delusionalthinkingatbest ยท 2 minutes
Harvey/Mike ๐Ÿ—ž๏ธ Unrequited Love
Soโ€ฆfor my people who watch suits Louis definitely wanted to fuck Harvey right? Iโ€™m talking like season 2 era during the flash back when Louis and Harvey were younger. He seemed like he had such an affinity for Harvey and thought that the man practically walked on clouds.
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But from the mail room to the offices years later nothing ever happens. Harvey and Louis lose their playful nature and turn into bitter rivals of the firm until eventually Harvey seems like he's worlds apart with no way to repair the bridge in the middle of them.
Then Mike comes along..
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And it's like they clicked perfectly. They finished each other's sentences, quoted movies together, and worked better than Harvey and Louis ever had. And then Louis saw the signs: The hands brushing together, Harveys hand on Mike's lower back, the lunch breaks they started spending with each other.
It made Louis nauseous to see them together and over the next 2 months he takes Mike for ridiculous tasks every 2 minutes and puts up a barrier everywhere that Harvey tries to work. He can tell that both men are getting irritated and tired of his attitude and Louis finds that he starts to get some sick pleasure out of it.
Until one night at the firm when mostly everyone had gone home Louis began to stalk the corners hoping to do give Mike enough work to keep him at the office overnight. Until he sees both of them in Harvey's office.
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They were just talking softly to each other with their hands laid on top of each other. From a distance away they really did look like an old married couple sitting down to talk through their day. But after 2 minutes they both stood up and while Harvey went to walk back to his desk Mike pulled him into a kiss then a hug which they both kept for a few minutes.
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And all of a sudden it hit Louis that he could never be that for Harvey. Even if there was a chance when they were younger it was over now. Not with everything they've done to each other. Harvey could never let his guard down around Louis the way he did Mike. Harvey picked who he wanted and there was nothing that Louis could do. It was done and this was Harvey choice, Louis had to respect that choice.
+2 Years later Mike and Harvey announced their marriage to the office. (They had shot gunned and eloped which was their style 100%) And instead of joining in the congratulation's Louis went to go back and sat in his office. It was just easier this way.
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delusionalthinkingatbest ยท 11 hours
โœจ๐Ÿง Delusionalthinkingatbest๐Ÿง โœจ
24 yrs | she/her | Multifandom
I do episode analysis, fic/prompt ideas, occasionally try my best to be funny and collect ships like trading cards.
Shows Iโ€™m currently into: Ted Lasso, Interview with a vampire, Suits, Versailles, Queer as folk, and 911/lonestar.
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delusionalthinkingatbest ยท 13 hours
โ€œSo what are you companions now?โ€
โ€œYesโ€. โ€œNo.โ€
I was dying๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ญ LOUISSSSSSSSS. Lestat would be so proud, he ate with that one I fear.
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If someone tells you that interview with a vampire is not a comedy sometimes they are LYING TO YOU.
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RoyJamie โšฝ๏ธ Consent
I think about Jamieโ€™s trauma with his dad on his first trip to Amsterdam and the player auction in the first few episodes of Ted Lasso and I bet Jamie has gotten use to people feeling like his body is public property.
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Like heโ€™s an famous athlete of course people are going to hug and kiss him without asking first it comes with the job you know?
But when Jamie and Roy start dating, Jamie starts to notice that Roy gets mad when people come up and snap a photo without his consent or touch him when heโ€™s completely off guard.
โ€œItโ€™s okay really Roy itโ€™s a part of the business, you know?โ€
โ€œNo itโ€™s not f*cking okay people need to learn how to act like decent f*cking human beings and stop touching you without asking first. If you donโ€™t want them touching you, you f*cking tell them even if the person is me.โ€
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Jamie really starts to think about what Roy said and now that he looks back at their relationship thereโ€™s never been a time when Roy touched or kissed him without asking first.
Even when they first kissed in Amsterdam after their bike ride together Roy had asked because he didnโ€™t see Jamie as being his or the team. He had saw Jamie for him.
After that talk the next day Jamie is out for a run and runs into a afc fan and like usual they reach out for a hug and Jamie pulls back and waves but denies the hug right now before he keeps jogging. And he feels proud of himself for making the first step.๐Ÿ’–
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delusionalthinkingatbest ยท 2 days
I thinkโ€ฆ.I miss my wife๐Ÿ˜”
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I love my wife, heโ€™s never done anything wrong ever never ever, heโ€™s the light of my life and the air under my wings๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ- definitely not Lestatโ€™s secret tumblr account
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delusionalthinkingatbest ยท 2 days
Popular and Unpopular Opinions for 911 Season 7 Finale - ๐Ÿš’SPOILERS AHEAD!!
(Firstly, all opinions are mine no hate to any characters, blah blah blah let's get into it)
1. I think Bobby should have died.
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WHOA WHOA DONT KILL ME. I believe in character death when there is a purpose and a reason. And I think the reason would be for character development in mostly Athena and Buck. Athena because I feel like she's still a rough and sometimes unfair cop just as she was in season 1. I love her character as a strong black woman in power but that's what she's been for 6 seasons in a row, even when she became assaulted, or her family got hate crimed she went back to being the same person a season later.
And Buck because I feel like he's learned a lot from Bobby. But still, nobody trusts him to be in charge. He was passed over for interim captain twice regardless of his amazing growth. And as much as Bobby's death would hurt him it would grant him a chance to really stand up.
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2. I'm glad Chris left to be with his grandparents because Eddie was given a few too many chances.
In a post I made earlier I talked about how when someone is traumatized horribly knowing where they've been and what has happened help to explain their actions, but it does not defend all of them. Eddie is the perfect example because he has tried his hardest but, in the end, his mental health is not suitable for taking care of a child right now.
The fact that he's had multiple panic attacks, got involved in a fighting ring, cheated on his girlfriend, and let her stay in his house when she came dressed as Shannon and he poured his heart out to her, and his son saw? I can only imagine how much that would f*ck me up and I'm not even Christopher.
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I'm not saying Eddie doesn't deserve a chance and his parent's certainty aren't perfect, but they are stable and have a village (family) around them in Texas. At this point Eddie would benefit to recommitting himself to therapy before getting his son back full time. Because it would not only benefit him but his son as well.
3.Not enough build on Buck and Tommys Relationship
Let's be real Buck and Tommy had like 7 scenes in total in this season๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’€This is more knocking at the writers then the characters because I really wanted to see Buck enjoy his sexuality. Enjoy his new boyfriend and unfortunately, we didn't really get to see it. I don't know if that was a deliberate choice but even if we got more Tommy, I would be happier. Especially since Tommy became such good friends with Eddie it's almost like they dropped that friendship.
Maybe it's just me.
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4. Han and Maddie's Wedding.
I don't have much to say on this actually. I thought it was a great episode I just hated how rushed it was. I wish we had a whole episode just dedicated to their wedding like how we got in 911 lonestar for the Tarlos wedding.
They both deserve it they've been through so much.๐Ÿ˜ญ
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+5. I fear for Buddie.
Eddie is just not in the place for a romantic relationship right now. Even if he does discover himself through therapy, it would be too soon. Not to mention I don't want to sacrifice Tommy for Buddie it doesn't sit right with me. Especially since I love all three characters.
I just wish I knew if they were going to do Buddie and how they would even do it.
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Alternate suggestion: Polyamory?๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜
Okay I'm done,
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk ๐Ÿ’–
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delusionalthinkingatbest ยท 2 days
Buddie vs BuckTommy
I really donโ€™t want to be โ€˜that guyโ€™ but the buddie vs bucktommy sides of the fandom are so exhausting๐Ÿ˜ญ weโ€™ve forgiven Eddie for breaking a guys nose into his skull, cheating, and letting some random woman dress up as his ex wife but one joke from Tommy (the daddy comment which Buck clearly was not offended by) and boom everyone hates him.
I get it we all wanted buddie really badly so did I but the goal was for buck to be happy. These shipping debates feel so 2012 LET PEOPLE SHIP WHO THEY WANT.
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delusionalthinkingatbest ยท 3 days
Harvey/Mike ๐Ÿ—ž๏ธ The Louis Sex Ban
I got to the episode when Louis tells Mike not to have sex because it affects judgement and makes your legs weak. I WAS SCREAMING.
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All I could think about is Harvey and Mike going back to their penthouse and like usual Harvey starts to kiss his neck and puts his hands on his hips and Mike spins around and points at him.
"Nope, nu uh you gave me to Louis for punishment and this is your punishment he says I'm not allowed to have sex until the case is over." "A punishment for me? Mike, it sounds like you got two punishments instead of one because something tells me that I can hold out longer than you." "Bullshit, admit it you regret it." "I regret nothing."
Harvey walks away and Mike feels so cocky because he can imagine Harvey begging him later in the week so that they can have sex but that's not the way it ends up going. Because Mike forgets that he loves Harvey.
He loves the way he rolls up his sleeves reveling his forearms, he loves how his suits hug him in the right places, and Harvey's commanding voice that makes him weak in the knees even without sex. And he cracks....2 days later. They end up having sex in Harveys car in the garage of his penthouse because Mike couldn't even wait until they got upstairs.
+The next day Mike shows up at the courthouse to meet Louis and as soon as Louis looks at him, he throws his arms up.
"Shit" "What?" "You had sex."
Louis walks away and leaves mike wondering how the hell he knew.
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delusionalthinkingatbest ยท 3 days
I want to write fanfiction, but I donโ€™t want to write fanfiction. I just want to write about the part that Iโ€™ve been thinking about all day but nobody will get it if I donโ€™t write the story around the part I only want to write about ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
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delusionalthinkingatbest ยท 4 days
Louis De Pointe Du Lac Deep Dive๐Ÿฆ‡ SPOILERS (Long post- so strap in)
I was going to make this post about Armand but in recent developments I feel like I should talk on Louis. I know this isn't the TikTok platform but lately I've been seeing the fandom kind of turn on Louis? Calling him a pick me and weak based off of his actions in season 2, so let's talk about it. (and were keeping everything friendly this is just a tv show after all)
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Starting off I don't think Louis is a great perfect person. NO one, and I mean NO ONE in this series is. But to call Louis a pick me I feel like is really not giving his character justice.
Louis is a product of his environment. His father died leaving him in charge, his mother berates and expects a lot out of her son, and his brother is mentally ill. Louis' sister was really the only person that had his back, but it was always through words never actions. Then Paul kills himself in front of Louis, and Louis is blamed despite it not being his fault. Despite his efforts to keep him family afloat. And despite him taking care of Paul and protecting him until the end, nothing was enough.
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Now picture that happening to you then a man comes along. Not just some average man but a man that has a natural ability to draw people in. He calls you beautiful, perfect, and loving. He takes you places and cares for you in a way you've never experienced before.
It's how most cycles of abuse start. They lure you in with honey and that's exactly what Lestat was. And as time went on Lestat's anger became explosive and commanding but he was still loving thought. But again, if we put ourselves in Louis shoes I would take the abuse. Because I know afterwards my partner that I knew would come back it would just take some time. Which is why even though Lestat screamed, bullied Claudia, bullied Louis and mortally wounded him Louis kept coming back everytime.
Because who knows when he might get a love like this again. He would have rather put up with it even at the expense of himself and others if it meant that this love wouldn't go away.
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Then Lestat dies. And he's alone again after years, and even though he tells Claudia that she's enough we all know that not true. Because no amount of family love or love from friends can replace a partner's love. And we know that's a fact because Claudia was constantly looking for that type of love not only through the carriage driver but also the seamstress.
Then we get to Armand. Confident, loving, teasing, and eerily similar on the surface to his past lover. And the abuse cycle starts all over again. Through loving words and phrases to manipulative behavior and threats. But before we call Louis weak, remember that this is what he's used to.
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Especially since homosexuality was forbidden and heavily denied in Louis's time this was his first (than secound) real relationships technically. And both were of an abusive nature.
I'm not trying to make this post long or tell people they can't dislike Louis but remember that the cycle of abuse and trauma can keep going through a person for generations. In order to be broken a person must acknowledge that they are being abused and have the strength to change it. And based on Louis response to David he does not even consider himself a victim of anything.
I'm not saying Louis is a saint and Claudia definitely deserves better but when you realize where people come from and what they've been through it's not an excuse for their actions, but it better explains them.
Thank you for coming to my TED TALK ๐Ÿ’•
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delusionalthinkingatbest ยท 4 days
I don't know how to explain it this scene was so boyfriends, you know? Like Mike just bringing fruit because he probably thought let me just pick up something for Harvey too.๐Ÿ’– AND THEN THEM SHARING IT!!
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They are definitely the type of couple who will tell someone, "No thanks me and my boyfriend will just share." ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
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delusionalthinkingatbest ยท 4 days
BuckTommy ๐Ÿš’Packed Lunches
All the other helicopter pilots aside from a select few at Tommy's job hates him. Not because he's lazy or bad at his job but because of the lunches he's packed. Every workday Tommy gets his lunch from the fridge and its never a sandwich or old takeaway. It's lasagna, chicken with rice, and stuffed bellpeppers.
For the longest time Tommy just smiles in their faces and stays hush when asked where he's getting these extravagant lunches until the reason comes walking in the hanger with one of the desired lunches.
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Tommys team watches as the other man fusses over tommy about forgetting his lunch and rattles off 3 facts about malnutrition. All while Tommy smiles and nods his head listening to this other man ramble 100 miles a minute. Then when he's finally done saying his piece Tommy vowed to remember his lunch from now on and kisses the other man once on the lips then on his cheek before sending him off.
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Tommy comes back and his team is flabbergasted.
"You didn't tell us you had somebody!?" "You didn't ask."
Tommy laughs at his coworkers while having a shit eating grin on his face as he opens his lunch takes a bite and makes a mental note to tell Buck what happened today so they can both get a laugh out of it.
(It backfires once Buck hears the story, he cooks a big tray of lasagna to send with Tommy to his coworkers and now all his coworkers love Buck and always asks Tommy when Bucks coming back to visit them๐Ÿ’–)
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delusionalthinkingatbest ยท 6 days
I know itโ€™s a hallucination but how dare Lestat call Louis the whore THE CALL IS COMING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜ญ
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delusionalthinkingatbest ยท 6 days
RoyJamie โšฝ Knee Surgery
Roy: If I die during my operation, can you do one more thing for me? Jamie: Anything sweetheart! Roy: Blow up this hospital. Avenge me Jamie, aveeennnngeee meeeee. Jamie: Well, I said I'd do it, so I guess I have to...Where would I get the explosives from? Roy: I know a guy. (Roy lives of course and the rest of AFC Richmond take a huge sigh of relief because it's hard to know if Jamie and Roy are serious or not.๐Ÿ˜ญ)
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(Credit: Simpsons Season 10 Ep.8-Kidney Trouble)
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delusionalthinkingatbest ยท 6 days
The history books on the shelf...
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It's always repeating itself๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ˜ญ
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delusionalthinkingatbest ยท 7 days
IWTV Spoilers!!!!๐Ÿฆ‡
Armand played a part (if not murdered) Nicki to attempt to force Lestat to accept him and bring him in. And now he's gonna kill Claudia so that he can box Louis in. DEEP BREATHS, DEEP BREATHS GO TO MY HAPPY PLACE
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delusionalthinkingatbest ยท 7 days
Lestat De Lioncourt ๐Ÿฆ‡Analysis
BOOK READERS, I CALL TO YOU! Based on episode 3, did Lestat even love Armand? I mean true love like what he had with Louis. Because from Armands point of view Lestat seemed irritated with him, maybe even bothered? He had his lover, theater, and was living what seemed like a relatively posh life.
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Then we have Armand the man who keeps badgering him to join his coven and when he ignores Armand the older vampire shows his strength and plays a part in why Nicholas died. I can only imagine Lestat knew that he couldn't kill Armand, so he joined him. Lured him into his posh life, told Armand what he wanted to hear, and in return learned the cloud gift and mind tricks that Armand played on him.
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Of course, it makes sense that he loved Armand a little because he gave him the means to keep the theater going but based on how arrogant Lestat is I wouldn't put it pass him to do that so that his history at the theater would be kept alive (like a legacy).
But then he just leaves no questions asked. We know with Louis the power dynamic was different, but Lestat was willing to mortally wound Louis rather than have him leave him. (Not to mention Lestat left Armand with money and the deed, he wrote a whole LOVE LETTER to Louis.) Not that Lestat had the time to do more due to his murder, but he wrote the love letter in advanced. He loved Louis that strongly to write that note about his feelings before he even died.
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The intensities in Lestat's love are waaayy too wide and different to me. And as I watched the episode, I couldn't help but wonder if Armand romanticized their relationship in his head. Because the love Armand had with Lestat was not the same love he had for Louis, and I wonder if Armand knows this...
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