doodle-pops ยท 11 hours
Bet On It
Elrohir x reader
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Request: Elrohir, id love a friend's to lovers trope fic. reader can be also arwen or glorfindel's friend and they keep telling both them and elrohir to fucking confess to eachother but they refuse to because of the classic "I don't want to ruin our friendship,I can't lose them." They think they're subtle with pinning after one another but like everyone can tell they're in love. Casual physical affection, spending way too much time with eachother, "subtle" acts of service, etc. Idiots in love literally. One of them end up confessing after like a sweet moment, just a quiet whisper or a small kiss but it's enough for the other to finally confess too. Just a super fluff moment of them finally freely loving one another! - Anon
Warnings: fluff, mutual pinning, friends to lovers, confession, kissing
Words: 1.9k
Synopsis: You and Elrohir muster the courage to break old ties while recreating new ones as you begin a future together.
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Walking up the familiar winding pathway that to the private getaway pavilion at the top, your feet softly padded against the steps until you made three raps to the wooden pillar. Somewhere, you heard the noticeable airy thuds of Elrohirโ€™s feet coming your way eagerly, easily hiding a bag of jittery nerves. Casually the makeshift curtain drew back and revealed his evening radiance, attired in light blues and greys, a single braid to the right and his ebony hair loosely cascading down his back. Such was the simplicity of your dear friend, whom you cherished more than anything else in the world.
Through the momentary welcoming, your eyes dropped from his face to meet his chest, too fearful of giving away too many emotions already. Memories of Lady Arwenโ€™s conversation replayed in your head about making a move otherwise it would be a great loss on your behalf, not before reminding you of her brotherโ€™s whereabouts.
Heart beating rapidly in your throat, you curled your toes against your sandals and exhaled. โ€œElrohir.โ€
โ€œY/N,โ€ he greeted just as breathlessly as you. โ€œPlease come in. It is a wonderful surprise to have you visit.โ€
Gingerly you brushed past his shoulders, head dipping and eye falling to the floor as you entered his space. It was, and still is a haven of comfort and peace of mind for you when the world was hard on your shoulders. Now, it felt foreign with the looming messages of what you had planned to execute tonightโ€ฆhopefully. Taking your time to observe the interior, not much had changed since your last visit, and nor had he finished the upturned book lying haphazardly on his bed.
โ€œYou still havenโ€™t finished the Utopia Trilogy?โ€ you laughed as you walked over and flipped the book over, scanning the page. โ€œI thought you were a master at reading.โ€
Unbeknownst to you, your choice of conversational starter was an ice breaker for Elrohir, for even he was skittish and unsure of how to approach. Thankfully, luck was in the air.
Giving a lazy scratch to the back of his head, he made a guttural sound, almost like a deep whine and stomped over to pry the book gently out of your hands. Placing it back on the shelf, he spun around to purse his lips. โ€œWhat did I tell you about judging my reading abilities? One does not rush a book, but timelessly enjoy it.โ€
โ€œIf timeless enjoying it means over a year, then by all means, continue,โ€ you snickered and plopped onto his bed, shuffling your sandals off and making yourself comfortable. As easily as the conversation started, the rest flowed once Elrohir noticed the tension dissipating. Following suit, he climbed on the bed, sitting at the foot with his legs crossed and hands in his lap.
His honey-brown eyes flickered from the rumpled bed sheets to your feet to your face and then back at the sheets. โ€œSo,โ€ he began quietly, โ€œitโ€™s been a while since we last spoke. How have you been?โ€
โ€œOh, you know, the usual. Nothing new with me. Just wandering Imladris like a ghost, visiting the gardens and robbing all the local merchants,โ€ you shrugged, your fingers idly found themselves tracing the mahogany armrest of the chair beside the bed. You were desperately fighting to keep your tone light. โ€œAnd you? Last I heard, you all went as far as Forodwaith?โ€
Elrohir nodded with a tight-lip smile as he rocked back and forth. โ€œSort of. We met with the Dรบnedain on the way and hunted some orcs all the way to the borders before turning back to come homeโ€”didnโ€™t want to be away for too long. I tend to miss all my favourite people back home,โ€ he explained, leading to you feeling a flush of warmth from his words, your heart beating a little faster prompting you to lift your head and lock eyes with him in the instant. A silent understanding passed between you two, then, with a small almost shy smile, he reached out and gently touched the back of your hand. โ€œIโ€™ve missed our conversations.โ€
You felt a shiver run through you at the contact, his touch sending a wave of warmth through your body. Wanting to duck your head or cover your face, you mustered the courage to withhold eye contact. โ€œItโ€™s good to be here,โ€ you murmured lightly.
โ€œItโ€™s good to have you here,โ€ he corrected.
For a while, the two of you engaged in effortless conversations, your body language morphing from tense to relaxed as your bodies shifted about the bed, slowly getting closer and closer. Discussing a myriad of topics that ranged from his adventures with his brothers and others to his daily duties and past, you covered the profound to the mundane. Topics of books, to your imagination, tales of old, uncharted dreams and future adventures beyond the lands of Middle Earth were thrown around gracefully and turned the evening into nightfall easily. The fullness of the moon rose from behind the clouds, shining glittering strands of light upon you both through the vine-covered canopy, aiding with the ambience.
Throughout your dialoguing, subtle gestures conveyed what words could not. Elrohirโ€™s hand would brush lightly against yours as he passed you a cup of tea, a simple act imbued with unspoken affection. Your fingers would linger on his arm, savouring the warmth and closeness as you shared a moment of laughter over a shared memory. Each touch, though fleeting was charged with meaning, speaking of a connection that ran deeper than a mere friendship. The air between you crackled with unspoken tension, a dance of intimacy and restraint, each gesture a silent confession of feelings that lay just beneath the surface.
As the evening wore on, the moon dipping behind a cloud and hiding its light, a comfortable silence settles between you. Elrohir glanced at you, his expression contemplative. โ€œDo you ever think about the future?โ€ he asked suddenly.
You couldnโ€™t resist looking at him surprised by the question. โ€œSometimes,โ€ you admitted. โ€œWhat brought this on, may I ask?โ€
He hesitated, his left shoulder bumping against your knees as he looked up from his lying position. The proximity was enough for you to catch a whiff of the mint of his tongue. โ€œI was on a ride this morning with Lord Glorfindel, and he left me questioning myself and other things with hisโ€ฆchoice of word,โ€ he breathed and reached out to hold your hand and give it a small swing. โ€œI just wondered what the future would hold for us. You and I, specifically.โ€
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, the implication of them making your breath catch. Furthermore, the fiddling of his hand with yours increased your heart rate, leaving you occasionally needing to inhale.
The tension that was in the air now, a charged energy which made the room feel smaller and more intimate was sluggishly bringing your heads closer. Elrohir looked up, his eyes meeting yours with an intensity that made your pulse quicken. With bated breath, his voice dipped as his fingers intertwined with the hand he was playing with. โ€œThere is something I need to tell you, and I hope it doesnโ€™t push you away or ruin things between us,โ€ he said earnestly. โ€œI care about youโ€ฆmore than a friend. I have for a long time.โ€
You stared at him for a long while, your heart pounding like a thunderous stampede of wild beasts. Lady Arwenโ€™s words and teasing replayed in your mind as she told you about her brother crushing you for a long time. It was hard to see when all you saw was friendship and didnโ€™t want to ruin the good you had. Opening your mouth to respond, no sound exited, so you closed it and remained breathless while he nervously held your hand, his thumb soothingly stroking the back of your hand repeatedly. His touch sent shivers down your spine. โ€œI know it might come as a surprise, but I canโ€™t keep it to myself any longer. I hope this doesnโ€™t ruin our friendship.โ€
His confession hung in the air between you, the declaration that seemed to make time stand still. For a moment, you could only bashfully stare at him, the enormity of his words setting over you like a warm embrace. You didnโ€™t know how to explain the urge that came over you when you licked your lips and darted your eyes to his, something he noticed and apprehensively craned his neck upwards to bridge the gap, his eyes closing briefly as if to savour the upcoming moment. In return, you closed your eyes when you felt his other hand slide around your neck to cup your nape and pull you closer.
With deliberate anticipation, Elrohir took his time to bridge the gap until his very own teasing antagonised him, forcing him to exhale before his lips collided with yours. A muffled groan from him turned into a grunt when he felt your hands reach out to cradle his neck, fingers scraping against his scalp leaving him shivering. Elrohir felt greedy in the moment as the first continued; years of silently loving you came pouring out in waves of passion and tenderness.
When you finally pulled apart, you were both breathless, your foreheads resting against each other, the world around you seeming to shimmer with newfound brightness. Elrohirโ€™s eyes were soft, filled with a deep, abiding tenderness. โ€œI canโ€™t believe I was a fool for not believing Lord Glorfindelโ€™s words at first,โ€ he muttered, shaking his head with a smile. โ€œI thought you wouldnโ€™t feel the same because weโ€™re just friends.โ€
โ€œThat makes to both of us,โ€ you softly laughed. โ€œI too didnโ€™t believe your sister, but when she told me that both she and Elladan were betting on it, I had to do something about it.โ€
โ€œWait,โ€ he cautioned as he sat upright, โ€œmy siblings conspired through betting. Come to think of it, Glorfindel did mention something about not wanting to lose a betโ€ฆof course.โ€
Sliding your hand off his neck to return to cradling his hands and playing with his fingers, rocked back and forth due to the overwhelming excitement in your chest. Finally, all your emotions came pouring out and the doubt you both feared was proven wrong. Roaming your eyes over his face, you leaned in, catching him off-guard, to kiss his lips once more, loving the sensation of his soft lips on yours. Fortunately, Elrohir did not mind the distraction you provided, reducing his plotting to deal with his siblings to focus on you before him.
โ€œIโ€™m glad I took the leap of faith and told you my heart,โ€ he whispered through the kiss, cradling your cheeks and leaning in for another.
The two of you sat there for a while, simply holding each other, basking in the warmth of your newfound happiness. Eventually, as the night wore on, you found yourself lying side by side on his bed with his arms wrapped protectively, yet lovingly around you as your conversation about the future returned in delight. There was a sense of peace, a feeling that everything was right with the world now that you had finally confessed your love. All the weight was off your shoulders and replaced with bliss.
โ€œI never want to be apart from you,โ€ he said. โ€œI want to spend every moment with you, to share my life with you.โ€
Your heart swelled as you looked up at him, your eyes softening. โ€œI would like that as well.โ€
Leaning in, pleased at your response, his nose bumped against yours as he pecked your lips. โ€œI canโ€™t wait for our future together.โ€
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Taglist: @lilmelily @ranhanabi777 @rain-on-my-umbrella @mysticmoomin @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @sakurayaxd @aconstructofamind @involuntaryspasms @stormchaser819 @addaigio @lamemaster @elficially-done-with-life @eunoiaastralwings
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doodle-pops ยท 1 day
LOL. Iโ€™m Glorfindel among these options. All of my relationships have ended up with my long hair getting stuck in some embarrassing places.
Use your imagination.
NoooOoo ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ. OMG, please. I wasnโ€™t expecting that ๐Ÿคฃ. Oh those poor people
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doodle-pops ยท 1 day
Reblog for a wider response, please and thank you! The first part is over here: Choose your roommate
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doodle-pops ยท 3 days
Types of Kisses
Reactions: Silmarillion x Reader
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A/N: I want to do more versions of this but can't think of other types of kisses they'd use though.
Warning: suggestive behaviour and swear words in one of them, so I'm putting it under the cut. Read at your own discretion.
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Forehead kissโ€“ so gentle, so tender, so sweet. For some, when they refuse to bend down to kiss your lips, theyโ€™d place it upon your forehead. Just one, one simple, long kiss. Thatโ€™s all they need to bestow. You know from the kiss they mean โ€˜I love youโ€™ โ€˜be safeโ€™ โ€˜you mean so much to meโ€™ sometimes their lips linger there a little longer than usual, taking in your scent. Youโ€™d close your eyes basking in at the contact, hands reaching out to grip their clothes, pulling them in closer. A silent plea โ€˜stay awhile longerโ€™ โ€˜Iโ€™ll miss youโ€™. Before you sleep, itโ€™s the last place theyโ€™d kiss you. When cuddling, itโ€™s their favourite place to kiss.
Feanor, Maedhros, Maglor, Amrod, Amras, Caranthir, Curufin, Celebrimbor, Fingolfin, Fingon, Turgon, Argon, Finarfin, Aegnor
Hand kissโ€“ to fluster you, all they need to do is take your hand in theirs and bring it to their lips, all the while maintaining eye contact, and kiss it. Your face undergoes multiple shades of red as you try to hold their stare. The gesture alone almost made your legs buckle. To top it off, theyโ€™d flash you a dazzling smile that makes your head feel light. Hiding your face behind your other hand, you do your best to avoid their gaze. They were well aware of the effect they had on you, and they were loving it. Keeping the hold on your hand, theyโ€™d ask you for a dance โ€œmay I have this dance?โ€ โ€œy-yesโ€ stuttering your answer makes them smile even harder, as they brought their lips once again to your hand.
Feanor, Maedhros, Maglor, Celegorm, Curufin, Fingolfin, Fingon, Finarfin, Angrod, Glorfindel
French kiss โ€“ a passionate kiss that always leads to something more. Always performed in private. Usually, youโ€™ve done something to rile them up โ€“ constantly teasing them throughout the day โ€“ or they simply wish to show you how much you mean to them. Your lips locked in an aggressive dance, tongues fighting for dominance, you were about to be ravished. Their hands trail into your hair, gripping it to pull your lips apart. A string of spit connected your lips. Their eyes bore into your as they swooped in for another. โ€˜I love youโ€™ โ€˜Iโ€™m going to so you how much you mean to meโ€™ from there, the kiss becomes filthier. The meanings behind the kiss change, and you understood them perfectly. โ€˜Iโ€™m going to fill you up niceโ€™ โ€˜Iโ€™m going to fuck you goodโ€™ โ€˜youโ€™ll be screaming my nameโ€™ โ€˜let me make you feel goodโ€™ who were you to complain.
Feanor, Maedhros, Maglor, Celegorm, Caranthir, Curufin, Celebrimbor, Fingolfin, Fingon, Turgon, Argon, Finrod, Angrod, Aegnor, Glorfindel
Air kiss โ€“ so simple, so cute, so fun. Expresses the fun, playful part of your relationship. When you both see each other and canโ€™t be in contact to give a kiss, the air kiss is used - the glimmer of happiness in your eyes as the action is done. Theyโ€™d reciprocate the action, sending you a kiss as well. Here is where you change the game. Youโ€™d catch the kiss and press your hand to your heart, showing that you caught it and was keeping it in your heart. To some, they may have seen it as childish, but to others, if they had tails to express their glee, it would be wagging 100mph. Of course, they would return the gesture to you. Itโ€™s only fair that you know they were keeping your kisses in their heart.
Maglor, Amrod, Amras Fingon, Finrod, Angrod, Aegnor, Glorfindel
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Which kiss was your favourite?
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doodle-pops ยท 3 days
(Nsfw) how do you think the elves would be with a shy s/o that wants to ride them but well... they're too shy to ask and simply try to do it without saying but failing completely. I think Celegorm would not accept that much?! Or maybe he will let his s/o do this at least once lol
I read this and I awed, like what's wrong with me. (ใ€‚_ใ€‚) *cracks knuckles* let's go
There was this fic I read ages ago and it was an optional character x reader fic where the reader tries to ride them and fails. And this fic was the first thing that came to mind. (I was trying to find it but I didn't save the fic *screeches*)
Provides words of encouragement for you to gain the necessary confidence to ride them.
MAEDHROS, Maglor, Celebrimbor, Fingolfin, FINGON, FINROD, GLORFINDEL, Rog, Finarfin
When you fail and flop on their chest whimpering about not being able to please them, they take over by thrusting from beneath you.
Caranthir, Celegorm*, Turgon, Argon, Egalmoth*, CURUFIN*
Grows impatient and chuckles at your attempts, Breaks free of any restraints you have on them and takes over the entire show. Whispering constantly in your ear about how they're to tops.
FEANOR, CELEGORM*, Curufin*, ECTHELION, Egalmoth*, Maeglin
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doodle-pops ยท 3 days
NSFW question: what if Reader was actually a bit of a domme? Which elves would that cause more of a problem for, and which one would let her explore her wild side more? Would the doms clash or just compromise at vanilla sex?
So, for those who are hard dom! they would never allow control. The both of you would have to fight each other or heavy bondage will be involved for some inch of control. They won't be turned off, it's just that giving up the control they always had is wounding their pride.
For the soft dom! they'll let you top, but oh God. It's killing them inside to sub and have you take the lead. However, they are respectful to sit back and allow you to do your thing.
Maedhros, CARANTHIR, Celebrimbor, FINGON, Argon, FINARFIN, FINROD, Angrod, GLORFINDEL, Beleg, Rog
They're a switch and don't mind. Dom them for as long as you like, they'll lay there like a pillow princess and take it all. I mean you're giving the both of you pleasure and that's all that matters.
MAGLOR, Maeglin, Aegnor, Galdor
I don't really see any of them settling for vanilla sex because their s/o was a dom. Most of them would be interested to see what you're going to do, so when it's their turn, they could repeat all that you've done to them and more. You know, a little payback time. (ใ€œ๏ฟฃโ–ฝ๏ฟฃ)ใ€œ
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doodle-pops ยท 3 days
Hiiii I love your blog so much!!! I have a question for you (nsfw): how do you think the elves (specially the feanorians) would react to their s/o accidentally calling them daddy or my lord, or anything that kinda gives them a power position? Do you think they would be like ๐Ÿ˜ณ or more like ๐Ÿคจ?
Thank you, I'm so glad to hear that you do!!!!!!๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ
I have to say, all of them love the idea of being called Sir/My Lord/Daddy or any other name that gives them dominance. Even a few outrightly have a daddy kink *cough* Fingolfin Ecthelion *cough*.
What makes your situation escalates is when you whisper it in their ear.๐Ÿ˜ณ
Making the mistake to call them Daddy/Sir would definitely make you cripple for some days:
Stuttering and blushing mess, who can't hide their growing bulge at the sound of the name and does something about it which results in you also being crippled:
MAEDHROS, Caranthir, Celebrimbor, Fingon, TURGON, Angrod, GLORFINDEL, Maeglin, Rog, Beleg
Mess beyond mess and wants to know who you're referring to by that name since you always used softer names, but don't be fooled, they partially like the sound of it.
MAGLOR, Finarfin, Finrod Aegnor, Galdor
In the end, you're going to have to say a prayer for your legs because they would never let that opportunity pass. Good luck to you and your legs๐Ÿฅต
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doodle-pops ยท 3 days
Guess I'll join the NSFW train, how would your favorite elves react to a vixen!reader who has the dom vibe, and likes to flirt around and make their elf jealous. BUT they're not a dom though, they're a complete sub to their elf in the bedroom.
The first thing that came to my mind was brat taming. hehe. I listed everyone for you including my fav (Fingon)
Every single one of them, down to the very subs, loves a good brat taming session. Just to put you in your place. Walking around acting as if you're above them and the dom, running your mouth and bossing them around. Please, they are all going to have a field day/week putting you in your place.
Love to tame you all the time and put you in your place. They already know that you're not dominant because their dom side is telling them that and it's all a show. Perform as many times as you like - "Why so shy and quiet now baby? What happened to all that big boy/girl talk earlier? I thought you were going to do this and that to me? Cat got your tongue? Speak up, I can't hear you."
The quiet ones are the most dangerous. They would wait to see what you're going to do, and what are your next moves. All that teasing and making them jealous only to be a pillow princes/princess - "You know I was expecting a lot more from the way you were acting all day. Look at you, whining and begging for my touch. It's pathetic."
One timer. They'll wait for your performance behind closed doors to see you all submissive instead, and they're going to put you in your place. Making it a life lesson, and were you going to stop; no - "If I were you, I wouldn't have a repeat of today's or any other day's performance."
Caranthir, CELEBRIMBOR, Turgon, Argon, FINARFIN, Aegnor, Galdor, ROG
Brat taming kink = dumbification kink and I'm here for it. (๏พ‰โ—•ใƒฎโ—•)๏พ‰*:๏ฝฅ๏พŸโœง
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doodle-pops ยท 3 days
can i ask you a nsfw question please? I love your analysis on the elves!
What would their reaction be if you popped into their office out of no where and suddenly sat on their lap asking for thigh ride? Who would enjoy it the most and who would be the most shocked but happy to?
Thank you nonnie๐Ÿ˜Š
This is similar to a headcanon I had written for them that's sitting in my folders since last year๐Ÿ˜…
Loves it - the idea of you being so needy for their touch to the point of not being able to control yourself and grinding on them. "By all means, darling, go right ahead." Amongst loving it, some of them like to be a tad bit mean and tease you, you know, making you beg for it.
MAEDHROS, Maglor, Celebrimbor, FINGOLFIN, Fingon, Finrod, Aegnor, GLORFINDEL, Galdor, Beleg, Rog
Hates it - the fact that it not only distracts them, but it felt like torture because you only wanted to use their thigh well looking so appealing. They're the ones who would wait until you're settled in and sneak their hands around your waist to stop you and have their way.
Mixed Feelings - It's torture, but it's also blissful. This all depends on their mood when you barge in to ride their thigh. They might be soft, or they might be rough.
Maedhros, MAGLOR, CARANTHIR, Amrod, Fingolfin, FINGON, Turgon, Finarfin, FINROD, Aegnor, Glorfindel, GALDOR, Egalmoth, Beleg, ROG
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doodle-pops ยท 3 days
Which elves are most jealous/possessive and which ones are kinda chill?
I'm using my analysis from my most to least jealous elves for this one.
Jealousy is probably their favourite colour that they're unaware of wearing all the time. Most of their jealousy stems from their insecurity majorly. Always tense and on the edge whenever someone approaches and makes the slightest advances even though you refuse.
They do get jealous, but it's not their number one priority. They're aware of how many people are interested in you but in the end, you chose them, so they don't have anything to worry about.
Maglor, Celebrimbor, FINGOLFIN, FINGON, FINARFIN, FINROD, Aegnor, Glorfindel, Egalmoth, Galdor
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doodle-pops ยท 3 days
Which elves are the most protective of their S/O? Which are less fussy?
All of the elves would be very protective of their s/o considering it being Middle Earth they're dwelling. I don't see any being relaxed. But....
Makes you walk around with guards 25/8 to ensure your absolute safety, even if it's a walk in the private gardens.
MAEDHROS, CARANTHIR, Curufin, Turgon, Ecthelion, MAEGLIN
Protective to some degree but not as overprotective as the others and understands that you need to be on your own at times. Still have guards moving with you but only when leaving the kingdom.
MAGLOR, Celegorm, Celebrimbor, FINGOLFIN, FINGON, FINROD, Aegnor, GLORFINDEL, Egalmoth, Rog
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doodle-pops ยท 3 days
what about Elves with a vampire s/o or how would they react if theirs s/o turned into a vampire
Well in Tolkien's world, vampires were considered creatures of evil and darkness.....so quite a shock.
So much convincing is needed to be done to ensure your lover that you're on their side and not a worker of Morgoth. It takes a length period of time for them to readjust to their former selves and see that you were never a threat. The most bizarre thing about you that would freak them out a bit is the consumption of blood.
Celebrimbor, Fingolfin, Fingon, TURGON, Argon, Finrod, ANGROD, AEGNOR, GLORFINDEL, ECTHELION, Galdor, Egalmoth, ROG, Maeglin
They would find it the hardest to adjust to you being a creature of darkness and not working for Morgoth. Seeing that they suffered the most from him, they would be awfully suspicious. To top it of, telling them you require blood to survive....cautious.
Feanor, MAEDHROS, Maglor, Celegorm, CARANTHIR, CURUFIN
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doodle-pops ยท 3 days
Ooo yeah, reactions are back! I love reading your analysis and stories! So beautifully written! Can I ask, what would the elves' reactions be to their s/o body worshipping them? Because we know they deserve it ๐Ÿ˜Œ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜‰
They all deserve to be smothered in so good loving๐Ÿ˜ just push them down and worship them like no tmro.
A bit baffled because its always the other way around. Their brain is slowly working it's way around as you push them down on the bed, already undressing and kissing their body. They want to stop you, their hands are twitching but the pleasure spirals them into endless moans as their hands drop to grip the sheets. Thankful that you're spoiling them, they never thought about being the receiving end with such dedication, "I'm overly thankful for that session my love. Didn't know I needed it, but most grateful." Followed by the request to return the favour.
- Maglor, CARANTHIR, Fingolfin, FINGON, TURGON, FINROD, GLORFINDEL, Elrond, Elrohir
The moment you push them down to worship, they're already settling in the sheets with a content smile upon their faces. It's not that they believe they're deserving of it but more, it's nice to have the tables turned for once. They love the idea of switching up the roles when I comes to pleasure, thus, they'll sit back and let you do hour stuff. With heart eyes. Gentle guidance and where to pleasure them as you roam your hands and lips across their body. "You're so eager to please your lover sweetheart, I appreciate it. We should do this more often."
These guys are more hesitant since they are naturally accustomed to worshipping you and never thought about having the table turned. Thus, they aren't too keen on you pleasuring them. But you got to push them down like you life depended on it make it clear "I want to return the favour because you more than deserve it, so be quiet and let me love you." That is going to shut them up. They might probably complain but not in the 'you're not doing it right' but more 'you really don't have to do this, I'm fine'. Shut them up with a blowjob and watch them secretly expect for more.
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doodle-pops ยท 3 days
I love your reactions, theyโ€™re like a little piece of sweetness! Always making it my day better๐Ÿ’™ how do you think the elves would wake the reader up? I imagine some would gently kiss and murmur to them, some would cuddle and then let the reader wake up slowly while the elf gets ready, and then youโ€™ve got Celegorm. Heโ€™d just pour ice water on them and scream โ€œWake up fishy!โ€ Thanks!
There are days when Celegorm would wake reader up like that and then days when he *cough* has other ideas on his mind *cough* to wake reader up.
Tender touches, soft kisses that feel like wind dancing upon your skin. Fingertips like petals, trail up your arms and lightly tickle before a sickeningly sweet kiss is lander on your shoulder. Another to your neck and then your chin and so forth until you wait impatiently. You're already stirred awake from your peaceful slumber, dreadfully waiting for the final enactment. And so, your patience is rewarded, a brush to the corner that shifted to land upon your lips, a kiss is given, "Rise and shine sleeping beauty."
You feel and hear the sheets crippling and the smirk upon their face. You know their hands are itching to reach out and deliver the sweetest torture. You can feel the anxiousness rising lowly, and the little welling sensation grows. Suddenly, your sheet is ripped off you and a larger body flops upon yours. You wish you were able to fight back, but their hands were victorious in finding your weakness. Sleep was gone from your eyes as you glared and laughed as they tickled you into a new morning mood. Oh, how you wanted to swear at them for interrupting your sleep, "I hate you, and for that, I'm going to make your day a living hell."
Peaceful mornings never had peaceful intentions with them....most of the time. An unruly dream may have stirred them awake and prompted them to look upon your angelic figure resting. The thought of waking you disturbs them, but solutions to problems must be created. They couldn't do it alone, not when you looked delectable beside them. A soft touch to your cheeks, stirs you semi-conscious, followed by a wet kiss on your shoulder. A warm body pressed against yours and a melodious voice rings out, "Wake up darling, we have some busy matters to attend to..."
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doodle-pops ยท 3 days
Can I ask you how would elrond lindir haldir legolas and thranduil react if there love tried to ride them but the poor girl just doesn't have the strength to get them to come and it makes her feel so bad she cries and hides her face in there chest embarrassed and upset.
Hi love, thanks for the question. Just one thing to note, I don't write for Legolas and Thranduil, so only the other three with be written. First characterizing Haldir and Lindir in more in-depth writing.
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They would sympathize with you at first since this was your first time sitting atop them. You've never ridden them before so this was all new and tricky because more than every session, you were beneath them. Holding you close to their chest as you collapsed and cried, soft coos and gentle strokes of your hair would be done to help calm you, "It's alright, it's alright meleth. Please don't cry. I'm not displeased my rose, it happens at times." They are doing all that they can to ease your embarrassment. They are the type to show you how to ride them, gently gripping your waist and moving you along their cock while whispering how good you're doing, "That's it meleth, just like that. You feel so good riding my cock. Keep that up and you'll make me cum."
โ€“ HALDIR, Elrond
Taken aback by your outcry and flopping to their chest, they were frozen at the mid-crisis you were experiencing. Not sure what was taking place, the most they could do was comforted you with soft touches and words of reassurance until you eased up and explained the situation. "Oh, my sweet darling, I'm not angry at your attempts. I wasn't aware of how involved you were with granting me pleasure, but perhaps allow me to return that kindness to you." They would suggest letting them top for this session and another time would be spent teaching you since you were distraught. "Worry not sweet one, in time you shall give me wonderous pleasure all on your own."
โ€“ ELROND, Lindir
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doodle-pops ยท 3 days
Idk if I asked this before, if I did then fuck oops you didn't see this. But how would the elves react to reader popping out their tiddies to win the argument? (Only if you're comfy ofc) Thanky and I love reading all your thoughts and thots
The tiddies are being appreciated I see. My thoughts and thots. You enjoy seeing me be thirsty anon lol (โœฟโ—กโ€ฟโ—ก) shucks. Thirsting is fun though.
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Voice faulters and eyes widen as they trail from your face to your tiddies. They could feel their mouth watering at the sight of them and were forcing themselves to not break character and return to the conversation, but they can't even remember what they were arguing about. All they're thinking is 'Fuck, fuck, fuck!!! Your titties look so good. I just wanna...don't lose focus...' They wouldn't say anything, but you already know they lost the argument, so you just raise and finger and beckon them over for a treat to shut them up.
Their voices do fall short but they are quick to call you out. "Just what do you think you are doing? We're in the middle of an argument...p-put your breast away...please." They attempt to cough to cover up the truth that they are in fact turned on but you're smarter than they perceive you to be. Instead of covering up your chest, you beckon them over with a smartass response, "If you want me to cover up, come over here and do it yourself." You'd take your hands and give your breast a little lift to increase the pressure of the request, watching as they grew silent and tapping their feet on the ground to decide if to. They give in.
- FEANOR, Maedhros, MAGLOR, Curufin, Celebrimbor, FINGOLFIN, Finarfin, FINROD, GLORFINDEL, Galdor, ROG, Elrohir
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Bonus (bc I couldn't help myself):
Y/N: Why don't you just be quiet?
Elf: Why don't you make me since you're so desperโ€“
Y/N showing their tiddies: Come, shut up...
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doodle-pops ยท 3 days
Oh wonderfulโ€” your reactions are open! ๐Ÿฅณ
It'a snowing โ€” and they just and angrument. So how would the elves to reader throwing a snowball to the back of their angrily?
With the words:
"By the Valar! I hate youโ€” you stupid stubborn oaf!"
I wrote something like this for Maedhros and he just gets all cute.
Payback time. Ever heard about the revenge of the fallen, this is them. I hope your short legs can take you far because you're not going to. It's coming in hot and it's raining snow all of a sudden and you're being buried. Mercy doesn't exist because you knew better. This is how arguments are solved from now on during the winter. "Come on, fight me. Look at you, want to start a snowball fight but can't keep up...sad. Have another snowball."
"Hey, what was that for? Oh, to cool down! Blow of steam! Why are you so mean? Now, if I were to throw one right back at you...stop running," the game is on, but it's a less vicious one. You'll survive to tell the tale though, which is good. However, you're not winning. You must lose since you started it, and no crying and begging for mercy. "Why so sulky now sweetheart? I thought you wanted to play...come on, get up."
MAEDHROS, MALGOR, Celebrimbor, Finarfin, GALDOR, Rog, Elrohir
Give you the most disappointed look because you were just being childish and overreacting and then wait until you were facing away to toss a snowball at you. It's a fight but it's to see who annoys the other first, which is usually them. "Stop throwing snowballs at me...hey โ€“ why you little rascal."
Curufin, TURGON, Ecthelion, ERESTOR
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