coupleofdays · 17 hours
Providing gif to replenish previously robbed serotonin
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OMG i remember this with synced music on youtube ahaha. thank you for sharing this is wonderful
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coupleofdays · 1 day
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The Digi-Siege of Castle Megabyte
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coupleofdays · 3 days
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In the "real world" section of Tron Legacy, we're shown Sam riding a motorcycle really well, jumping from a tall building with a parachute, and generally being a very atheltic guy. Also, apparently in some of the extra material to the film it's stated that he practices some kind of martial arts. This could be intended to be a way to explain how he's so capable in the digital world when it comes to riding Light Cycles, fighting in the arena, jumping from tall buildings, etc. (though I admit that the movie scenes could also be intended as a visual reflection between the two worlds, similar to the "real life city skyscrapers look like the digital skyscrapers", etc.).
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I'm not sure if I'm a fan of this "explanation" of Sam's prowess in the digital world, especially in comparison to the 1982 film. In that one, I think it's implied that Kevin's abilities inside the computer aren't because of him being good at sports or bike-riding in the real world (though he is, of course, shown to be quite a physical specimen in the shirtless scene, ahem), but rather because of his programming abilities and video game skills. He knows how to drive the vehicles because "he programmed them" and/or because they have controls similar to "the arcade grips", and he's not worried when he's told that he'll be forced to play video games, because he "plays video games better than anybody".
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I think I prefer this perspective, since I don't think that being digitized by the laser means that you're just literally shrunk down and put physically inside the computer. Rather, it's your mind that's travelling the digital world, so it should be your intellectual abilities that are important, not how well-trained you are physically. Of course, it could still be said that Sam's abilities to ride bikes, do martial arts, etc. are also partially mental and not just physical. But I still wish that the film would at least have made some implication that Sam's computer skills would translate into fighting skills or other powers in the digital world, similar to how Flynn's are.
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coupleofdays · 3 days
Same energy:
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coupleofdays · 4 days
Bob the Angry Flower had a similar idea about the Borg (pardon the r slur in one panel):
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Fun new idea for a Cyberman episode
A group of them decide to convert people the slow way. Instead of showing up guns blazing and shoving people into conversion chambers to be turned into unfeeling machine-people against their will...these Cybermen target the willing.
Look at this shiny new body, freed of human frailty. We offer multiple models to suit your aesthetic taste. It may not be worth feeling nothing, but what about just feeling...less? Make the emotional inhibitors adjustable beyond just on/off, and becoming a Cyberman gets a little more tempting.
They start with the terminally ill, offering them a chance at life. A life reduced in some ways - emotionally cut off from those you used to love, a body that's increasingly foreign, but a life. You will be changed, but you will survive.
And after that, the chronically ill. Those who can't afford treatment or whose treatment just isn't enough. They don't want to be a 'burden' on their family. Maybe the homeless and/or poor next. People who don't think their prospects will improve, so desperate for a way out that they barely need convincing.
The real-world parallel here, if it's not already overwhelmingly clear, should be physician-assisted suicide. Except in this case the patient gets to live, for a given value of living. But the people advocating for it should use the same language of compassion, of dignity, that glosses over what exactly is being done.
If you really want to beat the audience over the head with a political message, have a human collaborator note how much money this process saves. All those human drains on society's resources are now able-bodied and able to contribute again. Maintenance on a Cyberman is far cheaper than medication for a human.
Show as much of the conversion process as the BBC will permit without upping the rating. This should not be an easy process. It should be nasty and brutal enough to weed out all but the genuinely willing. The Cybermen are very up-front about this because they can't afford to be accused of deception if they want to succeed. But they still come off as well-intentioned even when they're telling you they're going to either jam bits of metal in you or jam bits of you into metal.
And then at the end of it, almost every willing new Cyberman genuinely believes that their quality of life has improved. They're not happy, most can't quite get there anymore, but content.
And this is when the Doctor realizes they can't stop this threat. Blowing up a bunch of Cybermen hell-bent on ruthless conquest is one thing. But they can't just kill a bunch of them who have become ingrained into society.
And even if they could, should they? The Cybermen are taking advantage of the desperate. But if no one else will help the desperate, what right does the Doctor have to deny them the only 'help' they can get? They're still people, and they're killing or forcibly converting anyone. This is just the way they've chosen to live. The Doctor ends up having to leave them as they are. No easy kill-all-the-baddies ending this time.
The Cybermen, therefore, should not be the only source of the horror. The rest should come from a society that values its members so little that the Cybermen barely have to change to seem appealing.
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coupleofdays · 5 days
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coupleofdays · 6 days
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Another couple of background characters in Tron that I think are funny is the old man and woman visiting Flynn's Arcade, all dressed up in fancy clothes, sticking out among all the sweaty youngsters. Did they decide to have an evening at this new-fangled "video arcade" they had heard so much about, and didn't realize that it was a "casual dress" environment? Are they parents looking for their kid in the crowd? Maybe Flynn bought an old arcade with a long history, stretching back to the days of pinball, love testers, mutoscopes and other such non-electronic arcade entertainments, and this couple has visited the same spot ever since their youth, and are happy to see that their old haunt is still popular?
My craziest theory is that they're actually Alan and Lora time-travelling from the future, visiting on the day that would turn out to be so important for them.
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coupleofdays · 7 days
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I've finished my latest multi-chapter Tron fanfiction story, and I'm pretty happy with it:
It's not as action-packed as some of my previous stories, it's more about dealing with the aftermath of the big adventure, with traumatic experiences, and with how the world has changed. It's about life and death. It's about friendship and support. And, of course, it's about Ram.
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coupleofdays · 7 days
Do you think Tony still has the top hat he wore to the Fantastic Four wedding?
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of course he does
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coupleofdays · 7 days
I'm probably not the first person to think about this, but I would like to propose that in the digital Tron world, "glitch" is the equivalent to "bitch".
"Stop being such a little glitch, Sark."
"Son of a glitch!"
"Tron's going to make you his glitch, Dyson."
"We can't just sit around glitching all cycle."
"Move, glitch, get out the way."
"Oh, Tron and Ram are a couple of bad glitches."
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coupleofdays · 7 days
I'm picturing an alternative universe where Clu won and got his army into the Real World, and the Butlerian Jihad was the humans fighting back against him.
Oh, and then all the Tron characters could be mentats! Military mentat Tron, twisted mentat Sark, etc.
if you’ve seen Dune you need hear me out on a Dune x Tron AU
i’ve only seen the first of the recent movies but i’m listening 👂
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coupleofdays · 8 days
I recently read a Swedish news article about possible shifting trends regarding Swedish gender-neutral pronouns, and realized that those pronouns might sound a little... interesting in English.
To start with: The Swedish word of "he" is "han", and "she" is "hon". This lead to the creation of the gender-neutral equivalent "hen", which has seen wide usage, especially in the Swedish LGBTQ community, over the past decade or so. I generally consider it the Swedish equivalent to "they", when that word is used to refer to a single person.
The news article I read noted that this seems to be changing, however. You see, the direct Swedish translation for "they" when it refers to a group of multiple people is "dom" (or "dem" or "de", but that's a whole other linguistic-debate-can-of-worms), and apparently people are now using this as a gender-neutral pronoun for single persons as well, possibly inspired by the English usage of "they" for the same purpose.
So, what I'm getting at is: If you're a they/them visiting Sweden, I'm afraid that you'll have to be either a hen or a dom. Sorry, I don't make the rules.
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coupleofdays · 11 days
I would argue that Tron goes beyond Star Wars on both the "aesthetically science fiction" and "narratively fantasy" axis.
ok so hear me out
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coupleofdays · 11 days
Big Trouble in Little ENCOM
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“I'm a reasonable guy. But, I've just experienced some very unreasonable things.”
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“Like I told my last wife, I says, Honey, I never drive faster than I can see. Besides that, it's all in the reflexes."
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“Now this really pisses me off to no end!”
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“Well, ya see, I'm not saying that I've been everywhere and I've done everything, but I do know it's a pretty amazing planet we live on here, and a man would have to be some kind of FOOL to think we're alone in THIS universe.”
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“Feel pretty good. I'm not, uh, I'm not scared at all. I just feel kind of... feel kind of invincible.”
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“We really shook the pillars of heaven, didn't we?”
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“What was that?” “6.9 on the Richter scale!”
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“This is gonna take crackerjack timing.”
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“Son of a bitch must pay.”
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“Sorry, I'm just thrilled to be alive.”
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coupleofdays · 12 days
That company name immediately made me think of this classic:
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There's a moving company around here called "Two Men And A Truck" and idk if they will only hire men, or if there are literally only two people working this business and they happen to be guys
If the latter, I wonder what happens if one of them ever gets replaced by someone not a man
...the two of them both transition, and they change the name with just spaces:
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coupleofdays · 12 days
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I just realized something that might be an unintentional pun in the first Tron movie. At several points Sark refers to the Programs on the Game Grid as "conscripts". The word "script" apparently has a few different meanings when it comes to computers, but one definition I found says that it can mean "a program or sequence of instructions that is interpreted or carried out by another program rather than by the computer processor (as a compiled program is)."
This could mean that Sark calling Programs "(con)scripts" indicates that he views them as soldiers or slaves, that they should be following his orders. They should be part of the Master Control Program rather than run independently.
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coupleofdays · 12 days
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So I just stumbled upon a whole Wiki dedicated to creating programs for playing chess. One of the old programs, from the 1970s, described on the site is called simply "Master", or "The Master Chess Program". They even have a picture of it being used:
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Apparently "Master" in this case is an abbreviation of "Minimax algorithm Tester".
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