cryoncompanytime · 8 days
Insane things are happening on Trigun Twitter today
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cryoncompanytime · 9 days
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Guys it's guys look it's guys look guys it's
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cryoncompanytime · 10 days
The reason so many people ship Knives and Vash is because Knives embodies the majority of these aspects.* Knives has an undeniably creepy obsession with Vash and this is stated outright with his goal to make the garden of Eden, leaving only himself and Vash alive, a reenactment of Adam and Eve (98 anime).
[More on this under the cut, SPOILERS]
Note: the goal of these aspects was NOT to lead viewers to ship them — viewers did that on their own. That's not what this conversation is about, anyway; this isn't a ship war, but I fully believe that Knives and Vash were NEVER supposed to have a healthy, happy Canon relationship. And there are a LOT of reasons why not, but instead of getting into the differences in how they processed their trauma, we should focus on what they represent.
Trigun is a huge mishmash of Biblical references, so the twins each represent a myriad of concepts and characters, but here are a few:
Vash: Jesus Christ (forgiveness), a Fallen Angel (visual), Eve (for his "betrayal" and "giving into temptation")
Knives: Lucifer (starting a bloody revolution to protect the Angels from their ruler), Old Testament God (punishing sinners with execution), Adam (the "better" of the two chosen ones)
Vash and Knives are two halves of a whole — they complete each other by being opposites, mirrors. Despite this, or maybe because of this, they'll never be able to maintain a healthy relationship, familial or otherwise.
*Aspects Knives embodies:
Intimate stabbing — literally cut Vashs arm off to save him from his gate
Obsession — follows him across the planet and cannot leave him alone for a SECOND
"No one knows me like you do" — being the only Independants alive, only they will really understand each other
Lifelong promises — his dying words were "a paradise for us". (You might argue that in Stampede he was referring to all plants, but in 98/max he was ONLY referring to him and Vash)
Final Words: Whether Knives wants to fuck his brother is highly debatable, but his creepy obsession and control issues are undeniable.
the five homoerotic love languages:
- intimate stabbing
- outright obsession
- confused pining
- "no one knows me like you do"
- lifelong promises that always sound suspiciously like wedding vows
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cryoncompanytime · 10 days
I really appreciate this analysis
I NEED to rant about the trigun stampede designs in comparison with trigun 1998 because like… they had so much potential and the show threw it out the window or something.
(Edit: i haven’t read the manga so the mole thing doesn’t stand much but, again, this is only compared to ‘98 so plss dont attack me guys i swear i liked stampede)
rant, spoilers (?) + photo evidence under the cut
Tbh Knives/Vash bother me most, esp during their childhood. In tri98, they look almost identical at first, with only difference their hair color (Vash’s is more of a saturated blonde while Knives’ is closer bleach-blonde), and the mole under Vash’s left eye. Later on Vash get his hair cut and styled in spikes by Rem, while Knives takes liberty and cuts his own hair military-style. That’s about when they start to have individuality. This individuality reflects on their actions, with Vash trying to free a butterfly from a spiderweb, and Knives just killing the spider, thinking it's the most rational solution.
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In tristamp, they lack any kind of individuality, with the twins having mirrored haircuts and Knives a mole under his right eye, which really really doesn’t make sense to me; I thought the mole was supposed to represent the flawed, more human nature of Vash (just like his scars), and the absence of it on Knives’ face to be a reminder that he is, for that reason, better, almost perfect and, most definitely, not human. (Edit: guys I’ve been informed it exists in the manga but I’d still like it if it didn’t)
With that they lose every kind of individuality, and it doesn't make sense for them to look so different while they're adults however having similar hairstyles despite not seeing each other for years.
(not even going to mention the fact that they made him dead pale in stampede and instead of increasing his melanin and making his hair lighter they lightened both skin and hair color but it's not relevant to this kind of analysis and just a stylistic choice i guess)
As adults in tri98 they keep their hairstyles and Knives keeps a more military-looking outfit, which looks a whole lot like the SEEDS outfit they wore when abandoning the ship, while Vash has this super over-the-top outfit with the red coat and all. Tristamp keeps the idea of Knives wearing a similar outfit and Vash going crazy with his fit, but by doing so they made both of them look insanely different and inhuman, Vash looking too clean, with technical, expensive-looking, new clothing, and Knives just straight up looking strange. Nothing about his outfit even suggests human.
For Knives I don't think the point is to look human, so it doesn't matter, but Vash is too odd-looking to be considered one of the humans, while his goal is just this; to look super cool but still human enough. In tri98 this communicates well, but not in tristamp.
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(i couldn't find a pic of knives as a kid w the uniform but its the same as vash's)
Also, they're built so differently... Vash looks like a 17 year old kid and Knives looks over 25, their bodies should look the same (they're Plants after all) but with Knives being stronger in terms of power and skill, not having abs.
Basically the main problem is that the designs rely a lot on the aesthetics but not the practicality/lore-accuracy of them. I know tristamp is not meant to follow the original plot line, it just makes me a little insane how little the relationships between the characters were incorporated into these designs.
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cryoncompanytime · 11 days
Help how do I tag the person in charge of Stampede so they can add these elements into the backstory
Weird-Ass Trigun Dreams
I have them, yes. So, this morning, I woke up from dreams I was having about finding an entire alternate Trigun manga in a bookstore. The strangest thing about it was that it wasn't created by Nightow, it was more like an official fanwork created by some other mangaka and ran parallel to the Trigun Maximum timeline as an alternate universe. I distinctly remember pages involving Vash drawn as an anthropomorphic cat. - So, something like a Trigun / Lackadaisy crossover? It was somewhat in that style. Vash was a very fluffy tabby-type, by the way... a floofy orange cat, but the image was in black and white, I just could tell the type of cat he was supposed to be. And then I had another dream about Vash and Knives in modern times and they were getting into some kind of trouble in a suburb tearing ass in a minivan down a street with Vash on top of it with a baseball bat trying to evade cops or something. And then there is another dream that I recall that happened at some other time involving an entire alternate anime and manga that had continued somehow - in my dream, Nightow had revived the manga at some point after its official ending and I had been OUT OF THE LOOP on fandom for so long that I had years of backlore that I'd MISSED! Gasp! And there was all this funky Plant-lore (although I can't remember exactly what it was, something about origins, I think) and stuff about Vash's early life, wandering days. I picked up a tape? DVD? of this new anime predating Stampede and done in the old Trigun style and the first episode featured Vash saving a town and getting hurt and being cared for by a lady and feeling guilty and depressed about things he couldn't talk about and that she pried about, and it was very sad as he had to leave town after taking care of the bandits that were threatening it and couldn't stay lest he put the town and the friend he'd made in danger. There was a real feeling of he'd finally made a close friend, but couldn't risk it. And in the alternate manga, there was an entire arc about the SEEDS upbringing in which Vash and Knives, prior to learning about Tesla, learned what Plants really were and their origins and Knives was afraid because of how humans use Plants, so he hijacked a shuttle and went to a different planet (than the one we see) and it was kind of gaseous, like there was a surface to stand on, but everything was gassy and Rem and Vash had to go get him back and deal with some reconciliation regarding the Plant and Human relationship. I think this stuff also had some Plant-lore, too, like some alien origins of Plants, but I am not certain. I just remember there being an uneasy feeling to this whole arc. I seem to recall some pretty cool spacesuits and helmets involved, though. And then @somereaderinblue reminded me of one I'd shared with them that I'd forgotten about that I now remember: I dreamed that there was a Trigun anime - a new one, that was different from Stampede that was set on a world that became like Earth. Independent Plants were born later. The Plant kids were still Plants. Rem had managed to save Tesla and was raising her along with the boys. They'd made planet-landing and terraforming and city-building was underway. A better planet, a better future. About when the kids were 12-14, Tesla was called away by Conrad to do a few tests - which she thought were going to be just blood tests and stuff. The season of the show ended with her being shown to a suite she'd be staying in for a couple of days and a door sealing behind her. She realizes that it has been sealed and she can't get out. She says "Dr. Conrad? Dr. Conrad?!" We all knew what was coming. End of Season 1.
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cryoncompanytime · 11 days
in a perfect world what character would you own a life size cardboard cutout of. you get one and I want you to answer in the tags with your heart. if you asked me right now I would say columbo
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cryoncompanytime · 11 days
I need him in my life
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✨ Muscle tee Vash✨
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cryoncompanytime · 13 days
Reblog the writers’ fortune cookie for luck!
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cryoncompanytime · 13 days
Just remembered that the fist bump kiss happens on Vash's birthday
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cryoncompanytime · 14 days
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Frame redraw 🖤
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cryoncompanytime · 14 days
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If someone's gotta do bond girl who else would do better than Woowoo
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cryoncompanytime · 14 days
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cryoncompanytime · 15 days
Just saw somebody say "I'm partial to the petal pussy" this Fandom is wild
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cryoncompanytime · 16 days
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(He's talking about Vash)
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cryoncompanytime · 16 days
I could see him in floral pattern Hawaiian shirts, but it wouldnt be the only thing in his wardrobe iykwim. He'd make sure to support sustainable clothing companies. You would NEVER catch him wearing stuff from fast fashion outlets or with plastic-based fibers.
He'd probably wear natural scents with a "kick" to them, like rosemary, fir, pine, etc.
As a non-human, I don't think he would smell like a plant. I headcanon that he smells like nothing at all and has no BO.
A few questions for the Trigun fandom (any iteration):
If Vash from Trigun was in a modern AU or human do you think he'd wear floral patterns and stuff with plants and wings on it? Like more natural clothes, and even more sustainable for the planet?
If human, would he wear floral/natural scents? Like cedarwood, rosemary, flowers, etc.
And if not a human in the AU do you think he smells like an actual plant?
My head cannons currently are:
Chronic Pain - Nerve pain due to the scarring and phantom limb pain
Enjoys floral/natural scents and patterns
Trans masc but identities with the plant xenogender
Says his gender is like a biblically accurate angel
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk!
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cryoncompanytime · 17 days
This is deeply upsetting thank you
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*hands you vash baby*
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cryoncompanytime · 17 days
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Drew this during dinner
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