#cheea chatter
deerspherestudios · 4 months
Mushroom Oasis is now one year old! 🎉
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And belated Happy Birthday to the skrunkly himself, Mychael! 🎂
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His birthday was on the 15th this month, but I didn't have the time to draw something for it so I'm posting these two celebrations in one go! Clean version without the shadows + dev rambles under the cut:
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I'd just like to say thank you thank you thank you!! as always to the community of this small silly game I'm making. I genuinely didn't think it would grow the amount it did. Like, it blows my mind to even consider it having a fandom?? ;;v;; It feels like it grew so much in one year and for that I'm eternally grateful <3!!
All of the fanart, fanfics, messages and questions and comments, and even donations!!? just blows me away every single time. Seriously, I wouldn't enjoy making the game as much as I do if not for you all giving me encouragement along the way and being excited for the game ;v;
((I feel like I oughta give a personal thank you to donators as well, you have no idea how much it's helped support me throughout the months during my studies. Thank you <3 Even a dollar means a lot!))
I won't ramble too much but for those who's reading here's an update for the game! Day 3 script is already done, but of course I'll be refining it some more over the course of coding it into Ren'py. I can't wait for March to begin as I'll have much more spare time to manage the blog and continue development on the game! In between irl matters of course, haha!
Anyways, that's all for now. Take care, fireflies! ❤️🍄
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deerspherestudios · 2 months
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Hi hi hello! Sorry for lack of posts and updates recently, been dealing with a lot of stuff irl; but it's my bday today (8th April) so thought I'd make a quick doodle to celebrate! <3
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deerspherestudios · 13 days
Not a question, just wanted to say that I love how you got everyone to think Mychael was a yandere in the first day of the game, now that the second day is out people are still confused as to whether he's a yandere or not- including me 😭
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I mention it literally everywhere I can!! 😭 You're not the only one that asked me this hahaha!
I think I understand the confusion, since Mychael hasn't shown any serious yandere traits despite the claim that he is. I mean, if a yandere is content, of course they're not gonna show off their crazy so early. Plus it takes a lot for someone that's never fallen in love to really dig into the feeling and become obsessive/possessive about it.
I noticed a lot of yan VNs (at the time I started making MO) had the yans already in love with the MC. We never get to see what it is that makes them love so hard in the first place. That's what I wanted to explore with Mychael! I didn't want him to just be a yandere. That's why the VN is a slow burn first and foremost, he's slowly figuring it out!
Bonus: Here's a comic I did last year about the dynamic I had in mind.
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deerspherestudios · 1 month
General Updates! 🎮
Hello hello, fireflies! After a week, poll results have decided I'll open my inbox permanently (oh boy) and will add more sprite variety for Day 3!
I'll keep things short, so some quick things:
First and foremost, unfortunately I have to postpone the Spanish translation for the game. It was too big a scope for me to manage being so new to game development. I'm sorry to those looking forward to it, but I promise I'll come back to it in the future when I'm much more prepared!
My Patreon will resume charging after the temporary pause, so heads up to those who became (or would like to become) a patron! I'm planning to change some tier rewards for Fawn, so members can get more content instead of just early access. Deer also has 2 more slots available! Please note I'll be posting on my Patreon on a minimum twice a month, so keep that in mind before you decide if it's worth it! I'll update more as progress continues, but if I haven't been able to, two updates is the best I can provide on a monthly basis.
I'll be reducing daily blog posts to 2 instead of 4. This way the blog is more likely to remain active as I queue posts and have an easier time managing it. Which helps since the inbox will always be open!
I'm halfway done listing assets for Day 3, so expect a progression post soon! I've been chipping away at it since there's a sizeable range of expressions, so it's taking a while.
It's funny that I somehow got busier after college, but between my wedding coming up next month and starting a part-time job today on top of daily things, I really have to find time to focus on Mushroom Oasis now ;v; I can only assure this project is still being worked on! <3 Thank you for your support and patience!
Thanks for reading! 🍄❤️
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deerspherestudios · 3 months
Quick Update!
Nearly done with university, will be updating regularly once I've taken a break and managed a few things irl. Take care, fireflies!
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deerspherestudios · 3 months
March Plans and Progress! 🌸
Hello fireflies!! After a few weeks of hiatus, I can officially say I'm properly in the mindset to focus on Mushroom Oasis again! For the sake of brevity, here's a quick rundown of things to come:
Re-start queue of fanarts and questions as I usually do. Posts will resume sometime this week as I get things together again! ⌛
Re-opening the askbox for a week for the occasion, so send questions in while you still can! ✉️ Please read these before sending an ask! [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]!
Answering DMs I've been missing, sorry to those who have sent me messages and have yet to get a response! 💔
Possibility of a Spanish translation, this will have a separate post in the future so keep an eye out for that! 📝
Possibility of a Patreon, so if you'd like to support me, that would be the best way to do so other than donations from my itch.io page! This will also be a separate post in the future! 🫶
Possibility of merch designs? This one's low priority in comparison but if things work out I'm definitely looking into it for the future! 🎁
As for game progress, I'm gonna start coding in Day 3 into Ren'Py and hopefully get it ready for a bare-bones beta test soon. It'll be only text but hopefully be enough to deliver the story as I refine the script further before starting to code in the images and sound effects.
I wanna keep things short and sweet, but hopefully it's enough to keep everyone updated! Take care, fireflies! ❤️🍄
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deerspherestudios · 5 months
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Hello fireflies!
I've been debating this for a while now, and after some helpful discussion with trusted members from the community, I've decided to make it official. As of today, Mushroom Oasis now has an official age rating of 16+ due to the content warnings listed (and not listed) above.
To clarify:
I hope everyone can respect my decision on this matter, thank you.
Longer explanation for the age rating change under the cut:
Edit: Since some have been asking, the age rating is a precaution more than anything else. I just can't guarantee players younger than 16 can consume these kinds of content responsibly. And with the growing popularity, I feel like a proper rating is better than a list of trigger warnings.
So to ease my mind that I'm not exposing young kids to themes commonly found in yandere media (such as stalking/manipulation/violence/drugging/etc) 16+ is a safeguard for that. I'm just looking out for myself and others as MO continues to develop.
I don't wanna bend my own rules by saying "if you think you can responsibly play Mushroom Oasis, you're fine." That is up to your discretion. Just stay safe out there.
Take care, fireflies! ❤️🍄
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deerspherestudios · 10 months
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Here's the MC design!! Both with hair and another without! I had so much fun, especially drawing the canon and non-canon events ::-)
Of course, it goes without saying feel free to imagine how the MC looks in your own way! <3 I just wanted something consistent instead of a blank anon or disembodied arms.
Mychael's Reference
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deerspherestudios · 4 months
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Hello fireflies! 
I'm happy to announce that Mushroom Oasis now has an official Russian translation for Day 1 and Day 2! You can check it out on the game page here! Thank you so much to the zombites-team for reaching out and volunteering to translate the game!
Note: You'll need to change the language to Russian in Preferences!
In other news, I'm basically one bad ending away from finishing the Day 3 script! I'll be refining and adjusting it from now on of course, but soon I'll be able to code and start on the assets at my own pace. I think I'll continue my hiatus until early March, as I'm two weeks away from my final year presentation. So until then <3
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deerspherestudios · 23 days
Don't worry Chea! Take the time you need, fireflies will be waiting the time necessary 😊🙌💖 remember always take a time to have a break and congratulations for your weeding! 🎉💍
Thank you so much!! Honestly working on the game has been up and down, but every time I start doubting myself people send me reassurances and support I can never fully thank everyone for! I wanna make every update the best it can be, that's my promise!
As for the wedding, definitely anxious about it, but also excited!!
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deerspherestudios · 5 months
I don't know how to start, so first of all, I wanted to say how much I love Mushroom Oasis! Thank you so much for making this vn, I'm waiting patiently for new updates! (Btw I've also played Lift Your Spirits and even though it's shorter than Mushroom Oasis it's one of my favourite vns too! I really like the atmosphere in both of them <3)
Now to the questions! What is Mychael's attitude to schools and kindergardens? Would he like to visit at least one of those?
And if he was studying in a school, what would his favourite subject be? Least favourite subject? Would he be a quiet kid? And would he have many friends?
I am also curious if people can ask questions and send art/fics about Lift Your Spirits here? I haven't seen much of it sadly.
I deeply apologise if some of these questions have been asked already or I haven't seen something important! Have a great day! <33
It's hard to say what he thinks of kindergartens/schools since he's never been to one. Assuming it's an AU where he's human he'd be an entirely a different person anyway so I can't answer it. 🤷 Same goes for the other questions, it's not really a Mychael thing to ask, sorry ;;v;;!
But I am very happy to answer that; yes, you can totally ask Lift Your Spirit questions!! In fact please do, Alma (they/them) needs more love haha!
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deerspherestudios · 5 months
With Mushroom Oasis gaining traction lately, I should remind once again that while there is NO explicit content that warrants an 18+ rating within the game, it does contain darker themes since the game itself has yandere content (a trope that is often - if not always - associated with a lot of topics that are inappropriate for a younger audience).
I've mentioned before the rating is around 13+ but if the growing audience starts to cause issues I'm considering bumping it to 16+ just to be safe.
If you are below 13, you are not welcome here. Even then, if you are 13, it's a thin line. I can only hope you understand the nuances and to consume media responsibly and separate fiction from reality.
To keep things brief and end on a positive note, I'm genuinely happy that so far, everyone has been civil and respectful!! So please, keep it that way.❤️❤️❤️
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deerspherestudios · 8 months
Sprite Time!
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Sprite work is underway! I'm re-doing sprites for Day 1 since I've gotten used to drawing Mychael the way I imagined him to look. His sprites were so scrunkly back when I was rushing for the game jam haha! His sprites didn't match the vibe of his CGs at all, which bothered me a lot.
That said, I'll probably continue on to make Day 2 sprites once I've got my groove going. (Yes, there's a large number for Day 2 but keep in mind it's minor facial changes to the sprite!)
CG work will have to be put on hold as I finish the sprites but with the way things are going I might be able to finish Progress 3 and 4 relatively close to each other? We'll see!
For now, there's a sneak peek of the first CG you'll encounter in Day 2 (spoilers) under the cut! And a direct comparison of an old sprite from Day 1 with a new one!
There's still some coding to do, such as a gender option for MC's cat, but I'll worry about those later once I've got all the visual assets ready!!
Thanks for reading! 🍄❤️
Finished CG
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Old Sprite vs New Sprite
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deerspherestudios · 5 months
New Discord Server!
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Hi fireflies! As of 13th January 2024, the Discord server has been moved to a new one. The old one is still up for archiving purposes, but for new and old players this is the place to go if you'd like to meet other players for Mushroom Oasis discussion, chats and general tomfoolery (so much tomfoolery,,,)
You can join it via the link here!
Disclaimer: Despite being the official Discord, I didn't personally make it! Big big BIG thank you to Ajax and Toast​ for making and managing the new server!
They've been working hard on it for a while now and I'm so happy to see it up and running thanks to their efforts! ❤️🍄
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deerspherestudios · 7 days
As someone who loves to build characters and their personality and stuff, this has been itching my brain a bit. Whenever you get asks or asks that are unique, does it help you build Mycheals character more or do you alrdy have it set in stone? Like whenever you answer questions, does it give you a chance to build mycheals character more? SORRY IF ITS CONFUSING IDK HOW TO PUT IT IN A SIMPLER WAY FEJBFHJRBG
Oh, it definitely helps build his character more!
I'm genuinely not super experienced writing characters, but when I get interesting asks I try my best to be as accurate to Mychael's as possible (kinda like stepping out of my own perspective and thinking about what he and only he would do.) Honestly I wouldn't be thinking so much about him and shifting and changing the script in small increments as I go if it weren't for the questions!
Which is why unique questions/scenarios help! Reaction asks that fall under general situations I don't do often because some of them he'd basically react like any character would and it's not super entertaining to read/find out about.
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deerspherestudios · 3 months
DeersphereStudios Patreon is up! 🎉
Hello fireflies! ❤️
As mentioned in an earlier post this month, I'm finally making a Patreon page so people can support me as I continue development on Mushroom Oasis.
Since I actively post on Tumblr, I really had to come up with something unique for the page to make it worth people's donations, so if you think you'd like to support me and see the extra content, consider becoming a patreon!
Since I'm done with college, I can spend more time working on the game; so having the extra income would be incredibly helpful and motivating for me! I'm very new to this so let me know what else people are interested to see that's exclusive to the Patreon!
You can check it out below:
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