deerspherestudios · 2 hours
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deerspherestudios · 3 hours
Hello! 😊 I wanted to add onto the what-if mind reader scenario and further ask about what kind of person would this kind of Michael be able to end up wanting as a partner and what would enable him to trust them. I find this version of him really intriguing and I have a few ideas of my own of what he could want: Someone who is incredibly honest, and finds it difficult to lie - overall an open book. It would possibly allow him to gradually ease up and trust them as they are always easy to read, and he can finally not always heavily rely on reading someone's thoughts for once when he is around them allowing him to further relax. Someone very sincere and genuine especially in their empathy and has a lot of it. Considering all of the bad thoughts and intentions he has heard, he is probably going to need to hear a lot of kind and genuine words to be able to believe them to be true; even if they are already there in that person's thoughts. Being kind, gentle and slow as well as predictable, in general movements and also getting closer to him. I would imagine that he has had to face a lot of aggression as he wouldn't have the ability to force things to be peaceful like in the original version and has a great deal of paranoia. So, he would be less on edge and find comfort in a pattern of actions as well as being slow allows him more time to react and feel overall safer - he also has more layers to protect himself so it would be ideal with someone who would be able to take things slow to allow him to open up on his own time. Someone who is an optimist and has a very stubbornly nurturing, motherly/fatherly kind of personality as well as some naivety and clumsiness. I think his desire to be alone comes from the pessimism that formed from his experiences overall so I think it would probably help him heal and give him hope to have an optimistic way of viewing life - or at the very least be able to find a way to see things in a better light even if he wouldn't agree with the perspective. I also think having them being stubbornly nurturing as a core part of their personality would probably be somewhat necessary for this version to have a story between the two, where the person would be stubborn in getting to help him out and also him feeling reassured that this person is safe and not violent, as that would be a core part of their personality. Additionally, having some naivety with optimism would allow for an interesting clash of personalities between the two; and at the same time when he opens up more them being more clumsy and naive would also encourage him to want them around more to help them out and protect them like they helped him.
I hope I was able to provide some interesting ideas that you could enjoy! 😊 and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day 😌✨✨
For context! That's honestly a pretty good analysis of his character and on the kind of person he'd fall for! Honesty is policy and it's not just on the outside; you have to mean it with your whole being when you say that you don't find him disgusting.
Not a single doubt, not a single hesitance. Perhaps some trace of delusion but he'll take any niceties he can get. Thank you so much for the ideas!!!
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Baby boy
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Hi! I have two questions
1, I was wondering how mychael would react to an MC with very few/ a lot of tattoos. Would he ask about what they are? Has he seen other humans with them before?
2, what about an MC with facial piercings, with very few/ a lot of them, and basically the same two questions as before, would he ask about them, and has he seen other humans with them before?
I've answered MC with tattoos and facial piercings before here! I'll just copypaste what I wrote:
3. How does Mychael feel about piercings and tattoos? Does he know about it? If so, would he like a piercing/tattoo?
"He knows about it, but not enough to really understand how it works! He finds it fascinating humans decorate their bodies with shiny beads and jewels, and turn their skin into tapestries for art. He’d probably assume you can take them off any time and that the tattoos are drawn onto the skin.
I don’t imagine he’d want a piercing, but he’d probably try a tattoo! (Until he realizes it’s ink going under the skin, in which case he might change his mind haha)"
If MC had them, he'd definitely be curious enough to ask about them!
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deerspherestudios · 2 days
✣ shattered✣
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deerspherestudios · 2 days
If MC taught mychael about math, chemistry, physics, and biology would he be good at it?
He is NOT an academic unfortunately hahaha! He's better with his hands than his head. When it comes to math he understands basic calculations at the very least in order to use tools and measurements, but he depends heavily on trial and error and starting over. He's not magic or a genius, just very very very determined and learns from his mistakes.
Chemistry, physics and biology? You can try and teach him but don't expect him to remember any of it. All he has in his head are recipes (cooking, crafting, etc) 💔
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deerspherestudios · 3 days
HOLAA, bueno, está es mi primera publicación en la aplicación y capaz la última jsjsj, ya que no soy mucho de subir cosas pero x, capaz y suba algunas cositas de vez en cuando solamente por aburrimiento.
Ya con esa innecesaria introducción toda pedorra les muestro un dibujito de Mychael del au dónde lee mentes, perdón si no tiene la mejor calidad y eso.
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P.D. Me acabo de dar cuenta que se me olvidó ponerle sus orejitas jsjsj, pero ya ni modo. De todos modos si es que lo paso a digital lo voy a corregir 👍
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deerspherestudios · 3 days
now here's the thing. if mychael had mind reading powers, would he still help the mc? and if yes, what would he do when they woke up and weren't afraid?
For context! See, if we follow the original events of the game, I don't think MR!Mychael would save the MC after they fall victim to the mushrooms. He might feel bad, but he's been burnt too many times to take that risk. He'd gladly let you keep sleeping.
For you to meet MR!Mychael would have to be under completely different circumstances.
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deerspherestudios · 4 days
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Are you guys just gonna ignore the new mind-reading Mychael idea cuz I SCRAMBLED for my stylus after seeing him
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deerspherestudios · 4 days
so about mind reader mycheal (if we get to ask more about him that is) how would he react to an mc who doesn't think something rude when they first see him but rather they are fascinated or find him cute?
For context! Funnily enough I think MR!Mychael would be even more suspicious of you than anyone else he's met hahaha. He'd think he misread your thoughts like being on the wrong radio station or something.
What ends up happening is he pays even closer attention to your thoughts and when it happens again he's just ???? the entire time. Cue feedback loop of him digging around your brain saying all these nice things about him and that's probably where the attachment begins.
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deerspherestudios · 5 days
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I have to stop thinking about him.... I should be doing homework....
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deerspherestudios · 5 days
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deerspherestudios · 6 days
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Want to make a fanart of him
Character : Mychael Game : Mushroom Oasis (Demo) (Itch.io) From : @deerspherestudios
Base Used Base from : mellon_soup (patreon / insta)
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deerspherestudios · 6 days
Im sorry if this has been asked before. Do people have to look mychael in the eyes to be affected by his powers? Or just him looking at them affects them anyway? Like, if we close our eyes, would we be controlled anyway?
I've answered how his powers work in terms of eye contact here! As an addition, blind people can still be influenced, depending on the circumstance.
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deerspherestudios · 7 days
Practice :DD myc sprites in my style💖
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deerspherestudios · 7 days
As someone who loves to build characters and their personality and stuff, this has been itching my brain a bit. Whenever you get asks or asks that are unique, does it help you build Mycheals character more or do you alrdy have it set in stone? Like whenever you answer questions, does it give you a chance to build mycheals character more? SORRY IF ITS CONFUSING IDK HOW TO PUT IT IN A SIMPLER WAY FEJBFHJRBG
Oh, it definitely helps build his character more!
I'm genuinely not super experienced writing characters, but when I get interesting asks I try my best to be as accurate to Mychael's as possible (kinda like stepping out of my own perspective and thinking about what he and only he would do.) Honestly I wouldn't be thinking so much about him and shifting and changing the script in small increments as I go if it weren't for the questions!
Which is why unique questions/scenarios help! Reaction asks that fall under general situations I don't do often because some of them he'd basically react like any character would and it's not super entertaining to read/find out about.
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deerspherestudios · 8 days
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I don't have an obsession. What obsession? WHO'S MYCHAEL??
(Bonus art)
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