diazsdimples · 10 hours
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#pray for maddie
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diazsdimples · 10 hours
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diazsdimples · 11 hours
It’s the first sleepover weekend of Pride Month, so let’s make it Gay, fellas. Give me your favorite Tommy headcanons 🌈
Hell yeah, some HCs about my favourite canonically gay man!
Tommy doesn't talk to his father, but he was really close to his mother before she passed away. He's got a handful of half-siblings on his dad's side that he doesn't talk to but he's met one of his nephews before and was alarmed at how similar the kid was to him.
Tommy is at LEAST 10 years older than Buck. Somewhere between 10-15
Tommy's got this ancient, borderline mummified cat that he loves to absolute pieces and the only other person she tolerates other than him is Buck (I wrote a snippet about this)
Tommy was in the military because his father was too and it was his final effort to please his dad, before he realised that his dad was actually a piece of shit and he didn't care. He was only in it for a couple of years before joining the 118.
Captain Gerrard was actually really nice to Tommy initially and took him under his wing when he joined the 118. Combine with him and Sal, and Tommy being in a dark space mentally with the trouble with his dad, he latched on to the two of them without properly thinking about it and by the time he realised how awful they were (sometime after Chimney's arrival), it was too late and Gerrard would continually remind Tommy about how easily he could terminate Tommy's contract if he didn't play ball, making Tommy beholden to him.
Sometimes Tommy has to travel for work (deployment) and when he does, he likes to find a small something he knows Buck will like on the day that he leaves, even if it means cutting in to the minimal rest time he gets.
Tommy is an excellent artist. This is because when he was younger, he had an art teacher recognise the signs of a Troubled Youth™️ in him and she taught him to channel his frustrations and feelings through his art, and she made a very positive impact on his life. He now has an art corner in his apartment for his painting, although he hides the portrait of Buck that he's working on in his storage lockup where Buck won't see it.
Tommy hates coffee and has a comprehensive tea selection. They're organised by type (green, black, rooibos), flavour, and brand, but also by use (peppermint and ginger for tummy aches, chamomile for sleep, nettle and rose for skin/hair).
Sleepover Weekend Asks!
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diazsdimples · 12 hours
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buddietommy beach day for @buffaluff ! they r conked OUT
this is a prompt fill with the @911actions gotcha for gaza! check out how you can donate to a good cause and request some cool creations <3
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diazsdimples · 13 hours
Hi James!!
For the sleepover weekend, can you give me bucktommy headcanons about how they support each other when the other is having a bad day?
Hi Ellie!!! I sure can!
Tommy notices really early on that Buck seems to have trouble getting out of his head on bad days and will sit and stew for hours if left to his own devices. When he's in that kind of headspace, Tommy makes sure they get out of the house. Buck really likes hiking so Tommy will drive him to some of their favourite hiking spots and him and Buck will walk hand-in-hand along the trails. It usually doesn't take long before Buck's talking quietly, and then stopping to pick at the small flowers that grow on the edges of the trails, and finding cool rocks to give to Tommy. One day he makes a comment that Tommy is taking his "I've got a golden retriever boyfriend" status very seriously.
Initially it's hard for Buck to tell when Tommy's having bad days because he does a very good job at compartmentalising and repressing, but Buck notices the way his smiles don't necessarily always meet his eyes and his responses might be a little more strained or snarky that usual, generally met with an apology immediately after. When days like this happen, Buck makes extra effort to reassure Tommy about his place in Buck's life with words of affirmation, small touches, and making him many cups of tea (turns out Tommy doesn't drink coffee) until he notices Tommy begin to loosen and relax.
Buck will text Tommy in advance if he's had a bad call or lost someone, because he knows he can go very very quiet and he doesn't want to worry Tommy. On days that this happens, he'll come home to Tommy having snuck in with Buck's key, with food already made, a bath drawn for the two of them, a pair of Buck's favourite sweatpants and his favourite soft hoodie set out, and they'll spend the first few hours just relaxing and decompressing, and Buck lets himself be held.
The first time Tommy cries in front of Buck, it's because of the anniversary of his first loss (a baby girl in a house fire - Tommy couldn't get into her room and by the time he'd broken down her door, it was too late). Buck has no idea what to do because he's never seen his boyfriend cry before, but he pulls Tommy into his arms and just holds him while he cries. They end up lying on the couch together, with Tommy against Buck's chest and Tommy's tears soak into Buck's shirt, and Buck starts to hum a song he'd heard on the radio while he holds him. Buck marks the date in his calendar so he's prepared for next year.
Sleepover Weekend Asks!
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diazsdimples · 14 hours
Something I’ve thought about you on anon…. That guy is cool. I like that guy. *flirts in confused bipansexual*
In all seriousness though, I often think that I wish you could see yourself the way I do. That you could see how funny and charming you are. Most importantly, how very deserving of love and all the great things you are.
I adore talking to you, laughing over bizarre things, flinging fic ideas around and creating wild unhinged spec that would never happen in any universe but ours. You are my sworn midhusband 💙🫶
Is this Evan Buckley??
This has me blushing and absolutely lost for words on how to respond, I'm terrible at accepting compliments but thank you so so much. Please know I've read this about 100 times and it makes me grin like a moron each time.
Also wdym wild unhinged spec that will never happen, Bathena is going to get a ranch, Bobby will herd cattle and Athena will get her pet bunny!! IT IS CANON TO ME!!!
Confess something you've thought about me on anon
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diazsdimples · 14 hours
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from one gay to another 😚💕🏳️‍🌈 i hope you and your husband have a lovely pride month
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Happy Pride to you too!!! What a time to be A Gay™️! I hope you have the best month!
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diazsdimples · 14 hours
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out 💕
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Thank you, Bee!!! Right back at ya!
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diazsdimples · 15 hours
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But I looked to the sky and said— "Please, I've been on my knees. Change the prophecy."
buy me a coffee 💌
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diazsdimples · 15 hours
Sleepover Weekend!
fmk (or any other variation)
make me choose
would you rather
ask me about my headcanons 
ask me about my fics/wip’s
ask me any writing questions 
ask me about my opinions 
literally anything else! 
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diazsdimples · 16 hours
bucktommy thoughts pt 6/?
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diazsdimples · 16 hours
please word vomit a bunch of bucktommy thoughts at me
their first month anniversary Buck takes them back to the restaurant where they had their first date and spends the entire time flirting so hard that it's almost embarrassing in an entirely different way. but he spends most of the night with his hand stretched across the table to hold Tommy's, he keeps asking Tommy questions about himself and listening so intently when he answers, and when the server comes to clear their plates away he very pointedly says, "my DATE and I would like to see the dessert menu" and Tommy does his best to hide his laughter in a napkin
the first time Evan goes down on Tommy it is the longest, most carefully executed and thorough blowjob of his entire life. Tommy's trying so hard not to push things so he lets Evan set the pace as he always does, but he wasn't anticipating how much Evan would absolutely relish having a cock in his mouth. they also find out Evan doesn't have a gag reflex, which he weaponizes. Tommy comes so hard he blacks out for the first time since he first became acquainted with his prostate, and Evan's smugness over it lasts for an entire week
until Tommy fucks him for the first time and Evan becomes familiar with a dick hitting his prostate and comes untouched, and then Tommy gets to be the smug one
the first time Tommy drops by the 118 to visit Evan when it's his day off, he doesn't think much of it - he just wanted to bring his boyfriend a coffee and a croissant - but Evan is so genuinely thrilled and touched that he makes a mental note to do it as often as their shifts allow
the first time Buck tries to return the favor Tommy tries to like, hide him from the rest of the team at Harbor and at first Buck's kind of upset about it but it lasts all of a minute when Tommy's team clocks him and IMMEDIATELY start in on the "SO THIS IS THE FAMOUS EVAN" and "we've heard so much about you...sooo much. too much, almost" and he realizes that Tommy wasn't trying to keep Buck from them, but was trying to avoid getting razzed to all hell in front of him
one time they go pottery painting as a date and Buck's plate looks a little bit like Jee might have done it, but Tommy's is amazing, all fine lines and beautiful colors and an ornate pattern that he just freehanded, and Buck won't stop gushing over it because he's genuinely so impressed, and a few days later Tommy shows him the spot in his garage where he keeps the paintings he does in his spare time after his therapist recommended using art as an outlet
Buck takes his favorite of all these paintings back to the loft (at Tommy's insistence) where it hangs on the wall up until the day Buck moves into Tommy's house, and it goes up in their living room
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diazsdimples · 16 hours
Tagging some friends who might be interested (lmk if you want to be added or removed
@theotherbuckley @hippolotamus @neverevan @bidisasterevankinard @watchyourbuck
@buckevantommy @evnnkinard @exhuastedpigeon @rogerzsteven @loserdiaz
@tevankinkley @dangerpronebuddie @djdangerlove @loveyouanyway @tommysdaddykink
@slightlyobsessedwitheverything @bucks-daddy-issues @monsterrae1 @wikiangela @saybiwithme
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Bucktommy texts part 1/?
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diazsdimples · 16 hours
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Bucktommy texts part 1/?
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diazsdimples · 17 hours
tommy surprised buck with their 1st kiss. buck surprised tommy with their 2nd kiss. for their 3rd kiss i'd love to see it be a mutual thing where they both know it's going to happen; there's just something about that moment of knowing before lips meet - the anticipation - and i want so badly to see that on both their faces.
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diazsdimples · 17 hours
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#the 4 times eddie grabbed buck's shoulder + the one time buck grabbed eddie's
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diazsdimples · 19 hours
4, 14, 21, 30 for the soft asks please 💞🦛
4. What flower would you like to be given?
I'm not really a flower person but tulips or daffodils have always made me very happy 🥰
14. Favourite feel-good show?
Early seasons of 9-1-1, Dexter, or any of Modern Family. And sometimes Big Bang Theory
21. If you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
We did it, we took that step, it changed our lives and we're happy now. Don't feel beholden to other people, people actually care way less than you think.
30. What reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
Laughing so hard I cry, music, watching shitty comedies, my cats, the river, driving to see the stars
Softs asks!
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