirks down at you and starts guiding you to the romantic song playing in the background. "Yes, I wanted to see the angel of the Gonzalez family for myself." You hum, a bit disappointed about his answer. "You are quite well known among the football community. The beautiful little sister of Pedri Gonzalez and the girlfriend of Gavi." You glance at your brother, who is now dancing with one of the girls that were sitting at Jude's table. She looked to be quite attracted to him, whereas he was constantly glancing over at you. "I believe I am only known to be associated with my brother," you muttered. Jude raises an eyebrow, and the two of you continue to dance for a few minutes before he starts to speak again. "Let's subtract the last name, then. Whose the real Y/N?" He questions. You look around, and luckily your brother and Gavi are no longer paying attention. "What do you mean?" you asked, even though you knew what he meant. "I'm sure there is more to you than a pretty face," he says. You stay silent as he twirls you around. You really want to tell him everything there is to know about you, but unfortunately, you can't trust a stranger, especially someone that your brother doesn't fancy. "I am Y/N Gonzalez," you mumbled. Jude smirks, and the two of you continue to dance in silence. He was quite good at dancing and, surprisedly, a gentleman, barely touching your back or bumping into your chest. But you can't assume he was a good person or be charmed by his incredibly good looks. After this dance, he was going to go back to the models around him. "You know, the rumors about your looks did not disappoint," he compliments after the last song. "But unfortunately, I am disappointed that there is nothing to you but a pretty face." With that last comment, Jude Bellingham walks away from you without a second glance.
You've heard many harsh things about you, especially from Gavi's teenage fangirls. Usually, things don't bother you because you've become so numb to them, but the stern statement that Jude left you with has been on your mind for weeks. The charity event went well; you stayed away from Jude the rest of the night, and he paid no attention to you. But you couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if you did tell him everything about you. Now he was on your mind for weeks, and you weren't sure when you'll see him again. “What's on your mind?" your brother approaches you and asked. You glance up at him and hand him a bottle of water. He chugs it down in a heartbeat, breathing heavily from his workout. "Do I really have to go to the event?" you asked. Pedri glances down at you and throws the bottle of water across the room, where it lands in the trashcan. "You are Gavi's date. He wants you there." You look down at your hands and fidget with them, not wanting to continue the conversation. You knew it was helpless. "Are you not wanting to go with him?" Pedri asked. You were genuinely taken aback by his question because your whole life, you were never given an option. "Why must you ask? You know the answer." Pedri stares down at you and sighs, "he's the perfect guy for you. The two of you make sense," your brother says. You tried not to show your annoyance at that because, as far as you know, Gavi thinks he owns you just because your family accepted him. Maybe it was because he was also young, but he never once asked you out and was constantly acting possessive for no reason. "I never had the chance to ever get to know anyone, Pedri; what do you expect?" Your brother glares at you and shakes his head. "It's Gavi or no one. He's a good guy and has tried; maybe you should open your eyes instead of ignoring him." Without letting you say anything else, Pedri walks away from you, not giving you any other option.
"That is the perfect dress for you," your mother proudly says when the designer finishes his final touch. You glance at yourself in the long mirror, looking incredibly fancy in the sparkling navy blue dress. The goal of the event was to blend in, but your mother's mission was to make you outshine any celebrity that was supposed to be there. You tried to convince her to let you go with a plain dress, but unfortunately, you had no say in what you wore either. "Well don't you look amazing," Gavi leans on the doorframe and says. He was heavily grinning, checking you out from head to toe. You also took the chance to look at him; he looked really handsome in his black suit and much more mature. "You look good as well," you said softly, shocking him. He comes into the room and holds out his hand, and this time you take it with no hesitation.
"Gavi! Look over here!"
"Y/N what designer are you wearing?"
You try not to look directly into the camera as paparazzi and fans flash their phones and cameras at you guys. Gavi was holding your hand tightly, whereas your brother was walking ahead of the two of you, ignoring everyone around him. "Come on, bebé, I got you," Gavi whispers as he leads you to the door. You felt suffocated, like you were going to faint as questions were thrown at you from left to right. It has been years, but events like this never gets easier. "I need to get some alone time," you said as soon as you guys got through the crowd and entered the museum. Gavi reaches for a glass of water and hands it to you. "I'll take you," he mumbles, but you shake your head. "We have been here before. Everyone's too occupied with one another; let me be alone for a minute." Gavi hesitated for a bit, and you see the wary in his eyes, and to calm him down, you peck his left cheek. He was taken aback by your gesture, and you took that as a chance to escape the crowd.
Walking down the hallway, you look at the different sculptures and paintings on the wall. Coming to the event, you didn’t know what to expect. Your brother wanted you to open up to Gavi, and you think he might be right. Lately, Gavi has been putting more effort into building a relationship with you, and you’ve been pushing him away. Maybe it was your gut telling you he wasn’t the one for you, but who were you kidding? You’ve never experienced love to know what’s best for you. Sighing, you were about to return to Gavi when the giant door to a room opened. A beautiful girl angrily stomps out, her high heel clicking. You glance back at her before peeking inside the door, only to see Jude Bellingham sitting on a leather couch, looking up at the ceiling. You stare at the way his Adam’s Apple pops out and the way his black suit fits him perfectly. He must’ve sensed your presence because his eyes were now on yours, sternly glaring at you. You awkwardly stand at the doorway, unable to move. It was like you were under his hypnotism again. “Wanna come?” He asked and patted the space next to him. You look around the hallway, hesitating about what to do. On occasions, you would listen to people’s demands. But Jude wasn’t demanding you; he was giving you an option. “If you're just going to stand there, might as well close the door,” he says and goes back to closing his eyes and leaning his head on the couch. You nervously bite your lower lips and glance behind you. Nobody was around, so it wouldn’t hurt to hide in the room for a couple of minutes. With butterflies in your stomach, you walk into the giant room and close the door behind you.
Jude doesn’t open his eyes nor say a word as you look around the room. It was a historical library with books that were written way back. The walls were decorated with portraits and paintings from different artists. The room was cozy, with a fireplace and seats to accompany the setting. “What did you say to that lady to make her angry?” You asked while sitting across from him. Jude opens his eyes and directly stares at you and says, “I didn’t fuck her.” You froze up, your mouth widened, and your eyes almost popped out. From all the cruel things he could’ve said, that was the reason why she cried. You were too stunned to speak and stared at Jude. He took this opportunity to admire the way you reacted to his words. You’re an innocent piece of art, and the word fuck was not even in your dictionary, and it amuses him that he was expanding that brain of yours.
“You do know what that means, right?” He asked with a huge smirk. A blush immediately approached your cheeks, and Jude admired how your body became hot and flustered. “Of-of course I do! I’m at the age,” you stuttered. He lowly chuckles and crosses his arms around his chest. “Have you ever been fucked little Gonzalez?” He asked boldly. Your eyes widened, causing him to smirk even more. He heard rumors that you were so sheltered that you barely knew anything sexual. But Jude had questions, especially since you’re always by Gavi’s side; he’s sure you’ve been corrupted. “That’s a very vile thing to ask,” you said, uneasy about the subject. Jude shrugs, “We are both adults; no need to hide our sexual activity.” You awkwardly chuckled and tried to look at anything except for him. Jude noticed your uncomfortable face and quietly cursed himself for being an ass. He knew you were innocent and all, but wanted to taunt you simply because he wanted a reaction out of you.
“Why aren’t you with your date?” He asked, shifting the conversation towards a different route. You thought about the situation for a second before answering him. “I needed a breather.” Jude nods, totally understanding where you’re coming from. “You know. You're not fooling me,” he says, “I know you’re unhappy with the arrangement.” You glance at him. No one has told you that. Either you were good at faking it, or no one has the guts. “Gavi is kind; of course, I like him,” you said. It wasn’t entirely a lie, he was kind, and you do like him, but not in a romantic way. “But not enough to be with him?” Jude asked, even though he already knew the answers to that. You don’t give him a response, and your silence confirms it all. Jude smirks and reaches into his pocket. You watch as he types something on his phone. “Your social media is private,” he says, “it’s harder for me to know you.” You smile and reach into your purse, and get out your phone. Usually, you weren’t allowed to be on social media when attending events, but for some reason being around Jude makes you bolder.
“It would be very controversial if you follow me,” you mumbled and looked at your Instagram request list. “And that’s why I made a fake account, especially for you, angel,” he says with a hint of flirty humor. And as Jude said, he did make a fake account to follow you, and with no hesitation, you accepted it. “You wouldn’t mind me texting you, don’t ya?” He asked casually. Maybe it was how he offered to do this risky stuff without caring, but you couldn’t say no to him. Not one bit did your heart say no. “My brother, he doesn’t like you,” you mumbled. Jude laughs and shakes his head, “It’s not your brother I’m trying to win, love. If it’s not fucking obvious, I’m hitting on you.” You blush under his grin, and Jude stares at your lips. “Have you been kissed before, Angel?” He asked. You lick your lips and nervously bite them, which only causes Jude to want you even more. “I’ll take your silence as a no,” he says darkly. You don’t miss the way he tugs on his tie, causing it to hang loosely. “I’m not allowed to have physical contact,” you explained. That only causes Jude to close his eyes and calm down his breathing. You were so fucking gorgeous and innocent; he just wanted to corrupt you. But even he knew it’d take time. You are the sister of his opponent, and there was no way he could openly take you away from Gavi. But he knew he wanted you, and the fact that you’re a hidden gem only makes his desire for you grow. “Do you want to be kissed?” He asked. You look around, contemplating what to do. Jude was doing everything your family had warned you to avoid, but something was also exciting about it. Your whole life, you’ve been a good girl, obeying everything your family tells you to do. But this was something else; you’re attracted to the guy, and your body reacted differently to him than it would to Gavi. “You will show me how to kiss someone?” You timidly asked. Jude shakes his head, “I will show you how to kiss me.”
Jude was very gentle and sweet as he guided you into his lap. The blue dress that you’re wearing was all of a sudden his favorite color. He never knew he had a thing for unreachable girls, but he does. You’re the precious gem of the Gonzalez family, and it no doubt a jackpot if anyone scored you, but here he wanted to corrupt your innocence and show you the truth of this world. Your whole life, you must’ve been so sheltered even to know what sex, drug, parties, and life was even about. Your parents had every right to guide you, but you only live once, and what you’re doing is nowhere near living. “Shhh relax, baby,” Jude whispers when he feels you tense up. You nod and wrap your arms around his neck, causing him to smile. Jude places his hands on your bottom and pulls you closer to him. The two of you were now chest to chest, eye to eye, and mouth a couple of inches away from one another. You’ve never been kissed on the lips, let alone be this intimate with someone. It was new, but for some reason, Jude made you feel safe. You hesitated briefly, but you softly traced his jawline, loving how he stared at your every move. It felt good to have control for once, and it felt good to feel dominant. “This mouth is all yours,” he muttered. You stop at his chin and look around the room, scared that your brother will jump out of nowhere and drag you away. “There is no one else but us, Angel. Feel me,” he murmured. “I don’t even know you,” you whisper. Jude grabs the hand that was on his chin and kisses your palm. “You can know everything. You can do everything. You can have it all,” he says, and you know there’s a deeper meaning to his words. Gulping, you slowly move your lips towards his, and to restrain himself, you feel him squeeze your thighs.
You don’t know what will happen to you if anyone ever finds out, but you can’t go back. The moment you felt his lips on yours, fireworks lit inside your heart, the temperature rising from above, and butterflies growing in your stomach. Jude’s lips were soft and complete, and he knew this was your first, so he guided you through the kiss. He was in no rush, but his hands roamed every inch of your body. Nothing could top your first kiss and how every emotion would jump out of your chest. Your body reacted to every touch and movement he guided you. Your thighs were shivering, your hips were grinding, and soft moans were coming from your mouth. You must be doing something right, though, because Jude constantly squeezes your thighs, butt, and every part of your body whenever he hears your voice. He wasn’t quiet either, continuously complimenting how well you were doing and how much he enjoyed this. “Fuck,” he growled, “I told myself I would hold back, but you’re making this so fucking difficult.” You moan in response and go down for more kisses. This felt too good to last only minutes; you want hours' worth of Jude’s attention. “Gosh, Angel, you’re driving me crazy,” he whispers and places his head on your shoulder. You hug and soothe him as he tries to calm himself down. You could tell he was trying his best not to break his control, and it feels good to have someone feeling that way about you.
“My brother is going to look for me. I need to go back,” you said and got off of him. Jude watches the way you fix your dress, your hair, and your makeup. He wanted a simple kiss from you, but now you’re leaving him with an enormous hard-on. He could cum from just watching you. You looked so innocent, sweet, and angelic, but how you were grinding on him only confirmed his assumption that you might be more than that. He knew he couldn’t have you, but he could have you behind closed doors, which was enough for now. Jude smiles and gets up from the couch; he then reaches for your hand and kisses your knuckle. “Until next time,” he says.
Gavi’s hands soothe your back as he speaks to some people, and you try your best to pay attention. It was hard, especially when you had a complete make-out session with Jude Bellingham. Your eyes drift to where Jude is; he happily chats it off with his teammate and a model around his arms. Jude was doing the same thing Gavi did to you, but there was nothing the two of you could do. He was your brother’s rival; there would never be a romantic relationship between you and him. As your brother said, Gavi makes sense for you, and Jude is the opposite. It wouldn’t be good for either of you, but the way Jude was eyeing you as he soothed his date’s back only makes you think this was the beginning.
TikTok @corriganatheart
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corriganatheart · 1 year
what pieces are you currently working on? absolutely love love your dark romance i’ve read
I am working on To You Who I Loved featuring Jude, Pedri, and João. Another dark romance is also in my draft list. Both will be released soon.
Also check out my TikTok @corriganatheart. I will have videos of my series.
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corriganatheart · 1 year
not sure what this says about me but i wasn’t really attracted to jude before … but after reading your dark romance about him i am 😭😭😭
Bombastic side eye 👀 more is coming!
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corriganatheart · 1 year
do you only write for jude? or in the future would you write for trent or someone else?
Yes, I have written a couple of João Félix imagines. I plan on writing a Trent series soon. Feel free to send request.
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corriganatheart · 1 year
Question I have for everyone.
I love writing, and I think I want to explore my skills further. Based on the stories you’ve read, if I was an author, would you consider purchasing my book?
Please feel free to give me advice. Thank you! :)
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corriganatheart · 1 year
Deepest Secret 🔞 Trent's POV/Jude Bellingham x reader x Trent Alexander Arnold
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Synopsis: Trent is trying to move on from you but after discovering little information about Jude, he has to choose whether to save you or leave you for good.
Pairings: Jude Bellingham x fem! reader x Trent A. Arnold
Genre: Dark romance, forbidden romance, and a love triangle
Warnings ⚠️: Sexual content 🔞
Looking in the mirror, Trent almost didn't recognize himself. He was half awoke, half dead, like a lost soul. He didn't feel a thing. It has been five months since you left the house and five months since he last heard from or saw you. It was brutal and very devastating on his part because he lost you and his best friend. He wasn't even able to play in the England squad anymore because Southgate thought Jude was more valuable, more capable of playing than he was ever going to be. It was a slap in his face because Jude took everything from him, and he never apologized. It was sickening, everyone was on his side, but his friends also had their own life and worked. So they turn a blind eye and ignore the scandal.
Splashing cold water on his face, he checks the time. It was past noon, and he was still drowning in his room. He should pick up all the missed calls from Saka or Marcus, but he refuses. Trent was full of pride, and one of the prideful things he had was his relationship with you, but after you cheated on him, he was too ashamed to face his friends again. The world also turned its back on you and is slowly letting go of the scandal, but he hasn’t. He was still drowning in anger, stress, and embarrassment, yet he still thought of you. If he could have it his way, you be forgiven, and he’ll move on from the cheating scandal, but that would be too easy. You easily cheated on him like he was trash, so why should he forgive you? In the end, things worked out how they should be.
“Trent! Look over here!” Your voice playing in the background causes his heart to ache. He has been spending the rest of the afternoon going through old memories. He told himself that he’d delete all the videos and photos, but he had hesitation. There was no denying that he still had feelings for and longed for you. “Jude, you asshole!” Trent shouted when Jude kicked a ball at him. Your laughter could be heard in the back, and the camera tilted to Jude, who was staring and grinning at you. Trent frowns and continues to swipe to the following video; he is recording you eating at a restaurant, and something catches his attention. In the background, there is a guy with a hood on, and he has his phone angled toward you like he is taking a photo. Trent sits straight and starts swiping images and videos. When in public, there seems always to be someone with their camera pointed towards you, and he knows that it’s common when he’s famous, but the person has the same body frame, looking like the same person. Trent then looks at videos, and every time you guys are at a group gathering or event, Jude is always in the background staring at you, even when he has a date by his side.
Trent immediately stands up and runs down to his basement; he then gets on his laptop and looks through files and security footage. He doesn’t know what he wants, but something seems off. Jude hated you, or at least he pretended he did. But it was weird that he was always in the background and always where you were. Trent scans clip after clip, and finally, he finds a strange looking one, returning to at least ten months ago. In the clip, you were talking to some of the girls that came to his bbq party; in the background, he sees himself talking to Marcus, but Jude is nowhere to be found. Trent then looks at a different angle, a clip inside the house. He finds Jude in the kitchen, making himself some margaritas, before he looks around and then sneaks into your bedroom. Before he walks inside, Trent sees him pull something out of his pocket, and automatically Trent pauses the clip and screenshots it. He then opens the picture and brightens it. His eyes widened at what it was, and he pushed his chair and started running upstairs after seeing what was inside the pocket. Entering his room, his eyes furiously wonders around, slightly panicking. In the corner of the tv, he sees the device and angrily pulls it off. “Fuck!” Trent shouts before throwing the small device on the floor and stepping on it with his foot. There was a hidden camera in his room for months, and he didn’t even know. He trusted people too much, and Jude was the one person he trusted the most. Realizing that this was much more difficult than he expected, he immediately dials for his friends.
“Yo, I haven’t seen you for months,” Saka says as soon as he walks into Trent’s house. Marcus raises an eyebrow at his friend and nods in Trent’s direction. Trent was on the phone with God knows who, and Marcus had just been chilling on the kitchen island, waiting for an answer. “What’s his mood?” Saka whispers while glancing at Trent. Marcus shrugs, “He hasn’t spoken a word to me.” Saka nods and makes himself at home by opening the fridge, only to see it empty. He then opens the trashcan to see numerous beers, takeouts, and bottles of pills. “Ooof, men have it rough,” Saka says pitifully, and he reaches into his phone to order some groceries. Marcus' eyes wandered around the kitchen, it needed a clean-up, and there was a couple of broken glass on the floor, along with stains of blood. He was very worried about Trent, but it had been months since he had spoken to him because he had ignored everyone’s calls. So when he called out of nowhere, Marcus was very concerned and rushed immediately and was relieved to see that Trent was still in pieces. “Order some stuff for him. Man needs to start somewhere,” Saka mumbles as he grabs some wipes to start cleaning. Marcus chuckles and stares at Trent, who seems to be finishing his conversation. “Wander what the emergency is,” Saka mumbles as he tends the kitchen island. Marcus jumps off of it and reaches for his phone. “Hopefully not about the fact that Y/N has gone MIA for months, too,” Marcus mumbles. Saka shrugs and finishes off his wiping supreme, and by the time he is done, Trent is off the phone and joins them.
“You look like shit,” Saka says as he flicks Trent’s overgrown hair. Trent flips Saka off and leans against the wall. Marcus grabs a water bottle and sits on a stool, whereas Saka sits on the kitchen island. “So, what’s up,” he asks. Trent looks down at the floor, hesitating to ask his friends about Jude, especially since this will be the first time he’ll speak of it with someone. “Look, I-“ Trent sighs and scratches the back of his neck, “I need to ask about Jude and Y/N.” Marcus and Saka look at one another before they nod at him. “Have you seen them together, ya know, alone, while I was with her?” Saka raises an eyebrow while Marcus sips his water, looking suspicious.
Trent notices the awkward shift in Marcus, so he stares at his friend, quietly signaling him to speak. Marcus sighs, “Look. It may sound unbelievable, but I think Jude may be a bit obsessed.” Saka chuckles and shakes his head, not believing his friend, but Trent is very curious about why. “Go on,” Trent says. Marcus looks down at the floor and shakes his head. “It sounds crazy, really, but you know how everyone thought they hated one another? I always believed there was something much more than that. I mean, he’s always talking about her despite claiming he hates her. And he’s everywhere she is; if you hated someone, you wouldn’t want to be around them.” Trent hums, thinking back to all the signs that show Jude being clearly into you; he was just too blinded to see it. “I think your right,” Trent mumbles. “But she also fell for it.” Everyone looks at one another and nods. Even though Jude was in the wrong for betraying his friend, you were the one in the relationship, and you should’ve known better. But as he remembers the hidden camera in his room, he rethinks his decision to let you go for good.
This is Y/N L/N; I can’t answer your call right now. Please leave a voicemail, have a good day.
Trent sighs. This was his first attempt at calling you after a breakup, and you didn’t even pick up. But part of him was happy you didn’t because he didn’t know what to say. It would sound desperate if he were to tell you that Jude might have an obsessive mind and that he has been spying on your relationship for months. Gosh, he wishes he could move on and forget about you.
This is Y/N L/N; I can’t answer your call right now. Please leave a voicemail, have a good day.
Trent sighs again and places his phone on the coffee table. After Marcus and Saka left, he has been thinking nonstop about your safety and where you were. He knows you’re with Jude, but you haven’t been seen since the breakup, and he was getting worried. Trent checked the time, and it was passed 10:00 p.m., so maybe you were asleep. Calming his nerves, he picks up his phone again and nearly jumps when he hears his doorbell rings. Trent groans, assuming Marcus or Saka left something; he opens the door only to be greeted by his former best friend, Jude Bellingham.
“I haven’t heard from you in a while,” Jude says and is quick to invite himself in before Trent can close the door. Trent clenches his eyes and sighs; this guy has been his best friend for years. “I wonder why,” Trent sarcastically says. Jude lowly chuckles before he clears his throat, “I say things worked out for the better, ain’t right, mate?” Jude asked. Trent clenches his hands so hard he thinks he might’ve drawn some blood. “You. How could you do this?” He yells, storming towards Jude, who doesn’t even look phased. “How could I? You were the one that stole her away from me; first, you fool!” Trent narrows his eyes and remembers the past, almost three years ago. He was blindly in love with you to the point where he had forgotten how he met you. “You know what the fuck I am talking about, right Trent?” Jude asked darkly.
Trent clenches his jaws as he rethinks about the moment he laid eyes on you. He also became infatuated with you, but he wasn’t the one that saw you first; it was Jude. Before he ever laid eyes on you, Jude saw you first. He remembers his best friend telling him about a girl he spotted at the coffee shop and how beautiful she was. He remembers Jude saying you were the girl of his dreams, and at first, Trent thought it was just a joke and that Jude wouldn’t be into a girl he saw at a random coffee shop. So the day he saw you, he was going to meet Jude at the coffee shop because Jude wanted to ask for your number, but something came up, and Trent was left outside the coffee shop alone. So instead of having to reschedule, he went inside, and then he spotted you. You looked so peaceful, innocent, and beautiful as you typed on your computer, ignoring the world around you. Things worked out for Trent because Jude’s emergency was his injury, and he wasn’t allowed to do anything for a month which gave Trent the time to watch you and learn about you from afar. And he was sure his friend had forgotten about you, so he asked for your number, and when Jude found out about your relationship with him, he ignored you and acted like he didn’t care, so Trent thought it was ok. But deep down, he knew he had taken Jude’s chance of finding true love.
“You remember now, don’t you?” Jude asked as he leaned against a shelf. Trent didn’t say anything; he felt confused, suffocated, and defeated about the situation. He wanted nothing more than to move on. “All these years, I watched you have her and didn’t do a thing because I thought I was a good friend. But why should I be if you weren’t one, to begin with? I thought I could. I even hated her for you, but you betrayed me first!” Jude angrily said. “If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t even know her. Now I’m taking my fates back.” Jude throws a couple of photos at Trent. And both watch as the pictures start falling on the floor. They were all the same, a sonography photo. Trent’s eyes widened, and he slowly reached down to grab one of the photos. His heart beat into millions of pieces after realizing what this was and who it belonged to. You were pregnant with Jude’s baby, and there’s nothing else he could do. “After she gives birth, I plan on releasing a statement and announcing our relationship. I need you not to correct anything on my behalf. She’s with me now, not you, and a baby is in the mix. She’s mine now.” At the mention of that, Trent immediately grabs hold of Jude’s collar and pushes him against the wall.
Jude chuckles and smirks down at him. “Like how that feels? Imagine feeling like that for years.” Trent harshly throws Jude on the ground, but Jude still smiles, unfazed by the chaos. “You’re psychotic. I saw the hidden camera you had in my room! You need help!” Jude stands up and raises an eyebrow, “you finally discovered it, huh? Well, I just needed that camera to see the way Y/N likes getting fucked. And seeing how much she faked it, no wonder she was willing to jump on my dick at the chance.” Trent throws another punch at Jude. “Fucking bastard!” He yells. Jude laughs even though he is bleeding from the corner of his mouth. Trent disgustingly looked at his friend, not recognizing the person he was fighting with. Jude had shifted entirely from an innocent boy to a psychopath. “I will report you; I have the whole damn clip,” Trent threatens. Jude chuckles; and leans into Trent’s ear, “Who says I only had one set up?” He lowly chuckles, “What would the world think if they saw the clip of you punching me when I haven’t done a thing? You don’t know what I’m capable of. Imagine waking up tomorrow and seeing your face on the news. The anchor sadly reported, “Footage was released showing Liverpool star Trent Alexander Arnold physically harming BVB captain Jude Bellingham. An anonymous post suggested that Bellingham was trying to comfort him because Arnold has not been the same since his break up with ex-girlfriend Y/N L/N. The post also mentions that the real reason L/N left Arnold was that she was afraid of his anger issues and that he would get physically abusive with her. After the post blew up, fans were outraged and believed that Arnold was at fault and should be arrested.”
Trent was stunned by what Jude just came up with. He had everything planned out and was ready to go forth with it. In just one snap of a finger, Trent’s career may be in danger. "Do you understand what you're doing, Jude?" Trent asked, genuinely concerned for him. Jude chuckles deeply and pats Trent on the shoulder. "I think that is beyond your concern now. Just stay out of my way, and we'll be good. Yeah?" Trent looks down at the floor and shamelessly nods his head. Jude smirks and starts walking to the door, but Trent's question stops him from opening the door. "What about Y/N and the baby?" Jude glances back to see Trent glaring at him like he is some kind of criminal. "Do you think keeping them locked up is healthy? She is sure to find out about your mindset." Jude glares at him and turns to lean his back against the door. "Correction. I am not locking them up. I am just protecting them. The world will know that Y/N is my girl and that we have a kid together. I suggest you stay away and move on. Despite the shit that we put one another into, you were still my friend. And she left you in a heartbeat. Maybe you should move on in a heartbeat," Jude says, clearly aware that Trent is on him. "One day, your demons will catch up to you," Trent warns. Jude smirks and reaches to open the door. "Let them come"
5 years Later
Breaking News: English footballer Jude Bellingham's wife, Y/N, was in a car wreck last week and was transported to the hospital with a critical injury. Many news has reported that it was a hit and run, and police cannot find security footage of the accident. Bellingham, who was with his three kids at the time of the incident, reveals that they just got into a minor argument, and she needed a breather. Fans are showing support for the England star as he cares for his children while waiting for his wife to wake up from a coma. Bellingham reveals that his wife is making great progress, and doctors are pleased. She is expected to wake up and live a normal life again. The investigation is still ongoing, and many theorists are suggesting that it was a setup. Some who still haven't forgotten about the scandal five years ago are saying that she deserves it. Y/N Bellingham's ex-boyfriend Trent Alexander Arnold has not commented on the situation but instead was spotted vacationing in Bali with his fiance.
Jude shuts off the tv, causing the room to go dark. He leans his back on the couch and stares up at the ceiling. He was so fucking tired from the lack of sleep, but his brain would not let him rest. Jude closed his eyes, hoping to get some peace, but the monitor was beeping slowly but loudly, and the nurses and doctors talking outside of the room were annoying him. He opens his eyes again and sits up, and stares at you. You were lying on the bed peacefully. Jude walks over to you and stares down at your form, and he gently strokes your hair. "You'll wake up soon, my baby," he mumbles and places a kiss on your forehead.
The door opens two minutes later, and the doctor walks in. He nods at Jude and prepares to give you your daily shots. "When will she be able to wake up?" Jude asked. The doctor froze at Jude's tone of voice and gulped, "In a week, sir." Jude nods and steps out of the way to let the doctor do his thing. "And the medication won't help her remember anything?" He asked. The doctor nods and starts to stick the needle into your vein. "She won't remember anything, sir." Jude grins down at you and gently cups the top of your head. "Soon, we'll be a happy family again," he smiles.
The End
"Are you sure you don't want to check up on Jude?"
Trent smiles and pulls his fiance into a warm embrace. "We haven't talked for years and left off in a bad term; I wouldn't know what to say." Trent's fiance hums, aware that he is making an excuse. "Well, I heard she woke up, but Jude has bought a place secluded from everyone to protect them." Trent nods and kisses the top of his fiance's forehead. He then stares ahead at the ocean and thinks of you. After Jude left that day, he decided to let you go because that's what you did with your relationship in the first place. He wasn't going to fight for someone who gives up easily, and there was also a kid involved. He knew fate was going to work out on its own, and he was sure the hit-and-run incident was all part of Jude's plan. Sighing, Trent leans back on the chair and places his hand on his fiance's stomach, finally finding peace again.
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corriganatheart · 1 year
Deepest Secret 🔞 Final / Jude Bellingham x reader x Trent Alexander Arnold
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Synopsis: As your secret relationship with Jude grows, your feelings are brought into the mix, and you realize that Jude might have other motives than just being your deepest secret.
Pairings: Jude Bellingham x reader x Trent A. Arnold
Genre: Enemies to lover, and Forbidden romance
Warnings ⚠️: Cursing, Mention of sexual contents
“Your kidding, right?” You asked while staring at your boyfriend’s definition of breakfast. Trent grins and cuts the piece of the strawberry pancake before shoving it into your mouth. “It’s a Friday. I wanted to make something delicious for my baby,” he shrugs and returns to frying the bacon. You playfully roll your eyes and sit on the stool. Quickly glancing at Trent’s back, you swipe to your messages to see Jude has already sent you several text.
J: Good morning beautiful 😘 hope to see u tonight?😜
J: my day is done by 8 pm. Movies at my place?
J: heard Trent’s traveling soon. Wanna stay during that time?
J: I miss you🥲
You think of what to say as the smell of delicious bacon hits your nose, and the sound of Trent whistling in the background distracts you. You and Jude had met up a couple of times after returning from Bora Bora. And every time you went over to his place, you thought of ways to break things off, but Jude was too persuasive and too touchy even to let you finish your explanation. He has mentioned several times that he was ok with being a secret and that he’ll continue to be one as long as you stay by his side. It was an awful situation, and you do feel bad because Trent was in the dark, and when he finds out, it’ll shatter him. “You’re awfully quiet,” the sound of Trent’s voice caught you off guard. You shut your phone and smile at your boyfriend. He was in nothing but pajamas pant and looked hot as fuck while making breakfast. Guilt starts to fill you up again while staring at his cheerful face. This was the man you fell in love with two years ago, and you just let it go for a guy that has been treating you like shit. Gosh, you were such an awful person.
“Do you want to come with me, baby?” He asked as he watched you eat his food. You shrugged, “work.” Trent’s smile slowly fades away and it has come to you that, you guys haven't had a decent time together since vacation. You were always out, or he was always busy with work. You don't even remember the last time the two of you has gotten intimate. Everyone around you thinks you two will be pregnant any time soon, but ever since you started hooking up with Jude, you've ignored Trent's initiative and him. "You know I would if I can," you lied and placed your hand on his for confirmation. Trent softly smiles, looks down at your hand, and then rubs the finger where future promises are made. "When the season is over, I want us to take a vacation. Just you and me," he says and kisses the finger. Anyone who isn't blind can clearly see that he is giving hints, and although it would've made you happy months ago, right now you were stunned. Trent is slowly planning his future with you while you are secretly ruining it. Not looking into his eyes, you guiltily said, "That would be a perfect babe."
Jude plays with the lighter in his hand as he stares up at the ceiling. He had just returned from a photo shoot and was wearing a black tux, the tie lying loosely around his neck. You had told him that you were coming over tonight, and he was excited until he saw a paparazzi photo of you dropping Trent off at the airport and you were kissing, the both of you looked incredible in love. What a shame that it was his best friend that you were making out with because if it was anyone else, he would've made sure his mouth was ripped off of his face.
Jude was very persistent in keeping you by his side, even if it meant lying to his long-time friend. Sometimes he becomes selfish and has foolish thoughts like exposing your secret just so everyone can turn their back on you, and you would have to seek shelter in him. But that was an irrational thought because his future would also be a blur, and the whole team would hate him. To everyone, you were the perfect innocent girlfriend of Trent Alexander Arnold, but only Jude knew who you really were, he always knew. It was exciting to make everyone believe that you two hated one another but really you were into each other. It's a fun game until Jude realizes that you weren't entirely his and that the most you ever see of him is a fuck buddy and nothing else. Clenching his fist at the thought of that, Jude pulls up his phone and makes a call.
It was already 10:00 A.M when you received a text from Lucia, an article attached to her message filled with disgusted face emojis. You pulled up the article and to your surprise, it was a photo of Jude out at the club last night with the same model he took to Bora Bora. She was wearing a skin-tight dress that you wore on the beach, the night you hooked up with Jude, even her hair was styled the same way. You clench your phone when you see the way Jude looks at her in the photo, filled with lust and excitement. You knew what he was doing, he was upset that you didn't go to his place last night after your passionate kiss with Trent, and was trying to remind you that he could get any girl. It was toxic, a total red flag, but you were beyond upset and want nothing more than to piss him off. He knew how you felt about that girl, and still, he decided to throw your insecurities right at you. Not wanting to show Jude your weakness, you decided tonight would be a perfect girl's night.
"Ugh I swear, I need like fifty shots," Lucia says as soon as you guys step into the club. You grin and lead her and the other girls to the bar. Immediately a couple of the guys notice your group and were already trying to get your attention. "How are you ladies doing tonight?" a cute guy with a Spanish accent asked. Lucia and you both backed away and let the single ladies handle him. "So why did we have to come to this club?" Lucia asked in disgust, knowing that it is the same club Jude flaunted that girl. "Because you said you wanted to piss that girl off," you shrugged. Lucia gives you a glare, knowing damn well that wasn't the reason. You chuckle and start ordering drinks for everyone. "How's Trent doing? You guys loving the married life?" She sarcastically asked. You rolled your eyes, and just smile. "He's actually husband material." Lucia nods in agreement because she has been around you and Trent long enough to know that the two of you were perfect for one another and that Trent loves you so much. Feeling yourself getting sad at that thought, you ask the bartender to hurry up so you can drown your thoughts. "If he was to ask you to marry him would you say yes?" You stare at Lucia as she waits for your response. She raises an eyebrow, expecting you to respond immediately with no hesitation. "Is everything ok?" she asked, becoming suspicious of you. Just when you were about to let her know that you have doubts, the bartender slides your drinks in place. "Have fun ladies," he winks causing Lucia to laugh. You sigh in relief and pulled all your friends to the dance floor.
"OMG!" Lucia shouted, causing you to turn to where she was pointing. Walking through the door were Marcus Rashford, Jude Bellingham, Bukayo Saka, and a couple of their friends. Everyone in the club looked star-struck as they stared and cheered at the sight. Many girls were already running up to them, whereas your group was frightened and trying to sneak your way out of sight. The guys that had joined your group were also star-struck and talking about wanting to get photos. You awkwardly dragged Lucia along with you as the other girls also tried to sneak away. But before you guys could leave through the other door, Marcus and the boys surrounded you and glared at you. Lucia sloppily waved at her fiance, and he pulled her by his side, whereas Saka tried to help the other girls that were super drunk. Jude stares down at you with his arms crossed, looking bored and annoyed simultaneously. "When you guys said girls' night, I didn't expect to be surrounded by drunk horny men!" Marcus shouted through the music. You rolled your eyes at him, and security approached you guys because the crowd was getting rowdy. "Oh, come on, you know this is what boy's night looks like too." Marcus glares at you and motions for Jude to hold on to you because you are getting a little tipsy too. You cross your arms before Jude can touch you, and he grins down at you as you give him a dirty look. “I don’t need your help,” you said. Marcus looks between the two of you and shakes his head. “You have no choice; Saka and the others are driving your friends home.” You turn to your friends, who are all about to pass out, and then you turn to Lucia, who is now lying on Marcus's shoulder, nearly sleeping. Frowning, you nod for Jude to lead the way, and all of you start walking out as cameras flashes everywhere.
Trent calls you a few minutes later after you guys squeeze out of the club's parking lot. "Yeah, the paparazzi were everywhere after the boys decided to come," you said bitterly. Jude glances at you and smirks. Rolling your eyes, you go back to paying attention to your boyfriend. "Yeah, Jude is taking me home right now," you said, although you know the street that he just turned was the opposite of where you live. Trent then continues to talk about his trip, and you continue to look ahead, thinking of the awkward situation. As you listen to your boyfriend talk, you feel a warm hand linger on your thighs. You glare at Jude, only to see him smirk as he continues to trail up your dress while looking ahead. “I missed you, baby,” Trent says with a frustrated sigh like he was stressed from work. “Me too,” you breathed out. You tried to move Jude’s hand out of the way, but he was way too quick and pulled your panty aside and immediately spread your center with his fingers. “Just a couple more days,” Trent says as he continues to talk about his plans for the two of you after he gets back into town. You breathe heavily and hums a couple of time to remind Trent that you’re still on the line. Jude smirks as he inserts his middle finger into you, causing you to lift your hips a little. Your breathing increased as Jude continued to mess with you, and the sound of wetness was pretty intense, but you muted your phone, only unmuting it to respond. Jude wasn’t the slightest phased by the way his finger worked you.
When he felt you getting tight, he would pause, and you couldn’t do anything because you also had to focus on Trent. It was like he was trying to prove a point, trying to remind you how good he could give it to you. Jude glances at your frustrated form as you try to roll your hips on his finger; he wasn’t moving his fingers because he knew you were close, and he wanted you to beg for it. “Baby, are you still there?” Trent asked, and you quickly unmuted the phone. “Yes, babe, I’m listening.” You hear Trent chuckle as he continues to speak. Jude smirks and quickly starts fingering you, and you have to cover your mouth from moaning. You glance over at him, and he looks ahead, his other hand fisting the steering wheel and his dick bulging through his jeans. You quickly mute the phone after realizing that you are close to cumming. “Jude,” you whispered, noticing his mouth twitching. “Please,” you begged. He smirks and finally twirls his middle finger causing you to moan out his name. “I love you, baby,” you heard Trent say on the phone as you make a mess in Jude’s car.
Next Morning
Fans suspect something must be going on with Jude Bellingham and Trent Alexander Arnold’s girlfriend. Although there were several other people, she left alone with him while her friends left in a separate car.
You groaned as you tried to block out the background noise. This must be another dream where you get caught hooking up with your boyfriend’s best friend.
Arnold, who is doing a shoot in LA, has been getting Instagram comments saying his best friend and girlfriend are fooling him. Although this is an accusation, fans are determined to have Arnold’s back.
Realizing that this was probably too specific to be a dream, you immediately jerk up from the pillow causing your head to explode in pain. “Fuck!” You shouted as you clenched your forehead. You weren’t dreaming because now the tv has moved on to other soccer updates. “Good morning,” a well-recognized voice says. You tilt your head back to see Jude sitting on the sofa with a cup of coffee in his hand. Immediately, you pulled the cover off and were startled after realizing you were in nothing but his t-shirt. “What happened?” You asked. Jude just lifts an eyebrow and watches you stumble out of bed and sit on the edge. “You think I would do anything while you’re unconscious?” He asked in a defensive tone. You don’t respond, causing him to look disappointed and continue to drink his coffee. “It’s all over the news, you know,” he mumbles. You look at the screen to see another news anchor reporting on the scene from the nightclub.
You fist the corner of the t-shirt after the news anchor says that everyone believes you and Jude are hiding something. Jude looked unfazed, like his friendship with Trent wasn’t in line. “I need to speak with my boyfriend,” you muttered and saw the slightest frustration on Jude’s face. Ignoring him, you reach for your phone only to see tons of missed calls from Trent and numerous messages from your friends. You sighed, excusing yourself to the bathroom, and dialed Trent’s number. This isn’t how his trip is supposed to go; he shouldn’t have to deal with this. He doesn’t deserve this.
The person you’re calling is not accepting calls right now.
It’s obvious the way they’re looking at one another shows there some tension 🤨
Oh fuck no! Trent deserves so much better
Ewww what do they see in her?
Y’all remember that TikTok theory that suggested something going on between Jude and Y/N?
Going home alone with your boyfriend’s bestfriend….Ahum yeah no.
Lol Trent is now Joáo Félix #2
You scroll through the comments under the article suggesting that you’re cheating on Trent with Jude. Everyone, literally everyone, was blaming everything on you, and some even went as far as threatening you. Jude has also been on the phone all morning, talking to his mother and his manager about what to do. He was also getting heat from BVB and England fans, but he wasn't displaying any anger; he was more worried about you than anything.
"My team plans on realizing a statement that says I was just taking care of you per Trent's request," Jude says after getting off the phone. You nod and stare at the photo of Trent getting crowded at the airport. You found out that Trent isn't able to pick up your call because he is on the plane right now and is coming home. Trent knew you went to the club and got picked up by Jude, but he didn’t realize you had spent the night at Jude’s place. Your house also has security cameras, so by now, you assumed he has checked whether you made it home and is disappointed to the point where he has to come back early. You have so much explaining to do, and there isn’t much you can do besides tell the truth. Trent didn’t deserve this, and you would never be able to forgive yourself if he was to get blamed for something you did. “Hey,” Jude says and sits down next to you. “I’ll handle this,” he says as he cups your cheeks and examines your tired eyes. You look at him, and he is as exhausted as you were, slightly shaken by the event that unfolded quickly. “You..you were with another girl, and I-” you cried in your hands. “I feel so stupid. If I hadn’t let my feelings get the best of me, this would’ve never happened.” Jude pulls you into a hug immediately and pats your head. “Baby, everything will be ok,” he whispers. “I’ll handle it.”
The house was cold and quiet when you arrived. Jude reassures you that he’ll release a statement and solve any misunderstanding. When he dropped you off, you were nervous, almost scared to go into your house, but he kissed you to calm your nerves. You’re sure he wants you to fix things with Trent before he speaks to him. You should’ve known that this wasn’t going to end well. “Trent!” You called out, but no response. You walk into the kitchen, and he isn’t there, but then you hear something from the basement. Calming yourself, you walk down the basement only to see the place looking like the FBI raided it. On the giant tv screen was the news of you and Jude and theories that tiktokers made up. “Omg,” you muttered when you saw Trent on the couch that was half torn, his hands bleeding from punching the wall. “Trent!” You screamed and ran over to him and grabbed his hand. He doesn’t respond; he lets you have your way.
You gently bandaged his hands as you felt his cold glares trailing up your face. He was quiet, unresponsive, unconscious, almost like a dead soul. “What happened to you?” You asked, panicking at his bruising fist. Trent doesn’t respond; he tilts his head back on the couch and raises the volume of the tv. It was another video of someone explaining your secret relationship with Jude and how it must’ve been going on for a while. Trent stares at you as you try to think of ways to explain the situation to him. He needed the truth, and you were not ready for the consequences.
“Care to enlighten me, baby?” Trent asked. You gulped and reached for his hands, but he stopped you before you could. “Don’t fucking touch me.” His cold tone causes you to shudder, and you almost break down in front of him. You’ve never seen this side of him, and you hate it. “How long?” He asked, already knowing the truth. Without looking into his eyes, you said, “Before Bora Bora.” He closes his eyes, heart-shattering at your answer. He was in so much pain, and he wanted nothing more than to hurt you, but he wasn’t going to. He loves you so much, but what you did was beyond forgivable. And nothing was ever going to solve this.
“Did you ever think of me?” He asked, voice cracking along the way. “You let the two years go like it was fucking nothing.” Your heart breaks at the mention of that, and you slowly start tearing up. “I’m so sorry, Trent. There is nothing I can say that would justify my action.” Sighing, he stands up and looks down at your trembling form. Both of you stare at one another, looking into each other’s eyes, the last two years flashing between one another. “I loved you so much,” he sighs; closing his eyes, he places his forehead on yours. You cried as he caressed your cheeks, wiping the tears along the way. “It could’ve been anyone, Y/N. It could’ve been someone else, but it just had to be Jude. You could’ve cheated on me with my coach, my rival, or anyone, and I wouldn’t be as fucked up as I am right now. Please tell me the reason; tell me why,” he cries. You pulled him into a hug, comforting him as he breaks down on your shoulder, whispering how much he hates you, and how much he wanted to hurt you. But he couldn’t because he loves you.
The rest of the night ended with you packing your things and Trent locking himself in the guest room. He didn’t want to see you leave, but he didn’t want to be near you. You fucked up his brain, his heart, and his pride. If he could have it his way, he would have taken his revenge by fucking every one of your friends. Just to hurt you, but he was Trent. He loved you and still does, and the last thing he wanted was to stomp down that low. The two years' worth of memories were still alive in his mind, and he wanted nothing but to tear them up. You still haven’t given him answers, but one day he knew he would hear it, but right now, you guys needed to distance yourself. He feels so betrayed. So used, so tired, so hurt by your action. And the devastating thing was, he couldn’t confine in his best friend that he trusted. It was not an end to one relationship, but two, and he paid the price for two people's mistakes.
3 months later
Trent Alexander Arnold is left out of England squad. Southgate has named a 25-man squad for the Three Lions' upcoming Euro 2024 qualifying matches with Italy and Ukraine, and Trent is not in the lineup. People believe it is due to the scandal three months ago, where Trent announced his breakup with his long-term girlfriend because she was accused of cheating with his best friend, Jude Bellingham. Bellingham, still in the England squad, released a statement three months ago clarifying the misunderstanding and stating that he has a good relationship with Y/N and they’re still friends despite her break up with Arnold. Arnold did not further comment on the topic and ignored the media's questions regarding his relationship with Bellingham.
You turn off the tv and stare up at the ceiling. It has been three months since you quit your job and hid from the world. After Trent announced the breakup, you deactivated your social media and turned in your two weeks' notice. You knew the consequences were severe, and it would take years before anyone moved on. But this was all your fault, so you can’t blame anyone but yourself.
Looking at the bookshelves to your right, you sat up from the couch and decided to read a new book. Jude brought books every time he visited because he felt terrible that he couldn’t always be with you. The private secluded house he rented for you was far from the outside world, and no one knew the location. It was the perfect getaway house, but you get bored quickly.
Looking through the bookshelves, you see a gray cover book that seems slightly out of place. You pull it out and examine the cover; it is blank, with the initial J on the bottom. It doesn’t look like an ordinary book but a notebook or diary. Sighing, you were about to open it when you heard the door open, suggesting that Jude was here. You smile as he walks in with a bag full of groceries, and he is still in his practice clothes. “Hey,” he says and places the bags down on the floor. “Hi,” you mumbled and looked down at the book. Jude walks towards you and quickly grabs the book in your hand and tosses it on the couch. “How’s my baby?” He asked. You smile and look down at your stomach, which has a little bump already. He grins and slowly gets on his knees, and places his head on your belly. You smile and caress his hair, smiling at the sight below you. You knew what you did was a mistake, and it should’ve never happened, but things turned out a lot different than you expected. You didn’t think Jude would be there to pick up the pieces, but he did; he took you in and protected you from the outside world. You know you have unfinished business with Trent, and once the world sees you again, they’ll be quick to judge, but that was the price you had to pay for, but at least you have Jude and the baby growing inside of you.
Jude smiles as he watches you look through baby clothes that he purchased. He was happy, so pleased that things turned out for the best. He thought he would lose you, but instead, you agreed to let him protect you and hide you from the outside world. He picks up the notebook you were holding and goes to his office. Locking the door, he opens the notebook, and drawings and pictures of you appear on every notebook page. He grins as he sees his plans written out perfectly. One by one, he tears them and tosses them into the fireplace. You didn’t need to see any of these. You would never understand and would freak out. From the beginning, ever since he tasted you, he has become obsessed and planned everything. He planned the incident where Saka was drunk and told Trent to take him home even though Harry suggested he did. He suggested Marcus' birthday be at a private club so he could spend time with you. He suggested the team bonding at Bora Bora to see you again. He even hired a model to be his date and act slutty so you could be jealous and triggered. And he called the boys to raid Girl’s Night and also made sure paparazzi were called so you could be photographed. And he didn’t mean to go this far, but he planned all along to get you pregnant so you wouldn’t be able to leave him. Smiling, he watches as the notebook burns, hiding his deepest secret.
The End
Note: Trent deserves better, and I’m thinking of writing from his pov. Jude and Y/N got a happy ending, and it’s not fair that Trent is left suffering. But Y/N doesn’t know who Jude is, and although she did Trent wrong, I think if Trent finds out about Jude’s obsession, he will help her. But he also deserves his own happy ending.
Trent's POV Final
@suzysface @miri-97 @laracovr @lunamelona @justcqllmedaddy @thepastaqween @letmehoeyou @jelldaysstuff @alwaysclassyeagle
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corriganatheart · 1 year
Guuurl im waiting for the deepest secret part 2 soooo baaad its fucking amazing
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