corwnvus · 1 day
Jegulus is so gross draw jily
Next time you go to shit ,wipe it with your hands and lick it. You are greedy and horizontally challenged. Fatty fatty sent from hell.
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corwnvus · 1 day
The click of claws on a roof, dust falls down. The alpha wolf is coming, he’s here and he’s near.
Dust swirls, shining gold under the dim candle light. Something else shines, it shines amber in the window, standing out starkly against the inky sky.
Amber eyes. He’s watching you.
What the chungus
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corwnvus · 2 days
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corwnvus · 5 days
Imagine you’re in the middle of a sentence your boyfriend BLURTS your exact weight to your ex.
Armand deserves more credit for not snapping the table in half on the spot.
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corwnvus · 5 days
do you have any other media that you make art for? your art is a amazing but harry potter gives me the ick.
I completely get that hp used to give me the ick as well but I see all the marauders as basically ocs now but I still sometimes cringe when interacting with the fandom.
Fandoms I'm obsessed with atm that I might draw fanart for: iwtv, aftg, dc, challengers, masters of the air.
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corwnvus · 7 days
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corwnvus · 8 days
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Sam Reid as Lestat de Lioncourt INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE 2.03: NO PAIN.
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corwnvus · 9 days
Been thinking of them so much recently
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corwnvus · 10 days
Daniel, Louis and their “strange alliance”
this quote from eric from a pre-season 2 interview has been rattling inside my brain for far too long so i want to break down a scene from season 1 that has gained some newly-found importance.
in 1x02 daniel and louis sit down to have dinner as louis recounts an experience of attending the opera with lestat and its bloody end. what’s most interesting about this sequence is less so to do with what happened at loustat’s opera date but more so this surprisingly touching moment between louis and daniel.
it starts off with louis mentioning how the dessert served for him and daniel is taken from a off-handed remark in daniel’s memoir.
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this suggests A LOT. it seems to imply that louis has attentively read daniel’s memoir and likely has a genuine vested interest in daniel as a person outside of what he can do for him in relation to rejigging his jumbled memories. you can’t tell from this screenshot but he almost seems embarrassed that he went to such lengths with making sure to serve up this exact dessert that daniel mentioned. and the fact that it was an “offhanded remark” also drives me insane. he either read through daniel’s memoir and specifically noted down this mention about the dessert or realised that he wanted to share a meal with daniel and proceeded to scour his memoir in order to find mentions of food he likes. there is also the possibility that he asked one of his servants to read through the book again but we know for sure that louis read daniel’s memoir himself at some point. whatever the case louis went to the effort of making sure daniel would get to eat something familiar and that he most definitely liked. he did that to make daniel feel comfortable.
this is especially significant as louis chooses to eat this dessert alongside daniel, despite the fact that it tastes like “paste” to him. he is actively choosing to eat something that tastes like gruel to him essentially and for what?? to appear less monstrous? to comfort daniel? maybe show that he still has some humanity left in him. it’s important to mention that this is in the aftermath of daniel confronting louis about how human readers likely won’t be sympathetic to louis and lestat’s need for blood to survive. however, it doesn’t come across as a calculated move to appear more appeasing to potential readers. this seems wholly for daniel’s sake.
louis - for whatever reason - is intentionally presenting himself as approachable and human to daniel.
this is followed up by daniel seemingly picking up on louis’s offer for connection and opening up about the woman that’s on everyone’s mind currently: alice.
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daniel details how he proposed to alice in paris in a cafe (which lines up with the story he tells in 2x02) and names the street that it was located on. louis recognises this and verbalises it.
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this is yet another grasp for connection, of understanding, between louis and daniel. louis wants to show daniel that he’s genuinely interested in his story, in him as a person by showing that’s he actively listening to him.
now, what we’ve all been waiting for.
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this moment is the whole reason why i want to tear this scene apart!! this is probably up there with daniel offering louis a break in 2x01 as one of the most sincere and vulnerable moments we’ve gotten from daniel, a typically cold and sarcastic character. whatever you think about the alice-armand parallels and who exactly he is truly talking about here, daniel is fondly speaking of someone now estranged from him. he remembers the little details about her, an insecurity that she was ashamed of that he completely adored! he loved her for who she was, imperfections and all.
and to top this all off daniel closes his laptop! he ends the session! he likely does this out of a mixture of embarrassment that he’s rambled about his ex-wife live on tape but also maybe a sign to louis that he’s taking this seriously. that he’s appreciative of him trying to meet him on his level. that this moment was real. by stripping away the symbol of the supposedly strictly professional nature of this reunion he may be signalling that this conversation is indeed important to him.
and the fact that daniel is able to even have this vulnerable moment with louis at all, reminiscing over his lost love (whilst louis is doing something very similar with lestat) is so intriguing! obviously louis and daniel are most definitely not strangers to one another but they aren’t best friends either. they haven’t seen each other in decades and for daniel especially this has been a very abrupt reunion. whether he likes it not, daniel likely relates on some level to louis’s complex feelings towards lestat, his lover. like louis, daniel may not miss his relationship with alice in relation to the toxic dynamic they shared (slight guess here but the revelation that she initially rejected his proposal suggests to me that their relationship was a bit rocky at least) but he most definitely misses her as a person and the memory of their time together.
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finally, what closes off this scene is this… odd expression from louis. not entirely sure if i’m being too optimistic when i say that louis may be sympathising with daniel here but admittedly he does seem a little confused as well. but if this truly is meant to be a look of contempt i feel like it would’ve been more akin to louis’s more obviously disgusted reaction to the coven’s play in 2x02. instead, in this scene, i think louis simply did not expect daniel to so openly accept his offer of connection and is just stunned to hear this bristly old man reflect his own feelings so accurately. he’s finally found someone who understands his situation with lestat. someone who understands this dichotomy of longing and anguish all at the same time. obviously, their situations are not a 1:1 but this scene has always stood out to me as a parallel between daniel and louis’s previous relationships.
a key part about this whole daniel and louis form a “strange alliance” thing is that it seems to stem from the two men realising that they have a lot more in common than they initially believed. that’s why it’s “strange”: because it’s unexpected.
although in recent episodes they’re definitely at odds with each other, this scene combined with other sprinklings of subtle moments of connection suggest to me that daniel might become a genuine friend to louis. it is a strange friendship but they both want to get to the bottom of louis’s memories. no one else in dubai is able to tell louis how it really is and is able to actually push him to question the lies he’s been fed (and that he’s fed himself). intentionally or not, daniel is looking out for louis and is indirectly helping him to accept his past mistakes. maybe he sometimes pushes him too hard or says some stuff he probably shouldn’t but ultimately daniel is the catalyst for louis actually remembering the truth. without him louis would not have come as far as he as over the course of the series
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corwnvus · 13 days
Okay Patrick and Art are obviously in love and obsessed with each other but ALSO they love Tashi. She is not irrelevant to this equation—they would not even begin to entertain the thought that they might want to fuck without Tashi. She calls all the shots, she’s their match maker and their home wrecker and they NEED her in a way they both feel in their bones. It’s why they keep coming back. She is their beginning and their end, the brightest star in their universe and they orbit her.
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corwnvus · 13 days
everyone who took tashi extremely literally when she told patrick he can go crawl back to his rich parents for money any time he wants is misreading patrick's situation (tashi has resentment and derision for rich white boys, in case that wasn't clear)
you think a guy raised rich doesn't know the comforts of money? you think he's performing the cracked phone, the shit car, the people rapping on the window waking you up, labeling you undesirable? you think any human person would voluntarily choose the dehumanization of poverty?
he's the starving artist archetype. either he gives up tennis or he gives up money. he gave up money because yeah, questionable life choices, and he fucking revels in the freedom to choose them. (also he's obsessed with tennis but don't tell him that.)
but genuinely. there is a reason people will not go to their own parents when they are at the brink of bankruptcy. and I don't know how to explain this if you already don't understand, but there is always a good reason when you're avoiding parents who can give you monetary security.
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corwnvus · 16 days
Drabble prompt:
Combining two prompts of Gale’s childhood and Gale flinching from Bucky because he smells like alcohol.
Bucky is several whiskeys and several more stories into the wee hours of the morning when he noticed Gale was curled up in a chair that was wedged in the corner, fast asleep despite the party that showed no signs of slowing down. One leg was pulled up into the seat and his head and arms were pillowed against the wall and chairback in such a way as to appear the corner had been chosen especially for this purpose. Even in sleep he looked far from peaceful, and the whispered fragments Gale had once told of his childhood trickled through Bucky’s mind. 
I’m scared of the dark. Or actually, being left alone in the dark
Dad would be out all hours of the night, all nights of the week. Gambling, drinking, getting in fights. Parties till dawn.
I can sleep anywhere, through any noise, it’s a good skill to have.
Bucky’s stomach turned, guilt blooming in his chest, and set his drink down.
“I’ll see you later fellas,” he said to no one in particular, and pushed his way through the ground to Gale’s side. He crouched down and shook the boy’s shoulder.
“Hey, Buck let’s–”
Whatever he was going to say was cut off by a violent flinch from Gale, shoving himself backwards and covering his head, and Bucky’s heart sank straight to the floor. He snatched his hands back and froze, holding his breath while Gale blinked at him with wide, bleary eyes until they focused and softened in recognition. 
Bucky swallowed. “Yeah, it’s me. Ready to go?”
Gale nodded, rubbing his eyes like a toddler, and Bucky ached again. He helped Gale stand and ushered him out of the mess hall, grabbing a coffee on the way out. Even if it kept him up all night, it would help get rid of the smell of alcohol and the tense line of Gale’s shoulders as they walked back to their room, Bucky’s mind still racing.
Little Gale spent most nights being jolted out of sleep, shoved and dragged places, struck if he did something wrong or didn’t move fast enough. One time Gale was half asleep when he heard the betting grow louder, his dad running out of valuable things to wager. 
‘How ‘bout the kid?’ someone crowed. His dad laughed it off but for a second Gale had gone cold with terror. His dad had traded their car and some of their furniture before, did he really need a kid? 
Gale stumbled while stepping over the door frame, but caught himself before Bucky could help, then huffed a laugh and grinned sleepily. 
“M’tired,” he drawled, and the guilt in Buck’s stomach grew heavier. 
“We won’t stay out so late anymore,” he replied, but Gale shook his head.
“It’s alright, I know you like to party.”
“I like being with you more.” Never going to be the cause of that look again if I have anything to say, his mind screamed, but Gale only smiled up at him as he began to undress. He must have seen something in Bucky’s expression because he paused, frowning, and opened his mouth.
“I’m sorry,” Bucky rasped before he could say anything. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Gale shook his head. “Not your fault,” he said, pulling his pajama shirt over his head. “I was just startled when I woke up, smelled the alcohol, and…I don’t know. Instinct I guess.”
Bucky nodded. It made sense but didn’t do much to make him feel better. He looked down at himself, wondering if he still smelled of whisky.
“M’ gonna take a shower,” he murmured. 
Gale frowned again and moved closer, reaching out, but Bucky shook his head and took a step back. Gale’s face fell.
Gale gripped Bucky’s arm, pulling him to his chest and wrapping his arms around him, but Bucky still tried to resist. He still smelled of alcohol, and he would die before he caused Gale any more suffering. 
“It’s ok and I mean it,” Gale murmured into Bucky’s neck. “I know you’d never hurt me. It’s not you I’m afraid of, ok? You’re the one who makes me feel safe.”
Pain shot through Bucky at the confirmation that Gale was afraid of something, someone, and he could only nod, not trusting his voice. Gale pressed a kiss to his shoulder and Bucky gave in, melting into the touch and wrapping his arms tight around Gale. He didn’t deserve that trust, but by god he’d try to live up to it.
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corwnvus · 17 days
The first time it happens, he talks about it with Gale afterwards and Gale feels really embarrassed, but Bucky reassures him that it's not embarrassing at all.
Re: this post about Bucky being enamored by Gale laughing from pleasure in subspace. This drabble is right after the first time this happened. My subspace Gale fic: The Art of Letting Go
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Bucky watches Gale's eyes, but they don’t meet his. They're half-closed, with only a sliver of blue skies peeking out from under the shadow of his eyelashes. They’ve been like that since their afterglow started fading into comfortable exhaustion. He's close enough that Bucky feels the heat of his flushed face. The bow of Gale's lips is still cradling a hint of a smile. Under the blanket he draped over their waists, sweat builds slippery friction between their thighs, but he doesn’t want to untangle their legs. Gale's long fingers draw idle patterns on his bare chest.
When Bucky takes a deep breath to sigh through all the longing he feels, Gale’s eyes flicker up to his.
Bucky's smile comes to his lips like warmth follows the sunshine. "Back with me, darlin'?"
Gale gives him a fond, tired blink and hums.
It's not enough. Bucky craves Gale's voice, and the sweet reassurance that he had a good time. It's not easy to keep the reins firmly in his hand and not crash when Gale puts such immense trust in him. He wants to hear how he did. He lays a hand on Gale’s stomach, swiping back and forth with his thumb. "How are you feeling?"
Like a cat, Gale smiles and rolls his head against the pillow to press his face to Bucky’s. His hand wedges itself between Bucky arm and ribs. "Good."
Bucky's palm slides to the small of Gale’s back to drag him closer, abs to abs, chest to chest. He grins and nips Gale's cheek. "You laughed before you came."
Gale tenses up all over, but Bucky presses down with his arm to keep him from pulling his hand back to cover his face. A sound of embarrassment escapes Gale's throat. "Did I?"
"You giggled every time I got your sweet spot."
Gale wriggles his hand free and bows his head to hide his eyes behind it. His hair tickles Bucky’s nose. "Oh God."
"What?" Bucky laughs.
"It’s embarrassing."
"I lost control."
"Nah, you didn't lose it." Bucky rocks him in his arms playfully. "Just gave it to me."
He nuzzles the back of Gale's fingers. When Gale moves them to nudge him away, he captures one between his teeth. That makes Gale snicker, and he starts wrestling Bucky until he gets him on his back, Gale’s weight draped over him. He drops his forehead to Bucky's chest.
"Are you still okay with all this?"
"Hell yeah, Buck. Do you know how hot that was?"
Gale raises his head again, his face aflame, but the look in his eyes is fondly sceptical. "You say that about damn near everything I do."
A slow smirk spreads over Bucky's lips. "Doesn’t make it untrue."
Gale looks away, quiet for a long moment. "Did you... actually like that?"
Bucky wets his lips. The image of Gale's bliss flashes in his mind. The way he tightened up, the lilt of his laugh. If he keeps thinking about it, he’s going to harden again. "Yeah. Wondered what it felt like."
Gale makes a noncommittal noise and starts playing with the hair on Bucky's chest. Bucky shifts his hips. He knew he'd have to pull it out if Gale word by word. "What did it feel like?"
Gale shrugs, uncomfortable.
He still avoids Bucky's gaze until Bucky grabs his chin and tilts his head up. "It’s not embarrassing."
"Felt good." Gale says, as if he thinks he can get away with that vague answer. It amuses Bucky that they keep repeating the same tug of war in their conversations about sex and neither of them seems to learn to give in faster. He, too, continues what he always does - keeps pulling.
"Uh-huh. Good." He runs his palms down the length of Gale's back. "Don’t spoil me with compliments, Buck, or it might go to my head."
Gale gives him an amused look from under his lashes. "What if I say you did well?"
Satisfaction tingles on Bucky’s tongue, but he bites it, craving more. A smile plays around his lips. "How well?"
Gale looks away, then back at Bucky, contemplating. The moment he gives in, his ears turn red again. "Well enough that I couldn't bear it."
"So you laughed."
"So I did."
They keep smiling at each other for a beat of silence, then Bucky pushes up on his elbows, grabs the back of Gale's head and kisses him on the mouth. "I wanna do it again."
Gale's breath fans across his lips in an excited rush.
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corwnvus · 18 days
Some rosekiller au sketches
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corwnvus · 18 days
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affirmation monday with major john c. egan
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corwnvus · 19 days
Working on some rosekiller
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corwnvus · 23 days
Brotherly love.
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