ebongawk · 6 hours
the first time chrissy breaks smth at the trailer, maybe one of wayne’s mugs or smth, she’s spiraling like it’s the end of the world while eddie is like ???? baby things break all the time is this what living at the cunninghams is like
Eddie jumped to his feet, snuffing his half-smoked cigarette and tripping over their hastily discarded clothes to grab boxers and rush toward the kitchen. Chrissy had just gotten up, pulling on his t-shirt with a shy smile over her shoulder after saying she wanted a glass of water. Eddie offered to get it (especially since her knees didn't seem to, uh, want to work properly, not that he was being particularly smug about that) but Chrissy insisted that she needed to stretch her legs.
Swinging around the doorway to the kitchen, he found Chrissy standing in the middle of the floor surrounded by tiny shrapnel shards of a mug. Sharp little landmines just waiting to dig into unsuspecting toes.
"Ah, shit," Eddie breathed, trying to assess the best path to her. "Don't–– Don't move, sweetness, one second, let me––"
He rushed into the living room before she could respond, yanking his Reeboks on and nearly falling on his ass when he tried to jump up too quickly. Laughing at himself, he walked back into the kitchen, trying to avoid the bulk of the ceramic and cringing at every slight crunch under his soles. Chrissy hadn't moved, her eyes down like she, too, was searching for a pathway among the mess.
"Alright, uh, just––" He hoisted her easily into his arms, protecting her bare feet by carrying her like Princess Buttercup through the fire swamp. Depositing her in the hallway, Eddie ducked past her, grabbing the broom and dustpan from the pantry. "Lemme clean this up, alright? You can, uh, go back to the bedroom if you want? I'll bring you some water."
Chrissy didn't look at him. She kept her eyes down, and Eddie followed her gaze, searching her skin for any small cuts he hadn't noticed.
"Fuck, baby, you alright?" he asked, crouching down by her legs, rapt eyes searching for specks of blood. He carefully lifted one foot, making sure her heel was intact before setting it down and inspecting the other. He looked up at her, wrapping his hands loosely around her knees. "Are you hurt?"
Chrissy still wasn't looking at him when she shook her head. Eyes shut tight, head turned resolutely away from him as Eddie slowly rose to standing. His palms climbed from her knees to her hips to her waist on the way up, and he squeezed gently.
"C'mon," he said softly, not quite understanding what was happening but hoping he sounded reassuring. Urging her back a step, he eased her into turning toward his bedroom. "Go sit, yeah? I'll be back in a minute."
Still silent, Chrissy turned and practically ran back into the bedroom. Eddie blinked after her for a moment before turning to the task at hand, grabbing the broom and carefully sweeping up the debris. Making sure to get all the corners under the cabinets to avoid any later mishaps.
He threw the pieces into a paper food bag before throwing them in the garbage to hopefully prevent anything from piercing the plastic. Smacking his shoes a couple of times over the can, he tossed those aside before grabbing another mug of water and walking back into his bedroom to see if Chrissy was okay.
She was dressed in her own clothes, quietly gathering up her belongings and folding them back into her overnight bag. Eddie stopped, feeling his heart seize in his chest. Ice slithered up his back, cold tendrils like fingers wrapping around his spine and holding him in place for a long, breathless moment.
Was she leaving?
Back to him, Chrissy froze, her makeup bag hovered over her backpack.
"I'll, um," she began, her voice thick. Clearing her throat a little, she tried again. "I can, um, drop some money off for the mug later."
"What?" Eddie asked, trying to shake off the glaciers wrapped around his ankles with a cautious step toward her. "Why would you do that? Baby, it's just a mug. Dunno if you noticed but, uh, Wayne has about a million of them."
"But I––" Her voice was heavy with tears. Whirling around, Chrissy dropped the makeup bag in her hand to the floor, looking up at Eddie for the first time as tears spilled down her cheeks. "But I broke it, Eddie. I was careless and I dropped it. I-I didn't mean to, I swear, I just––"
"Whoa, hey, hey." Breaking out of his hesitation, Eddie crossed the room, gently cupping her cheeks in his hands and wiping her tears away. She met his gaze, her big blue eyes swimming. A storm settling over the ocean. "Sweetness, it's okay. It's just a mug. I'm just happy you're not hurt, alright?"
"B-B-But you even offered to get it, and––"
"And it doesn't matter," he insisted, ducking to grab her attention when her eyes wandered away in shame. "I couldn't give less of a fuck about a broken mug if I tried, okay? It's just a mug."
Collapsing against his chest, Chrissy took in a hitched breath and let out a great sob. Eddie held her close, letting her cry her upset into his bare skin. One hand wrapped around her waist and the other buried in her hair. She clutched at him, fingers digging into his back like she was terrified he was going to change his mind and decide he was angry.
What in the fuck went on at the Cunningham household that would make her respond like this?
After about a minute, her cries quieted, though her shoulders still trembled against him. Eddie kissed her temple, lips tracking down to her cheek before he pulled back far enough to wipe the remainder of her tears away.
"Will Wayne be mad?" she asked, her voice small and her eyes so terribly scared.
"Nah," Eddie reassured her. "Wayne probably won't even notice it's missing."
Fuck, that was the wrong thing to say. Her face crumpled, eyes filling all over again.
"We have to tell him!" Chrissy cried. "W-We can't hide it, Eddie, what if he finds out and gets even more mad––"
"Hey," Eddie cooed softly, trying to keep his voice from quavering with the anger that suddenly surged. Not at her, of course, never at her, but what the fuck was wrong with her family? "We'll tell him, yeah? But I swear, baby, he's not gonna be mad. It's just a thing." Gently urging her chin back, Eddie looked her directly in the eye when he said, "Things break all the time. That's a fact of, like, general product ownership."
"But," Chrissy whispered, falling back into his chest. "But what about the set?"
"Uh. What?"
"The set. The set of mugs. It'll be incomplete now." She looked at him again. "Do you know where I can buy a replacement?"
Eddie blinked at her. "I'm, uh, pretty sure that was, like, a novelty mug he got at a truck stop. It's not part of a set."
Her bottom lip warbled. "So it was important to him? A memory?"
"God, Chrissy, no," Eddie couldn't help it – he had to laugh a little. Gently, he eased her down onto the bed, sitting beside her and pulling her halfway across his lap. "And even if it was? It's not important enough to throw a fit over if it gets broken. It's just stuff, baby, they're just things." He shook his head, resting his chin on her crown when she snuggled into him. "You can't own stuff without expecting to lose or break it, that's not how accidents work. I've broken probably two dozen mugs in my lifetime."
Her voice was so, so incredibly small when she asked, "So you don't want me to leave?"
"Baby, you can stay the rest of your life if you want," Eddie vowed, his voice laced in jest but meaning every goddamn word. "Or, y'know, just until we get the hell out of this town."
He felt the slight curl of her smile where her cheek was pressed over his heart. Wondering if she could hear the new uptick through the wall of his chest.
"I-I'm sorry. I just... I didn't want you to yell at me."
Taking a slow, deep breath, Eddie closed his eyes to keep from cussing out the phantom of Chrissy's mother that seemed to have its claws stuck into Chrissy's brain.
"Listen, I am never going to yell at you," Eddie promised. Letting his fingertips drift up and down the length of her spine. Giving her hip a soft squeeze with every pass. "And if I do? You have my express permission to hit me."
"I can't promise I won't like it, though."
"God," she snorted, falling into a fit of giggles. After a moment, she let out a deep breath, the warmth of her anxieties bleeding across his skin as she exhaled them from her bones. "Thank you for being so good, Eddie."
His scalp prickled in pleasure at her compliment. Forehead falling against her crown, Eddie took his own shaky breath in, slowly breathing out as he pulled her even closer.
"Shit, sweetness, for you? Anything."
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ebongawk · 1 day
getting drunk turned off anon ask me anything or send me headcanons to write on tomorrow
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ebongawk · 1 day
I’m not gonna dignify the anon I just received with a response and I’m also not gonna rain on anybody’s parade but I am a hellcheer. Period.
I do not ship real people.
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ebongawk · 1 day
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why is he so
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ebongawk · 2 days
would like to extend a thank you to @cunninghamchrissie for sharing all of my drabbles and reminding me how much I love these idiots 🥹🥹
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ebongawk · 2 days
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starting a new oneshot like
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ebongawk · 3 days
So true
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ebongawk · 3 days
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Hellcheer is in the ice cream ad……why are we not all doing backflips right now [x]
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ebongawk · 4 days
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The Sameer Abu Salim Tent Initiative provides shelter and aid for displaced families in Gaza. Please, consider sharing, and if you have the means you can donate here:
Thank you ❤️
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ebongawk · 4 days
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On a more happy vibe, another sketch from 2022...
They were just "hanging out", there was "no intention" to end up making out... 😏
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ebongawk · 4 days
She hadn't expected to wake up alone.
After dancing for months around an idea she never envisioned herself having, Chrissy had been spirited away on what was possibly the most incredible, lovely, perfect day of her life.
With Eddie Munson.
Eddie Munson.
God, her mother would have a conniption when she found out. Because she would find out – Chrissy had zero intention of letting Eddie slip through her fingers now. Not when she'd spent her entire existence allowing herself to go without. Without food, without love, without anything meaningful she wanted to hold close to her chest.
She'd never had anything for her.
When she'd slipped that note into his locker all those months before, it had been with a single goal in mind: find a way to remove herself from her body, from her mind, and be, for the first time in her life, at peace. Even if it was only a temporary bandage to the festering wound her life had somehow turned into.
Actually meeting Eddie was like... like riding a roller coaster in the dead of night. The darkness of unknowing cast over her eyes made it impossible to see what twists and turns lay ahead, but God if she didn't revel in the butterflies of the next anticipated drop.
He hadn't given her drugs. He'd just... he'd just listened, and it was enough. Enough for her to realize that she still did have some control over certain aspects of her life. After all, no one but her and Eddie knew that she was in his trailer that night, sharing a pizza and talking until the sun began to rise.
So, she'd reached for the reins.
It took a couple of months. Finding her footing with this newfound freedom she'd reached up and grasped with no intention of letting go was a process she'd been woefully unprepared for. But then, after countless clandestine meetings and quiet conversations, she'd asked Eddie on a date.
And he said yes.
Despite being the forthright party, Eddie had insisted that he plan everything. They'd started earlier in the day than she'd anticipated, his van rolling up outside her home at a few minutes to eleven and carrying her off to Indianapolis.
They'd gone to a tea shop she'd mentioned seeing in the paper, Eddie sitting on a dainty little stool with a tiny teacup that clashed heavily with his thick silver rings. Then, he'd taken her into a little used bookstore full of beautiful hardbound covers and raunchy harlequin paperbacks and everything in between. With their hands clasped tightly together, he'd led her to a lovely little restaurant with a veranda, where they ate sandwiches and Chrissy pilfered a few of Eddie's fries and he didn't even get upset about it.
Once the sun had set, he pulled her through the back fence of a drive-in theater with an entire picnic in tow, spreading out a blanket and tapping into the radio broadcast so they could ignore most of the movie in favor of talking quietly.
"It's not an Eddie Munson date if we don't do something slightly illegal, sweetness."
A perfect day.
A perfect night.
She'd gone home with him, kissed him when he seemed too nervous to initiate, and let him lay her across his mattress when he finally found his own courage.
And it had been––
It had been everything. An impossibly new series of moments that coalesced into something magical. They moved in unison, breathing their passion into one another's lungs as lips and bodies met in the most harmonious melody.
And then she'd awoken alone.
Wrapping Eddie's blanket around her naked skin, Chrissy slipped from his bedroom, waiting a moment at the doorway when she heard a few fumbled music notes.
"Fuck." The whisper floated down the hall, followed by the soft scratching of pencil against paper, before the notes carried once more.
With a little smile, Chrissy tiptoed down the hallway and peered around the corner.
Eddie was sitting on his couch in his boxers, one pencil tucked into behind his ear and another clenched between his teeth as he strummed a few strings of an acoustic guitar. Groaning softly, his fingers fell away from the strings, tapping lightly against the wooden body in his lap for a few beats before his eyes lit up. Rather than taking the pencil from his mouth, he pulled the spare from behind his ear and jotted down a few quick strokes in the spiralbound notebook next to him.
Chrissy couldn't help herself – she snorted.
The deep honey of Eddie's eyes fell on her immediately, lighting up at the picture she must've made – sex-rumpled hair, makeup likely a mess, and clad in nothing but the blanket she'd stolen off his bed. He grinned so wide it showed off his dimples, making dark-roller-coaster-butterflies take flight in her stomach and swoop up into her heart.
"Hey, baby," he crooned, sliding the guitar from his lap and beckoning her. Chrissy went willingly. "Sorry. Did I wake you up?"
Chrissy shook her head as she tucked herself into his lap, laying her ear against his heart and listening to the strong beating caged beneath his ribs. His arms wrapped tightly around her, lips pressed against her crown as he held her close.
"Just woke up alone," she shrugged. "Thought I'd come find you, since I didn't know if you were in need of saving."
Eddie chuckled. "Was it a perilous journey? Wrought with danger and traps and monsters unseen for generations?"
"The most difficult," she jested. "Nearly lost a couple of limbs on the way, but thankfully I made it in one piece."
"Oof. Good on you for evading so many close calls, sweetness."
Chrissy just grinned, snuggling further into his chest. Her foot twitched, accidentally kicking the notebook off the couch, and she automatically reached for it.
"No, wait, that's––"
Scrawled across the top of the page, in Eddie's half-illegible penmanship, were the words, "Chrissy – This One's For You." There were a few haphazard lines of music beneath, guitar tabs that Chrissy didn't know how to read.
It felt as though her heart ripped open, flooding her entire body with warmth as she looked at the obvious devotion he'd been secretly trying to work on. And, even despite her lack of knowledge, it was clear that this wasn't the first time he'd visited this song.
"Oh, my gosh. Eddie, are you writing a song for me?"
Grumbling, Eddie tucked his face into her neck. After a moment, he shrugged. Like her name wasn't clearly printed across the top line of the page.
"That's so sweet!" she exclaimed, interrupted by a yelp when he sank his teeth into the delicate skin of her throat. "Wha–– ow!"
"Don't make fun of me," he groaned.
"Never," she said simply. "Will you play it for me?"
Eddie groaned again. "It's not done."
"I don't care!" Turning more fully toward him, Chrissy grasped the hand he'd draped over his eyes with both of hers, tucking it into the blanket and catching his eye. "Please?"
Looking at her for a long moment, Eddie finally sighed, carefully moving her from his lap and grabbing the guitar again.
"You can't turn your big blue eyes on me like that," he bemoaned. "It's not fair. How am I supposed to say no?"
"Like you have room to talk," Chrissy scoffed. "You've mastered puppy dog coercion."
Eddie rolled his eyes, setting the notebook so it was propped up against her knees before he began plucking at the strings of the guitar.
The song was slow and soft. A delicate, blooming thing – like a new spring flower just beginning to emerge from winter's soil. It fell in soft patters around them, filling the living room with quiet warmth as it whispered some honesty she couldn't quite discern straight into her chest.
It almost sounded like a lullaby.
The notes gradually slowed, and Eddie shrugged as he ended abruptly and put the guitar aside. "That's, uh. That's all I have right now. And, y'know, I'm working on lyrics, but not, like. It's good to have the melody first, right? Plus it'll sound way different on electric guitar, just wait. Way more metal. O-Obviously. It's––"
Cutting off his rambling with a kiss, Chrissy climbed back into Eddie's lap, unwrapping the blanket from around her body so she could cocoon them both in its warmth.
Pressing her naked chest against his.
"I love it," she murmured, kissing him again. Then, spreading kisses down the length of his jaw, his throat, tasting the hum of his moan, she continued, "I love it, I love it, I love it."
And I think I love you, too.
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ebongawk · 5 days
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ebongawk · 5 days
💖🦗👩‍🏫 (last one for hellcheer bc they're a set and can't be separated)
💖: Which of your fics is your pride and joy?
omg don't make me choose that's not fair! I love all my babies equally 😭 like... idk, we're a lie is always gonna be so important to me, but I worked very hard on heart begins to beat too. idk! I'm like a dragon, hoarding my fics in my arms and hissing at anyone who expects me to pick a favorite.
🦗: Do you write in sequence or jump around?
typically I write in sequence! every now and then, when inspiration for a specific scene comes and curb stomps me into oblivion, I'll jump ahead and fill in the blanks later (I did that most recently with a scene at the beginning ch 4 of the time travel AU) but typically the scenes come to me like a movie reel.
👩‍🏫: Pick a character and I'll tell you their favorite season and why.
hmmm ok, this is hard one Eddie's is somewhat obvious to me: he's a fan of autumn. He's a gremlin who loves Halloween and creepy stuff, but he also loves the beauty of decay. The way the trees announce their hibernation with bright color changes, dropping onto the ground to dry and feed themselves the nutrition they'll need to come back in the spring. The smells of nature permeating every inch of the city, the crunch of leaves under his shoes. Not to mention fire pits with Chrissy and his friends, pumpkin carving (and roasting pumpkin seeds), all the scary movies airing on TV.
Chrissy's might be controversial: she loves winter. Hear me out! Winter is everything she wasn't allowed when she was younger. It's indulgence and decadence and warmth. It's cuddling with Eddie in front of a fireplace with nothing to do and nowhere to be, but knowing that that moment is perfectly content. It's grabbing a slice of pie without guilt, and overspending on trivial things that she knows her friends will love, and drinking hot chocolate that Eddie made on the stove, with milk and cinnamon and a little drop of vanilla. When they're finally ready to settle, Chrissy requests somewhere with mountain views. With proper winter, and a balcony. So she can watch the sun rise over a cup of coffee with way too much sugar, curled up beneath a blanket as snow falls in gentle drifts outside. The snow blanketing the ground makes the world so quiet, she forgets, for a moment, that she needs to think. That she has a mind at all. When Eddie eventually comes to join her, wrapping them both up in the blanket and stealing her coffee, Chrissy snuggles into his warmth and lets her thoughts drift with the snow. Suspending in the cold until they can melt into warmth and new growth.
fanfic writer ask meme!!
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ebongawk · 5 days
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from across the ballroom floor by justyrae
chrissy/eddie | 4.6k | explicit
Hosting an event for the ton as a newly-married couple is an honor, both Eddie and Chrissy are well aware of this. However... perhaps they were a little rash in the decision to leave their honeymoon behind.
read it here on ao3
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ebongawk · 5 days
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask Game Part II
💖 Which of your fics is your pride and joy? 🎥 Pick a fic and I'll tell you the song I imagine playing during its movie trailer.
📝 How many words do you have posted?
🤩 What's the most meaningful comment you've ever received?
🔮What's your favorite plot twist you've ever written?
👄 Your OTP are having their first kiss. What song do you imagine is playing?
🎭What genre of writing comes easiest to you?
🙊Your coworkers or classmates stumble across one of your fics, but don't know you're the author. Do you fess up? Or keep quiet?
🙌What's a line or paragraph of yours that you're proud of?
🦉Is there another author that helped inspire you to write?
👶Fankids: How you do you feel about them? Would your OTP have kids?
🐗How do you handle trolls?
🟥How long do you spend in edits?
🏡What is your perfect writing envrionment?
💪What motivates you to write?
🚿Where do your best ideas seem to strike?
🌠What are your top three most commonly used tags on AO3?
💻What do you write your stories on? Laptop, phone, paper, etc.
🤔What are some words or phrases you find yourself overusing?
📕How do you feel about people printing your fics?
🤷‍♀️What's a fic you didn't expect to be popular, but really took off?
🍎What's something you learned while researching for a fic?
🥘What wip are you most excited about?
🦗Do you write in sequence or jump around?
👀 Would you ever accept requests or commissions?
😱What's your greatest fear as a fanfic writer?
☕Coffee or tea while you write?
📈Which are your top three most popular fics by bookmarks?
🎬One of your fics gets turned into a TV series. Which one is it and what network is it on?
🛌 What's a trope you haven't written, but want to?
🐸 If you incorporated your OTP into a Disney movie plot, which would it be?
👩‍🎓 Do you have an 'official' creative writing background such as a degree or previous experience publishing?
⏳If you could go back in time and tell your younger writer self something, what would it be?
💯 What rating do you write the most? Gen Audiences, Teen, Mature, or Explicit? How many fics at that rating do you have?
😁What makes you happiest? New fic comments, kudos, bookmarks, user subscribers, story subscribers, or Tumblr asks?
🐎 Would you ever do a medieval or pirate au?
👩‍🏫Pick a character and I'll tell you their favorite season and why.
🎵Do you make playlists for your fics?
🌷What's one of your fics that isn't as popular, but you hold dear?
❓Insert your own question here!
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ebongawk · 6 days
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a look at eddie and chrissy 15 years after high school.
lead with the heart, ain’t that the only way?
chapter 1/1
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ebongawk · 7 days
modern!Chrissy’s Vecna song is Passenger by Noah Kahan I don’t make the rules
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